' y'rl-' : -'rVfZ- ' '. ; .-. mA Malice' toward nonei JYiih Charity for all. ii .. LOXJISBXJRO, N;:C.y DECEMBER 18, 1891 - XO. 4G, Highest of all in Iyening Power.Itest U.'Si Gov't Report; n o i 'i'ii I S9 Circumstantial Evidence Buffalo has forty-eight" public schools and 155 churches'. v , rasa M sJifp : p -a By 1IARY E. STIU-K-MKY. JCoprright, 18CL, by "American Press Associa- ' - v. . tioa.1 -7 .v-r - C The Dorses were stopped to rest on the brow of a mighty hill, wnile, awestruck, Gray and Anita, were staring at the changing glory of the sunset. - 7 U x, Anita was 'weary Land dispirited. Cramped and tired with the long day's ride, tired above all of Gray. " Hia easy familiarity with its nndertoi' nt langh-- ing tenderness, while it seemed natural enongh after their long years of childish comradeship, yet chafed on hemerves; the; joking small talk witn which he continually '? interrupted her brooding thoughts filled 'her with smothered irri tation." She was beginning to see the expedition bnt as an impulse of childish folly ' What if she tv sacceed iu this schemo of retaliation? ct-ibono? Would all the jealous auger his heart .could hold give her husband b: 0k to. her o that her faith ia, him couid be made whole agaiu? And what availed anything else? L "Do you know " said Gray, dreamily "watcmcs the dvmirsnnliirht thatwHimftd ri - - - " ti f A , I V. 1JS sming liseu inrougu goiajlnst in one Go6nectj cw t's . tobacco ropi: 8 worth I3o;qoo.g;f 'v AYATCIIES -MD JEWELRY AT LOUIS BIJIIG, N. C. Solid and heavy p'.ated Gold and Sil ver-ware of many kuvls and aoveliies.; You will le surj risvd-to st-c how cheap. au can pvrchaee . ever'vthtnaj in ih ' jewelry litre at my store Gola and sil ver watches liir ladies ar.d ents, also chains to match. " I. also carry a line of eye-glass-s.veiy cheap A se- le t itne ot finger rings, - j-ents and la dies pins, i harms, &c. - ' All I ask -is a t ul and I will guar antee to please you. - - -1 WATCHES AND JEWELRY KL T PAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. Fin -AT - 10 HliWASii. I will pay $10 for the arrest of Joan Smith, white, who escaped fro in Franklin county jail on the 1 J tli mst: DESCRIPTION. John Smith, white, is about 21 yenrs old, fair complexion, dark v.vr. about 5 feet 10 inches high I unit nciUO UUUUU JL3tU tJ(I LiAlVJ D. H. C. KEARNEY, Sheriff Franklin county. LAND POSTED. " All persons are forbidden to hunt, day or niyht, with iuu or do or other wise trespass on my lands situated in Dniius' township. Frankjin county, :v!jr)iniuj; the laud- of Weley " Pippiu, Mad Whit-., estate of Becky Bunn, J.ru:k Alfjid and others, under penalty Maw. "7 ' ' W. A. Mullen. . RQDGERSON'S'BAR NOTICE. Having this day qualified as" adminis tiator cm the estate of Mrs. Mary C, Har ris, this is to give notice to aij-prsous "wing said estate to settle rtbuee, and all iersons holding claims against said estate to I'resent tkem before the 19th day of Septt niber 1892, or I will plead this notice 'i bar of their recovery. This the 19th ilny of September 1891. V7 M. P. Febson, Adna'r.' - M. Person, Att'y. . ' ;;,J' If you wants pleasant" driok the "good old1 alwayscallat B. H. RODGEKSON'b. ON THECOKNCR, a full'line of best Wines. Liquoi .Cignrs and' Tobacco. . ' IeRomerjaber I will not be 'USD EB50 L D."5 brilliant spot behind the range, "I think that slang phrase you have here for 'death 'going over the rana' was born in a poet s brain? - Dou't it peani aa if that range yonder ; inightbound the world? as if, beyond, tho full flood of sunlight might be pouring down open a celestial cityr All, wellr I in airaid we shall find it all about as much of a take