.---- : - - m. -i. m m . . m m - j. m a - . - a. m t . a .m - m m - m -a & a . r a -L'JL Nr J. .A. THOMAS Editor !d& With Malice toward none; JJtfV Charity for all. ' ii.5o rzRjtsscx,; jj vol. xxi; LOUISByRG, N; C, OCTOBER 14, 1892. no. as. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. SGov't Report WHIT I 9 IS IT " HAS IT DONE a S 3 a 6 V UAn I I UU v Thp orijrinal and only genuine Compound Ox vpii Treatment, that of Drs. Starkej & y iii7i is a scientific adjustment f the-ele-ni'.nts of Oxygen and NiMoiren magnetized; .. i the compound ia bo: condensed and m i.li' portable that it is-sen:te;ll over the v.Hii. . ' - ' It has been m nse for- over twenty, years; thousands o! patients" have been treated. over one thousand physicians have 1, it and recommended it a very signifi- 'Cii npound Oxygen Its Mode of Action an 1 1'.Vults," is the title of a book' of 200 nnhlished by Dre :Sta"Tkey Sc. Palftn, vhe u-ives to all inquirers full information: ,1S to tins remarkable curative agent and a rocord of surprising cures in a wide rum" of chronic cases -many of them after licin" abandoned to die by other physi , i Will be mailed free to an address mi application. Das. STAKKEY ft PALEX, Arch Stret, Philadelphia. Pa. " "l i Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal. pl-!isc mention this paper. STATE DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. and Gaskets i ,! n hi JJ1X Vy'e have added largely to our stock, and now carry a full line of these- gnodR from the plainest woo l coffin to the finest plush or vlvet covered casket. Also tall line of coffin hardware, lin ing?, trimmings,- &c. All of ANOTHER CONYERT. - tJOME OUT FROM AMONG THEM MY '. PEOPLE." ' ;' . A Joterwho. Had been Deceived Tells Why. lie leaves the Third Party . . ;. ; - Weiffhty Reasons. - ; . space forbids. '".:"'";" V As to bur State government I find that "we pay about $3,000, 000.00 for Federal- pensions and only about $SO,000.00 to oar own disabled Confederate soldiers and the w MARI0X CUTLER. WhcniProfesslnjf Loyalty to Democ racy Extrattfrom EdilorUls In His Paper The Caucasian. July 14, 1832: Let our friends lv-.rii f the reople's'party binkb er Ut lUUSO WUU U1CU 1 Uj I . , . a V:1" h U'.l 1 r:;;,3. be sold at reasonable Respectfully, - R. R. Harris & Co. louisburg, N'. C. LiaiS DAVIS mm i Adopted May 18, 1892; Resolved L - That the Democracy of North Carolina reafBrm the prin- ciriles of the Democratic oartv;both Sftate and National, and particular ly favor the free coinage pi silver and an increase of the currency, and the repeal of the internal revenue systemr And we denounce the Mc Kinley tariff-bill as unjust to the consumers of the country, and lead ing to the formation of trusts, com bines and monopolies which have oppressed the people; and especially do we denounce the unnecessary and T " . 1 "IT Duraensome increase in tne tax on cotton ties and on tin,' so largely nsed by the poorer portion of the people. YTe likewise denounce the iniquitous Force bill, which is no yet abandoned by the Republican party, but i3 being urged as a meas ure to be adopted as soon as they regain control of the House of Rep resentatives, the purpose and effect of which measure will be to establish a second period of reconstruction in the Southern , States, to subvert the liberies of our people, and in flame a new race antagonism and sectional animosities. 2. That we . demand financi ai re form, and the enactment of laws chat vfill remove the burdens of the people relative to the existing agri. cultural depression, and do. full and ample justice to the farmers and la borers of our country. 3. That we demand the abolition of national banks, and the substitu tion of legal tender Treasury notes in lieu of national bank notes, is sued in sufficient volume to do the business of the country on a cash system: regulating the amount ns. I find that under "an honest A man who has-been a strong "emocraue aaminisirauou me Third party advocate sees-his er- "carpevDag oiate aeoi:naa oeen ror and writes the following letter reaucea-irom-- auoui . .w per to the-'Washington Gazette v- L : capiia.w sometnipg over per ,T Vwi i j capita vfiiue it lias steaauy -iow- Mr. Editor: After cool and I r, . - - .. Avail to t tkm mature deliberation, I'find that) . ' ,. T. "... , , ... v i mu not Toie lor ido iDim par I. have been misled, by the false A . . . . - i mvj ty because! regard its principles . 