K . A THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. With, Malice toward, none; -With Charity for all. 1.50 PER J XX I'M, 7a JJrancr. VOL. XXI. LOUISBURG, n;:G., .MAY 20, 1892. NO.15. Highest of all in Leavening Power. mmm ABSOULTiTEDf PURE WHAT is it n HAS IT DONE I CAN IT DO I The original and only genuine Compound Oxygen Treatment, that of Drs. Starkey 4; Palen ia a scientific adjustment of the ele ments of Oxygen and Nitrogen magnetized; aud the compound is so condensed and made portable that it is sent 11 over the world. It has been in use for over twenty years; thousands of patients have been treated, aud over one thousand physicians have used it and recommended it a very signifi cant fact. "Compound Oxygen Its Mode of -Action and Results," is the title of a book of 200 panes, published by Drs Starkey A Palen, vhich gives to all inquirers full information as to this remarkable curative agent and a good record of surprising cures in a wide range of chronic cases -many of them after bmng abandoned to die by other physi cians. Will be mailed free to any address on application. Dbs. STARKEY & PALEN, 1529 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 120 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal. Please mention this paper. Coffins and Caskets. "V have added largely to our stock, and now carry a full line of th". goods from the plainest wooil coffin to the finest plush or velvet covered casket. Also a full line of coffin hardware, lin ings, trimmings, &c. All of which wi "1 be sold at reasonable prices. Respectfully, R. R. Harris & Co. Louisburg, N. C. DAVIS' Labor Savins Guano Book, For Keening the Different urands, amount of the same price per ton, in money or cotton. Jnstthe Boot for all Fertilizer Sellers. FOR SALE BY 's. C3-. DATIS, FRANKLINTON, N. C. Price $2.25 per book. Express prepaid if you state where you saw this advertisement. GUT FLOWERS BOUQUETS, DESIGNS, ETC. Fine Cut Flowers in Great Vari ety. Bouquets, Baskets and Designs tastefully arranged. Pampas Plumes, Magnolias and other choice evergreens. . Sugar and Silver Maple, Horse Chestnut and other shade trees." Early cabbage and tomato plants at the right season. Orders promptlv filled and sat isfaction guaranteed. H. STEINMITZ, Florist, ' Raleigh, N. C. . NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator of Re npwa Green, deceased, all persona indebted to W estate are requested to pay the same i t once, and all persons holding claims sijuiimt her estate will present for payment on or before Marchlll, 1893, or this notice vill be plead in bar of their recovery. This March 7, 1892. Johw Gheex, Admr. . Scientific American Agency for "W- DESIGN PATENT r fc. wnmnvio. ' TTTf COPYRIGHTS, etc MtivvS11 "2! " Handbook write to Oktekt LIP0 861 Bboadwat, Nbw Tonic Eiean or securing patenta In America. Se Sffif out by na Is brought before ae Public by a notice given free o charge In the f rtctttifif &meirtt year- tiBA n. Weekly. 3.00 a orf. sSS&Eff1 J? 3 "Wenttfle paper m the Latest U. S. Gov't Report AT rwsir WORIiD'S .PAIR. Office of Board of Agricultttbk Raleigh, N. C , January 15, .1892. The Board of Agriculture has un dertaken to make an exhibit of the resources of the State of North Car olina at the Columbian Exposition, and has appointed the World's Fair Executive Committee to earry out this purpose. This Committee ap peals to the citizens of the State to give them a cordial support, and to aid them in furnishing an exhibit that will be illustrative of the State's resources of every kind. We confidently expect that North Carolina will be able to sustain her self in high competition with the -est of the world. Every country in the world and and every State in the Union is ex pected to participate at this display of the world's resources aud pro gress in every department-' of the humaneffort. It will give some idea of the extent of this Exposition when it is remembered that 750 acres, more than a great plantation, is embraced in the grounds, and that 150 acres will be covered with the necessary buildings. These buildings will be filled with every conceivable product of nature and art, and North Carolina can and will respond to what is expected of her. In order that our State may take her