JLL. J v. JL V - f N O LOUISBURG,- K. C, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1891 NUMBER 4 1. Highest ot all m .Leavening royer. -Latest U; S. Gov't Report no A rEMENT AOCOltDISO TO LAW OS" T3 AMOU3T OF EACH ACCOPHT CbADICD AXD ALLOWED BT TH BOAlO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF FBAKKLI5 COCKTT, AS TO WHOM ALLOWED, BEOISMXO OS THE F1H8T MOXDAT CT DECEMBER 1891, AKD EXMSOTHa FISST MOXDAT W DECEMBIE 1802. HIS JSTHUGGLE WITH OPIUM.' The Man Won. But Only After Battle that rkverely Trie4 llixn. Sc! in r it, u esc no ol : rjsa chers. TV Suporintendentj: .of Public. oo!s of 1 ranklin .county -will be of February, April, July. JSep- tpnibr, October ana uecemDer, ana nPiii- r three days, if necessary, tlip purpose oi examining appu-. nts to teach in tne fuDlic fecnools his county, x will also be m ,oui-bM' ou oaiuraay - oi : eacn ind all public days to attend i . .J- J i.4.1. nnv Dusiuess uuuuwteu. wiuu my da f lor f t! I reek- to o .lice. J. N. IlAKRisTSupt. professional cards. C. Gi ll, cooke & sou, i ; "a ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, '. 1 T nv LOUISBURe, n. a . ' ."jf ' ill rttan.l the courts of Nash, Franklin, ..: ... i mt.-i ....-.t i i i 1 " 1 1 1 - ;.rr ..u aii i it u&u wuuucbi iubu tuc Showing the number of meetings -,.p?li by the : commissioners op FRAIJJI : COUNTY, NV C-V FROM f SlEM TO J - DECEMBER 5TH, Al D.,' 1892,-AND THE PER DIEM AND MILEAGE RE . CEIVED BY EACH MEMBER "OP THE ; BOARD DURING THAT TIME. ' : . xt .1. "I .- IT.. . .1 Al. TT suprem'" U'-uri oi nuriu ijanmuji, emu mo u, fc. Circuit an I District Courts. Number of meetings held 21.' - . T.; S. Collie, Chairman, " J Attended 20 meetings at $2.00 per day Traveled 560 .miles at 5 cents per mile 1 Dec, 7, 1891 2 - 3 5 " - 6 - 7-. ' .- 8 - 9 ' ' 10 11 ' 12 - : . . 13 14 ' 15 16 18 19 - 20 . r 21 - 23 24 25 . - 26- 27 . . 28 "' 29 30 v 31 . - -33 33 34 33 :-36 Fees OctoWr term 1891 . B B Mapsenbmx, C. S."C. " H C Kearney, Sheriff 'JE Woodard, Solicitor' -. O L KHis. - . U.p. E W Morrs , v WT Wilder 7 . " W K Phillips - J J Cooke . GBH 8talliDgs. . - J C Baker . MS Davis - It H Foster " . " . F F Pearce " - O W Brown " RO Winn ' " H Y Gully. mTor ' . - " "- ' ' , ' M W Page. Sb5ff of Woke ro.- , ; WH Smith-. Tancc " T B Tharringtoir," -wltnem fetm State Harrison KrS.t TJBiht- . . Grand ison Hawkins . '. "- -.-'- -.. 'EWMoric- , - J " ' N M Barrow, constable lees State ts Frank Fearc 1 nrner rerson witness . ----. ' ... .. M M 14 t It .. One day I realized, writes a for mer victim of the opium LaLU, that my word vras no longer symbol of truth, and the moral na ture I bad not quite drowned leap ed np in the dark and ca'.led me 'liar ! to my face. Tljeq I atrcke, and for the first time for many a Then also came the reolre, I 9818 S3 47 C3 00 ' 3 5 0 77 fc0T 2 50 5 2i . -7. 1 52 - 127 1 A 7 2 day I prayed. 1 ill resolve, the determined 448 1 20 17 come what may, this damnable $40 00 I R. J. E. MA.LONE. D Oifle X-xo door? nciow t nomas s A.ycocKe'8 drug E'wro. Jjoiuing Dr. O. L. Ellis. , ' ,: : K. V. H. NICHOLSON, ; " ; . PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, , L0UISBUR6, 5. C ;V . . -n W. TIMBERLAK.E, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, " LOUISBUBQ, N. C.- . 03v on Nash street. " .. s. spruill, - v. ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, A - LOUISBURG, N. C. .' Will attend the courts of Pranklln, Vanoe, Gnnvill, Warren and Wake counties, also the suprome Court of North Carolina. Prompt atuuti m given to collections, &c. .-..4. Y. GULLEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, FRAXKUJfTON, N. C. . :.. All legal business promptly attended to. : mHOS. B. WILDER, " " - ' . -.-O ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, , LOUISBURft, N. C ' Olce on Main street, one door telow Eagle Ho! L - - j". - w. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . L01ISBUR8, K. C ' . - Practi-es in all courts. Office in the Court Hons". - ::' J. R. Alford, Attended"21 meetings at $2.00 per d ay ' - ' -Traveled 576 miles at .5 cents per mile r. J. A. Burt, -Attended. 21 meetings at $2.00 per day Traveled 618 miles at 5 cents per mile. George Winston, . Attended 20 meetings at $2.00 per day : Traveled 568 miles at : 5 cents per, mile : : 1 -. BVF. Wilder, Attended 21 meetings at $2.00 per day " , : Traveled 320 miles at 5 cents per mile - IS IT AS !T DON CAN IT DO z7 Tiiporiniriil and only genuine Coniponntl 0vn Ti-r-ir.-nont, that of DT."Starkey & I'aisn is a s intiflc adjustment of the ele- fti3ts of Oxviien and Nitrogen magnetised; nu) th c(im;-o'ind is so condensed and m-iile p.u-ta'uie that it is sent all over the R'H.l. -r.-:. - tt h ss ho mi in nsp for over twenty years; t:Mn.!i!.l. of patients have been treated ni o,r one thousand physicians have it :n. reonimeuded it a very sijjniS- ' C ;p.;i ) i'i 1 Oxygen Its-Mode of Action an l I'.n iHs.- is the title of a book of .200 p'i:..',:shod by Drs Starkey & Palenr wnio'i o-ivps to all inquirers full information ;n t: this raj:ti-kaWe curative aent and a !.')) 1 worn of Hurprisinj? cures in a wide mnw of chi oniu cases -many of tbem afttf Ikmh-jj a'vinjoned to die by other physi 'wns. Will l ip mailed free to any address ou application. - " - - Dm. STAP.KEY & PATTEN, 1520 r.-h Street, Philadelphia. Pa. . 120 Siirt-r Street, San Francisco, CaL. PWase mention this paper. - . "' iins and CasMs. He havp ad.-lfirl laro-filv to OUT - o-j . ock, and now carry a full line of these goods from the plainest wood coffin to the finest plush for' velvet covered casket. Also a tall line of coffin hardware, lin ll)gs, trimmings, '&c.; ' - All of tthich wi'l be sold' at reasonal'le prices. . ':- '-v:C Respectfully,. ' R. R. HARRIS& Co. . L3uisburg, N. C.'-- ' : : . ; . 1 , ' $ 58 00 Commissioner's Office ) Louisburg, N. C," J In accordance with law, I, W. K. Martin, Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of Franklin coun ty, North Carolina, do hereby cer tify that the above is a true state ment for the year ending Novem ber SO, A. D., 1892, of the amount of claims per diem and mileage 1C3 i ll T I oi tne memoers 01 me uoara 01 ios Commissioners of Franklin ' coun ty, North Carolina audited by the said Board of Commissioners. - W. K-Martin,' " ? Register of Deeds and Ex-officio Clerk to Board. ; 39 .28 00 49- 41 42 68. 00 Us' 44 45 , 46;. 47 $ 42 00 Us in so 28 80 si 53 . . $70 80 5i . : no 56 57 58 59 . 60 61 62 - " 63 64 65 66 67 G8 69 70 : 71 73 74 75 ' 76. 77 78 79 80' 81J 82 -: 83 -84 85 . 8 ' 87 88 89 " 9) VI 93 03 94 95 9i 97 98 9? 100 101 102 103 104 M tt $42 00 SO 90 $ 72 90 ! 