v ... IFifA . Malice toward none ; :WUh Charity for- all. I XOU ISBU RG l.C.,: JXJN E lO, H892 ; , VOL. XXI. NO. 18. -- ' r " . , . : , ' , - . r - . " . -a t-- -s- ' ,v , . ... -J v. . . - . - - . A - . - . ' . . " --:,XS-.'--- ' " 'T.- ' - '; fr ''.-r-T ;- .J "J ' " ". . ." - , ... " - . ' . . ' - - - - 2 ' i - - . . ; : ' . . i . . - Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. GoVt Report , 'ii : V. DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. ; ;-; For . Govemor-r-Elias Carr, of Edgecombe. " , V": , For: Lieutenant Governor-Ra- fus.A. Doughton, of ; Alleghany . For Secretary- of State-r-Octavi- us Coke, of Wak e -r;i- " -.- V; " For Auditor Robert ; M. Fur- man, oi uuncomDe. , For -Treasurer-Bonald W. Bain, of Wake. :. - ' For SuDerintendent of "Public hold sacred and dear in life, 1 do not-feel that I would ;be .serving my country best by taking such a CPolitically, I have always' been a Democrat," and ever - voted" for that party because' L felt it was the best vote I could cast for 'my country, and for the same- reasons that I have been a Democrat in the past I expect to remain one in the future. Thete are only, two ,sep- IS IT f HAS IT DONE CAM IT DO : Tin' onLiinul and only genuine Gomponnd (k- - ', :i fiviitment, that of Dre. Starkey & mm ,',pts '.i iKvsen ami Nitro-jen magnetized; STATE DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. Instruction John C. Scarborough, arate and distinct ideas of govern- of Johnston. :For Attorney-General ii u 'i n. ' . Adopted' May 18, 1892. -. - " Resolved X.' That the Democracy j Osborne, of Mecklenburg of North Carolina reaffirm the pria- For Judge of the . Twelfth Dis- und is so condensed .and Vciple3 of the Democratic ; party botfi trict-r-George A. Shuford, of Bun- SState anu National, and particular combe. i : ' , THE OLD NORTH STATE. . OUR NEXT GOVERNOR. News from all Over the State tilth- ' ! ereil from our Exchanges. - rp ' a. i ? L a. 1 1 iuB iiciw meeting oi me norui Carolina Dental . Association .will be held in the city of Raleigh- New)berTer. . Eli as Carr, the democratic doq inee for gorenior, is about fifty-1 anfe one years of afre. -lie was born at Brace Bridge farm near Old ,Tle date of the Cumberland fair Sparta, in the county of Edge has been changed :from November combe, where his' fatbtr, Jonas 1st to 5th, inclusive, to November J Carr, had long resided. Ilia peo- i i t- : . 4. ii 4. u n I illlie LIlUil- It ID Willi OU UTCl UUC in use for over twenty years; niii 11 . , .. J A J 1 t'i,ms:ii: i. Is 01 pat-ients nave Deen xreaxa. it Mud recommended it a very eignifi- il'l'l "( 11 ll'ioilllll uxyKs luB muuo ui aiuui .. i i I'. 'vts," is the title of a book of 200 ' !,!.s. niiiilished by Drs Starkey & Palen, 'viii !i jives to all inquirers full information .,.1 to t!'.i remarkable curative agent and a ' 1 f on mill I n nrn I'l 'nrn oi Burnnoiiif; tuiro in muc oi rlironic cases -many of tbem after Minindoned to die by other -phyeii' Will be mailed free -to any address Hi I'll! rail-'' ll.M'U' ci.ins li.' r.i iil'l' 3 :.-.'. V' iiion. - . - Drs. STARKER & PALEN, h Street, Philadelphia, Pa. itt.'i- Street, San Francisco, Cal. ii.'iition this paper. Coffins and Caskets. stoe'x, of ii- added largely to our .i nd now carry a full line i' soods from "the plainest vilVm to the finest plush or Vilvt covered casket. Also j full Hue of coffin hardware, lin nigs, trimmings, &c. All of vhi h ni l IjQ sold at reasonable Respectfully, R. R, Harris & Co. L.)uisb;;rj, N. C. L DAVIS5 ly favor the free coinage of silver and an increase of the currency, and the' repeal of the internal revenue system. And we denounce the Mc-Kinley- tariff fbillas unjust ta the consumers of the country, and lead ing to the formation oJ trusts, com bines, and monopolies which" have oppressed the people; nd especially do we denounce the unnecessary and burdensome increase, in the tax on cotton ties and on tm, so largely nsed by the poorer portion of the people. We likewise denounce the iniquitous' Force bill, which is "-not yet abandoned by the Kepublican party, .but is being urged as ameas ure to be adopted as soon as they regain control of the House of Rep--resentatives, the purpose and effect of which measure will be to establish a second period of reconstruction in the Southern States, to subvert the liberties of our people, and in flame a new race antagonism and sectional animosities. - 2. That we demand financial res form, and the enactment of laws thtit'will remove the burdens of the people relative to the existing agri. cultural depression, and do full and ample justice to the farmers and la- lporers of our country. 