II I V J I 1 II .a IV llVJE3fl 4" J. .X THOMAS E litor an I Proprietor. ." . IFd Malice toward none; Ilia Charity for all. ILSO i'XJJ JSXUif, Im JJtvmt. VOL-.XX. LOU ISBURG, N . C., N OVEMBE R 6, .1891. N0 40 Highest of all in Leavening PowersLatest U. S. Gov't Report. o mam. n Fxcuse my beck," is wbajjhp g.uTlotnanly mule srd to, the driv r after he backed h';m over t .p mbankment. 8 I i Mpyyliap Sift !!iJ8 E?Jlll BftS .?ililr "I'm not; in it,V so r.wfu'M s the mosquito, ;as 1ie buzzed the outside of the netting. WATCHES MD JEWELRY AT JW ii'.'l iwavy ptated Gold aud Si- you know, and naturally I inherited a few American prejaJic3. And "then 1 was transplanted . when- t : waa "so very younS. j'oa can uardly'coaut uie a Alex-. icn." i . - ;. "One could never think yon anything else, i with ybnr compiesion and those magnificent eyea," with the brusque naivete of a ehild. V: ; - Mil grucfa. tfiora," with smiling irony. - f - " '' "To paraphrase somebody e," inter poLiteil the doctor, in amiajb'e 'effort to change the subject. if 1 were to be tallced to deaths 1 would certainly choose Spanish for the tongua It is the music of language." j . - ' "But. of course, if you had remained tn Mexico - you would have smoked, persisted the small lady who would harp cu whatever string pleased her., "Wlien one is at Home one does as Romans da After all. Air. B:irtels, propriety is all a mere question of latitude and longitude, is it not? Whatever may be one's pet wickedness, if be travels far-enough So! vT--arrf or utauv You w.U te sur5 iisd to set ho ilied; ,ou can p'.rchase tvvryuun in th jewehy li- e at my store. Goi i a d si) vr watches t' r 1 dfeb a: d vuts, clta" - o nvi-;K t-arry a fir Vn of e-gWss t v j v.- f - iecw. iivJOi n.-r-ei M...ait .e w -ia . dit-s pin;', rharwis. &'. All I ask is a I Lit and I w'dl gua: avtoe to please ou. : . WATCI1E S AND JEWELKY RE : PAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. ' 2 irvS-M J? SSSEiBS& N0TIC3 OF MORTGAGE SALE. By 'virtue f a mortRajre deed execuunl to S J. "ruduj by Richard VmkJ apt) tra?sfi-rtl ti use. and ri-cordtnl in ' tht- Itegi-ter's ofilee of Franklin county , Bk 60, patff 9", I hall sil to the L;:.est id- dnr fur jifh- nt lb court- house floor 1H Lonishure. on th.7:h day f Uecemiier a c-rtiu tract' ol bind in Dui:n. towiu-hi.coutHiningabout2tticrc.itU.wM as the liicfcn trac f laud on Milt brnich. ndjtoininj? the la-.-.ds . rtl W. K. rininp. ( alviu frivett KoeuH Jbwii nod otlttTR W. Joa::Bos, Mortjragee. Ott. 23, 189!. . STILL f IKUJS. CQPyRtqHTEOr AMERICA PRESS ASi.j9l. cnarge wttn aangnng alter Mrs. K3ger3 are her husband's friends, who' are more particularly dangling after, him, M you want to use that , word. They are jolly, -hospitable people, who entertain delight fully, in a free and eay way, and their house is naturally popular with all the boys; and that is the sum and substance of Mrs. Rogers crimes. Other women? whose evil irtttgin.itiona prove them not a tithe as pure as sheare full of spiteful jealousies, and you listen, to all their idle tattle bocjtasa well," slipping his arm around her. as Jhey prtssad into Jl dimly lighted hall, of court. 1 can trues the main ground of your prejudice against her. You cannot forgive the poor little woman because a few vulgar possipsonce counted me among htr satellites. Bat that was such a long tim ago. dear a mere myth of a bygone age. Aad," with a light lacgh, bending to kwa htr -"surety you can afford to forget it. sweetheart: because it can never bo Baid again. CHAPTCH II. Let no man delude himself with the around the world he u pretty sure to tnougut tuat controamg passion may find a place where it will count as a i erer purge rrom a woman a Heart au