. Ji. :JL - J I H 4 VOL. XXI. LOUISBURG, N. C.j FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1892. NUMBER -13. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report. 1 SENATOR TOUE INTERVIEWED. 1 1 vax rv UUirEl&f IFEB y-O PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. The Superintendent of . Public Schools of Franklin county will be in Louisburg on the second Thurs day of February April, JulyV Sep tember, October and December, and remain for three days, if necessary, for the purpose of examining appli cants to teach in the Public Schools of this county, r I will also be in Louisburg on Saturday of : each week, and all public days, to attend to any business connected with my office. ' - " . J. N. Harris, Supt. 7 J?roCbmsiona.l cai'ds. C. ML COOKE fc SON, ' ATTORNEYS- AT-L AW, LorxsBURe, jr. v.- win AttAnd the ooorta of Naslu Franklin. ninviii. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolinp, and te U. B. Circuit and District Courts. STATEMENT Showing: thb number of meetings HELD BY THE COMMISSIONERS OP FRANKLIN . COUNTY N.' C.", ; FROM Senator Vance has . spent .last week in Raleigh. Though - very gray-the enow that never meJts haviug fallen oil his head he is lookine well, and talks with his old-time cheerf ulness. Be says of himself, I am not quite well yet, but so near it that I can say fnow that I am all right again." While in Raleigh a reporter of the Chron icle interviewed liim. I He - does not see the necessity for an extra session of Congress, the ' pro vision in Ihe Constitution for call- questions the . fusionists. in -Congress .will vote .with the Demo crats' -.. '"; - . - : THE THIRD PARTT AaAET. The Senator brought up anew the matter of the Third party, and said:- "This party has attained its strength in the South, : especially a "a. f . m in IN or tn uaroiina. pjow -wnai will become of it is a question 'im portant to its members and to us. Its leaders, who hve shown -them-eelres unworthy of onr confidence or respect, will naturally find a home in the Republican party. We do not wish them to come back STATE PRESS. this State we do desire. to have re-1 I T n I)am(uvacv Knt thA Drat htiiV decemrek7th.a: '-nf?1- lR91rrftl; 7 rr. v. .v- T-ttroserwho euataMiedWaaver in ' ' i &wr uous uob vuiuk inab vaere are unless the Republicans ' leave the government without money. We quote from the interview : THE THIRD; PARTT. "The Third party has seen tits culmination,' said Senator Vance. . The friends of Col. Julian 8. Carr, of Durham, would be glad to see him Postmaster General in Presi dent" Cleveland's cabinet. This appointment would meet with gen eral approval in the South, and we hope Mr. Cleveland will make it. Orange County Observer. . Political leaders are concerned, abont the formation of" the Cabi net but people at large give it no harrassing thought. -They have unbounded confidence in Mr. Cleveland, and with him at the helm they can sleep in the midst of a tempest. Mr. Cleveland will One Hundred Dollar for the Best Monograph on North Carolina HUtory. The prize of one hundred dol lars recently offered by Dr. Charles O. Hill, of Baltimore, will be awarded to an alumnus of the University who writes the best monograph on some subject con nected with North Carolina his tory, with a preference for the one that discovers new historical material. Graduates of the Uni versity, or other alumni who are pursuing either resident or non resident courses or study, may compete for the prize. The con ditions of theompetition aro: 1. Bach essay must contain at THE PER DIEM AND MILEAGE CEIVED BY EACH MEMBER OF BOARD DURING THAT TIME. RB- THE E.J.B. M ALONE. offlm two doors toelow Thomas Ayoocke's drag store, adjoining Dr. O. L. Ellis. D E. B W. H. NICHOLSON, Number of meetings held 21. T. S. Collie. Chairman. Attended 20 meetings at $2.00 per day $ 40 00 Traveled 560 miles at S cents per mile 28 00 est in their - views. They were once our fellow Democrats and stood with ns. bravely and firmly in redeeming our State from all the evils of negro and Republican rule. I have nothing but good 2. All the essays presented will bo the property of the University. "It will grow weaker, especially feeling for them. They were mis- in the South. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOTJISBUBS, V. C W. TIMBERLAKB, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, L0CTSB0R8, H. C. OSice on Nash street. F. S. SPRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, tOUISBUKS, h. C . win Attend the courta of Franklin, Vance, Oi-rfirtiio. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Frompt attention given to eouecuons, sc. N. GULLEY. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, FKANKLIXTQS, K. C All legal business promptly attended to. rpHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOHISBITBS, K. C Oflce on Main street, one door below Eagle Hotel . - J. R. Alford, Attended 21 meetings at $2.00 per day - Traveled 576 miles at 5 cents per mile J. A. Burt, Attended 21 meetings at $2.00 per day Traveled 618 miles at 5 cents per mile George Winston, Attended 20 meetings at $2.00 per day Traveled 568 miles at 5 cents per mile 68 00 $42 00 28 80 WORK FOR CONGRESS.' 'Will you please state what, in your opinion, is Ihe chief legisla tion which ought to be enacted bv w i . ii the next Congress ? The reDlv n01 800ner perceiving me iouy oi wag. I drifting away from their friends "First, to repeal the law author- nd following the lead of men who izinc- the emDlovmeut of United couia l9em no ana ruo enter upon the administration of turn The most of them were hon- e TCrnm.en.1 ln least four thousand words. aneciions oi ine American peo ple. New Berne Journal. It is said that S. Otho Wilson will be indicted for the very con- spicnoua part ne wok m organizing eJent merit. the Gideons Band in North Caro- 4 Tbe essays must be dellv llna. Secret political societies en- ered by April lt 1804, to Hon. led by designing meu and the da'eT. tbe liberties of the people Kcmp P BaUi0f Professor of Ilis- ana canno do loierawja. x ne toryf chapel Hill, N. C. people said by their action at the polls that no secret organization could live and prosper in conserva tive North Carolina. Now let the Oral id Gideon be arraigned be- is probable that their r!ianco may fall them to a great extent if the line of legislation Indicated be followed. The deserving pen sioner would hardlf regard as unfriendly to him the party that Increased his pension and empha sized the honor of his services. The greatest of all pain cure?. Salvation Oil, mar b confidently relied on to speedily heal icalds and burns. It if recommended by many prominent housekeeper and cooks as a "curative that "jojt fill the bill." 1U effect is asg ical. r ' - - The -e&cial vote of Indiana shows Cleveland's plurality to be 7,033. : It Is positively without a poer .Walter D re w Mr says: ana a wer, Vinton, lows. "1 had a very bad cough few doeNi of Dr. Bull' S. The prize will not be award-1 Cough 8yrop gave relief and tf ed If no essay is deemed of suffi-1 fected a core. I would not bo wunoui H in my xamuy. Cleveland's plurality over Har rison in Virginia U 90,841 grievances under which the Farm er's Alliance was originally form ed were many and great. The 'mistake of these men consisted . in 5. Competitors mnst send their names and the subjects proposed to Hon. Kemp P. Battle by Feb ruaryl, 1893, and the subject lore.vne oar oi jusuce. oaniora Any aubject relating to North KxpreV Carolina historr may bo selected. States marshals at elections, and 1 lad onl7 ttrir own ambitions ends H wasvnot long ago that the late The following are suggested : $ 42 00 30 CO to serve. An analysis of the re-1 umentea Mr. ingaiis, oi me uni- cent vote in North Carolina shows ted States Senate, but who is now it in b nnitA noMuhlA for thA nm. decapitated, said, in a frolicsome - - i i - - ocratic party to be beaten by a I 7 A TO irO 40 00 $ 28 40 M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0DISBDK8, K. C Practices in all courts. Office in the Court Homo. B. F. Wildes, Attended 21 meetings at $2.00 per day ; Traveled 820 miles at 5 cents per mile $ 63 40 $.42 00. 