. With Malice' toward 'nof; fiih Charity for aU. VOL. XXI. LOUISBURG, N C;, JUJNH 17, 1892. . A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U; S. Gov't Report. That "Black John Brown.'' WHAT( I IS IT HAS IT DONE CAN IT DO: Thp original and only genuine Compound Oxyjieu Treatment, that of Drs. Starkey 4 i .in in n. srientiftc ad'mstment of the ele ments of Oxygen and Nitrogen magnetized; and the compound is so conaenseo ana made portable that it is sent oil over the world. It iias been in use for over twenty years; thousands of patients have been treated, and over one thousand physidans have us I it and recommended it a very signifi cant fact. Compound Oxygen Its Mode of Actioa and Results," is the title of a book of 200 ti i :ps, published by Drs Starkey & Palen, whiVh jrives to all inquirers full information, as to this remarkable curative ageift and a .'ood record of surprising cures in a wide range of ehronic cases -many of them after lieim? abandoned to die by other physi cians. Will ho mailed free to any address on application. Das. STARKEY & PALEN 1520 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Pa. 120 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal. Please mention this paper. The negroes of Boston and vi cinity have recently held an in dignation meeting. They assem bled in Tremont Temple andadopt- ed strong . resolutions denouncing the white men of the " South who lynch negroes for raping white la dies. -: Something- was said against lynching in New York but the South was mainly held, up for .scorns by these incendiary devis.- One ne gro, named Bryant, favored, the !Auop5Tay 18, 1892 immediate finding of a "new Gar- Resolvedl. .That the Democracy "au" iW a 1BttUBr'- UUk uuo of North Carolina reaffirm the Brin- coma n01 De lonna up inis way w doles of the Democratic Dartv.-both lead us, then there will be found a State and National, and particular- black John Brown in the South.' ly favor the free coinage,of silver Very well. The fate of the white and an increase of the currency, and John Brown is before those who ABSQUUfE&f PURE STATE DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. Collins aM Caskets V, e have added largely to our s stock, and now carry a full line of these goods from the plainest wood coffin to the finest plush -or velvet covered casket. Also i full line of coffin hardware, lin nigs, trimmings, &c. AU of which wi 1 be sold at reasonable prices. Respectfully, R. R. Harris & Co. Lmisburg, N. C. the repeal of the internal revenue system. And we denounce , the Mc Kinley tariff bill as unjust to the consumers of the country, and lead ing to the formation o! trusts, com bines and monopolies which have oppressed the people; and especially do we denounce the unnecessary and burdensome increase in tne tax on cotton ties and on tin, so largely ised by the poorer portion of the people. We likewise denounce the iniquitous Force bill, which is not yet abandoned by the Republican party, but is being urged as a meas ure to be adopted as soon as they regain control of the House of Rep resentatives, the purpose and effect of which measure will be to establish a second period of reconstruction in the Southern States, to subvert the liberties of our people, and in iiame a new race antagonism and sectional animosities. 2. That we demand financial re form, and the enactment of laws that will remove the burdens of the people relative to the existing agri cultural depression, and do -full and ample justice to the farmers and la borers of our country. 3. That we demand the abolition of national bauks, and thesubstitu- Household Hints. - The Ccrreney Question. Organization- To purify water, hang a email bag'of charcoal in it. . Vinegar bottles may be cleaned with crushed egg-shells in a little water. . For toothache, try oil of sassa- News-Obaerrer. The Financial Chronicle meets the currency question very Jalr- ly in itslst issue, it says: "No difference of opinion can exist with reference to the need of cur iae Third Psrtj. would undertake another murder ous errand. There is plenty o strong hemp in the South yet, and negro ravishers are occasionally proving that it is strong enough for practical purposes. Another negro speaker, called "Walker, de clared that "the time for fighting had come; that to save our people from being murdered in the South you must get off your Ichees and kill the men. who did it.' - And so the white people of the South are to have anioug them a "new Gar rison," or a "black John Brown," unless the negroes are allowed to despoil, with impunity, the wives and daughters of the South. Let it be noted that the first meeting to favor such a crusade against the bouth was held in .tseeton by ne groes, and yet some white men in South are thinking about