. -jL A -M 4 i K J. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. , - . . - . " .;rra"Jjf iwari ftW;.-7FiM Charity.' for ,';; , - -; - flio AXyV. 2m JaWte.' ' VOL. XXI.1 K I. : ; -v XoblURGN C., AUGUST 6, 18 - - . . NO. I2G. Highest of all in Leavening Power.--Latest U. SJ Gov't Report. GROYER CLEVELAND. HIS ', RINGING AND - FORCIBLE . ' SPEECH OP ACCEPTANCE. I H a 3 IS IT AS IT DONE The origiual and only genuine Compound Oxyen Treatment, that of Drs. Starkey Jb Palen is a scientific aiijnstment of . th ele ments of Oxygen ami Nitrogen magnetized; n.nH the cn'mnound is so condensed and maili! Dortable that it is sent cJl over the world. It Mas been in use for over twenty years; thousands of patients have been treated, and over on? thousand physicians have ns.'d it and recommended it a very signifi cant f:wt. . . ('omnound Oxygen Its Mode of Action juid Results," is the title of a book, of 200 5 i.i -res, published by Drs Starkey & Palen, which given to all inquirers full information Jim to this remarkable curative agent and a jrood record of surprising cures in a wide rMJitfe of chronic cases -many of them after b. ii.s? abandoned to die by other physi cians. Will be mailed free to any address on application. Das. STARKEY & PALEN, 1 .":: Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 1 20 Sutter Street, San' Francisco, .Cat. Please mention this paper. Collins and Caskets. Yre have added largely to our stock, and now carry a full line of these goods from the plainest wood coffin to the finest plush or v-lvet covered casket. Also a fall line of coffin hardware, lin ings, trimmings, &c. All of which wi'l be sold at reasonable vric.-3. 4 He Stands Squarely Upon f he Platform ofttie National Democracy Adoptee! at Chicago. ' Mr. . Chairman and Gentlemen: The message, you delivered from the national democracy arouses within me emotions which would be well nigh oyef whelming, if I STATE .DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. I did not recognize here assembled the representatives of a great par ty who must share with me the re Respectfully, R. R. Harris & Co. Louisburg, N. C. 1 nhnr DAVIS For Keeping the rands, amount of Different the' same, of North Carolina reaffirm the prin ciples of the Democratic party j both State and National, and particular ly favor the' free coinage, of silver and an increase of thfe currency, and the repeal oL the internal revenue system. And we denounce the. Mc Kinley tariff bill as unjust to the consumers of the country, and lead ing to the formation of trusts,; com bines and' monopolies which have oppressed the people; "and especially do we denounce the unnecessary and burdensome increase in the tax on cotton ties and on tin, so largely nsed by the poorer portion of the people. We likewise denounce the iniquitous Force bill, which is not yet abandoned by the Republican party, hut is being urged as a meas ure to be adopted as soon as they regain control of the House of Repr resentatives, the purpose and effect of which measure will be to establish a second period of reconstruction in the Southern States, to subvert the liberties of our people, and in flame a new race antagonism and sectional animosities. 2. That we demand financial re form, and the enactment of laws that will -remove the burdens of the people relative to the existing agri cultural depression, and do full and borers of our country. 3. That we demand the abolition of national banks, and thesubstitu- xion oi legal tender Treasury notes nv lieu of national bank notes, is sued in sufficient volume to do the' business of the country on a cash system, regulating the amount needed on a per capita basis as the business interests of the country ex pand, and that all money issued by the government shall be legal tender ; A Bad Practice. sonable advantages at the expense I of their fellows. Wehave also as sumed in our covenant with those! Tell a man continually he is eick whose - support we invite, the duty n he will get sick. Imagination of opposing -to the death another will ae its play. A condemned avowed scheme of our adversaries, Criminal was told, ' when he was which, under the guise of protect- blindfolded-and bound, that he ing the suffrage, covers but does was bleeding to death. A pin- not conceal a