With Malice toward none; With Charity for all. 1 VOL.. XXI. LOUISBURG, 1ST C, MAY 13, 1802 NO. 1-1. . A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. Highest of all in Leavening- Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. 'The Philosopher's Stone.' W11T 8 9 IS IT HAS IT DONE AN IT DO I Tht ori nnnl and onlv genuine Componnd Oxv-cii Tivatment. thnt of Drs. Starkey & WORLD'S .FAIR. Office (St Boabd of Agrictjltpbe, ItAiLEioa, N. 0 , January 13. 1892. The Board of Agriculture has un- r.iien is sciontifie n:fniHtm?.it of th eie- f-dertaken to make an exhibit of the merits 01 uxynvn una .n rt;i''ii ihuumb: izeu; iin 1 th: oi-mponnd is so condensed and inn jtortalile that it is sent nil orer the v-...-; !. !i I', i.-. iir-en in usr for ovr twenty years; Hi i". -", is of p itients havt ho?n treated. is-i-1 over one thousin.i phyniintins have 11, ! if a id ri'couini ':ni'il it a very siguifi- i-.lli; f:l"!. ('.) n: mnd Oxy-n Its Mode of Action ;i i 1 i; s vi s.' is the titli of a book of 200 ;. f:s. t.nMisVd ly H-s Srarky & Palen, v. :! r i u-ivi's to all inquirers full information :iirtl his reioarkuiile curative airnt and a t-i i ' oil :i r 'iirl of surprising eurew in a wide ci? "hronic cis s -many of them after ri'i iiidoned to die by other physi 'A';u he mailed free to any address wiieation. n as. ST A TIK K Y & PA LE NT, ..-h Street. Philadelphia. Pa. j i SottiM' Street. S in Kranciseo. Cal. se mention this paper. 1 "M -II m ana uas W havo added largely to our s!ii.-i-:, and now carry a full line ,'.' .io-.-..1 goods from the plainest we ..!! iolTiii to the finest plush or v-i'il covered casket. Also a luM liueof coffin hardware, lin- iuu's, trimmings, &c. All of u !i -i wi 1 be soid at reasonable Respectfully, "R. R. Harris & Co. Lniis'wurg, N. C. Keeping the Different , amount oi: the same, priri' p r 'on, in money orcotcon. Jui'jjjJi. i Ji all ItiiiliZa iiuiiuiii FOR SALE BY S. Gr. HDJLTIS, FRAXKLINTON, X. C. I'rice $2.23 per book. Express vr :iaid if vou state where vou s ;v this advertisement. Mi r or : and resources of the State of North Car olina at the Columbian Exposition, and has appointed the World's Fair Executive Committee to carrv out this purpose. This Committee ap peals to the citizens of the State to give them a cordial support, and to aid them in furnishing an exhibit that will be illustrative of the State's resources of every kind. We confidently expect that North Carolina will be able to sustain her oelf in high competition with the est of the world. Every country in the world and and every State in the Union is ex pected to participate at this display of the world's resources and pro gress in every department of the human effort. It will give some idea of the extent of thi. Exposition when it is remembered that 730 acres, mere tin . n a L?reat plantation, is embraced in the grounds, and that 130 acres will be covered with the necessary building:-. These buildings will be filled with everv conceivable product of nat ure and art, and North Carolina can and will respond to what is expected of her. In order that our State may take her proper place at this great Expo sition, the Boar, intends to make collections in the following depart ments: Agriculture Food and food pro ducts, etc. Horticulture Fruits, wines, and garden products, etc. Live Stock Domestic and wild ani mals. Mines, Mining and Metallurgy Minerals, building ami monument al stones. Fores tv Timbers and A merchant accommodates a cus tomer by selling him goods on credit; the customer promises to pay when he sells his wheat or to bacco or other