voting for the Third party candidates, which will probably enable the negroes to get control of the gov ernments of many of the Southern States. What then will, be the condition of affairs in tho South ? With negroes and bad white men The time has .arrived for the most perfect party organization. There is no time for delay. The nominating conventions are jnatat band, and In a little while it will be known nnder whose leadership I -1 aa J ? I nir i - .1 tit fras; and apply. it frequently, if l!" Aiwraiscussing uie ainercni pouucai nosis win me various pnascs oi lue mailer, mnsier. it reaches the conclusion that "the From Us formation the shibboleth national bank-note with any kind of the Democratic party has been of a bond security at the back of "principles not men.' it, is an instrument of exchange I The friends of Cleveland, ardent- which has had Us day and can I ly as they may desire his nomiea never exist again. The qnes- tion, must be ready to give the tion in its opinion "is reduced nominee of the party a 'cordial substantially to this simple altera- support, wbovever be ' may be. rheumatism, swellings, etc., is. ative Shall tho country have I So must the friends of every other olive oil well saturated with cam- government banks for note issues aspirant for the Democratic nomi- phor. hereafter! or shall it have state nation. To brighten carpets, wipe them banks and local issues?" The with warm water in which has able editor of that paper says, been poured a few drops of ammo- "We would greatly prefer state necessary. . - '"" Scorched spots may be removed from cotton or linen by robbing j well with chlorine water. - " If the color has been liakeu out ! of silks by fruit stains, 'ammonia will usually restore the color. A good liniment for iuflamation, tion of legal tender Treasury notes in control of cur State government will preserve their color. - i I 1 TV T A. I . " T i m lieu oi national uant notes, is- anu ixoriuern negroes uoopiu aued in sufficient volume to do the np a raid on Southern virtue, and nia. t Acids, wine or fruits may be ex tracted by first being moistened with ammonia, then washed in chlorine water. To clean straw matting boil three jquarts of bvan in one gal lon of water, and wash the mat ting with the water, drying it well. J'o remove brown spots from ck fabrics, pour spirits of am monia on the spot, drop by drop. and rub gently round and round with the finger. Onions, should not bo cooked in an iron pan; if they are very stroncr. boil a turnip with them. They are .always best scalded be fore chopping for gravies or sauce. All vegetables are improved by laying them in a' pan of cold water before cooking. They should be put to cook in boilinir water, and quick boiling in an uncovered pan Never water instead of national issues of pa per notes. He continues: "Have we not endured enough, and have not industrial interests suf fered enough from a central pow er, a central disturbing power for our currency, to make us will ing, and may we not say dosirous to secure relief f "Is it not time to begin to teach the people that the government js not a currency machine?" This frenzy (for it has cot to be The old enemy, the Republican party must be defeated. In North Carolina the Republi cans are lying low and keeping dark. Their poHct Is to play the People's Party, for all It Is worth. If by any means enough true men can be soduced into the Third par. ty to give Republicans a plurality in the State their end will be ac corapliahed. The State Chronicle well says: . . T- . ! I V V ' rrom now uum ioTcaiucr ccrj man in North Carolina, who be lieves that disaster would follow restoration of the republican party The Mountain Home Journal, of Ashcvitle, a rtd-hot Alliacce paper, under the above Lead Ld the following editorial ia IU Usne of last week : And row in thlr State the ep- . arttion has taken place, and tie goataof the' Alliance have jrono off to tho left. The mct of them before this have been wclleaoah marked, bat now wLen they are denied the leadership of the fiock they dUtinjruiib themselves by I scaling the fence, preferring the preuaxory existence which tie highways, and byways anord. In doing this they only obey the ineilucts of a breed who are wan derers by nature and by prefer ence, few fences serve to bed re them about, for they climb like squirrels and jump liko cats, and Urfollow their lead is unfe. It may mean an unforbidden but indigestible dinner on old brooms . and empty tin cans in a noisome alley, or an uncertain and unsafe supper by stealth amongst the roeo bushes of the front yard. It means plethora today and hunger tomorrow and nothing but a got'a stomach can stand it. With a State ticket made np largely from the best elements of the Alliance; with a platform wbich IconUtns