With , Malice toward none ; With Charity for all. I1.S0 rElZ JXSVJf, Sm J Jr rnt. VOL, XXI. LOUISBU.RG, N, C, APRIL 15, NO.IO. . A, THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor, Highest of all m Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report '''"'" ABsSommx purs WHAT! IS IT ft HAS IT DONE CAN IT DO I The orieinal and only genuine Compound Oxygeu Treatment, that of Drs. Starkey & Palen is a scientific adjustment of the ele ments of Oxygen and Nitrogen tnagnetiiert; and the compound is so condensed and made portable that it is sent all OFer the world. It has been in use for over twenty years; thousands of patients have been treated".' uud over one thousand physicians have uwd it and recommended it a very signifi cant fact. "Compound Oxygen Its Mode of Action and Results." is ihe title of a book of 200 paaas, published by Drs Starkey & Palen, which gives to all iuquirers full information us to this remarkable'cnrative agent, and a good reeord of surprising enros in a wide range of chronic oasee -many of them after beinc; abandoned to die by other physi cians. Will be mailed free "to any address on application. Das. ST A TIKE Y & TALES, 152ft Arch Street, Phibidelphin, Pu. 120' Sutter Street' an Francisco. Cal. Please mention this paper. Collins and Caskets. Vfe have added largely to our stock, and nowcarry a full line of these goods from the plainest wood coffin to the finest plush or velvet covered casket. Also a full line of coffin hardware, lin ings, . trimmings, &c. All of which wi'l be sold at reasonable prices. Respectfully, R. R. Harris & Co. Louisburg, N. C. WORLD'S .FAIR. Office of Board of AemctnvruBE, Raleigh, N. 0 , January 15, 1 2. CALAMITY IN DIVISION. THE SOLID SOUTH. THERE IS NO GOOD, BUT pAXGER IN CONCEALING THE FACTS. , Newberne Journal. ' , Never was there presented such a spectacle of sublime fortitude and The Results of a Split Anions tbe j heroic endurance as was shown by wmtes in ixortn i.aroima ill i- Be Appalling. A negro politician by the name of John Williamson, who lives at Raleigh and Louisburg, in a recent speech, ran counter to the plans of the South-after her flag went dow,n. baptized in the best blood of the nation. "Black and smoking ruius marked the places that had. been the habitations of her children," but the spirit of liberty survived. t.hft wVjit.A.' 1 Ptnmvirflt. -TnVin . in sharp and he sees victory in the ana lea on Dy ine exampM ot. ner air. Hear him tell his race to DaV18 and her Lee "8ne 6DOWed ban Wether, and why. " He tells that 8oil ightbo over- i w - I . iu. - : : i l z TKo TWwl of 4,. im t.Ti p.m tW thA whit 1a' rUU fcUe BiUr" Ui UCr PeoP' wa V. ..QW.V-.V- V... I . WW-.W " " dertaken to make an exhibit of the resources of the State of North Car olina at the Columbian Exposition, and has appointed the World's Fair Executive Committee to carry out this purpose. This Committee ap peals to the citizens of the State to give them a cordial support, and to aid them in furnishing an exhibit tha t will be illustrative of the State's resources of every kind. We confidently expect that North Carolina will be able to sustain her self in high competition with the rest of the world. Every country in the world and and every State in the Union is ex pected to participate at this display of the world's resources and pro gress in every department of the splitting to pieces, and as soon as the gap. was wide enough the ne groes could slip in." Williamson is precisely correct in his diagnosis. The white body is sick and faint, and there is threatened disintegration, and that means dissolution. And the white physicians seem powerless. From this county and that bad news comes from Vance, Gran ville, Chatham and other counties. vincible." But this spirit was to have its illustration in works of peace. The plow moved on its furrow, and if perchance the share exposed to view a skeleton, a prayer went up to Heaven to bless the holy ground. Never had such elements met as joined to fetter the South and drag her at the chariot wheels of the conqueror. But, thank God, we say it reverently, thank God, the THE OLD XOETH STATE. The whites are preparing to desert " V . u V vy ut iiccmcn auu buuuiv rauicui bondage