llfl 77--7-7 I By A " - a L.1 AT AV. 7.'V: "4-' -V '.-. - "V': . -TFtA Malice towar J none; pith CJuzriiy'fur all 1 1. .SO 7iTr J.V.VCJT, Jdtaxeu LOli ISBURG;N; C;, J A N tl ARY 8, 1892 VOL. ljajLUaiMLJUM.lIBaAJ-Ji Highest of "all in Leavening Fower. Latest U. S. Gov t Report. 1 S'fiSS&SlSi v.-:: nor 1 1 I NOTICE. .) Ciiroliifal-lo the.Snper i-V.uskliu CoiintyJ o. Coin-to Karris, Adna'r C. T. A. of JobnRleh ileo'd .,' pi atntiS vs. , ' - i Richards, Barwell Ttic'iards. Sidney i:! r.la, Georjr Ric'ianls, and th nthr-r , -oe iind-hi'irs of John Iheharila an Trustees of Wake Forest College, da- iipo-sring to ths satisraetioti of tbo ' ' ii. it George ItichardR, cannot;, after ' YMr.m be fonnd and that this action ;V following nature to-wit: A.' J-. P. .Is is the aoministratorwitli the Jvili v,;l of. I no. lUiMiards,-dee'd; r tbatr the ; .-.tor in his life "tirae executed on his lands to jibe Trustees of ;, iivcst College; that the said Oeorge ; Is is on? of tho devwees and heirs-at-i lie said ailrainistratorailesthat : estate, which hag been dfliy ap ; i i -.he mrse of his administration, is ui i lunate t.) pt-ybir dbS-of..hi , i be sale ot ecuns if not all of to will be neessar? to pay his . i action by Ue adussmtata-atof s-at-la and the Trustees ' , C.k,?- is fpr thpuTpose o ;rr:ia-l Ssinsr ths aruonnof thv .. i i h r,:i estate -in Tayo?. of th .;. ke Surest 'fItei, -and '&-' :; it it --can be dsVa?, onjthe ':: !? of laijd as ataoiuj th eai i - v s. and tor tasrso? una- i . first o tUe dett to the sai l ; - : ''nk(i Forest.Ct1a.."aai!;ijexf;' -... 1 cv'irnhiist-rator rf tho pay- - ! r dbfs due by said ?fHte. ' ltic a is a neef;ary' .. ii.-tioa. 'AU of aid land Sksit-! r'n-uU'an conftty, It is:.nv ot ' i i; ;;d !d that pablicatioa-'" the . said action to. the Said Uorg" !, m:ui for six weeks in the . r.ii.j not-Tyia?. him to appear at : of tho Snporir .Court oT ; -i t v on the sixth Moid:iy lie i; Monday in March ltKfcf, And .i - : .linjdrtint' wivitdi will be filed by li.iri.ix the first thre days cf :a. ;!: taax- n tie snan lais so to :t w;ii apply To' the Cofrt for :nniiifi in said Complaint. li. R. fd..S33K3?JUIJ, Clerk BupeHor Conrt. STATEMENT SlIO WING" THS; JIXJMBE3 " OF VilEETIIGiS nEfcDBY T3E JX)MMISSIONER3 OF FBAKiKIAN COUNTY, NORTH CAKOLI- H N A FROM ; DECSM EEB ' 2KD,A. B., - j :?1800, o DECEMBnn, 7th, ..1891; . ANBTTTEE PES DIEil 'AND . MILEAGE "KESSIVEP'pY EACHJMEMBEK OFTETE ; BOAItl) DTIUNG THE TIVE.' -; : 'i- Ntr tube r o f mee t i u ga li eld '2 V. ' T. S. Coms:- .; ": Attended 21 meetings $2 'irF; . "irday - ; $42 00 Traveled 584 iniles at 5 et3. ; - - - . 29 SO CirciiffiMiintjal Evidence VCopyrigbt, IS91, by American Pr8srAssocla he was iiuhSterently r?uiarkiu.' "Well," it is iibont over now. and 1 think 'yon hsid- better get ba 4ny horse, Anit;, and we v?ill htirry fai as fast as jwssibls.'. ; And so they, fircceeiled lown tbestec) trail, saying little, IXmald loading', the. horse, Anita timorously holding lierself on tho slippery : Mircan ; fciddle, vr hiliri Gray plodled alone OehiniL -:" . r ' L. ,1 "It is reassuring to see yott -looking so well," said Donald after a little, looking 'back "with a glancffthat duly considered her flowing - cheeks.-! did not know until last night that yoa had net written. 1 had torun down to Denver Toosdayv and I was detained until yesterday. Cat waen I found no loiters Trona you 1 beg in onnenting myself with the. idea that you .must-., basics; and tui3 morning I mhcance. Her lip -qnivercl pitifujlyr Cnough I was it not enough that her heart, was aching with a distinct physical pain, as clearly.ilelined aa a toothache' And then, jvith a Bwift change- . of fuel ing, 6he wal filled' with fury at Gray. With all the tender ;T)itythit spoke! in he cf 'per mile- - ; ISO "; ' ' "J..A. Burt.: .- AUendcdV21 meetiugs at $2 - : per day, ' v . " $.42 00 Traveled 614 miles at 5 ctsv 'v per mild 50 70 - Total " .' $ 72 7(5 '. : B. F. Wilder- 7 ; Attended 17 meetiugsat $2 ier day : - 34 GO Travel 2S4 railes at 5 cts.