vot,. LOUISBURG.N-C.PNOVEMBER 13, 1801. NO 41 Highest of all in Leavening Power:-Latest UrS Gov't Report - . A kind word will gol faHlier ; atd strike harder than, a cannon ball, v .Seeking happiness simply to ha e It is a verjr bad kind -of selnshnt bs. r rrJ-n m f v kind's, and uovcble. P lift -WtirsifiS't 1 ioutv isurnswt vvl uv v j-j WATCHES MD JEWELRY AT; HiiBlEEZIEE'S; LOUISBXJEG, N; C; ;S?bii 1 ami bcyy p'ated:iold nd.S ? Anita l:new what this KB .who loved-the freedom ofXie woods wita tne.ardor of a schoolboy, to "wbotn trout fishing was the only pursuit worthy me name oil sport. And why should he be denied -this -pleasure., which uiiirht yield him such rich returns ia hsalthful ness iu wellPDqaald'a'fjir,' blond face loolrea pallid where hesat in ' shadow: surelj he needed tho tonic of the woods. Anita's heart smote her with swif t com-4 punction for her ungeperoua hesitancy. . 'Bnt, why.'shonld you not cor she asked with tjtuck kindness... . 44Becanse, from yonr face. I dont be lieve yon want ins to." with U13 snnny langh; ' -"It is very flattering. And, be ade34 1 don't care any thins abont soiiis withont yon anyway..- Anita's glance fell upon him liks-a caress, r For but a cloud on her face he would tbrow aside this pleasure without a second hou3ht.': How tender he was of ber how unself ish 1 But could she not on bar side be as generous? ' .; -r v - ; "But you are quite wrong,, she eager- COPYAtQHTCOYArwiERiCAN PKCSS ASS-. I83U trip meAnt to this kinswoman, wiione goodness, not m f4Iie woods- -alT nneommon, in its m, carwed h for all whose ideas "or tuethods Lon?nana for grab. " Thrj sHy the Iwh in 'way up thi3 year." he a J. led ine.b tativfcly, tarniaj to g. -bat I aia't kef pin', casja on tront myself.- Drie.l berrin' M giKl eaonh for nie, aod luts easier to ketch." with a parting grin, aj he arablrl tWl. - The note proved to .bjno m?r? .fr- thonht of ten.lern.-t on lkjn;UJV pari. It KCHOG3 tltOM TIIU KLIXTXOXA at rtiffeivd from her own. he would have uer nose in every crack, seeking an'outlet for her restless f ussiness, and a finger in every pie, "with frankest and most pungent criticism oponjtho composition of the pasty.-. ',. - - . The Van Zandt family, of whom Miss Martha complacently counted herself chief, . bad never quite outgrown tbe habit of regarding Anita as a , braud snatched from the burning. - Her father had been the black sheep of the flock, who had the capped the climax of his erratic career by marrying and settling in Mex ico. 1 here he bad lived happuy enough on the great hacienda of his father-in-law until Anita was ten years old, when be had . been thrown fomJhi3 horse aud ilied in an honr.-while bis adoriug wife, who since her beantiful eyes ha4 firnt rested npon him tuid never leen cohtentJ with him oct or her 6ight. soon fouud in a lever a pain 10 ioiiow nrm it w.is ly protested-''. Yoa do not know my :( at this point -J. hat her New Vork rela aco 3'et. dear, if it can deceive yon lit that.! Of course 1 wantjxu to gor and I I-Will guar- I will pay $10 for "the arrost vMvrirV li at mvure. Gol aud t-i-r wnit ii f L.d:es and Hi'eiiw.'' ' cl taiiis i mc h. I also carry . a s f'rr line Of j-c-gia.ss s "veij- u..-.- - e ie 1 1 uc ot niier rmirs, feils j and. ; la- dirg- piip, charms. - All I'hs! is a I ul aua an tee to please; 30u...; - . t- : ; ' WATCHES AND JEWELItY RE PAIRED AT SHOUT NOTICE. x NOTICE -OF MORTGAGE SALE; 'IRt virrue of a morteaare lre1 xi-euU-d o -sT- J. ' t rudup LjrRicharl Wowl vuml iransft-rrC-il l nie,- aVd r eorlnl n ihf ; RfjriMer's fflee f Fraukira rounry, Bwk 60, ra"-9-5,1 shall se!l t tht- hiif?eet"bii-- dre U r asit, t the .vouft. b'trs; .r u J-euiaitiirgj w th- 7 H lav tf iWemfr J?9i i a - eerHju, trtwt til iui .in-.. iunr.s as tT;e liit-.ks bHct nadn Milt b -fK dj.lo lu-x the i lat :d m t W ; K . "'; Yh i 11 ij , Caiviu f rivt-n UoeftH J ohnsnit and'othersi ' - ' V-- v W. L: JoHSSOK, llortKae.