"1 . A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. With Malice toward nne; With Charity for all. tl. SO PER A XX I'M. AJrmt. VOL. XXI. LOUISBURG, IsT, C, APRIL 22, 1892. NO. 11. ?pe- hi- .. rgt ; Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. its -ae- ABSOllifEOf PURE ISI'IHT f m n hi h .waini i IS IT AS IT DONE CAN IT DO 9 WORLD'S .FAIR. Office of Board of Agriculttjbe, Raleigh, N. C , January 15, 1892. "TELL HER SO." Those Resolutions. The Board of Agriculture has un-1 dertaken to make an exhibit of the The orijriHa! and only genuine Compound Oxygen Treatment, that of Dre. Starkey & Palen is a scientific .adjustment of the ele- mid the componnd is so condensed and resources of the btate of JNorth tar made portable that it is sent oil over the olina at the Columbian Exposition,- It has been in use for over twenty years; and lias appointed the World's Fair th lusanns of patients nave Deen xreaten and over one thousand physicians have used it and recommended it a very signifi cant fact. 'Compound Oxygen Its Mode of Action and Results," is the title of a book of 200 pages, published by rs Starkey & Palen, which gives to all inquirers fall information as to this remarkable curative agent and a good record of surprising cures in a wide range of chronic cases -many of them after lK'ing abandoned to die by other physi cians. Will be mailed free to any address on application. Drs. STARKEY & PALEN, To29 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Pa, 120 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal. Please mention this paper. Coffins and Caskets. We have added largely to our stock, and now carry a full line of these goods from the plainest woo l coffin to the finest plush or Vflvnt covered casket. Also a full iiiie of coffin hardware, lin- in-i, trimmings, &c. All of wliK'h wi'l be sold at reasonable pr -s. Respectfully, R. R. Harris & Co. Luislurg, N. C. DAVIS5 L UU odv M. Guano Book, For Keeping the Different Bi-auds, amount ot the same, pcice per ton, in money or cotron. JastMoilbr all Fertilizer Sellers. FOR SALE BY S- Or. IXcWIS, FRANKLINTPN, N. C. Price $2.25 per book. Express prepaid if you state where you saw this advertisement. Executive Committee to carry out this purpose. This Committee ap peals to the citizens of the State to give them a cordial support, and to aid them in furnishing an exhibit that will be illustrative of the State's resources of every kind . We confidently expect that North Carolina will be able to sustain her self in high competition with the rest of the world. Every country in the world and and every State in the Union is ex pected to participate at this display of the world's resources and pro gress in every department of the human effort. It will give some idea of the extent of this Exposition when it is remembered that 750 acres, more than a great plantation, is embraced in the grounds, and that 150 acres will be covered with the, necessary buildings. These buildings will be filled with every conceivable product of nature and art, and North Carolina can and will respond to what is expected of her. In order that our State may take her proper place at this great Expo sition, the Boar-.", intends- to make collections in the following depart ments: Agriculture Fcod and food pro ducts, etc. Horticulture Fruits, wines, and garden product, etc. Live Stock Domestic and wild ani mals. Mines, Mining and Metallurgy Minerals, building and monument al stones. Foresty Timbers and forestry product. Fine Arts Paint ing, decoration, etc. Ethnology Indian relics, and specimens illustra ting the progress of labor and inven tion. Liberal Arts Education, engineering, etc. Manufacturers: Fish and Fisheries Fish products and appliances for catching fish. All correspondence to be sent to Whence Has Fled "Love's Young: Dream ?" What of tail Aftermath? There- is an old poem I am sor- Lry I have no copy of it