J. VX. ' - , JC , ' ' . With Malice tovard notu; With . Charity for aZL . - ..O,- -..:,.... ;-v .-. VOL. XXI. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. LOUISBURG, N C., JULY Sj 1892 NO. a .ji . r' & IS IT - A HAS1T DONE.V CAN IT DO - I The original and only gennirie Compound fwy-en Treatment, that oi Dra. Starker A STATE DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. - - FOR PRESIDENT: v GROVE R CLEVELAND Oi New York. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT: -A. E. STEVENSON. Of Illinois. - , in contempt of that verdict the ing a custom house barrier of pro-1 threaten Indlv idual liberty and I operation of all the power of the , Adopted May 18, 1892. Resolved IT That the Democracy rata a pnt!flc artjUBent oi tiw eie- Qf North Carolina reaffirm the nrin- auJ the eorapounn is so ronaensea ana mails portable that it is sent all over the world. . . It has been in use for over twenty years; thousands of patients have been treated, auJ over one thousand physicians have used it and recommended it a very signifi- ta--rom pound Oxygen Its Mode o! Action and Results." is the title of a book of 200 puses, published by Drs Starkey 4 Palen, L wii irives to all inquirers full information TS&A to the formation ot trust, com. ran"-e of chronic cases many of them after being abandoned to die by other physi cians. Will be mailed free to any address on application. v Dew. STARKEY PALEN, 1529 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 120 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal. Please mention this paper. ciples of the Democratic party, both State and National, and particular ly favor the free coinage of silver and an increase of the currency, and the repeal ot the internal revenue systems And we denounce the Mc Kinley tariff bill as unjust to the consumers of the country, and lead- . For Governor Ellas Carr, of Edgecombe.-: For Lieutenant Governor Ru I us A.. lougnton. oi Aiio-hanv. V? For Seviowary us Coke, of Wake. - ' ; ,Foe Auditor Robert M. Fur- man, ox JJuncombe. For Treasurer Donald W. Bain, of Wake. For Superintendent . of Public Coffins and Caskets. We have added largely to our stock, and now carry a full line of these goods from the plainest wood coffin to the finest plush or velvet covered casket. Also a full line of coffin hardware, lin ings, trimmings, &c. " All of which wi l be sold at reasonable Respectfully, R. R. Harris & Co. Louisburg, N. C' bines and monopolies which have oppressed the people; and especially do we denounce the unnecessary and i l Duraensome increase in tne tax on cotton ties and on tin, so lareelv used by the pporer portion of the people. We likewise denounce the iniquitous Forcebill, which is not yet abandoned by the Republican party, but is being urged as a meas ure to be adopted as soon as they regain control of the House of Rep resentatives, the purpose - and effect of which measure will be to establish a second period of reconstruction in the Southern States, to subvert the liberties 'Of our people, and in name a new race antagonism and sectional animosities. 2. That we demand financial re form, and the enactment of laws DAVIS' LataSaving Guano Book, Instruction John C. Scarborough, of Johnston. For Attorney-General Frank I. Osborne, of Mecklenburg. - Republican party has defiantly I hibitiro tariff taxes against the declared in its latest authoritative rich and the countries of the world utterance that its success in the I that stand ready to take onr en. coming elections will.mean the en-1 tire surplus of products and to actmeni of the force bill, and the I exchange therefor commodities usurpation of despotic control over J which' are necessaries and com- electionii in a!1 triA RfittPft -. I fort of Ilf imnTft in I J w wM.w. - - w w VUA V H U UCIT I 11 . . . . , w - i compelling reepect abroad and in spiring confidence at home Tacrrs- While avoiding entangling alH- cure more than iU just shar bf the 1 neighbors on the American conti loint nrodnri of Mntttl mrA lKn ite integrity, with the laws pursn- Ln.tnnt 'n ,m ftf ... ant lc haT6 lJen oar hibitire Uxes, which prerent the country a hundred years of unex- Yree competltlon whieb u tha Ufe ampled prosperity, and.we pledge 0oneat trade; but we belleTe tha IIAtnfUiMll' naiV it it Va . - ... - wuwiUvri,M " their worst av!1 un K .K.t K. local self-goT.ernment. I world, and appreciating the ac roasios roucr: cetUnc by many inch powers of .Section 10. The Democratic U IntiUUon extended and th party is the only party that has broadest liberal effort being made erer riven the countrr a for! at br them to contributa to tbegran. " TO" 1 ... ... policy consistent and Tiirorons. ucur CI vo" overusing, we n w W w Beliering that the preservation ot J pie republican government in the Uni ted States depended upon the ' de- trusts and combinations which are friendly relations with other na- i support of all eitzans wha desire to see the' constitution maintained In of the opinion that ' Coagrcae should make soch reqabiU finio. cial proTUion as shall be neceaaa ry to the maintenance of the na tional public faith. EDUCATION. trusted -with power, not only with the defeat of the force bill; ' but also to relentless opposition to the For Judge of the Twelfth Dis- r-r m- combe. For Electors atLarge Charles B. Aycock, of- Wayne, Robert B. Glenn, of Forsythe. Section 17. PopnUr edocatlon nent whose destiny is cloeely I bnR tbe only safe baala f nor- llnked with our own, and we alar suffrage, we recommend to tiew with alarm the tendency "to lo ieral States most liberal ap- a policy of irritation and blaster propriatlons for tbe public school, which Is. liable at any time to Free common schools are tbe bar- confront ns with the alternative Mr7 6d government, and ry THE PLATFORM. an enormous surplus," emptied an perierjCe may show u neceMA. overuowing ireasary, alter , puing new burdens of taxation upon the; already overtaxed labor of the country. ' TARIFF REFORM. PUBLIC LAKDS. 8ection 6. The Republican par- Section 3. We. denounce the WHERE the democracy stands. Republican protection as a fraud The labor of the great majority of Reforms the American neonla" ia.for the benefit of the few. We de- The following is the platform as clare it to be a fundamental prin- submitted by the committee on c'mle of the Democratic nartv that resolutions and adopted by the the Federal coyernmsnt has i:o Tariff. Financial and Other Demanded. law, and we demand the rigid en- of humiliation or war. We favor 'hey have always received the forcement of the laws made to pre- the maintenance of a navy strong fostering care of the Democratic vent and control them, together enough for all purposes of nation- P! bieh favors every means with such further legislation in al defence and to pronerlv main- of increasing intelliiretice. Pre. W w - - restraint of their -abuses as ex- tain the honor and dicnltv of the doas of education binc an eaaen- country abroad. tlal of civil and religious liberty, wuioRATioa.' as well as a necessity for the di Section 11. This country has lopnieut of Intelligence, most always been the refuge of the op- not Interfered with under any ty, while professing a policy of re- pressed from every land exiles pretext whatever. We axe op serving the public land' for small t conscience sake and in the P06 10 8ux interference with holdings by actual settlers, has PM f ft founders of our gov. Parental rights of conscience In given away the people's heritage ernment we condemn the oppres- the ncatlon of children, as an till now a few railroads and non- on practiced by the Russian Infringement of the fundamental resident aliens, individual and government upon Its Lutheran Democratic doctrine tbat the lar corporate, possess a larger area od Jew Uh subjects, and we call t individual liberty consistent than that of all our farms between upon our national government in lth the right of others insures the two seas. The last Democrat- the Interest of justice and human- lhe highest type of American elt- ... - 4....I.I-. ...I .1 . L . ie adminUtiation rrAd thm Im. ity. by all just and proper means, gove- National Democratic convention : constitutional power to impose and provident and unwise policy of the to use its prompt and best eTort Section 1. The representatives collect tariff duties except for the Repnbllcan party touching the to ring about a cessation of the cruel persecutions in the domiu of the Democratic party of the ! numoses of revenue onlv. and - i United States, in national couven- I we demand that the collection of tion assembled, do re-affirm their such taxes shall be limited to the that wilr remove the burdens of the allegiance to the principles of the necessities of the government when people relative to the existing agru party as formulated by Jefferson j honestly and economically admin cultural depression, and do full and and exemplified by the long and istered. illustrious line of his successors in Democratic leadership from Madi son to Cleveland. We believe the public welfare demands that these principles be applied to the con the best ment. ADMiiiios or raaarroair. Section 18. We ar-rrove the ample justice to the farmers and la borers of our country. 