1- p -. . . Highest of all in Leavening PowerLatest U. S. Gov't Report rsv v2J v v ip ASSSlSfSBBlt PJJE5B TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS The Superintendent of Public, Schools of Franklin county will be in Louisburg on the second Thurs day of February, April, July, Sep tember, October and December, and remain for three days, if necessary, for the purpose of examining appli-r-ants to teach in the Public Schools of this county. I will also be in Louisburg on Saturday of each week, and all public days, to attend to any business connected with my office. J. N. Harris, Supfc. c. ProfeKsional cards. M. COOKS & SON, ATTORNEYS-A.T-LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C v Will attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carollnp, and the U. S. Circuit and District Courts, Scritaer'sMap.ziiie FOR 1893. PARTIAL PROSPECTUS. R. i. E. M ALONE. Otflca two (hmn MnvThrnnu k A vvkft'fl drug store, adjoining Dr. O. L. Ellis. R. W. H. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBUBS, it. a E. W. TUIBS&LAEE, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, LOUISBCKS, jr. c Office on Nash street. J? 8. SPRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBS, K. a Will atten-1 the courts of Franklin, Vance, Granville, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt att. ntlon given to collections, tec. ' N. Y. GULLBY. T ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, " rRASKLIHTOlT, K. C. All legal business promptly attended to. HOS. B. WILDER, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, 2f. C. O'tce on Slain street, one door below Eagle w. M. PERSON, ATTORNBY'AT-LAW, LomsBCBO, s. a Practices in all courts. Office in the Court uoaae. WHAT B 9 1 IS IT IAS IT DONE CAN IT DO The nrimtin.1 flnil rtnltr ofonn ina nimnnnnJ Oxygen Treatmentthat of Drs. Starkey'A Palen is a scientific adjustment of the ele ments of Oxygen aod Nitrogen magnetised; rtll'i the fnmnnnnii ia an mnitanaiul an1 ui.-nle portable that it is sent all over the i j woria. It h;e been in use for over twenty years; thousands of patients have been treated. riml nvor nnA t.tinnannH nhvalniona t,nwn used it and recommended it a very sigmfl- "Compound Oxveen Its Mode of Action and Results," is the title of a book of 200 page, published by Drs Starkey, ft Palen, which gives to all inquirers full information as to mis remarKaoie curative agent and a good record of surprising curea in a wide range of chronic cases -many of them after lein7 Abandoned tin die bv nth or nhirai. riana. Will be mailed: free to any address on application. t Das. STARKEY ft PALEN, lr' rol! SWf. PhUoAolnTiia P.. 120 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal. i' lease mention this paper. Coffins and Caskets. We have added largely to our stock, and now carry a fall line of these goods from the plainest wood ceffin to the finest plash or velvet covered casket. Also full line of coffin hardware, Hid ings, trimmings, &c. All of which wi'l be sold at reasonable prices. Respectfully, FBAHOSS HODSSOK BPHHTrT will contribute the first serfs! to appear in a miaSn5roin,hrPenfor,!nany yew, enti tled "The One I Knew the Best of AIL" . H. C, BUJTCrKB Will f nralnh n. wrlos nt aW a, - a "Jersey Street and Jersey Lane." Illustrated. BOBKRT BRANT wll velAfo t.Ta nriVu. 