1 - .'"...' ...... ' . - - .... . . . Jl. THOMAS, Editor cuid Proprietor. v TTM Jfaice fotcard xosj;' 'CJlarUy far alL ' YOL.XXo - LOUISBURG, ;N C, NOVEMBER 20, 18Q1. N0 42 Highest of all ia Leavening Power. r Latest U. S. Gov't ReportT Gircnmstential Evidence E. STICOEY. The Order of Knight of Labor is twenty-en"' years old. ; ' v--f'i rr5 k I ICopyriglit, 1881, by American Press Assoc! a- L."lmposingl An oljf chum like him! Nonsense. Mrs. B:irtelsl We could en joy- nothing more than having him with us; and a to any trouble on his account. nobody knows anything about trouble at a.1 i tn . . mo paxjc. - v e r.u rongn it anu nave a good time. Indeed, we shall insist on Ilia statin nr rtrt1, no i ine counterieneT is eaustiea ix . Mrs.. Cartels- pale tins -farted R5 if for he can enpnd mony as tast as he rnrtner proteat,but suddenly 'she turned caiVmakeit. YonkersSta eroan. . . . she vaiicu uucik uvtr. uer enouiaer. wiia an afterthought of courtesy, "and a nleasant V Alt . H Kn -A Mil .1 K V H r.K V trip to you." ho felt her way slowly to the-uearest -chair, sinking down heaily. her fclbowa on her -fcnees, her chin restinif on her .upturned nahns, and the , little clock on tne mantel had struck the hour, the half hour, and ticked -its way round to the point of riagingout the time again, while she sat there motionless in the shadows, hat and gloves still on. moodily lost in ! JJ Xtii-Zi lJiiXC fe. h- So this wa3 the outcome of her devo tion and self sacrifice to give Mrs. Rog ers opportunity to complete a half won conquest. And had' Donald stooped to contemptible planning as this? -AT LOUISPUBG, N. C. 5v . ' -Ji.,-. 1 u-r.'. ! tigPfeieg vr-vir of anuy in ? .atpl'iov. ias JMm Toa w.U i-e siirffwiKl so s i. how chn. SSES t-ioa.vt-au . v rch-.se -vry Wm in t.h eJ I v r wsu lwi f.r ud e and .jents; ist iihiifus to inati h. I als- varf y a . j. line of eye-ii'ass s veij v.., e 1 le t 1 ue ol 4iar;r rin?, -is . aji d.t s pine, ihnrms. - All I ask is h t liraud I w.ll gaar- anlce to pVae vou. . : WATCHES AND JEWELRY RE PAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. : I 77 til pay 10 for the arrest of ,1ohn Smith, white, who escaped from Fi-ankliii county jaii on tht 10th iiist: DESCRIPTION. " John Siiiith, white,' it3 abont 21 years old, fair complexion, dark hair, about 5 feet lU iiichea high and weigus abont io pctinds. H. C. KEARNEY, Sheriff Kranklin GQunty . LAND POSTED. . All persons arc lurbtdden io hunt, d: y or niirht, ith n or ill. or,olhei wi&e iivsi ass ou tv.v lauds- s tuated it NOTICE. OF MORTGAGE SALE. By inue of a morteajre dw?d exccntftl J. t rnaup by liiekartl Wood ano raus:Vrred t mt ai:d rrcorded in Hit kf 'istcr s inSeevf Fraitklin county. Book H). iwi'f 9-5. 1 siiMll scd to tne fcie-et bu.-J i -j- f. r ush, at il court house noor i :.o lisi.urjjoiujhi- 7Jx day, of lVcesvWef 1K9I. a 'wertiiu trar-t of land in TIuhuk "iowu!hijcoiitniuingabpot20Hcresuowii as the liioks tra-.t laud on Mill or-nch,. ujoioinj; ttie lai ds of . K. Fh.IU, "a!viu frivttt. Keni,lVinn nd others W. L. Joassox, Mortypisee. Oct.23,18Sl.- . s; ill uj:ue. I am still at my Bhop where I will be glad to-repairyour baggies, wag ons, &c. I am alao prepared to re pair and pnt your harness ift good condition. ( Give me your work and I will gUcirantoe satisfaction. W. B. Coxway. L-inu.s' t'-wnshi; adjoining the land Jfaii '. hit-, estiie Jack Ail' :d and oth hiw. Frsiiiklni of We iey: oi rs, count v PinpUi- lierky - Bmat. uutler'petiah) FOR SALE. A po-:d ,Turpentine liac in Lau re: ' ity, Ijtorgia.' Aduire.s . 'J.-F. YVo--iAr&C.. Will maa SW At CiLEX. AiOUTGACrE SALE - By yiriue of a voyfr of Falec- n tiiisoii in ; certaiu deed of mortgaj. e t'X uuieil i y J. V. Wellons on ilie T2ih i;iy ' f Novembi r 18S9, and ; uly recov" l in the oflke of- the RejjUtt-'r ol 1 coils f' Franklin uoutuy in Book 2, . I :. ! vyiii seii-'to tlie-hig est JJ - ' ' v-;;! it ilu: dfi.l't iiftu-e dK.