-M JL Ji. Jl v VOL. XXL Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS, ..?.. lw.ic i Nv.oiuK oi truriklm county will be : !.' --is'iiirrr on tho second Thurs u-yai Vi bruary, April, .July, Sou ? o i-fiODi.T ai'u i '0om Per. c.nd i p-aaui lor thiw d-nyy, ii necessary, :-.r : purpose of yxaminirifr aprdh ' to teach in th? Public Schools .i ( ii.; comity. I v ill alr.o 1 in i:i",.rj: on Saturday of each nud all public days, to attend -.. .j ...- u :.-co nil ec i.-U Willi IMV i . i i.t,:? ...iw. roiFi ji ii rjr;ny vv rs, cut: j Uea On.-1 K..ic-r t'i. Best vi Ail." J. N". IT t.uis, Rp.pt. ! n. c. B! -r.;t O 1: '' M. COOKTi i SON, AT"rORX".iVS-T -I.A.W, i. ; lii. ::c, x. c. "" '.'.n ! tP- co.-.-tr. -.f .v-.j;i, "Fi-anl-n, i : ir. , v.'irA n'.n W.i vJl-tT.ics, ti'wth-i f .. y .) i art -t V. -ft-. ("..: liui', iin-l tin. U. t I'., j. Ii. Ai-U-OS 5i. i!oo,-i Tlinra?P rz A'rr.o.'ke'S ! t w. j. ::cr:oL:, l t, c. E. vv- W. TIMSllLAS.:, AT T ( ) ! ". V- A T-T.a. V , o -. on "s;h 6'. ;o .. 6. tlx :U ILL, (-: o' ro- t - . :, . .. ' ; ' - : i :-et ; i r ' . ' ' -. ' :-V. 7. t!::-.i.i:v. A TT , rf-AT-LA fha :;l;: J e. . as.' ti. '-ro. :p:y o-: All 1 ..;..'. . ATTO'.O-. : f-AT-LAV n ' c on T u'i .''r --t n e l . !. v. n. e. !.! t: ( ia ojjrU. 0"j-.-e ia the Co an IIO'.M... baiiA I CAN WT DO Th" or;iT''5:! .ar.i ols- arn-r'rio Pornr. .rmi-1 i fh',vi 'iV -fo -r.-:t. t - ol Im--. Stark-".- j C v -, a '. !n.;,. re tJ,-'..- ool -.vapv.,;, P: .o,E.k,oi e-: ir.i-.n- rnr ,':;!, that ir Is sent ,d o ;-r tt' ; I i ; h 4 H.-f : q a -t. f -ir over t-.-.-.v pr,.; I t!: -.-ei . -i- of p-'ie-its have be-r. 'trearod. j e.'oi , i r I nonar,!' physician." ioivf i r. i it asd r-; -oraineaii.-fi it ft very pigaifi- j Ujienni Oivjrri Its Moio of Action ll-Hnlts." is th title of a book o; v.n' je-ry. r.nh.i.-h. -1 by f)rs Starh--- -fe Paln a,-iT-s to ail ir..ici:-rs fail ioforiaation ti'a re;ar?.a:le curative aarent an i a flood r- -nri e.I r-irp.iiHnp: cr in a wH. rA.rc o" "hroa;r -.(, -.tsany of tbm oftc b". r s; . S tr!i.i2':i t die by o'aer phy.i ris'!. v"iM ua&Hed fr? toiRny address f.r. Haplictrion. Bm. ST A TIKE Y : PALEN, ir.3'. Ar. h 3trr-, rhiiad-lrdiia, Pa. 1 '0 Ssrter Far.'5!. S;in Francisco, Cal. Plise mention thii? paper. oiiFiis ana oasMS :i 41 Ve havo added l&rgoly to our elock, and now carry a, fail lino of these goods from the plainest vrood coffi.ii to the finest piusli or roWe-t covered casket. Also a. fitil line of coSn hardware, lin ings, triramings, czc. All of which n-td ba sold tX reasonable pricoa. Respectfully, R. R. Kasris & Co. Louisburg, N. C. S A L E OF LASD. ly virtue ( f authority conferred apon m- in : eei-Uin deed in .