4 -r -. - - - -- .... ciponoiraa oi rreti ana a Married Man Illastr a ted. HAROLD FREDRICK win contribute a political novel of reat pow er, entitled The Copperhead. BY THK AUTHOR OF "JKItRY." Miss & B. Elliott, the author of "Jerry," will write a realistic story of life among the Tennessee mountaineers, "The Durket riper-ret-" - -"" PERSONAL BRMTNISCXKCBS. Some unpublished letters of Carlyle to Ed ward Irving ana others, dealing with a part of Carlyle's life f :ur digrent from that brought out in the recent Uteratnre of Carlyle remi niseonoes. Roccollections of Liucoln and Sumner By the late Marquis de Chambruu Both grtlck-s are ful of new matter. An Ar tist In J2hm. ' Rt RniKi4 ninn, i i rtarned srora a residenee of nearly two years ThA iinthnr l41otnl . ... . . , . . beena f-ature pf the magazine uung 1892 Wl 11 he Rnntinmvl hxanm . ', B Z lng pap; rs, among them sevend by th great v.iTj , ? a. XLUSSel, Aroh- MB2T8 0CC0PATI0SS. .rln,"11 onJ.he me work of men Inmany callings the chief ways (exclusive of professions) la- Whfcfc m eau theirliVeU- TOT twill TAa A TO TV rav a m v - - vaavAvv, TCPyUpQbnahoa,4t-ln the year Si3g'.ithe lm?1sl02amade byhe exhibition upon tu erenl observers of notJTbbth Amer- t rs will be also artists who wiU iUustrate their lnscsiiAimons . arttci.h. !?Irthconirib,lon8to tnetoo' In great S!1T,,Mrs- ,aJtt!B.- f JUasfcsatod papor on the London plan tor Home aid to Inv.tluf chil- "- ji op-i i i uiu'r, si also wilt be Prof neuprin-s authoritative account oi the Peiiry Relief Kxnrtlltmn iltnrt i . iT J t sting article by Octave Uzanne on the exhibit j i a ari, now going on in Paris, of trvols. Bm r trt " THR ILtTTSTRATIOlTS ox tne vear win wmwonnt tvio , of tn.i well-known irastmtnra- i.nt uraWlniTS Will rO annxt l.v v - O MAUObO WltU W TERMS : 13.00 a Year: S3c a NnnnT SPECIAL OFFER. The numbera-mt I.tfi9 lound In cloth- fi r Knw ia tiu iim., .,v- - 7 L T . -w .u ma WMIU- HT11W, CHART S firnntntN 743 Broadway New York. ACCORDIKQ TO LAW OF THK AUOWT OF ACH ACCOtTKT CLATiCCD AKD ALLOWED BT"tSB BOARD OF pn COUUIB8IOKER8 OF FBAKKUK CO' WHOW ALLOW.D, BX OK Wn MOXDAY DBCEkBKB 1891, AKD EKWKTTHVnU,T MOHDATKaBt.1893 REDUCE THE ATEEAGE. Home and Farm. Farmers can now A WORD ro-OFFICE SEEKERS. To all young mn who contem plate a journey to Washington ' Jnly 6, - . : r - 569 July 5,92 Jack Winston amt eb part by him to conaty in exces. of srri. wo Stone guardiDK tail one night April 189i G W Brownmad for white washing and trimmiBjr tree. 0H SHvMaphy Wltfl8 f of S " W Shearrin et al I S FolSr PP ! Heahbre mo8 ending Jaly l.t 1892 I ES Foster- 7 - " f fE - ttax li.t-Hgto. towneaip 1802 JHCheeves Dannil 116 .. .. J G Baker - Harris' f.riekland " Sandy creek - rld cyPre88Creek - J A Thomas books, blanks, 4e for court house Vt SPeT P1 on Lonisburg bridge W JfMartin amt of acct filed Tjas S Kenan, glerk Supreme Co, fees in case appeal from Q B HterT at.hr d infirm 182 ePj? ht Cedar Rock township 1892 kqq -, Vw it. '"""S"1 nayesvme township 1892 599 August 1, W Evans plow points and diggin T.t h. ana infirm " hs" j W Evans part wages at home of aged and infirm keeP,n rafte 'fom Simms bridge 2nd quarter Ja tSmZ? Pe?see taking care of Turner Thorns P R nffl T nnK-Ttin6 of Board in mly 7 t? K5 ioffl for D2V18 a"Pton outside panper I u Ad keePm raft fm Anderson's bridind onrr. John C Stalhngs keeping rafts from FerreUVM brfdS 2nd iSrt.r B ft Mnssenburg, C S C amt of acct filed - quarter n D Pmnell nmt hnanl rr W . (.uJUUC etc o on rePainnK county fen 0 L SiTV1, P amininS C-IUw Alston, lunatic W K Martin amt of acct filed Toung Thomas coffin for Turner Thomas Jj 1 tlorton repairs on pump at jail J A Burt n" dVy COmmittee on Treasurer's report B SSand wife " "' -dAu'gust, outside pan per hub luiiiciteu S A Hamlet Mrs E Gnpton Mrs 1 Falconer J E Gupton Matilda Edwards EHa Dickerson W H Tharrington Nancy Bell John Catlett M S Vaughau Helen Rogers Ursulie Upchnrch Mrs Joshua Nunn Turner Medlin W H Perr aud wife "Rebecca Perry 570 571 572 573 574 573 576 577 578 570 580 51 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 598 594 595 596 97 598 600 601 602 603 604 604U 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 plain.lv fee what a redaction in cotton acrea iZ t' 7 r w-!lllntm has done for th ,AL t lhe of TtftM. 