16 00 an ,E9 IS IT HAS IT DON! ti nririna1 and onlv srenoine f!ompoanl Ox?gvu TreatTnent, that of Drs. Starkey & Paiei is a scientific adjustment of the ele ments of Oxyea and. Nitrogen magnetized; ai,i thp pomTionud is so condensed and ci-ide ;)'x-tab!e that it is sent U over the world. -it hn ho7i in use for over twenty years: t!i mi win d of nabients have been treated. mid over one thousand physicians have used it and recommended it a very signifl- - " $ 58 00 Commissioner's Office 1 Louisburg, N. C. ) : In accordance with law, I, W. K. Martin, Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of Franklin coun ty North Carolina, do hereby cer tify that the above is a true state ment for the year ending Novem- .nfv foo. '( omnound Oxygen Its Mode of Action I jer 30 A. D., 1892, of the amount iind Kesults, is rue uue "i wvjb. j.a-ros, publiRhed by Drs Starkey & falen, which nves to ainoquirers iuii miuiuiquuu as to this remarkable curative arent and a ,mr. iwnrd of surDrisinz cures in a wide rarge of chronic cases -many of them after ; being abandoned to die by other physi cians. Will be mailed free to any address on application. .'..-,' Das. STARKEY A PALEN, 1529 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 120 Sutter Street, San Prandsco, Gal Please mention this paper. of claims per diem. and mileage of the members ..of the Board of Commissioners of Franklin coun ty i North Carolina, audited by the said Board of Commissioners. W.K.Martin, Register of Deeds and Ex-officio Clerk to Board. absolutely wipe out all vestiges of national 'interference with State elections. "Second. There is nrgent need for restraining by all means' the jurisdictiou of the Federal courts, 'Uider which they now interfere with tho police power of the ''Third. Another important du ty which Congress .should dis charge is the enactment of laws for purifying the peusion lists aud cutting off the "abominable and scandalous frauds, which now ex ist in tbft pensiou department. Iriirtli 1 lift mnst lninnrlJltit. I raitlifiil t n ,t nmmisaa anil wiia perhaps, of all the w ork to be done in their execution. By prompt is the thorough aud radical revis- and efficient action in the direc ion of the tariff. The duty should tion of carrying out its long de be greatly reduced on wool and clared purposes and principle, it woolens and the metals, with spe- can inaugurate an era of proeperi- cial reference to nuttinir the very tv for.onr people which will insure lowest duties consistent with reve- Democratic snpremscy for a long- t& he then became nue upon the necessaries of life. I er period than we have endured Many things on the free list should Republican administration. Un- Printers often say very pointed be transferred to the dutiable list, der this prosperity the Republican I things, as witness the following: A irlAnce at the free list will show nartv will irradnallv disintegrate Whenever a fellow' forsakes the D -.- D " auy one several huudred articles far more surely than it could be upon which there is no sort of rea- destroyed by any mere defeat at son duties should not be levied the polls." harmonious combination between the Third party and Republicans. It is worse than folly, then, for the Ddmocrats, by hostile action or speech, to do anything calculated to drive these men into the Repub lican party. THE SKIES BRIQHT. ' "Iu conclusion," said the Sena tor, 'I wish to say that I have nev er known the skies so bright for the Democratic partyf if it is only "Let them wave their red ban danas fit emblems of the rebel flair they are under which no brave soldier fought and which no virtuous woman loved. It may be all right for a now re tired Senator from the run-flower State to talk abont the virtue of tho Southern women. Wo are holding no ante-mortem examina tion of subjects at the West be cause it seemed that the whole bus iness had been purified and that theJDemocraey was in the saddle. But we, representing the South, desire to make one broad and wholesome proposition, and it Is to the effect that when Mr. Ingalls' proposed or professed that no virtu ous woman ever loved the stars and a common liar. Durham Globe. 