proper place at this great Expo sition, the Board intends to make collections in the following depart ments: Agriculture Food and food pro ducts, etc. Horticulture Fruits, wines, and garden products, etc. Live Stock Domestic and wild ani mals. Mines, Mining and Metallurgy Minerals, building and monument al stones. Foresty Timbers and forestry product. Fine Arts Paint ing, decoration, etc. Ethnology Indian relics, and specimens illustra ting the progress of labor and inven tion. Liberal Arts Education, engineering, etc. Manufacturers: Fish and Fisheries Fish products and appliances for catching fish. All correspondence to be sent to T. K. Burner, Commissioner in cnarge of exhibits and Secretary of the Committee, at Raleigh, N.C. W. F. Green, Chairman. J. F. Payne, A. Leazar, W. E. Stevens, S. L. Patterson, Committee. Scribner's Magazine. AN EXCEPTIONAL YEAR. The year 1891 has been marked by a greater advance tnan any similar period since the Magazine was established. Not only has the literary and artistic excellence been maintained and increased, but a corre sponding gam has been made m the sal and influence of the Magazine. At the end of 1891 the circulation had risen to more than 140,000 It may justly be promised that the further improvements during the coming year will be proportionate to these largely increased opportunities. FOB NEXT YEAH. It is not poesible to give, in a brief space, an account of aM the features in prepara tion, but the material is deficient in neither importance nor range of subject. THE POOB I THE WORLD'S GBEAT CITIES. It is proposed to publish a series of arti cles, upon a scale not before attempted, giv ing tne results oi special study and work among the poor of the great cities. The plan will inclnde an account of the condi tions of life in those cities (in many lands) where the results of research will be helpful for purposes of comparison as well as for their own intrinsic interest. While, from a scientiOc point of view, the articles. will be a contribution of great importance, tuetreat ment will be thoroughly popular, and the elaborate illustrations "will serve to make the presentation of the subject vivid as well as'picturesque. WASHINGTON ALLSTON. Unpublished reminiscences and letters of this foremost among early American, paint ers. A number of illustrations will lend ad ditional interest to the articles. . , - ; IMPOBTANT MOMBNTS. The aim of this series of very short arti cles is to describe the signal occasions when some decisive event took place, or when some great experiment was shown to be successful such moments as that of the first use of the Atlantic cable, the first use of the telegraph and telephone, the first sue. cessral experiment with ether, the. night oJ the Chicago fire, the scene at the moment of the vote- on the impeachment, of Andrew Johnson, etc .. . . PCS OF DOOR PAPEBS. ' ' " In the early spring will be begun a num ber of seasonable articles, among them be ing: Small country places, how to lay out and beantify them, by .Samuel Parsons. Jr. Fishing Lore from on Angler's Note-Book by Dr, Leroy M. Yale. - Mountain Station Life in New Zealand, by Sidney Dickinson. Racing in Australia, by Sidney Dickinson, with illustrations by Birge Harrison. The illustrations are made from original mate rial. : Price 25 cents. $3.00 a year. - . ; CHAS. SCRIBNER'S SOS, Publishers, . 743 affU 745 Brbadwajr, New York TOWN LAWS. A MEET1NQ OP THE COMMISSION ERS OP THE TOWN OP LOUISBURO, HELD MAT 13lH, 1892, THE FOL LOWING ORDINANCES WERE. ADOPT ED FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF SAID town: Ordinance 1. It shall not. be lawful for any live stock to run at large within the corporate limits of the town, to be ridden, driven or fed upon the sidewalks, nor hitched to the trees, pailings or fences on the sidewalks under penalty of two dollars for each offense. Ordinance 2. Any person who shall drive or ride a horse or a mule at an unusual speed through the streets of Louisburg (unless in case of necessity) shall be fined five dollars Ordinance 3. Any person who shall leave any horse, mule or ox harnessed to any vehicle, on the streets of the town of Louisburg or on the depot yard for the period of five minutes unattended, except when