1, 6 I fre FR'KMS TIMES "mlmM IS, -Editor and Proprietor: J. A- July 2 ST 1802. Judex to im -T-;. ,f H ,Avencke-Lost. - -'.' T ?v p Vb-Statment. . 1 . ,tt -f.,iipi Notice. - . ' Wrightsville Tfotes. - Y - . "-. Conference JKotes. It will he a source of aust pride . aud I eT- B. Hurley and wife are attend- i-cangratulatio. to" every ; atriotie eitizen J lIXS Conference, guests of. Mr. W. II. of. Franklin .county to. hear the goldea N&con. . . Wi-iU3uu.uiBpumeni8 tea. tlie above Kev. Jj. It. Allred and Mr. B. W. Bal- coropany w winning: from all sides in lard and wife are stopping at Mr. J, J v,inp tiou yvrigiitsviHe.' -; There are Barrow's. fourteen companies Composing the Jlst and; 2nd Eegimeh j in camp at present wrta them and "bur Company loses noth ing in . comparison, with .any ; of them either m rank or drill. " - : . .The Wilmington Messenger says "Com pany B.? Franklin Rifles; is the baby com pany of .the tvw regiments'in camp.. It has been organized only two months but Our genial friend Col. W. F. Green, of Franklinton, is attending Conference. -We are unable to give any of the pro-1 ceedins this week, but will give a full account in our next issue. ' cases Found-' nc lately, but 23 years ago something that perf octiy and permanently cures Catarr a in tb Head. It's Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem dy and whore - everr thiai elae fii, that eurei. yield to its mild. Lost: 'Between my. residence and the bridge a small gold cross breast A reward if lef t'at the . drug, store of M. H. ATCocke. DKMOCRATIC COUNTY C0SVENTI05T. At a meeting oi me uiuvittuu wntive Committee oi ine coun nf Franklin held-at Louisburg t .Iv 18th, it was unanimously .de-1 it reported at the encampment with 39 as . . .3 w ft County uouveniion un me orate wuara can Doast. nimm-"ew.v - , u hp ml ed to meet in' jouis- &vV.w-& .v, tMCJr ehould oe ta drm fif8t.ratefor new COIQpany . T burg on Saturday, July - 30th, for. fct . is Lieutenant R. P.- Davisjof the ihelpnrpose of selcctiug:dBlegates United Btate8 Army. ' who drilled-them to the Congressional Convention; yesterday; said it afforded him - pleasure a in nominate candidates for the to instract men who take so much interest Olflces. u ven. uienn also paia tne new company a ' pretty compliment. Oapt. VW. T. Hughes, the handsome and gallant commander of thenew company, is to be congratulated." The Franklin , Rifles having organized laces in their respective 1 and equipped themselves at a great sacri river pin 1 "i X wislatiire ana v,ouiu.y. Democrats who propose -tosup-port the nominees of the Deinocrat : ...vt.v. both State and National -P r-ciuested to meet at the- usual voting P townships on Wednesday, t July 27th.. and select delegates'toi the County Convention. . By order of the Committee. ' " J. A. Thomas, Chairman. ; fice to its members, and, having demon strated tne tact tnat they are not only credit to the county but also to- the State Guard. Bhonld nowteceive the moral and substantial support of every good citizen of Franklin county . - ' A. W. Wilson, Jr., of the. Franklin Ri- fl.es, is not so much of a baby after all. He generally -.stands' up about 6 feet 4 inches without much effort on his part. '' "Right dress," was the order given. "What must I do ? ' I have got on the best dar Rock, burg, 11. 