-- v porrnile ; . 13 20 Total 7 ; $ 47 . George WrssroN . Attended 10 meetiiigs at 2 ' per day Traveied540 miles at 5 cts. 20 3800 couW hardly get started, early enough. 1 judge that my fears were altogether. mis placed." , i ;-: . ' . "; - ' "" - " "Oh, yes; I have been perfectly well. a shade of confusion on. her faco. ! did not write ,becattse oh, well, there wero several reasons.' ' ' '..'-.'' ; :'" "1 presume" you understood : th-it l would be anxious if you did not.life- lesslj as" a schoolboy repeating a lesson. "I am afraid that view of the cass did not .i:npres3 . me Very clearly with a lit tle uncomfortable laugh. ; She had uot dreamed that merely to nave hira beside her could stir sncu a tumult of gldnes3 in her heart again. She knew, and was strangely glad in th knowing, that with one caresshlg touch t he could put to rout utterly tha demon of anger that had swayed her; knew that with the glance of his blue eyes upon her, tenderly compelling, she could denjthim nothing. Bnt they must have a full ex planation. Donald must know what he had mado her sufler, and how nearly se rious . the ccnsecmences had been. He mr.st oITfer what reasons and excuses he might to soften the juemoryof it. and. -- gnlat NOTICE. ',- virt'te ( f -m order CL the-'Hperir !-'r.n"xHn -HiitT ' reads on the of oviMMbe'r IrWl, in spcei-u' i .is in cause. MttitU-d -'Go," H. . T. iro.-kidv, and V. It. ITocka :if;rs jf Willijnj II-Xay and C-.isrt cf Hi. Ac devisees ex 1,.-, fir-. V."' i'i lit 1'" llocksdsjv, et ii:!oiutin tne . nut .'.it inr he pnrpose.. I wai se.M at li-i. tiiiri. in ibe town of ianklin !i Saturduy ti.e lGth dav'f i!-v 1892, the, following des;ribed orty iu aud near said town of Frank- ! it en strcytadjoi-Dina the f 1. ' staunon and S. Parley i:- I..; on the cornr of lliilfboro and :i streets, known as the o!d stable Ralersh," near the knov. u as the "Nor bit in "New f rrjiiklini'.n, .!:!.st.-.ll lot." ,f side: One-third cash, balance veir with interest fromdity of sale 'it i tr cent. Title retained until lie money is paid in fall. - - . . -i N. Y. Guxt-EY, 2. 1-91. ": Commissioner. kotice: TV- v fi'-iif! of V. N. Ks d'-rs: .'). D.'C 7, 1 I:.,:-... .). per mile '27 CXf Total - 7 , J. R. Axfoed: $ 65 00 Attended 20 meetings at $2 ' por day 40 GO Trav&lod 565 miles at 5 cts. - ; per inilo T- o ox r give her promises that would remove all her ltrrklng fears. Iler joy could not bo perfect until they had come to a perfect cntUrstacuing. Dut a suCden chill failing ujvon her must she, on her side. Ids whclljr. frank? Must sha tell the. Tvhcle story of Gray's miserable infatua tiou? ' "'. . "-- ' In all the novels she had read, the good , wife in similar circumstances always told - her husband all. thereby generally in- his ej-es, fcho knew that in his heart Tnltinn. ihr.t. h . tbit f?rt hrmr their meeting, her husband hail left jier 1 to seek. RZHJther woman; 'tbatr. he Was even ghid.of her pain, hoping it " would turn her.the more- to hita. j." . - ' t "Look here, Gray," she ai4 abrurtly, standing still, "1 . want you to go away at oucd." Go to Calif ofniaK-Ala-dra anywher?, bo long an yon (jo ; , I 4ily doctor told tas to stay in Cd!o- rad.v," he' coolly reported. As. ho'liad cleverly calculated, she waa immediate ly softened somewhat by this allusion, to hisweaknes3. To drive him-away, per- haps to die among strangers, there did 6eem a certain cruelty about it. Yet there was no alternative . ." I Cut there are other places. she suggested,- gently, 'Trrere' is Colorado Springs a lovely place. So many peo ple go there. . . "I .trow, EarcAstically; "a regn ccnsnmnlives - Homo, 1 stopped over there a day and saw the proce&sioa eafch specimen about as clleerful to look njn &s4he traditional Job's turkey, that was eo noor it had to lean ajrainst a fence, to r gobble. "That's a nice, exhilarating phice to go to. "But there are plcn ty of other places," impatiently, "ilany peQpIo prefer CJali forma." 