product; but sick ness, or low prices, or some other unforseen circumstances prevent the fulfillment' of the promise. Still further indulgence is sought hoping to secure what is already due, the merchant gives credit and the debt is increased. A note may be given, the merchant has it discounted and in course of time is obliged to renew it or pay it. Interest accumulates, the security which may have been given proves valueless; suit may be euterel; lawyers' fees and cost are to be paid; prior claims are presented; homestead exemption is claimed; the law's delays and uncertainties and legal technicalities intervene, it may be the death of the debtor, and in the end the account of years dwindle into insignificance, the only assetts from which the creditor hoped to realize being eaten up by the long and te dious processses of a chancery court. Is it right and just? It may be said, the merchant was not world ly wise. But how many are there in every community, who know but too well an experience not un like that wehave indicated? Wo would like to present this matter so strongly that the practice of in curring obligations of debt might be lessened; or, at least, that the duty of meeting financial obliga tions might be mcro generally met. Heedlessness incurring obli gations is little less than a crime; and the man who in his anxiety to sell goods gives credit is "parti ccps ciimiuis." He who plunges into debt is like one who ventures upon a doubtful speculation . If ho has not a good margin, he expo ses somebodv to los. Mclviuley's Menace. For the twelve months ending March 31,1802, our exports have reached the enormous total of 1,- C05,2S-i,50(5. For the same period our im ports have amounted to 8.'J7,0o3,- 535. Here is a "ballance of trade" in our favor, to use the absurd language of our Republican con- emnrsirie of 31 W. 0)0,03). Our great exports are dn to large crops, at home ami bhoit crops abroad. This combination of circumstan ces rarely occurs oftenr than once in ten years, yet it is the only thing that has s ived us from a national niianriui disaster. With an exce,s cf $iG:UiC0,000 of exports, we answered Europe's demand on u? for fo d for which Europe has paid u- with our own securith s. Unfortunate investments in South America have curtailed the Democrat or Third lirtyitc Which 1 About 3ifa. A S ri. u ta:f!L-n. ft Is runJl wltlcrt any rj-f-t:n tint r.or.o tf tj-ir t ..t -.r T town inn Tijoy n vnnocr.l tat- if fTfvtj-rritr if tl.v Iirmii. ifttTt w iou kit t? lit- ; Ur it i ft 1 Ml a.T.iintu-n. Wo wont fo tnlk lilt!" to our Speaking to tbo txt, r.s '.. t l.idv rondt r.r fictallr lb- voun understcr.d him, that "the duty ! r!s. Girl, have a -.-.d "t m.-; of tLe leaders of tho party i tu b m rry, ! -Ry ; rid-, roiv end do all in thir rxwcr to i:ulur i pnini vnMu..iv. i.,t Democrat? to come into tho I). tu- don't make a nt.-D in th w ruuf ! ,ro,h at tbc t;ttr.v 'JV"t xl" . cratic primaries, and not try to I direction that will l.ri:.? .m.w ! Th?,,,"lww ! ,tLr tin,lL5; drive them ot;t by th netting up to oth-r, or cau you in fu!or. j '.n'rB tl'"U ' of n.-w tests," Mr. Jo.-phu, ,ar o bh;,h ov.-r it iv.;:iorv. j " ,t 't "!v to n.c tin IhinKMlateoditoroftheRaleiKhl Now we nre p-.iac to tell vou ,y of tl rM.,.;,j. r nr lh m Chronteh , asks: "Who rave ti c j wl.il think of the boys f'T nnd tl..,t u!mt tl s r m!rr.--r. mitral Democrntic com:i,ittro t.f j ev rv vh-l should hav- n fi lb, j t:y. i.r. 1 cii! t:tr-t! t-i!.r .nUr Iredell the right to drivp the Al- j and to should i vi-ry pirl. A i4o : s:i-t o!d W.-y, 1 ut U t.": liuncMiifii who support tho St. .1. 