from them like dew drops from a lion's mane. the Democracy. That, of course, means the election of the Republi can ticket if the black and tan par ty after the old way will pull to gether for spoils. There is no Lie DAVIS' r savin uan 0 3 oBook "For Keeping the Different Brands, amount of the Same, price per ton, in money or cotton. MtteBoot for all Fertilizer Sellers. FOR SALE BY s. a-. JDJTXQ, FRANKLINTON, N. C. Price $2.25 per book. Express prepaid if you state where you saw this advertisement. human effort. It will givesomeidea doubt of a negro triumph in North of the extent of this Exposition Carolina if the Third party gatb- when it is remembered that 750 ers headway. Nothing can possi- aeres, more than a great plantation, bly save the State from falling un- is embraced in the grounds, and der negro sway again with divis- that 150 acres will be covered with ion in the Democratic party. the necessary buildings. These There is no good hni danger in buildings will be filled with every t . to c6ljceal the n conceivable product of nature and "if, . 41, , , i xt 4.1. r. t j would be wise to look at the facts will respond to what is expected of as they are. -There is wide-suread ner discontent and ignorance, and the In order that our State may take cause of tlie white men is . being her proper place at this great Expo- betrayed in North Carolina. The sition, the Boar.: intends to make negro party is alert, and theireyes collections in the following depart- are wide open. .Already they are raents: looking out for allies, and are pre- Agriculture-Food and food pro- paring to form combinations with ducts, etc. Horticulture Fruits, , f. , . ., . wines, and garden products, etc. the Tlilld Party or any otufer lf b' Live Stock Domestic and wild ani- it the hungry horde can only get mals. Mines, Mining and Metallurgy offices. It is all fur office and not Minerals, building and monument- , . , . c, . al stones. Foresty-Timbers nnd one thing for country or fetate or forestry product. Fine Arts Paint- the welfare of the people. The cry ink, . - decoration , etc. Ethnology- isGive me office or 1 die. Indian relics, and specimens lllustra- . , . - . . ting the -progress of labor and in ven- And tlie whites in ecoresof coun- tion. Liberal Arts Education, ties are preparing to play into the engineering etc. Manufacturers: hands of tie negroes, and to break Fish and t ishenes Fish products , - - , and appliances for cutching fish. "Pthe only party that ever re- All correspondence to be sent to deemed iNorth Carolina or that can The South was solid, not for ag gressive movements, but for self protection and the defense of lib erty. That holidity has been at once our glory and our shield. Break in twain the most precious jewel aud i,ts fragments are comparative ly worthless. Break the Solid South, and the diamond dissolves into its original elements, power less to adorn aud impotent to en rich. It is not the number of clectoria! votes that gives the South its com manding influence. It is the firm step and intrepid advance of a phalanx that has never been bro ken. Upon its banners are in- Scwa from all Over the State Gath ' ered from our Exebaajres. A Cleveland club Los been or ganized in Charlotte, Twelve new dwelling are go ing up at Morganton. ' A Methodist Protestant church will be built at Plymouth. Tho Coast Line will build an iron bridge at Tarboro. $HJ,000 has been subscribed for a cotton factory at Smitbfield. A second Lutheran church has been organized at Wilmington. The graud lodge I. O. O. P. will meet at Wilmingtou on May 12th. Charlotte has two $40,000 buildings within half a square of each other. Extensive prparations are be ing made at Charlotte for thy 20th of May celebration. The new hotel at Raleigh will be called the "Park." It will have 85 rooms and will cost $60,- 000. Tlie cruiser Raleich was chris tened by a North Carolina lady with champagne made in North Carolina. Capt. Sid Alexander denies that he ever said he would not accept the nomination for Governor if tendered him. At the recent term of Gaston county court, which is avdry county, six men were sentenced to jail for selling liquor. The American tobacco company will erect buildings