1 t , - m U9 UIIDUUIIUl Jl ICClUCUt 1 Vlk II UV1U leaaers, so 1 announce w my lei- i - , low citizens and Third party friends -.. . . , , . . , ... - , not believe would have endorsed that I nave withdrawn from and - .. ... . the Omaha platform as it now is. 0AAWA-I V1 TT AAtlttAMinn with that . t mi . i v a The courselof the Third party lately necessary. We believe .... . leaders in this State has not meri- Chairman 8immons has these possible the reasons tnat iorce tnisi , ... ' it . . VI , , ted my admiration or commanded 1 qualities. Ye believe bis selec t i. i n i- x 3 i- my respect and I repudiate their lion wasa wise one; we believe I realized the disxressd, impov- t v t v i .t , duplicity and leave them in dis- he has the backbone and the wis- ... .. gust and contempt. I believe the lom tojtaketthe poeitlonSat this r . ""r. ; r Third party to be the ally of the crisis that will save North Caroli- aue w uniusi secxionai ana perm- . A I . - r i i a Republican. The prominent part a. cious class legislation, and in my r . r dilema grasped the idea of a Peo. I taken by negroes ana oia i.ne ue, June 111891: The misrepre- pie's party that "ie were -"told P?blicans ln Par ' sentation of the gbld men in reU would sweep the country as the ery idea of nominating & State ticket but rally to the support of Etias Carr, and elect him by 40,- 000 majority. . July 14, 1802: If teenson bad-been pnt at lho head of -the Democratic ticket we believe he would have carried North Carolina. July 14, 1892: This, above all others, is not a If me for proscrip tion and rash action,ibut tolerence and cool-headed wisdom is abo- ett platform could If tit. nominee was opposed to eaal rights to all and special privileges to none. W frequently uked in what way the platform w interj-rtted and enlarged by the nomination of Mr Carr. ' ' Joly 21, 1S32: In anolher eol. umn will to found a call from Chairman M. M. Klliett, for a convention of the' People's party for Sam psora to nominate a coun ty ticket, et. We rrgret to fee mis, lor in our opinion ti u a mistake. As we said last wetk. It will divide our people and we fear put the legislature in the nanus ox tne enemies or tne peo ple. We trust that the delegates to the State convention will be instrncted not to put out a State ticket. There is nothing to I gained by defeating the presen ticket. Thousands of reformers took part in nominating that tick et headed by Ellas Carr, thou ands are eatis&ed with it and thousands will vote for it. Then to put out another ticket would be suicidal. The editor of tits Win ro Wl t& vrlc. TV V- tht bo !rr'i' dWajCn;tl... Aa vncrIi u rwi ra - ri u r - mV vf lcf Si cr&! la r lh rk ftai do tAlnjf for It. VT tn irriw IV l &ilo& Car rrm joirfiMxb. II r ri. ts.1 OtianoJooK entire est was aroused. 1 now see I ara wrong and was duped. Upon investigation I find that all the evils under which we strug gle are directly due to the Repnb lican party as that party alone is responsible for the denometization of silver, the- contraction of the currency, the national banking system, fraudulent . pensions, and the high protection and prohibi tion tariff that robs the farmers, laborers and wage-jcarners of this country. I find that the Republican party, repealed the tax on Incomes, Rail road CoTrapanies, National Banks, articles of luxury, etc., amounting to over a hundred and five million dollars annually,. (3105,000,000,) relieving the rich of their share of taxation and burdening the poor by putting a tariff tax on the ba sis of consumption that the plain needed on a per capita basis as the people need and must use. business interests of the country ex- I find that by a high tariff they 3 pand. and that all money issued by make trusts possible and encour For i-aruls, price Keeping amount the Different of the same, por ton, in money or cotton. all Fertilizer Sellers. FOR SALE BY s. a-. :d-Avis, FRANKLISTON, N. C. Price $2.25 per book. Express prepaid if you state where you san- this advertisement. put n nil BOUQUETS, DESIGNS, etc. the government shall be legal tender j in payment of all debts, both public and private. 