1 --: 'V- . ", " J. Ji., TlWUdsf. Editor ami Pjjdpridor i ; With Malice- ioicar'd none: ' ' IF ith Charitu" fur oZ. VOL. XXI. - NO. V- '--if-" Highest of jinjafen? SGROYERtGLEyELMD: ACCEPT AJfCB OF THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION FOR PRESIDENT, and .lidnest -money ; abuuaantly suBIcienj in volume to supply their busjnesS needs.1"' But whatever BE CONSISTENT. The Third party press and. K4 ABSOIZITEI. PmE a a M MtHI 3d HA I 9 IS IT HAS IT DONE CAN IT DO-1 The original and onl j genuine tompoand ToQ..t.:nAnt.. that 6f T)r8. iStarkey & r i.'ii is a scientific adjafetmsnt of ,the ele STATE DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. The following are "extracts fro.m the letter of Gjover Cleveland ac cepting the - nomination as the Democratic candidate for the pres idency of the United States : i - Tariff legislation presents a fa miliar form of - Federal - taxation . Such legislatioa results' as surely in a tax upon the daily life of . our . - Adopted May 18, 1592.- . Hesolved 1. That the Democracy J peopl$as the tribute paid directly raaybe-the form of-; the people's hf party speakers bare from I entrency nationab-vpr t ;6tate Vbe beginning oi ILe campaign whether gold; silver, or paper-it aaa a gooa aeai lo say or toe mis should be so regulated ti(K ;guardl representations made by what). R .J ..I V, 4 '. Hk l-littlOOUna S BO TOUMKusbu aim l 1,. portable that itita sent , all over the 1 1 h-is hpp.n in nse for over . twenty years; ri'm -amis of patients have been treated. I over one thousand physicians have u, . 1 it and recommended it avery sigaitt- '' 'r.Iinponnd Oxygen-Its-Mode of Action 1 K 'suits," is the title oi a book of 200 ', ., published by Drs Starkey & Palen, ! ;,i(-h 'f ives to all inquirers full information .,' , , this remarkable curative agent and a !, record of surprising cures in a vvide t r of i-.hronic cases -many of them after l,in abandoned to die by other physi ,.j.u,4 Will be mailed free to any address on application. gTARKEY & PALEN, i-, 1 Vrch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 12 Sutter Btreeu, oan t muviov, e by governmental action .or by J they are pleased to turn the Campbell wise and careful laVs that no ne I "Bourbons.? - They will not be L'cfe nnanitnouslj can be deluded as to the certainty nere one iiung wiey uear because and stability "of its valuer Every they do notUrust the Democrats dollar put into' the hjmdi.of. the o deal fairU. .In this they are people should be of thei.ame Ain- uustakcu. Democrats do - not trinsic value or purchasing-jiower. wish to make any. misrepresenta- With this condition absolutely tionsand if misstatements are guaranteed both- gold arid silver made they are usually corrected - i . .... . l ... l. l : .1 : of North Carolina reaffirm the nrin: in -tr.fl hand of, the tax-n-atherer. can be safely utilizea upon equal terms in the adiustmeut of oir 1 But as the reformers are so par State and National, and particular- MinTiW-t hA-'-wiind J currency.: Cr., . ... Ucular about having the Jruth Iy favor the free coinage of silver ed by any SOphistry that they "In. dealing with this subject mj toldj if they watch the Democrat ami tut mcrease oi tu currency, auu i.i i -i i ! - i ' i .1? I uu rep ui .muuyevu, . , ; . . to intervene and- no doubtful px menis ana errors; u mey oeneve tbe j nr e.)lrit of the Third rar- ojrom. Auunc uCUuUulc ure - - ; nAr IDPTltR RhOllM b RltftmtlLeQ. I in UOneStV. IU6V SuOUKl braCllCe I 1 V,.l. (1.1!.. .1 f. oiicn xaxes,- represeninig a r i - - - . i fcy m vainua diminutioifof the property rights The wants of our people arising