-. ir '''-. I- an the 7 1) d.i'y of DtceniLe ret Mocdav hi -1 -1 !-he th- h llsv'3HI I :r.f,kii -lou a 1.- of F. V. Up. s lo 'Vlfcss i she,- it. .-.itu:t;ed in. th' Hid boiir.d d In i y.'Yid, Welioir !'.! i n-rr i .cutis:, urtr. i-oati, coi.- - - about two . .1. A. V. M ay: Mortgagee! t. ?,l 1.91. . ' :- :r-r : v-; -AT Mrs. Kogers was to visit on a ranch, he had said, had he delilwrately lied? Elad he, bent on going with these people whom he liked, thought it the easiest and smoothest' course" to deceive, the jealous wife into complacent consent? She rose at last, wearily moving from room to room, lighting the lamps and drawing the curtains. How pretty it ail was under the warm, roue shaded lights! What boyish delight Donald had shown in . gratifying all her modest whims in the matter of furnishingL Not another home iu all the place was half so artistic and charming And how happv they had been together all those blessed months in the uew.nestL. .How tenderly kind Donald ..had been to her always Ah, it , was impossible; - he could uot poison their happy love life With unch puerile deception as this, and suddenly she Hiroke into a haipy laugh. Why, surely; Mrs. Rogers had said that hor going"had not been arrangeii until tiie hist moment." Naturally Donal.1' ittA known nothing about it when he rode away from the horss'vthat morning., lie had. been innocent of any thought oi concealment, if that odious woman had not worried her into such a teurfier she must have understood and exonerated him at Once. Bnt the fact remainetl that he wouid lunch with Mrs. Rogers a the morrow; that lie vyjjald jonrni-y on to Lakepark in her company, and that -for the next week cr two he - would . be thrown more or less continually in the society of. that too fascinating little coquette. Anita could uof have dreamed that her im pulsive generosity was to co&t her so deal as this. ' But Donald must not be trapped into staying with these people, and the seated ! Ik . t 1 1 Ia . t ! nerseir ai uer uest. n was a long ir'iiei she wrote, desineil . with tender art to appeal to all bis love for her. and 5n:u!y m an inconsequential little postscript came the real gist of the matter: -"Mrs. Rogers told me that she should insist "npou your staying witn tuem at tae park. Apparently 6ho is indifferent tc the possibility indued, in tha't . event, the certainty of reviving the silly old gossip that bracketed your name with hers ouce on actinia. It is a comfort in expressible to me to know that you. will not let yourself be dravAi iuto any j foolishness of that sort, for my sake, if fox j no otner reason, i Know taai 1 neeo not beg you not to, for when have 1 evei had to ask vou to bo thoughtful and oon- in mnte surprise. "Ho. l suppose he has uot bad time to write yet; or perhaps ua means to Keep it urnler coven u so. uon t tell him that I gave it away but really it is too good to keep." - -' x -v "Well, don i keep it for a moment.' then," smiling parplexa lly. in sympathy with his evident enjoyment. "Do tell me at once. ' ? - "Well. whaVdo von thinfc of Bart! who went away. for remand recreation. mirnL getting lost-"on Die peak.' and wandering around abovo timber Um all nightr -- - ; -:. Bat ft Is ' quite . imposjiblor cried Anita, pale at the idea "Donald is over the range, hunting bear." ' V Carlton laughed with cheerful incre dulity., "Hunting Lis grandpiotherr he cried. gVown quite reckless oil his ppeecb in the excitement of his news-T'"! had it rrom a ieiiow - who was one oi the party and who 'saw him when he done-It as the small Jboy averred In support of his story of Jonah s swallowing the whals. This fellow stopped over for the nightj on his way to Denver, and 1 had..thJnck to run across him just in time to heai the story. It "appears the Rogersea goi up a party to ascend the peak, and Bar tels, who is staying with them, this fel low told me. was one of the crowd. It tvas rather late when the party started to make the' descent, and Mrs. Rogers. who