1 -' . "Well, I don't,:- doggedly. - "All the same," his voice softening' tenderly, Jof course I'll go if you say so, Nita." f " tier heart, la its heaviness seeming starved- for .teuderness, w;cj somewhat tonched-by the tone: her own pain had made her pitif nL " In bis selfish, sensual fashion, as much as was in him to care for anybody. Gray Joved her, and this now sefsmt'd. the only love on earth she could rfklly comit' her own., It tcight bo wrong, but for the instant .there was a certain comfort in feeling that thu. at least, would never fail her. - ! "Yon can see that it is best," she said almost tenderly.- --" "Yes; let for us both that I should go and take "yon with me, Nita," with a quiet that belied the excited n'dttertn "Stopl don't sjteak! listen 'to Iving all concerned in no end of trou- Totar 7:. ' . : pW7B. Uzzell - 1 da Comraissiouer and 12 miles, 1880 , :.-.. 'y- One-balf year at'entiou -to Poor House, 1890 "; - . 6S.2-J 2t5Q 5 00 1 day Total : Coin m i ss io tier $ 7 60 and 28 miles, 1800 , , J. W . Young . 1 day. Coiimisrioner and 10 coiles; 1890 - i 1 da' Committee and -difference in mileage ,; t-;c- of s iadfiaent of theSnneriof Franklin county u the case of : rron vs. Ida S. Pearce,; the iia., d Commissioner wilTba Monday- it 1. off'r for sale at the Court .r in Louisnnrg-to the .highest V.iM.t f..r cash (nnless sooner sold vtri vitelvi Jie tract of land on which the late .5. J. l'e:u-ce resided: bounded byTthe La'ii,l:!ra and Nashville - road and the land- of J. T, GilL J. J. Cooke, Ben. Grif-: ):n W'va. ('opped'c ane other, contaiuinei aliouf'.",; acres, after cutting ofFtraets sold j V.'est and -Stalling. Parties vishingtasce faid land will be shown -over it by -idr. R. M. Varec, and if they prefer can bny pri vately of him, in such siae tracts as may 't a -reed upon. Xov. 1. 1S91 TlIOS. B. WILDER. '" Coniinissiouer, 7 Total. : : : ' $ 7 00 ! - W. B. Uzzell, E. SVk.es "and J. W. Young were tlireo. of the Board of 1890 lhat retired on the -let : Monday in December 1890, and were al lpwea;each lday as tooi- missioiier and mileage as shown Mesome complications, which, however useful to promote ' the novelist's plot. must be remarkably unpleasant in real life. And in the present instance. Anita ahsiously reasoned, what good end would be terveil?' Donald' might blame her and, indeed,, would he be wholly wrong.-1 when, knowing Gray her lover still, she had brought him on that forty mile drive alone? when, even after his open avowal, she had not sent him away? There was no getting around the fact that -she had behaved with childish im prudence, to use no harsher term. - And $ 3 40 the shame of confessing jtl And then the lndnniaU n Gray s course mast es- cite! Donald was not easily oved to antrer. but hia temper once roused was fierce as the summer -thunder storm all the more startling from contrast with the warm, smiling sunshine of the hour before. There might bo a terrible scene between theEe men, and to what par- rose?. ' ' .. - " - - Donald could have no suspicion now rapidly reviewing the, situation under the trees,, while her wrath at Gray Camed up afresh. No, tho boughs had hung too low the shameful scene was hidden. And why -should sho drag it forth? A vulgar paraphrase of the old adairecame into her mind: Honesty may be the best jxdicy, but to give one's self away is alwayaHhe worst. The pithy sentence seemed to hsr replete with good his eyes. me. dear. Yon are bot happy, Nitai 1 saw it the moment I net eyes on you, and no 77 1 know tho reason. And why should ycu sucr with it r.ny longer? Let lfce take yoa away. L7 rau.st all your life bo spoiled for one mistake? Do you kniw what percentage of all marriages nowa days end in divorcer Other people cor rect their blandnrs, and way hou.d net youT" Get a divorce it will bo easy, enough and , be free to tnjDy your life in, your own way. Don't look at me lice that, Nita! Why will vou not be sensible? 