. yoi -C-"' .'."; -?k "r :"'-!" AlTElQMASl&Jitorand tiopr&orM ' - J H7 ' Malice toward IF a" ; Charity far aU . v . vol;. LOXJISBTJRO, C., .FEBRUARY 5, 1802 " NO. 52. 11 f i i . :4Ui: : i- I n ' " ifv. , V ' - V v ' ' Ac" IrT-.' '" V i:----XK J; .".1..--,-;. J' f -,sr- - ' s Leavening Power. Highest of all in Latest!; $1 Gov't Report. ?' arils' '- '-6.t"v'i--"c;T7 "-..iV-f wmmmm A. -T. Jno. Hi. 1 :;: tin l; of of North C;.fiBa In tha arripT k' rail Kim toinuv 1 , vrv' . s, dec d., piaiatiu . ; ;- ..- ; . Richards BHi,we!!vRifrhardKK'Si(3n'y I hards. Qeorice 1ucnflkrMvant th ota.er issys ii.ud hoirs M Jiirhard- an! Ti-astses o! Wake Forest College." e-ff , . - v . -. . -i.r 'l:i!its. - . ! r a ri n g to ,the "satiRf action "of. the" t -,!Mt George R.icha'rdn, Caunot afteF iiiig -nc? b loand; and thft thfe taction. th following natlireto-witr-lA. J. P. ll iriia is the administrator-will tne. wul an ; of Jno. Richards,; d?o'4;;; that th? utii tst.-itor in hta life, time execatwl a morti; ip ovr his laoda to- the TrosteesVof Wake r,orestJConep;that the sld Beofge I?ir!i;rds is one of thdevie?8 and helra-ati luw. an 1 the Raid administrator alleges that tl! .. .nunal estate, Twhich has been duly ap" jjiiWl in the eorae f h AdniinistrfjQn, tota iy iniideqaateta' p'yth-' J.?St1."6f his t stutor, and the sale of some if not all of his real estate will be ueeessary to pay hiR tleiits. and fchia actios -by the admiifistratQi gainst .the heirs-at-law and the. Trcstees o Wake Forest College is for the purpose o: iiKCPrtaininff and fixintr,.the amount of the rharae on the real estate in favor--of the- T rusteea of Wake Forest College, and- ad justing the same if it can be done, on the reverul parcels of land as among, the said fitvernl devisees, and for a aie thereof and the payment, first of the debt.tOuthesajl: Trnstees of Wake Forest College, und fiext 1 hrouh the said Administrator of the : pay in r-nt of the other debt daa by "-said "estate. Th said George Richarda is a neeeeary jarty to said action. :"A1I afraid land issit uated ia Franklin county It isi now' ojr 3rr(8 a:nl adjudged that publication of .the' notice of this said actioii.to the said George Iiic trdr he made for six' weeks" in the Fa a. kl:s Times notifying him to appearat tl-.t uit tnu of - the Superior Cort of Franklin county on 'the sixth Monday Te-for-the first Monday in M&reb 1892, and se-sswer t! corapiHit which wiitbe filed by the plaintiff during the nrfittlire dajs :of t he nnid term, and thaMi he shall fail so to io. the plaintiff w-ill apply tOv the .ourt Jor tii" relief demanded iu soLl complaints This 15th December . Clerk SujseriorXourt. : IE. tircflraskntiai EvidcRc By .HAEY STICOET.' ; a "Blight movement a.3 if he "rai5ht.be going, to bend and bisa her. as he used to' do wlien ehe followtni biin" to the door lilp this,:, but . eh? drew ' tack quickly tnrninf;,her hpfiJ to hide, her burning hlosh. .. He mnst Dot imagine that the had followwi hiru-fur ttiat. , - Eler stJ?attrimed utterly exhausted as sue .8kjjr- 4iraei. htrstar. oj the Etairs to toe-notn he bad made her studio, r With a i, yeriJi energy the had fir that faintly slowea ia the t wilishvl 71 JfUTV 1 ' when Doaald camo in. !-IXa. stood atOL I L - tl."Zr.i vIlS xTT m t r. .J . . ' . timt Wtt.4 Mr Aon tmxl una in linntW Hera, tt " or imtihi: hnt iWfc. 4 'uaufv w "W.UB w capo lOopjTisht,i IS91, by American Preaa Assocla-1 . 'Hours had msserl -by, and nita .was still sitting motionless J before" the dying" QGli ;' f . -. ARE1STILI; IN :i. : ; .'iv-'-' ;.- "-5""-"- v'i- ' " And have theusnal line. of goods "generallj carried in a first-class 5 yoa, ha said hesitatingly, with a gen tleness sha . had not heard.; for, many a. day. H Yonr cousin's letter wa no mere ruse to induce you tqome to hiint he told the truth about his condition. J have jnst I receive ! a telegram, aud -can't you guess, -Nita?" - : :y r 'G-ray is worse?", staring trp at him wnu auii, norror stncfcen eyes. - ;- "xmq; ne.is better, ler.