VOL XXI. , LOUISBURG, N. &, FRIDAY, JANnAllYv20, 1803. ;.iumber;4s:: Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 11 STATIEIvlENT TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS, The Superintendent of Public Schools of Franklin county will be in Louisburg On the second Thurs day of February, April", July, Sep tember, October and December, anl remain for three days, if necessary, for the purpose of examining appli cants to teach in the Public Schools of this county. I will also be in Louisburg on Saturday of each week, and all public days, to attend to any business connected with my office. J. N. Hatiris, Supt. C. M. COO KB & SON, ATTORNEYS-A.T-LA.W, LOUISBtJES, K. C. Will attend the courts of Nash, Franklin Grnvill Warren a.n.1 WateecountieB.alsothe Hupreme Cnrt of North Caroliup, and the U. 8. cir utt and District Courts. Scritoer s-Maeae FOR 189; ' PARTIAL PROSPECTUS. R. J. E. MA. LONE. O flce two i'.oots Njlow Thomas & Aycocke'B lrug store, adjoining Dr O. L. Ellis. 1) R. W. H. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, IX)UISBURe, N. c. E. W. TIMBERLAKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBCEO, If. CV Otrp on IJagh street. - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOriSBUBG, sr. c. Will attend the courts of Prankliu, Vance, O mil v;' i , Warren and Wak counties, also Hit; Si:;r.'ine Court of North Oaroiiua. Prompt utr.cti-in giveu to collections, &o. According to law or thh amount ar each account claimed akd alix)wzd bt the boabd i of co0kty commissioners op franklin qotjkty, alf to whom allowed, beqinnin6 oh the first monday in december 1891, and ending the first monday in decembe b 1892. MR. LEAZER'S LETTER THE PRESET HEAD OFFICERS OF - THB ALLIANCE. 747 or 7, '92 TV K Martin ainoiint of account filed V. GCXLEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, FR ANKLINTON", N. C. All leg-il business promptly attended to. rpUOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOMSBPRC. X. C. Oilloe on Main street, one door below Eagle Hotl. yT ?jL PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ' LOCISBUKe, N. c. Practices In all courts. Office in the Court House. WHAT H T DONE IT DO The oriirinal and only genuine Componnrl Oxygen Treatment, hat of Drs. Htarkey & Va'n'n in a Bcieutifie adjustment of- the ele ments of Oxypcen and Nitrogen matrnetized; ad'l the eomponnd is so condensed and made portable that it is sent ail over the world. It has been in use for over twenty years; thousands of pa'.ients have been treated, aud over one thousand physicians have used it and recommended it a very signifi cant f;vt. "Compound Oxygen tts Mode of Action and Result"?," is the title of a book of 200 p.irs, published by Drs Starkey & Palen, vhirii yivesto all inquirers full information a to this remarkable curative agent and a g;oi:1 record of surprisir.K cures in a wide racie of '.ronic rases -many of them after beinn i!iindoned to die by other physi cians. Will be mailed free to any address on application. Pas. STAKKEY & PALEN, 1F2! Arch Street. Philadelphia. Pa. 1 2( 'utfpr StTeet, San Francisco, Cal. Pl-rw mention this papr. TRANCB3 HODflSON 3PRNETT will contribute the first serial to appear in a mgazme irom ner pen lor m'sny years, enti tled "The Otoe I Knew tfte Best of All." H. C. BUNNER will furnish a series of six sketches entitled "Jersey Street and Jersey Lane." Illastrated. ROBERT 6 RANT wil relite the further experiences of Fred and Josephine in "A sequel to The Reflections of a Married Man Illastr ated. HAROLD FREDRICK will contribute a political novel of great pow er, enuuea i ne uopperne&a. . - BY THE AUTHOR OF "JBBBY." Miss 8. B. Elliott, the author of "Jerry," will write a realistic sory of life among the Tennessee mountaineers, "xne Aiurkbt sper ret-" PlRSONAL REUINisCKNCBS. Some unpublished letters of Carlyle to Ed ward Irving aud others, dealing with a part of Carlyle's life far digerent from that thought out in the recent literature of Carlyle Temi niscences. Reccollectlons of Lincoln and Sumner. By the late Marquis de ChamOrun. Both articles are t ul of uew matter. - An Ar tist in Japan. By Robert