necessary to load or unload carts or wagons shall be fined one dollar for each offense. Ordinance 4. No person shall exuiDit or snow any stud, norse or jackass, or put a stud horsa or jackass to any , mare within the limits of the town under penalty of ten dollars for each offense. Ordinance 5. Any person who shall leave any cart, wagon or ve hide of any. kind upon the streets or sidewalks of the town during the night shall be fined one dollar for each offense. .Ordinance 6. No person shal fight chicken cocks within the lim its of the town under a penalty of five dollars for each offense. Ordinance 7. j If any hog, shoat or pig shall die within the corpor ate limits of the town with cholera or any other disease, the owner thereof shall burn the carcass or bury tire same at least two feet in the ground within six hours after the notice of the death of 6aid an imal and on failure to do so shall be fined five dollars. Ordinance 8. The owner of any dead carcass or carriou who shall permit the same to remain wit the limits of the town for one day after he has notice of its existence shall be fined two dollars, and one dollar additional for every day the same shall remain. If not removed by th owner, the same shall be re moved by the town Constable at the expense of the owner, or at the expense oi tne town n tne owner cannbt be found. Ordinance 9. The Commission ers of the town shall have author ity to direct the removal of any pig pen, or any otner nuisance within the corporate limits of the town, when in their judgment it shall be necessary for the health or comfort of any portion of the inhabitants of the town, and if the owner or occupant of the premises shall fail to remove said pig pen or other nuisances within three days, after having proper written notice, then he or she shall be fined ten dollars, and the Commis sioners may have the same re moved. Ordinance 10. Every owner of a house within the limits of the town shall continually have on the premises one ladder of sufficient length to reach the eaves of such house. Any one failing to comply with this ordinance shall be fined five dollars. Ordinance 11. Sec. 1. "When ever the shingles of " atiy house within the corporate limits of the town shall becojne'so decayed as 1 to be dangerous on account of fire, the Board of Commissioners may so declare, and the owner or own ers of such house shall be required to recover the same .within Buch time as the - Commissioners may think reasonable,, under penalty of the sum , Of ten dollars for neg lect to do so. - .. I Sec. 2 Whenever any chimney,, stove or stove pipe shall be deemed unsafe pr xo endanger the eafety of any portion.'of the town it may be so declared by the Town Commis sioners and they- may condemn and order the removal or the aban donment of the use of the same until it shall be' so repaired or re constructed as to make it safe; and any person who shall use any sucK chimney, 6tove or stove pipe after it has been so condemned, shall be subject to a fine of five dollars. Ordinance 12. . The following shall be the fire limits of the town of Louisburg, viz: WitMn 200 feet of that part of Main street lying between Tar river bridge and the Eagle hotel; within 200 feet of Nash street between Spring sireei ana xiayes oi rinneu s nv- ery stables; within zuu feet or uourt street; within 200 feet of . I Marset street, aud within said . , .... . . I i,wiwu "v " vvm viMVAiug ouan ue omit, nor any material used in the construction of the outside walls except stone, brick or ce ment; nor 6hall any building with in 6aid limits be covered or recov ered with any wooden material. Ordinance 13. No person sbhll pile or have piled any manure,' timber, wood, or other obstruction whatever (except temporarily for building purposes, and then 20 feet passage shall be unobstmct- ed) upon the streets, public cross- ings or sidewalks of the town un- der penalty of live dollars for each Ordinance 14. Auy person who may have a private crossing or bridge over any ditch or sewer in the streets of the town and bhall fail to keep the same cp?n for the passage of water shall be subject to a penalty of one dollar. Ordinance 15. Any person hav ing firewood cut on the streets of the town will be required to have he chips and