j A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. With Malice toward nonet With Charity for aVL L50 PER AKXV21, Jm Jirrtra. VOL. XXI. LQU1SBURG, N, C.,,JUNE 3, 18Q2. KO.17. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report y HUT ( S IS IT AS IT DONE CAN IT DO TV original and only genuine Compound Oxt.r mi Treatment, that of Pre, Starkey Jb p ilen is a scientific adjustment of the de ments Oxyaen and Nitrogen magnetued; Rll'l t'"1 POmpouU'l I" J ruiiurusoi mm ma'le portable that it is sent J1 over, the It'h'is been in use Tor over twenty years; thousin ls of patients have been treated, an'!"" OUP thousand physicians have n. ,t recommended it a very signifl- rnmwnnd Oxygen Its Mode ol Action an.! iW'ilts." is the title of a boolc of 200 p-i" pnlHshed by Drs StaTkey 4 Palen, VhWi to a11 inquirers full information as to tint remarkable curative agent and a too.! record of surprising cares in a wide r;in-e of chronic cases -many of tbera after abandoned to die by other physi pinns. Will be mailed free to any address on PPhcatl9 gTARKEY & PALEN, . 1329 Arch. Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 120 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal. Tlease mention this paper. Ex-Gov, Jos., E. Brown on the Polit-1 cratic party placed permanently ical Situation. . . I in nownr. thft crrivanr.p.a of which they-complain can all -be reme- The-question whether one o died and their' rights can he se- axvother leading-; man shall hold I cured ' . ; this 'or the other office sinks into Tb b - ' . manfallv bv insignificance when compared tbe Demotfratic party for almost wun ine; importances maintain. a lifetime, and it is natural that ing the Democratic party and the tbey Bbould feel Stated when solid South. the relief they - seek "may still 1 know that certain classes of . distance: but if they our population feel that their in- look carefully at the . situation terests and rights have not been they will find that they are far- properirprotectea.Dy-tnegovern-1th- f u in tbe cmbrace ment,: and" they feel that they of theJ Thirdoartv moTement 1 1 i j.l - j. k. - The Board of Agriculture has un- Ua? Wevance on u wcouua, tbjm they We beeQ beore dertaken to make an exhibit of the ana ? ine n 8ieP I0r lDe .?or" with the Democratic party rfiSonoftheStAteoforthCar. action of that grievance tney STATE NEWS. Items From All Over Korta Caroli na, as 0 leaned fronv-our Exchanges. ; WORLD'S .FAIR. Office or Board of- Aqbictjlttjkk, -. . RALEIGH, N. C, - January 15, 1892. The burned Central hotel at Wadesbcro is to be at once re built. ' - t 1 The wife of Jake Ridenour, near Salisbury, jumped into & well while crazy and was drowned. An nmisnal occurrence is death caused'by. having' tbe ears .pierced for earrings. Mrs. Giles Beal, near Derr, Lincoln county, died olina at the Columbian Exposition, formed an alliance of Southern Collins and Caskets. We have added largely to our stock, and now carry a full line of these goods from the plainest wood coffin to the finest plush or velvet covered casket. Also full line of coffin hardware, lin ings, trimmings, &c. All of which vf 1 be sold at reasonable prices. Respectfully, R. R. Harris & Co. s Louisburg, N. C. and has appointed the World's Fair farmers, that as the public nnder Executive Committee to carry out stood and believed, wasa'non-po-this purpose. This Committee ap- liti cal organization, peals to the citizens of the State to ' That organization is now be give them a cordial support, and to ing madethe basis of a political aid them in famishing, an exhibits party to be known as the Third that wiUbeilliistrative of the State's or Peoples partyv and the people resources of every kind &iq to look to tbat Tbird We confidently expect that North .. lt -., . vi j. . . party organization as the surest self in high competition with the safeguard of their rights in the rest of the world. luture, ana to expect tue proiec- Every,country in the world and tion of tbeir riShts from no other and every State in the Union is ex- quarter. . pected to participate at this display Now if the Democratic party, of the world's