3. That we demand the abolition of national banks, and the substitu tion of legal tender Treasury notes THK M KIXLEY BILL. We denounce the McKinley tar iff law enacted by the Fifty-first Congress as tho culminating atroc- m iieuol nationalbank notes, is- , f . vernment ltv of class legislation; we indorse suea m sufiicient volume to do the . . . - thft ftfforta rna.de bv the Dmoerat I tlipnitirh t AA a nooaai nrt tn nnwpr nt I business of theo.untry on .a cash through the accession to power of svBtem r PesSs the T amount the party that advocates them, and oi me presenongress ,o moa uy Section 7. We denounce the StotLbTS we solemnly declare that the need itf -est oppressive features in the RepubllcAU legieUtion known as business interests of the country ex- of a return to these fundamental direction of freeaw materials and the Sherman act of 1890 as a cow- ; . ... i. cheaper manufactured goods that ,v.vtr r.-v of the present Congress to modify public domain, and reclaimed from corporations and syndicates, lon 01 ne ww, and to secure to action of the present Home of alien and domestic, and restored the oppressed equal rights. I Representatives in passing bills to the people nearly one hundred We tender our profound sym- for the adulssion into the Union million acres of valuable land to Ptby to those .lovers of freedom as States of the Territories of New be sacredly held as homesteads for wbo re struggling for home rule Mexico and Arizona, and we fa onr citizensrand we pledge our- nd the cause of local self-govern- vor the early admission of all the selves to continue this policy nn- ment in Ireland. Territories having the necessary til every acre of land so unlawful. Section 12. We heartily ap- population toadmlt them to State ly held shall be reclaimed and re- prove all legitimate efforts to pre- hood, and while they remain Ter- stored to the people. SILVER AND GOLD. For Keeping the Different urands, amount of the same, price per ton, in money or cotton. MtttsM far all Fertilizer Sellers. FOR SALE BY s. a-. ZDAJVIS, FRA5KLIXT0N, N. C. Price $2.25 per book. Express prepaid if you .state where you saw this advertisement'. OUT FLOWERS, BOUQUETS, DESIGNS, ETC. Fine Cut Flowers in Great Vari ety. Bouquets, Baskets and Designs tastefully arranged. Parupas Plumes, Magnolias and other choice evergreens. Sugar and Silver Maple, Horse Chestnut and other shade trees. Early cabbage and tomato plants at the right season. Orders promptlv filled and sat isfaction guaranteed. H. STEINMITZ, Florist, Raleigh, N. C. pand, and that all money issued by principles of a free popular gov- the government shall be legal tender ernment, based on home rule and in payment of all debts, both public individual liberty, was never more ardly make-shift fraught with intn cnnerfi.1 eonsnmntion. I ..ia. . t- - I BI,rmku 1 wr o r ' i DossiDiiiiira oi aanger in ub iu- i ? .1 , 1 1 1 - 1 1 urci u u wvruiu uuuci nnn wr nrnmiMi iu rnneai us uhb 1 a x ? v l 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 - " - x and private. 4. Thatwe demand thattIonrress shall pass such laws as shall effectu ally prevent the, dealings in futures of all agricultural and mechanical productions; providing such strin gent system of procedure in trials as shall secure prompt conviction and imposing sucn penalties as shall seenre the most perfect compli ance with the law. 5. That we demand the free and unlimited coinage of silver. b. mat we demand tne passage of laws prohibiting the alien owner ship of land, and that Congress take eaYly steps to devise some plan to obtain all lands now owned by alien and foreign syndicates; and that all lands now held by railroads NOTICE. TV t V- W. bay, dee'd., all persons indebted to- ttat win come forward and pay the -une at once, and all persons holding agaiuHi sam estate win present them ur payment 011 or before June 10, 1.893, or lni8 notice will be plead in bar of their re- cry. mis JunelO, 18a. - Eitnicy Gat, Admx. Sclentiflo American - Agency for urgent than now, when the ten dency to ceutralize all power at the Federal capital has. become a me nace to the reserved rights of the States that striaes at the very roots of our government under the con stitution as framed by the fatheis of the republic. FORCE BlfL. Section 2. We warn the people of our common country, jealous for the preservation of their free insti tutions, that the policy of Federal control of elections to which the Republican party- has committed itself is fraught with the gravest danger, scarcely less momentous than would resulf from a revolu- cheaper manufactured goods enter as one of the beneficent results that will follow the action of the people in entrusting power to the Democrat ic party. Since the McKinley tariff went into operation there have been ten reductions of the wages of laboring men to one in crease. We deny that there has been any increase of prosperity to the country since that tariff went into operation, and we point to the dullness and distress, the wsge reductions and strikes in the iron trade as the best possible evidence that no such prosperity has result ed from the McKinley act. for the known criminals and pro fessional paupers of Europe, and we demand the rigid enforcement of the laws against Chinese im migration or the importation of men under contract ture, which should make all of its degrmJo American labor and su porters, ss well as its author, to lessen IU wages ; but we con- aix ou. for its speedy repeal. demn and denounce any and all TXT I .11 A- 11 . . r .11 u "e cwtt w.iuo use lu attempts to restrict the immlgra- ana suver as we sianaara money Uon of the indu8trioaj, aml wor of the country and to the coinage tb of 'forei.nUnds. . 