4 , . V, . pioyment, the beat adrice is. ned00tJtMs- ,"n don't, rn.-h-bltort.lta.lta.ta at cents ner round. now tbA . Wl4UtlMi.o,in ' " mercanuie nouse, where the pe- , 8 05 r v 1W couu per pouna. caniarv rwp -,.n n : now i wou,d mgaaj hthM to I zzitl 'mL::: 2 80 reauce their acreacre next BeaMTi at v. , . 7 .. . : : w i muur ia nam. ia in ti.A .n -r a tuu id uvue 2 00 I it will insare 12V in Ifi An. 8 oo cotton in the fall of '93. I am an 40 oo ,d farmer in my three score years, 4000 and I have tiava .an a r.,.. prosper by raising all cotton and 1 50 165 115 1893. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ILLUSTRATED. Hanwnt1. uayil,A 1yv . . 0 wiumuo av ion wiiraniuiiaa to mnlntanthn uurivaledetandard of excellence Among the noteable features of the year there Will vi n an. n nnnln .. A r, " m- a " v vuuiui i v it;, con- (ibUirp KMllmAM Wfillsu-kn nri II ; T1 - . . m ii uiiau uukk. popular writenrof the day; includfug Mary B. " nuns, ukuwj unruuw xavis, Jiarirarct JUiautlcc.JMtjHniB, A1AU !UlTiy OTUerS. iue uiuHLraLea aesenpave papers will embrace articles bv Julian Ralnh on rxw Mnnthpm mil WiMtmn hiM.m.. Tl 1 ji v ilHWiuDUIijGUO, XlHFVHJrtS V-IlllU OU in- (us; Dy rouiurey mgeiow on KUflsit and Qer muili: hv Riehard TTkrifinir Tt&vla nn ' Tn, don Season; by CoLT. A. Dodge on Faatern Riders; etc - Edwin A Abbey's Qlostrations of Literary Articles will be contributed by Chas. Eliot Norton, Mrs. games Fields. William U,iuu uuwcu,j)riuiuer uHnew8, ana omers. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR. harper's magazink ... 4 oo RABPEB S WEEKLT 4 00 HABPKB 8 BAXAB 4 00 HABPEB'8 YOCNO PEOPIjB.... 2 00 i08taat free to all subscribers in the. unuea aicues, vanaaa ana Mexico. R. R. Harris-& Co. Lduisburg, N. C. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. m pursuance oi the power m a certain deed of trust recorded in Book 67, page 210 Register .of Leeda nffi(r of Franklin ivriTrHr nnil at the request of the grantors there- iu, i wia on tne zn aay oi. Janua ry 1893 at the Court House door in Louisburg, North Carolina, at 12 w ciuck. ai., expose Tio saie &v puDUC auction, fnr cash, the lonria t.horom described, containing about 1680 -'co myreor less uuu -, ueicg jene muas Known as titxe ur. Tnomas Davis lands, sometimes called the "Branch Lands," and the same that were conveyed to J, 8. .-Wynne, R.T. raj and others by ; C. M. (ooke and othfira hv s AapA rpm-rdpA m Book 67, page 208,. Register of wub umce oi saiu conncy, wmcn then contained 1866K acres. -186 acres have been sold to N. C. Gup- wu, nerrera Jones ana zs. leonard; leaving 1680 acres -to ;be soldr as above stated. Although the terms stated are cash, yet liberal arrange ments will be made to satisfactory Fuicuaser r purenasers upon the Payment of a Tin.ri on ah VniH-Vioi. information can be had by address- me au ttaieign, . IK, orjy call jng upon Geo. STBaer, Esq., Lou- C. H. Belvin, Trustee. i uv iviu vi. tine t , ct: & i v uir .nr who iie namners ior inne ana ueimh of each year. When no time is specified. BUlWlipMVUB Will UCglU WIIT1 irtie UTVmer current at the time of- receipt of order - Bound' volumes of Harper's Vjeekly tor three years back, in neat cloth bindint? ? 