1 don't ask you to marry me I ask nothing for myself. Only let me take you awav; kt me pro vide for you. and yon may live wherever you like as far from me as you please." "Why should you trouble to lie about tne room, exp'atned with severe rigtia caure that, his supper"haviog been kept waiting so long, it. wna all as dry as chips. Donald thought it "might as wpU ha to been chips indeed, so far as be was concerned. :. . ' ; Tho guests of the establishment were all gathered. in the parlor, some sanguine spirits, having arranged a musical and literary entertainment for the evening. Promising enueaks of a vlohn told the audience that the instrument vraa being tuned for their pleasure, and - ptvsently the performer tnado them A ucat littlo speech, in whieh he said . that he verj much- regrvtteti tmit the piano open which bo must depend f cfhis accoicpaci- ment was three tones below concert pitch. but on an occasion lite that he thought it behooved each oco to do m part, re gardless of email drawbacks. UVdidLta manfully, "and plunged the company into the ueepest gloom with the "iliserere from "II Trovatore. When the applause had mbfaded. which was somewhat un duly extended, owing to tendency on the part of a few good natured people to encourago an encore, which wcakniui had to be stOmly frowned down by those .who had their wits about thoia, the manager announced that Miss Hose would favor them 'With a ballad. Hiss floce was a pretty little cisid j-ost emerg ing from the school girl chrysalis, who sacg in a pretty littlo voice a pretty little walta eong tint delighted everybody. There was no question abont tho enJore this time, and uext thry .were iaformt-d that Mis3 Berry would favor them wilh a recitation. TLu was she whom Gray had dubbed the. antique voung lalv. She had t?vcr rormitted herself to outgrow the coy, bashful manTfcr of extreme youth. Che was tweetly coy now. She could not re cite before so many-fho never cocld. The audience In her" vicinity did their duty lite men and protested that they could cot excuso her; she must give them jnst one little recitation. And, thus persuaded, she assumed a tragically lean nnd hungry look and somewhat dis jointedly by reason cf sundry Upt-cs 0 recollection, gave them "Lockslcy ILdl.' "And tlrs. Jones will cow favor ui with a ballad." the beaming manager announced, -unctuously robbing his bauds. . The lady referred to leaned farther back In her chair, slowly unfurling her -fan, while she said with a languid scorn that called a hot flush to the cheek of tho little maid who had lately sung, "I never sing ballads, Mr. White." "But, really," protested the discomfit ed man, fairly upset by this rebuff, "1 thought you eaid vou would king some thing." - "Hun right along, dear. We are all so fond of ballads," chimed in an old lady, who, being somewhat deaf, had missed the drift cf the talk and imagined her self called to encourage bashful timidity. "Mrs. Jones was educited -wholly In the Italian school," her hnsbond ex plained, proudly glancing arooud the company. 'Well, then, Mrs. Jones, would you sing something in Italian?" begged the v ! a 2,1 AcCORDJ.fO TO LAW OV TJCE AVOrUT OT BXTB XCCOXTXT ftJUM ID ISO ALtOS W TSC ftOira or cocm com uiuoj iu ur hlm ui cot rrr, to imh allowio. Uknma mi riiuT yosiAT in bccxataxa a ihcim ok tst rutr hmmt u mtclml a a 1691. . ' ; .. . ' 543 May 4, '91 ITrb-n Ttn;r-r it like that?" demanded Anita brusquely, V manager resignedly, eying him with Gery scorn. "As If 1 2 SO ;4 20 above..: ".. - zl Commissioner's Office. . . ; . Locisburg N". C, Dec. 8, '91. . In accordancc wil h law,-1, W K. Martin Jr.. Clerk of the Board 1 common sense.