at Rocky Mount and make that place one of its principal purchasing points. A company has been organized at Windsor to build an old fash ioned tar kiln and take it to the VYuild'a fair to thow how tar is TheCatih IHan rt the Crtdlt Sjstnn. Wbat a blessed thing it would be if everybody could adopt the cash system of doing business. How much better it would be for both buyer and seller. Many a man has been ruined by credit. And this applies as well to the man who buys as it does to the one who sells. The credit ya tem is a curse alike to both. Peo ple are apt to abuse their credit, buy things that they could and would do without if they had to take the money out of their pock eta every time. The trouble with many of us is that we do not prac tice economy as strictly as we should, and where one runs an account it is so eay to buy on a credit and have it charged. But we are pleased to think that a gradual change is being worked along this liue, and the sooner the "pay-ns-you-go" plan is of a prophet eaying, This ts the way walk ye in it." Ar they sure that it was not the voice cf a false prophet f In the days of Elijah the prophet Baal prayed louder than the prophet of the Lord, but the God of Ehsha an swered with fire and redeemed his people. And John, in Reve lation, "uw the fale prophet cat alive into a lake of fire bam irg with brix&stoae." Perhaps there is a mistake, at to the voice that is sounding over the land. It may not proceed from one of the anointed at at'. There is au impression abroad that it comes from some ambi tious man who aspires to leader ship. There is no disgruntled man in North Carolina great enough to become a GVear or a Bona part possibly there may be among n an Arnold or a Jnda. Benedict Arnold contracted with the Brit ish to deliver West Point into adopted the better off our people will be. You may thiuk hard of their hands. lie failed, but tb a man forrefusing to credit yon atterop branded hiai as a traitor but often he is doing you a great- ! and consigned him to eternal in er favor in the long run than if he i fatny. Judas Iscariot betrayed allowed you to open an account ' his Lvrd and sank to the ncther wijh him. Of course with some -most hell, but the Crucified Oi people it Is not always po?sibleto was the Savior of the world, tl.o get along without credit, but they Prince of Peace and Lord rGlo should be careful not to abuse it S ry. and cause the man who has be- j If there is one iu North Carol", friended them to suffer on their; nh who would follow in the foot account. It is a true aying that 8t4-p of Arnold or be "the imita short accounts and prompt pay- tor of that base Judean who fur menU make long friends. 1 thirty piers of eilver threw away Taking the view of the matter j H pearl richer than all his tribe,'" as outlined above, merchants and let him count the cost, aud deter others are each year endeavoring! mino for hiralf whether a to come nearer to the cash system j hour of brief authority is worta of doing business realizing that a wnoie eternity of iuf.my. it is the only correct way of con- nL . ... . ducting it successfully. To the Uh() propLetf m a?CfkUlj leader can seduce North i'arolins. dealer it means less book accounts scribed living principles of eternal ! mile truth that gleam like slurs in the firmament of its glory. The common enemy hope to break tho Solid South, with a Southern battery, manned by Southern men. It cannot be done. The recoil of the guns will play havoc with the perpetrators of . the crime. outrageous T. K. Burner, 'Commissioner in Cuarge of exhibits and Secretary of the Committee, at Kaleigh, 1N.C. W. F. Green, Chairman. J. F. Payne, A. Leazar, W. E. Stevens, S.L.Patterson, Committee. POLITICAL POINTS. in the save it irom destruction years-to come. , ' Puthe black and tan party in power again, -and it takes neither ut flower: BOUQUETS, DESIGNS, ETC. Fine Cut Flowers in Great Vari ety. Bouquets, Baskets and Designs tastefully arranged. Pampas Plumes, Magnolias and other choice evergreens. Sugar and Silver Maple, Horse Chestnut and other shade trees. Early cabbage and tomato plants ' - at the right season. Orders promptly filled and sat isfaction