3, "That we demand the abolition of national banks, and the substitu tion of legal tender Treasury .notes in lieu of national bank . notes, is sued in sufficient volume to do the business of the country on a cash ment in this country. A man x : if" " " ' '" Frank I. must be in favorof one... of these ideas of government and the po litical party that espouses it. No country ever had more than two dominant parties at" a time, and so TTm 'TOpp'torah tTjiTce CTharles'l for years to come," Democracy or B. Ay cock, of Wayne, GTenn, of Forsythe. Robert B. WORDS4 OF : WAPIXQ THS STATE IiECTURER OF THE TENNESSEE ATJliIAJfCE Am A .W W For price i"r ion Guano Bo the of system, regulating the amount eeping amount Different the same, in money or cotton. 4 MMoi for ail Fsrtillzsr Sellsrs. FOR SALE BY S. O-. FHAXKLIXTON, N. C. Prico ;?2.25 per book. Express prepaid it you. state wnere you saw this advertisement. ' ueeded on a per capita basis, as the business interests of the country ex pand, and that all money issued by the government shall belegaLtender in payment of all debts, both public and private. 4. That we demand that Congress shall pass such laws as shall effectu ally prevent the dealings in futures of all agricultural and mechanical productions; providing such strin gent system of procedure in trials as snail secure prompt conviction and " imposing such" penalties as ehall secure the most perfect compli ance with the law. , ' 5. That we demand the free and unlimited coinage of silver. 6. That we demand the Cautions His Brethren Not to Wander Off After Strange Gods' Weekly Courier Journal. :. Nashville, Tenn., May 28. Re cognizing that the'Weekly Journal has a large circulation among the farmers of Tennessee, I desire through its columns to say that I was born and reared-upon & farm, and my home and interest are there to-day. I joined the Farnfers' Al liance soon after I was twenty-one years old, and1 have endeavored from that day until now to be a consistent member of that organiz ation in Tennessee. During: this time, I, as its representative, have visited and spoken inMts interest maiiy times in every county in the State. The advocacy of this cause has ever been a conviction i with me, and I am proud of the record I have made in doing so, d stand squarely to-day upon hat record and by every declara- ion I have made in advocacy or in defense of the Farmers Alliance, whieh has ever been a non-parti san organization, bearing the same relation to political parties as oth er non-partisan class organizations should bear; and it is not now, and never has been, for or against any j-olitical party; and as to what party a member votes with that is no business if the Farmers' Alii- :quets, designs, etc. Fine Cut Flowers in Great, Vari ety. Bouquets, Baskets and Designs tastefully arranged. Pampas PJmnes. Masruolias and 7 othi r choice evergreens, i Sugar and Silver Manle. Horse Chest, nit fl.r1 ntipr sTinrlo trops . " Early cabbage and tomato nlants at the right season. -Onlcra prompt.lv filled and sat- isiaelion guaranteed. II. STEINMITZ, Florist, Raleigh N. C. -; NOTICE. lsaiiiKt iind all uersons . holdinur claimK 0.it.t".p will nraiuiut t to Tm.n fc in bar o! . their recovery. Ki1 l'1'H.'l lm V ;lr,.l, 7 Scientific American V- Agency ftp -.