1 -V; -V.-'-j': TIMES 1 II if 1 iii j. J. lETOJIiSE Clarity for alL ; ; ..... l.SQ TER JLSXCJf, 1m J Jrmm. VOL. XXI. - :.; V - - LOUISBURG, N C., AUGUST 26, 1892 ' . . - - NO.-!V. AX Highest of all in Leavening PowersLatest IX STGoVt Report A WARNING FROM TEXAS. 11 WHAT! 9 i IS IT HAS IT DONE CAN IT DO . ' The original aud-Ouly genuine Compound Oxvgen Treatment; that of Dre. Starkey & PaW is a scientific" adjustment of tKe ele ments of Oxygen and Nitrogen magnetised; and the compound is so condensed and made portable that -it is sent all over the world. -': r - It has been in use for over twenty -years; thousands of patients-have been treated, and over one thousand physicians have nd it and recommended it a very signifi cant fact, w"-',,' .' - . Compound Oxygen its aioae 01 Action id Results," is the title of a book of 200 11. i i i t n i i . iL ti... - which gives to all inquirers full information as to this remarkable curative agent and a good record of surprising cures in a wide rane of chronic cases -many of them after being abandoned to die' by other phy si rums. Will be mailed free to any address on application. - ' Das. STARK EY & PALET ir,2 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 120 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal. Please mention this paper. STATE DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. an Jaffins and Caskets: We have added largely, to our stock, and now carry a full line cf these goods from the plainest wood eoilin to the fine&t plush or v lvet covered casket. Also a :' line of coffin hardware, lin s, trimmings, &c. -11 of l oe sola at reasonable Respectfully, ' R. R. Harris & Co. L"uisburg, N. C. ; - - AdopteMay 18, 1892. .- Resolved IT That the Democracy of North Carolina reaffirm the prin ciples of the Democratic party, both State and National, and particular ly favor the free coinage of silver and an increase of the currency, and the repeal of the internal revenue system. ;,-And we denounce the Mc- Kinley tariff bill as unjust to the f consumers, of the country, and lead irig to the formation of trusts, ora bines and monopolies which have oppressed the people; and especially do we denounce the unnecessary and burdensome increase in the tax, on cotton ties and on tin, so. largely nsed by the poorer portion of the people. -7 We likewise denounce the iniquitous Force ; bill, which , is not yet abandoned by the Republican party, but is being urged as a meas ure to be adopted as soon as they regain control of the House of Rep resentatives, the purpose and effect of which measure will be to establish "a second period "of reconstruction in the Southern". States, to subvert Tolitleal Opinions, FlftTiag- Too Brash. we have had eomcthing of this kind to contend with every 4 years am. D. nr. PHiiiiiiPS writes to 1 ior tne past so years.; .Tnese: new mere anyming mine reonie's I u is apparent loeTeryone iwho WARN HIS BROTHERS " ims Rnrino- !ntr -TfitMra HVa DttTtv doctrine that ha K tftndftn. n ri? v An tliA Tnlillrl mushroom on. a July uiehf and die cy to pervert men's moral natures? I field that the third ixr neter Of the Danger of Being JxA Astray in NOVfim;flP . knwiWl In n It looks like it. StatMillle Land- wonld h vnel lS'th August sun. - They usually elect a mark. - : :-1 . 1 South if the men who conducted SoiM tiu- full county ticket in some tbunties " When a voter makes ophismlnd y1 xaotementjbad not counted T.iuPUiQ TVrin. Ano- R -;Q2'. wheretnev are verv stroncr a lew Unr..i mA- f . ...vt.. npon iLe supporter, ice ltepobli Mb.