it. n tney idiuk u bo unjuswn wLile preiiJent of the Alli nf tr.Annl -nrft-onlv instifiable from the deficiency or imperfect Democrats to assert things which ance allowed 8-300 and ex- I 1 x l -e 1 . i : I vA K. (n. than ariilr1 nnl whfin laid and collected for the aisinouuou oi money circu.auuu Kinley tariff bill as unjust to the consumers of the country, and lead ing to the formation ofjtrusts, com- THE RECORDS OF TWO ALLIANCE PRESIDENTS CONTRASTED. " The Senatorial Convention of 34th district was held in Ashel on the 7lh of September. Mr. Davis, of Haywood, and Mr. of Buncombe. ly nominated. Mr. Davis, in his speech of acceptance, said be was a farmer and an Alii anceraan, and was iroad of it, and had no war to make on the farmers who had attached to the third par ty. Mr. Davis, in speaking of who was the trne friend of the far mer said : Let me draw a contract between he ex-presldcnt of the Farmers Alliance, Mr. Eiias Carr, and Mr. Marion Butler, the pres ent president of the Alliance, and A PURE BAKINU PtiWDED. Kin rwa qtiH mn-n AnAlioa trViih o TTXk oppressed the people; and especially purpose of maintaining our gov- ought to be fully and honestly re- make such assertions themselves mention this paper. Colfins. aMGasMs. VT have added largely to. orur stock, and now carry a full line of these goods from the plainest wood coffin to the finest plush or velvet covered casket. Also a full line of coffin hardware lin ings, trimmings,-: &c. All of which ffi'l be sold at reasonable prices. " Respectfully, . R. R. Harris & Co. V - i . ivr - rt- - him mmi Keeping or LUds, the Different amount ot the same ton, in mbnsy or cotton. ji&Bjji for an Fcrtilizgr Sete FOR SALE BY S. GK JDJVTS, FU.VX'ELISTON, N. C. Price $2.25 per book. Express I v .; aiJ if you state where you s; v i his 'advertisement. do we denounce the unnecessary and burdensome increase in the tax on cotton ties and on tin, so largely jnsed by the poorer portion of the people. We likewise denounce the iniquitous Force bill, which is not yet abandoned by the Republican party, but is being urged as a meas ure to be adopted as soon as they regain control of the House of Rep resentatives, the purpose and effect of which measure will be to establish a second period of reconstruction in the Southern States, to subvert tne aoerues ot-our people, ana in flame a new race antagonism and ectioual animosities. 2. .That we demand financial re- torm, and tne enactment ot laws that will remove the burdens of the people relative to the existing agrL cultural depression, and do full and ample justice to the farmers and la borers of bur country. :': : ' 3. That we demand thV abolition- of national .banks, and thesubstitu tion of legal tender Treasury notes in lieu of national bank notes, is sued in sufficient' volume to. do the business of the country on a cash system, regulating : the 'amoun needed oh a per capita basis as the businessinterests oi the country ex pand. aSd that-all money issued by the srovemment shall be lesal tender in payment of all debts, both public and private. " ' : - .4. That we demand that Congress shall pass such laws as shall effectu ally prevent the dealings in futures of .ill acrfffriltural and mechanical ernment and furnish! n? the means or the accomplishment of its le gitimate purposes and functions This is taxation underthe opera tion of a tariff for penses. I know it to be a fact tha the last year of his presidency of the Alliance he only drew $1W of his salary and not one cent for his expenses. Mr. B itler on the oth er hand drew the -300 allowed by .revenue only. cognized and efficiently