1 1 1 . i i , - A win oc e t uy man, jiom-paiu ior )o UO cents each by mail, post-paid. . Remittances should be made by post. omce money oraet or aratt,, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to cony this adver tisement trithout the .express o:der of narper tf xroniers iaaress 61 C16 GIT 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 6c 651 652 653 654 655 653 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667. 668 669 670 6X1 672 673 674 675" 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688. 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 7o2 703 7o4 7o5 7o6 7o7 7o8 7o9 71o it ft 1 3 fanatic pauper n support Prissie Young outside pauper Sept. 5, Geneva Faulkner Isabella Williams cancelled Marj Alley " Ellen Alley " Berry Wester " J M TerrelB& children Nanrr Davis Ben Faulkner and wife " H B Alford Naucy Chavis Priaeilla Dorsey Caleb Daney Naden Bryan Mary Jane Moye Martha iranston j Nettie Falkner & child 'n ' Ben Perry Anna Webb Penny Evans Mrs Ann Perry Mary Champion George Sontherland Davis Glopton Lula Edwards . Amanda Bridges Sidney- Dickerson Mrs B B Ham Mrs Emily Jones Elizabeth Bolton John Power Mrs Ellen Medlin jT8addl.r Nick Goswick Turner Thomas Isabella Williams 3 44 U tl 14 It tt 2 3 2 3 tl lunatic pauper June June and July 18 49 201 51 1 50 1 5i) 2 50 1 50 99 65 2 80 1 75 It Wilder and B T Edwards building bridge across Buffalo creek X Wilder and B T Edwards buiLHng bridge across Buffalo creek vp i t. , . in Part of 1220.00 W esley Whitaker cleaning out well at jail W J Johnson serving 5 road notices W y Cash keeping rafte from Chavis bridge June to September n S STn ? C-.rel6ai? Boxana Foster fromjaT R D Pinnell board of prisoners, &c wS 7J?SJ pauper fVlDtBl! 1"? fished Matilda Winston I ll 200 8 67 2-OC 2 CO 2 00 9 09 8 70 100 00 100 00 260 08 -18 10 20 40 20 80 19 80 12 00 16 80 20 70 10 00 12 00 2 80 60 00 30 00 36 00 40 00 45 00 4O00 30 00 60 00 29 05 8 35 11 05 1915 400 20 00 86 00 30 00 4 63 15 00 2 50 4 00 2 50 2 80 2 50 2 50 2 50 97 70 50 2 00 2 00 27 53 2 8) 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 600 8 00 4 50 9 00 1 OO 9 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 4 50 8 00 8 00 8 O0 8 00 900 6 00 4 50 300 3 00 3 00 3 OO 3 00 10 50 5 a day; and when I feel like want- 6 00 3 00 8 O0 8 00 3 00 6 00 8 OO 6 00 3 00 600 8 00 0 00 . 0O 300 2 00 900 8 00 5 00 4 00 8 00 15 OO 8 00 8 00 6 00 8 00 1 O0 2 00 buying all of his snpplies for man and beast. We have it in our pow er to get our own price for cotton. You ask how ? I say raise all you consume at home and cotton as a surplus. Have it ginned, stored in a good dry place and wait for an agent from some cotton mill to eome and ask you what you will take for your cotton. Sell enough to pay your taxes and store the rest. A. six or seven million bale crop means 12$ to IScentsperpound, a nine million bale crop means 5 to 6 cents per pound. Which ie the best ? Do not let the rise in cotton run us crazy for 1893, but let us be wise and plant less cot ton and get more money for it. There is more grain sowing in our country than ever before. That means less cotton and more bread and meat and fat horses and mules. I would urge upon my brethren of the Alliance to fight the over pro duction of cotton as we did the jute trust, and we will Boon be in dependent of all trusts. I am now making preparation to Jplant less cotton in 1893 than I have planted in twenty years. I have my hog and hominy at home, wheat in the bin, peas in the bam, potatoes in the house and I eat all the milk and butter that I want three times iug a mess of birds I take my gun and pointer and soon have them in my sack. An Old Farmer. Lancaster county, 8. C. One way lie opportunities for ad vancement, for the utilization and final reward of every talent and all the energy that the young man possesses. The other war lie hopelessness, drudgery, starva tion . Many a poor young man seeks a government clerkship in order that he may earn his support while he is studying his profes sion. He is' playing with fire. He is taking up as a staff that which is likely to become neces sary to him as a crutch. He is in danger of discovering, when his profession is learned, that he has not the moral courage to drop his government stipend. It would have been infinitely better it might have been his making if he had toiled for scantier dollars in a manlier way. The government clerk drags out a monotonous existence, dreary, unpromising of advancement, and if he is uot tnrned out in h old age, to linger on throngh his few remaining years in poverty, he is one of the most fortunate of Ms kind.. There is no service that so de stroys the latent energies and kills the hope as that of a govern ment clerk. Young men who think they have elements of suc cess in them should avoid it as they would avoid the plague. Harper's Weekly. Oh, What m Coos-h. you herd tbWAniirjg. The si, nal perhaps of tbt sore approaeVof that more terrible disease Co nscm retina Ask voanelvca if yon esa tfford for thm sake of saving 60 eenta to Tub the risk and do nothing fo it V experience that ahiloh's Care will cure ypar cough. It never fails. This . plains whv more than a million boUle ew sold the past rear. It rehires CToap and whoopin eoturh at once. Mothers, do not be without it. NOTICE. By virtue of the in a deed of trust executed to me by A; A. Davis recorded in the Registry of Franklin county, in Book 92 nt page 105, and by direction of J. p Barrow A Son, the beneficiaries, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Louisburg, N. C, on Monday the 6th day of February 1893 at 12 o'clock m. the following tract or parcel of land, iO-wit : Situate in Sandy Creek township, Franklin county, lying on the Louisburg- and Ransom's Bridge road, bounded on the north by the lands of P. A. Davis and Ransom's Bridge road, on the east by the lands or lr. bam Perry, and on the west by the Louisburg road, it b ing the tract of land deeded to said A. A. Davis by J. C. Davis, contain ing 100 acres, more or less. This the 3rd day of January, 1893. F. S. Spruill, Trustee. If yor are offered a bottle of Salvation Oil, without wrabper, or mutilated or dfaced, don't buy it at any price, vou mav h -eure that there issomething wrong n may oe a worthless or. dan- gcruua counveriPii. insist upon getting a periect, unbroken, tren uiuo pacsage, in a yellow wrap per. re on your guard. . . a . , " ..-....jMuiCTiuri I A tiart nn. diir inmmitfiui A a . j -.Lin, uu awbuu unuire i, uPn Ttpwng .Alston bridge over Shocco creek F J? Mtt1"' 1 p "amming Tabitha 8hort. Isnatic. I E MatthewiMTOnveyins Walter Harris to jail R P J 1DP J P."AB"ninK Tabitba Short, lunatic. 'ViPP"1 758 P'aniwn Ferrell's bridgw at 1.20 per hundred W H Nicholson amt of acct for drujrs for jail Hundred W K Martin part making out tax list 1 892 W K Martin " " " W K Martin balance " "W K Martin amt of acct filed T O Collie 6 da VB COmmiBfUnnpr anA i ? - - - uiirca Geo Winston J R Alford W K Martin B P Wilder j A Burt H C Kearney w ttrown 176 156 " clerk to Board '" commissioner and 96 174 5 days officer to Board 6 davs service to Rnnl The Home and Farm says edito rially on this subject : The recent advance in cotton will make the Christmas season of '92 especially merry in the South. The law price of last season's crop forced the planters to curtail the acreage. Then came a bad season of cutting down production with the result that the crop for 1892 will not be much more than two thirds of what it was in 1891. The first effect is inevitably to advance prices. The question now which we are asking is will not the high price lead to an increase in the cotton acreage in 1893 to be followed again by a crop of nine million bales and correspondingly low prices t There is danger of this, but if every man "will do hiaaiy" cot ton planting will againlecome a profitable industry. ) sr v ... ruuage l believe marriage would be a good thing for me. labsley Of course it would. Lots of faults would be overlooked then for the sake of the family. A MlBTonFrieEds. A friend in need is a friend indeed. ana not lens than one million people uto iuunu jo saen a rriend ia Dr hangs ;ew Discovery for Consamp- nuu, cucjfus, ana coias, if yoa have u"er a" tuis great eoogb. medicine. one trial win convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all dis eases of throat, chest sod luns. Each bottle ifl- TQAT1Lnti tn Ars all V.t I.. o - UMb JO claimed or money will be refnnrfoH Urge bottles COc, and i.00. For sale at Thomar & Ajcocke's drag store. that Dr Deserving: Praise. We desira to say to oar citizens, 'of rears we hav hMn nu King's New Discovery for consumption yr. o.iu s rtew ijue nils, Bncklen's Arnica rial veaDd Electric Bitters, and hare never handled remedies that sell m well, or that have given BOch univer sal satisfaction. We do not hesitata to guarantee them every time, and we stand readv to refund tb nn it satisfactory results do not follow their This duty, as we St. !" . -t;n oae:. Tne9? n!medie8 . h "on their - . ; xreai rxpniary purely on their merits rtner curtailment of the acreage. Pofde by Thomas & Ajcocks Drag iaie- Sept 7, Oct. 8, Adkin Johnann onffln fnr T.oUt. it: Snfw I a AU mVplU furnished home of aged and infirm 113 67 R B Carr servrafe 4 road notices Sandj creek to wn$hij t a L G w Brown, i p, eiamininir Edward Pr.nrt lotI " i 30 0 li Ellis i p, " T -.r,ci-? 00 ?EZ t Adt Ior to of aged and infirm lo ?o - - ' "C,o IU1UUIUHU JBU A Oft ' - .............. m.m-mm p mil CI .11 rt iheriff, amount of account filed lurtuer curtailment of the acreage A. good beginning was made this year, but even to-day too much hind is in cotton. Had there been a good season the crop would have been eightmillion bales, which is too much. The situation 711 712 713 5 . , ' -' ouiuuui vi account nied -in an I - Buffalo creek . . B D PinneU amt of acct board of prisoner, &e lli i " V Vr J "J ' " rrj yu au ana U ii lare 4c Irom Vance 4 o5 w K Martin amount of nwnnnt mf " 00 Habpeb k BBOT9F.B8, New York I 7J !l U.I OH LADIES mm ASE DAILYlECOMHEfiDffiG rrriiA PEHranTrnwnnnTi lllU AD JUSTABiVE hH I) H It expands across the t Ball and Joiitts. - This makes it . - LOOIINoS EM HOST C0MF01TABLE SHOE IB THEWOED.' niilS, $2, ttM, S3, $3.50. pOKSOUOATEO SHOE CO. Lynn, y' Mass. Shoes nade to measure. F0E8ALEBy- N. & R. :Z. EGERTON, 715 716 717 718 719 72o 721 722 723 724 724 728 727 728 729 73o 731 732 783 734 735 738 737 738 739 74o 741 .742: 743 744 745 746 T rr . w w. v u u t uivu W KM arhiTV am t. rf anf. tnm i. 1 wnha Gnpton -taking care of Harriett Spencer's child 6 days B F Smith getting 6000 shingles tor home cf aed and infirm w f,Q1D feet nart timber for bridge at Lnuret Calnn Strickland witness fees State vs Haywood & Freeman fn- April term 1892 Si H Cooper repairing LoaiaburK bridge to date B Massenburg, p S Cornt of acct rendered b F wilder one day committee on four bridges w b Hunter serving 9 road Dotices aad conveying Delia Williams . - to jail : -. ,.: . . 3 A Thorn as amt pf acct for hooks for C S C . weldoc Bridges repairing stock law fence - w w K Martin making out fence tax 1 892 paldiut fence funa"" , " "VT'."r, cvu'bjik nmes opeofler to jail the farmers had planted for a six- million-bale crop. Instead, they planted for an eight-million-bale and the labor and the cost of the extra two million bales was thrown away. For 1893 Cnt down vnnr arraa era "2 92 J radically. Select your seed with cotton. Cultivate with extraordi nary care. Put this acreage in food crops vor give it a - rest. Lire at home. When the Dickine sea. Wanted ! Names ! B0B 200,000 llLl7-i Weekly Constitution SUBSCRIBERS TO TUB 29 2o 1 75 1 00 7o3 15 00 28 75 2 85 4 7o 85 85 " 1 00 -i75 00 8 00 tinea A Yarboroclothi nur. fionr. edhm. 1IIia..mi --a 4, ?nl&Z& , r?o n opeui; be ready to prepare the b P smith Malta! S- tJerI V wp formarket in good condition. B D PinoeU board of prisoners, c . , , - - lsllo Mtllions ara waited erery vear between ibe 8.14 taa'tbC Thomas Aycockeamt of acct for drugs for jsiO. i8o "The next year ifjthe season is aw. lur wur nn onage ax Bandy creek church , www wJM SV U I t Henderson Bale repairs on Pox Swamn hri1o w A hitfleld making election boxes Franklinton township -5 wJ?e?,rT e.rry building bridge over Norris' ereek r- - " RAlford keeping rafts frbmAhdereoii's bridge 3rd quarter- S aJ?lF5 dayB eice to October court 1892. ? ; FNARZEgerton one suit clothes for sea Faulkner -a C Baker 4 days officer grand jury Oct 1 892 - 'WJ Johnson 6 days officer to Oct court 1892 - - " 7 ' T Evans making clothes for inmates h.ome of aged and inflna .'V r T0 Bf COHTUftTED. irood yoa would have Mvn mm , on.paies;-ii Uie season is bad :hot 2oo more than aix? million, : bnt yonr : 0t0li.''W be clean; It will have l '-12 oo cos e88- labor, than r before; your - 8 5o iupplfes will xomev from your own BOO xx . - . . ' 12 oo iwro uouses, couon prices -will be 2484 good, and the Southern farm ar w ill be far on the road to independence. Po -nahed at All nta. Oa. THX FARilB?S FaiKTn. A HOMBOOMPAJnOJI. Has Als'y IBS.Wi Sutaerl -Th Lnrf CLicul t.oo vf :aiy ealj' n.aMHer In the The great southern weekly, Ita Affrtenltnnl TWaHmit . .v. v . (he Ul. Its Wocuwj-. ,, can oi coiamns r of annua I . orntl- lot r L Its 8p-til Pimttur cost more moer than I. ptld . y ami twh Sou hem p-.pe eonUocd t r gen ral r adtng mnUr Its News CoJumiMi rr the world. " Wll Arp wrIU lorlt Dr. TiUm-.M vnvh f. . te w'Sil? 15. iT HJTU L'nrle Ra. wanaeaJ rwim w DusMn are rrMaUrir a. at. wn ?v Twain, Itotiert Loole fr nson, KbU yard Kipl'mr, Pr.Lak Stockton. J bra Mal jpiia Joteston. f svl Urn tie btenrr centas of Us world cool riLote to Its col man. IXISAMAOAZIVE ' AJfD EVESY I8STJX 18 AH XDCCAT0R. NOTICE. Sttk or XciTH CaboukaI Jontice's Court before U L. El- i SAXlLHf CbCHTT. J lis. J.P. F. a Spruill ) Notice of summons and. v. J- warrant of attach- o. S. Sevier ) ment. The defendant above named will take nortee inat a summons in the above en titled sction was iaaed aaintt him on the 20th day of December 1892 by 0. L. Ellis, J. p., of Franklin county and State of North Carolina, for the recov ery of the sum' of two hundred dollsrs snd interest doe by fite notes, which summons has bn, returned by H. C. Kearney, Sheriff, endorsed not to be foond in Franklin eonnty; the said de fendant will also take notice that a war rant of attachment was issued by said Justice on the 20th of December 1892 against property of said defendant, which warrant is returnable before 0. L. KHis, J. P.,at hiaoOcelo Louisburg on February 4, 1898, at which time and place the said action will be heard, snd when and where the defendant is re quired to appear and aaswer or demur to the eomplaint or the relief demanded will be