virtue. "Aren't you a wee bit heterodox?" ' "I suppose you think one need only etny at home and employ a lawyer to while wash his sins anywhere? . .. ' Donald laughed, a- good deal amused with this hit at his profession.. "And da memory of bis offenses against her. For give she may in exceeding tenderness. but never will she forget. lu til that pertains to the man she loves, the uassiuz ! years will but give Her time to remember. That Mrs. Uoger should have been talked about, lu the full meaning of that you propose to offer me a retaiaeriT he ! pregnant phrase, would have suSIcieutly : - 1 , l .. . . mm ft . i I am still at my shou where I will I be glad to-repair your buggies, wag $19 ilRWAin. 'J ons, &c. I am also prepared to re- Iwill pay $10 fo? the arrest of pair and put your harues3 in good John S:aith, .white, who escaped j condition. Give me your work and from Franklin- county jail on the I will guarantee satisfaction. 19th hist: ' ! - - W. B.Cosway. gayly demanded. "That would be a case of the bund leading the blindwouldn't it? I think I would do better to go looking for that appreciative community where my par ticular peccadillo would placa me on a pedestal in popular esteem. . "Ah, -yyu will go to heaven," sighed Donald. . " , "Dim't bo sacrilegious, my boy." draw ing a long factO "And, by the way, when ' do .you Etart for"bver the; range, ia a tvr-" restrial way, yourHelveBZ' - 1 V "Oar Aunt Martha is coming, ar.dour ' plans are all spilled into consomme, so to speak." with rueful face. Ilia disappoint ment was very reaL " t "And Kr. Iia-tels is going without me. supplemented Anita smilingly. "Whacl going by Limjeiff v.'t'a tnt frank surprioe. "1 did not know th.tt you ever trusted him out of yout-eight.' Even Donald moved rebtle&dy under tlas characteristic candor. "Oh,, ynu ra quito mistaken, he lightly protested.' "Mrs. B:urtela.haa tLuiiced her ia the eyes cf Mrs. Battels who Had leu etluciited ia most whole some awe of Mrs. Grundy. To her the voice of the people was as the voice of God indeed. Cut that this unconscion able little ccqUette should have drawn Dcnald Cart t Is with her into the inael- wife EEfiCBIPTIOS. John Smith, white, is about 21 ye.ira old, fair complexion, dark hair, about 5 feet 10 inches high and weighs about 140 pounds. H. C. KfiAltN Ef, Sheriff J?anklhi county. LAND POSTED. - AH pr rso-is arc d y i.r ni jit, with w ise (rosi ass on FOR EA"LE. .m A o k1 'Ttiriieutuie lMacc" in. Lau rens lout.ty, Giorgia. Addre&s' J. F. WCH IA1 T & CO., . - - Jijihtiiiati.Xia. YouWiimnd jklden to hunt, . un r do v other- ui v lauds 8'tuatetl in Duiii s' twiishi;. k rttikltu ctunty. aijiuiiii the laud-, of re-ley Pippin. Mail .. hit. . est !.e of Becky liuuti. J'M A If -.td and oth ra, ' uudcr'peuuhy Oi' iaw. , , , . . . ' ' ' V. A"Mui.i.RN. NOTICE. , , I s'ill oflfer fr'sa1e at the' f'oi"rt liufe u Lotiishnrg oh... Monday Nvv. "2nd, loJ.1 , to the highest bMib'rtie follow ujr i:3iiu;ii!'j rf.nl es'Ste: -That portion of town lots known as-Slnl Town, i-acludiit the well kr.oivn ai& vnlnabe " Mineral Spriiig The said properly is divided into btiiUling lot3 of -i)nhaif acre and one acre iii'li,&e. !SoDie of i h hi ve gool tem inent ii-usfs uuon thetu. Terms of a'e 'iH-hall cayh. bnlanei on k credit of: 12 months. Itight to rt j'-etiiny and I aU-ukU reserved. Plats of i:iid lots may he.seen t- a iiij-office upon sipplientiou, B. IS. Masskkburo. -AT RODGEOTSBARj ttrom cf vulgar frosrip was to the ' an offence never to be condonnd. ! Nowhere does the scandal ruocget so . Couridi. end 'nowhere ia h so nit rcilesa in his condeumationa. as in those frontier communitieH, where the untrununtled condi'.ion cf rrcietyvin its early days has served np so niu:h highly