Blum, who hns Just rctnrnea srom a residence of nearly two years in that country. Abundantly illustrated by the author. Historic moments, which have been a fature of the magazine uu;ing 18JJ2. will be continued by some particularly strik ing papers, among them several by th- great war correspondents, William H. Kusa-i, Arch bald Forbes, and others. MEN'S OCCUPATIONS. A series of articles on the life work of men in many callings the chief ways (exclusive of professions) in which men earn their livelihood. THE WORLfl'S FAIR IN CUICAGO. A sorb's wll be puMished later in th i year giving the impressions made by the exhibition upon uiilereut ooserv.jrs of not.-, l oth Amer ican and foreign; and many of thfcs-. Ouseiv trs will be aiso artists who will itiustrate their own artides. . MISCKLLANBOCS ARTICLES. Further contrir,utions to th" Poor In great Citi-s. Mrs. Burnett's il)u3tr.ti pfpr ou the London pi.-tu for Horn-? ai t to inv Jia chil dren, etc. Of svfi -tul interest r lso wili be Irof Heilprin's authoritative account ot the Peary Kellef Expedition (illustratj-i,) e very inter eeting articlo ny Octive Uzanns on the exhibi tion of woman's art now goiDg on in P ris, tnd articles upon artistic subjects, accounts of travels, ets etc. THIS ILLUSTRATION.) of the year will represent thd work not only of the wail-known' ilustrators, but many drawings will also Hppar by artists who are best known u painters. TERMS : $3.00 a Yar; 2r,c. a Number. SPECIAL OFFER. The numbers for 1S92 and a suhs riptiou for 1SS3. 4.6o. The same, With btck nunsDers, t ound in cloth, 8.00. No w is the flm..; to ub- scnue. Charles Scribnbr's son, 743 Broadway New York Colons and Caskets. We have added largely to our stock, end now carry a full line of these goods from the plainest wood coffin to the finest plush or velvet covered casket. Also i full line of coffin hardware, lin 1112s. trimmines. &c. All of which wi'l be sold at reasonable priews. Respectfully, R. R. Harris & Co. Louisburg, N. C. SALE OF TALUABLE LAND. In pursuance of the power in a certain deed of trust recorded in Hook 67, page 210, Register of Leeds office of Franklin county, and at the request of the grantors there in, l will on the L4:th day of Janua ry 1893 at the Court House door in Louisburg-, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock M., expose to sale at public auction, for ca3h, the lands therein described, containing about 1680 acres more or less and being the lands known as the Dr. Thomas Davis lands, sometimes called the "Braneh Lands," and the same that were conveyed to J.. S. .Wynne, R.T G ray afld other? by C. M.' '.Cooke and others hv deed recorded in Book 67, page 208, Register of Deeds office of said county, which then contained 1866 acres. .186 acres have been soldfto N.' C. ' Glup ton, Herrera Jonand S. Leoriard, leaving 1680 ftcto be sold as above stated. Although the terms stated are cash, yet libergJ arrange ments will be made to satisfactory purchaser or purchasers upon the payment of a part cash. Further information can be had by address-; mg me at Raleigh, N..C, otby call ing upon Geo. S. Baker, Esq., Lou wburg, N. C. -.i-p' . K ' C. HBfiLTiN, Trnstee. 1893. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ILLUSTRATED. S Harter's Magrasine for !8OT will continue to mintanth-.-uiirivaledtan1:rd of excellence which has chun terzea it from the t -efrimnj?. Amorjif th-' nowMi fetar s oi trie year tnere will be new novtds t y A. Con::n fayle, Con stance Ftanraore w oolson, :niu llhatn Bick Short stories vnH V-e coutritned by the most pocular writers of th day. iuclu ing Mary E. Wilkis.'S, RUh-vrd Hnruing Dxvis, Marararet Tland, Brand' r Matthews, nms m.my o'nera, The Illastrated scrij)tiv porter will embrace articles by Julia-. Kalpn ou n. w foiiriv-rn and Western su Elects: i .r in'o-'ore i;mi.t on in is: l-y Pouif.iiy Kitrei'.-r -i Kuasia an t ier minr: bv Richard liar due 5aTinon a Lon lou Season; l y '. ':, i a. !0"g on r astern Riders: -te, E lwin A AUy i;iastrtlonso hakeite-ire,s Conm?dles will continued Literary articles will cordrit'Utl by Chas. Kliot ivorton. Mrs. isames i riei.w. vvimam (jean Iowells, Braud.jr ilatthvws, and others. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. pt:ii ye Ait. HARtKR s MAGAZINE UU HARPER'S WBtKLY 4- 00 HARPER P BAZAR... 00 bahpee's young pcoi-le 2 00 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 . 755 756 7o8 759 - 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794- 795 796 97 798 99 800 801 . S02 8i 3 804 805 06 807 808 80 i) 10 811 812 S13 814 815 816 817 18 819 20 e?2l 822 823 824 P25 826 827 8:28 829 830 831 S:'.2 833 834 835 37 8i8 39 840 341. 842 843 844 845 546 847 848 849 850 8.-1 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 HenderRon Haclewood services to Oct court 1 892 t W Evans part waves st home of aged and infirm Chas Macon timber for home of aged and infirm j L Jackson part wages at home of aged aud infirm T S Collie amt of acet self and hands fighting fire from fence Cedar Rock township ' v f . -D F Cooke & Co sheets furnished prisoners in jail Henry Long damages for road E Doreey 3 months, Sept. Oct. and, Not. outside pauper B Medlin and wife " - Willis Mitchell " . S A Hamlet " ' " vMrs E Gupton " " . J E Gupton 3 - " ' lunatic Matilda Edwards " y-r" ' ' pauper Ella Diekerson " ; ... " W H Tharrington " ' " " Nancy Bell " " " JohnCatlett " . " M S Vaughan " Helen Rogers " Ursulie Upcburck " " Mrs Joshua Nunn " " " Turner Medlin " t " support Prissie Young W H Perry and wife " " outside pauper Chas B arris " .. ReDecca Perry " " " Geneva Faulkner " " " Mary Alley " ' Ellen Alley " " Benv Wester " " " j M Terrell & children ' " " Nancy Davis " " - " Mrs Ben Falknerchil'n" " " HBAlford 3 " Naucy Chavis " " Priscilla Dorsey " " " Caleb Dancy " " " , Naden Bryan " Mary Jane Moye " " " MarthaJ)unston 3 " Nettie Falkner&child'n" ' Ben l'errv " " " Anna Vvebb " " Penny Evans, " " " Mrs Ann Perry s " Mary Champion " " " Georfe Southerland " " LulaEdwartls 3 " Amanda Bridges " " " Mrs B 3. Ham 3 Mrs Emilv. Junes " " Elizalwth Bolton " " lunatic -John Powers " ' pauper Mrs Ellen Medlin jTSaddk-r " Cobb Duke 1 " MrsM A Mingal?ght'r 3 " " James Coppedge . witness fees Stat? vs Richard Sills Oct 1 892 j T Lambert do do John Smith do joel Branch do do D & P Inscoe do Geo Evans r do clo do do Haywood Harris do do do do Lem Massenburg do do do do R B Carr do do do do j G Lassiter do do Edwards et al do Geoce Brame do do do do James Alston do do Macon k. Alston do Louis Lane do do ao do G H Medlin do do do do Alex Wilson do do Putterson & Coley do A W Wilson do do do do Anderson Harris, do do Bryant & Alston do j H Hogwood do do do do F S Garrett do do A A Barham do W H Macon do do do do H C KearWy do do do do Chas Littlejohn do do do do j A Fanikner do do do do Ann Harris do do William Person do Annie Harris do do do do S W Buke do do Wallie Mayo et al do T J Stokes . do do do do M an gam Green do do Edward Minga tt al do Laura Reed do do P Fester do Yeny Alston do do do do Missouri Alston do do do do Susan Wheeler do do Delia Williams do 'MorthaDean do do do do E M Hale do do J S Meadows do G W Ford do do Gus Brown do R Z Egerton do do do do James Yarboro do do do do jack Wilson do do Ndlie Dunston do Wiley Smith do do E Marshall do W h Hudson do do Ifcom Foster do j E Breedlove do do John Horsey do Albert Dement do do do do P P Jackson do do do do B F Smith do do do do Henry Perry do do nilliam Perry do Sam A Harris do do do do Alice Gupton do do Harriet Spencer do A Hicks do do do do S T Gupton do do do do T L joiips jp do John Perry do jas Brown witness do do do. W D Kearney - do do do do B J Blackley constable do Frank Murphy do AV j Upchuvch witnoss do do do W D Kearney constable do Geo T"hitfield do joe Allen' wituess do do do Willis Brodie do do do 'do w L McGhee d do do do Connie Williams. do do Alex Williams do Delia Williams do do do do Icey Thomas do do Dock Evans do ColiraSatterwb.it do do do do willis Daniel . . do - do do do John Green do- do Chavis & Hodgerson do 09 00 14 00 10 00 35 40 10000 5 00 1 60 10 f0 300 6 00 3 00 4 5 9 00 4 00 3 00 3 on 3 00 4 50 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 9 00 6 00 4 50 3 00 3 00 3 0d 3 i0 3 00 10 50 4 50 9 on 6 00 3 00 3 00 s oo 3 00 t 6 00 