2 -. ' 40 0.0 $28 40 U $68 40 $42 00 16 00 Jim. Kearney to u Wheeler -Willie- Wheeler . V Furney Allen Stewart Inecoe II L Murphy Sidney Hortoa -J A Laton Sandy Horton " Jasper Gay - . William Rogers Henry Carter - . Phil Pearce Nancy Place " ', . James Crndup Frank Denton -.-W G.Collins Pat Stallings Cas Stallings - Jim Stallings ' W R Hicks . , Wm. Baptist : D C High G W Ford J W Fisher ' 8 M Boone - " Jim Davis Herbert Boone : Willie Fuller . Maeon Fuller . Q V"Jonss"; " Deana Wilson Mary Cooke .. J Allen B F Wilder G G Gill 8am Bailey Dr PS Foster ' ' E i Gupton Itobt Coppedge do S M Stone do Leland Stone do -', Allen Young . do A O Williams do 8 E Pearce - do P.icb'd Atchison do Willis Payne ; t do Turney Perry 'do Adalade Jones Mary Mitchell James Altou ., BF Pearce Allen Mitchell H Halewood ' jeff Matthews Jeff Parritth . J A Dean yt L McGhee jF Smith TF Kirklana '. Charles Stone jesse Ctiudeil . NCGnpton John Pace AlfHix K w Perry w T Clifton F N Egertou t - - . , H t Jno. McKnlght Wardrop Gapton Younir St Horton Wm, Young . - M James E. Pearce to be done with tyranny. At C i sk o'clock that evening I took a learr ! J ty meal of meat (principally) and lpo a little (very little) red, wlue. ,lt was June 10, 1808. -1 had deter- went with Lira. It U understood that the pastor. Dr. Abbott, Is in sympathy wilh this opinion. From one standpoint this view of tho case looks very well, and yet, sincaP'y mouth church teHetes that tl e heathen are aavrd 'with oit the Goipel, and wants to send oat only raiwlonarie wbo loll that 'view, He qucstloa arisen, Why, then, eendit roiv;on&rlcs at kfl ? The Xt w York 8uu aIed the question more than a week ago aad It hasn't been answered yet. It Is evident that the missionary business will hare to be conducted upon tho original basis cr go to pieces. If Plymouth church Is right abont it. ll is a positive tin Tosua ta rolltka. it is to b hojvd tut jii r.:u L. Kcowles is nnwooatdy so far her Igle gocf.fcrshs Is to t Mon tana's eat Attorney General Pittsburg Disf aUb. Wyoalng has elected a wcrsaa Juitlc cf ths Peace. Justice cay be blind but if this prtctlent is followed it won't b dumb la th progressive . tommonwealtb of Wyoming. -Kansas City Jwr nal. In Xorth Dakota, too, a woan has been elecUd to a Slats Sc. Mrs. Eiieoboth Las tbt moat tcUs for Superintendent of Public In 2 2C) 2 CO (I . - (4 2 f.O t iuo vunsu.n r:iigii tin mined to walk into the summer . ... Toa iv ,,- , , , whero one accepts il ifi night walk till I died; If necesaa- . . . 19u u it ami t ..i reject it, and these, 1 7 ry, but walk till I won my battle, ; . , 2 85 .'in- j.i v-i it i whereas, if it bad n ! 75 if I lived through the ordeal. 1 , .. ,, 4iJ . , to them they woald 183 eifc my waicnai come inat. i migui l 70 not pawn it for opium. I took no l 70 money with me; even as I lefthome i I? und struck across the downs I felt X do do do do do do do do do do do tin ' do do do do do do do do do - K do do ,do do do do do do - do -do do do do do d dt -do do do do , . do . do do. do do do do .do do do Matthew Ifasseoburg Sam Harrison. Frank Spivey . Lumkin WUliamiSjn John white V Ben Foster ." Arch Williams . 44. U ( 11 tt 44 ,44 i 4( 4 "44 4 M do Allen Foster do . do do Handy Tunberlake do do -do do do do do do do "do da , Allen Foster do William Cattle do do do do . do BP Strickland do do do do do.