1 tghtful f.dlo7, v.ho i hand- J n ''- it ''f-'-r tny U-ttxr. t.ut Louis demand out of the I).-n.o-; some i ih.uIi to raufe v.:t.i,y a j w,r1'k, r:.tic party?" And Mr. laui!p ' .naiden'M b.nH tW.u r o:d wi,.. I Tli-n-l-.t tbur,- to di t to tr adds: "Th.- demands ad.;.Nd bv ' U well pnouuh o,Y to I n tn. 1 ,h lruV'1 Tl.i d.-. t...t t.-.it the bt. I.ouitt confiL-i:co of l.iUir j b! cr.us- in inan.:na s ' Miitis.' : . e , ' . ! ;.nr.i r, but r.it'r t.-nt lim t orgauizatn iis i-n f.ftri wnr.'.s n-j ii.,n, for tl." fluVTiiit ah mo 1-" , . ., , d us, uTb.rJ pariy ; but there ; r. , . st . noucli to ulhrrn that I.,, v - ; Th . Uui Ut h yT w.. thousands ot Alliance,, hrna!n-d r;n- n in- to tl.- fa t . Vition pn.-. thr.t hr. o.U.rk endorse the domain Is who nr hos- j '.bat h- did not t- - c.ip-b!. ..f U don- th- r--.U4 -r it;.i!.irtor; . tih- to the Thirtl party." j making a woman I h; py. H. ( Th-Xorkm.ii r.n y.r.t. r lay, in rn W- are fallen on ijuoi-r dnf ' vr-ry etat'-ir.-nt r-v..ibl t'n- :ir"e!- mi t.' tinn .! lj!-rty. g.ue Men w ho bolievo slrano th;i.j.'v iruth that bo would ii.d- d ' "s. '""p'' of i.m llirnt rnd pnSt.-- 'hat have to do with matter oi ho man to mako one ij 'ho bt ' bl-f.-.-i in?. ubi rvu vt-ry f Wn g-.-at pubjio interest and ar- 'of husbands, and in tonvni-r- ":1 i"! Z ' han.Im,- I'll . t th-r-fore partsof polil ical cie d.l make avm l.aj j-v woman of thr-'1' '"n"f,im, ir Mn r'U41 " , - ', -r i- !u:.- i iiirou.-liout t!.- lotrntr' . an, if smmds, believe i: what th Jirllio clio.c tor h.s wif- .. 1 , r , , 1 . . ,,..) b fp.' tJiint . ;;- I t trj;tt - Ijemocracv oes not and nov r It is not tm n.au v. bo i afrasd ; , ., . . i ! cr, torn t!i. v ati- in t .-.r j"l.trl will, and yet be anxious to yoto ; h- w ill not till th- lull in tl o , nn t,,'..v niul Hufr..r tU (1in- tho Democratic ticket to tb.:.t ; matrimonial play that :h the a)n-.i,i. iKT-t Ol t ! 1 1 1 - larv nr.. I those same stranf doctriio"s may that fails pjnallv in th" rol- ' p,Mr ti 1 b, !.-i.--; Uir. far p:r.r. . .! never bo tested! What is lh- , If he ev-r vtitiKc-s sn far tid from rLurrb. k hUojm. n.ilb financial resources o,the Euri'i'O an centers and this for .vl thi re turn of American securities to American markets. This would have drawn from u? gold and silver in such quantities as to have disturbed all business relations. In fact, the drain of gold to Europe began in LSIH), and reached large proportions. Ex cept for our large crops, this drain would have continued, but condi tions changed, and Europe was glad to take grain, which it need ed more than gold. Instead of receiving gob! f r our grain we have bee i paid the ; The I) moerat k: j t, , ty wants all love as a j fiv,n that rx- balance1 in ocean fr-ight, and j the votes it can g-t, but it wan ci.oding'.y j nci..us and inu?t l I ihocracy but its principles? And ake a woman to U bis w if th , and poiofh.- I n !r u h rn-'. -what is the Third party if it is 'is pret ty ur that hT hf- wiil ' :n- pv.rty. biir.in..' nr..l vi . not the St. Louis demands its ' bi- pler.?ant so far as lr iln:r.e. ' mu,t ; ri'.t. Hon- intu U ,j i-.lt t t'i take nnra n a-..I r rt lit ti-.o -nalI f.inn, with tbo ti-a priniity to till th- .rv-!.j.-,:-4 ct i.virr ir- m5 ro Wori....a. priiicipl :-? If i man U lievoi in ' tic relations are concern :h-'i 'ihiril jT.rty d n.and? is it j his rnotl sty is not a?su:ii he i r"isonab!