1. The history of the effort by Governor Johnson to make New be roe the capital of N. C. 2. Gov. Burrington his char acter and public works. 3. The part taken by North Carolina in the French war. 4. The Revolutionary legisla tion of North Carolina. 5. The Convention of 1788, and the position of its majority in re gard to the constitution of the United States. 0. The course of Nathaniel Ma con in the United States Congress. ITpepla td Liver, OofttplAlsO. Ia it not worth tb small prv it IS : eat to f m roanrlf cf very tjraptom of them diatremicir eotopUlats, it you thlak ao call at oar store and gt a but tle of Mtiiob's itsilxer, cwry IxXLUi ha a priatnd gnarantM oa it, w ae. ordiixgly aod if it dowa voa aothia?. Saii bj Tbocaaji & Ajeorke. Loabar", ao4 T. v. J oraer, rraakliatoa. NOTICE. I Byvutaoc(apowf ottfarr4 u a of nOTtf-f" srul oa tz4 Uy of J a imi. if .r.ooojift4wi!Bra4, MlOlT. UltibMI of wrrXfxg srul oa SZaJ Uy of Jtmmmrr try of Trhim cvaty ta Ea 3. vvr Lm, 1 mtU mM mt ri4he iU u Lb L4- lor caaa M IIU9rt Hm000 ULMli. bur. K. C.oa Mooisy. Ikt 14 4f of ry iA. l IS oviork, M u fMktia v ru-r la rruu a u. i-mr, s.-rlLl trart or twt cf uaj irtcr to VrJu ua eoosir, ona cjv4tM. ia iiarn bis, aaKMalMC ia tmm mt rr. murm or tw, tt faaiaf ta o W) Hi frota B. &. M u-aUrx. maaii a t. at a mm ato y Mat mj or of i uoart la tealor vs. IxmTm iimfm. C Ja. Xait J3r4 Cay of iimn 'f U-a. r. a mnu. AH-y U Morv - 'By vtrtaaoltVfpowr recfvra4 wptmm la a fWi of mtrt-r -ai t y J. a.nur oa. tmawiy ta ai r t ta K H I MM t tA avWv m MkBH 7. The history of the esUblish-rrrwu:a.uMrartlaataiaait. T - . MMjdf.far(MUIMColt HoM 4wf Xl Ortb I ta LoalManr. X. C- oa amf. I Wt IX amy Jaaaukry JAk at u O r n urtatf la irf Hoo- mt tfcv aewk. Ihm fok1a -niJ ttrnt or rr I of nat4 ta rraana eoaaty. S. C. ta aa ny tov UptMVit1l as toikr 1 1 m4 oa t W tu I y t m cf I. TrW aaj iom u. Myrv . oa t- wt ty ta laai f cAMria VafA. t fkoaUk 1 7 UM Imm of 4. 4. Jv. MUMlM Kuiif UthAU AavfcteLte. ecwl tnf WiO ara. n or I ' ua. TUIBi Mjet -lotwrvt t4V and compensation made by a re duction on. articles of most com- Revise the Pension List By All Means. mon nse. New York Times. It is evident that before the Fif- Coffins aM Caskets our jiflded lareelv to , . V A W V W - O etock, and now carry a full line of these goods from the plainest j rpy JJllild Up wood coma to the nnesi piusn or . Your System and restore velvet covered casket. Also a - full line of coffin hardware, lin- X Olirv fetrengtll ings, trimmings, &0. All of Iovigorate your Liver and which wil be sold at reasonable Purify TOUT ;BloO(l CIVIL SERVICE. "My civil service views are well ty- third Congress can take up the known " said the Senator. l am I nntiAn of &nv axtenslva revision Tne Kansas Republicans pnt nnnnaaA ;C( ont and r ..nn. rw. th-r mn-t be up a negro for State Auditor, and . esT)ecially to the way in which more trustworthy kno wledtre than it has been applied. It is well is at present available as to the known that when the law was ap- needs of the government, econom plied by the Republican adminis- ically administered, Somebody tratiou before it went into effect will have to be in the Treasury avocation of a coal heaver and at tempts to run a newspaper,, his first business is to attack his contemporaries, and in a filthy mess of slush try to pass himself off upon the public as & veteran with the pencil. Uood, Bad and Indifferent. ho fell behind his ticket 7,000 votes. .The whole ticket was de feated, ; but the darkey fared worse than any. . N "Bab" ia St. Lonis Brpubnc. A woman can bo so nasty and she can bo so nice i She Is seldom between. She is nasty all the way through mentof tho University of Carolina in February 1793. 