..;:-;:-iA:"-.J., ;vi. X... Wtth Malice toward none; TfiM- (fkarity for a!L vol. xxt ; XOUISBURG,-2 C, MAY- 27, 1892.. xo.io- JL JLIVJUL: II I I - l 1 i I 1 l-J - ' m a .LJL V Highest of all in leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report l ?! 1 e H IS IT fl IAS IT DONE r CAN IT DO B Th'1 original and only genuine Compound mv-n Treatment, that of Drs. St.-irkey & p i a Hciftntific adjustment of the ele- ,. ,1 t of Oxygen and Nitrogen magnetized; ,.) ! tls" co-npound is so condensed aud j I ., i ortble that it is sent oil over the . il. ,' h?en in ue for over twenty yars; i ; ;..)!! Is of pitient.s have been treated. .. . ,ivcr one thousand physicians har v : it fid recommended it a very signifi- . i !t;v:ind Oxvgsn Its Mode of Action . '-lit-i." is the title of a book of 200 , published by Drs 'Starker & Paten, I , i rivs to all inquirere full information - . i i lis remarkable curative assent aud a , ! record of snrprifiins cures in a wide of chronic visr-s -many of them after i. iihandoned to die by other physi , , Will be mailed free to any.; address .implication. .. Drs. STARKEY & PA17EN, i:,-yi rA Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 1 -i ) Suttr Street, San Francisco, Cal. ; -io mention this paper. PATRUmC .GORDON. HE EXPOUNDS SOUND DEMOCRA CY TO THE PEOPLE. ..WQRIiD'S .FAIR. .: ... .Office. of-Board of Asrichltube, : " " RALrEIUa, N. C , ; ' '.".-:- January 15. 1892. - The Board of Agriculture has Tin dertaken to make an exhibit ol tlie resources of .the State of North Car olina at the Columbian Exposition and has appointed the .World's Fair Executive Committee to carry out this purpose." This Committee "ap peals to the citizens of the State to give them a cordial support, and to aid them in furnicthing an exhibit that will be illustrative of the State's resources of every kind.. We confidently expect that North Carolina will be able to sustain her self in high competition with the rest of the world. - Every country in the world and Coffins and CasMs. w of those goods- have added largely to our and now carry a - full line from the plainest wood coffin to the finest plush or v.'Kr-t covered casket. Also a full line of coffin hardware, lin trimmings, ax. .ah oi h wi'l be sold at reasonable The Only Hope for the South Lies in ; Democracy The Republican Party Responsible for All the Erils from "Which the Country Suffers. - 1 ' j .The:foll6wing letter, written by Senator -3 ; B. Gordon to a number of gentlemen who had requested him to give his views on tlie-polit ical -situation, was published , in the Chronicle a few days ago. It is worth; reading: , v ; ... Iieartily thank yoti for the con fidence implied 'by your request for my views on the political sit nation. ' Before beginning the discussion, -however, you will in dnlge me in one or two persona allusions. First. I am not now a candi date for office and the approaching elections cannot aifect my politi cal status in anv way whatever I have therefore, no possible polit ical or personal interests at stake except such as are common to every citizen of the State. (Second. I am in the f.:iiet of these maxims. ' J. - ' I. Reform or relief muEt come, if it comes at alt, through a change of.: those ; governmental ; policies which have produced the wrongs rom which we seek relief. , 2. .A r change of - policies re- quires a cnange oi rulers; ana our only- way , of . changing rul ers is through. -ballot : boxes, by votes. . .. -' : . 3. A change of rulers to be ef fective involves the necessity of electing by votes a President and both houses of congress, who ' are the avowed and Known opponent of the men who have inflicted these 'wrongs upon the coun try v 4. There is no liope of electing such a President and such a con gress except by4 the united votes of all the friends of reform. 5. If we can ascertain with certainty what party is responsi ble for the wrongs of Which we complain, we shall have located beyond doubt the enemies of re form and of relief. Locate the men who perpetuate the wrongs plUhed it would not bring the re lief sought. It would involve the appointment, by central authori- too rapid strides. 