--Ot t.23, 1801. ,: --X"- ' - :;. r..:; t2 ILL tlKRK - . . . I am etill at niy sIiotj whero I will I be clad to repair yoa'r buffined.-wag-- of i-oriij. &c." I am also prepare! tolc am- 1 V- more delighted; at: this opportunity for As yon say, you. could hot have a desirable tiompanion " than Dr. Rors for such an outing, and - I shall insist inpon your going with him." "lf ; I could only bavtf you with meP regarding her wistfully. : ; " r But j-tm.wiH have-the grand moun tain , icenery,- the cool gurgling trout brooks and the breath of the piaesam pie compensatiou for so sm;dl a loas." - "It would spoil it all; to think of. you "here Alone:- - r, .. ' tives came forward and rescned the un willing little Anita from the ignorant bliss of supposing that life was simply given to live and love and be happy. Escb ' Van Zandt woman and there were five sistersTrnarried and singi heroically, resol veil to- be a. mother to the unhappy child, -who narrowly v j raped the" provertial fate of. the broth I concocted by too -many cooks. It was r tacitly a.-cprM-that all the sins of the fatlH-r h.id jJesc-PTided nniTi the child, to gether with awful possibility of others. more to te dreaded tecan.se but haJf 1 111 agined.' frmn thai dark iniit'lnn of Span J ohn fc mita , white, who escapea pair ang. ptit your barnesa m good from Franklin cotaitjr jail "ca the condition.: ; Give me your work and 10 tli Last: . - -- T.' I will enarantee satisfaction 1. : : - Anita" camei around . the; fable rnd; ish bhxvl that" glowed lu'fier taiway fu-e drawing his head back -pressed a kiss tu '- and five niorul stmitiricketa of iliffer- theISeek; where the flesh was soft and nt cnt were tleteriaineilly deviaod to fit fair as that of a girL; "Da you know, i tbe casa' The sweet, dreamy religion l she said with a tender little Ltmrh. "von ;' her tuother. half su;erstition. but wholly remiiid me of one Cueiiw Pompey.Voout devhut. was a field over which all-the wliiutl I 'wh r;L'litvr th!- lnnrmn-r rptin ? Vjiti Xariilf i!islfnnr im! te-it Ittinnrf t- A-..riHii.r--'t, li'r.n,l:u..rrvt,V,i i Yi! rf,n!ih1 " n.l.4h twvT-Hilnrorl I ,a"t mtnufnt and tag after them? jexntifnl -aud bo deli-hlTnl to wipn 1 vhiU was runrerted to orthodorv ra IoaU11 lQ1 ua UT0 lua crvDln rlSal The potent factor Uhlnd the Re publican throne la Ohio waa what is modestly termed by' Chairman Ilahn, "hia campaign fund.' It la estimated that the amonnt rpont in was altogether practical aal to the Ohioto elect McKinley far exceeds thatoltha last five campaums in the aggregate. Hie returns bow that the RepnUicana VotcU the Re publican ticket as they have always been doing, anil that if. Democrats expect, to achieve financial reform they moat remain nnited and rote to a man."erainst the Republican nominees'' There Is no other kope. -Ex. , " ; - pointy" ; ... ' Ikah Nita-I foorot ray rtcU rIm. rioa. wnl tl orrr ii Mrx. lUKTt-r. who will m lUml 1 wvt w nu!jr. - . - Ilos. , " Bat of course thore ha.1 been no Uuie for philanJring. Aaita dUippointeJly reflected -tie h.1 scTuwled bU request on the b:wk of an oli letter -while. the ranchman, uodoobt. imjutieatly waitL Naturally.- he could not . Gil. the page with lore maXiag. - - -T - blie decided that xhs wonl J do Don aU's errand berjelf., partly becaose at the moment there was nobody available to send, but more to aatufy an ackaowl edged ennosity to know what especial mean nf communication Mrs. Rigerj, who was to viit on a ranch in anbther di rction. might enjoy with these ramUera n the mountains, la the subtile dis tinctions of the feminine mind a certain rtagree of friendly intimacy t ugrtupte.l In "just running in without stopping to ress, na one fnend says to another, in calf apology for the call in cotton gown. Mrs. Rogers, in her easy way, might visit Mrs Birtels in this wiie. but Mri Bartela was 6 lately and unapproachable in her elegant toilet when aha want to see Mrs. Rogers. Or. Rogers residence was in rooms ad joining his oOk-e. on the main street of Cite town, althougb somewhat removed from the business center. 