in when we go climbing up the golden stairs. . . ' . "Don't, Grayr a littlo choke in her voice. To think ; that but a moment since she had been calling him tiresome in her thoughts, when one could not but guess, seeing his thi, drawn faco and too brilliantye3, how strong the chances were-that before v ery long he might be proving himself whatever might be in "the 'great perhaps gone- "oveif the range." - - "And why not?" his light laugh broken off by his hollow cough. "Because I have a sore threat ch you think it be hooves me to assume a good-boy attitude? It seems to me that about half the shew of piety of the world ia built up on this basis the instinctive thrift that would blindly provide against a possible rainy day half admitting that - the enter prise may turn out a lottery drawin nothing but blanks, yet taking the gam 4a .i. uie, mnce it seems to cost notmng iut a little lip service. - . . fciowcan yon ce so cynical bo un just? in shocked expostulation. "And life is so WTetchedly short V "You mean we ought to make hay while the sun shines, so to speak, and swallow ortnodoxyTWhuo we nave time. 1 can't. Mi to. 1 think a .man must be happy to bev religion to feel that he has something to thank God for. But for me, I am not happy. Are j'ou, Nita? "Ah, who is? returned Anita eenten tiously. "It ianot necessary. "No, but very desirable And when . some of ns can Bee bo clearly just what is lacking to give ns perfect happiness when it seems as if one might almost reach out his hand and take it it seems a little rough, don't you think?" "None of us know- what is good for ns," returned Anita sagely, with a shrug 61 her shoulders. ' "But Ave suffer jukt as much from baf fled desire if we only think we know," persisted' Gray, touching up .the horses. "And in that connection 1 have often wondered and now I want to know," turning to her determinedly, "if "you had been left to make up your -mind alone, would you have married me?" i "Oh, Gray," in distressful embarrass ment, "what is the use of raking, up that old affair!". , - "And.what is the harm, since it is an old affair, past and ; done withf- Call it an idle curiosity if you like. 1 don't see why you should mind telling me now." "1 wish you would put on your over coat. Gray. It is growing cold,", nerv ously buttoning her jacket. . That is not answering my question." "Which you have no right to ask." ' "I know that," humbly,"but I have bo longed to know.. One thing," searching a cat and dog life we would have led to gether." " ; ;", - '- 7 It woulriiave been heaven," ha pas sionately retorted. "You would not have married me if you had not been a little fond of me, money or no money. I know you better." , . - "! wish you would put on your over coat," she abruptly interposed.: . - "Bother the overcoatr with cn tin-. steady laugh:-. "but of course you must have your way." - . '.,;"f ';.?. .- "We are almoet there," she remarked. thinking . to bring the ,, conversation to safer ground, as he 6 topped the team to find the garment and put it on. . "From -the top of this hill ww 'shall ' look down directly upon the park; and, do you know. . 