guaranteed. - H. STEINMITZ, Florist, Raleigh, N. C. NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator of Re becca Green, deceased, all persons indebted to her estate are requested to pay the tame si t once, and all persons holding . claims sijraitist ner estate will present for payment on or before March;il, 1893, or this notice wir, be plead m bar 01 their recovery. i ms siarca 7, lsaa. - Torn Ghees, Admr. SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN - LOTS. By virtne of a decree of the Superior ponrt; of Franklin county, made in case of r.Wi'- H. Macon, Admr.. ts J. E. Malone, et als., we will sell at the court honse in T.ftTiiahm-o- on Monday 18th day April, 1892, to the hijrh st bidder the following town lot located on r.im street in the town of Louisburg, N.C, 1st, 106 feet front, running back 70yds 3rd 70 M " '. "' 7rt Time of sale 12 o'clock. Terms,. cash, tialance on credit of 9 months, deferred liayraents to draw interest n.t S iw nf. and title retained till ;' purchase money ia v : T- W. TlMBEKLAKE,' ; - C. M. Cooke. ... ; March 3. 1892, , . : ComauBBloners The white people of the South, whether Alllaneeiuen or not, hold toodisfitirt.lv in mpninrtr tlA rlml- seer nor psychologist to project -i "4 4- 11' . & 1 , J days of reconstructiop, and have too great a dread of the conse- Seribner's Magazioe. himself into the months ahead and tell what shall happen. Put North Carolina again under negro con trol, and a long" farewell to. pros perity, contentment, peace aud order. But it is "singing psalms to a AN EXCEPTIONAL TEAR. The year 1891 has been marked by n greater advance than any similar period since the Magazine was established. Not nuliT 1 1 o a rhfl 1i4-aiqi.v altufin OTOollanft. oeen maioiainea ann lncreagea, dui a corre- ucau uuisc iu iiy iu aiiycai lu -p. . ... . ann.ntnr o-nin h hn mnn in th . . . . the Democrats ana Alliancemen of and influence of the Magazine, At the end iu,-u wuu uul 19Lcir??lation.hai V? to ln.or: lost their memories andall the tuau iu,uuu it- may juuy ue proiniHei qnences of the threatened Force bill of the last Congress ever to permit themselves to be placed in a position wherein they will be made subject to such another calamity. On important National questions The address i.f T. Y. Wood be fore the Tobacco Association at Morehead City last summer will be published for use at the World's fair. On the rirrt Monday in May Mt. Airy will vote on the propo sition to issue $30,000 worth of bonds for the purpose of building water works. Lafayette Holt, of Burlington, j lt rahl1 "T, " eqUiT& icui.. viuiu iA'ai. .1 l 1 . r 1 J . or rol her oi her jewes and hr conservatism of her people b.i ben her safVtranrtl- riil lh t.n Store account invaribly i t J . triotism of her nom br la ord am! grow to larger proportions than j Jf j,, Uon of the debtor is aware of, and then ent3 v,ui not bncklo h-.- follows a dispute with a feeling to the Democratic party with feelings that may arise between himself and customer over ac counts on one side that charged accounts have been made that were never the South are of one accord and will Rtnnrl united to si in n n in llir that the further hnproTements dnrinjf the j dark past 18 forgotten, and who I . ,, -. T y . coming year will be proportionate to these ... , . . , . fall . election. Lynchburg lNCWS, largely increased opportunities. - uuuu ouu wiuuiiy duiu wicir mi vett viiB ftTfts and will not see. I " I 'I liA .trlilTA man rt ThA QamIh . I i n Itianotpoesibletogive.inabrief space. The sadness of the condition is " an account of all the features in iirepara- . , . . , , ., I WOllld destrOV the Democratic Tar- l neither intensinea uy me consiaeraiion i , tion, but the material is deficient in importance nor range of subject THE POOR"! TffE WOBLD 8 GBEAT CITIES. that in ruining the negroes and i r , the few seedv. hnnrv. white al- wel1 fire a sb,P in mid-cean "d . It is proppsed- to publish a series of arti- , A ,A . expect to escape when the ship Ull Ct KnCAIV UK? V WlUi C UUWUJ lK , fi ' I I . , . . , , V w . , ncui to bus uuiiuui. ue wumu u ... : i. : 4 i v ii i Hi. Tl,, -ill WlnHo on n.nnTlf. f tha nnT.Hi. ,.,1,U o.,.l I 11,11 4k OUU UC DITailUnCU TI11H IUC liuuo ui iii; ill viiisc; silica u niij lanuo