'Mrs. Bartols found the small woman coolly ensconced on the door steps, lazily waving a palm leaf fan. "Have yon come to mingle your tears i a. $ va m V . j wim miner sae csmea out; as soon to Mrs. Bartels was witUin sound of ber voica "It is smotherin.-r in the boose; 1 .tut i supptwe you woul-V not care U bive n:e invit yon to spreal your blad iace on the dwr step. - How did yon ever gat tourage to put it on sach a day as this?' indolently scrambling to hsr feet and holding open the screen door. Mrs. Bar tela shuddered . kt the toe 3 of familiar good fellowship. . won't consign you to asphyxia, she said, with a chilts:nil. 'i have only come on an erran.l. aad I caauot stay. 1 hare a. small package for-Mr. BarteU. which he said yoa would seo that he received-", t " 1 H V 0'.i. theah3 told yon how they per enabled me to change my plans at the Doe Tile IValatnx Farm LAnda, Few Linrtf ri apf rceiate the Ta!u of thoronhly ondcr draining wet places oa their tarma, or we should - s this ad va tree In hr proveroeat or- ' tener ondertaken'. What has cn to the time of drainlnWcn little U any thing more than no idle waste, may byjuiliaoae tile draining .beoums the tnost fcrtiVan J produ.ctiepot -in the neighborhood. 2 bus, instead of lieis a constant UrrvU tobealtli and an cnstghUy aste, it is tsrned by a few tilt-s and somo work Into n , source of profit to thVownr and wCl be-pofuted towitbpridebyeYerTone who Vnows of it as an ctjfct-lcsso.t ' in what may be done In nuaifroca places. " - " Tue rrrnarks hare been ragest ed by obet'rrations on a meadow which bad been flooded by tbe tiling IIon.JeTerniah Simpsoti.ol Kansas, lectnred In "New Orleans ThurJay night in the interest of the people party movement, iieenid no was surprised at the deleat of Governor Bp of an bid mill pond near Morga n Campbell and dissapointcd at the J tun, but which Is being reclaimed for small vote for the people's party I Vr. P. L Murphy.Scperintendrat of candidates in Oh.o. InllCansas he! the "State Hospital, by Mr. W. l said, the fusion of the Democrats and Republican ia;nred . the Alli ance party. - ' " . - if His nddre&3 pnht to hare teen entitled Expectation and Realiaa tion! ne eipected th tliird party to get over 230,000 rotes in: Ohio, they got 11,000. Mr. Simpeoa is not good aX figures. Walton, who hi the farming fur thj Hospital in hi Immeliate charge. Up to the time the Crat drains w erj U1J, whkh was than a yea r a go, tie whole area Traa either h barrra' waste or a thicket of coarse weed and small trene, of which non iecocbl be made. Thu season it hit pro-lus.-ed a heavy growth of corn ia "th? whole are. Orst drained except oa Of the situation In Ohio, a d!- about one half acre, where the wir patch from Columbus says: I worms (the larva of tbe snapping Governor. Campbell takes the I beetb) have IniareJ it, and about situation philosophically and says ( two acres, most of which "was devot- that tha Democratic party was ed to melons and pumpkins. Thirty laboring under too great a handicap I tons of watermelons wcr taken frort in Ohio because of lack of funds to I about one and one half acres, and th t pay the legitimate expenses of the lyellow pumpkins, still on the ground campaign. N He says they have mado I where they , grew, were a beaatild the beat fight they could in face o s'ghtia tbi early rieptember sun. a Republican majority of 11,000 to I Jt was bnt a short time ago when start on, and the combined opposi- j a high authority in agriculture er- tion of manulacturesand capitalists; j prejwed the opinion that tbe stream Besides all this it waaa life and I mto which the drnln must empty death struggle with the Republican I could no tbe lowered enough toraaki party. To defeat Major McKinley. th drainage of this meadow cuccews wlthaL that they all ; loai himH ' . - lvr had een tlriven to ntrept the religion oTi Pe y.' Ali 1 v"1 trept "Oli. thanks awfully." laughingly foel- ..the cross and yield np their gobten idol ing in his iocket-a though to settle the t tbe teahros tswofilixitit jf the ther. scoc..:-.Wiiat' lVy'oa 'want Tor iUT-...'