1 absurdly untrue that "our honest Who i responsible for this great prole will not lony be- deceived wrongnpon the debtor class and by it. . npon tho masses of the people? ,2or do I propose to , discuss at Who controlled the government lengih the demand for govern- and established the policy of rap- meit ownership of railroad; b- id contraction, by . which general canse it is wholly Impracticable, and abounding prosperity was land even if it conld be accoiu suddenly '. changed to universal panic and widespread ruin f The same answer is the true : answer a Republican Senate, a Repob-1 ty, of thousands of agents, atid it lican Housed a Republican Presi- would, result at last In general dent. V . (disaster. Surely the experience A fifth and mcst just murmur of J of Georgiaps in tho management discoutent. comes from farmers, I by the State of one hort lino of producers and intelligent laborers railroad ought to be tufScient because of the unjust and discrim- warning against tho .policy of inating. protective tariff, which, government ownership of all the like legalized thefC is enriching railroads. F. ion when managed one class of Citizens at the expense J by our beat aid ablest executives of other classes. Why is it, that I before the war, the State Board the righteous demands of the Farmers' Alliance and other in dustrial organizations for the re form of these iniquituous tariff laws have notf been heeded at Washington? It is because the ears of Republican lawmakers have ben deaf to these appeals for rc- and every State in the Union is ex- sympathy and' accord with the general and laudable purposes for which the Farmers' Alliance was Respectfully, R. R. Harris & Co. Louk-burg, N. C. DAViS' Saving munu yyy For pvi: Keeping , amount the of Di If ere nt the same us :r ton, in money or cotton 1"! HXx'l for all Fertilizer Mm. FOR SALE BY S. Or. DAVIS, FRAXKLINTON, N. C. $2.25 per book. Express y-r-'Miiid if you state where you s ;v this advertisement. Price pected to participate at this display of the world's resources and pro gress in every department of the humaneffort. It will give some idea of the extent of this Exposition when it is remembered that 750 acres, morethana.great plantation, is embraced in the grounds, and that 150 acr.es will be covered with the necessary buildings. These j I have urged the organization of buildings will be filled with every the farmers for their own protec uuiiraydiiic uiuuuu ji uutuic 1 tion. ana nave Daiiieu. lor 1110 i art, and North Carolina can and will respond to what is expected of her. In order that our State may take her proper place at this great Expo sition, the Boar.! intends to make collections in the iollowing depart ments: Agriculture Food and food pro ducts, etc. Horticulture Fruits, wines, and garden products, etc. Live Stock Domestic and wild ani mals. Mines, Mining and Metallurgy Minerals, bunding and monument al stonps. Foresty Timbers and forestry product. Fine Arts Paint ing, decoration, etc. Ethnology Indian relics, and specimens illustra ting the progress of labor and inven tion. Liberal Arts Education, engineering, etc. - Manufacturers: Fiah and Fisheries Fish products and appliances for catching fish. All correspondence to be sent to T. K. Burner, .Commissioner in cuarge of exhibits and Secretary of the Committee, at Raleigh, N. C. W. F. Green, Chairman. J. F. Payne, A. Leazar, W. E. Stevens, S. L. Patterson, Committee. rarely paid, was frequently in debt, and yet transportation OTer it was more expensive to tlie peo ple than it is now. And after a the war, when that tame road was managed by tho Republican party it involved the State in debt and ran down to the very verge of wreck and ruin. The only sensible solution of the great and you locato those upon whom it- lief. It is because the efforts of i? your duty to make war. tariff reformers in one branch of Now let the investigation pro- the Cangress have been defeated J problem of transportation is In ceed without fear or favor. Let by high Republican official in "the most rigid, honest and just organized. Their principles are the specific wrongs of which you other branches of the government. I gtato and National government my principles; their people are my complain be taken up one by one If there be any answer tothisalle- control and supervision. people; their interest is my inter- and each wrong .aid at the doors gation let the objector demon- j i the light of the serious and est,and their calling my calling, of the men who are the authors cf strate its untruth. I undisputed facts enumerated in Nor am I a new convert . to these it and laid nowhere else. - A sixth cause of discontent is this letter. I ar-pe-il to the dia- views. For nearly twenty years I shall only be able to summar- the stupendous national land grants I naionate. sober iudrnent of our ize, but I challenge successful de- aud subsidies which have enrich- people for one sensible reason or nial of a single one of the proposi- ed gigantic corporations and en- excuse for abandoning the Den- . . 