remedied. They require not only fair but It should, however, be constantly generous dealing from the Dcm remembered that the inconveni- ocrats. and they should accord the ence or loss that might arise from same. They do not always do such a situation can be much easier this. At a lumi party meeung. tl ron.titntion and eh&rccd for I , T 1 ll 1 1 i I : ll.t . . . n 4 .1. :, a m rwt I .... t accords with the professions of Dome man ine universal uwu-ew m iuia w.u cuVfc i.0 -- traveling near J '300, and besides which must Joliaw a discreauei; one oi ine ppeaKers raauc luc thir. borrowed S473. marine a to- I x a LiA.i il.. f US II I - " " curreucy. - , siaiemeni mai luerunc um ra tal of something over gl,3iJ0. At . XHR31ATTBR op pexsions. . passed by the Democratic lionse t-ie gute 8eMion of the Allianee at The AVerican people are gen:. Representatives. Now, such a Greensboro, a resolution waajaised erous and grateful, and they have . aiaieuieni coma oniy nave ueeu canceuing eaiti debt of 175. Mr. impressed these ' characteristics maaeinrougu ,gnoruc ur .rum DaTis M-ld be was at Greensboro A tAklajr Mdr iLv! ran L Lr;ti rd or-.o U Ui f ttv f rta hta a4-!m ia m d-lrttata In m dj of mi&U lerUl food. to ftr um U iLrl from th eCcUl rr-nt. ii ITr s-rcii to b th oalj cc yrt f.oad tj ebra eiiataijr tot ra:iri ULo;t on or th i'thT it tlx- wltitc-", mad tmlot-lT ran. ThU, It U ibvit, rrt&lu f rvnx ihm laJ & tr it mnufrturr of cr-arn cf tAr.ar px Ulljr and. pr(rwl by rtrtt prnr blca totAllr rao all ln IKtritiea. Tb tvmi ci UiU cbrmkaHy pnre mam nf Ufir U tatxa r!rr than aajr olLr, and it U c-d is av tk ICS roder eirft im ""ttojal. Ib- ioaanfartorrt of tub r.n! rv4 lum ti- (DUivl-r which it ia t'frc-l. Dr. Kdari i. funtw-rlT aaa- lrtklcbroUt for the U.S. Uorrt3at ho maathabaiTrivrtLv -ck ?(at Ika rt o( lira Ith Uthrir,iaa. tkm or baatngr powJr. atd b' lm -mat knoJ?a cf lh lagrllenti f all tLo avX 1 la t bin mar art raLla him to rrak atbortUllwIy. aajra f tL ponty, bo!r.-rat?a atd Qj-r"r qoal.tr rf the "Iral:" "I in I Ih UJ lUkln Powder ern rwn d of tars as 1 vhoUrjcn itMrtvdi nl. It U a errara if tirtar rd--r, and d- d t on'aia either alata r pbcphatra, or othrr tojutioo aaU. 1an.-Jl "Prof. I"a tv, an-1 lb- ixvat -Hcial UU by btli tl roitrd Ha. ad CaaaiUa Guteronbta. h tb lial lUkiatf Vow lr t.j L aqrvrk U ra ia atrvorth aa J latrai&x p.r. It u n-H onlj u memt rr noci.c a 1 ia n-.-. bat mk-Jhf pnr-mi. Canttfiatored'ai raaJ w'jol'wis focH. American free institutions, and its ustice and honesty answer the test supplied by a correct appre ciation of the . pririci pies .upon which theso institutions rest. It cost the present emperor of China 10,600,000" to getTniat" ried. TARIFF FOR PROTECTION UNCOX'TITU- TIOXAL. Opposed to this theory the dog ma is now boldly presented that tariff taxation is justifiable for the o.vnress rmrnose and intent oi t 1 therebv nromotini? sDecial inter W 1. X ests and enterprises. Such a pro,p osition is so-clearly contrary to the Rfiint-of 'our "Constitution - and so direttly encourages the disturb ance by seliishriess and greedy of patriotic sentiment that its state ment would rudely shock our peo pie if they had not already beer insidiously allured from the "safe landmarks of nrincinle. Never have honest desire for national growth, patriotic.devotion to coun try and sincere regard "for those who toil been so betrayed to the support of a pernicious doctrine. In its behalf the plea that our in fant industries should be fostered did service until discredited by srrdwth. Then upon their government. There fore, aU" patriotic and just citizens must commend liberal considera tion for our worthy veteran sol diers and for the families. of those who have. died. No complaint malice, and whichever was the motive it showed that tho gentle man, who made it is uuRt to be a leader and a teacher. If he was ignorant of the truth it was his dutv as a leader, or would-bo l a 1 r it s. should be made of the amount of icauer, 10 iniorm uimseu. 11 public money paid to these actual- was frra Polcy or jnalice " ly disabled or made dependent by not. worthy of the name of re- i-eson ot armv service. But our former. Such a statement as the p?nsioir roll should be a roll f one in question was unpardona- lo $l per daTf while Messrs. Davia honor, uncontaminated by ill de- ble. for the reason mat ne who and jj wbose expenses like But- at the meeting of the State Alli ance and knew the above to be facts; and again, when Butler came here last October to organize a lec turer's bureau for this district for the Alliance, was he considering the interest and economy of tbe farmers ox the btate, wnen he, a self-confessed poor man, stopped at the Battery Park hotel, at from $3 seft and unvitiated by demagogic made it ought to have known, as ,ef.g were m-i ... .1 1 1 avorv iirii 1T111 n i v lTPii.iiiinriiitui i . l a T . i use. Ahis is aue to moso wuose v,vw eiopppeu aw b nico rrsprciuc worthy names adorn the roll and person does know, that no such boarding house for $1 per day paid a by jtie order to all onr people who delight to honor the brave and the true. It is also due to those'who in years ! f ri mm rLUn BOUQUETS, "DESIGNS, ETC. our stalwart growth. hen fol- pj-oductions; providing such stria- oweu iu Migrut.w - eat Bvistem of nrocedure in trials war, winch inaae onr peopie.neea- as shaU secure prompt conviction less of the opportunities for nlterir and imposing such penalties as or schemes afforded by their will- shaTl seenre the most perfect compli- ing and patriotic payment of un- ance with the law. ; precedented tribute; and now, aft- 5. That we demand the free and er a long7 period of peace, when onr unlimited coinage of silver. overburdened couiitry men ask . for 6. That we demand the passage reief ana a restoration to a fuller 9f laws prohibiting the alienowner- enjoyment of their incomes and ship of land, and that Congress MrT,:nfTR 4W are :met by the take early steps to devi3e somej)lan c fta . ff taxation f or tbe o ODtain an iana3 now . owmu uy to come should be allowed to hear .reverently and lovingly, the story of American patriotism and for titude illustrated by our pension rolls. " V RESTRICTION O? IMIQRA.TIOX A generous hospitality, which is one of the most prominent of our national characteristics, prompts us to welcome the worthy and in- -dustiTous of all lands to homes and citizenship among ns. This hos- bill as the borcc bill, nor even one in any particular approach ing it, ever passed a Democratic House. The falsity of this charge could easily have been ascer tained and it was unfair to make it. made by Third party men, it tfould seem that they have no Fine Cut Flowers in Great Vari ety. Bouquets, Baskets a t o a taf 1-1 1 1 it arran s. , and other cornorations, in excess of is necessary in order -v that higher ran.pa? Flumes, Magnolias ana uuir cnoice evgru,. - - recl5i3raed , the.goV- ingmen and a home market be j 0:1- ' ir v TTamx ' -1 1 " 1 j r ' j 1 ' ii-i ' I 3 . i . r 1. . "t . 1 ..r. ana Diivur iuauie, xxoidc ernment ana neia ior actum Betuers nroviaeu ior our iuiui uiuuuvh. - 1 .... . 1 . ,. - , , . J sake of protection is an American nd Designs alien and foreign syndicates; and .. t. v nged. . that all lands now held by railroads system, the continuance rof .which and other corporations, in excess of " nec&&ary u u such as is actually used and needed wages may be paid to our work Sujrar Cliestnut and other shade trees - T Earlj' cabbage and tomato'plants at the right season. . : Orders prpmptlr filled and sat isfaction guaranteed. - II . STEINMITZ, Florist, $ Raleigh, N.C. : N0TICE3 t v ! "1 V'-' ' Hiivinar nnalified execatora of the last will an-1 testament of W. B. TJzzIe. dee'd.. THE FORCE BILL REVOLUTIONARY. The administration and man only, v - . - - 7, " Believing in the doctrine of -i ' a aa asrement of our government ; de- taxation, National or -State, shall pends upon the; popular will.' Fed- i ,xA-i.n.nA,n .n ;ntMaf p.rai nower is vue -liiBtruiueuii v. UUv Uc UBCU UL uuuu uj) uijc liivcico. i - or class" at the expense-bf another. that will,-not. its: master. There We believe that the money of the fore the attempts of the. opponents country should "be kept as much as of Democracy to interfere witJjAnd possible in the hands of the people! control the suffrage of the States and heneevwe cjemana tnat ait reve- ,(,,,1, Federal" agencies - detel- pitable sentiment is not violated, however, by careful and reason able regulations for the protection of the public health,- nor does it justify the reception, of immi grants who have no ' appreciation of. our institutions and whose pres-1 re60rt t0 Qther wayg that are dark ence among us is a menace to peace I ami tricks that are vain to carry and ffood order. the election Weldon rnews. 8EysE OF RESPONSIBILITY. "Called for the third time to represent the parity of my choice Why, Mr. Davis says, they looked all over the city for Butler before they found ont where he was stop piug. This may appear to be a small thing but dou't straws some times show which way' the wind If such errors are purposely blows, and is it not enough to make the Allianccmen of the State, ere it is too late, UTetop andton- faith in the justice of their . cause who rcanT aro lheir Mends, and hope to. win by appeals to honestly and truly working for passion and prejudice. II re- tbe-ir relief Butler, who Is trying formers" stoop to such political to icaa lhem into a political party, trickery, what becomes or the or 8UCn honest, hard-working far Pharisaical belief or pretense mera aa Messrs. Davis, Bell and that they are abetter and more others f State Chronicle. . . A ll .1 I 1 honest ana Trusonny iuau oiu- And Btill Butler 9 M a ,,Re, -h a - er people. Tlila Vlnri of wnrfare ill be comes a set of men who profess to wto cUim 10 taTe beada uPn lbeir want pure politics. It would lead shoulders, being mbM by him. one to suppose that they would j How long, oh,'how long will the people keep this thing op? . LIFII, KTRKNUTII AND HEALTH. AraLannct ca. Fu., F-b. 17.4e1. Ha Lippmaa Hr ..Sitaacah. Ga s lVr i-ir I will r; tivlaforro yon (hat I U aflirir.1 with blo.vl iltirtv. triJ on bii- cf an-1 il to no ivlivf. I i ia bJ pta nvnth. I tril rr'niant pbri-Una. a ad tWv c-iQii n l d ni toy ci. 1 mw jour ajf-rttm'oi U r. I. r. la t.V Ar- Lachioja Tiran. aat thjohl I ukl try it. ThU:tl I f t.-tsht mik- I hare t-o op vter iao aud at my bitn. lamS-r itrc'..r. Ya ana fubiUQLhU if yeq Mtr. I ta io trm raj fr'nl that 1. 1. 1. i Id, hfI h aod Hftuth. )l. P. lVutaa. tVH by draxjei't atvl ttraJ atorr. Uppmaa lltv.. rrvjnriofa a&l Drai(A, riatttMii. ia. Dcaayr. Ml... IVr. 12. tw riCMor J.H. IfiuiD. J Mer. Lipomas I?r.. iaaabah. Oa.: Whil 1 Saa Aatonla. Texas pnn-. I Aw jt.ura.lrti-r.