design thereby to I scratch of his skin over an artery perpetuate the power of a party 1 w8 all that occurred towards this afraid to trust its continuance toln ud only warm" water, the the untrammeled and intelligent! temperature of the blood, was al WEAVER'S RECORD. Some Mchty Touh Straw Caa a White Han Swallow it t For the beneCt of honest men who want to know men andUngs, we print the following, to show what manner of man this Wea ver, the head of the Third party is. The ao are facts recorded in history, and the bill below was in trod need by him in the 4Ctb, votesoi the American peopfe. We lowed to trickle down his body. 40th and Wlb Congress Adopted May IB, 1892. Resolved 1. That the Democracy j Bp0nsibility your mission invites. I find much relief i,n the reflection that I have been selected merely to stand for the principles and purposes to which niv party is pledged, andforthe enforcement and supremacy of which, all who have any right to claim democrat ic fellowship, jnust constantly and persistently toil. Our party re sponsihility is indeed great. We assume a momentous obligation to our countrymen when, in return for their trust and conhdence, we promise them a rectification o their wrongs and a better realiza tion of the advantages which are due to them nnder our free and beneficent instructions. But if our responsibility . is great, our party is strong.N It is strong in its sympathy with the needs of the people, in its insistence upon the exercise of governmental powers strictly within the constitutional permission the people have grant ed, and its willingness to risk its life and hope upon the peoples in telligence and patriotism. Nover has a grqat party,'inteut upon the promotion of right and justice, had better incentive ' for effort i ... ample justice to the farmers and la- than i3 now presented to us. Turn ing our eyes to the plain peoplo of the land, we see them burdeued as consumers with a tar iff system. that unjustly and relentionsly draws from them iu their purchase of the necessaries of life an amount scarcely met by the wagef of hard and steady toil, while'the exac tions thus wrung from them, build up and increase the fortunes of those for whoso benefit this inju3- in payment of all debts, both public tice is perpetrated; We . see the are pledged to resist the legislal IeatU . ensued -from talk over hisl. VBa it enacted by the Becate tion intended to complete this imagined bleeding to death. Thelana House or Keprcsentativee or i i scheme, because we have not for gotten the saturnalia of theft and brutal control which followed an other Federal regulation of State suffrage;, because we know that the managers of a party which did not scruple to rob the people of a President,, would Hot hesitate to application is easy. Any bnsineM the United States of America In is made bad by constant croaking I Congress assembled, that 'there over it, and a bad business is im-1 haU be paid to each private eol- proved by looking on the best and I dler, non-commissioned officer, brighter side. Both cheerfulness I sailor, teamster, or musician reg- and despondency are kind of catch-1 nlarly mastered into the service ing diseases,' so to speak. Sach of the United States during the talk may be trite, but is timely, late war of suppression of the re- representative in case cf death, as soon as his or their claim shall be examined and audited the sum found due him or them, the amount thereof to be ascertained astollows: The second Auditor shall ascertain the amount of cur rency paid said soldier or sailor at each date of payment dnrlnjr price per ton, in 'money or cotton. l&Mi M renter Mers. FOR SALE BY S. GL ID-AVIS, FRANKLINTON, N. C. Price $2.25 per book. Express prepaid if you state where you saw this advertisement. and private. A. That we demandih at Congress shall pass such laws as shall effectu ally prevent the dealings in futures of all agricultural and mechanical productions; providing such strin gent system of procedure in trials farmer listen to a, delusive story that fills hi8 mind with .visions of advantage, while his -pocket is robbed by -the, stealthy hand of high, protection. Our working- men,are still told the tale, oft re- CUT FLOWERS, Fine Cut Flowers in Great Vari ety. bouquets, Baskets and Designs tastefully arranged. lanipas Plumes, Magnolias and . other choice, evergreens.,.. sugar and Silver Maple, Horse Chestnut and other shade trees.; as shall secure prompt conviction peatedin spite of this demonstra ted falsity, that the existing pro tective tariff is a boon to them; and that under its beneficent oper ations their w ages must increase while, they,, listen, scenes are enacted in the very abiding place of high protection that mock the hopes of toil and attest the tender mercy, the working man I, receives from those made selfisffand 6ordid by unjust governmental favoritism. We oppose earnestly and stubborn ly the theory upon which our op ponentseek to justify and uphold ana ---imposing such penalties as , shall seenre the most perfect compli-1 ance with the law. ' 5. That we demand , the free and unlimited coinage of silver. ":, ... DATTATTr'T'O nrOTHVO 17"Tr I 111011 ,TC ucuioiiu uic paoouc i)U u l U 1 0, JJljJ-VJi 0, J2i 1 of laws prohibiting the alien owner ship of land and that Congress take early steps to devise some plan to obtain all lands now ownadjby alien and foreign syndicates and that alLlands now held by railroads and other corporations, in excess of such as is actually used and needed by them,. be reclaimed by the Gov ernment and held for actual settlers 7, Believing in the doctrine of RxiKtiiif? tariff laws We need not base our attack upon Questions of Evolved, in the victory of our par nrtr,st.!f. ,t.inr,nl i,PrmiRSinn or Wis. 1U lue ovrufigio luai Early cabbaee and fonifitn nlnnfpLi "Hiual ris:htsvto all-'and '-'special 14fiva nnwerWe denounce this at the right season. -,: privileges to'none," we demand that theory uton- the highest, possible hoPe"f th partisanship and should taxation, Kational.or State, shall rounds when we contend that in mie"suy onc.ueiermiuai.iou no-be used to huildirp one interest g-t conditions, its operation is unjust and that laws enacted in acpdauce with it are inequitable aud unfair. - . Ours is not a destruc tive party. We are not at enmity with the rights of any of our citi- Ord?rs promptly filled and sat isfaction guaranteed. H. STEINMITZ, "Florist, Raleigh, N. C. use the machinery created"hy such J What good does a croaker do any-1 hellion, or to his or their legal legislation to revive corrupt instru-1 how T What cause aud whom does mentalities for partisan nnrnoses: he helpf JLet s learn the old les- a a because- an attempt to force such 5011 9Ter legislation would :. rekindle ani- It has become such a .prevalent mosities where peace and hopeful-1 practice to plead for the plauter in uess now prevails, pecause sucn an periodicals and papers loat it is a attempt would replace prosperous! wouder that they are not the most activity with discouragement and discontented and most unhappy dread throughout a large section I of the population of the country. of our country, and would menace Some one is constantly tellinc tcrm ' service aud shall as everywhere in the land tho rights them how poor they are, until one certain the gold value of sid reserved to the States and to the might conclude they were all pan- currency payment at the time, by reference to the quotations oi gold, as compared with tno cur rency in whicji said soldier or sailor was paid, at the city of New. York at that date: and said soldier, sailor, or his legal repre sentatives shall be allowed and paid the difference In valne be tween the currency which he re ceived and the standard pold coin of the United States in which he should have been paid Sec. 2. Tbat to enable the Government to meet the pay ments required by this act -the Secretary of the Treasury Is here by authorized to caust to be Is sued three hnndred million dol lars oi uniica oia.es noies, or o much thereof as shall be found necessary, of the denominations of one, two, fire, ten, twenty and fifty -dollars, and said notes, when issued, shall be a legal ten der in payment of all debts pub lie and private, and shall be kept in circulation in manner as now provided by law fer other United States notes. Sec. 3. That the sum of $300, a. a A a. x -t a IXXJ.UXJ or so much tLereoi as shall be necefsary U make pay ments required by this act, is hereby appropriated out of the money by this act authorized to be Issued. In the 50th CongTe? he was bronght face to face with certain of his speeches in denunciation of the Democratic pirty. The fot ii it i- unthrifty people. owiugexirmcisiro:a iope:n " a t yi. tn t. r,rP.iWv and for the fteMTnT,15.n- Man has ills enoutrh. but it don't " ue,"tICU- M uw w" l r v. .... t. iw. -,n Am k.iu. found in the Conrreional Rec- iiihr i. ill i im 1 1 1 1 i ij w h iih yh iiui ii iiiui a-u ud n cm u a mj kici heart. Moreover, every, sincere by constantly parading 'and 'de democrat must believe that-the in- ploring them, and making him terests of his country are deeply I out worse. - It is encouragement reTrC53 he needs; that a the kind of rat- ue said at Alba, Iowa, on July nvcnitx I ronatre and praise that pricks Lis I loin ico. ; o Thus patriotic solicitude exalts the pride, stimulates to emulate the host examples-of his class. That's better at least. Ex. " . This success can onlyJbe people, which underlie the safe- pers, that poverty stared them in guards of. American liberty. 1 the face continually. If the same shall not attelnpt to specify ut this rule were pursued with the mer time other objects and aims of I chant he would become poor in- Democratic endeavor which add deed, without purse or credit, inspiration toiour mission. True I pride or ambition. to its history aud its creed will re- We are constantly throwing up spond to the wants of tho people to the planter the ills of his life, within safe lines and guided by enough so to make life a burden enlightened statesmanship..' To to him, as many imagine it to be. the troubled and impatient within The case would surely be to try our. memocrsup we commend con-1 some oiner vocation. a. hero are tinued, unswerviug allegiance to I poor planters iu every seuso of the the party whose principles, Ja'all I word, as numerous as poor jaer- t lines past. Lave ben found sum- cnanis or poor ana unihrmy me- cisnt for them j and whose aggro--chanics or professional men. The gate wisdom and patriotism, their fact is the lesser and lighter ills experience teaches, can always be rests upon the planter's shoulder trusted. In a tone of partizanship as compared with many and most which befits the occasion, let me vocations. Liko any other class of say to you as equal partners in the people, there are those in greater campaign upon which we to-day j numbers who want to be pro per enter, that the personal fortunes of onsor rich too fut. Doing well those to whom yon have entrusted they are repeatedly told how poor your banners are only important thoy are, how much imposed on, as thev are related to the fate of how hard their lot, etc. We need the pririciples'they represent and to the party which they lead. I cannot, therefore, forbear remind ing you and all those attached to the Democratic party or support ing the principles which we pro fess, that defeat in the impending campaign followed by the con summation of the legislative schemes our opponents contem plate and accompanied by such other incidents of their success as might moro firmly" fix their power, would present a most discouraging outlook for future democratic su- Said. on September 4th, l&CS: Here we haver the old flght over again. The Confederate Democracy North und Sooth, In which the famous copperhead dl vblon of Iowa appears, art again contesting with. Grant for the safety of the Union. Ai at Don- elaon, he propose to xnove ea their works at once, and there is no escape for this rank, traitor ous horde, except in another sur render. Charge on them, follow Republican, and spare not mt, even a deputy road supervisor, from total political annlhila liVUt He said In B'oo afield on Sep tember 23, 16C3: What Is the us of farther ar raigning the Democracy, with all hoary crimes at the bar of public opinion f We know that IU acts comprise murder, treason, Ihtft, fraud, perjury, and all crimes possible for an organization to conceive at." It would be a mercy to put IU record a million miles deep in the pit that Is men. tioned In Holy Writ; and I may add that if a Urge and distin guished anortment of its alleged statesmen were sent along It would be only common Justice.' When these declarations wrre th rown in Mr. Weaver's face in the the National House of Repre sentatives, he admitted their ut tcrance and said: 'I have co doubt that