resources and pro- which has not in thirty years had gress in every department of the the control of. the government in human effort. It will give some idea all its branches, has been unable of the extent of this Exposition for iacfc 0f power to pass such when it is remembered that 750 iaws ag were necessary for the acres, more tnan a great plantation, is embraced in the grounds, and that 150 acres will be covered with the necessary buildings. These buildings will be filled with every I trust and believe the Demo crats will sncceed in thetoming presidential election, and if they do, having the house of reoresent ativgs by a large majority, 1 hope it may not be long tiefore Democ racy will have a mAjority in the Senateal80t and theu the farmer may look for relief. Until then we cannot expect it Ifwe all pull together this may be accomplished at no very dis tant day. If we divide and eldest daughter of Mr. J. B. Chris tian, the street commissioner. She is a few months over seventeen years of age, consequently not of mariage&ble age, without the con sent of her parents. Application was made to the Register of Deeds for license, bnt it was refused 'be cause the applicant . would not make an affidavit to the age. This did not deter them in their pur pose- to get married. Thursday morning about 3:30 o'clock Rev. Mr. Batter, with the aid of friends spirited away Mi&s Christian, who was apparently willing to elope. 5ew lines txd Aellre ComptUUaat. from this cause. She years of age, the Gastbnla Gazette says. Mr. John Warren, who died in Buncombe connty a few days ago, was born in 1700. lie never saw a railway train in his life, as he was 35 1 They depaited to some other coun. tyvto consummate their plans; just where it is difficult to decide, as the matter has been kepi a pro found secret. The objection to the marriage by the parents was that Mr. Butler bad expressed bis de termination to so to Uhina as a missionary and they entered rro- declined to even look at one. He I test aealnst their dauk'hter coins was very eccentric, tho Asheville to a foreign country. The couple Citizen says. cro maxr m xwueigu mi wee Too Maeh Preaching. While" playing in her father's yard in Person county Wednesday, the six vear old daughter of Mr. nww Rtl.fT wn riittn thro In recent editorial, the Wil times bv a mad do: twice on the mington Messenger says: wrangle over the matter it, will th- . and b- and oncQ on the We m not Bur6 that there is no ' ii . e I I protection of the Southern farm ers, planters, and other Southern laborers, how can the people ex pect that a new party, composed Book, DAVIS' Lair Saving Guano For Keeping the Different grands, amount of the same, price per ton, in money or cotton. MMflflt for all Fertilizer Sellers. FOR SALE BY S. GS-. ZD-A-IS, FRANKLINTON, N. C. Price $2.25 per book. Express prepaid if you state where "you saw this advertisement. conceivable product of nature and of fragments of different parties art, and North Carolina can and out of which the new party is will respond to what ia expected of being formed, can acqnire with- her. . in a reasonable length of time the In order that our State may take strength to dictate laws to our her proper place at this great kxpo- peQple and to place upon the stat aition, the Boar.! intends to make t hooks such enactments as may be necessary to protect the interests which the Democratic party has never had the power to protect ? Now what is the best plan to reach this object? , When the Democratic not be during the lifetime of any of the present generation. It is not my purpose to enter jnto-a discussion of tariff reform, th currency and other questions. Whenever the Democratic party has control of all the departments of the government, the country, I think, can look with certainty to the .necessary and proper tariff reform and the enactment of proper laws for the free coinage It is the live town, the wide awake, the aggressive, the ambi tious, the enthusiastic village and city tbat "gU tljere," to resort to current slang. .It is the dead town, the sleepy town, the self satisfied indifferent, disunited, don't care village