:. .- mmMmmmmitm ': . .. :. rjv jjo r- " " H yniSylffliBgn iP IV y rl a- jl u ) ) j - j P y y) h ' " : " ," i , v ' '' V .-f'f'-i-'-'J-". r ."' -r J - -;' 1 ' ' V - ' '.' -- ' . - ? -a- .''" . ' - '.''.-..-- --,-.-'"'" ". t - ' , T -f. A. TlIOXASi Editor. andJ ' :. ' ".. . :' Sl.50 VKIZ ASSl'X, 2m Adimmrt. ' VOL,- XXI. X.OXJ ISBURG,N;C., .MARCH 4V 1892; NO.4. 4 Highest of all In Leavening Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report. - J, , Sa svsMnc; a3 a Disinfeetunt. world and their progeny mould, decay- Silver Coinage, -y; TOBACXX) CULiTIVATIOX. ;.. . . s - -v.--.--.:-' - Pruning il Tdpplns--Wormlng and :Lr -h Sucterlhg, etc. v- :;;, : him no trouble. .'It :b . thMiatnro of "this insect to raise -at .least two broods" during 'the year." The hawk-tnoth or tobacco fly usually makes hi9 appearance in Virginia in the month of May. The egs ..Leader this head there is a wide deposited by -the. first mofhs hatch ',f4m.i ( nnininn v TioVrr ouciu iTOm nvsio seven a ays off the. small and ittferifj leaves BY MAJ. E. L. BAQriND, OF HYCO, VA. UEJOICIKG IN ALAMANCE. . OucjGlrlX Work. of the plant near the groundj is called !')riming,"or-pruning prop er which operation Is done along with' the"topnjng1,-if done at al!.1 Thtjfe .are - nd vantages for and jLirthe zymotic disease iii thS While U strikes us that the free against pruning, but all re ;sort 'to Id-is' the result of damp; dark coiuag toppingpluckiug out the "seed larvae or worms. The worm sheds its outer 6kin twice before it gets its growth." -.Th growing sfag3 of the -worm lasts from twsnty.five to thirty day, and after it has i at- f a i i ) led i s gr vi t h Cvorg 1 1 jUU a fewLdays longr. and then crawls or burrows in the ground, wiiere if will and uilt. Any physician testify to that. :; , The following quotation from a paper read recently before the American Public Health Associa tion by its' President,. rTre&eriek ,Montizanbert,'M. D., of Quebec, ought to ba read by every house keeper in this counti'y. - "Everyone can do a little, if only, to make our home or one -room bright, more cleanly, and more wholesome. ' Sunlight, purt 1 air, and thorough cleanliness are natural enemies to disease germs. The experiments of Koch, Ransom,- and others prove that the living germs of consumption, when exposed to the sunlight; lose. their vitality in a few hours, or even in a few minutes, if the layer in whish they are exposed be thin enough, and that even ordinary daylight, if it last long enough, will have a similar etfec There is no sounder philosophy than the old saying that, "there is more health in a sunbeam than in drugs, more life, in pure ..' air than in a physcian-s skill..'' '-Sty-Louis Republic. j and honest, still we" thiuk for ob--1 hud h'iudV-fidja: nt'Vsniall'-' ie.av 1 6oi, in, he I'upa state; Ouc of Lee's Iost SeouU Hetnrns &f - tcr Tvrecty-Seveu -Yiutrs.-'m The B ui li i igi on ' No Ws- of ri terJay says: ; In188I, wheTi-' the tStato called for troops to defend thb country's name atid honor, David II. Coble, of Alamance, aged 17 years, a brother of Sey more Coble, Vas one o tbo first to atrswer his' country's, call and joined Co, 44th" N. V. Troopa. Pcttigrew's Brigade, and a beard less" youth he weut forth to battle with the Armr of Northern Vir ginia, and followed Leo during the whole campaign. At Gettys burg he was shot in the shoulder and carries the ball to this day. At the close of the war he hurri ed home, haw hia parents and went to' Tennessee, to cast his for tuuo in tLat State. Like, the brave soldier ho was he succeeded there, married and has a b!ooin- lesson of the Ohio election ought