1 .11 ti i tl . 111 a! o 01 Dom goia ana surer wiinom discriminating against either met al or charge for mintage, but the dollar unit of coinage of both met als must be of equal intrinsic and exchangeable value or be adjusted through international agreement or by such safeguards or legisla tion as shall insure the 'mainte nance of the parity of the two metals, and the equal power of vent tbe united bUtes from be- ritories we hold that the official ing used as the dumping ground appointed to administer the gov- We call the attention of thought- every dollar at all 'times in the f ul Americans to the fact that after navment of debts.' and we demand thirty years of restrictive taxes that all paper currency shall be and other corporations, in excess bf tion practically establishing mon- againgt thw importaf10n 0f foreign Kept at par with and redeemable surf, as is actuallv lined and needed archv on the ruins' of a republic. . t . ,4- I . r . r. . . . such as is actually used and needed by them, be reclaimed by the gov ernment and held for actual settlers only. 7. Believing in the '. doctrine of Vqual rights .to . all and special privileges to none,' we demand that taxation, National or State, shall hot be used to build up one interest archy on the rums" of a republ It strikes at the .North as well as the South, and ipjures the colored citizens even more than the white; it means a horde of deputy mar shals at every polling place armed with Federal power, returning boards anDoiuted and controlled wealth, in exchange for agncultur- in such coin. We insist upon this al surplusr the. homes and farms policy as especially necessary for of the country have become bur- the protection of the farmers and dened with a real estate mortgage laboring classes, the first and most debt of over two thousand five hundred million dollars, exclusive of all other forms of indebtedness; that in one of the chief agricnlural or class at the expense of another, by Federal authority , the outrage gtates bf the West there - appears forhtf, ' CAVtATS, nESION PATENTS COPYKlOHTSr etc We . believe that the money of the country should be kept as much as possible in the hands of the people, and hence we demand that all ; reve nue, National, State or county, shall be limited to the nefesaary ex penses of the government economi cally and honestly administered. 8. That congress issue a sufficient amount of fractional paper curren cy to facilitate the exchange through the medium of the United States mail. . ' 9. - That the "General Assembly pass such laws as will make the pub lic school system more effective that the blessings of education may be extended -to all- the people of the State alike. - --; -; ' I Resolved, That we favor a gradu ated tax On incomes. vS?!tkm and fiwa ManAhook witt to Eenr .'or eoorlng ptent la AmeriM, the Zfui?1 out by m la brought befor public bj notice glreo Xree o chixe in the &rientiftc wcWtSu wfi4 '?i"on of any olentlfle paper in Out i S S?Jiedlt5y ttatnt4. Nolntclliirent IS- witboufe it. Weeklr, 3.00 - We have a speedy and positive care for catarrh, dmtheria. canker month and headache in Shiioh's Catarrh Rem edy. A nasal injector free with each battle. Use it if von desire health and bw t breath. - gold by Thomas & Ay- coo ie. uomftbnrg,' ana X. J oyner, Franklin ton. - of the electoral rights or the peo ple in the several States, the sub- in cation of the colored people to a. the control-of the party in . power and th3 reviving of race antago nism now hannilv abated, of the A m - ' utmost peril to the safety and hap piness of all, a measure deliber ately and justly described by a leading ' Republican : Senator sis the most infamous bill that ever. crossed the threshold of the Sen- a real estate mortgage debt aver aging $165 per capita of the total population, and that similar con ditions and tendencies are shown ta exist in the other agricultural exporting States. ' We denounce a policy ; 6hich fosters no in dustry so much as it does of the sheriff. : ' ; 1 BECIPBOCTTT. Section 4. Trade defenseless victims of unstable money and fluctuating currency. V ' ' STATS BASK TAX..4 ' Section 8. We recommend that the prohibitory ten per cent, tax on-State bank issues be repealed. C1VIX. EXBVICB. . Section 9. Public office is a public trust. We reaffirm the de claration of the Democratic