- to rujH)so that to, will mvr'p:.te i r t'r m hi? w id v. ii-h to act with the partv .virpri-e at her r.cci'ptio bin:; tbatdo s not believe in tbm? and brt w;.l r.l.va; s r j:arl h-r in our fecuriti-s, an 1 t li ox- sitcen ected return of gold vlid not take dace. Manifestly tome good fortune has saved us from disat u. Ti.e enormous exactions of t'io Mc'iu ley law checked imports of a va-t number of manufactured aitbdes, mere valuable to us than our scu- Vull s. To d env a n ait car-'tullv -uard l 1 -.'t it slip Str-ra c I l-.i'a. If ; nr- n : f- b-r r - : ' !y. try I". t- :; lu"-r. If 1.- try ; i-sr'ric Hi t. r.. -v!,,. Lei:-.,, , in H.aTl..t , V.. l...,. lUinttlJ oail.-V I.O-'a IV1 KKItXM-- r LUf iv-in. ill ' I J . 1 II II VI 1'itl ) il .lil. I, illlll. .W.l...l" l ll'P" I , i f f1' id.ico in a Democrat ic cnven- n.anv voars th-v ar- married it i tion is not 'Mho s.-tting up of will always b tb- sani- an I the i as Mr. Ibmie.s gceu.s n.ode-t, unasum.nv' I at.-h b r tr..- r.i '.r. o- tr I c-.annr forestry product. Fine Arts Paint- ! avoid an obligation you do not ing decoration etc. Etlmoiogy- j know that yoU can racet. A bank Indian relics, and specimens illustra- - . .. ting the progress of labor and inven tion. Liberal Art.j Education, engineering, etc. Manufacturers: Fioh and Fisheries Fish products and appliances for catching fish. Ail correspondence to be scut to T. K. Burner, Commissioner in cuarge of exhibits and Secretary of the Committee, at Raleigh, N.C. V". F. G keen, Chairman. J. F. Payne, A. Leazar, Vv". E. STEVEN'S, S. L. Patterson, Committee. Scribner's Magazine. What we would siv to all is. i nies, out ii pm no uuty on sec un ties, and so our foreign fucnds sent them. A' modification of the rdclvinl-y act is imperative. It is a means alike to commerce, to agriculture and to manufacturing induslrv. It is a tax on labor in the field or ttW'QUETS, DESIGNS, ETC. V.i(.- Cut Flowers in Great Vari ety. oouquot?, Baskets and Designs tastefully arranged. l'ampas Plumes, Magnolias and other choice evergreens. Sugar and Silver Maple, Horse (,!."stnut and other shade trees. Early cabbage and tomato plants at the right season. Orders promptly filled and sat isfaction guaranteed. II. STEIXMITZ, Florist, Raleigh, N. C. NOTICE, llfiving qualified as Administrator of Re 1 i tireen, deceased, all perpo'ia indebted :i T estate are requested to piy the same :! and all persons holding claims ;: -,Mst her estate will present for payment "'"! hefore March,ll, 1893, or thin notice 11 li" plead in bar of their recovery. J -March 7, 1892. John Gheen. Admr. Sr.ip.r.fifiR AmArlnan Agency for .f- CAVEATS, DE8ICN PATENTS rrv? ' COPYRIGHTS, tj, MUNvwIiP and free Handbook write to Oldest h,00 861 BBOADWAT, NlW YORK. Ve iSJISSVP 8ecurin8t patents In AmerlSfc the fSbHhv -tlS1 by 08 18 broneM before pubuc by a notice given tree o charge In the f acntifif tnerira rfst $ta7 "denuflc paper In 'fbm- AN KXCEPTIONAL YEAP. The yar 1801 has 1?pti marked by n jireator advauce than any similar period since the Magazine wsis established. Not ouly has t he literacy aad artistic excellence beeji maintained and increased, but a corre sponding gain has been made in the bj1 and influence of the Magazine. At the end of 1891 the circulation had risen to more than 140,000 It may justly be promised that the further improvements during the coming year will be proportionate to these largely increased opportunities. FOR NEXT YEAK. It is not poesihle to give, in a brief epace, an account of all the features iu prepa ra tion, but the material is deficient in neither importance nor rauge of subject. THE fOOE I THE WOHLD's GKEAT CITIES. It is proposed to publish a series of arti cles, upon a scale not before attempted, giv ing the results of special study and work among the poor