not to be soon forgotten. This Congress was-not elected upon the silver question. It was elected to reform the tariff-and reduce the eggs. . ho lha for everv motb in May we ma v reasonably 'expect oiu hundred worms of the first" brood ; I inbr family'of six boys and cue and if none of Ihpse are " defrayed, ' glTl n rhurdaV he amv but all allowed tocban o niotbH, and thrge latter to raise a hord- of worms, what 'wonder that lb sec ond brood eometim.es onnearB in such countless numbers as to defy all efforts to destroy them before Tliat Tii'Hi Feeiins. vious reasons that tho Democratic with" the thumb and nmrpr- RAm a"a "ITer twehty-inree or majority hi the. House-: ohght to contend that pullhiK 'off the lower rwe,lt'"fiv ,Iai ?rom-h" 1 im0 of insist with determination iinon J.toaa Bq0 Ka jna o.'.a Mts crawling into' the ground tl putting the whole matter"" aside; the growth if-(he weather is drv ?uPa. 6end8 furtVl nioth to lay - - . . ,-. .i w . .... . . - i . - i t . . rorhis session at the least.: The. That permitting the' loJver : leaves JarmorH Kg ana r.aieii out more puty is aiviaea in opinion upon to remain ou the . stalk protects n'.U!S' c" mum ii capuuie oi the qiiestion.v In tariff : reform, the upper on?s from ' sand- and lay,n?ou au ttVraS hundred on which it is a unit, it has -a grit, make's ihem-cleauer and surely: winning issue. - Why therefore more salable. 'Sand and should ; its representatives in Con- grit are the" terror of. the tohacco gress force upon it a losing issue, buyer. On the other hand, it is or even a doubtful one, on the contended hv Kom t hat hv Tnllii. 1 -j . j r- b ve of a campaign which may in- off the lower leaves," which are vblve the qiestion of party - su- generally useless, the remaining premacy for years to come?. The leaves receive more nutriment. and contain - more wax, oil and gum, and that the lower leaves harbor worms and make the worm- ,nP-v have ruu.ed .the crop. Lv ing process more tedious. " Hry moth ought to be .destroyed as It is best to wait until a consid- mey &Plr, ana idis can ? uoi.h taxes. It should devote its ener-Uro Klo iinKo riior to k.,; to a -great extent tiy uiu-eiuig a hiiftnn for fiwrl l.ufrvro drops of " SVe'telltd Cubulf ver legislation to be " dealt - with ino- to ton. Toonine should be ('!c".? a poison) into the flow by a Congress elected upon that the wor'v of experienced and trus-1 ers of P' tu,lia ll0nv sucklo r issue and representing the delib- ty hands men who can top leav- Namfston (jmpson) wed.uhich erately expressed will of the peo- ing.any required number of leaves willgiye tlieni their final quietus, i i . i:.. :t n-'i. u" . ... . - .. - I Tint thi Kimt lV- 1iq tt-.i-.it. i ...t ! 4CiiAlulu AU"-u.tJ?b ul8 1 on a.piant witnout- counting. " . ' " 4 ! i, Rnnthii,,r ftf kindrod love I that the Fifty-second Congress The secret of.ttaa no longer ' a n?al aud ' l wfre 80me would tvveen old soldiers that, yon Hm can do with silver is to let it fipprt fo Ha. iniri&teri ia tlint .the escape, v Uut it every . planter nowhere e!e. alone. Ex ' ' tnnmr rn 'laria in Vnm. . ti.'.i would'waeo-a .war of extertnina fnnntinVjh hnttnm lecf.anrl tha tioil OU the first brood'of WorillS 1 !eaf that hangs over it in the thi.