1 am beginning to think . it is rather a poor place after all? lam al most sorry we came." ' w eiir my antiapationa were , cop pered to 6tart with," he coolly returned. lifting the reins as if to turn the hona around. "LetVgo back. Go back now!" cried Anita sharply. laying a remonstrant hand upon his arm. "What an idea!" . "The time to go back is when you dis cover that you don't want to co ahead. wherever you are or whatever the enter prise. Life is too short to fool it away going one way when inclination pulls you another." There was a world of meaning in his' tones, freighted with passionate tenderness, his eyes glowing into hera. "Come, Nita, can't : we co back?" "Of course not," brusquely, reaching for the whip in her impatience, to touch the horses herself. "Don't be a goose Gray." "Would you liko to driver with sulky courtesy offering the reins. Opportunely at that moment, from a bridle trail emerging upon the road ahead, appeared three horseback riders ilrs. Rogera. her husband and a cleri .cal looking stranger. The lady and .the doctor, after a glance of recognition stopped to let the carriage overtake them. . "Can it bo actually yon?" cried tho vivacious little lady, all smiles and dim ples, reining up beside them. Anita was glad for even this interruption, greeting her with unwonted cordiality. "And did you meet Don?" "Donald has he goner" faltered Anita, dismaved. "Actually done gone could not live without rou for another day." in her tone of laughing raillery. "And here you are! - What a joke on him!" "But when did he go? I don't under stand," looking puzzled. "He started this morning: but har said ccrned. - It was disappointing to come Into the oppressive loneliness of the silent house. but the explanation of the servant seemed perfectly simple and satisfactory. It was quite to be expected that Anita should have gone on to the park to meet him according to his plan, and ha was amiably pleased that the opportune visit of her cousin had arranged the trip so agreeably for her. " Not to miss a mail he . roused himself at daybreak the next morning to scratch a hasty letter, bidding her stay at the park,' an 1 thia was Saturday the te week he would ride op Ui spend San-lay with her: and if she liled brinir her home. lie was afraid that, finding him gone, sbe might be disposed to return; and be wanted her to enjoy an un troubled holiday. . ; Anita's first impuke had been, indeed. to return at once, but Gray said decided ly that the hones must rest for a day, and when Donald's letter came she in differently acquiesced ia his plan. - It was but a choice of evils at best, she told herself. She dreadel to meet her husband, anger still burning at her heart, as much aa she feared Gray's re awakened passion. And Gray did his utmost to keep her fear of him in abey ance. His attitude was simril r that of a kindly kinship, his attentions only such as common courtesy demanded. As If unconsciously he seconded all her efforts that they should not be left alone to gether, devoting himself, with -his fine talent of flirtation, to every woman who smiled him a welcome. And Anita, indignant at first for the indiscreet admission int.- which he had led her, reassured by his indifferent atti tude, grew to regard him more kindly aa the days wore on. If the fear that lurked in her heart tended to make his presence irksome, there was always his weakness to plead for bim. Gray was undeniably seriously ill. . Everybody ob served It Pitying glances were con tinually reading the story of the fever flushed cheeks and the too brilliant eyes; and strangers, ' with blundering .kind ness, went out of their way to scrape ac quaintance and suggest their Temedie for his cough. Cut it was growing bet ter. Gray each day brightly declared, with that strange self Reception that seems a part of pulmonary disease, each day seeming a little thinner, a little weaker; while Anita's heart, as it grew heavier for him, yet turned to him the more in pitying tenderness. We are never so oppressed with the cruel inexorability of nature's laws as when we see our friend, glowing with M state: AccoKcma to lav or thb amoctt or btacs arrorrr (iMMta axd