- . Urav aaa gonO'-'OTer the range. " ' ' - .1, : " Such as Drugs, Medicines, Pat- ehi :"an"djpprietry6pds;;Fan ;ind Toilet" articlfs, , Spectacles, Eye ; Glasses, S tal i oh ary f F ine Cutlery, Razors, Blank s Books, Lamps and Lamp goods, Garden Seeds, Inks, Dye?, Fine Perfume ries Tobacco and MedicinaLjLi quors. The finest line of . . .. : C1GA11S in to.wurfrpm 2 for 5 to 15 cents . I Fi a vo ri n g'E x t rac t s- F i ae KOTicE. . ; i : v Tly virtue of a mortgg (leed'maido .Taii niry 8. 1890, betweeu T. N.:-. Wet-er-'; alid w lh' Matilda Wester, -and "EertoH & Ford, -f e-?i at public auctron at'ths - J'oart Honoe door ia Louisbur. K, C on Moi -:av. i-Vb. 15. 1892, the-foiiowme: vA cw- tuia tract of land, the Wyiiam Earls tra, i ljo: nin the lauds of i W. P." : Etri, " S.t'ly V. ood and J. J, Murphy, aiufknavn. as-t-Le-jlnce .hereou the-aid TlvN W.taster now iiv. contsiTiing 37icTys. Also a second tract of land adjoining the lauds t.of - J; T. M ood, Benj. Wester and jEd Wobd, sud known as the tract of land iJrawn by a t Ida westetiii tie .diisiod-; of"tlie . Iveky wester tract, cohtainhag 20 acres: 'X'fZTpz. AUo the following persona! Kperty:i.l pided Ox, about 10 years oltk 1 Oi tftr I redi': 2 ho.8, all farming tools. a'l shop tools, 8 feather beds,'! ; mattress, 3 'bed Kteflds. 1 dock, all covering for-3 beds' and ot.hpr I) i in qohnM stnA bito.hpn fnrnitnfft of Only ycsterdny nitcrnfum, andya Utile Tlift fnt tnn wrwi wpro oVinwo-Hn t tVi PowderHair bresfiingr Blacking mockery of ; snowflakea;.; jftramer was i -n i "i t, i o working Its miracles of beauty upon the and . Blacking Brushes, Spices, terth;tmd weary hearts were, stirring .Kerosene- Oil, ? Lanterns, and va with evanescent taste of youtb again ia from her burden of wearisome thought. .The room was bare of furniture, save for a few. chairs, an' ea.se 1 - and a table covered with an artiat'a lillur. Sketches n oil and water colors were pinned upon jthe . walla: jiu unfinished picture was upon jne eaaeijier palette, untidily set as she had left it the day ; before, Uyon the uiule. and beside it, tiva nlender glass vase, the rosebud &h had painted had burst into perfect .bluoin. bhe dropped, heavily upon a chair, staring dully aronnd r.t her work upon the walls. '""A rush or recollection was upon' her. ; it spcmed as if she could see where misery the brush.. - It aeeined "that In these sketches stu could see. written in a hiero glyphic only her eyes iai4;Ut read, the history of those dreary, dragrring rnmiths when with i this work ue uad tried to fight away thoughts of the nnhappiness that nevewirelaxed- its grij pa. her. She found' herself dreamily .wondering why, en death would so quickly come at call,' she-had still lived on, piling the burdensome days one on top of another. For what had she been waiting? Waslt in" the weak- hope that Donald would come; back to her when his fickle fancy -veered again? Perish the thought! . - : " Sho began doggedly working, sketch ing n the great pink rose below yester day s"painting of its half blown youth, but her brush moved lagging! y. Wearied she Was to the utmost limit of endurance of her colorless home life, of the narrow, routine of the little town, its dull dissi pations of church socials and card par-.'J ties, its treadmill ' round of calling and gossin peddling. Why was it not better to die, at once? Ort if she would live, why humility that wonlJ bring: tears ta her eye at an "nnerpected kin.lnse4.-S09 had fallen Into a listless attitaJe, expect ing uotbmgof life, feeling only mortidly snre of sorrow, finding ever a shock of sweet Brurpriae when a friendly heart. waj j found to rlan soma amaU tieauuro for her. ..- :s- . : . - MAnl'what.be yoddoinT queried th ast, bentUng over the fres'j" caxrras as if to wmiU the fresh rainL . '."- ; vTrying to paint this rose," Anita in flnigfntiy, ex:iiinev iua:c.iting tke flower, vailesheuiiceremoniouy broke icjne of the delicate cakes. ' . - - - " YcsT docbtfully stnJ ring the point-- tng. Wby. you've kind of eot a bunch of 'em here, hain't yon? But you hev got 'em j st the color of rosea, for a fact.' in a tone of 'kindly encouragement. "And how long hav voti been a-doin' thisT: ; J. ' . . , -Only yesterday afternoon! and a little while today" ; . ' - - " ': ,' Land , wakesl Cut then Id'know'M youv gotx au-thing. better to drt," as if good naturexlly bound to find excuses for such awful waste of time. It must be awful tedion,- though, aettin still that way. No -wonder .you look thin and peaked," You'd Ought togb oufmore. , "Do you think soT with amiling Indif ferenco. . "These cakes are delirious." "1 most" generally hey gool lack." 1 with cbmfo'rtable 'complacency.'