-d I unfortunately a thing rarely done tier going upward, make nine hy Would never appear in such leaves, including both top and unconquerable hordes later ou in bottom leaves,' Fixing this in his 1,36 easou mind, th3 topper has ptily to add iu0 euckers rhould be pulled to or deductrom this' index leaf, off every week as they appearand marking nine, to leave any de- ouSut Ii6ver to trmitted to get . . . I : i t ;t ecutive Committee to- carry out Bired number of leaves, on' each uvcr lwu ""-uea u'"8 lur P" thipurpooe. This Committee ap- plant with certainly and without murea IO grow 'argeiney aosiract Pttis"co-the citizens of the State to counting - ranch that would otherwise go to give -theai ..a cordial support, and to . Young man, if vou don't know perfect a rich, silky leaf. ho J aid them' -in furnishing an exhibit w cnm'a m evrt planter need expect a crop of fine vou. Touninir. vou will find, is a grade who does not pull off Jhe cd in the county and went on to his " brother, Scymore Coble, whom he had not seen for 27 years. He did not know him but when they found each other o it, there was an old time rojoic iii, and they are jollifyiug yet His home is in Franklin conn ty, Tenn., where he is a biiccess fid farmer and stock raiser. He will s-tay about two. weeks visit ing old friends and relatives. Those who remember' him will also l glad to eeo him, and as he me-ts liis old comrades in arms tho trai-R flow unbidden. There U5TH1XKIXQ- 91 CN. WORliD'S FAIR. 0:-Flf-E OF BOASUI OF AGIUCCLTCEE,! - -ilAUStoa, -N. C , J- January Xo, 1892.J 'he Board of Agriculture has un- ' The newspapers re luiving a o1 (h) o! fuu nowadays ov?r that tiivii iet'Uiis.'' raents, in connection with the i!i-f,eaiti, r4 dertakon to make an exhibit of the fmalea- ltyay be n. ntip. of hilnrtTy to , rHsSOU1 0f the State of North-Ssir- womjn. who, by over work, ao-1 a .iitrHjiri ! Ojina at tne L-OiamUian exposition, ofthlaw8 ofWti.. jaiJ ! and has appointed the World's Fair inmt women neH is to ? reiicve"l of sonip f)i thetslavieh work that w pUel on li-.t-tn. und a free, hut Indicia) use of s-reut'ueairry; tonics, sich as P. P, 1 ( Prick iv Ah. P..1:., Root and Potaesinni), the frratir blood pnrifisi and lnvigorator in nse. fc5uit?Tl tn a bniider up oT women, brm-jcinar ba.k )ost enemy to the body, aud coior to tbe faded eheeka. restoring the appetite, and th? re iiftwinj? in her' that healthy vitality lout? lnt. 1. P. P. cur ali btO'xl dis'-aseR, pmK n'rheuiua-tism. sypiiilis, K;ut, scrofula, and iill ulcerous aff-ction. even vanqnishing tliat melancholy enemy of niau. Dyspepsia. For sale by Tlioinas & Ayeoeke. - A. fe years 'ago a little, girl applied to a pastor in one of-our htre cities for admision into his Smiday-school. : Bho 'was told hat tho classes wcro to full thero was no room fcr herand'that the church was so small that comore classes could be organized. Much disappointed, tho little 'girl e- gan to save pennies her family waa poor for the purpose of en? aging the church' ia order that she and other children like her might bo accommodated. She told no one of her ambitions pur pose, however, no that when the pastor of this church was called to her bedside a few months later to comfort. her in her severe ill ness, he saw nothing uiiusu&J, on ly a frail child of six aud a half years. The little "euffercT did, and a week later there were found in her battered red pocket-book, vrhich had beenher5aings bank, uity-wvcnjpennies, ana a scrap of paper that told, in childish print, the story of her ambition, aud the purpose of her self-deni al. The story of that little redi pocket-book and its contents, aud of tho unfaltering faith of its little owner, got abroad. It touched the heart of saint and einaer alike, iter in spiration became a prophecy, and men labored aud women .sang and chiHreu saved to aid in its fululluicnt. These fifty-seven pennies became tne nuceous or a fund that m six year grew to $200,tXK), and to-day thhheroine's picture, life size, hangs, conspicu ou-ly in