- It seemed in every way I iri.iin. uic vmu "give herself away, of Commissioners ot : Fra nklin county! iNortbl Carol ina,7dohere by cert ify that t his is a true state ment for the year ending Novem- m ftiri-.il'V'-iiA a t L ' -'2 A . ' C The ibov? sale waa postponed to Janu- J Oer iSUl, .OI - ine-amount yi n -jsi'i. is92. ; arid miIeage;of E OF MORTGAGE SALE. Vt virt-ie of power of sate contained in a eert-dii deed of mortage : executed by J une'; V Welloas, oe. thft nrt day of April. 1 85, and duly recorded in the ofBc f lb 'i t( r of Deeda for Frtm&lRieounty in H ,kGG, pasre 43&, I - will lell to the '''-li st uidder for c-ish, at 'ibe-Court "nr. ia Lriuisburg, oh'Janbary .26, ;u 12 o'clock.1 M.. the land and prem ih-xeribed in said worta2e deed, bel '"K lai'-roved by dweilina: house," pfiice iJiru and several small teHameHtihous8 8i -.itu vted in Franklinton, von Jftms h'H'L' road aud wellon's avenueji eontain "S two aud a half acres, more or lessr v " Fi,OElSE A; lllNKSii-Jf$: . Mortgage.-', the members of the Board of Com missioners of Franklin county North Carolina, audited - by ; the said Bcard of Commissioners." r "' V. K. MAKTIN, Ji;.$ i , : J . , j Register of Deeds, ;"; ; and ex-olBcio clerS. to Board. MOTIGI .j. . '-. . ', : y .. :, virtue of a deree of the Rnnerlor Court -rs ! : two tr By ?, 1 ' nl.lin . ouDty made nt Pall term 1S91, in i m s . ofR. y yar.wro. AcUnr. of V. T V- MIIMS n ! ntlwn no.4ir.nf B" n1 nth. Us 11 t thi Court Rouao doof"in ui-cr, on We tnalsir; J?iTic.-.r 27." 1893, ii'tf on jv r-.s '.r.nfh.-adioinlnsr- ih.r lands o ( l i'i - nd others, contal.-.rnjr 63 acre. jnp n':i(.r iVing on rjavls' branch, adjoining ii . t Leonard and othars.. concalninar Vt ?-".r: Th ' sua will he at public anrtlon to iga st Liaacr andforeaen. -- Dae. E, asai. RwY. yarbouo,, '.: Com ni lssionor. KOTICE. 'ari!o JlOI). rt ion of the will of the late Louis new. the nndersicrnedcwill :on av .Tn.ininrv9S"'-lfi'Q7 jifto.. fnr m1 - 1 'ugliest bidder. ,!' tilt- an. for ciish, a oortion ot Rain liftrtholomew. contain 1:l 04 acres. SlHioiniiKT Iflnrta nf Shr 1. Wilder' and. the Warren ion dj tir C, YY y. '- "' road, A plat thereof jtau be seen, by calhug on Thos B.-Wilder.. .,. . - - Dec-18, '91. - Zu Bartbo'omew, 510 5iEWAUI. I will pay flO lor thearrest-jof ! The- rain had ceased before tney reached the ranch: Donald UftedT his wife down UDon the piazza, and . then snranff upon the saddle himself "again. "I havo a fmall package for Df Rogers,' he said listlessly, "and I think 111 ride over riirht how; between the showers.. ily horse is quite fresh." - -;.;;".,".:''""-- "What! now?" exclaimed Anita in a hi?h. dlsnleased tone. . "You are all wet and tired out iYon can send tlio pacx aire nerfectlv- welL' " ;. "No, 1 have .some messages for him too..: I must ee him myselr. and I may na well ; rro now "and get the thing done . with." - lie waa' longing to get away .by John; Svjaith,wmte? who. escaped -himself, to gain time, to look this strange j her iu 6harp reprou from Franklin com in the face and measure its ; idon't I know 19th mst::; r;:-' : . - V . ; -i meaning. "1 iwon't . be gone long ue i roa are in u :f DESCRIPTION. added lifelessly. dou't think of hurrying Hon my romii, eyes' fhishing angrilyrthe hair, about 5 feet lOxnciienj and. weigns aDOun x-iu pouuus. - '-T. Franklin county .'. .; FIRST-CIJASS BE! won'tTnind tryiajto keep my spirits up. wwill youT; laying her - hand familiarly on his sleeve," smiling brightly as she met his eyes with a coquettish glance. "He has made a wonderful , isuccess of it this week I tian assure you," with a cor less nod at Donald, as, without -another word ho rode away.- , ' i ' . The brilliant smilo was gone, leaving a hard white face, with anger burning hVa rals in her eves. Gray looked at Having opened a first-class -Restaurant in Louisburg, I am - prepared - to . serve meaisst all boursjCan . furnish a lew1 S8ii?kef betfandi her compassionately as hesilently walked !t't?i.r oitL. - Atu-v-lrsidft her. following her quick, nervous call in .when you are kuugryaild you shall have satistactit nc 'Z S .' ' :l . 7-.