which in sists in most decided language, "if you love her tell her so." The author of that poem had mastered the entire domestic problem, too. The daily life of many a man and woman is made wretchedly barren and unattractive by a total; lack of appreciation. It is not that we really do not appreciate those who I help make our homes, but we are very busy, nd we have to think about our work, and there is the first of the month to meet, and in short, our loved ones ought to know that we love them without perpetually being told so. No wonder there is such a lovely rose color over the days of court ship, and no wonder it fades into very plain and commonplace gray so soon after marriage. The lover is continually telling his sweet heart how dear she is to him, how he is happy only when in her pres ence, and is wretched when she is gone. She has her little fluttering whisper, too. She loves him so, and she is so happy. Just to think of spending long, long years by his side, being always near him, , Economist until they shall grow old together, the Farmer He Appreciates Farming'. . Many papers pnblish the resolu tions as a part of the platform. This has led to some confusion. The resolutions were adopted by the convention as a matter show ing the sentiment of that body, and not a part of the platform. There were three resolutions adopt ed as follows : Resolved, That the. question of female suffrage be referred to the legislatures of the different States for favorable consideration. Resolved, That the government should issue legral tender notes and pay the Union soldiers the dif ence between the price of depreci ated money in which he was paid and gold. Resolved, That we hail this con- m . a . m lerence as the consummation of a perfect union of hearts and hands of all sections of our common coun try. The men who wore the gray and the men who wore the blue meet here to extinguish the last smouldering embers of civil war in the tears of joy of a united and happy people, and w e agree to car ry the stars ;i;id irij s forward forever to tin Led pv'i'.t of A Vote fur Republican Supremacy. tional great n The above j eo;. ieu 1 ivm i lie iv Nal i'".i:;il rar. of ; Alliance. It should ' ifi a- v nat wa? i. t lie Ki'OUOl'lirt ' i'.c' ('If aile;i' ii' ::.g I he setMi ';. ly au.l not a- h Jd'Ti." We 1 . 1 1 ' 1 w if the phi'iforwi as r-ln-w i n j !: body ?' May a mere piece oi i vottv, but tin !' e body were v.-o!at!o:ii. The e is no getting aek :aimy rab resolution was adopted by the con vention and everybody who tic? to the Third party has got to swallow it. It is just a? strong as if it had been in the platform. The intention of Ihe Convention evidently was to use that resolution in the North to catch votes among the Union soldiers, but it was not to be mentioned in the South, O, no it was not in the platform, you know. As a piece of political hypocrisy and duplicity this trick has never been equalled by any party in this country. You might scrape hell from the bottom and you wouldn't find anything to sur pass it. An exchange says : A billion dollars is a thousand million or a million thousand dol lars $1 ,000,000,000. To pay a billion dollar debt a man would be obliged to have a million thousand dollars $1,000, 000,000. . , To pay a billion dollar debt a man would be obliged to have a million thousand dollar bills or two million $500 bills or ten million (10,000,000) hundred dollar bills. If the back salary grab resolution were to become a law the Govern ment would have to pay the ex-Union soldiers, over and above pen sions, from one to five billions of dollars of back pay. Alouroe Enquirer. and perhaps they will bo allowed be jjood il (oh, bliss supreme) to go down to the dark river together, and cross over to the other side, hand in hand ! It is the sober afterthought that takes all the romance out of the cas-e. A husband coming home at night, grim and taciturn with no eyes for anything but his paper, and no thoughts for anything but his paper, and no thoughts for anything but his business affairs why, that's different, you see; just-as the irritable little woman in the soiled wrapper is different from tho radiant girl who used to come down and meet him in the most charming dresses that evev captured the heart of man. The fact is, you couldn't expect her to remain radiant long. She has worn .. -i . 1 1 ' done at St. L says '-the ed as a mallei meut of tha1 part of the pi; also like to V was not also the sentiment be it was ad clap trap, to :.: real seutiir.e.,1 v expressed in tl, fact is, aud th around it, the T. K. Burner, Commissioner in cnarge of-exhibits and Secretary of the Committee, at Raleigh, N.C. W- F. Green, Chairman. J. F. Payne, A. Leazar, W. E. Stevens," S. L. Patterson, ; Committee. GUT FLOWERS, BOUQUETS, DESIGNS, ETC. Fine Cut Flowers in Great Vari ety. Bouquets, Baskets and Designs tastefully arranged. Pampas Plumes, Magnolias and other choice evergreens. Sugar and Silver Maple, Horse Chestnut and other shade trees. Early pabb'age and tomato plants at the right season. Orders promptlv filled and sat isfaction guaranteed. H. STEINMITZ, Florist, Raleigh, N. C. Scribner's Magazine. NOTICE. Ha ving qualified ae Administrator of Re becca (iiven, deceased, all persons indebted t o her estate are requested to pay the eame at once, and "all persons., holding claims against her eutate will present for payment on or before March 11, 1893, or thin notice will be plead in bar of their recovery This March 7, 1892. John Gbeen, Admr. Scientific American Agency for. I 1 InJU L,l.rVJ AN EXCEPTIONAL YEAB. The year 1891 has been marked by n greater advance th,an any similar period since the Magazine vaa established. Not only has the literary and artistic excellence been maintained and increased, but a corre sponding gain has been made in the sal-? and influence of the Magazine. At the end of 1891 the circulation had risen to more than 140.000 It may justly be promised that the further improvements during the coming year will be proportionate to these largely increased opportunities. FOB NEXT YEAB. It isiot poesihle to give, in a brief space. an account of ail the features iu prepara tion, but the material is deficient in neither importance nor range of subject. THE POOR I THE WOBLD 8 GBEAT CITIE8. It is proposed to publish a series of arti cles. UDon a scale not before attempted, giv mar the results ot special stuoy ana worn among the poor of the great cities, l lie olan will include an account of the condi tions of life in those cities (in many lauds) where the results of research will cm' helpful for purposes of comparison as well as for their own intrinsic interest. While, from a scieutiOc point of view, the articles will be a contribution of great importance, the treat ment will be thoroughly popular, ana tne elaborate illustrations will serve to make the presentation of the subject vivid as well as'picturesque. i WASHlNeTON ALLRTON. Unpublished reminis.'-ences and letters of this fdremost'among early Americnn paint ers. A number of illustrations will lend ad ditional interest to. the articles. IMPOKTA5T MOMENTS. The aim of this series of very short arti cles is to describe the signal occasions wtien some "decisive event took- xla:e, "or whn some great experiment was shown to be successful such moment as thnt of' the first use of theAtlantic cable, the first upp of the telegraph and telephone, the first suc cessful experiment with ether, the night o the Chicago fire, the scene at th? moment ot L the vote on the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, etc OU OF DOOB PAPERS. DESION PATENT COPYRIGHTS, eta. F '"t"rmatton and free Handbook write to ni1?? & CO, 361 Broadway, Nw Yoke. uuiest bureau for Mcnrlng patent In America. fie,7 Patent taken out by un is brought before tbe public by notice given free ot charge la tne BPienaiaiy tlhwtrated. No intelligent man should hK thrait it wviw at rfn 1.60 six monha. Add roes MUNU CO- In the early spring will be begun a. num- Der oi BPaflwiaoif nrririH, among mem i ing: Small country places, how to lay out and beautify them, by -Samuel Parsons. Jr. Fishing Lore from on Angler'n Note-Book by Dr. Leroy M- Yale. Mountain Station Life in-New Zealand, by Sidney Dickinson. Racing in Australia, by Sidney Dickinson, with illustrations by Birge Harrison. Th illustrations are made from original mate rial. Price 25 cents, f 3.00 a year. J CH AS; SCRIBNER'S SONS, Publishers,' herself out planning little Louse hold economies, and you read your paper while she tried to tell you about them. She has racked her brain devising dainty dishes and setting an alluring table, and yon did not care enough to notice what she had done. She has worn out health and spirits in the care of your children, and you have done your part by sending the children to another room when you come home because they make you nerv ous. Courtship, indeed ! No won der the little woman looks, back over the sweet, trivial nothings of that happy time, and wonders whether there is such a thing as love, after all, and what it is like. "My wife ought to know that I love her without always being told of it," retorts the man, proud man, dressed in a little brief authority, ow would she know it, pray? You have been known to caress your horse frequently, and your dognever comes aboutyou without receiving a loving word or an af fectionate pat on the head. Yet the heart of a loving woman, and that woman your wife; is wound ed and sore under your long indif ference. "If you love her tell her so." There is a time to tell those things, you understand, and a time when; it is too late to tell them. The saddest thing about bending over a tired face, about to be shut away under a coffin lid. is that the ears are closed, and would not hear our agonized protestations of love, though we shouted till our throats are rent. How willing we are to kiss the pallid lips, the marble fiiwlifnd ' l-mr. ttiAtr ' thrill nn mnrft I beiieath our touch 1 What a pity we did not think to kiss thera'of tener when the warm blood throbbed beneatlrthem ! There"; will always -:be plen ty of time for love, we thought, and then we were so busy! But, ah, there was not plenty cf time! A correspondent in . the Scien tific American cays: "I should rather have tweuty-fivo acres of land in Central Iilino;?, or like fertile lands further south, to raise a family than to be the bett mechanic i Chicago. WorlTing on land where nature blooms and blossom? should be a pleasant occuuation to an old man who has not lost his physical powers. All this talk about the poor farmer, his hardships, discontent and unhappiiicss has filled the public mind with tin thought, "Anything but a farmer's life." Let a man walk around New lorK ana see lamilies living in one room, "secinir the children play oji the stone sidewalk, half naked, their barefeet never touch ing a blade of green grass. He must feel that, a child born on a farm is blessed in the start. My advice to a mechanic: Save i portion of his wages, so when id age drew near he could own a small farm and be au indepen dent man." This' correspondent recognizes ih' true theory, that working po r land is jut what the trouble i with our farmers. It cost t.'xTiit as much to cultivate an in-re of poor land as it does to till iiind that will produce three times nnuh. What we here at the - :: ii need, is to increase the fer iilt v of our lands. The Haltimore Sun rrntlv tn Oil. What a Cough. Will ron th w-tmirur. Tlx' . . , ' . A. . , I tht taorw tfrtil.!-ii'aM.Onriinptloo. tamed a verv interest mvr letter from Toar.jT jf Ti-n ran afford for th Washington on the political situa-1 Mkof Aintr c-ns to rcn Uw rUk tion. and from it we make th fol lowing extract : "With cotton fil ing lower than lavt jenr, ami th burden of the McKinley tariff op pressing the Southern planters n theyliave never len burdened with and d. Butuipg f-r it. VTe knew fr4a rirruc tut MiU"h Curw ill cam yoaroogTi. It t-M-t fail. TtU n plains whv irtun lLaa a million boUl r li th rr. It reltetr croup aad Lxrin;r rcb at nr. )Iobt rv d D'tlLf wi: limit it. Frlinw back, xi r eh-t u- Mltib-h'a I'uror4 The Maryland court of appiAt I V'la f I. , . r li I .- Tl.. a Jfc km- taxation before fioroth war. they j pkfi L..0Si-0-. a ..'i T. C. J.jUr. are too rovly to listen to the tulk FunkSiuun. of wil.l thorizer!4 who have tU'viiH-d j it ' . i . r i II I I Ulrd n TUT1TJ1J.T? tU I If .III CM klirfl-l ft eminent rvli-f. Th'v night of ' 1,as decided that a tmnranJ-.o, tho fact that the' on'y hn of re- 1 ,n the h( f a f-'u,y Bible i a lief i to nmain in the I.::io rati. 1 ,er-'ai l4"et- party nn 1 'le-t a D tr.o: atl- In.- t dent and a Imor-u:ir' Chii.to"' ! !I')la n:i'l l.lt-r imitla!i. In it not wr-li th- nll TiHrv i.f Ti plelgel to the attolition of th tat i'T , .,;It fr i:r If . f fnj -jrav-. law vhich lavs its heavy hand u - ' f di-ir-inr r .mrUnt U r..u ibiuk rau aifcr 'rr ani frt a tl. of Sliil.-U'ii Viral laer. rrrry UtiU ba a printM guaranty oa it. ac- cunliuglv a:l if it d-- ron nothing. Sld by 'i'boia.w A: Aye-rV IuUbcr , aad T. C. Joj bt, I'rukliutoo. Ancient dentist. filial teeth but they oft-n uel le.ul. Mr. Henry Win'r. finnrrly manarr t the Mvunash Hrvwry, rara hr had lUteumai vv. tf Ih- Heart fur teral years. Often lie x unabi- to walk uer a few bl.ick, bw pain wma intene; he Lad tr ouble to get hw trt aih; be bad CbriicUn in Philadelphia, bU frnr one, but the bet pivfeswr in th nnl- eniy then coa'd not si him relief. Coming here be rtw V. V. P. adeiil. tried lo b-tt1e, and Is now a well man. Hi pain ba left him and be ran now atk aH day. He render thanka to P. 1 I, and Hay i' wi.rkinjrn ar wonder fnl. For iafe bj Tbonia- & Ajcvek. I'.aby J(s not eommenr to cry Farm Work. Good farming is brain work. Keep on the right side of na- t. ''arm and farmer must improve tog:t her. Yuii cannot get rich at the ex pense of your farm. Weed killing is only a Bide is sue in cultivation. Cultivate your ideas in winter while other crops don't grow. The man whose farming don't pay waits until oat sowing time tooil his harness. Hollow horn is a sympathetic affection. Hollow stomach is av the bottom of it. Three kinds of people abuse horses; the well meaning igno rant, the selfishly indifferent, and the brutally vicious. Be tween the three, the poor horse has a tough time of it. A cow may be fed too much, but this fault is not a common one, nor a crying danger. Ev ery cow giving milk should be fed enough to show that she is not thin in flesh, nor in any way lucking in physical comfort. She should be fat enough to make fair beef, but not of that high grade that butchers consider at tirst class meat. on the produrtM of their rU-Un to fill the pocket. oi the protected ir.amu- -iacturera. H tlu Third party did no j worse than fleet it. own men to I'ongresH it would nti!l b ntV to oi fer no good reasons for Demoeratn leaving their old party to swell it,s ranks. Hut the greatest dangerl'e in the fact that it may ho divide the Democratic vote ns to make it pos sible for the Kepul-'k-nm to carry many district they cou'd not oth erwise control, and they may even, by dividing the voie for presidential electors, give one or .o Southern Htnt over to the Republican in th pee-ddentinl election, thut innur- ing the re election of President Har rison. It the people of the South, by wasting their l.fil.otd on third party camlidate, give lite onvitjen- u..in unti it b thn( month old ey and t'ongrH over int) thehandf of the Kepublicam, the inevi n' le result will lx .he tx,..sa,re of the iowe bill and the d iHiippea ranee of J all chance for Pghtening the hur- j dens of the tariff ftr at Wast four! . . . l i years more, boutnern niemoeri oi Cougretw rea'-ze the mim.-hief that the Third party movement may do in th'-ir fection of the country, mid in the approaching cmp iign no ef fort will lo spared to nhow the plan ten of tlie South that their burden can only le removed by the lVmo crat'c party, and that every vote for the Third paily candidate w ill be a vote for Republican supremacy in national affiin. for the perpetua tion of the iniquitous McKia'.ey tar iff law, for the passage of the Force bill with all the onsiuence that ft imtlis including b'ack rul innu.ny , of their communities. Cri nVf rf it. it jrn tavo Orarrb. r?n t iwroiy nlre U f r a ilrao T.i pi'orioua. irrilALuit nuCi ajvl atrcnj csusIm: puIu'-Joo. "Lik yon iser-n to bi r"ln b"!p, you njy lm &AXi&z harm. La tbu way, lt" usually ocJy driven to ibo luiii. Dr.- yo-j ran pti rLl cf Si eoei1rtiCy, w1:"j Dr. hajru'a Catanh linzjcrlj. Tbat a been provod otct ?-t over caia, ta llxnucrvii c tl 7 rjo hrka C"j". Dy ircpceti. CVitsjrb ia tbo TLx 1 ftud nil I "c,jttL: 1 c.ToC.ijrj --e pcrloitly aad pcrr.'-mUy urcL Fruio fhyi-ii wGl trJl yr ttat Ca tarrh cxa'T. be rrmJ. TL-ey oenn ttkat f.Vry cent euro it. IV. lUwnrdy mi Arl to irov thit ti-y beihero it, t: rrof'Ti -Afr of tbii rr-L'iri wU pay i-Xi for &a lucur&Lo caw Ct . "TO. Specimen Case. S II fliffor-I. New nl. W n . tri.r.V Ih1 with niir!ci unU rlir'tuntmro. !tom:irh won tlu.orilrfl. Ii liver Wtel to ho nUrinin nvitif Ml away. tnil he a terrjb!. rrdo-e,l in t!- b j A tern Notice. 1 hereby warn all perrn frm 'uirirp r barbarinx IV"b i.re. rlomd. a I have rjntncl fur hi Lb--r on'ilOcl. lr, ;sri. JtfH Mote. 1SP2. E.IarJ Si .l.er.l. Hnrrvt urjr. HI.. i .H llCll 0 lfiUU UillU ronoinn dorr on li lil I en:ht yar- D'. IHR. l'ne.1 tbiev hotll n of 13-rtr.r l..;ler anS hia letf im oouil ntl el!. John Si-ok h r, l'atHba. O.. httd fv lar(t tevrr o j on hia leu.- ilnetom mwl be h itvorable. i l)n Itottle EWtrie Bitten mill on lot I Brkl-n'i Arrjiea Snl cnvJ biro eutm-ly Sold by Tboma A Ayroke. iLLf.rr.T:.D. Cleveland aud the Force Bill. The Right Ticket. The man who does honest work gets double pay for doing it. How's Your Wife? Doe i'ue !rl poorW all th time. mVr from lnck ot euetfrr. and a irener.il ' no-r- f onnt" lietlnen enrrvatioo ? S:ie tU a totitr. dvtnethirir i wroi ilh ler MckxI. Hnn for a doctor? Not at ail. my dear mr 't M-r a bottle of V. P P. (Pr.ckly Anh. Poke hoot and ItaawomJ. tb very bet .VoaiKu'a HeftuliHtr iind Touic rttant. It rearhea tht fouree of troah'e tvetly and jnM-kly. and Woreyoa know it. roar wile ill be' Hnothr unman, and -will llea th kind fate that brooithtr. P-P- o br mo tir and relief. Our let .b.Tnana Iodorw nod reeorntnend it, and aell eondueted hodaehoki hece por blood and ita roo r)tnitmt bappineMi ia appriatJ. hoolj aitlioot It. Franle by Tboaaa k Ay-t-ocke. 743 and 745 Broaiwaj, New York. Children Cry for Fitcher's Castoria. This is a year when all sorts of presidential tickets on all sorts of platforms. ; The Southern Cultiva tor proposes the following: . For President : Industry. For "Vice President: . EcoxoiiY. Electoral Ticket: 1. Hog, hominy and hay. 2. Grain and grasses. 3. Cotton and the cereals. -4. . Home-raised products. 5. Improved labor saving ma chinery. 6. ' Intensive cnltnre. - 7. Fields terraced and tilled. . 8". Improved stock raised at. home. ,. , - 9. Improved public highways. - 10. Smaller farms aud more thorough tillage. fc 11. Homes -made -more Attrac The statement thatdrover Cleve land uttered no words of protest against the infamous force bill has been made about ofrea enough by the Hill organs in the south. In nn i?d dress to the Democratic clubs of Philadelphia, delivered at their cele bration of Jackson Day, Januarys. 