.- J Fivel.nxy I raiim were continually r.t 'l want vba' U listen-Lu tcasonmnr : work contriving scbeines to con:!at the amauo. J want yoa" to :iccept.theinonn taia plan' as a - settled., thiug. without further argunivjut. t And - shall uot be I Mexican tesiiperament; and -the old saw alone if ycu go. ..Auntie i. likely to be here in a day or t wo.yoa-kuow: or. if t,hr f hanl was tirelewly dinned in desckhmio?. " ."- y --' .1 o an Smith, white, is about 21 J rears old, fair complexions J-uarkt hair, about & feet 10 inches high : and weighs about JlP pounds; i 11. C, KEARNE1', Sheriff ' Franklin county. - will guarantee i does not come,. 1 -could go up' the hist of W. B. CoxwAY. the week nail loia you -suggested. LAND POSTEDrrij - All pr isons ave forbidden " to. hunV, day or uijdit, with t:uudr dfcr;ortner wise trespass on my lauds eifuateirvit. Dunns' t-iwnship, , JFraukliiv county. 1 ji linir.s: the land of Wesley r lippin. Mail '. hit-., estiie of Be'ky ' Buiht. Jack Ail' id and oth rs, under jnabj h.vif . .. Hv: v :m-Xm - ,'-'..W-A. Kuixkn.':'-; :.;F0R SALE. ;. : A gR4 'Tnpehtine Yiace"! vi lLao- ret:? out!iy, u orgia.. . -. Addtess :. r'vK ;'-;'. J. F, WO PAS P & CO.; ; r. :. . . :'. ; '," r '"".'Jia V s i - la. V you at the park, ua ten- old Adam of indoltncjt "which, was as sumed t have special dominion fiver the na to the provision of Satan for idle her ears would do bat 1 murft AT- .And. will you? . you dear gbl! derly. drawing her. to hi:u. Aiid you will not get blue and lonely, through the long -days if 6hedoea not come? Yon will not l sorry that $"n sent me awayi .."Sorry: .her race glowing with the unconscious eloquence of strong passiou.- tioitr could 1 giuuge you any pleasure. wheal I love you so? How couiJ'l be lonely, knowing yea happy in good-com pany? "Ah, no. sweetheart, rubbing bt-r- cheek ' softly against bis, "never, fur a" moment, let me seem to bo drag nion" vonr measure. -, i our baumness muet cl- ways.be reflected ia my heart, and wliatt ver enjoyment - may come to you. can only tuase me. nnselhshly glaO. - 'And she t bought she meanx- it, every word. It would seem that the rfcor ling "angel should mire smiles ia turn, us well as Tears, for tbe foibles of human nature. MORT'AO"EJ8ALEl;; T virl ue of a iiower of ale "c.n iniiH-d in certain deed itf-iiiOfisfttire .pjc- ccu'e.i ly J. V. Wellons o;i,.-the 12tn (lay f Norember '1889. -iiwl ;uiv;recor- k-d in the oHce cf ? the; Register -i bf lieedft for Franklin county in liiok 82. 1 njre 17'J, I wiilell to the hii? est U i-J ci r i. r ash at the ;ocrv uou.e uoor m J onishnri on IhoZlivdav jef Decemi c 1 S'J 1 , ii l.eln;? the lira t Mor.daj iu -'J'- vnii'.rr. the n na-i ai;a iov :csxnne-i in f-:uc! deed of mortornge. situated-in 'Uhi? uw n f Fmukii.(o:v?,and.:5bou!d.d;;iiy i lands of,F. P; HayUWeiIon a-nue a'UMhe LouisJ'urg aoaeof!- J. A: -V;M'AYv'MdrtgeeSr-0i-t. 31 . jr.. --. . notice. ; .:r Havinif this dav. rtna!ifirV n ninr;!-i 4 tiator on the esinte of Mrs, Mary Har ris, this is to give notice to-all :pj;fsou8 ovis.g said estate to settle rt oiicc, and ali persons lioldius elaiin agdnt said estate to present tkem before the 19th lay of tjtemb,er 192, orliUillplead thisTVotice io bar cf their recovery w Tiii t the 19tb tl'iy t' fcepttuiber IfcPliv c- - r-- ' ;; :ifi V. PBSSOKVAdni'r - . M. Person, Atl'y. " r-- - ..- RODGERSON'S mm fAPTER ,111 Hi If you want a pleasant drink Illllllllffl J U1L Jt ilitl -. - :'- ' -; - - ,s .-. tle "good old V. al ways call at - : B.H.RODGT.KSON'S. OK THE CORN UK,- 'Ti:; a full line nHiesV: Wines, Liquors Cigars a tid .To bacco. v -' : ; J- -. . .