trash removed im- mruiuieiy, uuuer a penally ci two - 1: - i.l j ix r i I douars. Ordinance 16. Sec. 1. Any per- soft who shall throw or cause to be thrown any trash, wood or other obstruction into the gntters of the streets of the town shall be liable to a fine of one dollar for each of fense. Sec. 2. No person shall sweep, throw or deposit any garbage or burn, except with the permission of the Mayor, any trash in the streets of the town, under a penal- ty of one dollar for each offense. Sec. 3. The oecnnant of anv lot or store house in the town who hall allow any garbage or trash to be swept, thrown or deposited on the streets or in the ditches, shall be subject to a fine of two dollars for each offense. Sec. 4. The owner or occupants of every store, barroom, restaurant officeor other businesshouse within the town of Louisburg shall be and o - are hereby reqniredt have continu- ally on the premises a box, barre' " .11 A. t- 1 -11 or omer recepiacie in wnicn snau be swept thrpwn of deposited all of the trash or garbage -accumulating wunintneir respecuve places oi nusinesBi wmcu saia uoxes, oarreis or recepwiciea uau ai, leasi a on- en as once a week be emptied and hauled off at the' expense of the town. All persons failing to com ply with this ordinance shall be fined two dollars for each offense. Ordinance 17. Sec. 1. Any per son who shall cause or commit any nuisance around any dwelling or Ml V ll ! At - A otner nouse wiinin vne corporate limits of the town shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars for each offense. Sec. 2. No person living in the town shall allow any nuisance to . s "I8kUUU1BVt u uc, any person failing to abate any nuisance on his, or ; her premises when ordered todoso by the May or or town policeman shall be sub ject to a fine of five dollars. " Sec. 4. No person shall make any excrementitious deposits or slaughter any live stock on any of the public grounds of the town nnder a penalty of two dollars for each offense, v : urainauce ib. Every occupant of a lot in the corporate limits of the town, shall at all times keep hisorberlotinacleanly condition uuder a penalty of five dollars for failure so to do. Ordinance 19. Sec. 1. No per- son shall indecently expose or ex- Libit his or her person within the limitsofthe town under a penalty of one dollar for the first, and for each subsequent offense hve dol- lara. Sec. 2. No lewd woman or wo- manof suspicious character shall be on the streets of Louisburg at night after 8 o'clock tinder a pen alty of five dollars for each of fense. Ordinance 20. 8ec. 1. Throw ar missiles, rolling hoon. nUv " ' n r - i in at ball or anv other earn on " e the streets or any of the public squares oi me iown ajiau ue pro- hibited under a penalty of one dollar for each and every .offense. Sec. 2. All games of whatever kind on any of the streets or pub lic squares of the town on the oauDam day shall be prohibited n II . I ma ..... . I under a penalty of five dollars for each and every offense. Sec. 3. No person shall pay U cards or any other game of chance on the streets or public squares of the town under a penalty of ten dollars for each offense. Ordinance 21. It shall b nn- iawful for persons to assemble together at any time on any of the streets of the town, so as to obstruct the same, uuder a peual- t.y of one dollar. n.i; oo v v i. shoot a gun pistol or any otber firo arma uunece8.arilv. within the limits of the town, or explode or fire off any squib, crackers, fire rockets, bean or grit shooters, or any other fire' works in town, under the penalty of ten do'lars for each offence. I , . . Urdinancei::. Any person who L,vn - r i ouaiii in kun v.ui irui n. l n iiiiii l ij i i tl.a n.tKi;.ir o u scene or profane language, or be guilty of any disorderly conduct, tending to violate the peace, qui et and good order of the town, shall be subject to a penalty of twenty dollars. Ordinance 21. Every owner or lesgee of fl hllsin(.M hoiIM :n town 8hall be responsible for any Lij.