- - T . passage of laws prohibiting the alien owner ship of land, and "that Congress take early steps to devise some plan to obtain all lands now owned by alien and loreign synaicatesu and that all lands now held by railroads and,other corporations, ki excess of such as is actually used and needed bv them, be rechumed by the gov ernment and held for actual settlers only. -" 7. iseuevmg m tne doctrine o "iHiual riarhts to all and -. specia privileares to none," wedemarid that taxation, . National or - State, shal not he used to build up one- interest or class at the expense" of another. We believe that the - money of - the country should be kept as much as possible in the. hands of the people nue, Nat6nal, State or : county shall be limited to the necessary ex penses of the - government economi cally And-honestly admmistered. - mi " i ' 1 . A 1 -x nan congress issue a sumcieniri ance. These truths I have ever labored to impress upon the membership ami upon the public; have always tried to grant honesty of purpose to my brethren, and have ever con ceded to them the right to vote with the party of their choice, and have reserved the same right la myself. In my opinion, any mem ber of the Farmer' Alliance seek- Republicanism willrule this coun try.. T feel that one's sympathies must be with one or the other, and a vote cast for &nf other party must necessarily aid one of these dominant parties. Democracy means thelmost good to the most people, and the least harm to any class; and it is my ob servation that the vast majority of Democrats in this country are the plain, common, hard-working, over-taxed, debt-ridden and op pressed people. In the Democrat ic party the majority rule, if they desire to do so, and it is my con viction that all. the legislation these people need to relieve them can be obtained through the De mocracy if they will only inform themselves as to their condition and, like patriots and men of con viction. become active factors in their party, and if there is any thing wrong with the party organ ization let them, like brave men correct it. . It is my -candid opinion that ev ery vote given the People's party In the Soath will weaken organ ized Democracy and strengthen organized Republicanism, and in many sections may result in negro domination and negro rule, as the inevitable consequence of division among the white people of the South; and nothing could be more disastrous to the cause of reform than such a calamity. . I expect" to be severely criticised by many calling themselves "Re formers,", for the , simple reason that-I am exercising a right that 1 grant to them, and that they are using, by supporting the party of mv Choice. If such should be the - 15 and 19. The North Carol iau Teachcre Assembly convenes at Morehcad this year ' on' .the : 21st of June and holds tilt the 4th day. of July. . Oats are now being harvested in he southern part of the Btate and the yield is very satisfactory to the armers. N " An unknown man was found in he woods near" Morganton, un- - a A concious. and dying oi paraly sis. He was a ctono cutter by trade. Deputy collector Hall and. a pos- se made a raid in uumoerianu county a few days ago, ad cap tured an illicit still, stands, malt and singlings. The Henderson water-works formed he early connected Lln self itb U. lie km flrtt presi dent of the eub-AHUnce at Old SrrU; then of LU county Alli- and nest of the SUt AHU ance, ntcb position he Leid an long as the constitution ptnalU ' ted. He represented the Alli ance at Ocala and was & member of the committee on platform, where he took a prominent part, pie havelong been prominent in eastern North Carolina, and were advocating conservative action. connected with Gov. Sam Johns ton of Revolutionary fame, .and with the Hon. Richard Hines. years ago a distinguished mem ber of congress from 'the Edge combe district. His mother was Mary . Hilliard. of Nash conn ty, daughter of James Hilliard whose wife was Miss Boddie of Nash county. She was a sister of Elijah D. Hilliard, of Hilliardston, and Isaac Hilliard, of Milbrook, Hal fax county. Mr. Carr had the good fortune, in 1659, to marry that accom plished lady, Miss Eleanor Kear ney, daughter of Mr. William His voice has always been for - conservative action, and he hu sought to keep the order, as far at possible, o'ut of partisan politics. The name of Elias Carr, wherev er known, carries with it tLe em bodiment of truth, a spirit of fairness and even-handed jus tice. In all his dealings with bis fellowmen, he has exhibited the truespirit of a Christian gentle man. His name has come forward for