was rather used np. hung back while Cartels was gallant enough to keep her company. Somewhere among the bowlder fields the" rest of the outfit got out of sight, -and. in trying a short cnt to overtake tliem, Bartcls and Mrs. Rogers hist the trail, and did not succeed in getting themselves found till 5 o'clock the nest morning. A new version of the babes in the-wood," with a callous latig1 at their plight, "only there were no bird above timber line to cover them with leaves, worse luck for them." "You are thre there is no mlstakt ' about this?" Anita's face was ghastly. "This man .who told you was really on of the party? "Yes: althcftiph- he did not really be long to the Rogers outiit. He had en gaged a guide to jto np tat- Peak by him self, when Dr. Rogers, waiting tha sam man for the san- day, compromised by inviting this fe'low to go with them Bat you ueed Kot look eo frightened, Mrs. Cartels. P jn is" ad right. He diJ not even take old. I asked after him lartirularly. And edl's well that endi eil." - "Yes. alls Wvill tmit ends well, re peated Anita dudy. It seemed to her thai j the end of all things had come, thai ly an accident which might happen to anybody. The water was not deep, but the current was strong; and surely such a fall would kid. at once. One would L OPINIONS OP THE FltESS. The Scotland Nck Alliance, carried on down the stream as lightly I Halifax county, passed a res- and tndifferenlly as that bit of chip olution recomrnending (bat acon dancing along there-del to .11 pain of veaUou of p!auter8 of growing states be called to dis earth. Cow shocked people would be should such an accident befall her! And how they would hurry to snatch Donald from his jolly tune with Mrs. Rogers to look his hist open the poor dead face which once ba-I been the loveliest of all cn earth to him, for h had loved bert Nothing No EioBXK tribute has or can L paid members of the Fanners AIT emce than is embodied in this pare graph from .the Petersburg lnder Appeel: "One thing baa been made very clear by the election In YindaU lwt Tuesday, and that Is that the members ot the Farmers Alliance consider it an organization 'for bna ness only.' The majority ol these members are Democrats and by their Yoteatbey hare given notice tha cuss and formulate some plan by which the acreage can be redaced, so as to increase the price of that staple. The resolutions state could rob her cf the sweetness of beliey- lbal lUo cnormoja crop of 1630 whatever reforms and Uttcrtnent 04 mgtnat.-Aua In the last sad moment, reuueea mo price ironi 11 lo , their eonditinn thv Arir ta Kr? " rrlt fXtaJ enf per-pound; and expresses about they will not atUmpt any ol' tremble with the joy of his touch, if only ppiuion that the "only rtlief it outsido o! tlie ranks cl thdrpar in mty for her the oil feeling must j is Ihe reduction 01 the cmge lo I J. m n ft ... 1 I C , by the falL perhaps blotched and etainedl inu 13 a ECnsibie move, ttid beyond recognition and Donald liked the Alliance is right in recogniz- not do to have his last look at her like lDg tLal ll 18 Jhe law of "PP1 that. But there was a strange fascina tion ia this thought of death. What other escape did earth oiler from its bur- dons of pain? Csvond the- hridze. she climbed the sfeop gravely bank of the railroad to look across at the email bare cemetery on the southern mesa. The poorest land had been given o Gods acreits scanty crop of buffalo grass sere and brown from insufficient - irrigation.' a white and demand that regulates the III tumethinj irkic!-. most people seek and which but few are indifler ent to no matter in what form If price. No legislation can be en-1 presents itself. The word "pov-u- acted that will increase the price of cotton, except to repeal the robbery tariff, which prevents! foreigners exchanging their man ufactures for our cot toe. The. best thing to do first is to uiary," which is often used in speaking of a man's riches, comes from the Latin word .pecus," which means "cattle," and shows ihat formerly a man's wealth was picket fence dividing it from the roal ia reduce the rcreage ; next vote for reckoned by tho cxttle he tos- front, its ' remaining sides defined with barbed wiro.