1 y-v 1 A 1 1 A I . . . tions suomutea. une oi tue mosx couragea extravagance ana cor- ocratic party and trusting our prime objects which called tne or- serious cojnplaiuts is against tho ruption in high places at Waah der into existence. In season and national banking system, against ington. The sole responsibility out of season, in public and pri- its partiality and its competency for this policy also is upon a Re vate life, for a long series of year3 to furnish a sufficient and low rate publican llouse, Senate aud Prcsi and without change cr shadow of circulating medium. Who im- dent. turning, 1 have 3pokn for, writ- posed tins system npon the country? The seventh complaint is that the needed relief to the people? ten. for, and labored for the sue- The answer is, a republican senate while every item of property be-1 Upon what facts docs he baso cess oi -tne essential measures and a republican President, auu m loncincr to the farmer and the la- such an oninion ? The Democrat which now so deeply concern and doing this they destroyed your borer is subject to taxation, there State bauking system. I cannot pass this poiut without briefly contrasting the two systems. hopes and fortunes and liberties tu an untried, untrained and het erogeneous Third part. Does auy one answer that the Democratic party does not grant so profoundly agitate the agricul tural and laboring masses of our people. The public records show that no man in this whole Union has longer or more consistently and persistently labored for the reforms and the relief which the people need and ought to secure. I enlisted in the cause long before the present farmers' war upon protected privilege and govern- ic party has not had control of the government for one season or ono day in the last thirty years; IniqniU.ns. force bill and who r vol ted against the party w!'; i sought to inflict the masur ' wrong upon the Sontucru pfvi But tLe va?t majority of the ; publican wrote for, sr-oke fir. labored For the pajtage of t... bill. Where did the National Den rary stand iu that fearful cri There was not a solitary DMi. crot in any Slate, city, town country district in this w. Union who deserted n in our r tremity or who failed to oj,- Ihis threatened dctruction tf . prosperity, tranqnility, facs liberty of the Southern How theu can any Southern i who loves his country get hb consent tp desert our Democr:-: brethren after such an exhibit! of fidelity to principle and devotion to our essential rigil The Southern people are i ingrate. They Lave never I charged with ingratitude, ar do not believe that they will t ject themselves to criticism i by desertiug tho friends who, not desert ns, either in the f-i bill fight or during the in struction reign of ternr. There is no short or royal i - to-financial relief, but there i very short and ro igh one to . litical and industrial ruin. Relief can only corns thro i ultimate and complete arlnw over the party, which, for thi years, has inflicted upon i country, a.s I have said above, the evils of which our fari.i and the mawa of the peopler plain. The single and only to governmental relief, aliLo.. -.1 I.. I a lung one, ran ana win tea to success if we press forw. with singleness of aim and u.. pact ranks. But we hnll mrtninly fail or! I vit.' dtfetit and bnni; to our pe . ulill greater finnntluJ and woom, it r. e now give ht-rd to I... ho conr-aol divUwm in our r . i d1 nck to prvjudice our !" . t cuius t tbo oTily p-rty whica i' iy prospect ol triumph htct ... Dftriur. " tTh? outhc-m man w!.o " t O !i'!il t: tr:i tlisrlVaio . . i. fold n.r.uir.- n tru'.r i .