-Jas. A: Philltps, Riley's X legislators,- ana now ana men a he 8 in a conditiorrto vote awav Roads, N. C. C; a r ; . Congressman, who invariably votes his freedom without knowing it. Dea' Brother: I have just "with the Republicans on ali.ques- De accepts from the hand of a po- learned that yoa are still a good biV" 4UWi65- v Ulical master the literature that Democrat but- that bro'thers-J&id South j,ata- 1 ain .the .Iejn- wln soonest make- hi nx a : mental can leaders and the votes they could barter. The Repablican leaders encouraged the move ment becaus they thooght they saw in it a prospect of dividing and Leven are somewhat with Republkanism or5 3rd ism, which is worse. " - lease say ta them that I am as Veil posted tainted vvT." "r"'"oa " yv"y slave, ana soonrtherearter be reads "v .v Darty- s ppV"ou fcU only what he is commanded to '"4,";, 1 D 1 . I L CaU. nLttLB LiUniUlCIfl. I ' . - Just how any .Southern white the first there has been an under standing between the schemers ocratic ship, and should she ever " F""4"" "cu, on both sides. They sop out of ro down to a waterv erave. von canbnoff bimsejf to voto against eamo dhli on tbe m04slfriend. will have one brother (the. writer) J?6 f1 ?r.fhJ'W Ij terms. aboard, and who will have at least Iw n , ' T Did anTotie erer W tbwe one eroat consolation left, which " thlru party beadligbU abusing uu ueea buoui evervinini? a man die, I will ever be found standing I fitwtnrttlw af 4la V a1m f V 1 4 'l 1am on the political issues ot tbe day - man. in possession of hi. faculties, as the average man. having made it a profound study for .the past 15 years, therefore I know whereof I speak wlien I tell yon that the ex isting ism: known as the 3rd or People's party is nothing more or less than a welMaid scheme' of the Republican party through the Al liance and rother labor organiza tions to rnnture the Democratic nartv. Well, do the v know that a feeble to exPlain " a11 tbe . - T , J Lt.l. . . I tn.i . i .1 . - fcBftuu wrvuKB wuicu tire iu-i Y uai a cucciacio I o ... I J v.i l A i. 1 it I r ii t i - i llanrl ark rnr nHl 7 uay oeiug lurusk bi. us uy vms bo-i 01 lue iiortn Carolina itepuDiicans i . groat is there is a God in the Democrat ic party. : Had I time and space nothing that would afford IriA TLnnVkllran leader? - i can pe except a patriot ana gen- Di(1 anT one erer ht.r ihtrn I )am on im Ana r f 4lt a tn n r.aV sn. I . . there is I "y"vw"J'IC"c"- criticise any or 1'reaident liarri bid to mings .na. .we navo uoi oEcUl acU 0f denounce him more pleasure than to try in my . " "v"w " for being oppoaea to tbe free I Uaya ar.i wauaav va ess v ava iuivw w y have and still do abuse Mr. Cleve- heo they eat down on ILirry , Skinner Uecaase be refuMd t c- cepi the bominatlon for Govt rner unlets it was understood tb$ be could withdraw if the RSabU- racs ran a ticket, they not only showod their hand, but threw fthe dfcgnUe they had b-eira wesring arTJl appeared in their right garb as' Republican allies. They have had 'the rope, and they have got tbemelvea tangled op In It so badly that they can't get out now. even with such Re publican ajsUtanca.aj tuty teae to their relief, . The llmple truth i, they were not smart enough to play the game they undertook to play, and permitted themselves to be plsyei-by the Republics who played them to use theta. Wtl. Star. A Good Pol&t. The leader t-j ii v,!i DAVIS' Keeping the Different amount of the same, pt-npr inn. in raonev otcouod. f the Sootji andJWest and the poor class of Whites in the North have been awakened to the fact that they have been deceived for the past 25 years by. the said Republi can party promising everything and doing nothing iu . their favor. But upon the other hand have passed laws which have added mil- called Jeffersonian 3rd or Peo ple's party Democracy. Your brother; ; D. W. Phillips. The Old Vets. Wilson Mirror. - W turn ftWAv fnr a momnt the liberties of our people, and in- non8 ihe already rich in way of from the maddened political cur- flame a new race antas:oniam and sectional animosities. - - 2. That we demand financial re form , and -the" enactment of laws that will remove the burdens of the people relative to the existing agri cultural depression, and do full and ample justice to the farmers and la borers of our country; 3. That we demand the abolition of national banks, and thesubstitu-1 tion of legal tender Treasury notes in lieu of national bank notes, is- sued m sufficient volume