of the great cities. The plan will include an account of the condi tions of life in those cities (in many lands) j. where the results of research will be helpful for purposes of comparison as well os for their own intrinsic interest. While, from a scisntrOc poiat of view, the articles will be a contribution of great importance, t he treat ment will be thoroughly popular, and the elaborate illustrations will serve to make the presentation of the subject vivid aa well an picturesque. .WASHINGTON ALLSTON. Unpublished reminiscences and letters of this foremost a.trjong early American paint ers. A cumber of illustrations will lend ad ditional Interest to the articles. IMPORTANT MOMENTS. The aim of this series of very short arti cles is to describe the signal occasions when some decisive event took place, or when some great experimentwas Shown to be successful such moments as that of the first use of the Atlantic cable, the. first use of the telegraph and telephone, the Bret suc cessful experiment with ether, the night -of the Chicago fire, the scene at the moment of the vote on the impearhment of Andrew Johnson, etc our ay pooh papess. In the early spring will be begun a tunw ber of seasonable articles, among, them be ing: Small country places, how to lay ut and beautify them, by Samuel Parsons. Jr. Fishing Lore from iu Angler's Note-Rook by Dr. Iieroy M. Yale. " Mountain Station Life in New Zealand, by "Sidney Dickfnsoa. Racing In Australia, by, Sidney Dickinfon. with illustrations by Birge Harrison. The illustrations are made from original mate- t rial.v Price 25 cents. $a.0G a year. v CHAS. SCittBNER'S SONS; Publishers, 713 and 715 Broadway, New York. er when he discounts a note re quires two or more good endorses or adequate collateral. Why should not every promise be made as secure, or a man's word be held as good as Ids bond? By the heedless, uubusiness-like course, to which we have alluded, a man is unjust to himself and false to bis own interests. lie not only puts his own seif-respect in jeop ardy, but imposes upon himself a heavy and unnecessary burden. It is more than this. It is an in justice to his friends and his fam ily. Alas, to how many survivors, too qften, the ouly legacy that is left is only one of debt 1 The neglect of small obligations leads to the accumulation of large ones; It makes a vast difference to every man on which side the balance is the credit or debit side. The merchant whose capi tal is locked up in bad debts plays a losing game. His life is a con stant struggle; hi3 profits are swal lowed up by discounts. And sad is the reflection that the. difficul ties that constantly surround him are occasioned by the kindness and aid he has shown to those who should have been his very Lest friends. And this leads us to say that "short settlements make r long friends." But this is not al). The evils of 'too little money" so much complained of, those from which the community at largo is suffering, result largely from the fatal habit of debt. The mer chant who can turn his capital twice a year can sell cheaper and make more money . than the man who trusts. Randolph once said, "pay as ypti go is tue philosopher's Btone.". Every- man; would have m'ore money in his pocket at the end of the year if he would 'pay as he goes," or if he cannot- pay, not "go." Let eery. ybung man avoid debt as he would a " pesti lence, ; and . he will ' find - the grand secret of success - in life. Ex ":: ; ' " IlW t''StS o think. The pr s i.t Demo- , wid provt? t'.,. d -Vnt. d admir::i ' f 'j1?. '". t- t ratic tests are old ones. 1' is biisband to th end. -'r i.t r-. the Third j::i!y that has fur- Ou t he ot r ha. id, t ! f : ro ; --j i. r niih d ;;ov i sts, and tho.