- A few cows bad stolen into the inclosure and were compla cently nipping at the scantily clothed 6od. And what was that small shape, scarce distinguishable from the hue ol the party that will reduce the tariff. But the Free Press ventures the prediction that the Alliance the ground. Tithely. slipping under the leaders will take very little slock fence, and scurrying np tho steep Kill- m a movement to reduce the acre- dde? Anita watched the shifting blot : . ti . u with horror strirlcen re- Kb. h-j " vun. .WUiu.u heard of the coyotes .that sometime set on politics to pay very much came ravenously burrowing down intc attention to anvthintr else. new made graves. et what did it matter? Those who slept over.pn the mesa yonder would not be troubled bow ever the ground wera scratched above their heads. This was Nirvana: '" Niunelens quirt, darnelo Joy, ClCMHOii Nirviuia ninlnrs tlrloxa tx TUe lianc that nevor cbaovM. Kinston Free Pres3. THE PEOPLE 8 PARTY H.ELPED MC XIX LEY. Instead of helping tho Demo- sessed. Abraham is said to have been "very rk ia cattle, iu sil ver, and in gold. ' But o mat ter in what a man's rich's may consist, it is all vanity and vexa tion of spirit, nulees in connec tion therewith he has health. Emerson fully understood this when he said "the first wealth is health," and we have no doubt if he bd knowa the virtues of & S. S. that he would have recom- Suddenly she started back with a ges- cratic ticket, the People's party j mended its use to all persons suf- chaos was' staring her in the face. Sht DGERSON'SMRl If yon wiint pleasant drink - NOTICE. J V . Having this day qualified as adnuni trator ou tlu estate of Mrs. Mtry C, liar H. this is to give notice to-all person; ""ing ;-aid estate to settle rt jruice, and aV l'trous holding claims ag iint said estaU 1 l'1-e.-ifnt lltfin hffor the 19th risiv i l' litelllhcr 1X09 r I mill nli.orl frlitn irtif i bar of (heir recovery. . Tuis the tiny of September 1MU. , " v, 'x ' : ,' ;; M.A.TbES0,n, Adm'r, t M. Person, Att'y. '- :-y- ELM GLENN; ONE OF THE MOST VALUABLE TRACTS OF LAND IN THE STATEjiFOIl SALE. : ; , . . - -.i'- io tne Homestead of C.JEger- tnil An.. A AnnfAi'na - Glf'.:-Ji v'na At! 'ana, a splendid 8-room dwelling, 8 or 10 tenant houses. 4 . or -5 bafrns 8 ud pack houses stables,- crie, goodo. orcnard, grape vineyards, &c. ln.ne lands for tobacco, - cotton, Mcorny "heat or anv other r.rrmr It "will he offered for sale at i;he; court house door in Louisburg on the-first Mon day m December, and isjsold for di vision. Terms 1-5 " cash, balance in e, two, thTee and four years. " " F. Eoebtotj, V V . Hi D: Egeeto, V Eirfi G. W. BLOUSTrJ f the" K(KlolU ''al way s'call at B. H.'Roogi.bson's. .v. OK THE 1COR1TEB, !-full line or- best-Wines, Linuo Cigars arid Tobacco. ';'.- ; had a stranrje s.-nse of f.untuess and op pressdon: a dall blur seemed lancing be fore her eyes; atd the fingers nervously tracing the pattern of the wrought golJ of her oun unitrella topweiv. weablj trembling. Ilt-r fac-e felt as if it haO i;etrifietL She had a tagne convictiot that if she once relaxed her hold on the little conventional smile fixed on bei stiff lip3, she could r.evtr recover il again that she would' go on nnsmilin" for evermore. "I thought perhaps then might le a letter for me here." she list lessly added, moving to go. "No; you could hardly expect him.tc rpare time for letters, with anothci jolly laugh. "Realiy.it is too good Perhaps I ought not to have given hift away; but, npou my "word, it seemed too bad that you iould not enjoy tht joke too," bhe enjoy the joiej was the mar cracked? "Yes, it would have been pity for me to have missed it." with i white lipped smile. -Carlton