-" Bat t .l Li a..- . " . f j m u vuj4" . w get oni uiore, .!. say. .Twonid. kind" of chirk yoa op.; Yhy don't -yoa go over. now. and "see poof Mi.-f tti')gersr V ' . "ilrs. Rogers?- with a qu"ck, sur-, prised" gesture of . recoil ( "And ". why Arlrs. RogersT',- ? '-.'- ' ."Because 6he!s in trouble, that's jwhy, I thought as .L waii coraiu alon. that 1 would :jest speak to a about her, for .you've got. more tiuio aud money, ty j, for that laatter, to spare for csisUboria' than- the heft of has." J . .."And what is the.trouble? Ilave the .neighbors been talking about her again?' her nostrils faintly quivering', a cruel smile curling her lips. "If they be, they ain't aayin' no worse than that the doctor ain't bad business enough to- keep salt in their porridge. and that they are about wan tin the neo essarie of life, tea. "Or courso Ihey are too protrd t. say anything, but i bev it . straight . T1IC DAY OF YQt XO MlV. , Tley Are at t he lYoot I n Ijaryrr Noa r bcr NowThaa Kver llcfure. Prom the Aaguta (Q ) Chroui'tot . " The. young man who hesitates to accept or assnine stations of responsibility and trust because of his yonthfulness, and waits for the dignifying', and solidifying Influence of. mature years to fit him. for the po it ion; is not a close student of the lives of men who have impressed their -.names on their country's history. While older men shako their heads "and remark, in half-complaining tones that boys know more than their fathers these days, yet from no source does the ambitions, determ ined young man receive more cordial encouragement and sup port than frora.. these, same men SuulW Fan 'rlnt rtstcring , Mere is known about fertility thsn ul to bo. Ccta raercjal manures "are r.or cheap compared with what they were thirty years 'ago. They will make clover grow, "where .ether? wise tluis rerlOratifjg crops would be i m possible. Bat as has al ways been the fact, keeping mere stock ia the best and surest way ' to restore land to fertility, Thi rill require additional capital, and also greater care and skill. It means that farms mnct btt made smaller, -and . more tbor onghly tilled. Most cf the farms even in the. Eastern States, aro larger than oue family can. man age succcssf ally. ' By dividing them, the land e its tains a larger who declare they are being shelr- population, and iniialns it better d for the boys. It is not that than it could under the. old sys y nth knows more than age. (em. It is, of course, worth more. lint viben a youth, buoyant vith The localities where thlf "poller hope and confidence, his Thion 5 zn taken nr ' will take the fjQus other, go'ods which -you "can get by calling. for them. rviPH&MS 'MSCBMOXS :' joy with nature's rejuvenescence. In "every softbreezer that fanned his cheek Donald Cartels heard a whispered "invitation fcr the woods. While . the streams were" still so swollen from the accurately filled by a Registered sPnnS no1cx,lsM u ?ver7 trout beyond T. -':) , 1 -"-" the possibility of seeang", temptation, in Tn aiimacist, at any,hour day or alluring fiy, heiust fit joints the srery description. Jan. 12, Tenns of nale cash.- g re EOE tttON & FOBB. igatt and we guarantee gredients to bo'tts . - i:r: -PIJSB as can be j had anywhere. , Any of his srlit bamboo together to , make snre it waa-j-eady Jot, conquest. "musf lovingly Jinger over the parti-coloml pages of his fly book, and lay in oew supply of superfluou3 linos and leaders.' "We aretalking.cf going up on Snake creek to spend-tlia Fourth," he an- goods not kept in stock" will be nouhced, with anticipatory delight. ju3t "They say the fishing there this year is ordered, for responsible parties Please ? examine our stock and you will find it efficient both in " QUANTITY AND QUALITY; notice. " ;', By virtue of a mortgage