nation al convention of 1870 for the re form, of the civil service, and we call for the honest enforcement of all laws regulating the same. The interchange I nomination of a President, as in rxssio.xs. Section 13. This section here by renews the expression of ap preciation of the patriotism of the soldiers and sailors of the Un ion in the war for its preservation, and we favor just and liberal pen eions for all disabled Union sol dlers, their widvws and depend ents. but we demand that the work of the Pension Office shall be done industriously,-impartially and honestly. We denounce the present administration of that office as incompetent, corrupt, dis graceful and dishonest. txrxasAL iMraovcMxxTa. Section 14. The Federal gov. I years of age. ernment should care for and im prove the Mississippi river and other great water ways of the Re public, so as to eecufe for the In- land 8tates easy and" cheap trans portatlon to the tide water. When any waterway ox tne re public is of sufiicient Importance to demand the aid of the govern ment that such aid should be extendedon a definite plan of continuous work until permanent improvement Is secured. mCAKAOCA CAJ AL. ernment of any Territory, togeth er with the District of Columbia and Alaska, should be no a nox residents of the Territory or dis trict in which their duties are performed. The Democratic par ty believes in home rule and the control of their own affairs by the p?ople of the vicinage. I5DCSTXJAL XXAACnC. Section 19. We favor legula tlon by Congress and State Leg islatures to protect the lives and limbs of railway employes and those of other hazardous trantpor tat ion companies, and denounce the inactivity of the Republican party and particularly the Re publican Senate for causing the defeat of measures beneficial and protective to this cU&s of wage- vrorkers. Section 20. We are In favorof the enactment by the StaUs of laws for abolishing the notorious sweating system, for abolishing contract convict tabor, and for prohibiting the employment in factories of children under 13 Section 15. For purposes of national defence and the promo- ate.'' Such a policy, if sanction-1 on the basis of lciprocal adranU-1 the recent RepnbUcan convention- tjon of commerce between the ed by law, would mean the domif nance bf a self-perpetuating oli garchy of officeholders, and the party first: entrusted with its ma chinery could, be dislodged; from ribwer onlv by an - appeal to . the! reserved right of the people to re sist oppression, which is inherent in all self-governing commnnities. Two years ago. this revolutionary nolicv was emDhatiealta condemn- r ed bv the people at the polls, out . ges to the countries participating by delegations compoeed largely states, we recognlxe the early is a time-honored doctrine of the of his appointees, holding oace at construction of the Nicaragua ca- Democratic faith, but we denounce 1 his pleasure, is a scandalous satire the sham reciprocity which jug gles with the people's desire . for .enlarged foreign markets and freer exchanges by pretending to establish closer trade relations for upon free popular institutions and the startling illustration of the methods by . which a President may gratify his ambition. " We denounce a policy under which nal and its protection against for sign control of great importance to the United Bute. ' WORLD a 7AJJU Section 18. Recognizing the STXrTCAXT LAWS. Section 21. Ws are opposed U all sumptuary laws as an Interfer ence with the Individual rights of the citizen. Section Upon this state ment of principles and policies the Democratic party asks the In telligent judgment of the Ameri can people. It asks a chsnge of administration and a change ef party In order that there nay be a change of systsxa and a .change of methods, thns aasoriug the maintenance unimpaired of insti tutions under which lb republic has grown great and powerful. t . i , , Oh. trhas a Coan Will yaa htvd UvarahMr. Tba- aal prrhapa of lh nn approach c that aaort terribW Cbaotaptk. Ak vorwle If yee caa aiTord for tW Mkt of nl&tO -cwnla -to tun the rik ad do aotltlpf for It. "w" aaw trom iprrkoc that Ship's Cart will er LOU VIVOV4 MIaW VlMDtVkit, m v mvmwmm w m - v W I m M f ... . . a , , -X .i w..,i.. v:. v u Jyoreooia. It aw fJk. TbU n. a country wnose articles oi cipor reuenu viuuuiub uoiuu wuvruti i ..v.-- t ....- . p,,, Biillloa bcttV are almost exclusively agricultural in the States, and we pledge the a national dndertaklng of - vast! wrw oU tb pt rw. It rVwim products with other countries that 1 Democratic party to the reform of I importance, in wblch tbe general rroap aad hooping toh at oaea. Jarealso agricultural while erect-1 these and all other abases wnicn i.gorerxuntn uaa auTiicu uo w-j . riAoctlL . r t 2 .

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