the hallway of a college building at which 1400 student i no latest statistics ten us mat -,! nr.,i rnnnM.1 with.l. there is a chutch capable of seat ing 8000, a hospital for children named for the Good Samaritan, and a Sunday-school room large enough to accommodate all the girls and boys who have yet asked A fairy itory f The LvuJou l.r. TZitj LIU1V Know" the TrUl ibelr barf Hear. There are raen" who supposo they have all the annoyances. They ay it is the store that rif fles tho dijpwltiou; but if they could only etay at home as do their wives, and titters, - and -daughters, they would he, all the time, sweet and fair as a white pond lilljr- Lot some of the mas- culin .lecturers n - placidity of ttmper try for oue week the cares of the household and the family. Let the man eleep with a baby on oue ana all! night, and one ear open to the children -with the whooping cough ia the adjoining apartment. " Let him see the tray . of crockery and the cook fall down stairs, and nothing saved but the pieces. Let tho pump give out on a wash day, and the stovepipe, whea toohot for hand- ling, get dislocated. Let the pudding come out of the stove stiff as a poker. Let the-go&sip-ing gabbler of the next door come in and tell all the diagreable things that neighbors have been saying. Let the lungs be worn out by staying indoors without fresh air, and the needle he threaded with nerve exhausted. After one weeks house-hold an noyances, he would conclude that Wall street is Heaven and the clatter of the stock exchantrt - 0 rich as Beethoven's symphony! . Talmage. that will be illustrative of the State's resources oi every kind. -. elow business if you have to couYit 8uckers ?rn51ft Bma1. un(l -prevent vveoiHioentiy expect tnat iNortJi j ; Wpa nn . n,9n(a the horn' worms from riddling the Carolina. wilL be able to sustain her-1 , , , r scit in iiisir competition with the t r itsfc of the world. "primed" then the "bottom ; leaf " ripening. Every country in the world and musl De uxea py tne eye, looting Tlie leaf type as contra-distin and every State in the Union is ex- upward for tho ; leal in ; the third! guished from ' cigar, tobacco, is Oxygen Treatment, that of Drs. Stnrkey & j-f "v 1 cw v,Fy v,'" "-' KllOWn 10 00 ripe wnotl Its COlOr Paien is a cienti6c adjustment of theeie- of the world's resources md pro-1 the cue ashefore. - If -Trimin2 is i v. .o rJ. ti. , si . 3 vTTi i.l - 1 - - vuai.tia nviu i utu lu U tlCLlllll M.y.V4J, v, uuur, uuu c i ui pulling uu too i yellow, thickens, so that when the humaneSort. .t will give some ideal manv Wvp'a.--NQ-rpsrnlar ml can riii-i .i.i- - .t- of- the extent : of this Exposition out of London's four to five- mil lions of people, more " than thrt-e hundred thousand earn 'less than thece thillings a day per family. Between forty and forty-five thousand children in the Board C3cuoois aione go to scuooi uungry to cntr it A fairy tory f lt every morning, and rarely know reaJ? iike0ne, but happily it is at any lime wr.at n is sufficient food. to have The Rcprcjsioa of Dronkeuness la licrraoay. They do nothing by haWcs In Germany, and when a peril - to the State, either from without or within, is realized, . they strike fearlessly at the very root of the evil. The bill which their gor-1. ernment has introduced for the repression of drunkenness, in vigor and stringency, goes fir beyond anyscbemo that has been seriously suggested here. It ab solutely prohibits the sale of. liq uor to children under the age of sixteen, to any person already. not one. The little girl's name drunk, to anr one kn5ra to to was Hattie May "vViatt, and the rri i I , , ..r .... i i 1 v-... vc.uaa.su luaiuuc nK a spieiiuiu uisuiuuons aescnocu lf . ra!tn w.nl.riv V.mt,. itirnniA nf tho nwnoM nf Tnilfin'a are locntftd in PhiladeiDliia. I in 8 I CAN IT DO ! The oriarinal and only genuine Coraponnd f and the eo?iiponnd i3 fco condensed and made portable that it is sent all over the world. . It has been in trssrfor over twenty years; thousands of patients have beon treated, and over one thousand physie'tans havp.. nsed it and recommended it a very signifi eant, fact. "Compound Oxygen Its Mode, of Action and Rgsults," is the title of a book of 200 paaes, puldished by Drs Starkey & Palen, whit'.h gives to all inquirers full information as to this remarkable curative ascent and a good record of surpribinjs cures in a' wi4e rautce of chronic cases .-many of them after hsinjc, abandoned to die by other physi cians. Will be mailed free to any address oa application. ' - - . . - Drs. STAUKEY A PALEN, 1529 Arch Street; Philadelphia, Pa. : 120JSntter Street, San Francisco, Cal.. Please mention this paper : , - ; - We have added largely to our stock, .and now carry a full line of these goods from the plainest wood coffin to the finest plush or " velvet covered casket. "Also a 'full line of coffin hardware,. lin ings, trimmings, &c: . All. of Cwbich will be sold at reasonable prices. ' " , " - ' Respectfully, - " R. R. ITa&bis or Co. ' - Louisburgf N. C. ' . NOTICE. By virtue or a deed of: trust executed on the 12th day of March ,1888,-by. V. II; ;Wyun and wife, and duly recorded in Book . j 79.. page . 28tf, - Register's office, Ffankhti' . county, J shall sell for cash, beforethe Court y House dooriu LouiBbaTg, - said county," on: the 2lst day of March ,1892, the following ; lands, viz: the tract situated on Giles creek, . , adjoiinns-the lauds of Geo. W. Jones and . ntiiersrcontaiuin one hundred acres, more . : or less. For full description see deed above described ThiH February 17, 1892. T. M. PrrrMAN-, Trustee Prftiaao 4 Shaw, ileiideraon, N.,C Atty's." when it is remembered that . 750 acre3, more than a great planta tion, is embraced in the grounds, and that 150 acres will be covered with the :. necessary buildings. These buildings will , be filled . with every conceivable product of nature and art, - and North Carolina can and will respond to Avhat-is expected of her. - r-':"'- '. Vt-;- In order that pur State may take her proper place at this great Exp o- t:- eition, the Boar J'- intends to make collections fn the following depart ments::-- - o ; - Agncniture r ooa ond lood pro ducts,; etc - Horticulture r ruits, wines, and garden products, etc. Liv s Stock Domestic and wild ant ra ak. Mines, Mining and "Metallurgy Minerals, building aud monument al stones. r; Fore3ty Timbers-' and forestry product. Fine Arts-Pamt- mgK decoration, etc . Ethnology Indian relics, and specimens illustra ting the progi'OES of labor and inveh tion. '; Liberal - Arts Education , engineering, ; etc, " Manufacturers; Fish and - Fisheries Fish - products and appliances for catching fish. - -, 'All correspondence to be sent to T: K.' . Burner; 'Commissioner in eiiarge of exhibits "and Secretary . of the Comraittee", atBaleighX N.C. l y : W. F Green, Chairman. " V :, . ." J. F. Payne, ' J . V"W. E. Stevens, , . ; .. , - v Committee. i . I NOTIC Havinsr qualified t as -administrator of Abel Strickland, deceased, notise is hereby Kiven .to all persons owing his estate to fome and.pay-the aame at once.' Those holding claims against the estate- will pre sent them on-or before r ehruary 5,; 1893. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery This rebruary 5, i892,,,V V , -' -. . ' . . G. T. Lafateb, v; many leaves. No regular rule can.faf is folded' over the ;.nndcrsnr- u-. given, Cy uiuoi race being ontward and pressed juage tor nimseit. lhe. reason between the thumb and tinc-er. it giveiv lor waning unui many cracks open. The upper surface of plants are ready to be topped is the leaf ia roughened, for reasons mamiy tnat more piauts.mayrip- Utated under "Science of Curing eu iogemr, auu u reauy lor me Yellow Tobacco," and generally of Kime at tne same time, l his -ism a mottled yellow and irreen color. an; advantage that applies with Ripening of thirty po usually takes -.. . r 1 - tl A t . . r t 1 I ' ...... ... ' strong lorce io an xooacco mitna- piace inTirginia and North CAro- ed for fluo-curing. ' 'V - -' y. U ; lia Jn; about five to Bix weeks after' . i tie nutn oer ot leaves to e . ,0 1 1 the plants have been topped, some- on-each plant varies according to times longer when growth has been tne timejne worK is done, early or retarded by drought. The" cigar late, tne appearance and prospect- type ripen3 about two weeks soon ive ueveiopment o tne piani, me er after topping. season, wnemer.propiiious or un iavoraoe, siren gin oi tne sou ana First Cooking School Girl Dear amount of ffirtilizing'material ap-" me! ha't" is a worse disappoint- Ped; Uu medjuin, sous, in ordi- ment than jelly that won't jell ? a xt eodanna f Vo -,' f? rof frnrvi n(T 1 .' n . ' ' ... j y"K c-tr vrK" oecona j. o. uiri l aotrt Know should:, be iromvtea" tofifteen kii-i,- ? khi,U nn't Lr i - " t ' : ' r -. v i t : : I leaves rareiy . more ior Drignis. or custard thaV won't cuss! For sweet fillers from-nine to ten. I . : and for dark, rich' shipping, from I ' - ''" i ui-i.:;: '. , ' ' -r- , jr" - - : - .. i . vioseiiHv, or. .cvmeuuv iioi: lue UUiuuev Ui weaves ab(;uiuuit;iy,'.ic- . . -, . - . u- - r- father of a mule usually isn t. memperuig imn , uaiii,, New York Heralds than quantity, "regulates ; returns (- worming AJfD sucKEBiXG.; ThevOppressod subjects of - Euro S Manv;deice Pev governments turn tor this ed to in order to 'lessen ' the num- country for free homes, free laws, 'iiiwdfV the free use--of Salvation Oil the horn Wrm, .but the" lack pf for. pains. general and continued efforts from It is the Blight cold frequently year to year' has brought onljr par- contracted that finally undermines uai reuet. come years tneyxome the system. Use JJr. iiuil's UougU in great numbers, and despite 'the Syrnp in time and' be cured. 23 best efforts of. the planter,' serious-. j cents. ly damage his crop. . Ferhaps the irround. tho value of which in. Harper a loung reopie. creases at the rate of over four millions annually, would prorido a dinner very day in the year That brilliant genius, rriaciplctf Not 31 ia. who for it then and there, a moat Mi litary precaution. But it is In dealiug with the drunkard him self that the measure makes the greatest advance. It treats him, if not as a criminal, yet as one who cannot be considered account- for each one of the forty thousand J writes so eloquently and so beau- ill-fed children, and that Lon-j tifuily for tho Newbcrn Journal, don's milliou poor could be de- says that -great men are jewels fof Ms ukff cently housed on the unearned of a nation's treasure. Their . . . Vtmr r Facts like these, nictures like memories, and thev are stars in I . . ... ty arunsenness xrom managing uuc uciwic us, uaiui aiy uac us tuv uanuuai ucavcus, a us itcui i ,i (T-. i . . 