3oo 6 oo 3 00 6 00 3 o G oo . oo :t oo Political Parties They ulo Not Rep- resent the Principles ot the ' Alliance. Hori. A. Leazer has written an open letter declining an invitation to address the Catawba county al liance, which was recently extend ed by its president. , As Mr. Leazer states in full hie hreastmi for declining the invita tion, and as- these reasons are per tinent to passing political events in the State they will prove of in terest. After refering to the kindly personal relations existing between the president of the Catawba coun ty alliance and himself Mr. Leazer says : "The constitution of the alliance plainly declares the purpose of the organization; any good citizen could endorse them. The constitu tion further, both in letter and spirit, as plainly declares against partieon tests and acts. Everybady knows that for the last two years the principal and almost sole topic of interest in the alliance has been politics, not only partisan, but personally partisan. f oo yy course in life has led me to .-j OO I J observe and study with some care the policies and methods of those organizations which "have been known openly, the only proper way, as political parties. I have never seen any iarty more zeal ously and systematically apply the machinery of its organization ami all the power it could demand to accomplish partisan success than has been done in the alliance, es pecially during the la.st year. It is true the leaders have declared upon occasion that the order by it constitution must be nou partisan, afld e3tne of ther., -f the lat com monly called tfMitors to th alli ance, no dcubt honestly labored t" pave the orl r by holding it in obedience t its constitutional lim itations. But th-; ciMiirt Potion lias been trampled under foot and de spised, and that most tiagrantly by those in high position. The an nual address of ' the. president of the state alliance at Greensboro, in August last, the annual address of the president to the supreme B b Massenburg, C S C amt of acct for court cost October 1892 j E-woodard Solicitors fees October ibJ2 I'ostogefree to all suhsm'bers i?i United States, Canada and Mexico. the The volumes of the Wt-ckly btriur with the numbers for June and Iecembe, of each year. When no time is speciiied, subscriptions' will begin with the rnunber current at the time of receipt of order. Bound volumes of Harper's "Weekly tor three years back, in neat cloth lii.idiiiir wilJ be sent by mail, post-paid for ?. 00 per volume. Cloth cases, for binding, 5o cents each by mail, post-paid. Remittances. should be made by pos' ofiQce money order or draft, to avo:d chance of loss7: Newspapers are not totccpy this adver tize;mni without the express o:der of Harper Brothers A idese Haispet & Brotheiis, Now York- 809 H C Kearney, Sheriff do do S7o R G winn p do do 871 Em Gupton do do do 872 OL Ellis do -do do 873 G w Brown do do do 874 R 8 Foster do do do 875 F S Spruill, mayor dp.. . do 876 J h Bryan j p do do 877 E w Morris do do do 878 w h Smith Shff of Vance do do Total for general expenses, 0 no 3 00 15 OO 3 00 3 OO 6 Ot) 2 OO 6 00 1 20 2 to 5 95 4 10 3 55 3 95 5 60 3 10 2 75 1 20 1 -io 1 20 2 47 1 97 4 15 2 15 2 65 3 1 5 1 60 1 60 1 fiO 2 25 2 25 2 70 2 10 1 10 2 1? 2 25 2 ?5 ur, i on 1 no 2 20 1 10 l 10 1 Co 2 22 2 4" 1 95 1 95 1 95 1 4 5 1 10 1 lo 5 CO 2 '' J t.i- . ,; I -2 to 1 10 2 to " 1 . . 85 85 4 C,n 4 7o 4 6o 1 lo lo4 72 44 oo 22 26 4 71. 3 3o 26 71 117 1 57 13 o5 2 50 3 34 1 2o were thrown out on the snow quit . ' deep and irozen hard ajid remain . ing eo until a thaw on the &3th of,. , March. During the Utter part oC ' the freezing weather the town was supplied by water pumped, from , the Susquehanna "JWhen the snow melted and ran into the - mountain stream filling the - storage reser voir, that water was turned into the mains. - On the 10th of Arril. just fourteen days afterward the average time it takes. typhoid to appear after exposure to its "cause, the first case occurred. During the terrible scourge that immediately followed it wae demonstrated tha. only those drinking the mountain water were attacked, while those confining themselves entirely