where the results of research will be helpful wreck, & self-destroyed victim of his own credulity, stupidity or in sane vaulting ambition. Woe be rule of incapable and irresponsible' own rtnnes. for as' sure as there npo-rw with whit rnr.f,Wp ".a living God in the eternal heav. who it may be would -rather rule e"8 the mn ho are en gaged, in in hell than to serve in Heaven J" But there is the greatest danger ahead, and; we see bnt little hope to avert it. .yhoiri the gods would destroy they first make mad. Such is.tho ancient saw.r The men wllio this treacherous and infamous work will destroy themselves and leave but an offensive memory behind. ' Wil. Btar. Tb StAtfi is nrasnpronnromnara. for purposes of comparison as well as for ,. . -t- 4i a I hlS-OWn Credulity, Stupidity Or in ihi!t.rf wkii tm tivelv now. If the perishing do 1 J r I'll 1 UWll.lUVI IUQ1V AUJS0W. V-J VBU I w scientiOc point of view, the articles will be a in Vint a fpast thprft will h. cqntnbutaon of great importance, tbetreatv P m . nuto the Rcbemera wlio would im. ment win be thoroughly popular, nca the wnat sane man, witn sense enougn I elaborate Ulustrations will serve to make J , . . , : , , . ; I Deril their DeODle to nromote their the presentation ot the subject vivid as well I to Keep OUl 01 ine n re, .aesires ine I r r . as picturesque; . .. WASHINGTON ALL8TON. Unpublished reminiscences and letters of this foremost among early American paint ers. ' A number of illustrations will lend ad ditional interest to the articles. ,' . ' IMPORTANT MOMENTS. ' The aim of this series of very short arti cles is to describe the signal occasions when some decisive event took place, or when some great experiment as shown to be successful such momenta as that of the first use of the Atlantic- cable, the first use. of the telegraph nd telephone, the SrstsUc cessful experiment with ether, - the night oi the Chicago Are, the scene at the moment of the vote on" the impeachment of Arfdrew Johnson, etc . - . our Or DOOR PAPERS. ' . . ' In the early spring will be begun .a num ber of seasonable articles among them be ing: Small country places, how to lay out and beautify them, by Samuel Parsons. Jr. Fishing Lore from on Angler's Note-Book by Dr. Leroy M. . Yale. ; Mountain Station Life in New Zealand, by Sidney Dickinson, Racine in Australia, bv Sidney Dickinson. with illustrations by - Birge Harrtsorf.- The illustrations are made -from original mate riaL iPrice 25 centa.4 $3.00 a'year. ?z "; CHAS". SCBIBNER'S SONS, Publishers . - 74i)aii 743 Broad wajr, few York. Senator Daniel is right when he RflVR!' "We must ston abnsinir Dem are plotting for the dividing offocrata if we hope for Democratic suc- the Democracy are plotting jto vis- ce68. The Times has constantly op-it- the ; greatest .calamities -tVpoh' pb'sed abusing any of the , Democrats North Carolina. Thatis the :; way who are aspiring to the presidential it appears- to us -Wilmington nomination and twill maintain this MesseWer;- " ' .1. 7'; -.--:' , course to the end-because it believes The lo west temperature ever reg istered by the thermometer in En gland was at Kelso in 1879, when the mercury fell, to 16 below tsero. harmony . nno . fraternal . feelings are' essential to Democratic supremacy.' It is 'said that Denmark, small as it is among nations, consumes twice as Children Cry-for Piicher's .Castoria. ' r.uc!i iiqnorjis Gemaiiy. nas luvcnieniea a cigarette ma-1 chine which will rival the Bon sack. He has been offered $50, 000 for one-third interebt in the patent. Tho otate and county govern ment cost during the last fiscal year $2,520,203, being about $1- 50 a head. Tho Federal govern ment cost, leaving out the post oflice, about $400,000,000, or about $6.00 a head. President Crowell, of Trinity College, has been elected by the American Economic Association to deliver an address at the next annual meeting at Chatauqua, New York, his subject being The Farmers' Movement in th South." Three Granville farmers recent ly went to New York in response to a "gTeeu goods' circular and wero fleeced out of three hundred dollais. They took the package supposed to be counterfeit mon ey to their hotel and found that it contained brickbats. The Rev. F. L. Reid, publisher of the Raleigh Chrittian Advo cate announces that he will pub lish a volume of biographical sketches of all the deceased mem- hers of. tho N. C. conference to gether with portraits of many of them as -can- be procured.. He purposes also to give portraits and pen pictures of. all 'living members of the-conference. "-If this volufiie proves tf"successhe will publish a similar-one for the Wes- tern N. C conference. . 