to do the business of the country on a cash system, ; regulating the- amount needed on a per capita basis as "the business interests of the country ex protecting the capitalists and man ufacturers - of the North which causes a continual drainage oi money from the South, the result of which -is. to-day there is no money, notning to eat, every ooay in debt, and nocredit in the rent, with its surging billows of crimination and recrimination and accusation and anathemas, to touch upon a 'theme that reaches the heart and awakens-its tendercst emotions. Ve wish ' to speak of e'n-1 those war-maimed and battle- tire South. ! Of .conrse this did not I scarred heroes, those glory wreathed affect the West to the same degree 1 ConfederateVeterans who hold or extent aa it did the South, it be- their reunion in Wilmington this ing undeveloped and a constant week.. And while the ' reunion stream of emigration coming in all will awaken memories of hallowed the time from the North and South I days gone by and bring back the writing to the Progressive Farmer,- advising the people of the State what to do. Democrats do you see f To Third party men he says: "You run your Congress ional and State ticket. We will vote for and help eject it. In re turn we expect you to see that our vote for, Presidential electors is counted and we will carry the State for Harrison and Re id. You may have the State ticket if you will give us the Presidential elec tonals. Was there ever before in the history of the State such a bold, light-handed piece of politi cal tradiugf- Will the Democracy of the State sit stil and see this outrageous thing done f We do not believe it. Wilson Advance. It is to be deplored that the peo ple are being misled by ignorance1 and mendacity. Prejudice is the Did'anr one ever hear them referring to Mr. Harrison as a "tool," "attorney" &c, of Wall itreetf These are stereotyped, pet epi thets when speaking of Grover Cleveland. , .... . . . . i no ever neara inem,.ieuomice tional feeling who would me ueruDiicau party in tne un- v.Te ns.i .:nn.r the Th Progressive Parmer copies, and com mend j as a "good point," the following from tie CI into a Caaslan: A great deal isbelog stid, by many of the papers about tmno partisan and sectional otterar.cet made by Mr. Weaver daring an 1 just after the war. Rat we fall to tee the point. What would we have thought cf a Southern man during those years of bitter not measunred terms they, do Democratic party for the defeat of the silver bill f And yet there was a majority of the Democrats in the House and a majority of the Democrats in the Senate in favor cf free coinage, while there was a ma jority of the Republicans in the House and a majority of the Re publicans in the Senate opposed to it. This is hypocritical and dis honest, but they are at least con sistent in It, for their fight is e i predion a The leaders For u rands, pri Just tbs B30l for all Fertilizer Ssllsrs. FOR SALE BY S. Gk DAVIS, n FRANKLINTON, N. C. Price $2.25 per book. Express prepaid if you sfte where you saw this advertisement. GUT FLOWERS, BOUQUETS, DESIGNS, ETC. which bronghtrwith it considera- treasured scenes of the long ago ble wealth, and our lands are also still 'there will be presented a som-i ruling feature, in all the appeals a great deal more fertile and pro-1 bre background . of gloom whose I made against the Pemocrats and pond, and that all money issued by ductive than yours. Yes, this un- shadow will darken many a heartH that is grounded on ignorance and thb irnrommnnt Vifll Kalanrol 4rrw1t.w I 'Ji.a.ImSnnliir. ' Dsnn nn-r, I fn vn until V a drum Vioof tT Iot- 1 ltttlan&ft TViA nAn1 win( rk- I vuuu MMt,uwiiu uwi,o. uuuwu . -v. -.u - r-- 'tn 1!HUTm 79tB tm'kn. was elected to Congress as a Dea- a about the North r of thoirght and action cm both aides did the same thing; and were applauded by their pop1 and if they had done lets would have lost the.rtspect of even the other side. In fact. It was the most patriotic and high spirited that were