to using the water of wells, many of them according to chemical anal ysis very foul, or to the Susque hanna, which received the sewer age from Wilkesbarre, a city f thirty thousand inhabitants, three miles above, not to speak of a num ber of towns higher up, ccape& j. altogether. Could anything bs plainer than that the eleven hun dred people werepoisoaedfby a wa ter in other respects remarkably pure, in which there existed tL? specific germs of ' typhoid fever. Or can anything be plainer than the fact that if the proper precau tions bad been . observed and the j excreta of the case on the bank of ! the stream, been disinfected, that is, had the germs been destroyed ; before they were thrown ont, that the pestilence would not have oc curred ? How criminal would his attendants have been if thev had foreign pests, suggests to everyone , known tha dangef and the advisability of taking every j object of thigcom. precaution apainst them: but ty-j .. . . , 1 ' J i munication is to place upon every i-l.oid fever, which in th course of I , , .. r ' : tif-rKf,n uhn rprl it th rrvnnBi. t - - " 1 lute control. f If I believed in the platform of the people's party, I would be a populist, a zealons one too; and if I were a member of a sub-alliauce I would throw the charter in the stove, open the doors, and convert it into a populist club; I wonld thusrelieve my conscience of any trouble about violating my oath to support the constitution of the or der, which prohibits partisan ac tion, and the constitution'and laws of the state, which prohibit secret political societies. Since the supreme council has adopted the Omaha platform, which is the most radical and abomina ble of all the political platforms I have ever seen, there can be but one conclusion, that the alliance is bodily and formally committed and incorporated into the people's party, and that no man who be lieves in Democratic principles has proper place in it. DREADED TYPHOID FEVER HEALTH NOTKS KOR THE PEOPLE, FKOM THE NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF HEALTH. The fact that a much largernum ber of persons die in ourState from typhoid fever than any other pre ventable disease, suggests the pro priety and the importance of bring ing to the attention of our people certain facts in regard to its origin aud the best way to check its ! spread. The mere mention of choleraand yellow fever, those strange und f 10,191.83 COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, Louisbueo, N. C. I, W. K. Martin, Jr., Register of Deeds and Ex Officio clerk of tho Board of Commission ers of Franklin county, N. C, do hert.bv certify that the above is a true statement of-the claims, and the nature thereof, audited by the Board of Commissioners of Franklin coun tv, N. C. for the year ending November 30th. A. D., 1892. W. K. MARTIN, Register of Deeds and Clerk to Board. '0 If ONE MILLION LAOfi ARE DAILY EECOMMEHDHfS TflKfl PERFECTION fl 1111 0 ADJUSTABLE u It expands across the Ball ab& Joist. -This makfs it -" T&EEST nnOMICESI COMTABLB SHOE W THEWOED. PRICES, S2, 12.5C, t 3.50. CONSOUOATED SHOE CG. ,t- J&uwrai'Uirsn,, .. Siytm, - , 1 ; Maas. Shoes mads to measure. FOE SALE BY F. N. & Hi Z. EGERTON, NOTICE. Bv virtue of the po.ver contained in the- last will and testament of W. B. Uz- zie, deceased, we, aa his executors, shall well at Maplevillcs Fmnklin county, JN. C. no Sat.ardav. the 21st dav of J aunarr ri93. at public anction to the higher bidder for one-fonrtb of tne price casn, NOTICE. By virtue of the power contained in a mortgnire executed to me by Mn. A. L Arringtoa on September 17 th, 1891, and remstervdin iranklin eoanty, liook 87, pages 492 and 4,93. 