1 .The best cure for rheumatism or neuralgia is Salvation Oil, used Z I .1! l! ' 4- 1 according io uirpcvjons. c. : The news from the seat of war is constantly contradictory, ' hut not so from Dr. Bull's Cough Syr up; every report concerning .it proves it to be the 1 best Cough pjrup known. Only cents hooks oi sieei, ai any rate, lire love of liberty and her inhere! t ordered, and on the other de i , . on - f. . nt . f. t that injustice and loss have been ! niurh f the so-rall?J PeopV sustained by long credit. Make ratty, but which is reallv the do plcted winir of Radical llepnb'i. ranim. Already the right winjr of the Republican party in Nor 1 Carolina Iuls declined to enter 1 1 o battle, feeling confident that u The Third Party in North Carolinx This is a critical period in North valient left wing will gain tic victory. Thank God, the real. rr,- Twr,tr r I,- genuine siinon pure AUiai,-- J , " 1 raeu of ISorth Carolina am i t citizens it is gravely questioned j ,he a,,iM of lSo ormenl 8ja. . ... i i. : 1 1 ri ...... I. . 1 nuciurr ouc win nucij oicm tuc tide or be engulfed in a sea of anarchy. For ourself. we have never doubted the ability of the good old State to ride out the etorm but we would be remiss in our duty, as a watchman on the walls, if we did not see the danger and warn against it. North Carolina ought to be safely Democratic, and she is, but there are those now rnaqtter ading as Democrats who, if it were possible would deceive the very elect. A strange fatuity has taken "possession of many good people, and some men accounted to be wise have lost their reason. It has been said that the Dem ocratic Party has lost its charm, and that "the Peoples' Party" is the talisman that, will rally the multitudes, cause old age to for get its 'decrepitudes and"make the infant's sinews as strong as steeL ' How can this be? Have wordi lost their meaning f In the days of our 'fathers the 'Democratic party was ; the peoples party. Being a party of principles it is unchangable the same y esterday to-day and forever If any -oth er organization has taken for its name "The Peoples' Party," it is a sure indication that wolves in sheep's clothin j have taken the livery of heaven to serve the der il In. Some there are who suppose ton, Ruel crowd. If the fain' of the triumvirate is intended f. -them tLey decline to recognize i. North Carolina may be betray, by Catiline, bnt never by Cin'-i-natus. Newberne Journal. Get the best and cheapest; tl.it means, buy Halvition Oil for ti. ly twenty. five cents. A prophet is no good in 1 i- own country;" but thera is an ex ception to this proverb. 1. Bull has been of infinite good t his countrymen, and his Con,. Syrup has become a nation! balm. Fred Ward, tlie Napoleon. of It Ft.wt, wnt fo Sing King for t it years, will Ve free on the 30th imt. An ctrotf.v form to ct-3 thoroughly fc-mb'iy urtj. TboVa vlrt ycall ta,l -xi wJxat ytmTl tr If you il Ukc t -r krc" Vtx : i rrnr!cn....j pairfcl diorv!r. t ei diarsrs t'.vt ftHict worn u- Hr4 malr tbcrrrhr tcm a wi II f L t. DcJJ ey. a l4otrt-Nj cr soUow Imcc, .a wasted forra fofiow tbcra. ' Cera c3 tbrw ailzacrts red rrrsiumrr rc??tilZa and proraoCa tho jrcytrr ft -IJxs. qaJrt jw rerm, U.JU rp hralth ted rrcaJj wnh tho "I'ato. IYrscrtption.- 1; dcs all itnm lUr , rrvl rxa-a TV rjrtrw u lavlJt4x?i.,. tio LlooJ dri"beC dirtou irtnri. rrr lancixily cxml urrrxxMata dispt Jed. . Tor ukvrmtioo, ciilrru. Ir-trL - itrirm iracticcs. rwrtoCifaJ pcirs, iV t I vrlaOrrr rcavxly tho cmitt cne, nrrr r J nwtk-ino frr wona, tbi cCi. -turd. If It txil to tcsirfit cr cart-. La Cf caao, you tow jtrv cocx j Uclw Xotlce. I hivbj vina all perrDs frota Iklr -or hArborin limw, colored. , bre a contract for his labor aatil 1-1 j that they Lave heard the wurdsj lst,iri ii