4. That we demandihat Congress shall pass such laws as shall effectu ally prevent the dealings in futures I of all agricultural and mechanical productions; providing such strin gent system of procedure in trials as shall secure prompt conviction v. t ana imposing sucn penalties aa shall seenre the most perfect compli ance with the law. 5. That we demand the free and unlimited coinage of silver. . 6.. . That we demand the passage tjf laws prohibiting the alien owner ship of land, and that Congress take early steps to Revise some plan Fine Cut Flowers in Great Vari ttf IT J' to obtain all lands now owned by Bouquets, Baskets and Designs alien and; foreign syndicates; and tastefully arranged. i ampas Plumes, Magnolias and other choice evergreens. kugar and Silver Maple, -Horse Chestnut and other shade trees. harly cabbage and torn atoj)l ants ax ine right season.'--,; Orders promptly filled and sat-1 l&iaciion guaranteed.- 11. STEINMITZ. Florist. that nil lands now held by railroads and other corporations, in excess of such as is actually used and needed bythem. be reclaimed by the gov ernment and held for .actual settlers only. " : ; ' " j . M - : . . -" 7. i Believing in the doctrine of - a ucui , i iguio- cm , auu ; DUVlUl privileges to none,' we demand that taxation, National or State, shall age their formation; in return re ceiving adequate campaign funds for their needs and purposes. I find North Carolina pays out to the Federal government includ ing 'tariff, revenues and for protect ing Northern manufactures over ($14,000,000) fourteen million dollars ajjnnally, i. e. over ($8) eight dollars per capita when North Carolina has only In circula tion about ($6) six dollars per capi ta. Paying out more thauwe have, I do not wonder we grow poorer while Rhode Hland, for instance, a rich manufacturing State, by sec tional and class legislation pays scarcely anything (on. the basis-of consumption) to our Federal gov ernment and has a per. capita cir culationof ($36100) three hundred and sixty-one dollars and "grows richer. -v. . : " s - i In 1860 when the Democrats had entire control of. the government I finoVaccording, to Senator Berry, that tbto expenses of lhe goveru- ment was ($2) two dollars per " cap ita, in '92 Wilder -Harrison the convention and its action forces v. me to believe it was denominated by a Republican spirit Even were this not so, independ ent action can only 6ecure Republi can Victory and Harrison electors with-all the miseries .and vices of negroism in its train. I will not be a, party to assist our leaders in their lust for gain and schemes of self aggrandise ment by imposing upon the igno ranee and credulity of our people I would not vote for Weaver be cause he voted No,' in the 4th Congress to repeal military law in the South when I was disfran chised. ile voteij. ami has sieaaiiy en deavored to burden ns with $300, 000,000.00 extra pay for thoso who laid wasto our neids, burned our homes and. ravished our women. He took money from feeble old white men, robbed the helpless women and fatherless children while military governor of Pulas ki, Tennessee. He has been the most malignant South hater and persistent enemy of our people and In his rabid utterances against us comparison would maKe infa- tion to the free coinage of silver PPr has nothing personal at continue without abatement. We I stake. He is limply interested. want our friends to-understand every other citizen should be, the "exact point of contention. 1 In what he considers to be for the The friends of silver demand that I best interest of Lis State. The the white metal shall be made a I "Caucasian" is for the prent full leeal tender for all debts. State ticket and will advocate it public and private, and shall be and vote for it under any and alU put upon exactly the same foot- circumstances. ing as to coinage with gold. This is the point of our contention and .nothing else. If any one asks what is meant by free coin ago, of silver, tell him that it means doinir for silver, by law exactly what the government now does for gold, .and let him sweat over the conclusion Pro gressive Farmer. s(This was re published in the Cancaeian.) June 11,1891: We see it sta- July 21. 1892: All this U col the faulty of Democracy. There is nothing wrong In Democratic principles. The trouble is with the scoundrels and hypocrites who have betrayed the people, perverted and misrepresented De mocracy. Oar representatives from this State are not among the number. They have stood by the people." And on the silver ques tion, every tTonrrertman ttoui NUTICK. Br t Irla f lW MiW.'r r1r t lis rolr t& at tl ct4r im t-r U W. V.iriv W. U. l-:Url. f. Mn4i-Uv, y il rll VTialr. lb ruh Uy cf titlr dijbt XUhrt Una t Court, at pli actioa to !" iirb brtUt si tnettt Uel la rrVliMr.a tow&slp. Us ftt lh law L Uf f pU. fi&c M '. S U Lb pU'J U lt mU br W. ?. rUrr oa Vtitxxrj 53, tni. AtretfefU4 la Inftlltafu Ubklpkfea lL Callrtl A pi. tiajr k4 5v ! it nrrer Zri. a met of ui ta t ntLt-Utv tofthin laova m 5m ITtAa avl AlVa C:Kl lrct, U4a tc4 19 la U mil ony auJ j U", caui&i&x 21) sr. ih. A tret U Uai la Fraakilato tirrsbftllp, kara it Hkkrr IVrry IraeS, bmizt 14 'o. 11 la Mb mid tan al Uu,co2'alala 1T7 aerv. PU't ol wall Ustl ras t ai aar tlc. at lh U C M. lVx.i of V. Trm cf uU : OafoarCi raa. IaI ar.ei r a credit c 11 ooaii alia la'.r-- i.a dtrri jni?i a I S rr cwat. , r-r aaaata from &j of m!. TuW r- Uial till ail r-srr w tarT U f tJ. TLulii 5U U Vr4Iv ISJrj. C. M.Gts, J. U- lUTcnnra. F. S. frartuuAtfy. Raleigh, N. C. TI- v: T '. ! C(.'l- f. :, .-. on -,-. ' !;, t'lt-;.- Kii'M f-, lafia. NOTICE .'.is day nualifiad' a executor of it, deceased, lat of Franklin Tfusisto notny all persons !'r:s :!nmst the estate of said df -Niiibit- them to the unfersifiied n Af V-k Tjcftl 4-r lit 111 Alia inf Aao - , aT ... f Ao.tt AwvAv-ieAf9 tt ill ti l2l V rU'Alra or clas8 at the; expense of another. x x v . - VT We believe that the-molSey of the dol!ars Per capita: -, . ; were in power 09 per cent.of the money of the country was in circu iatfoh: how' only 70 per cent, is in circulation and that is held almost country should.be kept as much as possible in the hands of the people, and hence we demand that all reve- nuer JNational, State r county. shall be limited to the necessary ex- r" hi' 2fit,h rtsiv rf - SntAnihi f t i.ix notice will ie. in bar of J penses of the government economi- entirely by the Northern protected "'!,v-r- .AH persons ludebted to Lvol Kfl omniif ; 1 . V.... - : iif wul please makfrim mediate Pay V. J. DsiresT J2 , Executor." twnl'r, 26th, 1892. . ' - .... . - ScicnflSs Amerlcaa Agency for j cally and honestly administered. 8. That congress issue a sufficient amount of iractional ; paper curren cy to facilitate the exchange through the medium of the United "States mail.. " - - 9. That the " General Assembly pass such laws as will make the pub- manufacturing States. 7 I find from 1850 to 1860 the val ue of farurs in the United States under a ,;50 per cent, tariff and Democratic rule increased 102 per cent, or more than doubled aud the farmers owned one-half thejwealth lie school -system more effectiveth'at of the country . From 1880 to 189Q under a Republican tariff of 47 to TRADE MARKS, tr4 0ESCM PAT5HT Fori ' wrimvin , ei Mi-x.?ration and friea TTmflhooV wrlt the blessings of education may - be extended ,-to all the- people of the State alike.- Resolved, That we favor agradu i ated tax on'ineomes.-1 V " " ; r " aecannir Daienis in Ameiioa. the pubiicbv "S y 2? U brought before , by a notl glyen tree o charge In the . nettttficjtocaii j g ,. . ... . . 60jer cent.