rj.ic-e-1 sc.iuL.l us to haVe developed a morbid insatiate appetite fof that tort cf pabulaut. la vnsibly. Ha he listens, the purest minded I rows to reg;ir l his nrighbor with ky ticid eye. feeling that to give to anybody the benefit of a doubt is the part of charity rather than sound sense. People will have something to talk about, nor, so long as they are amused, are they dis trased to trouble themselvps with any too visits bringing more tire anU cdeer into the darkened, room than ail her Las baud's pellet and powders. That the world bad afterward call hi in her lover waa to Donald Bortehi always a sufUcient rtfuUtiou of all other gossip about her: the calumny vra so absolute ly unfounded .In tho ono instanoe, it proved hast easily the poor little woman might b maligned under other circura atancca. "' "Yet at that very time you were en gaged tome!" excLUintAl Anlu. ia a voice Xt eloquent rrprouch, when aLe Lad li tened to the tale, . . "Bat whatcf VoatT cried Donald, hon estly puzzled. ."I have told you there was, Dothinj in it not the ghost of a flir tation.. Why," aa one who would offer ouhfirmatiou ' ttrorr; m pnof cf Ilolv Writ, "1 UtfTer kLetl theiromAji neter even Sressed her hand beyond the limit of an ordinary how do you do." Amta stared at him with wide eyed horror. "As If I could hint t such a thiagr reddening " angrily. "Aa if I could think it possible that you should.! Well, yon seezned to think there mtul hare been some awful developments about it," laughing Inconsequentially. And that sort of thing U snppoeed to be rather commonly done, 1 belive. I did not know but your imagination waa run ning on some such liue." . , "Of you. DonT a little choke In her voice. 1 would not imagine such things of you; I would not give myself the tor ment of such thoughts until 1 was com pelled. But your suggestion seems to prove that such things were possible that you might hare enjoyed these little familiarities, so commpnly done, with a scornful quiver of the nostrils, regard ing him kednly. "had you bat awl to make the most "of your opportunities. Your oue implies that it was n:j un reasonable prudery on her part that hindered." Donald laughed rather confusedly, li he had sometimes fancied that Mrs. Rogers perhaps cared more for him than strict dnty to her lord allowed be had never thought of blaming himself in the matter, and flattered in his heart neither bad' he any idea of condemnation for her. lie was rather dUpofied to regard it as highly creditable to both that nothing tuocr, had come of -it And Anita's jealous, exclusive love, grudging that even his name should have been os- i sociated with that of another woman. was beyond hia comprehension. IIov you do jump at condnsions. cmiai ne tesuiy retorteo. oan t you revised ctxxsRArirr. IVcouar4Z It to lT7 Om. Answer Arranged to Accomodate Preacat Idea. ' rio a the 01 onTribM. " Of what U the snraltce of the earth composed? Of corner lot, mighty poor runda, mil road tracss, base ball grounds. cr.cket fields and skating rinks. V'hat portion of t he globe U water? "TbinVing lhat a word' from me might bo cans of others receiving benefit from your S. S. I write to eay that I bare been a tuflvrer from Ecxemf, which my doctor called. piulc bead. Small blister would form en About three-fourths. Sometimes) I my limbs, would break and oozr, they add a little gin and nutmeg to and cause law sores "to forrr The odor arising would b xtrj disagreeable, and I would often be laid up from one to two weeks "ha ia a townL A town Uaconaiderable'collection of houses and inhabitasttj, with four ! or five men who "run the party "and I nd money on 15 per cent Interest. What is a city? A city is an incorpornted town, with a mayor, who believe the whole world si a':ea when he happens to tall flat on a crosswalk. What Lj commerce? Borrowing $5 for a day or two, and dodging the lender for ayearortwo. Name the different races? Horse race, boat race, bicycle race and racing around to find a' man o indorse your note. Into how many clasttee Is mankind divided? st a time. .The disease would break out about eveifyjwo monlkf. I tried various physicians ahl treatments, but received no per manent relief until I waa ludaced to try 8. 