- james Perry do Henry Harris do do do do ' do Jamrs Stokes do do .do " John Parker do do do do do Mix A S pence do do do do do Jno E Pearce do jim Perry do do where one accepts it t?n thousand then, are lest. not been taken they woald not bava been. Holding the views they do, Dr. Abbott and bis flock assume a frightful responsibility when they nrrt-1i4?p nirVfta tn tl-. miiilAnir in.ilvA. : i I .. . j ; -- , i I O0X. ior mypenummaio aay aoap was at hand) and I knew my tempta tion was with me, and realized how structlon but the men folk wUltrr kindness to the heathen to carry J to prevent ber frons asaualng tL the Christian religion to tbem, for duties of th cc on the croutd 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 83 1 o-- llowerer, whatever may be cr thedoz and nhateverhetereodoa np fin llita nnMtlnn. tl frt nnotil nnl a 55 1 , - .v to be lost sight of that there ar at home In Xorth Carolina, let ns 1 55 1 5o 1 55 155 8 70 a 70 3 70 a 70 a 70 1 60 1 80 1 SO 1 40 2 70 1 55 155 4 40 4 40 5 10 2 40 J 40 2 80 2 45 3 10 Oft 8 05 1 TO 1 20 1 70 2 55 1 55 1 45 145 1 05 1 O." 99 2 53 40 1 80 1 95 1 80 1 C5 l r." 2 0-- say "quite a good many people (as they say out West) who bave yet to bar Salvation's Joy ful sound and qnlte a good many more, some of them honest and decent people, who would like very much to bave some of the money that is going to China, to buy bread for themselves and their children. Charlotte Observer. be. ine cravint; seemed to me a! palpable shape that walked beside me, a presence that outran me and ' lost me, and came back to me like a faithfnl dog that would not lose . W la or leave me luai i could uoi leave or lose. Sometimes I sang, some times I raved aud swore, some times I prayed and wept, but nev er once thank'God, did my resolu tion falter. Much of that night I cannot re member. Dim things ceme back to me at times, such as a fall I bad once, hurting my knee, 1 think 1 1 A cranky man Is a good deal frightened eome one who asked j like a stubborn mule, .deal brrd me some' question, and 1 believe 1 1 dern: he's nebbcrobapnv as when can recollect that I myself grew at he's makln people mis'rabU by one time lull or Icair fear of hurt- his continnst kickin of ineligibility. PitUbargCLroa- lc!e. . TLey elected another woman trial Justice out la Wjcmla latt week. The first one, who ws elect! a year ago, sent her hus band to js 11 for contempt cf ccuit and the Wyoalng vctcrs seea to have come to lbs conclusion that fe male justice caa't be botldoaed. Boston Herald. Isn't the earth exciting a gcod deal of flattering notlca among the stars Just now f Mars and BieU'v, tail seen to b as intensely, cu riously and futilely interested la the earth as Mm. lsse of Kansas is in the United States &enatcr-shlp. Kev.