high station time and gin, but he has invariably declined to en ter into such contents. Recently he was spoken of for treasurer, but absolutely declined. The nomination for Governor, which has, just been conferred upon him, came entirely nnsought and unexpected. It is indeed a case, of the ofTice seeking the man. That he is the right man Kearney, of Shocco Springs, War- have been completed, a satisfacto- reu county, and from this union ry test given and they have been have sprung three sons and two formally accepted by the town au- daughters. thorities. Mr. Carr's father died when he The Rocky Mount Argonaut was quite young and he was sayc that the crops in the surround- raised by John Buxton Williams for the place the unanimous ver- ing country are looking extraordi- and his most estimable lady who uict or the largest and most rc narily well; in fact, a long ways was the aunt of Mr. Carr. Mr. specfable body of Democrats that above the general average this Williams was one of the grandest ever assembled In North Carolina time of yeae. men who ever lived in NortB Car- fully attests. He has the confi- The Mnthodigt local Teachers' Olina, a painslAfcllig, careiul, pru- uencc, esiccui aim rvspcc oi iuo dent business man; a man oi no ble sentiment, and sharing with his-wife the highest characteris tics of devoted Christians. Un der such tutelage Mr. Carr grew conference is to meet in Raleigh, this year, July 22nd-24th. Rev. Adex. Walker; of. Durham, makes an address on suberban work for local preachers, and Rev. T. L. Troyj of Trinity college, . one on colportage work. The Winston Sentinel says that the executive committee of the State tobacco association has sent an invitation to Col. J. S. Carr, of Durham, to deliver the annual address before the association wh'ich meets at forehead City on July 5. The Durham Sun says that work on the foundation for the new Trinity M. E. church is getting well aloug and soon the beauti ful structure which it is the inten tion of the congregation to erect, will begirt to assume defiriite pro portions. people and will carry the Demo cratic banner to victory. A Christian gentleman, a man cf high culture and unblemished character, a man whose life has to manhood and the elements of boca spent in his fields cultiva- & noble character were bred in ting his crops and a sterling him from the association. Democrat, without a shadow, of He received his preliminary turning, there can- be -no "doubt education at the noted school of that the people at the polls will Wm. J. Bingham, at the Oaks in ratify his nomination with th Orange couuty. rrom there he heartiest good will. case, I challenge comparison of their record and mine, made fight ing for the reform contained in the principles of the Farmers' Alliance, ! and shall not fear the decision of an intelligent public. For the reasons set forth in this letter I shall continue to work in rt.lA rant's of Democraev. and shall ing to apply, a partisan test -to ardently support the candidates of oroxner iu me uruer, choice until tho convention has taken as to the . requirements' of . e ; nd t- T e - t to do true Allianceism. L,W T W vpr done, bow to the I deplore the course of many T decree ofmy party, and- support the nominees - of the convention. , The Tobacco Trust. The Raleigh Signal says the re sult of the combination known as the American Tobacco Co., has not been to reduce tho price to the producers of bright tobacco. The tobacco farmers know, from sad entered Chapel Hill, and inished his education at the University of Virginia. He chose for his busi ness in life the pursuit of agri culture, in which his family" had long been engaged. Purchasing his brother's inter ! est in his father's fine farm at Brace Bridge, he has cultivated that property "ever since. It is here that he has made his reputa tion as one of the best farmers of the State. His farm is noted far and wide as being most excellent ly cultivated and improved. His home he has beautified aud adorned and made attractive as few other country residences now are. Proaou-ire.l Hojls4. Yet Saved. Fn.ro Mter writt-o bj II r. l E. Hard, of Cirvton. rf. D., eqoote: W Ukra with a t vi coll. hka if l-d o.i my lanirs, coagb et ia sad 6 ail! trr minatrd in cooacipttoa. I rnr. wlf op to my iUfirf lrfaiad If I co ali) oot ftUr wish r.ij frUadon rartb. I wocll jrhI mjr aUwnt out abot-. Mr hu2ni m aJii-J to jrt Dr. Kicj iw Pixjtery f.