-- i as reasou for tho . wearjdng treadmill of duties In which she was always driven.' And. "altogether, they labored for her f good so nnceaaingly, and to such pnr-. pose, that when Anita was eighteen yearj old. " when she graduated from school with; 'many." honors, and her education was assumed to be finishedTeven- the Van Zandt ladies began to reg:ird their work ,with gratulatory " complacency. Anita was a most" accomplished young woman, and conceded to be a credit .to her - father's tribe despite her despised foreign blood. v She had grown; fairer, too, her-warra. creamy fkin just touched with pink, like the flush on a half opened tea rose, glowing warmer , and brighter I when her face kindled iuto beauty in i the fire cf interest or excitement. Bnt : it never entered the head of the matter- of-fact five, who quarreled among them selves as to her well being, and who were proud of lief ia their way. to think of loving the dark faced girl, with her stormy, tropical temper. ; -: t ' - And Anita, looking back i to the ram merland of her childhood, where the slow moving" folk always haJ.iime for sweet courtesy and- tender words, an! wowen seemed to live but to be loved, felt her life dry and starved, a troubled colorless drcAm.' until Donald bad come, like the prince of the fairy tale, to bid her wake Jto lore and-life. That had been two years ago, and 'now Tor a year . arid a half they had been married, until this time never neparacea roc..juore iuiq a day. . But it was best now.", by far. Anita repeated, to herself, witH little Bigh; Donald, with all hi3 sunny good naturei would bo driven mad by Aunt Martha. If only she would come, at once and get the vlsiOn part at leatt, well over before Donald came home! . A rice at the doorbell brought, her eagerly to hstt f eeb- . It might be a tele gram from the dreaded guest." She had not thought of hearing from Donald this first day. when he had t not been ten hours gono, Irat ft ranchman bad brought .her a note from him.' Oh. where did rou see Mr. Bartels? AKoTDehiber I wiix noT .be ALWAYS "GETS THERE.? jDliRfl!KSTiAN; lie has "n stock now snrlegapt dine Of Shoe. ; Hoift. Drv" Hooda. ' OentR t . . . r : 1 - lues's blurts, c. eries pe- lal attcrit'on is paid to the Groce ry p. v.tmei.tr which is always ful!. a11 ,UJd ee mo whether you Uh t hy or noLf , - , r j- TtlOUXIOXD, Va. -- Prompt attention to orders and sat facton GUARANTEED.. ' '.Back ftqntn In her own dtirkcned hnme. : Two-thirds of the jtvarm summer day Anita had spent in the-hot kitchen. ib - X What was he doing? Bad "be caught ing up" wild plums, ami now, her tveari ness sustained by a coinforting sense of duty done, she was prepared to enjoy a", well ; earned-rest "in tho targe hammock that Was swung across jthe shaded sitting room'... - . C . rC--. .The innovation of this hammock in the house; with its suggestitm of tropical indolence, would be a thing to stir np Aunt' Martha's - most :outspoen disap proval, the niece reflected as she slowly 8 wayed 'herself back and forth with the toe of- one slippered foot. Ahv wellshe "was now Mrs. Bartels. and this was her any trcut? breathlesly . hnrhng the ouestior at 'the astonbihed - man, her face ftirlow with delight " The iaan" stared and grinned. Ills Woman as, after the bucolic style pf the west, he denominated the faded, Fpirit- leas creature whom an- Inscrutable Prov- ilence had permitted him to wear out r with work and child bearing was not eiven to any such unreasoning ebulli tions bf. excitement lie 'thought it unite childish and feeble miadel in deed, but. so long as it did not emanate i from his woman." am using withaL - in own home, thank heaven! with a .thrill j the diiTerent coles which men devise for nFTiiit--tinn t the tnoncmi. it was ior t th( nniner conunci 01 uieir owa una i,of m air hnw her. horLse Rhonld be ar- i thM neiirhbors' wives, the-latter will sanded to go any where wit haa t ma. 1 tAl him it would bo a good deal better If he would be as seasi ble as your bx-band.