-i'liak PI auk's WU-lcnx. Not troubled with rheumatism any more. Jud&d Gatewood, &4 Avery at., Cincinnati, Olio, writes tl.M-i: l Uught a bottle of t?t taticn O'.l for rbeumathm, with which I was a Cue ted. Tee first . a Apt.ication irave reuex ana & tats not been trv-iMed a luce." 107 108 109 110 111 119 113 114 115 116 117 Green A. Yarboro amonnt of account, shoes, blinlcnta, tc Thomao Sc. Ajcocke amount ol nconut for drnp. Ac j j Boblntt repHirinjc joyner's brid over Tar rirer w P Cooke making roQn for Sarah Hayes 11 Cooper repairing bridge acrom Tar river at Louisburg Hene Iluilewood bitfance due on Court 8-ronrt 11 B Mnsseuburs:, CSC amount of acrount Sleil vr G winn Brat of aect jraartl nnd hoard of John Smith R P Pinnell aint of acct.for botrtl of nrionern Eastern i V Insane Asylum ant paid Simou Dehnam fore home 8 05 8 O") 1 30 6 C! 3 80 2 15 600 OO li M Fuller makiB?Hoth4eforinmatshomeforage4andlnfirin 32 25 j A Thomas amount of account filed " ji TS ing myself, not others; and theu 1 suffered thirst such thirst, such awful thirstbut I must have slaked it somewhere, for in the morning my clothes and necktie were all wet, and o was my hair. At 7 in the morning of the next 24 781 day I found myself leaning on a 2 v' 2 oo 2 M0 8 HO 4 OO 11 00 2 2-- 40 05 K K Boone enphcar order for No. GSIhakI to b li-t w G winn conotabie fee State vs wm. Pattle October 1891 w H Macon witneM tickets for V Lirtljohn and w II Macon in State vs. jere Williamson Henry Foster witness fees Stat vs Arch Williams October 181)1 overlooked byCSC -w 3 jolicson witness fees State vs AU4-o Foster October 1 8'Jl-overlooked by C S C j II Griffin conveying Carrie Griffin to Asylnm i i uooKe& . o amount ol account nixj 69 20 8 CO 118 Like.flakes of snow that fall uDperceived upon the earth, the seemingly unperceived events of 119 l'U 121 122 ,'S: DAVIS Labor Savinpli Guano Oooiw . or Keeping "".the :- Different "fwuis, amount "of .'the ; 6ame rlCe Der tnn in mrvnaxt rir fintrnn for all Fertilizer- SeilorSr FOR SALE BY;; ,-T"." FRANKLINTON,"'Hi'jC.' :nce $2.25 per book, r: -Express ; cpaid n you 'state;: where . iis advertisement:;;; you NOTICE.. lawrt as , Executor ; of James -areV claBed' a" persons owing hfs ee ?lt!rfby hotifled to come forward VMii . , h? Hf at once, and all oersent Present i.a,m8 asainst the said estate must JlftL7 n or before October, 7th, OVery. Tha On. TtVt . 1 fiQO . life succeed one another- As the snow gathers .together, so are . our 1 habits formed.' ; - - ; . rYonr System and restore . ' Sour S trench JirS l Invigorate your Liver and 4 " 4: PuiH Your Blobd jfitrerigthenynjr Nerves and. Give Ari Appetite iiTake that Excellent !MedicJ&e, :A ' "'-V' -'.'i.:;;-1?' ' -P :--l ' "r"'. , Prickly ash, poke root and potassium. Abbott's East Indian Corn Paintcares all corns, warts and bunions. . ; : HOE OnEitllLUOn LADIES y &RS DAILY EECOHHESDISG ' rfflin PERFECTION Q 1110 ADJUSTABLE U It expands across t&e r - Soil and J oints. '7 V ; ': V This makes it ; '- '". TlLS BEST FITTING, KICEST vl0mi,aiiaH0ST;: CGMFOETABLE-SHOS-IN :. ; m TOBIi). - -PRICES, $2, 12.55, 13, SS.M.. CCNSOUDATED SHOE CO. y': Maaef iiCtaieiis, v Lynii, :' - j Mass.' W-vu' shoes mads to neasara. 123 124 -' 12. 12 127 128 : 129 130 131 132 13 134 135 13fl 137 133 139 - 140 - 141,; 142 T 14 I 144 145 140 ; 147 148 149 150 1M 152 ., 153 154 . 165 156 v. 157 . 158 : 159 160 161, 1B2 " 163 164 ' 103: 168 167 168 169 170 171 172 ' 173 174 175 ; 176 -i 177 178 ' 179 :' 180 181 Jany4f'02 R M Fnller hoard of inmates of home for used and Infirm A w Pippin flooring one of the four bridges F N Ecerton amonnt ol account filed w K Martin amount of account filed ttecar Alston making coffin for Bachas Davis . George winston 2 days service on stock law fence to be paid - ' out fence raony - Georjre winston 1 day committee on brides It M Fuller bal due on acct makinj clothes for home for paupers B F wilier 2 days committee on bridge at Geo. Joyner's j R Alford committee on bridge tc account filed T b Collie committee work and attention to home for aged sua innrm ana unairmaniaai 44 00 w K Martin jr making np annual statement and mileage and jper diem commissioners lc 1891 270 00 w K Martin jr making up abstract of listed taxable for 1891 75 OO G w Brown extra work to commissioners Ac - 12 OO C M Cooke attorney to Board 12 months ending Dee 7, 1891 -lOO 00 H C Kearney, sheriff, amount of account filed - 68 ? Henry C Yarboro mnkinjr bolt for bridjre " inn Gsorge Cortway putting in window guards ia Insane room in iail 1 00 J Ck;iriiejf runemuir ice oi-aw ts 4 no I arser Uc( loul j E Woodard solicitors fees October term 1891 W.P Cooke making coffin for Anthony jonee E B Clesrir coffin for Lovie Purirnrson : 8 E Pearce conveying Lindia Winston to Insane asylnm Green & Yaboro ami of acct for goods, tc for home of aged . , and infirm . .... - .- ,. ,. , - B B Massenburg CSC recording Treasurer's report ,." R D Pinnell amt of acct for board of prisoners, te w K Martin, jr amount of account filed gate and looking out on the land scape before me with a sort of- cu rious wonder as to how I came there; my head dropped on my hands. I slept for (I think) onlv a few minutes, aud awoke quite well. Since that day I have never touched it, and have never been tempted to touch it. Of course, 1 am well aware that the doses to which I bad become accustomed were not very large, but I am als6 ii.i ii ii . t i . . . . 4 sure mat tucy were on iuo increase, 85 90 aTIA tB.:nrr i.ij Avn.:.n.. gQ I u4 uwiiMg 4b j ABvaavw lately to a distinguished English A OA 2 off physician, he begged me for the a sake of others, to put on record 8 OO I these nlain And ftimnle facts. This I now do, and if I do so anony mously, it is only because I believe that no further good could follow the Knowledge ot my identity or name. London Spectator. 1 02 12 50 2 80 2 81 0 74 As to The Heathen. Egerton& Ford wason and harness lor home of c (red and ioflrm 44 -00 The dispatches have already told 46 60 1 0Hr feaders that Plymouth church. - 82 401 Tr.oklyn. formerly Beecher's 46 48 church, now Hev. Lrman Abbott s Feb'yl, " V. D Malone taking iuventory at home for aired and infirm S A jonee 6 days assessor and list taker 1691, Gold Mine T-& -.W I) Spruill extra services to Board 1891 . j W Evans supplies furnished home of aged and ioflrm ' j A Thomas amt of acct for books, blanks, Ac A W Pippin timber for bridge at a j Harris' old mill Alcmza Loyd 72 feet timber on Carpenter's bridge W B Hunter conveyinn jim Rhodes to iail . . . - E S Foster anpt health 6 mos, eDding jan'y 1, 1892' , ltM Fuller am) of acct for board of inmates at home for aged and mnrm - , ' , W M McMullen repairing bridge At Lou tsburg Henry Egerton keeping up water gate at 4 bridge 1 2 mos.' . -xr T Dean j t fees State vs Henry Harris Oct term 1891 J R Alford i days letting aud recefving bridge at Crooked creek AH Moore keeping rafts from Simm's bridge 4th quarter '., George winston coffin for Bob Branch ' j w Fisher conveying Bettie wood and Willie Brodie to Jail - .. ; AG Pearce one cow and calf