Ftared melitatively at tht open door after his visitor, had passeO out" "Unless the rlgns fail, there is i bad quarter of an hour ahead for Bar tels, be muttered, lazily auosetU"and serves him right the ass! A man musl be saved from drowning; even if "one U obliged to pnll his hair in doing it; and a good, clean xlrown is nothing, com pared with a dip in the dirty puddles ol Orodelphian gossip. One wouLl hardlj have reckoned BarUds non compos either," he thoughtfully added, knock ing the ashes from his pipe; ''but thai little Rodgers wretch" expressive! j pausing, while he' impatiently twitched a match across his trousers and lighted his pipe again "she I oh. Lord t Witha quick, nervous tread Aniti blindly hurried down the street, a dul sensation of unreality possessing her, i if, she thought, she had died, and tb.il was her ghost. ' So this was the end ol it! of all . that happiness which it bad eeemed they would take with thcmTintt eternity! Donald had tired of her. Wbt could say when the subtle change had taken place, or for how long he had beet deceiving her -with "sweet,' plausible words? But "It is vain to attempt tt keep a secret from one that has a right Mr.'&trttiM. mm fnnwrxl to offer Mr: 1 to know it, oaid Emerson. "It will tell tUirtelH xt ctutlritut a uui. - v itself, "tt vas her right to know this, "Four days had -passed . away. - Font 1. aU(i his secret had been revealed to her. times over again had a weary old world j ghe seemed to awake with n sort of str buttoned and uubutto! teJ, wakened and j piJ surprise, to find herself meehanicallj slept ' ? ?m " ? v,V ', exchanging smiUng greetings with some : lin ; the hope of finding a letter frorn j passing friends; and present ly, where a Donaid,Anitit. h;ul waited down : to ulj little child was crying, she stopped an CHAPTER IV. tcre of despair, her hand instinctively moving in the sign of the cross that had been her childhood's charm against evil All the training of her life had been in exorable as tO'-the duty of living. Cei mother's creed had made it mortal sin to wish fur death; and however little the crtbodoxy'of her aunts had to make life the more joyous In the living, it at least did what it might to inspire a wholesome patience under life's ills, with the awful alternative of its helL God forgive and help herl wildly stretching out implor ing hands toward the grim oil moun tains, as it eeeraed to her, like prij&n walls to which shs was helplessly chained. Must she live on and on id this environment which seemed press ing her down on and on, while the long colorless days rolled themselves away in years, till her fcir bands Iiad grown brown and shriveled with age as the dried l?af she idly picked cp? the poor little hands stretching them oat and studying them with whimsical sadness that must be empty tf happiness always, when once it seemed they had more than they could hold. A great wave of home sickness swept over hera passionate longing for escape to go back again to the old home that in the 'softened haze of memory seemed always as another world "of heavenly peace and Joy. In that flower scented air the weary soul should be wrapped in lulling repose, and trouble fall away hke a worcont gar ment Ah. the sweetness of going home like a tired child, if but to lie down on the liOHom of old mother earth and rest! She felt so worno deadly tired; and surely one's rest must always bo sweet est at home. - . fiSTReineuaber I wilx not be .UDFjS office iu Ihe afternoon. - There had come .but a uote fronV himanother hurried scraw.l, to say that he bad joined a party whicii was going "over t herange for a few days to hunt bear. ; Tor Anita there 1 was a grain of comfort in the reflection that Mrs. Rogers" was not likely to go hunting bears, "althonghv indeed, , she could believe her capable of even tual - ! It was a close, hot afternoon, when the in Ohio lost it quite a number of votes. Eastern Ohio is strongly Republican and western Ohio is strongly Democratic. It was ex pected that the Democrats would lose some in their strongholds, but Mr. .Polk, Mr. Simpson and Mr. Peffer and all the Alliance people said that their big gains would come from the old-time Republicans who were dissatis fied with Sherman's and McKiu ley's legislation, and that their defection would secure Camp bell's election. On the contrary tho news is that in the Democrat ic northwestern part of the state the Alliancemen voted with the fering from the diseases for which it is recommended. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga, Six eteel rail milL, five of which are in Pennsylvania, control tha output of the country. Cease your coughing and enjoy refreshing slumber, wLich Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup will iusureyou. "A re you goins to the race? "Yes and bet on the winning horse. "Not Ihe h.unlsome Abdullah, he U lam. Don't yon know?', "Ill whisper la Peonle'a cart v. lakine manv votes Totjr r. la7 re o111 r r " from the Democratic ticket. v Al- Salvation Oil.' Lake Erie produces more fish to the square mile thnn any body .of water in the world. Shlloh'sCbnsTxmpckm Care. Tils U bjod qooatioa lh moat wnw fal Coach M1-nw bv ever nt.t. W " CHAPTER V. kiw i mm len county, for- instance, which has usually been good'Tor 1,400 Democratic majority, gave a ma jority of only 700.. Tbe Rcpuhli-1 c in Aljianccmcif voted tbi whole hoe, and thus the Democratic Alliancemen wero left in the lurch?-' As in Ohio so will it be everywber Raleigh Chronicle. ISIl'oitTANT.DIXiSIOX. The Supreme Court of the State has recently rendered a decision ot interest to physicians and aho to venders ot proprietary medicines. At the Spring' term, lbQl. of the Superior Court ol TS'aahington coun ty, action was brought against L. W. anDoran lor the etatutorv ol fense created by chapter 181 ot the flaws of 1889. The indictment charged him with unlawfully practis ing nd nttercDtincr tn nrartirv mel- :; ....:- lo fftf to n j(r atJ W B J iuucouu DU,bcV' """o I abW b lajirwiio.Co?U.ii.Duj.B . procurou asrvnuiroaoyiaw.nncense LoMof Arvit..c-inc p loot tue lioaru oi .xftcniners ol the 1 1 no tbn for 7&c ma tw SUtlofc VttAlUrfr. gmjrswJ to nn Um. KoU bjr TbnmM ft Ararb. Uitert,w( T. C. Jowt. Frm k U Btoa. M. C. Coajrb, Croap aa-1 Crveebiti. vUtW it dvrfal mu cw ia tb rar A roocnaptioa U wiltioot a paraJVI ia Ualtorjl BMMliciti. 8inr Its Bret diflnovrry it hes tMiwUoit IMnttw, A tvt vbit-b Bo ot hrr Ktin rmn ttand. tf yoa a cosi wrra ly mk yo to try it Frto 1 o . &Or. cJ 1 1. II your htnear or.rbl or bark rthilob'a Poivo lUUr. tkjU by TboajM ft Aycork. LoU-ar2, sad T. C Jojnt, rratUJBton. U - The first Indian tobacco sign erected in America was put up ia Baltimore, and it still stands. Aaiwer Tula tvralkMU Wy do so Bsiy rTW Pr arod re irom State of North Carolina, orshoinp ad p oma iasued by a rvfrular Medical Cohege prior to the 7th day ol M a rcb , 1885, and not having obtained Irom the clerk accrtifiVate of registration. Ou trial he pleaded that he had a diploma from a College la, Chicago 7714 ZnA'd01 Twhich he had lost, an3 that he did water. - A cubic foot newly fallen snow weighs 5tf pounds, and baa -twelve times the bulk of an equal f eight (4 (Ion o' tlx umlt dfwr. It was growing dark when Anita came not come legally under the dassifi- a a 4 i An rfx wtt n tn IiIa 42 f rt m rt m latrmnTitp rviJr into til tnwn atlil ITiM . . .V ? luu0 ;.M- .C--.-i he present! only propr.etary rem vuier lx uuu Dotu uj i uiun. ii. It warf shown that on several occa- : spoiled a glove fishing a lest toy out ul the , irrigating ditch, noting curiously how her hand etill trembled. On she "went. irC a sort of breathless haste that qniekry took her away from . the town: nnu a lengtn sue tun.ea asiue irom i-ue Totirfi" across . a v piece ; of dry ground bristling with cactus and sonpWeed, and aimlessly wandered ; on to the railroad track, almost hidden between Its borders m&& CHRISTIAN liliiiiiiiiifiii '-tyjt ' ' ;''w'i''IVT. t ::;lV' "' '-S;''-'--" flies-sck inaddeninglyl lo , perspiring ; of ranksunllowers. - V.' v. : -" humanity. -Mr. Carlton.