I uttered If not the words contained in the extracts read before this House, words equally as forcible and substan tially similar. I have nothing to take back with regard to oy course on the Usues that arose out of the war." Now the question b tils: It such a man fit to U adx a "re form f v uai wime oontnero man can rcte for such an a? year not here contrast the ills and bur dens' with the joys and advantages of city life, or vice versa. Every a intelligent and reading person knows the distinction. But what ws deprecate is the discouraging feature, the constant pitying "poor fellow in the fur- row" cry, when the farmer is a heap happier than perhaps yon or ! I. This takes away pride and per severance. It is humiliating; It is not true oftenest. There are poor farms, as there are squalid quar ters in city and a , ira oi -5uiy first session 11th 18S3, of the of the &Olh Con- Astxrsu.o., JoJySl. lJt. M"-r. Lip pen n llru. ft&&a. j. Sr l to2bl a botiW cX V'sr P. P. P. at IU rvtiaf. Ark, a a-1 U Las doM e rr fto taaa tarr moalL lr alnvrnt al lb lit XprXajr, liar yrxi no isU la thU part cf th coucirj, or W torn kauw Iwrw coca it ill cert to t!ir.9 or til txtW (rvo I-rctXllr yoar. At-?rt"-a, Bmi cmaty, IX NsjrTr!xa. Kul Jom S, W-ir. Dppraaa Urv faeaaa. Os. Vf Sir I tgii cay tr-xita. alal La r--ari toyucr aJaatU trartiWris, P. P. P.. tit t et cf rbe&cutUca. aeontUia, djrrpla, btlkjca . 4. la 11 t wia attar kd vita tH:ioafa coiar rbea&aUtra, ad aatbra a taar tf r U it rr aioc. 1 trV-4 all iwlU fta 1 evr b-arlof. aadall tlvvdocfora in iv cb. but I foQad oalr Us3rrry MUf. Tb pio wrr Lad at Ubm tLatldkt do ear vbtbr I Utvd or IIjUlMXltobc.3MaoLa;ii-l lLal t-rtLisf 1 a: dlaajrmd with or. Ylj wu alM ozri Wk tatvaJriy niua drippIa ttat htr lif a baruVa heti al wonkl t-a cxtj5a-l to Wr bml for wrka at tb iloj tJw aW urrd prrailj f roca (riJ J la--M aad Lm c f Wp. jytn lie La Harca 1 vva adtUrxl t Uke P. P. P.. aaJ brfar (ay if sod 1) had finULfl tb sev&4 txtlU i4 P. P. P. oar J ifrmtioa n to Lta pro-. My paLaaaobaMJ4aoraecbtLat 1 ta ta abU to trk. aa-i ma frrlia tJk doinjr Lat 1 katra't doo U-fur ta a ooobrfcf jrrar. vill roetiaa tak ing P. P. P. entil wart vatlrrlrorci. aa-i will cb"rf oJlr rvccc3ad u la all NOTICE. IT...- . . qnaiiiied us executors of the last and Uwhunont .st MJ T IT I- j .i Irsoi mdebtd to the estate are Lere- ..rt, . lo make iramediote. and - any win Z ""luJaK a. claim against the eBtate will pi-fwnt T 1 1 a ournA rt t P f.. .. i ; w ue uii or oeiore -V mil inva, or this notice i r I 111 P MT il J.1 mi r Jno H. TTzztE, Wm. E. UazLE. Executors of W. B. lizzie. Herfd. Scientific American Agency for Pi rssss.. j-i oi - "CAVEAT8, '; DESIGN PATENTS -' COPYRIQKTS, etO. Oldest bxSif-i l Bboadw at, Nsrw YOHK. or. class' at the expense of another We belitve. that the money of the conntry should be kept as "much as possible in the hands ot the people, and hence we demand that all reve nue, National, State or county, shall be limited .'to the necessary ex penses of the; government economi cally and honestly administered. ' 8. That congress issue asufhqient amount of fractional paper curren cy to facilitate the exchangeihrough the medium of the United States mail. -'-;r ": 9 . . Tliat ; the General Assembly pass such laws as will make the pub lic school system more effective that the blessings of education may be extended to all the people of the , State'''alike.,'?ft-1'c "fe-Resolved,'-'-That;we favor a gradu ated tax on ineorhes, i .'. f '" ? Answer This Question. ', . ; Why do bo many people we see around ns Beeni to prefer to suffer and be nreder miser able by tndigestioji.Cbnatipation, Dizziness Loss of Appetite. Comma: tip of the Fo -d I vr-ll i. I . l t -r .r :;ti T T" "'"-TUatlOB frf MfnlnrfU. it - I tHOW OlvlU, K11BU IUf IUC. .WP WiU SHU lilflU BhoXJ'tedT NotaSriieeSr Shiloh'u Vitalizer. guaranteed to cure them. : i-60 stimTth. ft-JL&7.!o, : I Sold by Thorn a & Aycocke, Ixuisburg,and aia uu i xj rvi I imi m aw i a a m a-a T . a-a TfT Patent tISL secnrl? Patents m America, tie Pu6UcbTfR0S b ?s l brought befoJS ientif;iifiti crest . '1 1 World o"I"y'"B OI man t n t " a - zens. - A.il .are our countrymen. We are not recklessly heedless .of any American interests, nor will we abandon our regard - for them; but invoking