for home of aged and infirm : Bartlett Perry coffin for Badger (Tifton . w M Leonard 2000 sails on stock law fence Gold Mine.T 8 . j w Swansou repairing stock law fence ' '4 . w I) Kearney conveying Geo Branch co iail and board ; Ned Taylor repairing fence. Gold Mine township T - D F Cooke A Co blankets for jail ; R D Pinnell board of prisoners. Ae : " ; j H Bryan repairs on Bass bridge " 'J- '' F P Pierce examining Malindie winetox, lonatic ; iRB woodlief repairing Simms bridge from Oct 1891 to date J C Stallings keeping raft from Ferrell's bridge 4th quarter ' t Crenshaw, Hicks tt Alien amt of acct of goods fa rnished borne '.- . . of aired and tnfim i H Griffin repairs on etocc law fence Cypress creek T S j w Evans amt of acct for supplies for home nf aired and in firm 44 95 : 3 A Thomas publishing annual statement 1891 te , w k. Martin amount oi account filed Crenshaw Hicks A Allen amt of acct coal 4c for court hone j R AlTord keeping rafts from Anderson's bridge 4th quarter L S Alford building bridge over Densoo creek AC Privett conveying jim Pearce to jail guard and board J A Thorn as amt of ncet for books, notico Ac . Green A Yarboro amt of Acct for home of aged and infirm - . jno T81edgeTepairiBgeounty gate J A Burt one day committee on Treasurer's report . ; j . . , " ITO BK COST13CED J loggerheads with the Ameri can Board of Foreign Missions. The trouble grows out of the fact that the board of foreign missions will not send ont auy missionary who will not preach and teach the doctrine that the heathen are damned. Plymouth cbnrth does not asseut to this proposition, and a report of a rcceut meeting of the congregation, at which the whole question was , canvawed, makes very lively reading. 'One of the elders attacked the foreign mission board in quite vigorous style, say. ing among other things, that the 2 00 I nninion it holds nnon this nnetion 32 75 " rTr . . 2 col was a "damnable heresy, and that it would, get no' more of bis good money. I will not give a cent, be said, "to spread news of damnation. He held the view tbat the heathen who bave never it 2 00 12 00 24 00 SOU ; 86 HO - 16 17 1 08 - 2 00 , 125 00 71 20 4 50 800 8 88 4 00 2 50 . 2 80 4 00 25 00 1 60 20 fO 35 70 8 25 81 60 13 no 78 60 4 50 44 95 7 OO "Man wants but little here be low,' deah bredern, but some men's idea or wbat a 'little' is would make de biggest bog iu de world blush at bis own abstemiousness. Da man dat spends de br?t part of his tife in "raisin de devil," deab breddern, Ml fine on d las day Satan'll play de game of tit for tat, au git square' by roisin him. It's all well, enutT to "gib de debbll his doe," deab bruddern, but the safest plan is not to open no accounts wid him; den wen the day for final settlement comes dere won't bo uuSIndue him. De mau dat can't sing an' in ststs on, singin, deab breddern, Is nearly as much ob a nuisance as de man dat knows how to sing, but has to be coased like a balky t m t in muie Deiorco no u open nts mouf. "Money is de root ob all ebll," dean breddern, but dai s no reas on why a man should turn bis back on God as roon as bo giU rich enouf to move into a better bouse an keep a boss'n carri age. A homely face am oUcn a bless in' in difgnlse, dtah bredderen. Dere' s a good many people Iu bell dat nd be in bebben if It badnt been