dSed,. made Jlarch 13th, 1890. betweea-Ji JsfMnrray and wife V. Murray, and FiN. Egerton: Trustee for pgerton &"ForiJ and Greea & Yarboroi I wUl sell at public- anetion, at the Court Hoasedoor .;- in fjoui.sbarjr, iN. C, on Monda?tv?eb15, 1892, a-cer-taiu tract of land lying iu' .Cedar Rock township, adjoining'.the lands of. Sallie Wood, Nazie Wester, Wm. Earles and others, containing 35 acres." Also anoth er tract of land' adjoining the lands of William EarIes, W.HSwason; Lfsha Perry and others,- containing ; fifty : oae and one fourth acres',; both : of - which are more fully described ia said inert gage deed, registered in Book 85; page 150. Terms of sale Cash. - k vj 1? Jan. 15, 92. ' -rF. .N. EaaaT0, jfi " . -:"Trustee.;' ' tronfi. We 5 "GUARANTEE-PRICES to be as low as any iiouse using the. same . . . 2. :. . - ,ci;abs ' of good ; 'TJiv'e. us a call and. we will give. you every advantage possible. . - Yours, &c., .v 1 V THQMAS & AYCOCKE. 4 nndimmcd by the doubts and prejudices engendered by long acquaintance 'with the Vorld, his ambition -not w-itbered by years of dreary struggle for enbsistence, his heart full of lore" fcr human ity,' aud his sotil vibrani Kith the grand possibilitics'cf life when such a youth, fresh from study and with intellect- well stored, can xn'odnt at once to the. point reached by his father through yearsof bitter experience, and from this vantage ground begin with unwontsd shorp-1 tho battle of life, he isthe better equipped of the two, just as "a up lead in farming prosperity... Straw tjcrry tlllgbU"' should sM not make her Ufa somewhat worth the living? ' She was fairly rich. Gray's money she- had- net yet touched,. and between Donald and herself it had never been mentioned but she had not forgotten that it was hers, to do with as she would... It was a magician's wand In her hand, to open the treasury of all earth' treasures. She would lika-to study art. aad here the pjKrtuuity was Ldatch in futile effort after the drifting hers if she would but take it. .Sheh-vd j silk that sifted in a white shower through enough,' and 1 know it is so.. And has been so poorly that she yloi mucn or anytaing but set and cry. Uebbe yon know that she is expoctia' a baby soon f-, - . ' ' "No; 1 did not know," sail Anita slowly, absently watching a but Luloa branch of Cottonwood swaying across the window, one bare twig seeuring to t Strawberry blight, also callcl rust, rpot, ecald and sun-born, is very common dar'mg lammr'r tnontbsln beJs JTer ooe'yearolJ, and -its action 6 Vnfceblcs the plant that the second crop is gen erally much inferior to the first. Tho disease is caused by a minute parasitic fonguy, "Sphartlla Fra gariae. The best remedy is to mow off the leases soon after 'the fruit is gathered. Let them dry Tdo 4;dwar Perf hcf 11 on lheul- Into the walks find bum them. vj va a a imu a v iusiuvi I . . m u .t. i -linns aestroying tue apores jdi NOTICE.- .By virtue oi a mortgage deed mae the" 2?rd nay ot January iisau, mween w. w. niues sndO. W. Hines and Pv N. Esrwon.- aad ooraed In Book 83. Patre 661. 1 whl sr-U at pnK li auction at the Court Hous V door, la Louls- imig, N. c, on Monday the 15th 7 of f ebro- :xy ivsvt, ids roiiowing NOTICE. ' By virtue of a mortgage deed maAe the ICfch flay of February 1S91, between 8. i.- Murr ry and B34tle Murray, bis wife, and C:M. Cooke for pgertoH &Tort,jOso a mortgage" mad by & Murray to Egerton & ord . on February 18th 1891. weyrtUseji st puMtc aaution, at the Court House door iu Loulsburgr X. Cv-roi Monday, Pebrary 15th, 1892, . the'? following real estate and personal property ; ! Ai eertain t rectal land adloinfnff the lauds of A. H. Ba. ker aud T. EL Murray, containing forty-three- Ben's, more or rin. - - v- -, . , Also one ay "hone, one spotted cow, one white ox. two feather bee's, three mattresses. thre-3 bedsteads; one, clock, - and - all other househeli and kitchen -furniture, -as welt as all f arfiiing tools. Terms of sale easn. - - , , " :.. - Bqsbtok & Pobd. Jan, 12, 3BS2L:----::.:..TJ'4 - - ' away ahead of anything in Colorado.' - 'The naiao does not sound very prom ising, does itstajlicg at Ids eagerness. They: were gettinx on fairly well iiS to tneet-the demauds-four rpa- j these days, ia a comfortable, matter of affect-! each' Other s society each ,weut bis or her own " way - in an- harmonious indendeace-f-bnt three times, a day at least they assumed a kindly interest ia each other's sayings and doings when -they . met at table. And if -either some times sighed for other days, they had to remember mots " recent times of stormy, passion and. jealous fury, and find" food forgratufation in the refiectiou that this present epoch might bo far worse than it was. : "' -' ?And who are going?" i '.:.