-" an- or ature who con-ubrs th.it l.e n, i-H,,,: '.tr atiuiisioa into that rariv. ! ;!os a 1 i 1 1 1 lice of !.: n,.P . j,.. , ir . .,. ,. , r i v i i g t bis :i.t!i!- ss ;!.:it lh' i:..r-!i e.-. I b r I t t !. v ur.ijp d! r lio:i4." t'.. p.-j". .ir. i.'a s a: i.-O fi!VS : , it'.l t be "1 would lie g I :t1 for Chair- th- on" that is to inak- a t'p man Smith to say if baling A!-: r-iri vre'ehed. H" f di as tlciih ..1 1 "'ir n t niir I 1: ie-h,n b liaiiceiuen v.ho belii'v in Ihe St. p-rhr.j h" . : too pr c i p.ta!.l Louis platform sre to le exlt:- Hi hi- wmu:: ami sb-rvs b-T by d. d fro;:i the D-u::' ra ic prima- bis att:oi:s n d,, s, u, till ;..'r ries becaui tn.i n.an i.iur.4 of th--.r b. !i-l. If in so manv word. ti al tip r- v. er- factory. It obstructs the natural j they up- not, tin n the.bumbb.-t uiny otb r giris just dying fo; channels of exchange. It woriks ,uui in" In dell count v who enter- - him. aud harasses and impairs the very j tains the Fame views can partu i- If mony is 5,-ar-' it wiil not b ui nnr:i . r.- " :.-r -ver. y.-.ir-. A r.i'. i..-r pr..t i .i. t-l t. le ,wj ami I.;. r I". j ta.tO. I U a .fit.". f r.- r.a tl.. ."vV.S j.. ..- .1-- t r T 1 Wj I.. . f '.ji',..J.'.r,ifi;' o rnr.s n". if v forces working for the restoration ! pute in the primaries fre.dy.and h- that will sutl.-r. Hit l.-rio-i- ; j4''1'; "yr,'V'f- : T. of general prosperity in America, j not only has a right to do so, bat form mutt b array, d in c-rg u vm:.-i .''7' . . and spreads uncertainty to every it is a high duty h. ow s to hi:n- apparel, his luncliM'ns n ccfs.nri-; Tj'- 11 ! ' W'' v J u 'v ' ' branch of commerce. The contest j -elf to do this :;nd to thus do all ly of th" liti-, and h;s ciar.- , J. yn'r? ulrZlll? against the robber tarifT framed , he can to prevent tb- formation ! the U-s, though perhaps at home, , by McKinley must be waged with of the Third fartv in North t ar- his u.fe in a earinent that mav ; T1 " ru,n hoe.it.h. th- hr1 greater zeal and determination ! olina." ! have been one of th- drears o'f '1 U not p----;v thv than the Democratic party ever waged war against the tariff act of 1883, for it is tnoie injurious and moro certain to bring disaster. If Mr. Harrison is re-elected the panic of 1873 will bo repeated in 1893 or 1894. Down with the McKinley tariff. How an Allianceinan, however hr trousseau many car ego, humble, who believes in th' St. nts warmed ovr u;e?.j. s and i Louis platform can "do all he ( does h-r own work. II", in his li.ir. i. What a i".iKti. V.i!I rn L-d t!. mtm'.v.z. TL 1 - can to prevr-nt the formation of i pride, consid-rs it r noush honor!"1 i"'-? ' iff aijr-ach.. ., mi -i ...... ,, , . ! , , " . . 1 'Iit UJor" trrijl !'. l'iuniiit... . the 1 bird party iu North Laroli- for any woman Pimply to Uar ! A5i vr', if i -.u rut .T. rt l r ti - na we confess is ruzliug. buch b.is na ne, and if it were ?u?gcst- ' !C1!n , i ... . i .i . . , ' . tnl do nthi 4 l; -.-n: t rsa t ri- inz fr it. XW ti" fr Where is The Consistency. We would like for somebody to tell us why it has become to be such a. crime in the estimation of some people for a man to bo a party man. Ail our greatest statesmen were party men, not in the hackneyed sense of the word, but where principal was concern ed. We see it constantly assert ed by some of our Alliance organs that we Alliancemeu, who are go ing to stick to the Democracy, are worshipping party more than principle. Brethren, don't you suppose we had convictions of our own before we joined the Alli ance ? And did you ask ns to surrender those convictions when we became Alliancemeu ? To speak of ns as if we were being led by a halter around our necks wherever the Democratic leaders would have us go, is very unkind, to say the least. . In our opinion, the man who has convictions of his own . and sticks to them is far superior to the zig-zag mau who can be either pig or pnp, as suits his convenience. Elkiu Cou j ier, - . ' : 1.1 1 . 