-.rti.. . n5iliiilv. V. n.ay tul i 4 . I a. to tSe h ".Ltr- 'try - i ni:. . an- th Stilt"J Jll.d Uv .Kll' - t' l"jr.n?: n-ini t t ne i:i .:- or.;tM, t tn M il'.i mUiii iirvT macv re jorouETs; designs, etc. Tinr Cut Flowers in Great Vari ;. ety. Bor,'.urt?, Baskets and Designs tastefully arranged. F.r;:i ??; Plumes, Magnolias and other choica evergreens. P'.u and Silver Maple, Horse Clicstnut and other shade trees. Early cabbage and tomato plants at the right season. Orders promptly filled and sat isfaction guaranteed. is no tax, graduated or otherwise, npon the princely income of the rich, who are most able to pay and I and in thoso thirty yers of R Under the national banking law who receive a large share of gov- J publican rule, every evil of which one thousand dollars of trold will Prnmental nrotection without bar- voii coinclain has taken root and . , - . ' r . . . not r ay for a one-thousand dollar iug a just portion of the govern- become embodied in our laws asch U bond on which to issue bills, and I ment's burdens. Where rests the the avowed and permanent policy trv. f-ury therefore, each thousand dollars of responsibility for this condition of of Ihe Republican administration, gold under this system would fur- affairs? Again tho answer is that Darin all that long period, uish less than one thousand dollars a tax. upon the incomes was once the united Democracy has car- for circnlation; whereas, under the imposed, but the law has been re- ried tho flag of revolt against tho mental partiality was declared, State banking system each thous- J pealed by the action of a Ren and I am enlisted for the whole J and dollars of gold furnished, the can House, a Republican war. l was in tne ngnt wnen it basis for yd.UOU in bills, or more and4a Republican President. travagance, its corruptions, and antAr. was not popular and when the-few than three times as much money Another outcry is made by the its usurpations confronting and and I.u nrVtrt Criirrlit U'i4l mo vv'A1A J Tl fho. fn. n ! . 1 1 a 1 1 aa !o nncalMa nnla t n A 4 1 a inilnilr'iit ctasKOs It -.1. I n rm 5 Sn fitnAa anil lintlrt-l niOUeV uiuuiuji. xuivuu jfuxj ajx uw- i luc nanuu,ti yaniviM i. i agaiusfc vno ueuuitss uiiuuiuiuuvii nnvii a roajuriky ui tuv ctom I rrat ttlJ n ulwolctJ uccor lUii i o:;ii th pun hac 4 o! a the; r ul vocatr.. who iriHti. nbht upiort thm. Hut iatu . r . . - - - - - - - ubli- Republican politics, arraigning Uion.l imthnnin lu, ho.. Senate its leaders, denouncing its ex- ; prariirni.y ugTw. . I . .1 li r 111 I UI ..ft UI M IU " loacr internet for C; incrajeU volCw. money.' viiui isu. Seri oner's Slagaxlue. Tbf AT EXCEPTIONAL YEAIt. year 1891 has been mar advaneo than anv similar period couragementand disparagement, I have stood by the cause and fol lowed its flag, and propose to still ed by a stand by it, it my lite is spared Again. With the national and extravagant expenditures by an overwhelming majority of the the prodvvrs, fanner cad nou . -.i. :. ,1 r Since the Magazine was eBtablished. - Not Hllllu vici-ury ia uu a m luiiet onlyas the literary and artistic excellence j secured. "O neonle have enlisted under the I Democratic banner. of reform. What possible exense, therefore, for deserting our flag now when XT CT EINMITZ, Florist, Raleigh, N. C banks, your land is not regarded the government. Who are the au as security. Under State banking thors of this monstrous imposition real cstata was one ol t'.iQ best cf upon the country's toilers aud pro securities, ducers ? Again the answer comes 1 1 1 ? a ti .i 11. 1 ... ! . 1 . .,nTfaiia irinnftfnniT li t t li a I ,.1sv.:a vintnrv enjm m willim nn P hen tnnintaine! and increased. but a cor!- A secona COmpiaini. IB umt iuo ""- gw.iuus ..vi.; v-.. - spending gain has ten made in the sal rpv: ,,1, seemed important rnnntrva mrrftncr is "concentrated Republican Congress and a Reptib- crasn aud when Democratic tic- ;n4tn.....nA hr. K1 ofiTina m T. ra aiiil I . j I a . , - - I w of 1891 the circulation had risen to more forme to say" for myself in order largelyat certain seasons on Wall lican Pfesident are responsible, tory means defeat to the authors ThattheP that our intelligent, .honest and street and in Ihe money centres. During'the recent Congress, when of all the wrongs of which the cominj? year will be proportionate to these Patriotic farmers miL'ht fully uu- This was impossible under th' the SenaU, House and Presidency people romplain derstand my position. " If. my sin-(state banting system, becauso.tbe were all controlled by tho Repub- But commanding as are the cerity and devotion are doubted, currency was loyal and largely licans, they not only expended the considerations above set forth