1 shall sell at the Oouxt Hoase door in Louisburg-, N. C, on Xf J ii rwuL. T iooa . ;a s.Ai ffn,nlou m1tSa with muuuny.Hiflwuiui yauuarv loao, tue interest at the rate of eisrbt per cent. I ... . T ... . years plays its thousands, where IjundreJs or even tens succumb to the former, is regarded as a mat or of course, a necessary evil to be ndi ed, aud not a thought as to the prevention of its spread is giv en. This indifference is doubtless due to ignorance of its true na turQ and of the proper weapons with which to tight it. otherwise) . such disregard of the safety cf others would be criminal, as I I think will sufficiently appear la ter on. Typhoid fever is a specific dis ease, that is, it is not produced by ijeneral conditions, but omesfrom council at-.Memphis in November T a special germ or seed, just as no last, are partisan papers, calcrila- concatenation of circumstances ted certainly, and designed too, it known to man could produce a i reasonably believed, to convert crop of wheat uuless the seed wheat the ord'T, in defiance of the con- be first put into the ground. These htituioi; to the use of, if not bodi- germs or seeds flourish in water, ly into the people's party. Ir a not necessarily impure water, ac- mesKure, ine logical result was coruiug to iuc uiewioii icsio, nu produced. The state alliance while it is possible that they may thereupon adopted the St. Louis be breathed into the system, thel diatform. the supreme council accepted opinion is that they are thereupon adopted the Omaha plat- almost invariably swallowed, taken form; the first is practically and in with our drink, the second formally the platform of Where do they come from, and the people's party. To al! real in- how do they get into our drinking tents and purposes, by these official water ? acts, zealously seconded amongst The characteristic lesion, as we the people by the trusted leaders doctors say, in typhoid fever is an in common of the order and of the ulceration of the ?mall intestine iu people's party, the alliance has certain little glands called Peyers been made an integral part of a patches. These ulcers are caused political party, and ceases to be by the gprms which are present in lawful, fairly judged by its own myriads, and which are carried fundamental law. out of the body in every evacua- And so the alliance has beon be- tiou. The discharges arc thrown I . .i i ii m j t u . out on ine irrouna usuany. loe those who claimed to be its onlv f?erms, which are very hardy, soak real friends. And now. with nron- through the soil into our wells, or ositions to relegate the partisan of our neighbors at perhaps fAntm. und from tW too -vn some distance, or are wasnea oy heavy rains into streams w men lur nish the water-eupply of towns and cities. A.s mere abstract assertions are 1 vrm dav of sale, evidenced bv the bond of the purchaser, and title retained as security for the payment of the pnr c'.iasu money, a certain tract or parcel of land situated near Mapleville in said onnty, and bounded as follows: On thtt West bv the Ferriirs bridge road, on the North by the Louisburg and Nashville road, on the JEast: by the laads of Matilda Mann's estate and on the South by the Jackson land, it being the land conveyed by James'Neal to W. B. Uzzle,. containing one hundred and thirty acres. This 31st of Decemberl892. J. H. Uzzle, W. E. UrZLE. Executors of W. B. Uizle. of Fnvnklln-eoun Notice. In cse of Raleigh Nations By virtue of a decree of tn Superior Court al BanR vs. WwvD. laeklin and wile, th ua dersfnd commissioner win. oh Monday, Jan n:ury 30ta; 1893, offer for. sale atthe Court Ho-asedoor In Louisburg', a tract of lanl ad Joining the lan!s of Peter Monger. Wlltla Feiiroo.-MlSB V." H. Terrell and others, contain inglSOacrca. , Chas. M. Bcbbm, Com'r. lying on the Louisburg and Nashville road, ad joinintr lands of A. w. Jackson. Henry Perry and others, and containing one hundred ana seventy-six acres, more or less. The sale will be at public auc tion to the highest bidder for one-third cash, residue in 12 months with 8 per cent, interest from day of sale. JohhPretlow, Jr. Dec. 22, 1892. have been most influential in pros tituting the machinery of the or der to partisan sometimes person auv partisan enus, an enori is. to 1 ; NOTICE. As survivinsf bartner of W. B. Uxzle. deceased, 1 shell on Saturday, the 21st dav of Januirvl893. sell at ManleVille. Franklin county, N. C, at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cashr sev eral mules, 2 wagons, 2 carts, 1 cow, 1 .yearling, 1 steam engine, saw mill, cot ton rein, shafting belting; &c, and the residue ot