tho love of fairness and justice, which belongs to true Americanism, dnd upon .which onr constitution rests, we insist that no plan of tariff legislation shall be tolerated, which has for Jts ob ject aud purpose a forced contribu tion from the earnings aud income of the mass of our citizens, to swell directly the accumulations of afa- vored fewj nor ,will we permit a pretended solicitude Sot American labor, or any other pretext of be nevolent care for; others, to blind the eyes'of the people to the selfish success. achieved by systematic and intelli gent effort on the- part of all en listed in our cause. Let us tell the people plainly and honestly what we believe and how we propose "to serve ' the interests of the entire country," and then let us, after the manuer of true Democracy, rely upon thethoughtfnlness; and pa triotism of our fellow-countrymen. It' only remains for me to say to you, in advance of a more formal response to ryour message, that ' I obey the. command of my party Jt Complicated Instrument. The beak of the mosquito iim- ply a tool box, wherein the mosqui to keeps six miniature surgical in struments in perfect wording or der. Two of these instruments are exact counterparts of the surgeon's lance, one is a spear with a double barbed head, the fourth is a nee dle of exquisite fineness, a saw and a pump going to make up the com plement. - The spcr is the largest of the six tools, and is nsed - for "I want to" congratulate yoc first, fellow.citizens, on the sup pression of purely Democratic rebellion, gotten up by Demo crats for the Democratic pnrpose of dissevering this union and perpetually . cstablisuing bureau slavery. 'Now and forever "It is established as an eternal 4rttth that the Democracy in. no place or Stato can ever be trusted with government. As a party it should disband, just as a&ectionof it did at Appomattox." He said at Ceuterville in 1SC7: Again has the Democratic party ef Iowa spoken. Why, sir, I am astonished beyond measure 1 Chohra Is uprmdisg rapid! la It Should be la livery Hoasa. J, It. WUjon.STtnay Sn.Hbnrp. bursr. Ta.. siya r will not t with out Dr. Krhe New PUco very for Consumption, Coogba and Ct4. that it cuml hit wife who jko thmtrnd with irrt2morJja aiur an attack of "La Gripp," hfa x rious other rrnmlk-a and aevertil ihreidxvns had done her no gooil. MiWrt Portr of lool-4-At, Pa., clolins Ir. Kln'a w Dmeottty hnn don Lira raonr ptad than anr thhg h evrr url for Lorp TroobV Nothing like it. Try tt, t rv trh tKitU" nt JTkorr.il A AjrockeV Drug r-tore. Large t-utlic, Zx.. nnd 1.00. Arkanaaa Cirpublicaxia h-tve noniW natd a full Htot ticket. ilaws, togaiu uuearned and nurea-1 Children Cry forPitchersCastana. makincr the initial puncture, next and confidently anticipate, that an tho iancCa CT knives are bronhtflbal rarl? M-lh a "cord so ut ai.viaai . " -i ' a ' v al ; l . a at Si t i a a, intelligent and earnest -presenta- into piay to cause the blood to flow wrty vile and wretch. ami wick. more freely. In case this last op eration fails of having tho desired effect, the saw and needle are care fully and feelingly inserted iu a lateral direction,. in the victims flesh.. The pump, the 'most deli cate of all six of the instruments, is used in transferring the blood to the insect's "stomach." Dis covery. tion of our case will insure a popu lar endorsement of the action of the body'you ref resent. The only sure method of killing the Force bill is to defeat its sup porters at the polls next Novem- ber. Bu ffalo, Courier. , ed should be to lost to all shame and decency as to make an ap pearance before the loyal people of Iowa. ' ."They should be trampled in the wilderness of oblivion, and never more return.' He said in a joint delate with Col. II. LL Trimble, at Jlloom- . Electric KUtcrs. If you are not fortbsr atron an4 bmlthy, try IZx-tric l:ttnC If -U (Irippo has kit run meak and m ry, ce DTtrk iJrttrrm. This rrtn dy net dim-Ur on Lr. atotnaclr ". aud kklnera, cmtly oWing thoa-i orpiaa to'f-rtuna tbir laiutlaaa. If you nr nH:ktrl ith sitk hm.r ncne, yon will Bnd aj-nlr and wr manent rrlief by ta ir l2trv l'i tera. )n trinf will tuarioct ra thct thU U tti rp;nslv yoa rwsL I-nrgw LottLr on!y Oc at This i A mKe" Dtzji Mina.

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