8. and felt the bene fit frcm it in a few days. I con tinued the use of it until I bad taken three bottles, which was over a year ago, and f bare net bad ibe Eczema since. I beiier it is thoroughly eradicated from my system, X feci suro that 6. 8. 8. .if the greatest blood rem- 8ix Beinr? enlightened, rlviliifxl half-civilized, savage, too utter, not Tt I wo? recommend it worth a cent and Indian aarents. I to everyone afHictcd with anr What nations are called enlight- such extravagant confidence in my ca- i ' , i . a i-- .,. k , : , tiiiu m uuu. vui iaiuui n tic- iiuij w bet the truth disguised, and sorely peo ple would be driven to sre extremity for talk if every black imp, of scandal must be stripped of its domino of ingen-. ions fabrication. And thus, wiUi all the ' 1 Kfv- . If you wrt e plesisaotlri4ik in tact. NOTICE.'- : Ilaviug this day qualified as adminis tftitor ou thestate- f Mrs. Mary C, II ar i i. this i to give- notice to all pt rsons owiug said estate to settle ?t ouee, andali 1 eisons -holding claims ugiat said estate it present I kern before the 19th day of September 192. or I wsli plead this notice in bar of thetr recovery. ; Tiii the 19th day of ceuttuiber M. P. Pbkson, Adui'r. . M. Person, Att'y. the ; good old', at ways call at; B. H. BODGaKSON'S. ON T1IECORNEB,' :.. a full line of bet Winee, Liquors Cignrsand Tobacco. pacity for taking cure of inysslf that sha is continually devising schemes to be rid of me. iSho has a fresh - one on the tap's now, bnt 1 do not propose to humor her in it." ' . ' "But I shall . enlist the doctor on my side iu this c.03e, aisd he wiil tsll you that you must go; will you not. Dr. flowers?" " VCertainly 1 will to oblige you." "We wili even make up the prescrip tion ourselves and force the dosa down his throat if necessary," laughed Mrs. Rogers, an' audacious Ught in the eyes pjquettLsbJy lifted to meet the glance of befhest. "We: will see that he goes. even if it compels us to go and talze him ourselves." j . : "Ah, if you only would r murmured Donald, with his sweet, almost effemi nate smile. Jnst so he had smiled Ani ta's heart away -upon a time when she had thought the" rare tenderness of it only roused into life at her glance. Sha had 'grown wiser since, discovering that all these smiles of such sunny Roftuea3 were as impartial as heaven's own sun shine upon whom they fell, meaning no fertility of: unclean imaginations,. Oro tnore than the ugliest grin of another. ; delphia gossiped of Mrs. Rogers, while man. Bat. although she knew how lit;. still" opening their doors to her for her tie it implied, she could not restrain a husband's rake; for, just as cordially as quick;k impulse to wajrdTjealdus - aager they, disapproved- his wife, everjbody when she saw that caressing glance fall-.' .Uked the doctor, perhaps partly, m us ing upon. another woman. . r conscious effort to atone for the neglect "Don t you think, Amta, that you are they .accorded hhu in their ailments. a little-1 well, just a little paralyzing in ! For the old school of medicine - had as your manner to that poor little womanV" i firm a holJ npon popular prejudice as hazarded Donald when,taair guests were j orthodoxy in religion; Ther liked -their gone. I . ,: - -t physiad as well as spiritu healing ia 4 think that I maka a rery p-unful, : doses large and strong, pr. Rogers was effort to bo nice i to her,' coldly, moving ! a homeopath, with quite radical theories to" goiu doors, j 'I "don't admire your as to high dilution, anl If this were cot friend, you know, Don., J j enough, he looked moreover young and," rAnd why should you not?" with good I inferentially, iaexperience-.L Itis an' humored - reasoniug. - "1 hlive "told -you 1 unwritten law that the anecessful physi- bow awfully kind she was to me when 1 . clan must never appear young. . -had mountain fever. If she did not ex- S Donald Bartels was not given to con fidences regarding , his ante - nuptial amours, which tvuditioa said had been many, not alone from a aense- of honor toward those who, had accorded , him I give the poor woman the benefit of a i dobt even when she is proved inno- 1 nt'" But the preef was by no means clear jo Mrs. BartePa mind, although she sade an effort to veneer her manner with a certain cold cordiality when cir :uinstances thre her into tha society rf Mrs. Rogers: for the Argus-eyed world most not see ia her attitude -any hint of jealousy or dislike, to rrop up the eld tales and set the tongues wagging again. Donald camo borne late to dinner ca the day after the Rogerses evening call. MI am willing to be forgiven," he ex r '.aimed, in laughing apology, aa be on folded his napkin. .Anita, like moat good housekeepers. , was never pleased when a nice dinner was spoiled hjwait- ing. "Dr. Rogers camo around to the efdeeand detained me. Tie has taken you at your word, and wants me to go up to Lake Park with him." "Yea?" listlessly, seemingly absorbed in counting the peas she was serving. "I must say 1 was tempted," be xare Icssly continued. "Rogers is such a jolly good fellow. I don't kuow of anybody I would rather go with on such a trip barring yourself. Donna Anita. If I had not Lcped you would change your mind and go after all, 1 think I would have coma very near sajing yes to him." "But I shall not change- my mind," with a slow smile. ened? Those which have the worst wars and the worst laws and produce the most criminals. How many motions has the earth? That's according how you mix your drinks and which way you go home. What Is the earth's ax L? The lines passing between New York and San Francisco. What causes day and night? Day is caused by the night getting tired out. Night is caused by every body taking the street cars and go ing home to supper. What is a map? A map is a drawing to show the jury where Smith stood when Jones gave him one under the eye. What is a mariner's coairwv a? A jag holding four gallons. form of blood poison, for I be lieve they will receive like bene fits that I have. J.xo. A. Beard, Louisville, Ky. -We will mail free to any ad dress a most valuable treatise ou the bloop and skin. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlsnta. Ga. The to:ie of contention jaw boa. the A nlla. drnirlvg hts heart Ixtek, pressed ti kUa on the clicvk. Remember-! will not be ALWAYS "GETS THERE." IL- has in stock uow an " etesant hue oi Shoes, Hats, Dry r Goods, Gonta Iress shirts, &c. , ... Groceries,' Ppe ial attention is paid to the Grnce- r,"' Partineiit, which is always bj or not. - UNDESOLTJ. -actlysave my life, she at least "did alf f hat sh rtailJ, to . BMtki Kfe worth' - the living through that miserable time. -1 am under an immense obligation, to her on that score, and l ean neither forget i favor, but that, in his utter absorption nor isrnore it -1 vish yoa would thin in the one treat passion of his life, all , J D- &R.S- CHRISTIAN 7"'--' - v: KIOHMONDa. ' " :- Prompt attention lo orders and sat isfheloa GUARANTEED. " other, reason, try to see tho good there is in her. ' 'f - " ' " l would need -Dioenos lantern.'" in terpolated his wife. V - -' "She is one ot the best hearted little women on earth, There 13 not an atom of harm la her,!; added Don;d warmly. ','Then why does she-force upoa "peo ple such a different impression of her?" that came before it seemed sunk into utter nothingness. In a 'prudent im pulse to forestall the gossips, however, he had told his wife all the story of his friendship with Mrs. Rogers. It ; was a bald little tale, only worth the telling because cf the mountain of talk that had been built up from the mole hill of fact ' The Rogcrsea had simply made "him wel come to their house- tn the unaffected demanded ; Anita sharply, leaning back hospitality they eitendeiTto a!l mankind. ocMinct- tYta Aarvr with un air of scoruf ill I In Via tut-.he!nr ln:ielinesa ha hat! found it weariness or the subject. ... " way vmust j remarkably pheasant to oe tnviuHi to tea. she have some man- beside her husband j to play croquet in the summer twilight, forever dangling after her? " . and take a hand at whist on a winter . "For the same reason tliat Alcihiades t night And when, one day, ths doctor hal found him tossing iu the misery cf mountain fever, Mrs. Rogera had promptly come to his. "dreary boarding shaking her heath She was not pleased with this new plan. Perhaps she had never seriously expected him to take her at her word and go witb joather. .. It is so eay to feel magnani mous ' when It may . cost nothing but words. Certainly she had cever though t to see- tho Rogers family represented in her place. " "Carlton" this was his partner who had been ailing for a day or two "wiil be aronod tomorrow all right, be told me tSia morning, and "ihere Is nothing to do at the omco jnst now anyway. I could get a way for a week or two as well as uot It seems like, flying to the face f Providence to let such an opportunity go by iudeciL - I say," brijhteuing with bis thou ;ht, bat still regirdi her doubtfully. "I inljht - wil'a UT'crs. and tbm If your lute'restingaact tuU t? show up. yon might corn up ths lasf of the week and join ns. . - ,, "And Mrs. RogersIs she coing?" with a sudden Oush on her cheeks. - . "Of eonrss 1 should have known bet ter than to have cousi Jered thj pLa for a moment it she were. with a sharp tinze of sarcasm ia his voice. "She is going ta visit some friends on a ranch. a few miles east of here, for a couple- of weeks, and . then meet Rogers at the park, he told ma. They have hired a cabin there for September "Oh." with an evident accession cf in terest. "And when did you rlau to go? "We did not plan to go at all," good humorcdly smiling, bnt with an -obvious shadow of disappointment on Lis face. "Rogers proposed that we should start tomorrow morning early, go on horse- basic, get np lo Lost creek about noon. fish' there through the afternoon, put up at Longman's ranch for the night, and on to the park the next morning. Bat of course I did not seriously thiuk of so las." - ; . - ' Pat Winston I leant I Yom. Some one has sent us a copy ot the Seattle (Washington) Telegram containing an allusion to Tat Win ston's speech delivered in a Republi can niase meeting at OlynrpiA. The allusion reads thus: "Col. Winston sneered at the Alliance and described the soQ of North Carolina as "so poor that the grave diggers had to put fertiliser under the stiffs to raise them on judgement day. This delicate wit bringing down the house, the gifted Patrick Henry retired' The person who sends this copy of the Seattle paper writesoa the margin, "Talmage said when you hear a man abusing the people among whgme he was raised, the first thought that struck him was uhat Wonder why so m.ir.y t--ro ' -fer from cat nrrh ?:!.