or city tbat has grass growing in its streets, - that shows empty thoroughfares of trafSe and idle derka and loung ing draymen and desolation and poverty. Whenever the mildew of sloth and callousness falls and fasten npon a town, then Ichabod is written on ita banners, the bats and owls begin to take up their quarters in the great warehouse. and the birds of prey hover around to get their picking! while the sleepers are abed. If ever there was a time of push and get up and get, it is the present. The live buiinees cen ters are like bee-hive. The plans for reaching wider field of eon quest are laid calmly and cunning ly and cautiously. The multiply ing of active agencle of traffic and the earnest energy ef the men of buslnets are all brought to bear npon new conquest and a more sweeping reach into the re gions beyond. The great arteries of trade are opened wider, the wisdom of spending money for more money "is understood and practiced. Some villages and cities act np- collection8 in the following depart ments: . Agriculture Food and food pro ducts, etc'. Horticulture Fruits, wines, and garden products, etc. Live Stock Domestic and wild ani mals. Mines, Mining and Metallurgy Minerals, building and monument al stones. Foresty Timbers and forestry product. Fine Arts Paint- wrist, too much preaching in the larger The Atlantic Coast Line system town ftml citlcs- . eongrega has hundreds of men at werk erad- lions are often surfeited we have ing and getting ready for their thought Tor years. They get more) mammoth nhons and vards at an Q7 can digest. One sermon Rockv Mount, and is preparing to on the Lord's Day if prepared with make that place the end of the U"po"iblecronJdeUTerdwilh division between Richmond. Vir- P0881 fir0 nd ereT7 ginia, and Florence, South Caroli- unction would be enough. It takes I la mar-rr I n ! 1 art n nl man Ta flff HIM I mnr than onunnoni week. v,"" Four men are in jail at Shelby mAn . ,ellent mlnd t0 by ancient Rome. That great of silver, banks, -the currency, for stealing whiskey from a bond- di , lw0 8ermons in one day. eity con8tractJ rod9 of wch etc. As long as the Republicans ed warehouse. They are distillers Robert iran, the greatest pulpit udity and excellence that to fctbla control either branch of Congress, and this leads the Shelby Aurora orator of the century, and one of day, after more than two thousand or the President is a Republican, to say that it seems as hard for a lbe men intellectually in jeara, they aw firm and serviee- we cannot look for adequate re- camel to go through the eye of a all the centuries whoever preached ab,e- These great highways were lief on any one of these questions, needle as for a distiller not to to a dying people, wa ask- straight and led out into all the While the Republicans have swindle, the government. ed by a bumptious youug preach- great conquered nations, but all labored diligently for more than R. W. Lassiter, receiver of the er how many sermons a man ought centered in the Forum at Rome, twentv years and are still labor- loa kv f nfnrl dMrvM t nr in a week. U was so when thy conquered. in o-to SDlit the Democratic par-LM;no T.,.ivt,nlivini' n...U- A .nmmnn.t!tc tireich. l'y built M in London, four o I uiuijoi - " - - t J o I &av i... . M I I , . . . v. 1 1 party, or disband the orsraniza- ftllt 001 ner cent of tbe bank's, in- U, could nrenare six. A man 0f great roads penetrating England. The Public itors will tion known as the -Solid South," debtedness, which is good work good abilities could possibly pre- but centering in the Forum at the Partv the only hope for securing in fa- fnF r5t1v .Uv- after the closine of nr two. but a man of strictly city on the Tbnmes. These roads iiiresurv Uiuuucb. i iucai uo 1. amir i . . i , I - . . , j 0 . , - - - i .v. 1 ing, decoration, etc. Ethnology- has feePl UP a constant struggle ture tbe legislation needed for tbe bank.B doors. The Indian reiics, ana specimens mustra- ior imny yeara tu vry auu autiv the relief ot the farmers ana la- Ledger says the deposit l.theErl!ESot e t bAorthUbT resU upon gelt&ck dollar for.dollar. Near Salisbury, Thursday, a negro woman locked her two little children In the house and left engineering, etc. jvianuiacturera: j t t . . I uiuuucuauw wi mo icmuvio.