-r,;--;-KJ-Ilespectfnlly' ;'"'i--.' r ... . : - : ;.B HAWKINS.'." ;7:V W.MMcGilEE, Proprietor. : 7'; Good accommodations.- pofitio servnta, '.-?j?, and the ' best lkre ; the market .7-:; aflbrds. march np and down tho deserted piazza. 15vervbodv-seems to. 1x3 having sup per," he remarked with studied careless ness presently.-"Had we not better get into dry clothes and nave ours or wm xrrm wait for Don aid?" i" L-'-'V-" She' laughed a hard, mirthless sound. "Well, ifwe want any" supper- at all I think we would better not leave it to any enr-h remote continsencyTia thatT v And yetyou have not had enougn did not know that "you Ire only hopiug to marry mo when once that convenient divorce is obtained!",. I wonder you are so ready to scheme to get hold of. second hand goods. , . . I ' Yes, 1 hope; why should I be ashamed to own it?" retorted Gray boldly. TTet. on my soul, dear, 1 swear that if you will but leave this man whom you love and who don't love you" She drew back as if she had been struck. "1 you will but go with me now I vUl never ask so much as a touch of your fin gers that yon do not of your own accord offer me." " - "f ": . ) - "That i3 so likelyP her eyes blazing like stars with her scorn, "when I ra fairly black and blue now from your compelling embraces, when it is not an hour since you were brutally forcing me to endure caresses that were an insult to my womanhoodl" - Gray paled before her accusation. Lis eyes shamefacedly falling. ! lost con trol of myself for once, xita; but you ought to understand and not bo too hard on ice, - ho said, humbly. "Can t. you believe me if I promise that it shall never occur agaiur. !; - j ."Oh. yes; I can well believe it will ceverTiappen again," significantly eying him with ineff ablo contempt. "If you cared for me ever so little you might twist me around, your little fin ger," murmured Gray tentatively, j "Baht I don t care enougn ror you; to touch you with a pair of tongsl" she ex claimed, furiously. "To. me you axe absolutely repulsive.". t'S y ;"- " j Gray's velvety black eyes were for, an instant brilliant with passion. 'What possible trood can it do you to try to hurt me like that?" ho demanded, turning upon ch, "You don't mean your temper? But4)0- fury at your husband. who deserves it, why should you want to be cruel to. me, whose only fault is lov ing you too "well who would give toy life to route you happyc , ' v . ' . . I "1 snrnoseyou would. Gray," she Raid slowly, with a pitiful, subdued "air, of sadness. "Dut nothing, you could? do would make me ha pry you . must see that. ; All you can do is to go way now. as 1 asK yen.: , :f " Well. 1 will, go." then " quietly. curious lisrht in his eyes. T will leave vou to the mercies of that man for little while longer until he shall teach von to . know tho worth of a love like mine. I think I can trust, lain to do it for me Avith Mrs.-Rogers tindL assist ance." with a sardonic "smile. "And when you have learned the lesson, Xjta, rTnAirsr tnat ine oiu ioto ia wuuuj for you, always the eauie," I- : LDl it." murmured -Gray, with quiet sir Just give them a bit of opera, dear est," urged the fond husband. The lady rose condescendingly. "Tliat is her forte opera," he continued, in a loud whis per to his nearest neighbor. "Would you believe it at a private concert lately she sang sixteen pages of Norma without her notes." - "Is it possible?" ejaculated the other, apprehensively eying the lady, who was vigorously screwing up the piano 6tooL "Sixteen pages! Mighty ScottP mut tered Gray. "I think 1 am going to have the nosebleed." "Often when I get her to ring for. me iu hotel parlors she ia taken for a pro fessional singtr," went on tho complacent conGdenco. "I suppose her style of dresa" mur mur ed the embarrassed confidante, feel ing called to say something, but oppor tunely stopping there. Mrs. Jones' style cf dress was regarded by feminine judges as daringly loud and theatrical. : M Yes; you would suppose her style and manner eo quiet and retiring would contradict such ideas. There is nothing professional about her appearance, but it ia her voice, with blissful complacency. "I think her voice will astonish you." There could be no question but that everybody was astonished at the voice. and. incidentally, before they had done with it, at their own powers of endurance. "Bravo, bravo, my dearr cried the happy partner Of the voice, when at last the performance came to an end, and people had leave to breathe again. - Bet what , was the song all abcutr sharply demanded the old lady of her neighbor. . - ' . ' ."vhy, we don t exactly know, you know," uncomfortably." responded the youth addressed. "It wa Italian, you know." . ' - Z. - .'".-.'' Unr contemptuously retorted, the aed cynic,. in a loud whisper, disap pointed about the ballad. reckon it'a iust as well we dont know." When folks ring in a foreign tongue it generally look to me like a pretty sure sign that it I some nasty stuff they wouldn't dare speak out if anybody could understand it. w V:- - To Be Continued.'' ' :-7:-Tv-:; . CHAPTER XI. -- Tha eveninsr was well advanced when Donald came back to eat hia surper Tn the bare dining room.where ghosts of de parted dinners walked in sundry greasy smells. .The landlady, passing through 54 4 545 54 J 54T .1(9 f.r.d r.ct 351 f - R5U 5C0 TCI sr.j . . 5-U . r.- 5C7 ao- IGJ 570 571 il v 57.1 574 575 o7d 573 5M1 W A I it-o way o, 581 5H4 Tom 1, 5S7 -r.-v) - 5;0 I50J 5i i - . 505 I 5'Jl 5U7 5i).S 5&'J Gy: Col CuJ o-4 64 Co3 Col S07 Go8 6o3 c;o Gil uij Oil 014 61S 610 C17 C18 C19 6io cat 6Jt cm 627 C2S 03 1 c:2 ca.i CJl MJ 6-S4J 637 eta 640 Ctl C43 C4 C44 r45 - 047 648 G40 C'.o C51 C.'.i 65-1 C5V 655 c.-.a 057 65 S 659 Ctio 601 0C2 CC3 6 V CJ5 607 ' Mi3 Jb1t8. C413 670 T1 . 07i 67 4 074 675 G70 , 677 67S , C7'J 6.-H0 ' - " OS I Wi - est 635 . C-7 CS-i -'"- " CJl Otrj 604 . Urrd. rpebarrh JvOn Naoo nod tl LUfc t'TRcllAMl TnrtMr Xedila 111 Dart' . rU-cca Trrry - Dn FMliafMT I'.ircivru lUrd-y - llmd-rw HrrlA IUUa WllhAU Alary AH V llaens Uav( . IVmr V;ttr J U Trrr- d uod rLHd Nac-Y UnTbi -IVb rnclimr acJ wil lorU l'orji-roa KrrHn Hi or Kol r-TTT Catlurtu Yoaoj Anifconjr JotK-A li n AKrd ?,'by O ' IV.".!!! I'aVb 1ais"V V! o M ji ry If a rra a Nad-o try art Mry Jim MoT Nick ArTutoo VfHb Ihjnirton N-tt;- Ku'k.fr exd c-ilJ C-dj lUjUin LUam lbr(p lo Terry Adsa Webb rr W 11 IVrry om month ooi! riapr do . do io co do do 4 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do . do do do do d do do do do do do do do do do do lnu do rapr do do . do do mrport rrW, Yr iDOtrtb UQtA. I rf do do do do "do do do do do do o do do do do do do to do do do . do tU do do do do do do do do do OO do do do do ' do do do tN do do t.. do do dv do d A do d., do do do do dt do do do do do W h rvnon Atty to C A G.vrtoer rht u iimoi i Oooilo iAnd Inr PrTiay Craita o- moatb onuid iner iyi do do do II M Fn:ir rn mouti bo-vr 1 ol pip-r R M V'n'.Ur 5-urr-U tor at lo.r b lUfat rC.rQ 'j 35C raula oo vrr in Clo d 2J;3 toi Lij V'-utr iYccI n iinax caty Wo K D I'.n-.ell nintiI ol Acrouct lor J wlrr H U MAft!bnr. (' H C eooint ol arroaat lor 14aaV, 1c Hvl'tt & Ha Tlx rpiHa2 lri.? foi C-lr rrwk J A Tb tn&A Bouat oT s --onat for THColit 4 dura rosaiocioSrr ad II J 1 l in - 1 . a l l l 1 to 1 'J. I I 1 1 1 I I 1 ' I S- 1 :- 2 2 J 1 1 1 t 1 1 2 1 . 1 ' 1 . 1 t I 1 1 . I -2 U. 5 J 1 1 17 I t 1 i H I i a : Geonr Winatoa " " " lr J A Burt " " " IU J H A'.'orJ n-j II K WJ...r " " " C V K Mrt;n. ir " " tlrr toWrl a C rv-arn-y H " o'acrr to lWrd S A Jof trTxur oa to-k l K',?. I li ton k t'j aa.wat f -o-int for Jra r W kriio.jrniht ofarronat f l-d J m Bsr-A AitmA Iro-a, tu r uarrriln Rmqi at April Una 1891 U Mtrray - C K-roT aVrril f la mi ot fralt fi Joha !.l"a T d t!i 2 dya romnutl- oo CSC report and liiur tatro n r txler 1 Uy coauitl'r? on brJj 7 ST-i 115. II r. It - lit 1.1 13 1 I - ftt . 