8. The educational work of Caldwell and Swain compared. 0. The Senatorial (U. 8.) course of Wm. A. Graham. 10. The. Senatorial career (U. S.) of George E. Badger. 11. The history of the North Carolina railroad. 12. The boundaries of North Carolina. 13. The legal status of slaves In North Carolina. 14. History of the constitution of North Carolina. 15. Tho political hlitory of North Carolina. 10. ollna; their legal and toe latitat us. 17. Tho Regulators. 18. The Ku Klux Elan In North Carolina. 19. North Carolina and Seces sion. SO. Reconstruction in North Carolina. r. a asarxu, Hawu- N0T1CE. Stats or 5cm CasousaI JMtW'i Co Pbavku Cocttv. ju.j. r. IL J. Ei-srxU . W. E. IWmoaU. TWla U it ortioa ioaaol hmt9 -. Joviwof t a of FrmMr.m ooit. a U4 txh day of .lowojtor j y-g a ItSMM aA taalaotaoraof U. . Uttra. a-aiort W. C ftiii. mrU tafortto I ai mt oOat la UxMr. rraala ontv. I !lortkCftM,M IW 17i Aax of Pw hmr 1B1. a t t'ctt, f. t r-ar tJ laottl of a. oo4 xmmXm Vy . K. P aai to M . i. CJoara tor IVi y.tm aa-1 I MOO Aolar. Jaaaary 1, Uit - - - - - - M..U.IL. t Free negroes in North Car-1 ay o Koaib irj. ao4 o to w aay. ta of .itttawr, oaai ia m.m osm ortoa a oarraat of attor, t rotaraalar UUtiiaifjwtai msom to rar Ua spoa tWapror-v aSUarit of IV uit!V aa to raaa of aUoa, aa4 tiaA LW oomi. aat la a aia r ijot of I La aa4 It orartss Ut t 14 JiomAaat to a am- riaiJist of tW Htat. tAia to to ootkfy W. I. Uraarat taat l aai-l arUoa wCX hm UW 1 1 tor aw ao4 t aarraat of attoraawaf tl Unl ao4 Want 4o oa Mocft ta rta 4sy of IWm W 1 VTi at C r.M TBtolWltacfXowmWr O. U Ctx, JmU of Ua r when sho worries a man with her 21. Tho industrial history of almost every office in the gift of Department who will clearly ascer-1 petty jealousies and mean inslnua-1 Xorth Carolina during tho war. THE Respectfully, R. R. Harris & Co Louisburg, N. C. - -. DAVIS Labor Saving ' Strengthen your Nerves and . Give Aiv Appetite ; . Take that E zeellent Medicine, . P. P. P. IPricklyJwh, poke root and potassium. Abbott's East Indian Corn rainteures all corns, warts and bunions. GuanoBooki onEPiLLidniADiEs the jrovernment was filled by a 1 tain and honestly state its actual 1 tions. Republican. In no case have the condition. It will take him some She Is nice all tho way through offices been divided between the time to get at the facts and to pre- when she gives him a word of en parties, and whenever any depart- pare them clearly for the consider- couragement for his good deeds, ment of the government has been ation of Congress.' There will al- and in this way induces him to do transferred to what is known as BO need to be some close inquiry better. the 'classified service, in order to into the expenditures of the gov- " She is mean all the way through be subjected to civil service , rules, 1 crnment, and especially into the preliminary thereto the same pro-1 nnrmous disbursements of the cess of Republican., cramming has I Pension Bureau under the act of been resorted to. Notably, this the Fifty-first Congress. The ad ministration of the bureau under Gen. Raum seems to have been con ducted npon the principle of dis tributing as much as . possible of the public money amdng the old soldiers, and it is believed that 22. History of PubiicEducv- tlon in North Carolina. IIow to Revise the Pension LiiL Sunday Sun S2.00 A YEAR. Oi BUU CaroekU. Containing' moro reading has been so in the case of the rail way mail rervice. , It has always been my disposition to give -the fodder to the horse which pull the plow.