-r CoojmaptUi. t vah aaJ c.M. I tn it a triC U i iu all ekhi bottle; it Las eart-4 ct. as 1 tha'AGod lam now a wAl aa-1 hrrr w.naD." Trial bjtl? fivr at Tbooia & Ayeock' drag itorv, tvgolar arm ii cuau aai Jl .CO. ' "Bonauzi" is a Spanish vrorl. mcauing fair or prosperous weath er. " . , . Good Looks. Goud looks are mora thao akin dn. drrvndin op-o a healthy conditio 4 all th vital otvan. If th liter be la. my brethren who I have espoused the cause of the People's party aud sought to criticise all their breth ren who will iot go with them in to that party." ,rdeplare the course of many, of our official organs that bave become the recognized organs of the People's party, and are bus ily en gaged in sow ing strife and Consequently, if I" live; I shall most certainly vote the Demo cratic ticket in 1892. . Respectfully, 1 ' - R. W. TUCKER. TTa mad a a fttirrau nl frw I aVjofi Vnr Vl 1 r a KIlt. l-aaT if VrkTlav experience, that what the Signal mDg although, like others, he atomalh be dworderrd yoa ule a djr- -I. Mnm. The infamous to- tas had biabad years aud his JAffT .fHWj- good years; but generally, he has made money at the business. His practice has been to raise his ! provisions, relying on others as little as possible, although mak- colton, and, of late, also A Narrow Escape." Says is-Jalse. The infamous to bacco trust ought to be broken np. There are laws against such evil combinations, and the law ought by all means to be enforced The Signal says that if this com- nanv should auit-business in North ineT . - . ... I 41. Carolina the bottom would drop WWW1" out of the tobacco business -and - "e pays particular attention prices would tumble down at a to dairy ing, and has his ensilage fWfiil rate. Well. riow. really, I w Ieeu UiS g"" tlWfc upon, aDu would thera nofbe others to ro in- batter is sold at good prices fectd rot) bate a pinched V X. eor Koodsbealtli and Jojx will tMw -J look. Electros Bittera la th crwit al tera! Ire aoJlvtita. acta dlntljr on thr HU1 org j5. Ccrua rtcjfl-, Ll-.-trn-. boil a'! gira a srl eomJ-xion. & J I at TViuaa & AjoWs clroy stor, 5j eru per bttW. CAVEATS, . M 0 mm m M M A DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc K8t burpiT,, 'I 001 BHOAUWAT, JNKW rOBK.-vJ ,TerJ Pater, t . ?.r seonrlng patents to America, . PofiUc h tak?n out M 18 bwmsW; before Q . Dyanooe glTen tree o charge la tlia ' Hnio'iS 9T.ny sdentlflo paperln the ' illustrated. No inteUlsrent &co. 1 1.:-" tbont it. WuiVi :t . . . - bix month. . 1 A A i c v to facilitate the exch qne through the medium of the - United States mail. v ; ' ?i 9 . - That the . General Assembly, pasg such lawsis will make the pub lic school system more effective that the blessings' of ; education' may - be extended to' all the people of the State alike. y- Resolved That we favor a gradu ated tax on incomes. : .. s5 r$ .; BEifTorr, Ark., -May gOthj: IS92.'; ;. Messes. Ldppmajt Bkos.; Savannah, Ga. Gent lemen: I had The aiuatism aboat two months daring last winterwas con fined to- my rdom most of the tirae: saw an advertisement, in the "Saline Cearier' recommending P. P. P. as a cure f or-rheumatism. . I bought thres bottles bat before I got through with the third bottle I was cured and have not felt the least effect of rheumatism since. -fit is undoubtedly the best reme dy for rheumatism 1 ever tried .. I can chearf ully recommend it to the public. - Yara truly. : D. JL -CcasixaHAJii to so profitable a business if this - - fusion in the order bv their se-1 During a recent session of a West i ifamousmohoply was out of the vir rifHcism of all members of the Virginia court a darkey was tried way t Suppose various factories . tt.L-- jit 4' for cuttinc a white man witn a ra-1 forminc the trust were forced to Farmers Alliance,, wu - wni - u i r.. .. - . . nnd o with z01 1118 counsel wisnea to prove act independently, tnereuy. cans thai the white mau was. the ag- j ng jQ8t competition,", would they crcssor. and the darkey was phys-1 aii au;t the business ? Not . much. ically unable; to defend himself I But even if they did, other factor! without a weapon. Being duly es would be started, and the farm sworn, .'