- Fish and Fisheries nsn proaucts made oeciaea progress, is it oet- c party jn its full strength and ana appliances r tQ gtick tQ that rarty wnen u of T. K. Burner, rCommissioner in has almost reached the power nec- cnarge of exhibits and Secretary of essary for the accomplishment 01 men or measures and to divide the Committee, at Kaleigh, JS.L. these objects, or is it safer, to lurun lli aaiuo aiiu vuv vi na v numbers and one er two are to be seen now after the lapae of more than sixteen hundred years. Cities now in the United States construct the iron roads and put npon them the ponderous engines and the long train of cars, and J. F. Payne, A. Leazab, W. E. Stevens, S. L. Patterson, Committee. - t . Scribner's Magazine. Cut FLOWERS, BOUQUETS, DESIGNS, ETC. Fine Cut Flowers in Great Vari ety. . Bouquets, Baskets and Designs tastefully arranged. Pampas Plumes, Magnolias and other choice evergreens. AN EXCEPTIONAL YEAR., The year 1891 has been marked by a greater advance than Any similar period since the Magazine was established. Not only has the literary and artistic excellence been maintained and increased, bnt a corre sponding gain has been made in the sal and inflnence of the Magazine. At the end of 1891 the circulation had risen to more- viued. numbers and one er other parties, attempt to form an organization of sufficient strength to control Congress andfthe Pres ident, to enact laws which the Democrats, after straggling for thirty years, have not been able to reach? I must think that it wonld take the new party a much longer time to overthrow the Democratic and Republican parties than it pare first-rate talents would have hard work to prepare one. Mr. George William Curtis, one of the fore most literary men and most ele gant essayists of our country as well as writer of some charming the South ought to quarrel about . uuu .1, . hnt tha books, is also anoratorand abuild- ...... I . ' . . men or measures and todmde . M fipA .ml hotb the er of the finest orations of our day mese roaus ior tne most pari. into different party organizations cLildren were bnrned to death, with the or exception of Ber. Dr. constitute the gTeat highway of It is supposed, the Salisbury Her- Richard 8. Storrs. Mr. Curtis iraae. aid says, tho children were play- takes three months to prepare one The live towns multiply these ing around the fire when their of his masterly orations. We learn feeders. They use the waterway clothes ignited. This should be a that the distinguished Professor ond railway as fast a possi warninir to mothers. Never leave Drummond, a preacher too, says ble. small children to take care oflineocoicn peopie . near wo mucu But the mere constructions of preaching. Ue is quoted a say- broads will not .alone do the ing that the ministers can do bet- WOrk. The locomotive engine is ter than to prepare and preach two or different factions. Very respectfully, Jos. E. Brown. SuieidaL than 140,000 It may justly be promised coming year will be proportionate to these has the DemOCrailOparty, tO reach almost the very goal of its anibi- largely increased opportunities. FOR NEXT TEAS orlhree sermons for a Sunday, and tho people can do better than to listen to them, In brief, his idea! is that the second services on the Lord's Day, instead of being de voted to feeding themselves by It is not poesible to give, in a brief space, an account of all the features in prepara- G J C-1 TIT XT 1 ugar auu Oiw er iiayit, jj.ui ssc i importance nor range oi BUDjeci. Chestnut and other shade trees. ! the poob i the world's great cities. Early cabbage and tomato plants at the right season. . Orders promptly filled and sat isfaction guaranteed. H. STEINMITZ, Florist Raleigh, N. C. NOTICE. Having, mrnliflod aa AHminiaranr nf Pa. hwpa Given, dceeased. all persons indebted to h.'r tat,e an rwinAtiH t.n ti.it the rattia it once, and all persons holding claims a.'aiiist her estate will present for payment n or before March;il, 1893, or this notice 'll plead in bar of their