allays bv tsk to.it or cocstt coMJiewowM or r&AXxui cocttt, a to nou luii, aerojnae m rut narr MoiDtrn PECiussa 1893, asvcxou ox tsk nxrr nouirn scimseb 1891. : ' , he should take the blazed trail over tho! the full joy of lif, blindly hurrying on hills, so of course you would not have met him," explained the doctor. . "He innst take the shortest cut in his uncontrollable patience, you see. Lh, nobody could doubt that 'His heart was true to Poll' you know the song," show ing all her pretty white teeth in a laugh ing side glance at Gray, who was appre ciatively regarding her. "1 presume you will be obliged to curb your impatienco to turn around and follow him until to morrow at least; so we will see you again," with a laughing nod as she rode on ahead. And as 6he swiftly passed from eight beyond the brow of the hill they could hear her singing, her little lilting voice as full of joyous abandon aa a child s: His art wu true to Poll, Ilia 'art as true to PolL t No matter what you d"s If your 'art l true Andhla'artwMtruatoPoU. "And who is her ' ladyship? queried Gray, when his fixed gaze had lost Eight of the dainty figure in its trim-fitting habit. Anita did not hear him. "Sbe called him -Don 1 to my face! my husband!" she exclaimed, in a white heat of anger. "What a vulgar, ill bTed little wretch she is! To think of . being compelled to know such a person V There was a wicced lisnt or laugnter in Gray's discreetly averted eyes. He had inadft a mscoverv. Awrullv nrettv. though, Nita give the what's-his-name his-due, he said demurely. "Just the kind of woman, I should say, to raise the devil with some men. Who is she? . Tell me about her." - 1 "There 1a nothing to tell," with cold distrust, "except that" -!" "My diagnosis was correct? she doea raise tne devilr . - , - - "Precisely." 175 V77 178 179 180 181 182" . 1M 1M4 185 - 186 ' 187 181 189 100 191 193 103 194 10.V 190 ' 197 198 199 200 . 201 20J 203 204 205 30 207 204 209 . 210 211 212 21S 214 215 21ft 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 221 223 3-' 227 224 229 2. tO 211 232 233 234 235 231 237 2WJ 279 240 241 242 - 243 244 245 24 247 248 249 250 231 3.VJ 23 254 255 2a 237 258 339 2 CO 201 2flJi 263 264 203 264 267 268 269 270 271 27 273 Will ' Soon A rid the time is approaching when the uppermost subject in : the miuds of all will iJe '-what can we get tor our Father Brother; Sister, Cousin, or that other "'ce perron who is somebody else's brother- si$terv ow what we want to say is, just lake a look at the nice display that " ill le t'ourA at . .' ' -.-v - ' ' ' hefore you fleeUe.;,.. may , not he ; the largest ever. brought to -"ins burg, yt we have a very nVe aud varied assortment suited to tlie occasion; a'il at prices suited to the tihiel In -addition to tliis our filock of- Toilet Goods U lU le f)und veiy nice and of the very b&:0 And remember, tlwt while we shall gWe'the HoHday Goods atkntion we 'Ai:i I "J very strict attention' to' oar i: Ifii? Wi- 4'7i:l77:-;?: ; Prescription ; an Drug tbepartments -? " e keep a full line of standard paten t"medicioes;aLa.cv l" a first f.1ao . . . . ' ' 7. .-.- -;J .: - ... 3 found ; Reepecifully, : --7. Wurman's Old Stand.' ' .: .THOMAS & ATCOCKE.c.; her face eagerly,' "you do not say you would not." - i "r " -" . "No; because- stopping with a swift blush as she Swwhither her words tended . . 7. h&ti-J r'r ; "You. wbuLir cried Gray, hia' face aglow. ' Y'J --Lv'r. '' " v7 - '' i "Not at alL : I did not say so." sharp ly, but relenting a little as she met his reproachful glance. "There was only the smallest possibility, the merest scrap or a chance, that . if Uncle John had not been, so opposed to itvand Aunt vAuma t . ' . i ? ! l m . ! M naa not preacnea in its mvur u wuuuu ally, that well, perhaps I might." ' -u "Ohr Nita, you dear, dear girl!" with passionate 'joy. Vlf you could nhdeis stand what this small admission, i3 to ine, von could r not regret it. To think that you really cared enough for mo"- - ;."Bnt 1 did not,' 6he quickly protested, 'frightened at the passion in his eyes. never cared for you as much as you did for me. -a I could not havo pretended it for a moment. y "If you cared a quarter as much it was Vnoush." he doggedly retorted. "You cured enough to marry me; you have owned 'that. Nita, and . you can never take it back," Nothihsf on earth can rob me of that crumb of comfort now. You would" have" been mine mine, rata, with a sharn drawn breath, his fingers closino: on the reins' aa if he were hold ing himself back from catching her in his arms, "and you would have been but for that pack or meddlers aamn tnemt "Don't. Gray. Can t you see tnat j. was all for the best? in bool, dispassion ate reasoning- "1 would have married von for vour money to have had a hand some home of my own that is the truth of the matter; and that sortjof marriage is always a failure,. U would have been 274 273 270 277 278 279 CHAPTER IX to the vast nnlmown whence no one mar come back to fell cs it is Well with him; when we know that the hand warm in our clasp U already chilling with the creeping clutch' of death; when we must see that, were our, love as wide as the world, it cootu not noia mm back ror a moment against that invisible grasp that is drawing turn, down as in a quicksand before our eye And this was Gray dear old joyous heartedTGray, who had played with her. and loved her, and shouldered the blame of many of her small sins when they had been children together; when death had seemed an intangible something that belonged to age, that rever by any chance would touch their happy youth. And now presently the air would bo meeting together iu' the little space filled with his happy life, as if he had never been, and she would be living on to see how little the world had need of him, or of any one of ns. ' She did not need to love to feel the pitilulness of it For two dava it had rained, a mwrt - . . -i j less, steady down pouring that mocked J 2 ho -at every tradition of Colorado' fair climate: two days of confinement in the bare ranch parlor, where, among all the cane seated abominations, were but two chairs really comfortable to tempt the seluahness of a dozen unhappy people where every ' game Invented by man failed to offset the torture diabolic im pulses were continually evoking from the. decrepit piana For Anita there was a bit - of silver lining - showing through the clouds, in that Mrs. Roger was kept shut np 'within her cabin, a quarter of a mile away. That vivacious little person rather haunted tho ranch hostelry, where she came for her mail, for milk, butter and other necessaries- most of all, iCwas whimpered by the ob servers, to carry on a sort of aesthetic flirtation with a- consumptive yonog clergyman, with a side glance to spare for 4 Gray Vaa Zandt'i . blase beauty. Had there been a hundred men in Eden, would Eve ever, hare rested, until she had beguiled every last one of them into a bite of her. fatal apple? In Gray, however, the httle coquette had found one who waa fully alive te the flavor of the fruit she had to offer. Nothing he could have done would have won him more favor in Anita's jealous heart than the cold shoulder he turned upon thf woman whom she counted her rival. By no means aa guileless as tho dove was this young man; bat in the ways of women he was as whte as the serpent that won the first weak one to "": To Be Continued. FebS,01 CaiMTW.'' " - N DD Uay board of prisoner - CaareCfed. . - , s A 11 Moor kw-pinjt raft fro Sinni brM -J A Thomas booka and stationery. Aa " -. J A Thorn puMurtunz aal ataUat oaw ywr Jofco ritk rvAirinjr atork !& I J a W 1011 repairing stock law Vara - ralrin Harris repairinx atork la leiir r J W Snoa mtrinr stork law tr Heors UaUoM arrvtcr b1 repainiwr eomrt rota W rort VT P Mot ria Irttinir and TtTr.K bHdz at Atford'e uJ taill W A VTiratoa TrttinK a4 rWrio brvifw at Allord' oki aul It R WcKxllvrf rrpair to Simma bri.lra A W Pirt'ta repairior k-ldjrs at J I IlarrU olj aaCl N J C StJtiiiBjra keepiag raita Iron KarreH'e brUj J C Hkr oflitf to gTa.a-1 iry 4 day T J Suks odWr to covrt lra W T Wilder officer to covrt t Uts V J John officer to rort 5 daja Xifi II outer oScer to coart I day Caneelled. II C Kearney lor J 1 TTaomaa ront lor riatlag rax aotkr. A W K Msrtia, 4r aaaovat ol arwaat Henry Uti naklojr eofBa J PStrotWerinrf lor Jack NVbolaoo atxl rkHtlrr It R Wood:e4 nakivsrof!! toe Jack Nirboiao J D Tharrincto r-art of UaiMia; bridr at Alfnrd's el f m21 C W WiiUt prt of bniMmg brv)c at AffoeJ a ol-! aaiH II w w irsrin part of baJ.lic bridir at Altoed'a ol J &U1 Mra MBCST liar WaHl UiUbeU T. Doreer Erittoa llertlia MrToy liarri OmWtk Bolto 8 A II unlet VI r K Oapto . Mrs II Jr'alkoer J K Gapto MatiUJa Ldwarda Parsh Harea KT1 DW-ksrevn Wra II Tbarrioirtoa Naorr TMI J oh a Cut let t VI S Taaaba iIleo Roireea NVk Ooavirk rranR rpcbarrb Joelia N'ooa aod vifs IJitie Strickland Turner Ued2a Wm If Perry and i's Cha llama rteoerra Ferry Oener F!kvr narbnr UtUj l!efi.tero9 Harris Kilty Hpirev brlW WUharca ' Mary AH-y BAcbaa Dneia AKred Doaatca rerrv Weftr J M Terrell and child Nanev Pari lien Tanlkaer and if Ixrie ranrarsoa I'rMtM IltlM Hoi Ierrr Ctbnce Xcnnff Anthnnr Jone II B Attord 'aey Charia Mra Prieein. Doray Hhetly liedJi CUb Daney Mies Mary Vnroaa Nadea Brraat Mary Jao Moy Nick Arrinirtoa Martha Da not on ttie Faotkoer and ch B B Maa ohtir. CSC W for Jeccorr Covrt 1 H1 J K Woodard Kolc4tor'e trm lor Jaaaary Covrt II C Keamer S VhS leraior " Kinjr k Maro medtHae lor Poor Hones Boatb notW pDV do do do do dt do do do do do 0 do do do taeatfe do do pea re do do 4 do do do do do hiaalie 4o do pnpr do do da do do d.i du do r. do dt do do - do do do do do $ do do Is:. tie do do pofr do do do do do do do evpport Prweie Tovs; do bobi oautj paspr do do do do do io do do do do do do do 4o do do H.i do do do do 5o d- do - do do ta do do - do do do do do do do do do do do do do do d do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do . do - do do do do do do . do do do do do do do X do do do Mcb. 3, noc 13 ! . 2iv loca so lot 10 5.1 4 CM 30 U4- 3 OS) 10 nt9 ' 12 O-J 4 uaj 10OV) 604 11 61 C, 3 la) 3 7 irioow 74 lr 3o4 la 2 t 1 Om 1 OO It 1 oe & (m I5 a Km 1 Oo 1 0 ' lu 1 S 1 CM 1 tm 1 tw 1 V 1 DM J tWl 1 O) 1 OO 3 r- 1 lot 1 M 1 A 1 1 o 1 o lM. 1 OO w. 1 1 00 1 o I o 3 00 1 00 2m loo 1 00 J OO 1 oo 1 OO 2 00 1 1 OO 1 OO 1 OS) 1 00 1 00 1 OO 1 OO 1 OO 3m 45 a JSoo 12 1 70 a 20 7 M 67 00 2& 12 1 f lso CO 3 Ho -m0b,Gmy,lct mc go!" A man who has been always favored of women, though he may have been given the best of reasons to know that the heart is no clockwork mechanism, to bo wound up by marriage into a perpet ual regularity of action, -even though for his sake seeming angels may have fallen, is yet, on his own account, rarely mind ed to feel the poisoned barbs of isalousy. A flattering experience has contributed to an armor of self confidence too nearly invulnerable. And thus Anita s venge ful olans fell flat -at the