-. i": . v"Only Ingalls, JJqrton and myself , so far as heard from.'. Hortou spoke of ask ing that young .Cardill wlio was at the- park-Ilast summer I presume you met him.'? 1 'J- '-. -'r-'r- t'.';- -.. S'Z- - -; - .."Possibly: but I don't recall him." ' 'A cadaverous youth who hung about the flogerses a good ' deal." absently ab sorbed -in hia fly book. - 'No." dryly. . "It Was a cadaverous clergyman who hung abont that quarter 'in my. day; and his aams . was not Bardill.? .;r-'- i-iL:,:-.. v vBardili had "probably gone before you got - there; That's apretty fly. Nita." Riluuri ugly nolding ' 1 1 ' out; tor herein- Lovely," with.well sbaulated enthu. siasni" seeing nothinSr tordistinguiA it hdfairiierchandise stored such! froui any pther of those bits of .feathers mat coverea we jsge on ma snee. - 3 : Do V you Z i know, hesitati ng . almost shyly, "1 thought : perhaps . yon." might lito; to gor--. xuey teu me: tt is a loveiy place to camp, aud ; Dewey said that he and "bisSrifo would go" if therewere other' ladies.'- You have hot been looking OIFor8l always longed for travel; why now was she halting? ' Of a sudden her resolution was taken.- S!ro would write to her unci John at once to make the necessary ar rangements and she would -go away . where, it did not ranch matter. And. she would go aloue: no Van Zaudt chaperon should be thrust upon her upon plea of -propriety, to drive her mad. with sociability. ''She - would not- t coerced into admiration for the fairest scene of earth? uobody should drive her into any, pretense of enjoyment - With a bitter taugh she leaned back In her , chair, with half 6hut eyes study? log tne effects or tho llower. Tacitly she bad been admitting to herself that her search for happiness would be a Lul- tlre wherever she might go. Che blooming little servant appeared at tho door. " If you please, ma'am, Mrs. Allen is below, asking to see yon, .an she says can't she come rigtit up? She won't be staying a minute." , r Anita reluctantly, regarded her rose. There were no more of. its kind in the garden, and she had planned to paint it the gaunt dead fingers. "Yes,, and the poor chfld-he ain't nothin more than a child when you size her all ap-7-shv has been dreadfully ailio all the"tiine. I've tried and tried to fix up soinethin she could keep on her stomach, but it wa'n't no" use," And- cf course- she la nervous and worried her Those youths who think young men have net a fiir chance, and those older la en who think young men not able to fill important sta. tions, may each .learn a le3eon from the record of the past. Henry Clay, was in the Senate of the United States, contrary to the Constitution,. nt twenty"-one. Webster" waa in college at fifteen, gavo evidence of his great future TO CALL. TO SEE liiiiiiii .. --. . , . ..... . . . . r .While in town. IIaviu-quaiifies'tifl . of w; 11. Joyner, deceased, rail persons uolcbnz-claims asainst said estate wtil pre- ent them to me onflf before Jan. 22s 1893 or this notice will be plead' in bar ipf their recovery . v AH persons indebted to. said es tate will settle at once.;.-' -' i.": : - '!r Cir , rv: J" S.sJoTER,' Admr. '" Jan. 22,1892..;---.::-;i.:::v:;';-r-; ?-yJ!.-.C -;" r' i'C'' (' -v; '. J- Having qualified as Administrator . of J D. Joyner deceased, all persppa:haying laima against sai.estateill: present : he same to me on or before th H2 day -of Jan 1 893, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery- All "persona". indebted to aid estate will settle at once. 1 f v -, -i;J. S. JoTaa, Admr. i . a-22, 1S92,,--. 