-the value of farms de creased and the farmer owned one sixth. of the wealth of the , country, and . that in 1892 , 14,600 - people owned . more - of ; the country's wealth than 61,000,000 others did ,- . Answer Tbis Question. - Why do so many people we see around ns seem to prefer to snfftlr and be msde" miser- i. Able by Isdisrestion. Constipation. Pizzinees. slfW and this to l,e directly traceable to- &Diicn vnaaizer.frnaTanteed to core them, hclass leyislalion. find many O in mous old Thaddeus Stephens ap pear our friend. His record also shows he en dorsed National Banks. I will voto the Democratic State ticket because 'the platform and candidates of that party more tru ly represent reform and Alliance principles than the hoodlum gang and visionary projects of the Third party. I will vote for Eli as Carr because (I think) he is the first bona fide farmer candidate for "Governor' in the history of our State and is trne exponent of reform principles bearing aloft the -people's banner iii" the Democratic party.. -1 will vote the-National Demo cratic ticket because the period that party's rule is the history o our "greatest prosperity, and be-. cause it has ever been -the friend of the masses.' The last Democrat ic Congress endeavored to give n free wool,' free bagging, free cot ton ties, free binding twine aud to limit. the free importations of the rich, thereby saving the consumers of this country about $175,000,000 annually,-but the Republican Sen ate said No." ' . - I will vote for Grove r Cleveland because he saved 33,000,000,00 surplus under a 47 per cent, tariff, while Harrison Will have S130,000,- 000.00 deficit under a 60 per cent. tariff: because he has proven him self to bo a friend of the South ; be cause he gave us atlean, economi cal administration; because he. is the champion- of the masses ; be cause he-would not allow a Repub lican House and Senate to crush and subjugate our people, or to Af ricanize the South, and because he is as honest as he is brave. '; 'K united and patient Democracy is the only hope for the South. -I see this plaiuly and have tho cdur age to acknowledge that I tave jjeen wrong. : ; : . - i .; - W. II. M AISLES DEB. - Grimesland, N. C. - . ted that his MightySmallness I tLU (including the negro, the on Kiog Pigmy Harrison is expect- lj n Congrw) vpted for the ed to visit our exposition in Octo- bill. The Congressmen from ber; Soma of onr txehaner nr many other States having the exulting over the prospect. If same interests have not stood by - i he entire people entertained the I "r same regard for him as yo scribe Jun10, 1692: The platform does, he would not feel encour-1 of the Republican rrty is clear aged to be a candidate for the I and exact in only two points. It Presidency again. The affection represents the leading issue between B4n and onr&elf is some- hatred for the South, Lieb taxes thing like Daniel in tho lion's 9 rrt a a a . aen. ine lion aiuni care ai d n for Daniel, and Daniel didn't care a d n for the Hon. July 14, 1892: The editor for the poor. It speaks forcibly for taxation for the farmers, me chanics and laborers, exemption for the rich. High taxes on the necessaries of 80 per cent, of the (Marion Butler) of this paper is people, low, or no taxes on the opposed to paying Union soldiers 1 remainder. the difference between ereen- On the financial Question the backs and gold. The Alliance in j equal of any of the leadingMssura this State is opposed to it. The it is either silent or so confused last State convention should have I you get no Idea of what It wUhea adopted a plank to that effect. I to say. Its plank on silver Is a March 10, 1S92: The execn- grand farce and a deception. It tive committee of the, Democratic written for but one purpose-party-met in Raleigh last week to deceive the people. Wall and decided to hold the next I street dictated that plank. It Is State convention In that city May J simply a straddle, but leans rath 18. There will be only one con-'ff towards a gold .standard. N0TICP Ilylrto of th frwr-r rirra cm la lia cooatr. ma.V at u AtrU Una 191 tt FraaUiaHafwrVTV Co-art ta it titt actka &UUU Jo I rfr. A!vrwv A . a. Jack Wlao aa1 thrx. i aill. st 13 o'clock M-. li txtix lb flr djy Cotirt. mr-l at lh Cuart lt9 dant la lotnr5, N.C,l tt a'.jcit ti-lT at patli aactloa. tL tr tormliut tract or fatU cf licl lytAf aa4 bci Iff "TiciCUa loaair, rocatf of Frsaktia nd ljfs' cf Nafta CarvUaa. Sod drrritwl a fc-ilrs wit: lt. A I t cf Uad a.lMalajf U Uad cf CaarU rrry ai LL Ua4 ai Ic-iiM u Jak Wta(a for a rart aU booraJ, kaowa aa W. No. 1 la ta arrry roltj V. N. Falrt cja la- la jr 3i.a acf. ?sl. A UA cf Ual aJW4Iax tW ld i4 CaarV-e Vwrrj, T. It. Wki'.akrr sal UA Nov a, karaa I t No. 3ta kl fjr7, ciataax 1HH er. 3 I- A M f Ual lya -oa ti f irmt t!f atla'.