-flt c4 P. P. P. la tb rrr ( ! L- r- cf rh"J matUni. aad thought I wmi itry a b-tl-. fladic naeh arvat M-f frrra it. oi my rrtorn hnv 1 ha I otr dror;it, Mr. Juha )IciilUa. to urdr m a aipidi. ArurtUJM. I tHUk UniwCK I La... nfH had a pa" r aa acb aiar-. lo- to that I ird for twaty-fl yrr aai xj1 1 not h lat boe!lt oo'il ! txi-t P. P. P.. and th-tWir. tak plea. ore lo rvosmsxro-itb it toail. ' loom truly. J.tf. li?iAMO"D. UOOU HANDS. in. a congest for the supremacy of put out to help some one who has Democratic principles, my grace-1 fallen by the wayside. fid appreciation of its confidence less than; ever- effaces the solemn sranse of my responsibility., Vlf-the action of the : convention yo'u represent shall Ae endorsed by the suffrages of. my countrymen I will assume the duties of the great office for which I have been nomi- When a cold or cough baa been neglected for a long time and tu bercles have been formed in the That is a eood hand which is ln the enre of the sufferer is w I ar Hopeless. xxow important ii is that these first stages should be watched and tbe first symptom detected and cured with Dr. Ball's Co-Jgh Syrup. The English mint poee a electrical machine which count coins with precision aod accura cy. A Little GlTr Experience In a Lltf t-totise. Mr. a ad Mr. Lor a Trrr-ott ar kri- t-r rf th Gut. Lie hlhouw at Sau I t-ach. Mlch and are bl?d with j laoxhtr foot year cdd. lt Anrl ahevaa taken fon with taal. f.l lowfd with a dtvadfol r.tb an 1 tara- ioz ioto a ft er. l-t.rwat hutxx ard at LVtroit trratrd her. bat ia taia. ah grrwworw rtpi-ilj, ca'.iUb waaa tatr- "ba&axal or ootn-." Then b trw t Pr. Klc.f'a w Di-ctery a ad alter lL- oaw of two a&U a baa UltJe i pletelr eomi. Tbej mr Dr. Klne'- f lfcwxery U avrui ifa wreuLt lo jet ya may p-t a trial bU'.U fr-- t Thocaa 5 Aymrke dra att r. U IKTrfOiis inHohterH-n tha oat ate lipre-.l Tlllfi. " N flXlOll SI . State OE COUntV.l ' ..l.JA v'.l-i. ' notihed to nfake iramediote, and any J ; ,ftMn limp to thp nacesKarv ex- " -. - - 1 !" hoWina a claim asainstxthe estate stlail 1)6 "mitea to tne neeabary ex tion can mil eatff. to reverse the win n-i'spiit the same to ns -On fit !i or before penses of the government onorai- . - ... , . jai;i,. ya fffl .b plead . i, i. j fundamental and safe relations be- i This May cally and honestly administered. i" 'i ti-- - aiay , j - . twoen the people: and their ,gov- rViment.' Such anattempt cannot iiltoe regarded;, by thoughtful the .mediuui of the"5 United States men as proof of a bold :- deteriaina jmail." . . "'-; ;; -'. -; tion to;secnre the ascendency of a Scientific American Agency for . DESIGN PATENTS AAnVDIOUTC A . Muv v'i''! nJ free Handbook write to . Owe? i coi 861 Bboadwat, New Yorrv KverVt.?SSiu.or seeming patents In America, tbe DuhH taken out by ns la brought before epubhe by a notice given free ot charge In the ' Jnetttifw;mccai worid31 sSPi?1 i,,Rn7 went!fle paper to the '. ; 9. iTbat the General Assembly discredited party in reckless idis"- Tass suchJaws as will makethepub-1 regard of a free expression ' ot the lcs?00 system more effective that j:noT,uar win. To resist such xa f r-iiici. try r- rt - iri nnotinn mrrtr iw i r I t extended to all the people of the schemers an impulse of .Democra state aiiKe.., ; - -v cv. At all limes ana in aurpiaces iie30ivea.nat weiavoragrauu- 'x', ;onnia A o?rinCt ated tax on incomes..... . . . . . . : J - v. - - disposition to : lorce ne - way 10 Federal power we present. to them, as our claim- 'to their '. 