everything tby could wish, the disappointed pol iticians in the order led on by certain men, mv the seeds of dii sension by attempting to divide the electoral vote of the 8tate. such now) must be abated eomo to power, ought to do what lies iu i uut ite ran ana nie oi tne oraer, j i i i a i ....... ; r,r tn tV. -r. the cood white farmers of rorlh time and some how. In that en- his rKwer n resistance to the ef- w, Molnevl alIlbey deavor a state bank note system fort to establish a third party. II sktd for wui not be led astray. would serve as a useful and im- the Republicans bad been allowed pressive lesson.'; to select a method by which to dl- We entirely concur in the ideas weiMiawnw contained in these extracU-and tu7 could have named no surer i i v. : medium than tho organization of but that it is too long, although this third party." so valuable. The government of "I am a Democrat!" is an excla the United States has been in- mation of which every Southron vested with no power to regulate may well be.protid. There is noth- the currency of this country. It ing In the blstory oi me uemocra They cannot a!ford to run the risk of Republican misrule and the loss of white supremacy. But it is comforting to know that the third party in North Carolina l a. a . ? connneu to ai5;j ciuiea poiit-clans. can regulate L DAVIS5 abor Savins Guano Booh, For Keeping the Different irands, amount ot the same, price per ton, in money or cotton. Jnst tlie Boot for all Fertilizer Sellers. FOR SALE BY S. Or. DjfSTIS, FRANKLIXTON, N. C. Price $2.25 per book. Express prepaid it you state where you saw this advertisement. CUT FLOWERS, BOUQUETS, DESIGNS, ETC. ship of land, and that Congress take early steps to devise some plan Fine Cut Flowers in Gxeat Vari- I to obtain all lands now owntd by ety. j alien and foreign syndicates; and Bouquets, Baskets and Designs that all lands now held by railroads ... 1 . - e tastetully arranged. ana otner corporauons, m excesB oi Pampas Plumes, Magnolias and . , , ..a - oiner cnoice evergreens. " ' , . r. 1 CI llILieu u auu uciu iJi cu.vuai (reuyitio Sugar and Silver Maple, Horse j only Chestnut and other shade trees. Early cabbage and tomato plants at the right season. Orders promptlv filled and sat isfaction guaranteed. H. STEINMTTZ, Florist, Raleigh, N. C. business of the country on a cash system, regulating the amount needed on a per capita basis as the ousiness interests of the country ex pand, and that all money issued by the government shall be legal tender in payment of all debts, both public auu private. 4 That we demand tha t Congress shall pass such laws as shall effectu ally prevent the-dealings in futures of all agricultucal and mechanical productions; providing such strin gent system of procedure in trials as shall secure prompt conviction and imposing1 such penalties as shall secure the most perfect compli ance with the law 5. That we demand the free and unlimited coinage of silver. 6. That we demand the passage of laws prohibiting the alien owner- party ready to to keep white Southern democrats from voting, the Republican m i pass a torce Dili allow them to staud in tho after they are done. For soft frosting, use ten tea spoonfule of .powdered sugar with one egg; beat thirty minutes. Lay aud the Third party the willing or the frosting on with a knife, which unwilling- ally to both factions. the condition of affairs within Southern borders would indeed be horrible. Now, when thus con fronted, will the white men of the South shut their eyes to the im portance of united action? Can they remain blind to the danger I ahead ? And are not the love of home, the sacredness of female vir tne; politccal purity and the ad vantages of good laws sufficient causes to. inspire a renewed effort in defenseof Anglo-Saxpn supre macy ? If the white " voters of North Carolina will look one way and vote one way, Democratic suc cess, which means the safety of if frequently dipped into cold wa ter, will give the icing a gloss. A little cream of tartar will hasten the hardening. That Pretext. the valuo of coins. but that is all. In order to regu late state bank issues, it had to pretend that it was raising reve nue ! All our financial woes have como from that assumption by congress of a right to prohibit the issue of state bank notes as a means of raising revenue. One effect has been to foster a habit among the masses of look ing to congress for all sorts of things that the federal govern It SboaU B ia V.verj Hoote. J..H. WiUon, .ITHIiy St-.Sharr bur?;. J h not I with out Dr. Khij; Nw Viiry for Consumption, couh and ro,U, thnt It rami hi wit who w thprtitennj with pn-umonu nftrr party to cause a blush on the cheek of any honest man, and to-day it is the hope of the oppresed ana I nn attack oi "Ia i.rp;-. when the fearless champion of private;"00 other .l nnJ rrwt rights and public liberty. ll4rt !Urtr. ol Cokp.ft. !.. Individual efforts in a just caut cLiim lr. Kin'd N Ii-jtrry ... . i . t . i . ? lways honorable, but in public ,uu' -' ni$l. is . ft ft A f aunn w uij uj wfcui thtn like it. Tr i: and unite! action that valuable re- Ujtil t Tlnnuw .c .nit. r,n lw. .rrom nlished. ! ,lru t"rr is' Throw out the flag; form clubs and associations,' to the end that correct principles of Government! Believing in When a Democratic paper advo cates Democratic doctrine, in op position to the St. Louis third par ty platform, there are one or two papers in this State prompt to cry out, you are driving Democrats in to the Third party. Such an as sertion is unworthy of an honest man, and will vnot be made by anyone who is honest by nature. The Democrats of North Carolina w. . . . . I i i ji i i. . i . : ment has nothing to do with un- may oe vinmicu iu ; Texss Sifting. ihA rnn.titiitlnn. The riirht ofthe Democratic tickets, both" nf I.W..1 r,-rnmAnt f tK Bute and National . Ne wl erne V Wr9W W MMCW W " I thlrown Journal. - - -e ' o A Springfield mth-r t .Ilt htr nnweaned but teetl.i r !t rr casa, because te l.iting concerns, has ben subordinated to their fetish of a supreme na tional government." Massachu setts and New York ha've thus xriven the law to North Carolina. CJ I They, have become our masters. And a lot of demented cranks Kcsranl for Others. BitA of Pact ore. We ought to think of other peo ples convenience more than some of us do. The home is the place where this thoughtfuluesa ought to Aiuurr Tlfc WWy Ao mo tajr pmphm a i mm I. lnMt loS mm I t ai-V mt-mr IxMol Atiril.('aiit (put I Fool. Tm Jki. mkm lur i. mll mri lWa Mi.WJ 'it mhmT. rrtl"l to r T. C. Jojmt. Kr..kU.to. ?t C The hnogry boy is the first to realize when he la too big for rhaltfare. Truth. aud miserable demagogues refuse beflrin and be to seek and obtain the practical who comes late the State, will be assured in No- want no pretext for their political u f M h lh ,0 vember. State Chronicle. Tale-Bearing. , notice. , ; Having nnalified as adminifitratrix of las. W. Oay. dee'd., all pereous indebted to nis estate will come forward and pay the Htime at once, nd all parsons holdine claims against said estate will preent them lor payment on or hfifonj Jane 10, 1.893, or turn ixiticfi will be plead in. bar of their ,re- .uvery ruis June 10, i. ; EnwcwGAYj Admx. Scientific Amcrlcaa Agency for ; fth TD1DE MARIrS.' DESIGN PATENTS and free Handbook write to OwiirK 361 Bboadwat, Nkw Yokk., W'-eau lor securing patents ia America,' the nf.ffl ut by na la brought before " PubUo bjm notioe glyen freeo charge la the frictuific Swcmwu the doctrine of "iHjual rights to all and special privileges to none," we demand that taxation, National or State, shall not-be used to build up one interest or class at the expense of another We believe that the money. of the country should be -kept as : mueh as possible in the hands of the people, and hence we demand that all .. reve nue, National, State 'or county, shall bo limited to the necessary ex- penses of the government ecojiomi-1 cally and honestiy.-adramistered . , o. ruatcongress-iasue abumcieub amount pi fractional paper curren cy to facilitate theexchange through the medium off the United States mahV ' ' N: , 9. That the Genera Assembly pass such laws as will make the pub lic school system more effective that the blessings of education may ; be extended to ail. the people of the State alike. . Resolved, That we favor agradu ated tax on incomes. Youth's Companion. . ' - Pefore repeating a bit of gossip it would be well to ask ourselves three questions. First, Is it true V second, 'Is itkind?' third, Is it uecessary V ..This practice would save us many bitter memories and regrets. The prions Philip Neri was once visited by a lady who accused her self of slander. -He bade her go to tho market, buy a-chicken jnst killed and still covered with feath ers, and walk a : certain, distance-still plucking the bird as she rwent. " " " The woman did as she was di rected, and J returned anxious to know the meaning of the injunc tion.'