7 . J4 . YTdli MiU b-!l lr Maxa lUyea i: l7vy r.rittoa M.llli MraTory llrtrr1. KUi a t-t h Itlion S A IUkM lin K Gaston Mr U Faikur J II Captoa Xlatikla Etwarda Karvh Hajmi I.lla IMrkiTAoa Wm II TharriaBton Nancy iV'l JohnCAtUtt Al S YttUfchno ilr!rn Korr N ck Cfirk lrui; l"Uurrh Urn Jo! n3 Venn JJaxI yrH-kland Turxw M.sL-'a Vm II IVrry t'h liarrui Ibecca Perry leva K!tr.cr Itarbara Un-Wy Heudrmoa llarrt lal 11 Will.arca Mr.v AIVy I'rUna lKia rrry Vrfer J U r.-rrt-U and child Nanrv Dtvia n Futtlkoer aad Ua lxri rarratvoa Frnc-ia llicco Hoi IVrry CotHt-rioe Toot J Aritl.ofty Jnba II B Air.rd CnH- CbrtTl Mr r"nril!a Dorry 8Url!y Medita CnWb r.anrv iiM Wry Furtnaa Xadro Kryant Mary Jan Moyt Nk-k Arrir)lo:i M.irtka I anstoB Ntti Fan!kir and cLUJ Klixa Phrlp P-rn V-rrj A naA Webb a retry . Voaay Ktacs inu-o Atw ' Mrt Ann Prrry Ceo 8 Baker W It Yarboro -W N Fb1t C rri'ehnrJ J R Uitrbr-cr W H Jojraer R !4"oatr T II Waitukr l'.Tar4 Wei Jon F P I'f-rt-a j Prrrf Wiina J C Wliwtoa j j roou . - i It K IVooa . Tt W Laac-ftAtAr . K A Serd ft H Stricilaad J C TUUr do do do do do do do do do do do do do do . o do do do do do do do do do do do do do loalb ontaiJ pAopT do do do do do do no do do loBri do paapcr do do do do do do do do do do do do ?o do ! do do do do do ' do" do do loaatie do p a do do do do awpport rr.- Tojt 4 mocta oataiiie pauper 00 1 St do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do dc do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 10 do do do do do o do do do do do o do do do do do do do do do r, LocUbarg tcDahip 1891 Uat takvr itMMor FraakKaloa LUt taker 1J4 taker Frmnaca. Aaaraaor Umt taker Odr Hork Axvaaor Savannah, Gmm M!.zi-bS5. 13??. llefser Lpf ejinaa Bros : j I wa4 ru3em.2 with weakness and ccneral deb3ety, bein almost iucaisulia ted fr m- a; md-nz to my : business: J was forcid lo call on Dr. )V hi ehead fo treatrocut. - lie at ouce put uv on i. 1. I', (i'rickly Ab l'oke Hoot ud rotas sium)and afler taking two or three lot tlcs'my lionLh inip'royid, and, U1kusI euffcriug fomclinie with- xcr.erd ; weak ness, debility ' and cntarrh, am How eup iratlvtly n well roan. .. WiCi Cornwall & ' hipo.an. . o"i! by Thoia Ji & Ayccxke. , CV5 6iHt 6a7 cos 7oa - 701 70J 7ud 704 705 700 77 7oS 7o 71o 711 . 7ia- 718 714 715 7ia 717 71S 710 72o IJAttaVn-Saodcrvak -Li-tUker l!arr4a' - - H D IliHiam cofJn lor Jo-hoa Neaa AVa A eolaa tor Cath-rrtw Yoxiac W If Poo A accooat mired for l-rklif- at TackAoa'a awl " W D Kearay coa-yiasr t Willlaaaaoa to jaJ w D Kearrse- roarey ia Jaa Prrry to id ' w U Yoaa rrpalrtajc ' on atork Uo v w Perry xowot io Harr' toobALip. If 01 J 4 PbKttt - " . - R M Folr aecootl for poor fcon C R Allord aaoeat ol aroaat for mir oa eoaty Wtt i w Haanaoo u-st ol r-cmt for rpalra on roaaty fraco w O an roeyla JoSa Kmita to lad j A Tbotaaa tor ord-v No 5 VI tor 11 5. UanJ -at 1(31 loot L Elh. p etasataat koa ot Amos TVtaaaa. loaatie I) w Km a. pramiAtUa of ritrooa IVtenam, looatr lr E H F.t-r ornalA4ct Wra.'ti 6 nur-tia to tc"j 1, 191 E w SAbir cotfi tor BiAAbrlh KlrVklaaJ T 3 folli Intlr:-; and wtitoc trldga at CdAr rrwrk aaJ irpir- Ina' 2 irao 1. T fTortoa repairinjr fall -raa -K I linn-41 arat of lflATaat fAr 0 . Eiard Rroagktoa Ucdio-t two t Wka l3l ' - -Oor7 ietoa on day aa wniuioat i April at 4 t1 kiVti joKn R AKord - " " - 24 - . - BF wilder m ' m . u - 14 " A liart , " ' " - - SO - . TC4:i " J- . ' - 21 w K M Artio. Jr on dy et-rk to YWard I A prf! II C-Krarnrjr oada? pCtU Doard ia .yr2 . w K Martin, jr aat td ajoal mdiprd II C Kea mey a moan t ot -n at riJTd B R MaAratanr A-moaat ot acroaat r-ld ' cr axtta r ct; J yaaprr v. rv. rtntloaVf-dUn WiHla Mit Vlt Airs Toay Hrrl do do do do do do do do do to ca rc-in:i i i J 4 1 1 . i 1 . Zi t a 1 I ' . ) 1 . 1 1 r , i J a 1 - - A 1 . 5 " 1 a . 1 3 ? 1 t . . J . . 1 . 1 . a 1 .-. 1 i f . - 5 i'K : ' 1 32 Ma 14 ra s in , a If 4' : n f h a 41 If St 1' i: r n li- r 1 t i - It A)

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