1 . . . question whether the time is not ocratic party entwines imrnor . ., , , v L 1 .v , t-.. pnn their families to want, or or other people. The guardian to stop and "consider the prob- son, Jackson and Tilden, but it is n'l Ji:i i I i j i ; i . I V I ' ,1UB fclimo I""' kU -fc icuoruii. ln aQ MTlua for inebriates wuuguca ou uuiiuiu Fyruuu ua not bo too mucu disturbed by V. ,? tr t. of nroof bVriilinjrconvinctnir fact L, .8 and keP him lbre and . " on fact, states that -London has P- fails to act, the judicial authori- over tldrty thousand people who rs of the American Democracy v , Uj 8leaJ-. have no home and no fcLelter. but ttre as nrm as mo oeriaiung Etangelbt. Doss llouso. , and . . the. - Casuafl er?nn-monument at whose base Wanl.-Mary- Lowe . Dickinson, m wWIo eternal whiS m Harper s Bazar. v:.. .'TiM U -n.Wy r 6htloh'OxMmmp(oa Cure. too tb not racrti. : next year ,1hey. are "few, aud : give ..ChildrcaCry forPitchefJS Cistorla. sunshine settles on iU summit. Vw.Iib Tie Baltimore Sun. , Democratic leaders may kill each ,t!,c ? "pa- ; If there is a paper, either dai- J other, and. their i bones will- be 1 Sd Ua tr. Ajrrry i vUoti ly or weekly; the-Southern peo- buried in our national Westmiu- u7i? ly ak yoototryit .Pn10, 50- o-lf I. if yovr lor.xr rr.ft ortrk laoow Kb Job foroof lt:r. So!J by Tkonu a No mocnd fsn be o feepcs the one inflicted by a frvad. pie ought ho take It is the Balti-1 ister nlyr this and nothing more Sun. "Asa newspaper, it-is more ; lie "who snn poses that not surpassed by any.in Jliecouu- 0 8acce9 is "dependent Uav.' lV inPiiTaUWina iti rot. uPn the Tonal fortunes of ar.y rmno-Vment of snrh mantis but poorly echooled in news is the Lest,. we believe; that the lessons of the. past aud the comnc nndrTir rtbrvntion. Wrt L philosophy of the present. Look wishitlnidamuchlarirercirciila-lto ih democratic ilag and seel 4in iti RA..ti. ' TtT nne-nnll what principles are emblazoned I 1 A - ki t - While 1 on itJ anipie loias: -"auiuuissoi- very KrtJ7lhfrn. ' ln'it national." 1 , TT . 11 . II luuio umou oi - Laesiruciao.e ro..Ki.vtivA.n.nd end earurn'onlv ' I States:" 'Local 8elf-government:, to R!ihsPrv thosd end a which can ''Equal rights to all, t r?cial rriv- bp;t Korv our common 'conntrv. ilexes to none:" A tariff, ta de- Daily, one' year 0.00; ..weekly, fy the necessary expenses of one year, $1.00 . Postage pre- Govemment economically admin- r,n:,l v - - istered:. "An.opea neia and a , 1. . ! ; j fair light forevery ' rnan in the ."When in want of a good hnr- treat battle of life." Uevelaod, mcnt, buy . Salvation .Oil, which costs only 23 cents, at all. dealers. ' What is the difference between a duck-'with one wing and one with two f . Only the difference of a pinion.. We want every one to pass nn opinion on Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, v It needs but one trial." . . ' - - 1 Hill. Camnboll. Carlisle, Palmer all honorable meu, but leis than a feather when weighed against the eternal principles of Demcc- racr. Cleveland is our choice among Presidential candidates, but wc salntetheDsmocratic flag. and will'-follow him who caries it. . LarlfJ ri try k cfih 2"fr Uw Utty- cf IxxtcT Vrp Cztxrrii limed j. itcy say tiir oc-?xfaa wul rtrr, w Irc-.Ir ai rrrniiapctlT. Vrt x-rrst cw trotiUrt t hit roe-s from It. ami rrcr-pt' : ca:rrcil to fcs tulzr. ar cr.rrd Vy i&m. mclttrjr. clrrtiE tr. pv-prrtiCJ rf tidr rcrjeiir. "Hiey ran t y try ra. Trr! Uj rtrry m-rLctw f-r . CiturU ci.l;a u tntxL Ixit it's crw i.Vr t j-rcat m rzT&t'." vcxr i-Zr?vv.i V.ir.z Ufir cm 11 Ttm frtfrk.ra cf I r. ec ordy fruit v jm& thrt tJ-fT1 fn- T.-hst tLr7 gay.. 6 tb.y rait tt o.: II tlxy cma enn yocr Citorrt. to tx--ttr Low bd ycr c cr Law krj jtajiz. tirv-.'l jay yo t-X) ia e . - YoaYa t-r k ( Cm rj .'r cr a -3re LjS