-."' . v :. " . "Retrace your steps".Raid Phil ip, and gather up, one by one, all the feathers you. have scatter ed world Sfn,,,1 " T MieaUfle paper in the lear- i s?f(1.be ton t. Weekly, K3.00 '-Haajcas, 361 Broadwaj, New Xatk. v "We have's speedy and positive cure far cfttarrtfc dintheria. canker month and headache in Shiibh's Catarrh Rem dr. A nasal iniector free 'with each bnt,te. Use it if voo'desire health and avitkut hreflth. Sold bv Thomas & Ay cocke. Txuilargf, and T. C- Joyner, Fraaktlnton. . , action. They will vote tho entire eDmocratic ticket, as heretofore, when they understand the politi cal situation correctly, and it is not within the power of those who hare been detected in their trea son to Democratic principles to be smirch the character of voters who would not aid in disrupting the Democratic party. . If a voter wishes, to join the Third party let him do it in open day light, and because he "prefers its principles. There is nothing more despicable than a sneak, ex cept the person who is always try ing to find a pretext for doing what his conscience tells him is wrong. These are the kind of fellows who are going to bo buried ftft - it. . in oDiivion regarcuess vi iuo sources, of revenue these pretext sneaks. Chronicle. i entitled, of having their own cur rency preferring instead to bef these northern states for what (hey will never grant. Out upon such false leaders and blind teachers! Third Party Births and Dtaths. A Texas exchange has been looking up the history of third parties for tho education of. its friends. who have strayed away with the "People's" party, to called. Here is the list: ' Clinton Democracy, and died the same A Brhrht Reply. The fathar had gone away and j .it " i Sboro. . "Are jruu ius ucu v uv . ... - . firm?" asked a mau.with a sample case, entering the establishment. "No sir," 'remarked the young man with , great ; urbauity "I'm ouly the heir oi.the head." Dun dee Weekly News. away,' said the woman, wind carried them in ; all direc tions.' V; ) : :ell, my child,' replied Philip, so"it is with "slanders,. Like' the feathers which the wind has scat tered, theyvhave been wafted in many airecnons. vaii mem uac 1. TIjo born 1812, year. . 2. . The anti-Masonic party, born 182(5 and thongh such men as Seward, Fillmore, Weed, Clay and Wirt were identified with it, its existence ceased In 1S32. - 3. The Liberty party bvrn in 1840, died In 1 844. 4. Free Soil or Abolition par ty, born in 1843, died In 1852. 6. The Southern State's Right cultivated. One to breakfast ad. roits that he is guilty of an amia ble self-indulgence but forgets that he has marred the harmoni ous flow of the household life and caused confusion aud extra work. The other day an important com mittee of fifteen was kept waiting for ten mluutes for one tardy mem ber who came sauntering in at Itst without even an apology for caus ing fifteen men a loss of tlmo that to them was very valuable, besides having put a sore strain on their patience and good nature. Com mon life if full of such thought lessness which causes untold per sonal inconvenience and ofttimcs produces Irritation and hurts tho hearts of friends. We azhi to! train ourselvrs in all our "life to think also of other people.- FurCrrr. Ark April tth. lt?2. Iltmas. LtrrmkS Bhl, AtssasbGa. IVr Sim: W Ul gtml plrart to add om mcr cvrtiSr' to jemr lemg w rma JmUoIl; j ilni IrVa 1 AJ. Tok lUxA ayi ro-'MtJsta eo. pod. P. P. P.. U oM t4 lh tc -lWr Itiat ht mvt i oa oor aVltv iac La bnro la bclar aa4 r- ry rrr.Q t P. P. P, t ay it U Cm lmm tloni purittti-i. Voorirlr. Wmrrr t Co. The deaf-mute is always ready to take a hand-in conversation. .Mr. Scarborough is al present commissioner of the bureau of labor statistics.. This bureau, it might not be amiss to say in passing is of no account on the face of the earth, and should be abolished. It was established by the Legislature of Little Edith gave eipreislon to the thought that poetry is prott with its gloves on. Boston Tran script, j'' DcVlra Amtc Halves, Tb bt ! la it crti for eniK brabr. arr. atvr.lt rba. frrr fwrna, sad all alia rrrtks s4 f Ui1y carm pum-jT no sr. It w gra aoUw-d to civ tvrf'Vi nultic r vrmj rHaftdrd. PrW 1 emu r hot. Tvt uW b V ThotaAA A Tec VSo Gone!y has married Mlf s Ruler and formed a" copartnet- ship for life?" Ye; and be. tLe si!ent prtdcr, too.' Boston 1887 upon, the demand of .the party, born in 1832, ,dled in the KnighUof Ibor. who atthat time same year. ' threatened to overrun the State. C. The American or Know- Of course It is understood in this Nothing party, born iu 1852, died criticism of the bureau that no. re in 1800. . T fleetlon is intended npon Mr. i ' This T.trwrAl Rnnbllcan I Scarborough, who is a most ex News. '. ' 1 nqw, if you can. Children Cry for Pitcher's Jfcstork ;'l rn in 1S72, died the same y car . UeUentgentleman.-LaDd mark. Etrto, Aix.iM j 2cOi, UT2, UtAfts. Ltrrmx D .. at aaaah. Ca, UratVrava I ba-i rbsca:kni sborl two ooathvdariiMr UC ia!rr, -rc4. Bard to sir rva nml t4 tb tttrw; I aa aa aJrtWiait ho iha CoorVr" rvtnratxlia P. V. V. aa cr for rbae!ina. I rratt lir- buUW-w, bat t-fi-r I pt tbrotUB ilk lh third U4b I vat rami atxl Lt ac4 frit tb trt Zx rl rbnnttUoa ainrw. It la aadotiblrdfj I W b rraaa dr (ot rttjtatifn I rvrtr;i ! raa tLtwrt oily Tz)vt-1 U t'ti.- j loaratrilr, D. il. CrjJti'Juu t v.

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