the atronget partisans In those time; and tbe test of true manhood both North and South is now to be able to bury all those feelings and to join hands In a great fight for ths cause of humanity, in a- great inpayment of all debts; both public party. With extravagant approprir uity is heard will, all that noble lief; they ought to have it; they and private. . ations. nrotection of "manufactur- Lband unite. But it is meet and listen to what seems plausible and 4. That we demand that Congress and tKeir wx Tension laws becoming that the survivors should eaeerly eeek ' for advice. Such 111 --m -mm .a . . I A. 1. W . 1 W W snail pass sucn laws as snail ettectu- , , . fca. .v-ntea and en. come together once m6re. and re- men as Freeman and Hoover have any prevent the dealings nr futures l . , - .. , - w . , anA tvnaA ;rpnM nf ,rW5on of ail agricultural and mechanical 1 . , , .... . . r . - , " , r . productions; providing such strm- . , rt I ,JS .v u tne JNOrin. VJUr Diaie elections I suutueru euiuier lauiuus tuo wwrm two vears ae-o nroved to them that! wi&e over. whicH trave to the - J O- " I ... - F . . W Fine Cut Flowers in Great Vari ety. . ; . . Bouquets, Baskets and Designs tastefully arranged. Pampas PI umes, Ma gnol ias and other choice evergreens. S gent system of procedure in trials as shall secure prompt conviction ana imposing sucn - penalties as shall 8ecnre the most perfect compli ance with the law. 5 That we demand the free and unlimited coinage of silver. b. mat we demand tne passage of laws prohibiting the alien owner ship of land,: and , that Congress take early steps to devise some plan to obtain all lands now owned bv alien and ; foreign syndicates; and that all lands now held by railroads and other corporations in excess of such as is actually used and needed by them, be reclaimed by the go v- the ear of a great- many. They don t hesitate to advise wit bout a knowledge of what is for their best-interest. They know . noth- unless they made the greatest fight of their - existence in - 1892, the reins of this Government would justly be" wrenched from their hands and to-day they -have hun dreds, yes, thousands of subsidized newspapers and' 2x4 (wolf in sheens . clothincr) politicians all over . our Southern J and Western States calling themselves People's or 3rd partyites, .who are holding continued "religious and ; political, cam meetings with the h6uest far mer and wbrkingman and trying 5ugar and Silver Maple, Horse J ernment and held for actual settlers to pollute the fair name of the Dem- Chestnut and other shade trees.: Early cabbage ftnd tomato plants at the right Beason. Orders promptly filled and sat is i action guaranteed. V H. STEINMITZ, Florist,: Raleigh, N. C. NOTICE. " JW' IT.ving qualified as executors of tho last Hiii jiihi lestament of W. B.. Uszle, doe'd,: ii persons indebted to tbe estate are tierar i.v notified to make immediote.-aud aiiv I'.irtj holdicg a claim acraiust the'trtte " nl prpwvit. the satne to bs on or. Wore May 16th 189;?. or this riniii will Wnlosiri., I'l in bar oi a recovery thereon. This May- J NO. Hi DZZliE, Wll. K. ITzzle. Execntors of W; B.; Uzzle, dee'd. J Scientifio Ainerlcaa Agency for : only.- 7. . Behevinglin a the doctrine - of "equal- rights to all and I special privileges to none," .wedem and that taxation," NationaForv Stated shall not be used to build up one interest ocratic party by thus taking ad vantage of the - illiterate and dis satisfied masses by- telling them that the Democratic party is re sponsible f or the f present deplora ble condition-)f affairs. Ye3, Southland a theme for the highest ing about the general politics of notes of poesy and of song. Aud the country, they don't know the when truthful history shall record details of any of the plans they the grandeur of the devotion, and promulgate; they take the pre the splendor of daring, exhibited seriptions offered through the Pro by these very men who have met gresslve Farmer and follow the at 'Wilmington,- the very