-n r ,t h ii ..v Catarrh Cur t w,.-;; .( ,-.r. L; once. WeallbrtT jut ir-f-r i. ' : no one prr-T.toi .r:. .rv'..'. when the hct I- r.i..i- t' Dr. Bull's Bilv-'nip"-. t . .. quiet it. mean thing he had done before leav ing." As well as we can recollect Patrick waa a Republican before he left I North Carotina. If this brilliant but erratic man liad been in the right pew here, he would probably have, con tented himself to be buried In his native soil Cnarlotta Chronicle, TOT MT. rUBLH. I t My tn naM lh 1 W- pjly nf tar' c!hH-t n hod. I. 1 eaa be hnht h. Ail IUe who Hii-hsd cliKta.-f aT klaL Mr-W they dirv to hon'4 V.rir hm r- t m oft. I K siated if fatr t bit tsir in ra .l aay e' rot-rV with n. ekr, mk almi-t . Sla 1 a ST thty wamU Call s4 mm or. r th pi cficf, freifBlly, Ma am a Kthridor. BrC:LEf8 AE.MCA tULTC The best ssive So the world (rr fft brul-es. sfre, uher. salt rWirni fver sores, tetter, chapted in-? chikHaina, corns and a'l skin era; tkn sn-l positiyely rare pfV-e, r no pn rrpirr. It Is rurmnlvel to rir perfect saUfcUn. T money refun.U ed. free "Zri rents rr hm For sale by Lou'ulurg Dru teres. 100L Harpor's Weoldy- ' ILLtTSTR vted. cut the dogs' tails off, perhaps to give people something to talk about, un wonted irritation la hia voice, "Your allegation ia a Uttle intemperate all the saino, my deiur.j The men whom you plaoe. bringing ceiu-acies to tempt uac pkjjJrpT r p pitcher's fosiorfo his appetite and books to amuse, her , liWiarcn 1fY lor riicners ora. :: To Be Continued. , . - - . c - . A reipninjr.folly Leaving home nn a cloud v da v without , an um- 4 , brella. - . . . "Vlat the W alter aaiJ. , - AwitAcss wivr-"t;-'-' tVbe tuv w traew vs. t-w4 4Sas v s, w 4 . . im& p uu'i t tnai me miter caurj : e waiu r au ea:d: ' One moment, exclaimed the counsel for the defames. I object to what he said. Then, followed a legal argument of about an hour and a halt on the objection, which was overruled, and the court decided that witness might state what was said. "Well, go on and state what was said to the waiter, remarked the winning counsel, Cashed with his le gal victory.? v WeD," replied the witness, "I said: "Bring me a beefsteak and fried potatoes." Boston Globe. easaBawawBaeMaBaaBsaeafa -The snmrise of Pan Van Winkle when awaking from his long slum ber could not have have been greater TTj-pr" Weak)? ItM falM ta lytUUtWae a "Joeraal of nrUUatoa." ad It hmm Sua o villi a eotat rnrr I to MJanM tw tWHim of 4 . khrW idri of arucu aad tfrrj rw- rUf tm wocti'a yrwfi i. mj4 p-mt m m ico4, ci 1 iru cT&y u4 iTr- oifi -t4 r" r d ! 1 Tsy mtA U ti-mry, mt:t. iliniftm. m w mm, mm f at mum o 11 mtmij etio akksa aaa mmm bj tk i-n-m 4 lX till. AUm- Dj Joral. llrpr'a WtrUy r. kv rfrrA lor tl fur. U edit! a atrb- qaabtiM laat eaks U a TMttor Wwrv homm. nAUTCCS PERIODICALS. resTsuss. tarta'a MAttoi 1 1 uarss's tiau ,.., susre'aAS-.s ., 4 om n 11 .1 1 11. 1 1 4 - 4 tt i'oMa'M frn uil i Tilxr im tt Vmittd tilmU , Cu-a-'a mmJ Xexica. isrts't to r jo rtotc Tke valanM tk Wktr Irx wi ta kuiSrtiw J n4 lVroiufe- r f acH yrar. m t tmr I rp tL ; ftWrirtHflii IU bf tta in 9. t IvxipvI TMVA'i Uair Mkv will k rt t7 ! p"tt-.W f-r i' Pr tet'uiv. k4 a s. 1 -r muatme, eal, Aaal)U-aL &eI elil. .'.r -' mr. is iO. locla-4-r, lr Jcut U-J: ifiAn the mnmmntJve'a. nnon find-1 lM.e vl , S' ,"f ti . . .. .. v I UalfcilU.-- f.v-l r I'fa.'t, 1 , , ft t 1 . k rv- I r" lnir uimat'u cmrrij mwiru ij I Zie cju.- rtiv. r. Rr-jT. , on fta. ' I eh-ce .l A pretty picture. A aunny-aaireu 1 umcHi ni: r txrru ...; u f. - . . s ir . s a" r - child curing the Newfoundland's cut foot with Salvation Ou I IUarxsl,L-i.

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