recovery.. TUm March 7, 1892. : v - - Jt hs Green, Admr. ; . - r bAA44 Scientific Americas tion. But I have no abuse and no un kind words of any character for the farmers and laborers united with the Farmers' Alliance who . It is proposed to publish a series of arti- inirthe rerolts of special study and work 1 are 6eeklhe, in What seems to me Sf&EST an anofne eo- an unsuccessful manner, to reach tions of life in those cities (in many lands) where the results of research will be helpful for purposes of comparison as well as for their own intrinsic interest, wnne, irom a scientiOc point of viewr the articles will be a contribution of great importance, thetreat- the protection or their rights. Being born , of humble parent- does it mean ? It cannot be elec age and having passed all the ted. It may draw from theDem- conxnouxiou oi great importance, lueireui- . : a. i j l - . ment will be thoroughly popular, acd the period of my life up to manhood ocratic vote a sufficient number j. sii a a r 5,1 x I. I I eiaoora.T umsiranons win bci vb mj uih.b the as picti WA8HTNGTON ALL8T0N. thKrSa whole period of; my life, I con- rie. Every Southern State must 2ti laboring on a farmV and -having t0 elect the Republican electors, picturesque. : been associated with farmers in wbo wjh vote for their candidate, various .' enterprises during the and thus perpetuate Republican Nothing could be more suicidal I themselves. Epitob. Tims. than for democratic voters to di- letter to the Ilenderon Gold vide their votes on national ques- Leaf from rfaUnd, Pitt county, tions. If any relief is to come to " a cycl0ne passed through the people it must come tnrougn far-mg near tbere wbicb did much Congressional legislation, and for damage to all growing crops, and Democrats not to remain united wa8 followd by "hail and rain, is simply to continue in power Tbe wind blew down houses nn the very political party responsi- roofed barnSf nprooted trees and ble for all our public ills. Can it carried timbers and fruit trees a be possible that any person of distance of several hundred yards. sound judgment will say there is jiothingaaieftnndisturbedven a possibility of electing a third tbe 6mall corn Baffered. No loss of party electoral ticket in this State, iife ig reported. ' and yet the indications are un- . . ' , , ..Li. unw h Thp Wilmington & Weldon rail- UllOMiaauio " I . ' . . i 1 l il. n.l 1 I . ... - . such a ticket in the field 1 What aa ft" OB",w, IU ' ihe aoie uaptist Papr ox Axton, court an injunction agamok iuo the. watchman,.indorses tnis ana board of county commissioners en- add$: "We belive that if the ma joining them, from collecting tax- j0rity of church members were free es on its branch lines, and the or- iv to sneak their minds in this - - ' ' m ..I " der has already been served on the officials of New Hanover. There are two seta of these suits. One is a grand piece of machinery but it will draw no traffic without steam in it boiler. The cities and towns may have every natural advantage and eveu construct numerous roads, bnt something else ranst be done. hearing a sermon, should be given Trade mxu lnTiUd and trade to helping on the kingdom of nyjst be songht. The rivalry in Christ in their neighborhood, creaAe, wth the multiplying of among the poor, the sick, the s. The monopoly cannot re young, and the nn evangelized; in majn jong unieaa the energy and a word, to the outgoing missionary aclU lty are equal u all demands. work of a Christian congregation. and inducement and advanta ges equal or surpass all competi tion. Er. . - CAVEATS, S D1E810M PATEMT Font. i,wrmnifiB.i STUNvlSO nd free HsuoTkk write to Oide-i ?CO 861 Bboadwat, Nw York. EtSP? forseooHng patents In America, the Dnfff?? t6 oat by as la brought before epibuc by notice given free oj dtuise to tita ers. A number of mustrations will lend ad- feSs a partiality in their behalf, elect, Democraticlectors or 'else ino Dia,10 ior taxes aue iw ditional interest to the articles. I . - - - ... 