-ordU rondnrt nnnn h;. :eA. A, :n v;. hnniia anA u... f VrmA in tn permit any disorderly conduct in his house or upon his premises with- out reporting the same on affida- vit to the Mayor of the town. shall'be subiect to a fine of ten dollars. I Ordinance 25. No privy shall be built or placed or allowed to m?n Hhn 1 ft nf f I - v. the streets of the town underpea ally of ten dollars. I Ordinance 26. It shall not be ,awful for any bUch to n,n at x uu in heat witbin tbo corporate Hmit8 of the town, nn Jer penalt7 of five dollars, to be naid b lhft owne, if tbe be found it shall be the j..- of ,bft constAhla to kill the . bitch. Ordinance 27. -All barbershops in town shall be closed from Sat- urday night 12 o'clock, until Sun day night 12 o'clock, and no bar- U; h on bis bu,i1MS I during that time under a penal ty of five dollars. Ordinance 28. It thall be un? lawful for any persons, except Apothecaries and Practicing phy sicians fin ease of necessity) to m l ww sen or. offer for sale any article eVer on th eS abbath dav. e x- ke t ice and ftnd articles ' a fft nPrw. necessary lor burial, purposes, within the corporate limits of the town, under a penalty of ten dol lars for each offense. Ordinance 29. All shops or places for the sale of spirituous, vinousr malt Hquorsr shall be closed on each Sabbath in the year from 12 0 clock 00 Saturday M I? J"h w I niirht to 12 nVWV K.m.r night, and no person or persons shall, during or between these time?, in any licensed liqnor a- loon, sell or give away any spir- ituous, vinous or malt liquors cx- cept in case of sickness, and then only upon a certificate of a prac- ticlng physician, and my one or more persons seen going in or out f Bar Room between said hours shall be deemed prima pacts ev- idence of the guilt of the propri- etor of uW Bar Room. Any rer- 900 vltng this ordinance shall for the Rnt "en P7 a fi" of ten dollars, for the second offense a fine of twenty dollars; for the third offense have his license re voked. Ordinance 30. Any person who interferes in any way with any of the street lamps or lamp poets in the town except those employed for the purpose, upon conviction shall pay a fine of ten dollars for each and every offense. Ordinance 31. Any peron who shall place any combustible materi- ai in a position wncre u could en I . a danger the safety of the tpwn from liability to fire shall be subject to ne of five dollars. Ordinance 32. When any per- son shall be found drunk and down uponjhe streets of the town, he or sue stall be fined five dollars. Ordinance 33. It shall be un lawful for any person to jump on or off the train in the corporate limits, while motion, uuder a penalty of five dollars. Ordinance 34. The town clerk Ll,nil K ,fr,,; v. ic graveyard in the town, and all intermeut therein shall be made by and under the supervision of the commissioners of the town. Or- ler and regularity th< be ob- served in digging gravesand mak- ng interments. AH persons ex pecting to make interments there ; .i,.n n rM.i- OM v-,v " have small lots of cround marked r on ana a record mereoi. maae in the book. As a compensation to the clerk for his attention to the duties herein a5signed, he shall charge fifty cents. He shall also charge fifty cents for the town and pay the same to the town treasur er, for each spot of ground as signed large enough for a grave, and he may collect the same by harrant if not ""7 Kd. Any person making interment in 8aid grave yard contrary to the provisions of this ordinance shall ?ne1 ftve dol,ar, be. PpUeJ to e imrrovem2nt of said grave y Ordinance 35. No person shall 811 within the corporate limits of lLe town an7 tainted food. Any I 1! Pe , oru.nance ehal1 for each and every offenM pc.i w uu.. Ordinance 30. Any person who shall use any violent, abusive or insulting language, or threatening gestures toward the Constable, or any officer of the town, while in discharge of his duty, shall be sub ject to a fine of five dollars. Ordinance 37. Any person or persons refusing to assist tho Con- "table or any town officer when i . . . called upon to assist to make an arrest shall be fined ten dollars. Ordinance 38. Any person de siring to practice any profession, business or trade, taxed by any any ordinance of tbis town, shall, before commencing such profes sion, business or trade. pay the tax re rii red aud obtain a license sined by the Constable and Mayor of the town, to practice such profession, business or trade. Any person en gaging In or practicing any pro- r...;n