t,Rn,l-tft tho limits of the Slated S100.000.000 of accumulated sur- there nC tiu more momentous but itanswered all the purposes for which the people, needed mou- - .... . I will p.ot stop now to snow, by further argument how the nation- end. But in searching for the al banking system necessarily con- right road, lBt us not be deceived tracts instead of." increasing -the It will bo seen," therefore, that by flaming sign boards placed ou I currency, nor how it taxes the peo-j in this long list oi grievances, cv NOTSOE. largely increased opportunities. FOR JCEXT- TEAH. .. - It ia not poesible to give, In a brief space, an aeconnfc of all the features hi; prepara tion, but the material is deficient in' neither importance nof range of subject. : - ... TUB POOB 1 THE WORLD'S GUEIT CITIES. It is proposed to publish a -series of arti cles. UDon a scale not before attempted, giv ing the results of special study and work among the poor ol the great cities, .me plan . will include an -account of the condi tions of Me in tnoee cities. m many iaous) where the results of research will be helpful 4or purposes of comparison aw well as for their own intrinsic interest. . vv nue, irom a sciectiOe point of view; the articles will be a CODiriUUUOB'UI (treut iiuiiwi mui mciicoi- j , . - i . - , , , - .. . ii I . . , . . . , ment wa De .tnorougniy. popular, aca rtne tXUQ UlgnWay Uy uesigning uailUS. iic.w wo-iumwi' ""-" " crj1 vino ui kubium v'--" v u. elaborate, illastratloiis; will . serve .to. make ; - , - i ' I n,i,v. 41.A'.w.tom' 1 l4i n,1 in ' tha nrtifi1t. Well f in OtnCrWOruSr-iet US UOt UB Vlcr 1 n uivu ."V cj omiui to,ijf uu.s , - w . - Tin ring qualified as Administrator of -Re-ifi-i !!iwa, deceased, all persons indebted t'i Ii t cstato are requested to pay the same on" ; ami all persons holding claims 11 i.inst hor eHtate will present for payment ""or u...fore rJarch;ilr1893, or this notice i:l he pjpad in bar of their recovery. March 7, 1892. 5 ' " '-;-K'-ii J. hs 0EEES, Admr. Scientific America I Aaency for.;";;-: DESSCN PATENT vrivvyoa J free Handbook mrftto r"-.s oidpit h co-i 861 Bboadwav, New York. 12Tf.psJtPreau for securing patents In America, thp nnfuP taken out by tis is brought before Public by a notice given free oi charge in the oridSt 2TulL9n of 7 Mentiflo paper ta the iS)d.bo without it. Weekly, 3.00 then there is no efficacy in works as proof of One's faith. - Let us now come, squarely and fearlessly to the discussion. If we can find the road to relief, ; I- pro Tiose.: for one,' to. folio w it to . the " a, plus, but in scornful ueiianco of J reason? fcr ttanding nuitedly and the people's demands for economy j flruily in the raniss of the De- and lower taxes. they loaded us 1 mocracv which is tho true raity 1 Third party m7:-roent. I - my I mf m " . VI coaix tncy ua not wien i unions of i' e country. How - wl-r, the ;i, to mum? oaari : about the , x'iitw nnd t;Ut to. for the gea-mj caaf. Ho mil i.tHy tcone svruu stop the clu U.erical florU of c. . itias: a .virty, nhkh tiiurft VMum nna viviu ue:entT lutuh more p. Jtotic to nClj t.- plorions twir.tfsr of Icrnocncy rvlorra, wili tin cotniUMaera r; dclitv and benlam which i Southern m-n fciiniuji, nnl that Cat; to triumph la StatV cition? 1 cannot lur domn my pea out-one mow oinn wamux my friend aud oojatrynr.t have conterotn.fJ loiaini- down" with still more grievous burdens of increased tariff taxa- 1 1 . a ts.Anlft and raramonnt among l.nr,!, it tritii ndJitionnl the presentation of the subject vivid as as picturesque. V- . . - . luded by the fiery declamation of t hnstft whn ta interested in mis- this foremost among early American paint-1 leading US. -tine thought L WOUld solemnly impress, at the outset -I would hammer it into the very fi ber of evry -farmer's brain in the country. It is - thisc " Our; condi- WABBINOTON ALLSTOlCf ers.. .A numDer ot illustrations win Jena ad ditional interest to t he -articles. is enough for my present purpose to fix npon a-Republican Congress and President the responsibility for that system and for tho J de struction of the State banks. A third and general ; complaint ii that silver has been demonctiz- llieOETAjrP HOUEKTS. . : : Th alni of this series of very fehort arti- 'cles is to describe the signal occasions when some- decisive event took. place, or M oen some great experiment was shown to be successful