8; Cypress, 4; Louis- TAR DROPS. The townships will tbe entitled, to the following number of dele gates in the County Convention Dunns, 8; Harris, 10; Freema'ns, q Franklinton, 13; Hayesville, 7; J I have gdt,JA-was the' observation of Pri-' Sandy Creek, 9; Gold Mine, 7; Ce- vate Kemp mil. uia ucean is yieiamg up its cnoicest j treasures in the shape of fish, oysters, soft shell crab which are on the bill of fare each meal and in quantities that sat isfy even Joe Person, Rev. "W. B: Morton, Chaplain to the Company, joined it Saturday night and is en!oying the pleasures of camp life .with the boys. y . :. " .''U . Who is enjoying himself more than Dr Malone ? . If he has gotten any sleep it must have been in the day for. he has talked all night and every night up to date. . ... ' . ' Dr. J. S. Meadows and Lieut. J: K. White joined the boys in Camp Holt Mon day nightand were joyfully received. . The weather Las been all . that could have been expected, and the invigorating salt sea breezes have put new life into the highlanders. The nights here been, cool enough to sleep under two blankets and the heat of the days have not been in the least oppressive. Capt. W. T. Hughes has been the re cipient of many worthy compliments for his soldierly and manly bearing. Any Lady v : Who will at once send her name and address with a 2 cent stamp will gain va!- j uable information. Address, P.O. .Box i 20, Katesville. . m Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy the sense oi Bmeil and completely derange the whole 6,vstm when entering it through the. mu cous Burfaces. Knch articles, should never be used except oh prescriptions from reput.a-' ble physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good tou canXDOseiblv de rive from them, Mali's Catarrh Cure, man ufactured by. F J- Cheney .& .Co., Toledo, Ohio, rontains io mercury, ana is taken in ternally, acting directly upou"the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the gen uine. It is taken internally, nnd made in Toledo. Ohio, by T. J. Cheney & Co.- TestU monials free. Sold by druggists, price 75c per bottle. ' - - . STATEMENT - Of the condition of the banking house of W. P. Webb, priyate banker, at Louisburg, in the county of Franklin, at the close of business on the 12th day of July 1892. RESOURCES. Loans on real estate, $ 2,790 18 All other loans aud discounts, 7,927.53 Overdrafts, 167.39 Due from banks, -342 97 Furniture and fixtures -371.25 Current expenses, 28.80 Silver com. arr,.ia National bank notes, 959.77 United States notes, i 1,214.89 The wont chronic soothing, cleansing and healing cropertiea. Beo If yours wont. The makers of this Remedy say it wilL And they make you this offerj ft they cant cure your Catarrh no matter how bad your case, they'll pay yon 500 in cash and they mean it. Here are some of the symptoms of Ca tarrh : Headache : obetaracticm of nose : discharges falling into throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, bloody, putrid, and offensive; eyes weak, ringing m ear, deafness : offensive breath and impaired taste and smell- Tou wont hare all at once i you won't have any of them, if youli tak Dr. Sage's Remedy. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. h it not worth the small price of 75 cents to free yourself of every symptom of fhpoA (Tin. reaam2 rrmnlLinta if Ton think so call at our store and get a bot tle of Bhiloh's Vitalizer, every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, use ac cordingly ana n it does you notning. Sold by Thomas & Aycocke, Louisburg, and T. U. Joyner, franklinton-. Stern's instant headaeheur., 8 tern's 10c sample perfumes, sure kill fly paper at Nich olson s drug store." . Answer This Qncwtlon. Why do so many people we arooud as I em vo praer to iqit and be m- ie miarr. abUby lndirctioo.ConUnation.IiuioMa. Low of Appetite, Lomincf op ol torn rood. Yellow Skin. wLea for 70e. we will aril t!ria 1 Shiloh'a Vital. ter. guaranteed to cure tbm. noid Djlhomai a Aycocke, Lonubarg.and i. v. aoyner. rrankuaion. ?i. u. TAX LISTERS NOTICE. The tax list for the town of! Louisburg. will bo opened m my othce on Moaday August 1st and remain open duriujr the weik. 1 All tax payera aro required to list their taxes during the week or they , will be charged double ! tax. .' . . -O. S. Baker. Lister. : Office in Opera House. July 13th 1802. ' : - SPECIAL BARGAINS -AT- ' F. N. & K. Z. EGEItTON'S ? . EMPORIUM of FASHION - Woliav6 placed on our Cush Counter our entire lino of Table Liu ens, Napkin? Counterpanes, Iico curtains an! 25 Bea Jfeal cotton Usketn, call or I OUr imiUCnSO 8tOCk Of Towels. TllCH gOOck Will bo SOltl oruer at onco m ixiey mas da soia. prtoepoo each, at Crvnahaw, llika & I nr ciirnriulnrrlr low nriro. Rr.TnnYf t!itn !- Kti A 1 FLPhva 1 w f a v m m mmm w -v m mm w w Corn, meal, bran and oats &c,' at Crenshaw; Hkks & Allen's. : ' , limeade Se, eure headache Kc, 8 aheeta fly paper -c, at -Htcholaoa sdrug store. Mr. 1LJ. Ooodin at Nkholson's draft store, ha had 11 years experience la the drug bumneaa., at Burpnsinsriy low prices, bo mo ox them nave been re- duced to cost, bo mo below cast, aud all of them at from .v , 25 to 50 per cent, below usual price, wo aro offering an extra largo stock towels, 22x14, all linen, for only 21 cents each. Co mo at once and secure a bargain as thesa Coffins and Caskets. We have added largely to our stock, and now carry a. full line of these goods--from the plainest wood coffin to the finest plush or velvet covered casfcet. Also a full line of coffin hardware, lin ings, trimmings. &c. All of beuefutf bargains will only loat two weeks. the money jet, S3 bbb. patapsco sapal-1 . aure noar in vrooa ana sacaa ai v-ren-1 p, XT n -y-. rr -rT'rmr-T It is hot doesn't half express it." i Mr. E. D. Wheeler sent the ; editor some very nice sweet potatoes ttfia . week. Win. Ridley a very indnatrious cot ored man, who lives near town, sent ns tli first, sweet Botatoes we have seen of the new crop. There was a nice evening party given at Mr. E. W. Timberlake's on Monday evening complimentary to Misses E ya and Willie Simmons, . Principle and not policy should rule. It is better tohe defeated in advo cating the right than it is to pander to wrong for the sake of being successful. The Methodist District jConference convened at the Methodist church in this place on Wednesday with alarge attend ance of ministers, lay delegates and visi tors. The Irish potato crop "was generally frond this year, but the finest we have seen, came to this office from our friend bam Person, Esq., of Sandy Creek town ship. We hear it reported that the name of Waiter R. Henry will be presented to the Democratic Congressional Convention as ei-.'c.or from this District. Our good friend, W. Gr. Munford. al w,i ys remembers the editor, especially at v :uermelon time. He sent us two last week, which were very much enjoyed. Louisburg has been unusually duil owing to the absence of so many of its young men who are attending the Annual Encampment of the North Carolina State Guard at Camp Holt, Wrightsville. Dr. J. J, Mott, the "Iron Dake" of the Republican party in North Carolina is out in a long card stating that there will hi no Republican State ticket this year and advising Republicans' to cast their votea with the Third party. Mr. James Strange, aged 82, died near Mapleville on last Sunday. The f q neral services were conducted by Rev. G. W. Newell, assisted by Rev. Gr. M. Duke. The deceased had been a member of the Baptist church at Mapleville for a num ber of years. , The News-Observer savs: "A man has turned up in Durham with an electric contrivance for feeding horses.. You set your alarm clock and fix your corn in the proper