&x Vil'.uta Caaaa dy. T. H. Wjuukr, iL M No. S. aa4 Jark Wliwa" Kto-Vr-!. kaoa a M No. S ia i ftirtvy, atd cvulala 4'h. A Jot 4 Uai al) ala CLarWa rfTT. ljlt o Tar ritr al ll IUn. Ul aa i trilw rv1. kaa a J-4 No 4 la aaiJ Knr aa4 c-ala;aiaa U3H aT. Ail IK Ufl l cf Ua4 ar rkr cf Lh luc. cf Ul Cil It ak WUu&aa tjr LttrraasiftLr. Jak wla(oa.aJkaoaat Wr4 tract. rlatanf MfifT wul t W-ia at Lb oSn rf Um aaXrrirad yarLUa d tirinjt to mrm th a. Tmcaalt H cal. t!aac ta ti tryjotLa. twfrrrrvl rariaaat to t d'Ocws tr aoc tnajr a rfrtit Sold by Thomas &, A vcoeke'Louisbnrir.aiid l. u. Jojner, l' rajitiiBtoii.JN.4;. more Republican', oppressions but vention. This will nominate the candidates .for the' State oGces t and elect delegates to the Nation al convention. . The convention will meet earlyln order to give farmers a better chance to attend, as they , will bo less busy then than in June. . . Dec. 17, 189U Those who know anything about the 'Alli ance know that It is not and can never be a political party, for the In fact it Is In favor of gold, but wishes to catch the silver vote. LIFE, STRENGTH AND HEALTH. Ar&LtanccL. Fli Feb. 17, U30. Meaara. Upptnaa Broc, Eat aa&ab. Ca.t Dear Sir I will write to taforta yoa that I aSict-l with tlond dWuo, a A aa- I trieu ot tlW ci " aal it rara me no relief. I vm ia bd n rvatha. 1 trid promlRat phytic iaaa, aad Xtej coQid not florwinj ao. I o yourr adf rtlarwot of T. P. P. la tlia Ara- lachlcola TicnCaad thocrht 1 woald day it should attempt to be, it trVlt, Tt bottla I kroibt retAa f rma Jar c-f aal. T- rrtaiad till parctsjw sy U mU. V.&.Zi'UVlLUCvm'r. Sef t if. 172. t North Caaousa PmnlLnCocaty. T. J. Jakoa.. aL J Ham. It mrvmrnt la tW aaUcftrtioa af fl rMtf iit Lmrw tU !. kXa Jca0. K.1 tar. Jaaa Miitl Ynr. IVttni4 TwaJ'rw a4 Kr l-tiwr, Mmu la tkf raw. r j Vr 4 A- tr4rwt br lWlrt tat tav rvr at IV at tn of lUSnrvot CVoti lac Fraakha roay a iW Tta UoXr a.V ta rt Uk4 ia IWMiW at IM tW mtitiiiii U I W tiklt J M IW Mm! aVaiaa.ial in 1 it-aa w. k. a. mwiuum, c a r. LOOK AT TBS. Wanra hereto !av. tor tuaincswa. If your and ready would- die. This its enemies; know, hence they are very anx ious for it to gire np its great work and objects-and descend to the level of a political madiine. aereo or vljht, sad, oh, bow pod I frrj. 1 bare beea op arrr siara aM it rajr baint lemhr IBpertrr. I n mar fioblUhtMa tf Jt9 dVSr. I bate la orm ray frial that P. P. P. U life. betlth saJ airenrtli. ?t. P. Iioccs. rVM br draoct'ta pfteral atorea. al ... i DnjtgUtA,bataDoaa. U livo asotner party macbines do, but the Alliabce would be de feated, its true work stop and its missionjfail. . . "-. July 12, 16D2: 'In the -last is suCrof the "Caucasian" we said that the "man nominated aud the views held by him. meant, more than the wording of thepal'orm ho stood on; and that therefore the nomination of Hon.Elias Carr for Governor meant more for the Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorfi i cause of reform than the strou-. Orrtcs or J . 8. TLm ixoxd. y Jlea-ra. Llrfnua Droa Saranaah.Ga.t 'While ia fsa Antonla.. Teta, lt prlnp, I w your altertirtnent r4 p. P. P. la the ptper for the enre of rbeo matim. and tbonbt I wqH try br finding jk b irrrat rrlif f rota h. oa rat retnm bmim I ba-i rav drorl. Mr. John KrCleilan. to order ra a ap;lr. AfleaUkinfr. 1 tblnk Uabttlre. I bae not bad a pa:n r aa ar-be "inc. prkoa to that I ecIIVred for tweaty-flta year, apd molt not the latt baef.t as'itI tried P. P. P sod tberrfore. take pUa cre la reccascixiinr tt to all. . , " Ytara traly. CaRRLGE, BUOQY," OR IValGOX Needs repair, yon ciin ctt it r.eatiy and promptly executed. If too Uh a ntt and STYLISH VEHICLE Of any kind, aracanfirabbyoti at hort notice. We a ill oiao carry a foil Una of . Coffins and Caskets All faneral order will bare ozr pe aonal attretioo andatll I proatpt ly ntteoded to, day ornlht. CALL AND fxi:il US. at the iiiNirrr.nn stand. Respectfully, - J. W. WILUAIIS i CO.