- ' - i .. - ' . -- Unless Mr. Bartels went without me now it wonld have been Impossible for him to have gone at ailAhis wife ex pLiined. her manner a degree more chilL "1 am expecting a visit from an aunt. and it waa impusnibl for me to go with "Certainly: 1 underitaad." with her brilliant ' smilo, . "and . I . tell the doctor that a senHhle man should be glad to escape . from ; his . wife sometimea. It I breaks np the monotony. " - Mrs. uarteu morea restiessiyt turning as if to go. Aul are yon going fcxmjf . ' "Tomorrow. . I am going to drive op with Christine my girl the cart loaded op with boxes and budgets, like an emi grant outfits i The boys will Csh ia the morning and wait for ns at Sunset Uolch, where we are going to cook our trout over a camp fire and have a "jolly picnis dinner, ' bo awfully sorry you caul be with us." '" ' " - " rTtuinks. ' with . a shaxlowy smile. "But since Mr. Bartel will be there, can't 1 add to your load a luncheon for hi taT U nspeakably hateful the thought that Donald mast partake of this wom- No, indeed; don't ttink of lb I bare prepared an i abundance of every thing: ami 1 have tried to remember the things that Mr. Birtels used to like. We once thought ourselves quite well informed as- to bu tastes,-yoa snow, wits ner careless, childlike smile, "and"! suppose it Is safe to auame that he has not out grown ail his old likings. a faint em phasis on the "all. (J the visitor wmoel nnlar this renii- nlsceuce.it was not apparent -It.u very kin J ' of: yoa to recall hU tastes," she said simply, "bat. indeed. 1 would prefer to relieve yoa of this trouble." But 1 don t want to be reueveJ thanks," with a little willful I mgh, - M.I anl glad to do so much, don't yoa know. for the sake of 'auld lang syne. . It will not-be tlie -firet picnic dinner that Mr. Bartels has eaten with tis.- , J You" are quite too kind." said Mrs. Bartels stifay. turning to go. . Uoo.l evening, and - thanks for your care of tHa package.: .. ' . "And no messago for Mr. CartelaT"-ta a tone of innocent raillery. "I know he will accuse nie of cheating him out of it if yon do not give me one." " - Give bim ray love, please, turning back slowly, "and tell him that be must enjoy himself enough to counterbalance iny loss and loneliness wituout him." "Oh, don't you worry, about that," with a significant little nod. her red bps, moist like a child's, curling in laughter. .'He will have a good time. Of course," the added, with a sweet air of innocent cordiality, "we shall - keep him with ns at the Park." I " . ""By no means"., cried Mrs. Bartels sharplyv "He must not think of hnpos ini oa yon to such an extent as tbat."- ; T To-Be Continued. one ol its national leaders and the representative of ita ffhoaen idea of! protectifiib. Blinnt the dpjrnjalland disintegration of the party iteelf- LP arty Unes were closely drawn. , , Mr. Cleveland has 'expreasexl his opinion of the result of Tuesday's election as follows: - " - 0f course every one bos a right to'put bis own construction upon the result, and I am not anxious to obtrude ray ideas, but it seems to mb some "things ought to be no longer doubtful. Any man who still thinks that tar! ft reform is a settled and obsolete issue, .or that the importance of sound" and safe money is a question upon which the people can be blinded, is either wil fully wrong ordangerously dull. "It soems to. me, too, that Domo- fuL Stralzhteninirthecurvesbvcut ting acrost the loops has helped," o ; that the stream ha cut its own hot torn do-neighUlncbfiIo"wertbra JT. it was"whea the wort wajtadertat-" - en. - - - This reclahned meadow Lids fair t become the most productive field cf the farm, which Ls contributing la many ways to tha support of th State Hospital. F. iL Emery, g riculturwt, N. CExperiment