place. The clock goes off and the contrivance does the rest. It is the inven tion of a North Carolinian, a Wilson county man. The Times regrets to chronicle the death of Mrs. A. D. Ellis, wife of our ex cellent citizen, A. D. Ellis, Esq., which sad event occurred on Wednesday night of last week, after a lingering iUnes of several weens, iter remains were in terred in the Cemetery on Thursday eve- nine, the services being: conducted by her pastor. Rev. W. B. Morton. A suitable obituary notiee, by her pastor, will -ap pear in a future issue of tne Times. -Mr. Barnum once gave some good ad vice to business men concerning advertis ing as follows : "You dd not, any of you, advertise enough. " You are asleep and want your business to run itself. A stand ing advertisement in a paper commands confidence. It may seldom beread, stil it makes the name and business of the man familiar and its presence in theL (col umns of a newspaper inspires conhdence Total, , LIABILITIES. Snrpltis fund, ; Undivided profits, Due to banket, -Demand certificates of deposit, Time certificate, of depo&it. $ 12,848.51 ; 6.000.00 371.83 320.69 2.652.30 3,503.63 which wi l be sold at reasonable prices. - Respectfully, R. R. Harris & Co. Louisburg, N. C. Personal. .; ; The editor of the Times is attending the Press Association at Charlotte this week. If anything appears in the paper during his absence that is displeasing to any one all that, the aggrieved one will have to do will be to walk around the Total, 12,848.51 I. W. P. "Webb. President of the Bank of Lonisbnrc. do eolemolT swear that thel above statement i trne torthe best of my knowledge and belief. ' W. PWebb, President. State of North CarolinaCounty of Franklin Sworn to and snbscribed before me this 23rd day of July 1892. -: Taos. B. WtLttts. " xoary Inblic. NOTICE. By virtue of a judgment ot the Superior Court of Franklin coauty. in tae special proceeding eutiUed N. C. Mitchell executor I of .lamp W I'uiler and others vs. Elias Davis aud wife and otbere, I shiJl sell at the Railroad warehouse. n the town of lounm-' viUe. N. C. on Monday, the 5th day of Sep tember 1892, a tract of land in Freemans township, contrtSuinir, thirty-five acres, eat the tract of land belontnna to the estate of James W Fuller, dee'd. and adiomtng the widows dower, the sale to be at public anction to the highest bidder for one third of the price eaeh, retddue. in four months with interest from day ot sale. Joseph W. FnxER, Commissioner. ; NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix ot Jan. W. Go t. dee'd.. all persons indebted to his estate will come forward and pay the same at once, and all persons holding rlaims against said estate will present them for payment on or before June 10, 1 893, or this notice wui be plead in oar oi toeir re covery. This June 10, 1802. E1151CT Oat, Admx. KOTICE. Havinsr nnaliflel as executors of the last will and testament of VV. B.. Uxxle. dee'd.. all persons indebted to the estate rare here by notified to make immediote. and any party holding a claim against the estate will present the same to na on or twfore May 16th 18'J.L or this notice wiH be plead er in bar ot a recovery thereon. I Uls May JO. II. UULC, . VM. FUMLt. Executors of W. B. Ucxle, dee'd shaw. Uleks & Allen's. Mason improved Fruit Jars, we are head quarters for all the leading cold drinks. Tnomaa ft Aycocxsw Preserving kettles, brass, porcelain. granite and tin. at Crenshaw. Hicks & Allen's. Large lot of Mason's Improved fruit Srs; also extra robbers at urensnaw, kks& Allen's. NOTICE." I will sell at pubtifl anetion on Uondsy, ! the 18th inst (if not sokl privately Morn that fSme the gtegnJl stors boa building