K....n.. ,i. .. k vog ivllf viMinvdi v va v a 4 J any ordinance of this town, with out having first raid the tax and obUined the license shall be gnilty wlsdemeanor. at,d..o eonvic- tion shall be fined fifty dollars. Ordinance 39. There shall be an annual tax of five dollars for the privilege of carrying on the busi ness of trelgher and any person who shall weieh any Produce in the corporate limlta of the town for pay or compensation without ( having paid taiu tax, shall we aoed for each offense one dollar; prm" del. however, that tho provisio n of this ordinance hall not appi . to the town weigher, elected bv the commiMionen of the towu, n-r to the cotton weigher, elected I. the commissioners of the count r. iu rcpect to the weighing of ct. ton. Ordinance 40. Any person wl. shall sell or offer forsale any pru boxes or patent medicines of . kind within the corporate limits . f the town muft first obtain and j a license of five dollars. Said I. cense will entitle him to sill f. . one year from date. This sh' not apply to the regularly liceuo 4 mercbauts of the town. Ordinance 41. Any person convicted of violating any one the ordinances of the town wl Lis not able to pay the fine at I cost imposed upon him, may I- confiued at hard labor on t. streets of the town until the fi.o and costs are paid. Ordinance 42. Every persr-M required to list property or io". in the towu of Louisburg, sha 1 make out aud deliver to the li: taker a statement on oath of real and persoual property, mo., ey, credits, investments in ton 1 stocks, joint stock companies, a- -nuitits or otherwise, and the v.. -ue of improvements on realeatu. . since the same was assessed, i his possession or uuder his con trol ou the 1st day of June, eit. -er as owner or holder thereof, as parent, husband, guardiai . trustee, executor, administrate! . receiver, accounting officer, par. ner, agent, factor or otherwi . Any person failing to listbistu aoies uurtug me moiuu 01 ju : upon the same days the town:n( list is taken shall be liable to double tax. Ordinance 43. All taxes f r the town of Louisburg (except cense tax) shall be due and lectible ou the fint day of U; .. ber in each year and every j--.-son failing to pay his taxes 1 the 31st of Iember iu eve., year, shall be guilty of a mi... ineanor, aud be, u;on convictt - . before the Major, fitted den-. the amount of said taxes, pro ... -ed, however, that said hue . in no case exceed ft fly dollars. Ordinance 44. It shall be n -lawful fur any enHn having . . possesion a mill pond, fish h or any considerable body of . . ter lying withiu the corpo... f limits of Louisburg, to drain . let off any ortiou of the wai. . . of said poud between the I. day of May and the first daj . November of each year, umlr. . penalty of fifty dollars, !;. further penalty of fifty dui .1 for each day that said bodies . water may remain iu such cu.. .. tion. Ordinance45. After convicti- 1 aud judgment for the viola;. of auy of the ordinances of 1" towu the Mayor is authorize! remit so much of the penally .. . iu his judgment the circum?; ces may warrant. Ordinance 4(5. The pena'ti designated in the foregoing -dinances shall be recovered y the Mayor, in the name Of 1 Commissioners of the town . Louisburg. LICENSE?: On each exhibition, cnnori lecture for profit, except then . be givenexclustvely for religi.. . chariable orVducat iotial pur,. . es, for each performancf, $3. On circuses, for each pcrf. ance, $10. On Peddlers on f-ot .V p r mouth On every company of Oyj-i or other ervnj preiendiiij tell fortsns, I0pry'ar. On itinerant dealers in LiI. -euing rods $5 per year. On itinerant dealers in Un . ranges, clocks, 1 10 per year. On auctioneer or cryer por year. On each billiard or pool tw kept for public u wheli-r . connection with or sjiarat fr 1 any place where liquor is I IU per year. On each fowling tlW.ora'! - i the like kind, bagatelle i- . or stand or plsc f ir .any t. r game or play, with or iI1hh. . name (unless for private anii -mcut or exercise alone) 15. On 1 iqnor dealers! 100 ier y . On evjry itlnTtnt . l--t.i 1. , medical practitioner, opti-i. m portrait or miniature am - m dsguerrrau artist, and ev-ry . son taking or enlarging liWi.. . es of the human fate, tX F.S.8PRUILL,Mar..c iOEaS.BiIl.ClcrV.