1,- thing; that is kept in a first class wing real .estta and perso ! nnnR'tanflv Tm Trt an rVal m okt ever v- I .a;- "1 ml property : A certairftraet otand adioin- t K - 5 - - - .. .- eft"". " . A. D. Hines, John Viek and Madison -Calpep--Xer, containing 200 acres, more or lesa i'; . Also two dark colored roara mules, one 'ox, two milch cows and one-calf. ..one yearling, nine hogs, eleven sheep, two carts and all forming- fmplemetotsv also one-brown mare. Torias of sale cash. X . - r -. i Jan, 33.. -...-.:.. .,aHTro. as Dry goods,: Shoes Hal s, " Cape, nice line Ready made Pants-Acj aieayy ana ian cy groceries, sucn ks. Meal.MearVFlour, Su gar CoP fee'i Mirfasses, all kind of Flavorr- well 4ately ; the trip might do yon good." -v-" -. ' t -r:c1-.-'Tt i Andfa this young Cardill still hang ings and.xtract&J. Pearl liomi- , ai about the RogereesT- r -y nv.:Gelfttine: Mace: Bakinsr Pow-tv sure .1 don't' know.-. Whyr star- gopl sand ;lot i of r the things 6:;numerQU9td men- that are , tio'n. FIRST-CLASS :- Having opened a" first-class. Jtrcstaurant iu Louisburz, I : ant prepared -to . serve I meals at all hours. Tan" furnish. a5 few persons lodging at night-rMyV table ujs served Iwith chicken, mnttoni-heef and everything the market afford. ,- Always call in when, your are hungry," aud-: yoa shall have satisfaction'. :?-":jf ' l-f? Zy-- .v?rJ.:i-i.speetfullyjT-l- - FUANKLliSTOX HOTEL i W. MMcGHEE, Froprietor.- G ood - accommodations, polite servntf, and the best fare the market -, i -aUonls -. ": first baby too: and then to be bothered to death about money on top of it I tell yon It comes hard. You aunt know what it is. Mis Battels, to see the cup board empty, and 'know that all the While another mouth is comin' to be fed. It ain't that a mother begrudges what she's got -to give bcr baby that ain't natarV-but when the world seems chock full of nothin' but trouble it seems as If there was sufferers enough already, and a woman feels tt cruel .hard that she's got to bring one of her own to fight his way.1 with the world all agio hint. Tve felt that way myself ia the early duyswben things .w.' bard. Alayhe Lord forgive me! I always seen my blindness sooner or later. But Mis Rogers the poor thing! she can only more than once thai af ternoonV-But f the dark side now. and it's the tim. bu one ot the great lawgivers of iri iimrtfv.u.i.i - . t ot the neighbors to rally round and , i ' i . t heln her aloni? what littla thev can." . uo w uriu' k u . which they are full. Again Iu the fall rake cp and burn., the . leaves as soon as killed by frost. This will aa a rule be all the treat ment necessary." Gerald' McCar thy, ZI. C. Experiment Station Io notara -RhoulJ tt baby b Mrr log wits say of tb liordrs ti babyVorw Pr. H-ib Baby Pyrap at oao Iwc tW trowbU. acMtt. 014 8r Catarrh Cur dors aot Irritaf , it is pWaot to im aad iU ntrtpwwUralj. How I Was Cured cf So-Called Cancrr. ' Lruarcj, Ca. Dui8n-Tkln'to t7rtify tkat I wa a e-sffcrar with a plr oa any 10-Jrr tip UjT fnrld yr. ! wm aWv 1rrmrit -vl d.Crrro phraMaa. bat tby Aomm sm few good. I k4 lot sop ot mm! by n4cal trtafBMtit. 1 la rt to a dn- tor ha Florida M trtt tWaa by mm.. before he was twenty-five, and at 1 thirty he was the peer of the ablest man in Congrcas. - Charles James Fox. was in Parliament, at nineteen.' Martin Luther had become largely, distinguished a twenty-four aud at thirty-SlX had I Aftr rrr to aim. U cut wU. srtwrvaUy ... 1 m .MiiTi f. , in vri. , 9 mm v.vr. . th eofud! to try P. P P. f TrVkry At. Pok Itoot bd roTaawiam). and artrr tak lag tre bottlre (pist mar) wm tmmi. I aW Sad tt a aood uiidttiwm t f a food af p tit, aad to proper 4tftioa. L.. S tsars La a a. Thmaasa Aymrkkvpa roll rfp4y ul P. P. P. roastaaUy oa sat. reached the topmost round of his world-wide fame. Peel was in Parliaraent at twenty-one. Na poleon at twenty-five command ed the army of Italy. At forty he was not only one o the meet illustrious Generals of the time. Scrlbrra!UacAsitb. ing; surprised at the irrelevant question. - ""Only! was Wondering if -they, would ,be "invited." - She could base bitten her tongue-foe the , impulsive candor.' ; His face.flushed angrily.-'-:.'rc'.'