1 . I a(Vim a V.tp ii,ril rAnntiM and in any contest between: the there is almost certain defeat of " .7 . ' - i av . . -..a . ' .. -.. .. for taxes duo them, ins suit in The aim of this series of very 'short arti- laraers ana ,1ns corpora the Democratic canaiaate ior c. . . iat:rr cies is to describe the signal occasions when otber poWerful influences of soci- President. Can the Southern which the btate is p aintm was some decisive event took place, or when VfcUCi lreolucu,' . - V,no-lit in thft Fdira.l conrL and some great experiment was shown to be ety, I must COnf ess that my sym- veOT)Q afford to prolong the Tife orougUfc n vu" f cvicrtti vwuu, successtui-snch moments as thht of the ... , . , .ot?.ft v v f- t. . the suiU in which the counties are first use oi tne Atlantic name, tne nrs use i paiuy, wuuo i cuuj v . OI ine political viper vuub is um" to allhaa always ben with the feeding npon their very vitals? laboring masses. ; That is the question for them to - I have therefore, . no censure decide in ; November. State for the farmers who have attempt- j Chro jicle ed, and tvho are making the of the telegraph and telephone, the first snc- cessful experiment with ether, the night of the Chicago fire, the scene at the moment of the vote on the impeachment of "Andrew Johnson, ete. : ;. . ; ,y '' OVV OF DOOR PAPERS. i Sf1.De "ot It. Weekly. 3.00 tCBi.,.8'x monthi. Address MbWi Sou In the arl v spring will be begun a num ber of seasonable-articles, among them be ing: Small country places, how to, lay out and beautify them, by amuei rarsons, jr. Fishing Lore from on Angler's Note-Book byDr. Leroy M. Yale.' Mountain Station Life in New Zealand, by Sidney Dickinson. Racing in Australia, by Sidney Dickinson, with illustrations by Birge Harrison. The ihustrations are made from original mate- rial. Jfnceso cenw.. o.w a year. '! CHAS. SCEIBNER'S SONS. Publishers, ; ' '743 and -745 Uroad way, .New 1'ori. . . Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cnta. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheom. fever movement which I think unwise with the view as they thmk, .of protecting their rights. - I thintc. I tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, theV-bave much cause for Jom; I corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- lnint. and if thev will all work tirelv cores pfies or no pay. It is guar- A. Butler, pastor of the Second together and make Wo, to JJ tSZTSS Bapfi.t church, ya.d.eply U)H tron efforts to get the JJemo-i.box. Fur KalebvThoioaaAArcockef' wita miss .,umo . wawa. plaintiffs were brought in the State courts, and are now pending in the U. S. supreme court. . The injnnc im refeired to above jnuet be to get the claims of the counties into the Federal court also. The Durham Sun says that town came to the front Thursday with a verv neculiar elopement. Rev.! A. " a matter, they would say Prof. . Much interest was felt in the position which tha Progressive Farmer would take cow that tl sk Drummond is right. Oar pastors J convention ha met and done iU can use their time more wisely worv. Suffict it to say that it than in preparing two discoursesj fl. m mrtA . Xpnm . rtr.v a week, and. what is more, now . .... u'.i.lf.i.t. that the subject is opened, we ur 7 ' ' frankly say that we could do more all, weiare laiisuea. ine newa for God than by devoting all Sun-1 and Observer, speaking for it!f day to bearing sermons. ' In the and (he great bulk of non-AHiance necessarily mean to address an an- . v . din: tt.iK" h! ?: a" ":rr z:" nication or train. Accorainp vo o lusvnici. """t the New Testament idea, Christ the Progressive Farmer is pleasetl. was preaching as truly to the wo- j;ow iet it Uke hold of Hho ror man of Samaria " He f are and join lb, in vnmaR Hhe Sermon on the Mount; . , , mother is as truly preaching when triumpbal car to victory. We ar she explains the truth to her child willing even for it to be the whe4l nron her knee as when her minis- horse of our Carr. .We all ein terisspeaaingtoacrouctuuii. work ln tbe trace now. Ualeiirlj The criticism I not against preach ing, but against" the over-empha- U of oratorical rreacLinr. against tco many formal aermons. News-Observer. i uroadway, new fgtk. . ' j

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