-who hatl b-en ! "J must get- away trr-tnyself and enjoing his pipe and a magazine in -'his ! think. 6he muttered. Nobody wouldL Bhrrt : sleeves, was scrambling into his j meet her here. : "A "little way and tbe Lcoat ; with'an exi)ression of. mild martyr-i jrack crossed thecreell, here rushing ia dom,ahecame forward to oner iira j a mynad of foimiug waterra:s far bc- Barteh? a chair and a fan. clamoring tationa to the weekly prayer meeting. Aniu laughed bitterly ai she heard them. Let the fools go and pray if they UIUU V V V mj w Mava aa - - avail to move Hod's mercy than a pnfj of winiL liow many times baa sue prayed, tesrs of fia.'wionate earnest in her eyes, that she lnijht b given the sweet power to hold forever ponild's love, the only good of life she had feared to los and now, at l.Gt. she bad Uod's answrl RniLOU S CATARRH REVEDT. A taa. Ttious rar tor Catarrb, Dipbtbr!a,Cakr rnontb. mo4 Ucm&meb. A itb acb bott a fimUu ianlAU tattl lanur toe tk ra aofti nil tfra.taiwit vt tbaeoa ta.. I-t. Jfc - . . BLP n nons h3 bad diagnosed cases, claim- hj tot ft ATeotk.Loiabr.4 iit; to be a physician, had prescribed t C JoyMr. Fnutkhatoti. S. C - To JJg Continued. 1 1 a ' ' "Those who are not quite satisfied' ore the benefactors of the world," and to these we wish, to give good advice. Use Old Saul's Catarrh Cure low it high banks. : Midway -.fKwhcn troubled witn influenta 'ca-: And so Don his really had on adven-q 0pen trestle work Anita- stopped, gazing er he began: - with' H Uizy chuckle. -jhougbtf ullylo a n athe murky torreutj,tarr.D-, i. Prompt a ttention t orders and at v'.'-.fr-" tnrer rjo. orna a mnfit' rf-elleiit man.. iruioi charitable kiiidneds toward all the world. but he dearly loved a good dish of gossip. ft wnk hi one redeaniug vice, uonaia . . r' -i nTT 1 k xfTTTTl' m. . .. mt ... . ' . ' . . . I used t laughingly, to declare, -w nan y easy poking one rof)t- oetweea me uc j sfiXren CrV .have vou, not hearer as Anita looked on fatebia-''hcr.bv;Jt heel ererimentid-1 r"''.1 V,J ' . . . r , - belovi a dirty whip friRU( tbe gulciri For all ailments of small children murng ' that was torturing the stream ; there if no" better remedy than Dr. f rorj . its bed up the caayua, What if Bull's Baby Syrup.-- . . 1 one should trip and - fall? It would be i ' ; ... !ldren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. "practice': their hambnggery. had agreed to effect cares for a stipulated en nx lis was t o l vie ted andHook an appeal to tbe Supreme Court, which sust.ijaed the decision of the lower court and held tbe opinion that when a vender ot proprietary medicine 'diagnJMea a case and prescribes for it that net in the eyea of the law constitutes him a nhvsu ion. and ' brincrs him within pale pf the statute. Oxford Ledger. The above decision will probably open the eyea, of a great -many "quacVs" who are going about the country humbugging tbe people; but as long as the people allow them selves to be humbugged, and a s Jong as legitimate physicians sit still and do nothing7 breakup theae hum burera lust so lonrr will t'ev oa . s - 1 VALUABLE COUNTRY! RESI DENCE FOR SALE. The teantiful e -entry reIdcc tt- Ul Geo. P. 1L II kiDS. on mV.e from Louis' r.v fiVred t sa!. Ti e dell:n2 roots'm 10 . f 12 fco-mj i ooms, sad there W on tlx tot all oat ts ry r-. A -aut. T res'deact tccet b cr r'tUi the tract "f Uid. toctaioL ff h.-ot ao hundred and C!ty are. aria be r-o'd q ey terna. The 1at-d is In a fine rtate nf cuiuratmn. sjid m prcl:r Hd(tI to the cultlvat on tf fine, TtriLt lul cr Th'i Is a fine rrrtunl t to seen e a crxxi !me snd lartu. u- sr a gncul mar ket. The.-e U one f Ue 'l mea.l -'cs in t'.w Mc.kva ( oiitaiiH' c -t aerr) on ti" tract. - For further mf r matioo aj.lj to W. B; BOYO. :vvi,