- i: "Kobody has suggested it." fojding up the flies and coldly rising to go.- ."I infer from your manner that yon don't much care to be invited though. ' ' Wen," more leasan tly. Vit might " be a hard. jaunt foVyoqi and you . wre neve'r 6fer fond of camping: lJeriiaps you are wise to keep yourself cool at home. - . v V Ater a moment of hesitation she fol- lowed after him to the hall jtoor. 7 " .Why,' Don you hardly gaye, mo time to speak for - myself,"- she ." gently expostulated. -"If: you don't mind if . it would; not m&kaV tbo. inuch trouble foryou," In a. "smaU meek 'yoice,' I think; I would like , to : go : very? much."- There was - a sof t entreaty in her eyes" that" brought him a f uU steri tjeV'lleA i'.. ' . 7Trouble.v child! .Why, if 1 had not wanted you I would not have asked you. would I? I shall only be too glad to have 1 you, as yon ougut to know, - tie rnoe Mrs. Allen must neveV be denied. 'Mrs, Allen had been, one of the pio neers of. th, community. She loved to tell how she had, with a child, in. her arms, driven a mule team across the plains, while her husband managed an other "outfit in the little caravan that had migrated together. '-.And the superb Strength v that had laughed at the hard ships of . that overland journey had ever since, in a simple, - wholehearted way. been sharing the burdens of all Orodtl phia. f i In the - early days she had been a mother , to al the homesick boys In the canip, nursing them- in their .sickness. mending, for them, and 'x in her brunt a?nahnesa taking;many.a tinjety. stitch' in tattered morals. , Siie- was everybody's friend.,'al ways with ' time ;to spare for strange Way for her extravagant chari ties' had kept her- almost poor always able to contrive substantial aid. for a neighbor ia trouble, y., ,-;"., ; Z'-..: Z ' .She wdidnt put Vn: s ny style," as she expressed" it , ia her Eiiuple vernacular; and she never made calls in tho ordinary sense of the pjirase; but .nobody found more time for neighborly visiting.--Nobody thought of entertaining MrSr Alien in the parlor in ceremonious fashion: She . generally slipped around to . the kitchen door,; with beaming apology for some appetizing effenng, and, however the "family, might be engaged, there never was the smallest hesitation about welcoming thisjguest into their midst She talked a good deal in her "simple, pxxl natured garrulity, but every bod y'a isecrets were safo with her; and, with all her'lack of education .and .refinement, all recognized in the rough quartz na-; ture's true gold.. VT'- !; ' . She came' in howt fair, fat and smil ing, the incarnation cf good nature. - "1 jest.run over with a few 'fried cakes I knowj'ou like 'era when they're wann." panting 6oftly with her journey up- the stairs-'and, IJnnks L HI jest run la and set down a minute." V;-. "How kind f j'ouT taking tho napkia covered "plate with a smile full of grate ful " tenderness - Anita was stxangtly softened in her ways. -The' unconscious arrogance of girlish pride, that demands air-the good things of life as -its right, 1 had left her, aad ia its place was a gentle -Waterloo.' Washington was a colonel in the army at .twenty-' two, President at thirty-seven. Jud.ee Story was in Harvard "al fifteen, in Congese' twenty "i never admired her," said Anita coldly, reaching to smell the great pink rose. :Siie drew back her head sharply, with a startled look;, the soft, cool per fumed mass . was like the touch of a baby's cheek. V Anita had the true mother Invfl tar1 VuiTrr hnrx T ' TTftvr frn. In (Wa heartstarved-loneUneis of her life,-he -nine and Judge of the Supreme had envied' other women to whom, had Conrt of the United States at been given the richest gyt of life, the love of a httle child.'taarveling that some could seeiuto hold it so UglrSyl And 'bow out f f pm the shadows . of the great unknown a little soul was blindly ; bear ing Its - wsy to. : eartlu- inexoraUy Cailed to tako up the curse of life, with only sorrow and heart heaviness waiting to bid it grewsouie welcome. Poor little baby -v.-.-- - - -" Wall, 1 know she's been kind, of up pish, uebbe, and there's some that ain't liked her, and there's more that mast be pickin on to somebody all the while..': J ain't one to believe more'n half 1 hear, anyway, leastways when it's ag'in some body. And some'ef the yams about Mis' Bogerahev been too reedioToua. 5 Why, I lishsed KJhilde Ilarolde:. at and her was in .love with ope another. Every body kuows how much truth there waa in that " ' - ' . " .; Anita's, glance ' misht' have scorched her, but Mrs. Allen sat placidly, un moved, her, shrewd eyea twiakling be hind their fpectacles.' Did-she know mora than she' assumed?- - -- "J suppose to coma the story seemed by no means Impossible." ' Anita tried to spook lightly, but tha words seemed to choke her aad her voice sounded ptrange and forced. To Be Coxtisued. " thirty-two. Gladstcno was in Parliment at twenty-two, and at twenty-four waa Lord of ,th j Treasury. - WilliamPitt entered college at fourteen, was Chancel lor of the Exchequer at twenty- two, Prime Minister at twenty- four, and when thirty-five was the most powerful uncrowned head in Europe. Byron 'wrote A court of P.P. P. will banish all d feelingand restore yoor health to per fect condition. "Its curatite powers ar marTelous. If outf vv rts and io-bal humor with yourself and the world, taVe P.P.P rand becouw healthy and raxiuuaJ For Corns, Warta, aud ..Baolons Use only Abbott's E sat Ind aff CbraTi lit. Children Cry fcrPitcher-s Csste'nL , am tctrrw!iL TSaa. - - aav ,Th year Saa br aaxkd by a rrrtrr avdTa tbaa aay ataidar. -rot sxt tbf llcasia mm tab'ia4. t osly kmm lb bttrary smh! artvtV nrnW ta aaanrtaj' mmi larrid, Vajt a rorrm. podc ra baa tmmm taat ! lb aad ! of tt liacaJta. At tb oail ul 1091 tb. cjeaWlioa hA riwa to mam tbaa 140.000 It may fM'ly b prmm-t that tb turttwe la prtTrawta dans tiua Maiatl Jear ill t proportionate ta t W- Urgrty toereaawd opportattit. ros st T na il ta aot ra m g1r. la a WW mt. km arot of ail tb Ixatar' la prrr tioa, ll tb BMVtvU ta M Ml tUr Import orul ti-i. - tss rooat vf aoat-a's siuTcrnw. " It U propowl ta pblUb a nU J art doa. apoa a arai"ot bof ttaiptl.c1r tagtb r:t ol r-il Mfdy aad wr io tb nuor v tb grrar nt. Tb plaa wilt kbrtaiW, aa arrow rl of tb rot tk ot LU ta tko-ei- (ia aaaay UU4 bn tb ftfa $? rrwwjxb wv.l imy btttvi lr prpw tt wasfna wU U ttWvti iatrptr intrr-t. in,frea a 'English Bards and Scotch Re- eo.tnbotwl oi rrt hporte. utrwf. arlewers' attwentv-one and nub-l BMW WX'A tboroaiy rpo r, aad U , viewers at iweuiy-no sou puw-l WAlMrfAl i:aatrru-Ni kii -r to aaai tb pra ata t oi tb aal-ft lJ aa wv-s a itctarMqa. . . waaansramra ttjrron- Uartfaid rreaiak11 aad trttr H tb:a forvtout aaooag rarly AarVaa pat mrm. - a twaaaUr U ui(ttrticr arUI trad - . dittoaua latrt o lb art4ria. ' " , " - - tarMTijrr M9WZ3rrs, Tb aisa trf-thS aHa of Vvry abort art rWa La to 4rtb tbrfrJ nttaat wUw KiM &mrSm. r rat took list, r b poaar- S"t Mnoat wa b to Xm rrrrarcl rb aoae8ta at tbat of tW trt 1 1- AUastfc-raLbVtb trat ov ul tb tt'rav'b - trrfbva. tb trt r.ul tjnciat wttb taT. -lb fct t( tb tt '"-- ar. tb. am at lb atoaaoat .. tb vol Ui4 laapvba)at. 4 AaJrr Jbaoa.rte - . ct to o-"i rraaa. - Ja lb ry apntr i 10 tJ-trca a botao&alJawaa. cnc tbaa t lttt - :' rwactry mnm boo to Uy tn; M to3V.'y a-ia. t. r ranoM. Jt. ens went to the Legislature at twenty-four arid Congress at tbir-. ty-one. llenry urady rciaseu a nomination to Congress at thirty- two and made hi New England speech, which gave him Nation al reputation7at thirty-elx. These instances are only cited to remind older men ' that the world has ever been ready .to give distinction to young, men who command it by their abiltiee and to show young men cf brains and t pluck that nobody is trying to keep them hack-. At no time in the world's history has ability been disregarded bcause coupled with rrjuth, and never were there more doors open to young men than to-day. - - " " : r i br lr. IrwT U. lai. Loralroa a AW ntH..k kt'-valAJ hfi'n liW ia w lmlr. . ty r'ty Isrt. - la iittraU. r. hVr.y antU w.oatraiT Jy S-.nr llanrsoua. TT H'i rtwo aar'tooJ ltv Taal soa rUL lrvo Si era la. tw a yr. iHlX rXElBE2 3 SWDTS, Tall-Wa. 143 sal 7t Crvadayo X-art. i ., -i - ;-'i,'-

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