for dere good looks, an de use dey maice oi dem iodu wale ob tears. Grant me prudence .to avoid him that flattertth me, and to & dure patiently Via that codra dictelb me. The adaption of Dr. Ball's coogb syrnp to tie cure of ail diseases of the throat and chest is certainly marvelous. For col J, coach, eroar hooping-cough and Incipient consumption it Is incomparably tho best preparation made. The two powers wLtcu consti tute a wi man are lLoe of bear ing and forbearing. DjrTl n4 Lit rr Cocnptslat. ! It wrrta fJw wtzxU rrfcw cf ;i reals L f r vximlf ct etery rrsstiv of i turn d rrwiar feopiar. u r- thiskaoeaU at oar sf t a&d rl a tie of SiU-Vs VUAl-iir. revry UaiU jla a rrltud runsie ow I, ew rordis)? aad tf It dVws rom sx4&ir. SxJsi by TWau & Arewke. L4uaitrj aodT. C Jeraev. FraasUator. -THE- SLinda3r Sun 32.00 A YEAR. Contntninpj nioro reading matter than any mngaiie published in America. 119 17 44 05 04 43 2 60 45 85 5 oo j beard the Gospel will be saved. 25 32 being no fault of theirs that they 1 w 1 i v 4 : 4 2 00 I uaTO uvh uctiu , auu c t c ry mem Eteut ten cents a Democratic Alliaucemtn pays in ss due to the present aa-called- Abiance ia Just ten cent contribute! to a third party cam;algtt fund. For Ms. cune says that the AliUice is now nothing but the Third ,prty ar-. t every State oJicer in Nrt!j Caroli na, from Mary Ann ILiUr dwwft, is a rank and blatant lhid l-rty-ite Lenoir T-pir. 4HBHMSHBSBBSSMSBiaSBBBBSBBBMSSMBBSBMBBBSB "a lkadiir. - 8!ne Ha Brtlu?riscttn Et-m Uit- tmhasrslod rsf MljJnpvpsUr fV, ootil a-w it U eVarljr la !b bad arv-v pan n-dk-icl took and slvrn eoatalnuvr bv4klag w&irb lis t a a lten7 r lattWaBt. It U tmy. a lied a the parrel aai b-t raiH f-r H ailments of s'4rvarh. titer rrlt!aa ltwUlenre 'cX VWs'Uch-, !i!i--'l . eooipitl-rt, snl dHe n!x'a tr-m ! I srs'em. fUtKs'iiirt ;-.- j esxh botflw or th tV5ey will U- r-f ed. PrioeonTr tr. per UtlJV at 7&vt I Address THE SUN. NEW YORK. NOTICE. JSr vtvtae ef rvt tiTt tf w U tWlef Bknr"rsikto4 lr J. a.'V j mNrMUthi.ulrcMi4 rS.M Jr btf U iUfWry 94 rv.i : ttm'j. L i t; (tM t ll i . nii f. Ur.trilt4(i1 n 4 -t UwT. Cf-.IW a 4 i lattJ Uuk. ll Ul V ft. a t t vtu trwt v ! " I. am iilvt. 1 'jt rewtanji 4ry. X. "-. m 'j m i. . MiJ4Ve n ! re f tw ej r' xO r 11' U itlL 7rWsuv.i, . M;r-fc.M tv s ly tk Ua Ci!fet Vr.-m SvUk y ti U t4 1 J.11.1, and Ik mmt if tfc U'm4 flitnK . C-l f4r MS 441 ri 4v I H4V rx 4tty ef v 4x r. a erav iu. Knetc-r V4T or !trm fjkstruv I tv o. L. 1 TV. I ImX. J. r. Ksijv Crvi U. J. Ll..rJ-, w. r TUsea se4 Woe t llvrtatfevW..r-jKbM I Sl hy kmwm.m at sit i lA:lm. Frtfte r- N4rtSrrJ v4t tw I 7 1 V ! mt Ur lSJi.ei 1 oV4.t. P. U. to iwoOt '.wi I r I Kn Mi4 4M Kv W H ! 4 t4 M. I. 1-J r We t'."T tkrmm , 11U l1r. iatraarv t. lisal. hmr. iT-r trw4 i' Ut sJ $ry U 14 4iWft WksW s3. s-1 IW ir,VJ iiit. si-i J 4-e Bti- srrt nt t m1 pMariW mx it (UulU tsaiM U Miif M I W p- stVf tt .if tS f4 -V w4 tr4 tA .um. owl lt r-w l U a i4 ri.U-if ol l.-t4y itlli.f. r t I 4il 1 mmt t t-..w4.)(4tw?utviUMi7 f .ft . r -i- t V IWm. 1 U trw W il'MUijl4lrilrJ sHiM-Sro,, t-,rtl 41 I r- Ww , t t tk Amy .4 Iw., I V2 mt 3V -r.J T'WTi,.. Wwiwi; " o. L. Ji.t v.' J ,:r, :'r:. : FOE SALE BY ; .' W'l N; RZ EGERTON, VVf f LUS -'-'' 4"' I- W. Stbaxge, Executor. DO . jiyd-el.drajs:vnE. ber of the - congregation but