the stock of general merchan dise which shall be unsold atiat time, consisting of dry goods, groceries, &c, and a lot of store furniture. This 21st 'of December 1892, v . ' ' J; H. UzzLi, Sarriviog Partner. be made, it seems to restore conn- not apt to make much impression, dence in those who have so wick- I wiU giv an illustration in the edly abused it, and bring together concrete aemonstratiug tue irutn again the scattered fragments, of what I have asserted. What for, my friends t Who are In the spring of 1C85, Plymouth, i in command? The extremest of Pa., a mining town of about ten the extreme element control, and thousand inhabitants, on the banks with no other interest than to use of the uequehauna, was visited by the organization for partisan ends, a fearful epidemic of typhoid fe- and shut off from ,any possible, ver, in which there were overelev- hope of success in any other way, en hundred cases, nearly all of the future promises exactly the themocenrring within three months same kind of workat their hands. The town was supplied with water bility that arises from a knowl edge of theso three facts: 1. That typhoid fever is nearly always con veyed through drinking water con taminated by the undisinfected discharges of some person affected with that disease. It is often im possihle to trace the connection in individual cases, but a great many iiicontroveoable proofs rendersuch an inference, where the eause can not be ascertained, more than rea sonable. 2. That the only practi cable way to prevent its spread is to destroy the germs while they are within reach by the use of a 4ropcr disinfectant. 3 That a good disinfectant can be obtained by every man, no matter how poor. There are a number, but I will mention only two: 1. Boiling. The clothing and bedclothing cf the patient, especially if soiled. Bhould be boiled for, at the verv least, a half hour. 2. Milk cf Lime. This is prepared by poiiT ing on a quart of pieces of quick - ime a quart of water, which will reduce the lumps to powder, where upon three quarts more of water should be added. Keep in a well closed vessel and shake be for using. Add an equal quantity t the defeota to be disinfected anil allow mixture to stand at least su hour before emptying. The attending physician, if we'l posted and conscientious, will al ways give the same or 'similar di rections to those above, but the beri of us will sometimes nap, and, if you should have a case of typhoid fever in yonr family and your doc tor nods, wake him up. There are a great many things about typhoid fever interesting and important for the general pul lic to know, but I -cannot impoe further upon the generosity of the publisher of yonr paper, who kind ly prints this free of charge airu ply for the good of the community. Richard II. Lrwis, M. D., Secretary. WE WANT YOU to ot m ear tgroi. Wa frUa aa mnwIh oat.1t and all ym fre. . It mU BOt&iap try Ute tairtaeu. We H treat ra vB. 4 h rJ? to to rax Ua ttnrra orOlaary warta. E: - which we have seen in the pastt andjwhich has virtually accom plished the disintegration of the alliance and left it utterly witbont influence in a state where two years ago it seemed to be in abso- raostly by a beautiful pnre moun tain stream on the steep banks of which there was only one bouse. To that house there came in Janua ry, a man from a distance who bad typhoid fever. Ilia dejection. ttr of all ages aa lira al bom aad work l ?r utnn, or au Uv itme. Amr va aay wv- cu enrn a creal oal of miomr. Muf hr. w Tw HawHid lit.r a Mntk. 21a cU f people la iba.woeld are ataxia x aft aiaa ac7 wi'.Uoar npitxl a Uoe at wtwk for a a. Baai-v .pieMtnt, atrtrtly aoaoraMc. aad pa battar ta rr cxl.rr oaf4 la ajreaxa. Tva aav a e!vr bfed. with ao aatptiOaa. W exrai? om wit. . frrylUia. aa4 aaaply -prlalrd' dxrrfeUov f w ' tmvDr vat. U oLtra faithfaUf, arUl br(-' mart- mmj taaa artil aayTtbar fca.acas lr. W yor proata l Way matt ' Ta aaa iAiN aad aartty at wwi for a. Umtfim in4atry oaJf aoiaaary for abaalata aaea. : laabt ttrrmlar gtvh rrrr aartlcajar kt rcaV fre to all. DpU o la aradlar lor U. GXOKGE 8TXMS05 COL, MX ga. 4K rwrtaana1. v 4 . . 1 it. -.V : ..$t: