-Li- X V- J Jl - o J. A. THOMAS, Editor' and Proprietors . ' . - J. JTif Malice Joward none; iA -CAwVy Vr oZi. VOL. XXI: . -LOUISBURG N C, AUGUST.19. 1802 NO. 127. t Highest of all in Leavening "Power. Latest UJSI Gov't Report. 1 WHAT 9 (IS IT X HAS IT DONE t CAN IT DO Ti, nrisrijial and odTv ceriuine Compoan;! ( vpvn Treatment, that of Drsu StarkSV & ' I'.ilen is a scientific' a-ljustmsnfr oi the; i:int8 of Oxven and Nitrogen msifsnetizsdf :i:id the compound is ho rondenaeti nti ma !' norfable that it is sent over the v.nrld. . S , It has bwn in brp for over twenty. yearsT t!i.i!is.iu.lH of p ttients have been treated . , T i l m-pr om thousand physiniaris have 1 it iiiid recommendel it a very Bijspiil ' i ' i nuound OxTsren Its Mode of. Action. .:,.! K 'sidts," is the title of a book of "20 , published by Drs Starkey& Palen : i - trivos to all inquirers full information . t.; ?im.r1c Mlile cnrative azent and a ! rc. ar.l of sur.prisinj enres in a Wide r;,i,P of chronic cases -many of them 'after , .nx abandoned to die hy other physi' . i i n. Will be mailed free to any address on application. 1 520 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Pa-;. ; " 1 20 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal. ; I'l.'Msc mention this paper. - 4 . STATE" DEllOCBATIC PLAtEOEM; HON. eTOSEl'U J. MYIS; Tlie Isews-Ubserver Eays: Of hisl lr. T.B. ivingsbury, ofTtLe Bkiiraft a lawyer, his thirty years I Wilmingtou Messenger savs:- COM3CSNTS OF THE state TRESS experience and position in the In a long editorial life wo ha?e from things eternal. temporal to ON HIS DEATH. things fiuch a man waa "honest Joe DaTiaJ.IAa a oldier he waf mev-eTigcr, and If eter parity cf heart andiparity of life make a man tit lor lu& Kiocdcni. tcnejt Spoten of Only in thejlighest Terms . Sliowing: tbe Hlgh Esteem : in , , : Which Ho Wag Held. ";Li;. ::: tuui, iuiv i vuo icavo . uuiu- uau iu mo a grcai many an- 1 orare ana nowie; as a naUoallg-1 Joe .Uatls Wka prer areu for an 11m 10 uesaia 1113 learning as tionncements ox Iho death of iWth 1 iBiator he w& liml.' rnni;tnttit.. It.iimiAnt rmr.rA Into iV. nr-n t BibUcal Recorder:! A good man gnnc" ri":'-:r --"' ' "r - --Ji..-Alamance Gleaner. He was an o;(U) and CasM s. ; ; 7 r Adopted Jiay: 18, l8i)2. of Torlh Caroilma' reaffirrri the prin ciplea of tjfre Democratic-partyboth Sate'andSational and,parti6niar 1 iavor l the" free oinogeX q "silyer ' and .an: increase ,6f the' currency, and the- repeal of f thenterhal revenue system.fi;Afid we: ; denounce the M Kinleyi tariff jMI as. unjust consumers of the country, and lead ing to the formation bt trusts, com binbs and monopolies "which have oppressed the people; and especially, do we denounbe the unnecessary and burdensome increase in the tax toif cotton ties and on tin, so " largely nsed by the -poorer portion of the people. ; We likewise' denduhce" the iniquitous; i? orce?bjU, which is not yet abaidonedby ;the Republican party t but is being urged as a meas- We have added largely to our stock, and now carry a full line of these goods from the plainest wood coffin to the finest plush or v'v t covered casket. Also .a tail line of coEun hardware, lin i sig.-i, trimmings, &c. AU - of wi i oe sola at-reasonaoie a. vac o ouywii wuuguwuk .iiic y.numuuus aiiu m prepare BKcvcu-1 ai ana. iuii; M ajadge he uat hoc I maae lor tuo launiai. ller was last nrteen volumes of the. IS, U. cs or their Uvea, at has rarely eat, upright M accurate; as-alnot a cian; vrcrav or chlM in hU Reports and heeds no encomiuma fallen upon ua to write of one who maa he was as near perfection as i coaonuitr vh did not feel, when it epeaka for itseir. : r was dearer to our heart than . Jo- fallen humanity attait a " I the announcement vis made that xie was a consistent memDer 01 eepn j. uavis, oi tne buprcmj liis was not the creatntsa of re- Judre DaTis haJ pa?ea awar at 41, I) 4 4 A . I j" I 1 T in 1 1 1 f 1 " C 1 .1.1. ... .. .. . .... ..... . able - jurist patriotic citizen 1 - ful,?B.M,u EFCUI,I cimrcu. vuury wuo uieu on ounuay nigni, j niut, Lit was not tbe Uoauing, et. I IU o'ciocK Saturday, ntgol, tbe l j'. '2'iA.y ' :W-. -it liis heaitli Oiad leen -failing tor .the 7th inst.. at lus homo in Louis- anescent licht of the tnf tecr. hat of & friend. New tLal about three years, and' his death! burg. He Lad Tor some two years I his likeness can be found in the this great and gflil man tasgon was not unexpected." ,.: v been in declining hralthr and his I majesty and grandeur of the ocean to his reward, It Ur!caact fcr ra JTbus passed away; a man -who friends hare for months, thought or the ronndo! eo rani etc nxs of thol t rtcatl.tho influence he exertd was loved and admired not only 1 that th end of amost worthy and mountain. Ealaehood stood abash and a highly esteemed 'Christian gentleman. :" ; r-: W -;: Bn rl in gt oh . News: ' He sw as .pure man, . noble specimen of tiie highest type ot manhood.; by the citizens of .his connty but j noble life was .not far,, distant, ed in hi precnce, Bhans aud in patifying the atrccjhere cf r. litiral life. Ho was neter one of mAK 1.aT lir arl who'wlthdraw themseUcs from ac tiro participation in poUtlcs and justify themseWcs by taying that Charlotteu: Democrat: Jadge Uy the State at laVge; a man' who We hare never been intimate with trickery coald not endure the in- Davis was One of the best known I hod ' Mfimnlififln hv 1ii': nuilrt mnnv min iiV w lv .with Urn t1mf t li,rttin';'. f tn. '11.. men in-the State., During .the Walk and life the beauties, of deceased." Our. friendship bejran ine.. - . . . t -r u t - . .. i .... - - .- i . - r I - . war was a: gauani . capiain in Christianity; whose abilities had at the University of North Caroli- - Simplicity of character was. the u-enerat ocaie s urigaae ana was attracted and whose purity had na, in 1847. when he was a law basal principle of his life. As dur- it is so cormnt they can have noth- I - - - i " .. - . " m --' 1 - ' , " - .... - I ... I 1 - " w L??,nearepeatediyuorjrav- wontheioving devotions, of this stndent after being - educated at ing the war he declined promotion ing to'dojwlth it. There was noth- DFir - y t t caw t ii a xmr a i - iva ' cavvan i ti - t - t ttt i i t r i i a i a 7v---. . v - " v i ieiiow-cmzens. . . - r wiiaam ana marr ioneire. .v lr- arain ana acrun ienderea hm.iinir oi me i' tar fee aioai tkia Goldsboro Arcus: ''His 'deatli j gnia. The frfendshlp extendiug J prefering to remain eimple Cap-honet man. He heard the call t will, be exceedingly - regretted through forty-five years has never tain of the Franklin Company, so duty and he went iuto the thickest many years in, the national House j IpfV-Representatives,?- and". with marked ability, v ; -v :; Raleigh Christian Advocate: He w as a3 good man , axv- u pright 1 judgerand one of bur most pro'm- inent arid "useful .citizens. . f Jle leave's a large; circle of - friends and, relatives to mourn his death. ... Charlotte .Chroniels:. Judge ure to tie adopted as; scon a3 "hey i Davislwas. a gallant ofiicer-in .the 7th inst.at the age of 64 regain control of the House of Rep- "Oonfedexate service. :IJe served Mr. Davis death was not a second period: of reeonstniction nl'Cuxrand was appointed to the '.yoan' having n in the Southern 'States, tto subvert Supreme Court bench on tho death f ronT a'stroke'of L uis'r.i; Respectfully," " ; ; R. R. Harris & Co; , N. C. - ; DAVIS'. OoanoEaofe X - M ? i1" : ai. . i IV Ml I 1 1 llu I H Different private ojiaracter.; wa3 - without j wnrbo a-ehock to them.- Judge laemish, and men wbokuew him I Davis was a captain . in Gov. bcst :Yalued hi3 '-friendship , most. Scales brigade during the - war, - xvaieign . v iEiior:; . ivunougn j auu reprcseuieu uiainti,- in the precarious health, of - Judire t Concrress for - many years. - Ho Dayis. forsome time past has pre-J was ; appointed -and: aft'erw JjlD3B33i lor all Fartilizer Ssllersr FOR SALE BY vn saw FKANKLIXTON, N. C. ;-;; ' - ! . rricR $2.25 per book". Express a!J if you state where you this advertisement. resenttives," the purpose and effect f iu Congress three - terms j from of which measure' will be to establish 4 1874, beihff succeeded bv !Gener- iiwnHd for tha nt two of thrA tamed a good practice never recovered rvo.v,, UU1 m- of jildge Ashe. . - lu; politics he he had about that-time,- Most of name a new race antagonism and r " - i til . . . . Sectional aninwisitfer & rr-.Trn-.v" ..-;. V1" o v Ttioi a- ':itAmnni l f' . aiiQ ijiii oi perye. .' , ii)s t Davisand the news of hisdeath formj-'andtfeaactnient'Qfws that will remo ve the burdens of .the people relative to theexist1hgagf ir cultural depression, and da full and ample justice; to the farmers affd' la borers of pur country.: 3.- That we demand the "abolition of national' tion in-lifeu sued business system, regulating 7; the -amount! puduc wue ana several emmren. nexided m ei per; capita basja; as the 1111 onr'totate who stood more ! The follow i'her resolutbns were buainejja interestapf the country. ex- deservedly high with tti people j passed by students at Chapelllill: pana. ana tnat nil money issued .by 1 ot all classes." in all public rela- j n with unfeigned sorrow that ine government snail oe legal tender tions ua Congressman or; J anst he ve faye this day heard that Al in nis munite wis- ot-mTnrk'n A1 irk li 1 a 1oi . hat we demand that Con2rrQ3sl n... t.:;;j.::.jv:i I self to the social circles ,-- who-for mora than -three-score Ealejgh Signal:; Justice Davis j. years has nobly breasted the was a man ot lair aDiiity ana i storm of life: wm Las aervea liis possessed the confidenceof :the j country faithfully and well, and peopletoj a remarkable. r degreet of whom she is justly proud. His lie represented this district in j career as citizen, soldier, attor Congress for six years," and has j ney, legislator, judge ia part been on the Supreme Court bench j of the history of our Stae; his seven years., lie was w; years sterling integrity and. many. pri- had the slightest jar.- : : . jin after life Ihe honors that his 1 of the fray, and stood at an. abl j" He-was born of highly respecta- host of admirers delighted to heap j exponnder of tha Democratic faith. ble parents ittFrankliu county, N. jupon him ho wore as modestly as J Through all tho temptations L- t3., ip 1828. He settled at Oxford I the humblest citizen. kept his hands clean, his eonl par after obtaining his license to prac- I . Capt. Daris, for such Ma Gran-1 and his heart npright. Whether tico his profession," the law. Two 1 ville friends called him, and io I on the hustings denouncing recou x . I it : (.1 I. f.h 4 1 -u..f!i r . preme Court which occurred atlyr,,urc ycara. ;iaicr uo uiamcu wuicuuuo ub cifc iuuok iiuuvffu.iniuiuu vi uhj.u;, iu vvnrv- lIl(J iui55 rxatnenne. tnaw, . oi - iouis-1 was uoru. in tiranvuie coaniy icLarapionmg nnanciai reiorm.ua burg, and removed to that pleas- alout the year 158. lie was ed- j waa tuo pioneer lor tbls reform) at ant town on the Tar wherehe has ucated at the University of North j the t ar pleading for justice aud resided ever since. He soon. , ob- Carolina, and practiced law in j right; or on the bench settling th When the Oiford during the early years of I law, or in the private walks of lift throughout the length and breadth of North Carolina. -: - Rocky MouniArgonant: We have the-saddnty to perform of chronicliug the death cf Assoc i ate Justice, J. J. Davis.'of bur Su his home in Lduisburp, on years nnex pect-ea as ne naa been almost .an banlis, aiid thesubstitu-Uu 1 tion. . of legal tender; Treasury notes I .. j J c ! , ' ' r it - v'n - i r 11 r Judxje Davis was a . - -v - i lci nil uaLiuii. v u Liiti . . i ii iiiii ii i.i. w i-i n aa c . 111 nitiiLi u i iiiav.i m. 1 1 -- -- of:nat:onal bank-notes. is-1 ' :---v.. v: ;.'.,'---...: . , ... J . - .,... . I iAl1ont n. nT ham in Buffidoat "volume t do tl ' ' -. .u, . . i i tnnn ijaro m.i wiin liih uiinnsi inn liidirint-niiiiiLV. lie cu n oi ine-couacrvi.cn a casn 1 r T ' . - 1 . ..rvi.n::. va warjeame on he raised a company and - rendered . excellent service, suffering a captivity ' of several mouths in a loathsome Northern prison.- He was elected to the Federal Congress from the Raleieh I the Franklin people In their love District and served for six years I for him. And as an illustration o with much acceptablen ess, useful- the universality of this attachment ne3s and credit to himself. He it may be stated that vrhen .Hon. wasappointed t5. the Supreme Josiah Turner opposed Capt. Davis ardsl Cur Bench by iGoveruor Scales, j for Congress every vote, white and and re-elected at the last elec-1 black, in Louisburg township was cast for Capt. Davis. . man -of ex-11- JuJge.Davis was a man of .facts nd discretion, and statistics. He had a mind re- his profession. Afterwards he j there was no position or placo l.o moved to Louisburg, where he has (did not adorn, and none came un lived ever since up to the time of ! der the radius of hi iutlaence wl. hisdeath.' . ....J was not helped to purer iivingand '1 lie Uranvllle Peonle vieil with ! mcYe rainouc aciion. iLcro an r.in, amount of the same,1 n l.hP wo the proud title of a pure and mighty God p; iti pr r ton, in money wooiiC; "patriotiejman while as a Caris- dera has su 1S0UQUETS, DESIGNS, ETC. Fine Cut Flowers in Greaf Vari ety. ';;.L;;B; Bouquets, Baskets ' and Designs tastefully arranged. - Panjpa Plumes, Magnolias and other choice evergreens, ugar and Silver Maple,' Horse Chestnut and other shade trees; i-irlv cabbage and tomato plants; at the right season. . . Orders promptly filled and sat-' isiaution guaranteed. 4';-j H. STEINMITZ, FilrisIP Raleigh, Ndvfl alienc.a-nd-:foreign;syndicat the State. ,' He that all lands now; held by railroads a most, worthy citizen ; honored -Land other corporations, irTexcess of . J and esteemed by his fellow si an such as is actually used and :needed i Tiis takintr off will caiise sorrow by thembe; raimed:byte ernment and held for actual settlers T ; vT, , f v " t- "Is c - ;;Vnaioam-vecoru."; oo pre-cuii- NOTICE. II;. IT12T n'iallfif.1 fl PVPOtlt.AT nlrhtaaf.' i i vmiwio . 1UOU ;' .fsramat of W. B. Uza!e,ec'd ;'" I,,,s!!l-indebted to the estater. herai rirr10'l T t0 1Dake. imme''i"te.-.aTid- fiEy. :..: against. tne eatfl i .... i 8a5Be to ns on or-hefore ' V i.m.i if,u:) or tms notice will hi nlea ' i in liar of ;i ruinuow 1, . mi.:. t ... . T v-1 j uuicuu. 4.um iyxu V Jno. H; TJzzlb Wif. EUzzi'B.-"-- l.xecntors of W. B, Uzzle, dec'dI Scientific AEacrlcaa Agency for shall pass such laws as shall effectu ally prevent the dealings in futures of all agricultural and mechanical productions; ' providing such' strifi- gent system of procedureiin; trials as shall secure prompt conviction S."'-V " "' . m- ' ' " ana imposing-i sucn , penalties as shall seenre the most perfect compli ance with the law. " :-- 1 5. . That we demand the free and unlimited coinage of silver. 6. -That we -demand the passage of laws prohibiting the alien owner- ship i of landandf that Congress take early s teps to d ey is some plan to obtain all landsnow owm d ' by 61dr.:iThe State.has 'lost, a valua ble citizen. - - r.Tarboro "Advocate: 5He is said! to, have been an . exemplary -mau in every wayr liis aeatu -is . a vate .virtues -&re the consoling heritage of his family and friends. In testimony of. our respect for his memory , we, tho' students ,of this law school, of which Tie was was anhonored aluranns have - Resolved l."That in thedeath of Joseph J. Davis, tle University of North Carolina law school has lost from its ranks ouCTof its tru- est and noblest alumni, - , T -. r . i. . il . . . 1 . IkT it. rV-.-v--- i?l;-ii-'t....-i.4t 1 r anai luepeopic oi ioru rr . -r . ' 1 "-- V 11K11LI V AlUUCfib WHS U iUUk 41V ttO I - - . - - iy relieving m xne jooctrme oi - ' . . . . . : i pPfti;nj, havft iost an earnest nalghm.toall. vxAitzi.-x : n i-a tuj. i i jfl.vis. ' u lie iwas -fLBe laituiui : - ' . ' T T -;T--s-.-: -- ur-.-rf. I ..J-. - : : WicA rrinmtnon and defender Of t ci vnT.irtTi iv o t. t rTi o i T. htotq - o n i r i k.r- iti iin lit wu 111: i &cs a a aa.a t not be -used to bd 'up on in terest this district for six jears," having brla-atilie'eipen been elected; in 1874, "1876 . and belieyeattSe: inijney ofthe 1878, and ho candidate ever came cbufitry-should be kept ns 'much as ; to this county as a stranger ' and I.P1. won more''friendthan did W. oni CAVEATST .Jr TRADE MARK) DESIGN PATENT! rADVDIAUTO . MU NN&agn free Handbook write to - -i Oldest buFeau Be9adway' NEW YORK.-. ery PatintS'J'ng patents in America, lte public by a SIShLSH, 118 brouttht before . UJ,a notice given free oi charge in the etttific;ti(jij worfd.8 Spi?nm!,w ftaB7 entif!1'per1n'the and hence we deman dh at all.:reve-v nue, -iCatioiiai , t atoj birf county, shaljtwlim peases Tbiiiiesgoternment econbm caliy aiidhoesU3admini3fceredT -f 'i n . mi. " - I.' : tuT' o. JLiiuii uoxixress 13BUeUBUUlUieill amount of fractional paper cu rren cy to facilitate theexchange through theiAeliintoofhCilJnited v 91 Tliat - thi Gbnera Assembly pass such laws as will make the pub lic school system move t-ffective that tha blessinga of education xn ay. be extended tQ.' all,;thepepple of the Stete a likX- Resolved Thatwe fay or a gradu ated tax oniteoine's-; :.jr 'X ? Answer This Question. " . -" Thy do so many people we see m ron n 4 n s seem to . prefer to BofleT and b mBde-miBer .ble iy IndisreBtion.Constipation. Dizziness. 1.0RS of Appetite, Coming up of the Food. I ulicw SSin,- When fesr 7oe we will sell tliem SbiU'h'i Vitalizer. guaranteed to i-nre them. Sold bj:Thomas& A jcoeke Lonisburg.aud T. C-J yner. Franklinton. X. C. In 1887 he was appointed a Jus tice of the Supreaie ' Court to fill the' vacancy occasioned by the d eath of J tid ge'ishev' and ; was elected to that position in 18S8. It was oar pleasure to have; been intimately acquainted withJ udge Davis, 'aad iu our opinion Nrth Carolina' has never lost a purer public servant or a-more patriotic land devoted son than this distin- guished geutleman, t - . J Drham ShrrThe" announce ment of his death will carry sor row' ;to thousands i of hearts throughout the State, v He was a pure man;-and "upright man; a j ust m an ; an d one who added lustre to. the -history of North CarolinarX; . -Z v ' AXduisburg correspondent of A their rights. : -. - - - . 3. That .Lis career fnrnishes to the young men of our State es pecially those iwho are about to embark in the practice of lawr a niodeithat will be usef ul for them to follow and difficultfor them to improve upon. - - : 4." That we tenderly commend to our Heavenly Father the loved ones about his hearthstone. Wo cannot understand the blow, bat we bow in,' submission to. Hiqi whose act it is, and of whom we are told - 'He' doctli all , things weil.":'; . : ; -:i ' .;5J That the secretary. be in iustrncted to furnish a copy of these resolutions to the family of thedeceasedt and that copies be furnished to the leadiufr Stato papers Tor publications V Ep, Mckeathils, , ; H. McRae, Frep. Moore, : - ' - Committee. "- SheparpBtaj:, Secretary lawyer, and 1 n n n si I Inn QVWU . .A M V W . . . W He was of rare decision of charac ter, open as tho day," generous; true, Ihe v5ry soul of honor, - mag nanimous, incapable of anything not manly,. truthful and upright. In fact we do not. believe a more honest .and honorable man ever lived in North Carolina. When in Congress it w"os this writer who bestowed upon him the sobriquet of 4Honest Joe. We caught the word from the name given to Sen- tor John Davis, -of Massachusetts,' when we were a lad. Our Davis deserved the title as much "as tbe mau from Massachusetts deserved it... -r.--.- - Not being of the law we give no opinion of Justice Davis's opin ions while -on the "Bench. He delivered "honeat judgments we know.- no was married twice, his,, sec ond wife being Miss'Louisa ; Kit trell, of Oxford, who aurvivea him. She ia a sister of Mrs. Gilliam, rcl- ictbf the late admiral Jude Rob ert B. Gilliam, of r Oxford. The last time we gra.ped his hand and bade him' good byo waa in onrown home after spending an evening with us, for he was the best man, at the marriage of Mwifo and" I. We saw no decay no sign that-in two yeais.he would pass and never more should we greet each other in this world, lie talked much that nightTlo be ever, remembered by -us of the condition of our coun- try;' and feared coming evil.- His waa a lofty soul, and he was every inch a patriot and a. man. We have had. to writewith exceeding hnrryjand'nnder ,heavy. pressure of other duties , of the -.office, and not as we would like "to write of oue'r of . the -truest, eafest, .most devoted friend we have had in a long life-'We shall cherish his memory. May. God "bless the be reaved ones hia wife, and chil dren and many kin. . . -'' ' .Tho Oxford Ledger pys: When a man's life has. been' auch that he has received apd deserved the prefix of honest to his - name, hia death calls for more than a "passing notice.' Such an one has Jutt paseed sembling that of Colonel Walter L. Steele and General. Scales, both of whom were his devotedfriendj. When the greatest speakers of he- Republican party in the raet- ropolltian district opposed tira on he stump, his friends feare d that he coald not meet their wit and jest; but when he stood up before the inimitable Ike . Young and poured Into the Republican party the withering sarcasm born of hon est contempt -of . their methods, Isaac's jests and gibes and qulbs went for naught, aud the people whooped and voted for Honest Joe Davis.' " When Judge Ashe died,. Gran ville Saperier court was io session, and our bar thought Capt. Davis should succeed him. A apoutane- o;is effort was made in his' behalf. and Gov.. Scales wisely appointed CapC Davia to our Supreme bench. On this exalted plain ho .so con ducted himself as to ,gtva . great satisfaction to his friends and to uphold the etandard of rarity of the bench , " Bntwit!i th.e things ho waa cot engrossed withal.- It was his home and his family and hit town and his poor neighbors and, the canse of Christ that most engaged his time and hls sympathy. , Ha knew not lh love nor valaa of money. Tho los cf his little grand-daughter and the wrecking j of his estate in navinir the deltH of ollicra precipitated greatly hia uleath. .:- - " - 5 . North Carolina . tiCTfr had a worthier son. The youths f the land can find no better mMel for their conduct than our departed friend. Ho died in the faith of the Episcopal Church,' and leaves behind a widow and four children to mouru bia virtues., .Mr. Josphua Daniel?, editor of the North Carolinian, ear?: ' lUr- ly in the summer ho waa taken to Beaufort, buteceWcd no improve ment and two or threw weeks ago he returned to the home he loved dearly, arid araopg the pecplo whose confidence and esteem he enjoy edj to await tho summons which he knew would not bo lecg in coming. - He was ready for tho but two other men 1 have known well whese lives and eouruel ha directly given re higher atpira. tious and loftier appreciation t f duty aad of the threo. Judge Da was easily the noblest and ra helpful. He belitved somethiii and he believed it iatentely. 1 1 an age of flippant dlsmsion, S 4- perficial views,'ar.d political anrtt ;e held fait to the Led rtk princl." pies cf pure Democracy. He icved in the people. Ho love I them. He trusted them. M(s than that, he had a confidence i and affeetion for the people r4 North Carolina that was snblin: I have often thought that this lv t was foadectionato Jhat coy I not well diaceni the faulta of 11. North Carolina voter. He aiwa; ctoutly maintained that, knonii -j lest of books and lettert Jhjin.il- Massachults voter, 'the NortU Carolinian kuew mere about pot. ernment aud was there forv amr intelligent voter and more tmlU cjtuen. H attributed this iu, -rior information to the educatinx inflaencci of stump tasking u NortUCaroliua. !e was r.ot : of your gol sort i( men ix. (... fear of giving offence, wool! I f wrong doinj enrchuked. I knew what it wsj to.fsrl rihtco. 4 itidiiiatiou and i-vpre lhen.;o. . Then were two or th." sab'ecU upon which h cculd i. talk without fcliuga of uch -dignation that he rould ute'l". tronj:est terms of -denunciat--Oce of thefowas the rubber a the r-pH lhrouj;h tb,.protc!i-. ta-iff. Ha looked largely at i -l.ioral aspect of the question, believed it was unholy and imm -al thua to vob the many to tu. -up a f mail circle of rich uatM , lie underj tood the question. VJj. in Congrcii he had studied it i't all it a aipictf aad with the pf'" ble exception, of irenator no dso in th? State bad a cl . -r nnd".itandiii of Ihs tariff q: -r;cn, and ils'diaastroufl effects -. on all agricultural a-ctio. fnnacr times he had been a.h , "but he wc so deeply imprf 4 with iho iniquity of the tariff ! r islatior. wo now Lav? that h . poed any aud all "incidents! r -tectlca. Another matter h called up his righteous Udlgnal was the d-mciiftiialian of IIentered cougi-5 lrc yesrs . tcr thai infuray had Uu p"'! trated. ii sought. to' bars a i- i m rf xionclixf d, and to the day r.f 1 ceath hc n?ver failed to leus-:.' 1 - A

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