on Nash street. Lou I burr. N. belonging to the estate o Mary A. Morebead. Gxo. 8. BAXxa, Art. Jnljr6,1892. N0TICK By virtue of the power contained la mortgage deed executed to me by Jasper J. Murphy oa tne 14th day or April 18.7 sn.l mrlittervd la Franklin county la Book So 47 page 4.2 I shall sell at the Court Uousa door to lxuisburg n. oa Monday tha 15th day of A 0 runt 1832, the lot of land la the town of Louisburg, known aa the ot&tm lot of ths dsceaiied. and th lot known aa bia residenee, lying on Cburehstrewt. Terms ; 01 Kale cash. . Jkbk Pxaav, July 6tb, 1892. Mortgage. NOTICE. By virtue of the power contained In mortgage and exutf to me by T. B. Hor- ton on th 13th day of tebroary lH'Ji; and renitTd in Frauklia county, la Bok No. 88 pages 83 and 87 1 shall aell at thacoart House aoor to iouisturg oa Monday tb 15th day of August. lhiJ, at pubhe aoe- tion. to tM highest bidder lor eaao, a err tnin lot or parrel of land aitaated oa mil aonth cast of the town ot LonUborr, ad- ioiningthe landa of I. T. Ilorton, lira. rattiaB. Pittmaa and J. II. Uppermaa, ! and containing on hundred and two acres. more or leea. I 1 1 It tmmm r rs Tmmm tmm 1 1 VI La Jh Jr C z o 1 Jilt. It. J. GOODING, AS EXPERIENCED REGISTERED rilARMA- CIST HAS CHARGE OF THE VRE.-aTHIT.0S DEPARTMENT AT Mcliolson's -Drug Store. MIL TXID PLE.S.1XTB HAS MADE QUITE A REPUTATION AS A COM l0CNDER0F ICECO LD UEFRESIIIXQ DRINKS AT THE FOUNTAIN. r 0) mJLm m 0) Jul 6th, 1832. Jcbk,Piky, liortgags. SODA WATER. J. S. BARROW & SON. JUST RECEIVED' corner and Waitt untU the editor returns. 1 H'mPi I X I I P 5 1 1 1 V P I tM Miss r VUiLKJ 1UL 1 AJL J Miss Dora Barker, of Vance,; and Ida Wilkerson, of Granville, are visiting friends in and near.Ioaisbuig. 1 Messrs. S. T. "Wilder and J nne Fnrgiir son have returned from a two weeks visit to wasmngton, . opened thf?ir new the visitors in towni guests of Mr, TI103. Wl-ite. . , ' : - Glad to see Dr. C. Winston, of " Frank linton in town this week. - 1 111 Jndg Davis was brought . home Tues- glad to Serve the - public. day night' on a special train, we ,regret to leatn much enfeebled from his trip. . Mrs. H. A. Crenshaw and Mrs; J.'M. Allen : have returned" home from More- hea3"city witli their father. - , 1 Capt. W. P. Webb has returned from a business trip to Virginia. We are glad to see in town this week our young friend T. J . King, who ha is re turned from a business trip to Philadel phia, and has also been enjoying high life at Atlantic City and Cape-May. .We were pleased to greet Col. A. T. TJzzle and Mr. Geo. T. Uzzle, of Wilson's Mills who are on a visit to this place. Miss Nannie Banks, of Raleigh, is visi ting Mr. L. P. Hicks' famUy. . . Miss TrulettaEreth is visiting in Louis burg, guest of Capt. T. M. Fleming. Democratic County Coavention. c r In pursuance to a call of the Democrat ic Coanty Executive Comtntttee a conven tion of the Democratic party will be held in Louisburg on Saturday, the 30th," for the purpose of nSminating a county tick et and delegates to the Senator is 1 and "ongrftssional conventions. ? Certainly it is tlie desire and hope of every good democrat in the county that they will nominate strong- men for the county of-? fices men whom the people know and npn whom they can dependand it goes without savina- that the convention will Dot disappoint any one who expects that pey will do credit to themselves and sat- "ij atl gocd Demociats in their selection. STABLES. The undersigned have BRICK LIVERY STABLES Louisbnnr, and will be w Good horses, comfortable carriages, buggies, &o Special, attention civen tb Drummers. Teams can be had by . the hour, day or any other; way desired. Don't fail to call on us when in need of anything in our line. . - Tery Vespeeifully, t ; J. ELHABBIS& CO.; .Anew lot of Baggies, Road Cart, fec, just received, which can be bought low.