- Awkward as it may sound, prefer; as a " politic party man, when, because of her own extreme vanity, she makes another woman suffer. She is nice all the way through forUbly. when put of the goodness ox ner heart she gives another woman joy. r She is mean all the way through when hospitality is a trouble and courteous words a bore-. sion ought to receive it, and it matter than an mngnxicc should be of sufficient amount to rmhliarl ;n AmprieiL For Keeping the Different o rands, amount of the fame, price per ton,' in money or cotton; WtteBooi for all Fertilizer Sellers. FOR SALE BY,,; , S. G.DAYIS, FRANKLINTON, N. C. Price $2.25 per book. - Express prepaid if you state where you eaw this advertisement, NOTICE.. : ' Having qualified as Executor of James ntraiifrfi, deceased, all persons owhijr hfs es into ar hereby notified tb come forward jinn pay the name at ones, and all persent nol'ling claims against the said estate mnet prew-tit them on - or before October 7th, or this notice will be plead in bar of ur recovery. : This Oct, 7th, 1892. J- W. Btbakos, Executor. ARE DULY BEC0MSE5D1U6 - mho PERrECTiou nnnn lUB ADJUSTABLE UflUlj It expand aorosa tha TJjII and Jeiats. ThU makes tt . ; ; TliB BEST FITTIN3, KICEST PuoamsvaM most COMTABLE SHOE IH METSZ tZOSLB. &z PR!KS,t2,$2.53,t3,U50. CONSOLIDATED SHOE CO. MannfittiiwiA, Lynn, Mass. Shoes made ta esurs.- v; FOR SALE BY F. tim & R, Z EGSRTON adopt the motto, ' to the victors I thousands npon thousands of names belong the spoils,' rather than the have been put upon the pension converse, that the spoils belong to rolls' which are not entitled ' to' -be the vanquished. " If. the men who there even under tho very liberal wmthe fight are 'not entitled to provisions of the disability act. the offices it is neither justice nor These rolls ought to be investlgat- enable the pensioner to live com But there are many undeserving names on the pen sion list. Justice demands a re vision of the list and that these be stricken off. In revising the pension Hat justice should be the first consideration, and justice ' " m ants. . There are those who declare that one-third of the list is fraud-1 nlont And at least fi50.000.000 a year is squandered upon persons who have no legitimate claim np on the government. - common sense noit ordinary decen- ed and purged of fraudulent claim- ner Children to ridicule. cy to say that they shall .be . neia by those who lost the. fight." . FREE AITO UNLIMITED COINAGE. ' "You ask my views as to the silver :-' question continued the RTia.tnr. -1 "You know I voted srrainst the Sherman silver bill. . If people would make the sacri I would vote for its repeal, but see fices lor wnrisi ma me no solution of the silver question for money, the devil 'would have save that of free and -nnlimited been onjcrutcJies long agoriuuu coinace. As to finance and tariff I Horn. She is nice all tho way through cn be done by considering poll when she speaks pleasant words ey also. We mean this: Suppose every day, and finds no trouble in A and B are pensioners, each being gracious. drawing from the Federal treas- -! She is mean all the way through ury $20 per month, and that A wY.an n bold nr. her husband or Is a pensioner by real merit. TVMWaat aaw W I " She is nice all the way through when she finds out-the best that is in them, and encourages it ard them until they are better than good. . " Sometimes she Is a combination of meanness and niceness, and the one that comes to the surface will crow d out the other. - Thats what we women want to pray for. To lose all the meanness a"nd be as nice as we possibly can. At least that's the desire of Bab. Address THE SUN. . NEW YORK Feed, Sale Livery STABLES. If joa wih a drive or bora u ride, and want a good rig we caa furniah it. Wf bATe a I'm of pood wr.rron, on and two-hore, liht and bavy weight, with or withejut bodies, th we are aUiag cheaper than ever tons. ' II you want a boyy L auretoK while B. Is not. Then justice will say strike B's name from the list, and here policy might be eonaidered. without violating lat tice, by increasing As perulon our rtj befor lpr, aa weha S saving a fourth Uh money. - by 3 or $10, thus or half to the government. In this way much of the (200 ,000.000 which the government will have to pay to pensioners soon can be saved, and as the Republicans re- W odou the vote of ixnaioneo it Now don t lorzrt ii yoa want . bora, male, bagy, road cart ur wugon, J. II. HARRIS 4 co.a. ts the plnre to buy thm. Call Mod aue us. and you wu 1 pleuaod. t V