'confidence "'f -;-' Auswer; This Question. s VWhy do bo many people we see arbnnd ns seem to t)refor t'o entfer an able by Inditestion.Constipatiun', Dizziness. seem to prefer to antfer and b6;mBde miser- - a Rnrinnrt.;.o steady comrauion- t-i-i.i' r.t i ..1,, . Loss ofADDetite. Comine-nu of the Food. shiD 01 their rijrhtS ieilow Skin, trnen ior oc. we wui seu xuein Sbih h's Vitalizer. frnaranteed to enre them. Sold by-Tbomfw & Aycocke. T.onieburg,and T. C oyner, iTankimtoi,Jx,w - ijr'''THB MONET QUESTION." "The people are entitledio sqand That is a rood hand which knows-how to give heartily and freely. .That is a good hand which knows how to make paia easier and headache "vanish. The new testament wa printed in Irish tti ICO?. Grit tr- Children Cry for Pitcher's Cicrja." I !ont give rebel In thSontb That is a good hand which 4s I vouchers. I would rather furnish I i ..i. i vi ua i . . i : j r nated knowing full well its labors p p jr vt w .Q,r wuug cry u u vno and perpUxlties, and with hum- wa,K ,u ,,,c em. -ucnerai jamesu. ravrr . . v - - - . f - hlfl TP.liancft unon the Divine Be- : " r- . ' . - I. rri a 11 i . j. oat is u gumi LTSUU nan MCI - rrol tug, infinite in" power to aid and constant in a watchful earef-over our favored nation.' ' ' : C : Nothing does, the work so SvelL Mr. P. By rd of New Grand Chain Ills., writes: "Being ieiposed Jo -all sorts of weather I am more or less liable to- have pains of sprue kind.- I have tried - a number "of di ffereht so-called reraed ies, but nothing does tire-work so - well ns.ilvati6n Oil. It is the best lin iment I have ever used."JL". : The Cleveland and Stevensou club of .Morgan ton has over 100 members. : : " ' ' ' Children Cry for PiicherVtoiork ... a 11 t. er wroie anyining oi wnicu n was ashamed, and .which never put itsjiand - to , fraud aud . dis- horresty. . . That is a cood hand which - helps alongthe sick ' and the weak, the helpless and the) poor. -That is a good ' hand which does its work well; whatever .It may be, wherever It may lie, it doth not grow weary and itdoetu its work so it is worth its wages. - The Philadelphia" Tiroes thinks that while the Uepublicanx tn:er at the brevity of Mr. Cleveland letter of acceptance we ought not to retort by complaining of the length'of Mr. Harrison's.' it is I probably Ms. farewell addresa. af" t - ar. A. Is still at the fronfl Yqu can', rely on it! It never tmstopsnormacurei ( iCauQtil suropi b sold by all dialers f or2Jc iDLfiiiffa! Doat Va H"-L If a tJ!tr ye acxae cxhrr aa tod." V rticir tisors nucs, Ta c- T tnuU Aai-UU-fns CU.AIU , Oh. What m Will too km ihewaroinr. Ti rial Tartar f tb ar approae! ( ibtl ro-np trrribl di-aOaiamptl' Ak thim-1" if jiHi raa a?i rd for tl aikeof air. lo c-nJa to roo liw ri. a ad d i no" bin- fir it. W ksw fr" f iprn-or tLat fc"'jikb" Corw will ro jonreooth. It ut fii thi pU'aa wUi in.-fv !bja a raiUioa t W w-w aold tL- t tear. It riir rrnip ad wlu"TJa? to-wi it hop1. Jl it br ra, do Bot l it Vnt if. Another cotton mill is to V bnilt at Durban right away, ard it will make fonr for that pUc ' ETHENuTH A"D IJBALTTI. If roe r a4 fe!!iijr airoajr-iiM Willy, try Kk'rU Jittrra Jf ".4, rippi'La Wljoa sk and u KWctrvr l'.iUerC Tiva tmi0r tr a divclf on liter, atoaaarh ad ki-J rotI aiJiue; tho- crtta in trtf- 'ii lbir fnorttooa. If ri ar-a2J i wlih airk be v!t V, v-a l!l Ca-1 tr i ta4 rennaaect re'irf Uv tallaf Elrr - Hitter. 'Ob trial wtil eotstlc-" v . that thU la th rmdj ya; Bt. lam b-t!,a ooly 50 eat at Tictaaa t. j cvckv'adr at or. ITripl Ai LHrr CoroplAlat. I aof erth tl rfl ft!" f f 7 eata to frr Trarlf f f every xmT t' cd t?sed fTaiar c-jla:al. If T -V thiol bo rati at onr aJwnr aad at a l---tle of tOiUVa Vi:al t.r, er-ry.tTt: a a prictej rr?ara- ca it, e.-rdlolr aod If It d'w vo tioLIi. . fttt by TVrea St Aje.-te. Io'eb-r aaJT. C JoTtK-r. rraaV!lWj.