outset. That her cousin "bad once loved "her Donald inew well, but she had hot loved her cousin poor devil! and that settled the matter so far as Donald Cartels was con- Cbloea Cvres. " Indigestion- such a baneful disease where cooks do not mind their parts. Is enred by the Chinese with a powder of dried homed toad, provided it has been carefully caught and prepared when the moon is on tne wane. r . ... . ; Centipedes, which in life produce agon izing blistersjn the neighborhood of their bites, still carry with them In the pow dered sta to the faculty of raising bliater when inade into a poultice. San Fran ciscO; Chronicle. .. 8niL0H "8 CATARRH REMEDT. A mar- velona curator Catarrh, Diphtheria, Coaker month, and Headache. Mfth each bottle ther ia an msrenioas r.osaJ I ejector for the mors Dcmafal treatment ol thees eom- tl unta wit boat sxtracoarfrea. 1 wwew. 8 ild bv Thorone k Aycorke. Looisbnrc,an1 . T C J yner, Fraaklinton, N. U 391 2MJ 2KS -284 2k5 2ce 27 2HH 282 290 2V1 292 3: . 24 205 2'C 2V7 298 20 ' 8 OO 801 802 803- 804 8C5 80 807 804 8O0 aio 811 " 812 818 814 815 81ft 817 818 S1U 8 20 21 8-12 . 8 HI 814 art 81- 817 88 H 8T 340 841 H42 84-1 844 345 a -in 847 848 850 85 1 852 ssa 354 8.'5 3 s 357 358 859- 8GO, 51 362 a5 364 79 5 est 83 2J. 104 17 AO IOC 3 70 17 5 Ilea' 31 2U 4m 00 2 Oo H W Dvke arreet and St niUa trarrl vitb CmMi &rtAbi AV P NesJ k Co., aiaovat of aecnaat raJrf J R M Pv'ler occovat for poor bovee Fefervary Henry Tarboro work done on 8 chairs N D D Msy account tor ul Ire Jio W Harris coffin foe pauper J W Hvauao 1805 raUa oa ator Ut Irnr R 11 Pjarr ririterinc name I Cedar Rock tovlip Jos Bridjr. IrroSa tor Joa HniM, 8r 0 D B Maiaeabvrf, C H C preparing dorketa aa J Uevias eQaiaioa. Ac, aoary ttrca J A Thonaa anovBt ot woaat Oeoahaw Hark k Alls amoaat of aerovat J R Alfnnl amount a rommwou oser, Ac . orjra Wlaato arcovBt aa eommlMkee, le VT K Marti. lr arcooat mm deck to board B F Wilder arount aa ronaWoiwr, Aa J A Bart " TH Collie - - W K Martin. r arena at reeoVre4 J A Bart 3 dj committee o C 8 Cmi Trnrr'm report T 8Cot1ie3 days rommrtta mCSCmI tresarr a repor T 8 Cola 1 day eoaimltteo om (rea aad t)t pWJ F P PHrcvl p taea la ButeniM Ha kins ef . si jab bm taot F P Pelrc vitiMma tee la Htats vs tmm Havk1a.et. si i Im 1 Rfli 1 PheriS Crow leaa la Ktats v t SVorrt iaaaary Urm 181 1 IS W II Bell wit csaa ! ia Htata ra Ed Debasa iasTsarr term 1891 f 11 F.CConka " - - - " i J Z FPrsirc ) p fees la Slate ts iaaJVbesrria et. al , 4 gi W II Perry wltneasleM la KtaU ra tm Kbevrrtart. al, jaa. tma 3l 3 CS Mry it 1 err j - - - w mow Hall M " " - - - - , J W Heoderaoa I. C Hale J f Marray -Henry Gcptoa (karirFalkaerM Andrew jack bob TjJ-fksoa lUddirk Phc Ixv PrW M Hence AUto " Vinril LittHohlr, L CHalo FberiS Pa . RbertSCrev W H Mitcbel I p II L. J ones wit 11 W M oae jnehaa Kearney" HeoryCotort -, Natba Baa " C A Gamer , .VT A Moor I " - Aa Harris Araold - - Caaa Tarboro M M M J era WCXaneoa M M M M " " Job jaM Oaptoa " " C3D4o 1 May MOM . " Charles Braorh O L I3U ---- - , 0 W tsris wiftmm - 1 r r4u . M m , RWMorr: Jp " - Drr Perwv - Wj B MiUbWl ,obtBOthotiiarr , Mrs llMjcx !laye do . do do K l"r-r do . do do . Prittov Me-Min . - - - do- do d MmTooi ilarri do do do -Ki.v ss Poltoa. do do- laaati - BAU"-r'.t do 'do do Mr f. ' j4o do do "do Mr II fi jAMr do do do . J r.' do do rcaatie U''''!i I 7"'aeJs do do saapey ' lW;t i- linji ,""o do do Klin ivktr.v do do do Vti 11 'I .liWlet : d do do . Kiry lr. do do do - i" ';: SV - do ' do " do V. v' ' '" - do do do li- 4. :7-.- do do . do do do lcaw I':-W- I : : ;?'.': do do povpe Ji. .i . 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