granted. O. L. Elms, Jostfc of the Peo. E. y?. Timberlake. AU'y for PUintiff. NOTICE. North Carolina In Jnirtice's Conrt, be Franklin county $ fore 0. L. EUis, J. P. J. D. LjSf kin X A 1 r rf mnmmnr, vs. nd warrant of at- 8. S. Sevier. ) taehment. The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above en titled sction was issued against him on the 20th day of December 1892 by 0. L. Ellis, J. P., of Franklin county and State of North Carolina, for recovery of 3.70 and interest do by account, which summons has been returned by U. C. Kearney, Sheriff, endord not to be found in Franklin county; the defend ant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was isnaed by Rati Jus tice on the 20th of December 1892 against property of said defendant, which war rant ia returnable before 0. L. Ellis, J. PM at his office in Louisburg on Februa ry 4, 1893, at which time and place the said aetion will be heard, and when and where the defendant is required to ap pear and answer or demur to the com plaint or the relief demanded will be granted. 0. L. Ellis, J. P. F. 8. Spruill And E. W. Timberlake. Att'y's for Plaintiff. weti-(8.!rg Ptanket h-v a weekly let- Owvr GO rrfcicsiMr: A Tbab, Agmxm waste lo a rfUclT Maoer fo V agentsia working for it. BKSD POK SAJsTLB CO PUS. Zend six mmM Hrtn m . yourself and fixe n ijrain who waat tr2 CJshs of stx for PIveTWlVrs a yeas. ' Addrea CUSflTnTioX. u-,bia. Oa. NOTICE. Whereas, Jno. R. Eaton (single) and Mrs. Otelia J. Eaton (widow) did on the 11th day of November 1890, execute and deliver to Albert R. Shattuck, Trustee, a trust deed on certain lands in Franklin county, State of North Carolina therein de ecrfbed, to secure the sum of $1,000 due by said Jno. R. and Otelia J. Eaton to the British & American Mortjnge Company, Limited, which eaid trust deed is recorded in Frank lin county, ia Deed Book 85, Page 427, to which reference is hereby made; and whereas default has been made in the Davment of th secTjrcd by said trust dyl- ni whereas the undersigned h duly appointed substituted trustee ui lhc piace oi said AlDert n. Shat tuck. as orovided in ha!H tmtfH find has been duly requested to exe A. a A. A x - 1-ulc tae irusi tnerein contained; Now therefore nntir iah - - a v - en, that under and by virtue of pow er con ta:ned in said trust deed, J, lhe undersigned substituted truster if a a at m . . vu .uonnay, me auin a&y ot Janua ry 1893, between the hours of If) a m. and 3 p. m at the Court Housi door in the town of Louisburg of Franjclin county, win by public auc tion sell to the highest bidder for cash the following1 described proper ty, vix ; Bexionin; at Halifax road, a cedar on Month side of road corner lor Paaas HtTm. tbene. aJoc the road N. 79 E. 61 poW IS Imks aft 8SV4 K 10 poW 1C Haka, fi. Eaat xO polej, N. ViA4 E. So poW, Jt. 7 K SO poU. N. 78 E T vxWl8 Huts to wijes eciriMT, theaee K. tf E. 74 poi t two whit oaks osv old road win eorar thence alona ti old road 8. 22 pole, t w. SO poles. 8. 1 E. SO poiea. fcTa w 18 Poles, fe 7 K 20 pnlea 18 Hnka. B. w. 18 poles 15 haks to ttw Gam SpriacbraaHi. tkeiww dowa mid braack as H ateaadeiw saiderrek as it soesMeni 25 poVa to ry c- u Z"Z t-' vycmmnnw rreac. f nnee "w w. 7ia poW to a rtwtr a&d mm u tt iVftHssiof. CoatateraxSOs syTinovw orboa: Jmjt ta asm Uods aQt1eT o . v-.' x. m PiKV- to divide 9 Ka I m a W a A r a t , -. Coart of said ntt li.k. .i.ul.! . on or about tke let k day of No washer 1 mkt. Said land. ill bs sold to satisfy toe dH Jrared by said trust deed, and sack titir wuiMprnuvvwMinitaMtnfte). a n.iiMBKitaXK, . '' - ' tftabkUuibMl rruatoa. -Aw';.

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