pages lead of men whose advice they which recite their struggle, though bearing now the dust of defeat, and still wet, with the nndried tears of remembered disappoint ment, will be found -glistening with, the resplendent" lustre, of that magnificent - effort, which alone should follow, triumph, and which now tions that which time will never wither. would not take in the common est affairs of --life. Wilson Mir ror. ' Living in Tbe Sooth. OESION PATENTS MTmS11 S2.4ftfee Hsnflboolc write to Wkliw ttrt black-legs, orblack; country should be kept as jmuch jib possible in the hands of tho people, and hence we demand that alb reve nue, National," State; or :jcounty, shall be limited to the necessary ex penses of the- government economi cally, and honestly administered; S; i UfSITliat congress itJ3ue asunicient amount of fractional paper curren cy to facilitate the exchange through the medium of the United . States mail;' ' r; S SJ--Z:'- '-r':. 9: irhat.theGeneraV Assembly pass such laws as will make the pub lic school sV8tem more effective that the blessings of education may be extended to all the people of the Resolved,. That .we favor agradu- atea tax on incomes. . . Oldest KtSLZ0-! 861 Bboadwat.-Kbw YORK. Eve1VnSSu securing patents la Amerta fhfU. J?,?1 token out by s4a brought befoj vuuuo oj a nottoe given free ot charge la toe Scientific ur seen ring patents in America. ore rareniatKm of any KientUle oaoer 4n th ftoZ- wfthout tt-WeeklyJ 3jOO a "1? ot & co: --i viixw .ara -.v...-. v ' Answer This Question. . .; - Why do so many people we see aronnd nn seem to preter to enffer and be nrBdp -miser able by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Coming np of the Food. iellcw Skin, when for 75c. we will sell them Shili h s Vitalizer. irnaranteed to care them Sold byThomas & Ayeocke, Lonisbnnr.and i', u. w jv uer, j; ra uKiinton, v. r Three times has Weaver Intro duced a bill in Congress to pay the Yankee soldiers the" difference riAtwn lhft value of. mohev IBev hearted South-haters would have -J a , 4 ?K V a V UUa ai g viva you -believe, that the Democratic haVel,een. , This Weaver is the party is responsible for the drouths candidate of tbe Third party-whose platform was made at St. - Louis, in the West, the cyclones and yel low fever in the South and "salmost for the cholera and famiue in Rus sia. Of course this does not apply to all the members, or rank:; and file of the 3rd party for these Republi- ja;h: . Af ni .... - i- V. . - - I vll CU .Ulllliuu uuuai - n i cans in" disguiso have converted some of our very best meu, and to- day tney are tne mtterest enemies la d T h & lhe caiamity howl of our party and as the negro said efS on; woul(1 imagine that fc the seem to be "sot in their ways nd -e Were poor enough, but to alkhell can't change them." Some v.hsn th , rano .a v j . The following taken . from the fly leaf of the MannfaeturerV gives to their reputa- Record is well worth studying: immortelle , of. glory ."A-poor man can make his lit- tie money gajurtuer in tne oouiu than in any" other section of this country." . . . "A man of modeste mrans can find better opportunities in the South for engaging "In business than In any other part of the country." - - - .-" - A manufacturer, with limited capital can find better sit?p, can buy his raw materials cheaper and can make larger profits from his business in tbe South than else where in the United States." 'A . man , who can command large amounts of capital can find in the South opportunities for in vestments that will pay him larg er returns than any other invest ments that the World can offer." and in that platform or an ancil lary. thereto,"was a resolution . de claring for the.same thing. This Weaver estimates that three htin- be, re quired to pay this, an average of five dollars for every person in the not against the Republican figbt tn tjj pteU and but against the Democratic par- lhe enemies of lutice and liber ty. Yes, there if a "good point here but it does not come out very pointedly until we elft tho arti cle to get at its "true inward ness. That is all yerj well. Partisanship "during those yens of bitter sectional feeling" was natural. But here Is the difference: Sj far as we know, it has never oc curred to the people of the .forth necessary to make a political leader of one of those "high tpir lted" partisans of the 8jalb, and we doubflf a Confederate briga dier could be elected constable anywhere north of Maon and Dixon's Line. It hat remained for such Southerners as made tbe "good point" in the abova para graph to stultify the record of . their section and to betray , tho most vital interests of their i fellow-countrymen; to apotLfiUx into a political "Moea" the Mi ner of a cause which their fath ers held sacred; to desert a leader of the patriotism and broad states manship of Cleveland for ft party hack whoee chief glory In patt years has 'been his abiJify ta out-Herod Herod" In raa!!gt ing the South; to Imperil white toprezarcy, and, cense ineotlj, good government in tbe South ern States by defection to tbj ocrat and by Democratic votes, and betrayed his trust by going over to the third parly), played for any applause in Congress he always looked to the Republican side and got it, because Tom Reed was using him aa a tool, to hclplcary out the Republican programme. They are not making a fight against the Republican party, because they are counting upon the co-epperation and assistance of the Republicans and don't dare to array any antagonism amongst them by criticising and and abasing Harrison's admin istration or the Republican Sen ate. - They think they are playing the game so fine that they can fool the good.people of this State w'ltom they expect to rope Into their so-called People' party, but they are fooling themselves more than they are fooling the people, who will, if they have not already, see through the bungling game. The fact is they presumed too much on the gullibility of tho people, and played their game a little too brash. When for the purpose of fool- of them have actually " quit work and are sitting around on . goods boxes waiting, for, the establish ment and reading of .the 2nd.- Dec- laration'of Independence . as they calf .it. ; They are strong in some localities of "our State, and I see party whicn they so love we must conclude that the people are to be made poorer. Any third partyite is requested" to disprove this. Tarboro Southerner. . The political situation in South Parol inn. -in resnect to the Demo- from the Press reports' that they cratic national ticket is encoura- iare the same in youx State. Butting. ; ... -- There is but one party capable of killing the Republican schemes of bayonet rule and uegro dorai na tion. All who are opposed tothese atrocious . measures should ; rally under the Democratic flag. Rcids ville Weekly. - Children Cry for PitcherCastcrli d manj mere. ing the colored voter they" play- Third party, with ne better mo. cd the agrcable to the colored tire than a hopecf a pplit In tie brother, and Invited him to come Democracy. in and take seats as delegates in Th "good point" ia ft native their conventions,jand then non- Xorth Carolinian who has teen inatcd them in some counties for accustomed U call himself a couty ofSces, they opened the Democrat voting for Weaver "eyea of & good many whose eyes has not yet developed; perhaps It had not been opened before, and may after a time. Cbarlott disertsted a good many others whodod't believe in this black and tan business. I And when they-followed this np by hobnobbing with Republi can wire-pullers at the State Con vention Ust Tuesday, they open ed the eyes of and disgusted a Chronicle. XVrvprjmia aJ Urrr Conr4aJrC Is Ili wLrih th atnaU jrk f fat W frv rocnrlf of ry jci; tt f lm d:.CrrirvC eir.r Icl, if vi tMak so rail at vrtrti-rr aal rt a t tl F'jU-jV Vlulor, rry Utiv hx a pnt4 a r. a : m ca it, ao . erJirvf!y o-l if It d-w ua atbU. -ikI T. C J of c-r. rruU.i&.

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