Staticu, s MALL BUT DC1DLT' crats ought to be satUQed. that a 6iauncb adherence -to the principles of theirparty does not require the abase of those who show an incli nation to help cs. : ;"1 very much regret the defeat of Gov. Campbell. He has been a brave and boneat official. This and the splendid caqvass be made en titled bim to success. "rVhile the election of Flower, Russell and Boise ought to cause the utmost re ikiDgrf among Democrats, they should not fonret that with these things comes the obligations tobe true to the peopie honest in tho na vocacv of our principles and decent in all things., -.: The gay young bicyclist hea in bis Deo. Not for him is the spring sun fchin- Ue has been flungand la sore ia body and head. ' - x But Salvation Oil will make him smiling: . - "I'ro got it at la3t, said the fellow who found his cough subdued by Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Teople who ride hobbies never pay much attention to the scenery. Are. many of lliv countless microbes which infet the arth. Their destruc. tion is great, as I Ley destroy life in thousands" of bntnan Ic ings annually. The only liraitc tiou to their devastation is food to feed oh. 'Thy produce coun Icss diseases as malaria, scrofu la, eczema, aucer, contagious blood po!son, etc., te. Tho rem edy for this small but numcrovs and destructivu fof i to exp l hira from Ihe body by tbe usa tf Swiffa Specific. - S. 8. 8. Will route him out completely, anl. force out also tbe poison whic:i ho has left behind. Be sure V get the ge train?. Do not let any one put off ou you a . substitute or imitation. Send for our book on the blood and skin. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. " Atlanta, Go. Dressing conspicuously is f eai u of inferiority. a con- 6hlloh's Contain r km Care fa Coit Mti'lrtB k rer U. W Atmrm iBVriMt rr tk vera en of (iA ( roap mn I Proocbitai. w.iU ts o--dfot mm In tK rvr? v eoaniart wltliovt m imuM i ttitoryotinlirM-i. Rioc tt4!rt dbfoTTT it bas bw oW on a jrsaniate. tt wbirk ao otber wdtriut raatUad. l!y bv a eK esnw -ly rk rot to tf J it PtW 1 0.. K r. mn4 1 . If yoir lantmaraoT.cht orhrk Ucbm Hailoa"PoToesP1trr. 8 JtbyTfcoma, FrnkUatoa. X C. " rangetl luxury unsxeaKaue ; uci iub repression of her girlhood.-' ' :v Notwithstanding her t brave . face to Douafcbr Anita' was by no means well pleased at the prospect of. eutertiiining ienerallr be found the . more elastic raid liberaL - - x .' ' ' ."Wall. I met ia np nigh Longman a long about noon, n' they lie.ln"t done no nshiu-yet.--Thsy.-wa3 moeyia oa to . Unbelief is only another name for Bch'conccit. - -"-.-"." v Children Cry br Htchcr's CKlcrlL The heal thy proa th of the baby is -f depend ant upon its freedom Irom the pernicious euect. 01 opium, ur. LBull sBaby Syrup is tho best rem edy known for the diseases of early childhood. . L, For children the best remedr for catarrh or inGuenta ia tId auls Catarrh Cure. TOTITE rUBLIt. I with l" y t the pali4- 1 urpl f men's lothlfKe bd.hU b ' ' . . il.t. ... .LaI.I, cronJ hspd clothlse jr kind. thT deire t rl! houia iirK m ' t a.t Bare. I hv tdd ! ftrc to Bit bwi'.nru ess mn'1.' WT mrr"ibp.cmke, and almo-t tliiot llirr wet. Cllid ' the p-i office, Hep-tfolly, -MXUTHX Ltiijuxxje.. ' VALUABLE fOUNTBY ' DtCK FOlt SALE- Tlie b aulfa c nntry re-klcnce f the Ute Gen. I. lb Illiit. oe mi -from Inlr r.. Is o(Ti-rcd f.r .. Tl e drllin roiu!u Id r 12 c 1 looms. iinJ there is 01 the lot s'.l cae -.try n'lJ otc. T:e t csdcoce to-e; Iv. - - A .ft er Uh tract n i i. tomau i. g aHut n huMred and fiiiy cres. i: tie so'd oti ny ter.-w. jTte biid ia i . fine iUiU cf culli atian. aj:d l t-pecbu i ada(4ed to tbecuUi-atou-uCXae, tn-h; (cilsoo. . . - Tlr i fine rirvuni ytocin e good Th me end tinn. nt at a pouil ict. ket. Ibere is one f that vitro. ! ia t!.i fec'Wi ( rHita'i.l e ai ere)on t: tract. For lortlur uJ r nuti m ari'b' w , r, rovo. - , - ."N