such- momeutsias that of-th first use of the Atlantic cable, the first, use r.1 ia n rtm.ni.li onii hriA TI.Q TirHTHIlft- 1 - - . I . a . tiTrtwih mistaken fand U .only . way V in flars and alishonored the i;nieago ure. tne scene at jine moment oi the vote on the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, etc ... v ; orr of doob fapess. ...J-; .. In the early spring will be begun a num ber of seasonable articles.among them : lie ing: Small country places, how to lay '.out and beautify themj-by Samuel Parsons. Jr. Pishing Lore from - on Angler' Note-Book by Dr. Leroy Jif Yalev Mountain Station Life in New. Zealand, by . Sidney Dickinson. Racing in . Australia, by Sidney Dickinson, ' with Ulustratiohs by Birge Harrison. The illustrations are made irom original mate rial.- Price 25 cente.:- $ 3.0C a year. ; ' ' HACRIBNER'S SONS.' Publishers, V ?1 ... -Tii an A 71S UroflH'iruT.' Viiir Tort.- tioii is so serious and. threatening ed. ..Who U responsible for that ? that' we cannot' "afford to 'make ' a Who' struck down this. class of dol- a currency which to avoid mistakes fs to find which had successfully maintain- the truth- and then to 'stand by it; ed its position in - this ' country and; the way to find the truth is' to three-quarters of a century ? Tlie sift hel evidence and relf upon es, answer again :is tlia't" this - out- race was consumated by a-- ne- tabtished facts and not upon mere theories, r l' ''.' r ; T .Now, in order to recognize truth with certainty, let us lay down, a a few fundamental propositions to which alt will agree, . and .; then pnblican llouse, Senate and Pres ident. : ..-. ' - A fourth wrong of which .we complain is the ueedless and cruel contraction of the greenback, cur rency in the "mad and -.untimely bringrevery: suggestion to the . test j efforts to force sped paymsqts by can party in every instance; with- out one exception, tho Republican partyisthe author of each and every wrong of which wo com plain. : ' , On the other hajid tho constant, avowed and only available oppo nent of that party in all these. 4 First these reasons is the fact that de- by converting ntnun our cocL scrtion by Democrats cow, KO.Hr,,0,wn,ft' 1 i I and viokat pohticlana and cii. aers more v rv iu u i o mc luuuuucu supremacy of Republicanism In the government, the perpetuation of thelrliurtful policies and the indefinite t-ostivcuemcnt of the a relief. . - With the Republican ranks nni ted and Democra may lose control - . w w mx m j. irAMaAAnfnliMAa A tv mil A m . . . . a " ufluw vi iiei'itauittii w, u .1 ci. , rtujcn lor vcrxs uiif-r i. j as of the Presidency, and thus thed onr m:n J with ntrn- . I l . . . I. T ana our r.-nirir. in nn fie! nine hunter. . . Of connie tcey do not nun i rtnm?d tofower and to th trol of our Mite that its. qum of ijnornnr ond po mockery from who dca". , clutch we rcActicd Ueorsi . ' twenty yean opi. its divided, wc our State pluntd cain Into - ,i f ,m iJ'VM ot politiciU wcevi nr. dir. . 1 oi the next LninVnjplcr ond dy. , , years was the r.ersistent. resolute "-r""" ,Mg . . " Our TblrJ rny U r mi m - i i ii . i za i ... " i 1. 1 .- t!1 .!!. t$m 1 .... 1 .m f and indomitable-: organized Da- r-". V , V ,?r".TU""niJ: T ) , - this Union. lhlS IS t - . rv'jltir.-r U nm th r rr.nv.tr! of which no language can exag- Tc-f Q n f t u In this great and mem mocracy of tho 8imple,unvar:iishcd unanswer- oKTa truth. Vrtt va witness .the paifu! and tindtnC r .peUl. ! f""!. Aj.0,' in Georgia of a few tvotiid be lead ers seeking to mislead our people by the unworthy and untruthful 1 declaration, that we have no more to hope for from' the Democracy than from the hostile Republican v party. Sjch a declaration is no cerate. the furce bill and for tho rights nnd liber ties of. our people thcro was r.o difficulty in locating our enemies on the one aide and our friends ou 1hsolher. Thcro were tome bravo and magnanimous spirits among tho Republicans who ap preciated the enormity cf that ranxe, to irjre ntv t;.ry c l 1 d.mr r.nd ' berrying re i'.!v these !ruIfl pl:ts!l. ly t Ll V the trhiii ro rod entkit ,r o r' I p!e-to r.bnndoa tha DcnisxrU k P ot safety. ' Turn bnck, tr.y co-rstrymcr cannot nlTorU tfie xisk. It too bite to turn bn.ck wln mm. I nm end teller it turn bn.ci; win ( . h-t rrwnlttt 'A i f.ii:hlulif yoar y Jtiia. J. li. Ccli . I Broadway, New fork. j ..--. -v 5. . 'i ;-- r, T;. -