1 .1 , . 1 . i . I -r a man wuuiu sirouiy u inuui in" en io mm mat ins w ile wni mis- jp. ri.-n. tLat SL:!-.h "ur -a political world of the Democrat Table h would not credit such a ' "ur c"':l- 11 f-t, fi. Thi -, , iiii- - it i . i , . phin, w!irM'rvihin a mi!Itn rt form of that party and declare j CI iris, do not be derived bv WIT.' ll the lvt' f. It fvti-'l. cfejp n I h ').n' cnli t or.i- he intended to vole the Third ; the gay, fhowy turn, who are t?-hnck.on:w -!,i!.!ir r.-r.. party ticket. jsentially selfish and w ho could ru: r; l.r r Th.a & With this statement of Mr. never love any one as well n Fma'xliaf.-ri. Daniels wo can heartily agree: ' their own charming pelves. Do '.Every man must be the judge ; not let the fine figure, handsome of his own Democracy. His con-1 face and dashing air-make yon science must decide whether he; snub the quiet, modr&t chnp who has a rieht-to participate iu a ! hJuhe8 when you tj ak and ap- a Democratic primary." pears a triile stupid IWor th" jray witticisms and How of talk Tl.er. nre nin ho havpniorvt' of dyiug a U-ggur that of lirii. on Thrrc'm linU ottrtul tor tb rcmm r. uCrr, it tLrr il oz.1t tira trsxd . Now if a man conscientiously j of tho inor datdiiu;? rival. The believes what the St. Louis de-1 modest man is the one for the mauds teach, that the Democrat-! lon, "c,c An,!; if your hd is .... . . i leYel and your hc-art m tbo right act with that party. Oil and wa- j Jhe on5 wiU tc completely swal- j. St rl' ter will not ir.ix. . owed up and Itu-t tight of iu the ' 'n tarcrii. v. u i.rz i. i i .I.- " i j - the otLor. wiru inui u van i-v n otju Allianceman and vote the Demo cratic ticket with a clean con science; and thousauds of AUi- A Littte Girl's Expcricnw ia a L.'ci' house. Mr. ndMr. lora- Trcitrv kwp- "".,"lu ,w J lHM-h.Hic!i..ndrrbl.wl -JiHh a lit thing. Buck Ion' Antic- Salve. sorrH, totter, chopped Lnds, cLIllhinM, corr.s, and all akin emptirnn, and pewi- tl d.ia,?htT, four yf.m old.I-l April S: Saken down with mea'. fl lowct vritb ft drv-adful oach And tarn in into fetrr. lectm t It m an 1 at iMroit trrttrt htr, bnt ia tain, tb- , , , , Jcrw vror npi r. rnfil arw a bruises, orcs .. ulcer, nit rheurn , fcrl ..tan,lfolp( f -J,,.. Tbro hr trir1 Dr. Kinr'n N?w D!wvr7 n-l af ter tho tr of two and a h.!f wn. erf 1 1 r-r-rrJ. c3 .tU t. rtrrtv. tec:.- . . t'Jsr rrun. Ii rr.rJitc; cvl rCr cll Cv i-r.'ixv tu-uritAt f mrLK -'. tTfrr.Tci Lzit.7r. ccr.-'xa tii U,. Ljl ft'bco cLtl r.z iT .-a-i rfrpj-'-. iljfp, tvi.rtrt l-KHh arsl atner. j. 'ct I-rUll-1 pte, vxl baHi. iezy- KTi.m " a iuvt rrT-!y tSi ' ' jd lUai'i m rut t ot crrtam thct fr k. i czic. you tiTc jvar iZ-kj Laci. Notice. I nrrT wnm all proos frcn ililf r titely cansi pile or na iajr. It U frnar-1 ompVtcljr fifw. Tlir wj Dr. Kimr'n ' orlrtrinsr It.!t k't. color!. I ntitd to piv perft natWacuoa or'Nir DwviT w worth I'm vu;bt in ! hate a cuatract fr h Ubcr catllO.. monnr rvtundd. Pric V'3 cents vcr cold, Jvt Ta -aa ir-t a trial bottU frve j !8j- LiuX. Tor rale br TI: luai L A j cxitr. ; at Thouras & Ayvovlr'a sli eg r.ur. V 0

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