1891, Mr. Cleveland said: , 1 If voa ana tronble-l with dypp'a- a torn - Sanes Oent. Upon tlie pasSJlge OI a , ch disorder or hrer aud kidn-y roan.lulnt I Th H'K lte ui c:r rs.tr lb. f.arth C t . I o-ry t-t ta' uta orr of Am rWirm r .Ita . tf. Ihriaf h arttrU-a fl r g a Eu-r thoruKti ravttkua UVU) n blttk. rto I l nv.W--fth- Rwl lo-r-oDti lMr.e-DH-titofoar t'oantry. ant ai-ur.y tu it Gr.-aJ W. at. Parti aUr alt' btioo viJaUo I. git.-n to lH-amilL: IfUua vt AtwtLa tory. ln Flell of th wit F.oror War m t A h ritod Ip a H. rW ol fp r w. ifc Daaui---from I h' iUach rorat K tb btaa tra J foulUK Up w tot P. I UIU t. IUv tratol ly kir. MUJcl an-l Alfrl P-rwt. ArtU-leaaLau will m civi n on the U- rm .h T. V Ttiotetmp. Mr. W. I. Mow- Ua wl!J root ft? eta a re noTL - A Wortl of rhiory." ( b raxtertailralt A u- rf.-o Ka(exi- ptrvmilh. brf will H fixm to ahort atorl a. all h lll le r i tMLote-ll-T. B. Al kTcH. R. II In via. K-Cdt.it. Hyl-. iUrmr t Uliol M)a Vovloo,t.: otb r pnput a writ r. "Ara nf th - '.llrr.ry flor awlTl ftr-rmtxi remiitla.ro-?! cf Math ml A llwtlnrm-. I y V roll' ar rlaa-flul II f- torvc tri.t. HoraM BrV.U- ,inlt i-a-raonaj HfUki rni im ttro-wu. Itvga, l-y AnooTh-fekersy Hiubl-r. UACPEB'3 PERIODICALS, ret tkail There is no fharper sword than that in the hands of ttulh. fetleral law, with the gcaiwly tlenietl puipo-e of perpetrating parti.uin saprenincy, which invades the utaies with election machinery designed to prortiote federal oterfervrjces with the right of the p.ople in the local ides concerned, discrediting their honesty nnd fairness, and justly arousing their jealousy of cenf-al-ir.ed power, we will stubbornly i-csist such dangerori8 and revolution ary scheme in obedience to cur pledge for the support of the stale governments in oil thf ir rights." trv P. P. P.. aad you a ill rwoir at itatnaj- iral workinea. Fetna'ea ae pwiliaHy bn- erJtte.1 hw V Y. V. It espl diaxtac, ni jtirea liealt by action to every orcaa. aale by Thotnaa 4 Aycoeae. For Acrra MAOanvx nurm i wckkl. Aarra'aaaiaa iitfii toCso raorue 4 oo 4 i 4 ft 4 ( -M I'oHiHje frtl to all inLicribm i I'nUed StJ, Ca a 'a omJ Mexico. Bncklen's Amicav Salve. The best m.t in the world for cat, brumes, aores, nicer, salt rheom. fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain, corns, and all akin eruption, and posi tWel r cares piles or no rr. U ia guar anteed to trire perfect sat Iaf aetion or money retanded. Price 25 cents per recks, Louis -box. For tale bv Thorax; & Avcocbe. rraaUiatoa. A greatiuany prayer meetings aro prayed toleath. Iat maoliool. lost eoerry. w-aiaea. Keneral debility are a'l ml by P. P. P. New lit, new eoetay ae in'Qsml in the ya tera bT tha hloo.f purifying and cVranaiaaT pro per tier of P. P. P . the ftreatral Ulood purifier ot the age. For aala by Tioioa . Ayeorka No good man ever dies without making living people rich. W have a apeedy and txwlllra cor for cararrb. diptberia, canker rnatbr and beadacte Id SMiob Catarrn iiero edy. A. nisal Injector free with each bottle.- Cas it If rna desire healfh and sweet breath. Scliby Thorns a & Aj- mcks, Lonbsburg, and X. U Jojutr, The rolcmra o tt t 'Terkly beii with the uuaivrr for Juo ai.d iceeant- r of each year. Wbra un t:nie Upeeifi.-. aulcrijtkiia will Urcim a ilh tb BUta'i r cnrrrnl at iSe lima cf re-ij t f older. llourd volomta l !lafr'a 'r-k i l r three trara baeV, iu neat elthl ltd t ill be tent by rn til, p-t-ri i for U' pr volame. t loib cjm , fr biadit;. It certa each lr rail I. poi-paid. Ii.de. m Uarper'a Weekly Alphabe: ral, Analjliel. aud elaied, for "valaaar. I to 70, ii.cliitc. frum Jane tW, to Jaiv l10. Or Rrn. rlnth 44 oa OinittAtc-a ka'.d he made by pat ePare tanncy ; rdei or draft, Ut atvi. ehnnr :f In, Xetcpipe-$ art not to rtyy tkii Jrrr ttMnrnent viih.nU tht txirt a:i.er larprr tf llrutkcrt Adureaa IUarxa A Baoraraa. New Tork. NOTICE. AU persona are hereby warned from hiring or harboring Lathvr King, witb whom I hart a contra 4 forth vear 1892. ThuSlarch29thf1802. ::

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