- LOUISBURG, N. C BY- We have j ust inaugurated a A GRAND MIDSUMMER SALE ! DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Immense Bargains in all Departments! i - Edwin Fuller Club. - ' The following is" the programme for August 2nd t r , " "v MusicOrchestra.--' - ' - ' Essay Miss A.'L. Webb. ... 'Music- Miss" Bessie Yarboronkh. ; ; - Essay on David Griere F. S. Spruilk Music Orchestra. -Discussion of David Griere. led by J . J . Barrow. . . ; ' ' . The Club meets at Capt. H. F." Tarbo- rough's. - "v. - - Half Sheet. z - " As our readers "well know, it is a rare occurrence' for the Times to miss an issue. or fail tb come out on time, except during the Christmas holidays, but we will have to ask their indulgence this yweek. We felt it our duty tb allow our boys' to go to : Wrightsville they being members of the Franklin . Rifles and not being able to return in time, we decided to issue only a "half sheet." - Primary Convention. '. " At a primary convention held ' in the I Court House on; WeOnesxiay the 27th a J , Everybody should try the celebrat rewresentative bodv -of Democrats met ed Tkatlor's Kbt West Ciqak. For - - ... I t mi . The North State Soccsaoreto.J.l 8T0NE. - CECIL G. STONE, , ; Manager.' Extensive retaQers and Jobbers of high and ."-- - medium grade HABOS ORBAUS, Musical .lnstrumsnts, Sliest Ma . Realizing .the general depression we have reduced prices on all goods." AXe intend to attracCtrado by our low prices .and .you would be astonished at the prices wo would name you. - . ."".' . ' -. p. . m CASH - BUYERS are earnestly invited to call that we may prove the truth of our assertion. . Dollars are Dollars, and the Dollar of the hard-worked . ... ." y . :. . , -.- laboring man demands value received, we pledge our selves to always give value received, we invite tho peo- pie generally to our Btoro where they will be promptly, politely and honestly served, we regard neither 'Tace, color," nor previous condition of servitude." Tryus and R. R. HARRIS & COMPANY, One Car Good Flour, New Crop Porta Eieo Molasses. Best Now Orleans Molasses. 100 bnshelj beet fresh white tolled Mcl, Clew Uib iidVmeit, 5,000 V new N. C. Corned Herrings. We bate diiljr txtlxxU of New and Fresh Goods. Oar stock is kept complete. We will tll,joa deaj forGuh. '" " .. " Hejp.ctfallT, B.B.IIAREI3&X. RALEIGH. - and appointed.the following delegates' to i the county convention : : F. S. Sprnlll, W. II. Macoa, Frank Ballard,. W. A. Jones, W. J. Hayes, A. W. WilsoV F. N. Egerton, J. H. Uzzle, W. N. Fuller, C. W. Roberta, J, P. Tiniberlake. ', v , sale ojtly by Thomas & Aycocke.- . It is really a 10 cent cigar for 5 cents. j. P. Winston returned from Bal timore this week with a full line of summer eroods. He is sellinff them at almost cme-liatt jmce. we congratulate the people ofTFranklin on the pros- ".. .. . ... , - ' ... ..' "' pects for fine crops and general prosperity nnd do most earnestly request that they will maintain the same by trading with us and always "receive dollar for dollar. J. 5. -EAItT.OW & SON. JUST ARRIVED A CAR LOAD MEAT, - A CAR LOAD OF FLOUIL A CAR LOAD OF CORH. ... aaxnsnrsr o.R,iDGns wahted at oyer. thir stock of General Merchandise is Large nnd Com- plete, and wo think we can funitnh almoiitxuiy thing r.l ed at the lowest pofwible price. 1 ". : SHOES! SHOES1.! - Tfrc ask those who Vish to buy n good tJio to call nr.tJ sec us, as he thick we have the beat tihoc for tlw monry

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