.VUncler Jim' ' was asked whfither he had been- injured in forsake their party and go them, i Now, mark this prediction : If the -FarmersV Alliance " is ever destroyed in theJBouth its destruc- tionScan be traced alone; to - those over-iealotis" brethren and these organs, who seem to have forgotten the fact that the,.-Farmers' .Alli ance, has guaranteed - to its ; mem bership the utmost freedom politic cally V : f--: ". T i -v' - - -' i"' : ? From an . Alliance standpoint, s-I have no word of criticism - for my brethren who have aligned them selves with" the People's party. I don't regard them, any more or any less. Alliance men-for having done so; but I have not gone with "them into that party, jieither do I expect to go." Jf 1 believed it bestfor my country to do so, I certainly would I go with them, but by all . that I any way.- .( .: " '- v-' : KYesah.'? Tell the jury about it." "Well, sah, it was dowq in Chainoorrv. I.s a-wukkmT down r-f dab," an I done fell ofTn. a derrick ers would get better prices for to bacco. The trouble is, by doing away with competition this foul combination is enabled to dictate to the' farmers what they shall re ceive for their tobacco, and to the merciiauts and consumers what they shall pay for the manufactiir- on several markets in this State, and outside as well. For about fifteen years Mr. Carr has been connty commissioner of Edge combe county, and he has given his best services to the affairs of his -county. He has frequently beeulLonored by commissioners to represent Lis State in conren- tions.'as the FannerY Convention at St. Paul in I860. - ' lie has also been for pome time a member of the board' managing the A. and M. coliege,and is member of rbe World's Fair com mission. Always tTTeatly interested in fell sixty feet I broke dis hyah ed goods, and prices to tne iarm- ftgricuuUre, to which he is devc- laig an' I fractured 41s by ah ahm ers have already tumbled down at led hft baa by precept in two places, and I knocked out a fearful rate .while the- prices of , . n denftwo teef, an' my collah-bohe the manufactured goods continue and example to infuse into the was broke, an' I: had - three ribs hiirh. 1 k - people a spirit of progress and bnstedi dis hvah veah was tore off, an hatter be sewed on again; an' de fact eemmen, if - it hadn't been for a pile o' bricks dat sorto' Down with such evil combina tions, formed for tho purpose of I extorting heavy tribute from the people in the shape of unreasona- broke my fall, I'd a' been liablo to My large , profits. bunston I be hurt serious." 1 i Press. Free improvement. Animated by these sentiments he has long been an active and earnest member -of the State Agricultural Society and when' the Alliance was There arc 400 boys born to er- ery 100 girls, bat more boys di iu infancy than girl. EmtrrCm. Ark April CU, 172. Mencsa. Lttrxoi Dko.. Fat aa bah. Ga tvar Sin: W take rrral rLraiarv aU od more eertiCrar to roar lon list. We ria trathfally mj that Pric'. 1Aah. IVke Hxt an-1 Po-amian e u- poOB'JV P. 1. I., U utut of Ibr Ut mrl W 4 that w hate eirr art oa onr LIv ito we Late teen ia btxiara. aad r. ery peraon we Lar p; aajs it U th tj-sLll port S.-r k sow r-.-. aoaratralj. . irimnorft Co. Fire-eights of the bread bake I in London, Eigland, is-made ul American wheat. DackU-n'a Arnka Hat row Thbest alre ia tie world forra trabea. tore. nWr. alt rhuro. fr e ares. tet'er. ebapp! Land,cbUbLii . rorri, aa-i all nktn eroptk'O, ad r- . t;Tel core puee or i ar. ItMfruk asted to cif j-rf-ri mtiefacta t-e money retaoiel. !r We rrnU t box. For a br TLocsjm & A rrocke. Of two womn chaoao the ou that will bar yoi. . - . ' Aoawcr Vrhloaluei. . tTh J la mrJ fo;4 Vwr(r(-4iia u t-reet-j ? aaJ bm aJ mhl by I.lp(U,rtir'a.l,Mi.MM Istym ct Apvtfe. tJi( tp A it k iui.' yloe fi:-, lut lie. il 41 S ih VitLee. ffnnaUrt to rore t . ? l J krTbuaAjt a l jr.. lMiuUvry.A T. V. tr. t'fulU'. j. y.V. c r if

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