-rust ezeeated by G. A. til rie iv land aad wife, r.coreiecl m I i. -k S.sp,ige Po3 in tlw Knginf-r cf De.-'i.-' oihe;: of Fwinklin county, X, C. I will oa iionday 2ilrd day of Janaary, 1S'.3, at the t.'ourt iiiuae door in Lou:.---beiy, l"i-&.i:klin county, at 12 in. sr.Jl lei tiie highefc bid.ler fur eaak,,that alaa bl t.'rfet of land lyicjr at:d situated da Fra'Aiia coaaty, in Harris' township, about five .niles south- wes'. of Loeiiaburg adjoining the lands of W. T. Stritddand, J. V. Stricklaad ai.d others, coutising S3 r.cren. more e-r bus. This lGtn day of Jamar. IctjO. I'1u:;i;.--:t P. Maynaed, Trustee. E. W. TlMEi-:LAKii, At homey. NOTICE. By virtnee.f t'ae power eoatined 'in s raortgige, executed (o iae by Mr. A. L. Arrirujronoa September 17th, 1891, aad registered in Franklin county, Book 87. page492 and 4i3, 1 shall aell at. the (.Vuiri .'ousedooriaLouisbarg, N. 0., o-.i Monday, the 3bth of Jaaaary 188S. ihe trtct of land described in 8aia taorfga-e, lying oa the Louisburg and ITas a vili' road, adjoiniiig lands of A. w. Jtcks-T Henry Perry and others, aad contiicia: one hundred aud seventy-six acres, ro or lew. The sale will hes at public a-a tion to the higheRt bidder for oue-thiro eanb, residue in 12 months with 8 pee cent, iatereat from day of sale. Xee. 22, 1898. C .mlXs SZ SciiMer's Map 0 I FOR 1803. PARTIAL PROSPECTUS. FIAT"E HOD.-SON BITKJTETT wlu coiitri!.-,'-. W rrsf sorir.l to rr.i.-r.r in ni :.. j-- , . . , 1 wiu i ornisn r. s-n. of six t h." entitle 1 i "Jersey s-cr.-ct an ! J. ra-y L:m:." Illustrate-!. j leUtRRT GiSAKT I w; r-l-M lir:!r -.-ew!en"--(- r,f tr"d an-1 I Jo;-;Pon i.i-'Ap 'ja!toTn KCi'.eions of ; a .-i.'.i'.i- .i '.In :i iil.istr to P w, -i- 'l-ii-'! ;ov;-l of creat now- :i-a: s Yiv- r....:.crho:i !. bv thf. as-j n-r. cf ;r..RV." wi;; v. ;i:uii.; a om u.ipu -;is;! It r.i . i C.u'Jyt 1 to K ; ' j i. -.!-;y:v's f..r rj::t in tii -; ' r;u:hi I i "iU imh re. ut !. '. i iur ...i i..u,!yi lcT-.' j J Uis K - . v'i- . t-oi-u i.f j.i:,.-;i:i ..-i". . .ua:-.r Bj the i ;i :i..r-j ,.ru,-.. j . r-i-.iS-. v-r-r.ti -k ! s.-i- --i. t;- .r.y tv.. vt- io i.j iii.n .H.aiili'y. i-.i :::.i'y liii.-itiv.t-.-''! y uth'r. ii;:tji- i.i:.: ; :it. v, n i:-,-. r.-iii :r cUiau ' . .y -,re- , n;-a-:y .-trik- 'tr r--.p rs : --.o-i- th .; . r:e-o- u . ,-.-. , . !! t..-c. - .is : if.-i.'.y ll- '. . ft e-o.-' i ;,; i:t .1- -C"J 1- . . urta - j '! ' . ti iy. M. jU t ;: f e---i, . I 1';., j j i.-r: -.. 3 . -j. ii J-'-. I 's;. It.- '.:e- -;rtl 1 ; V oo:. of .. .-...'.;a -...: i.nh . !.'.-... tr a-jii, - ts., i. l- p. r c : . i ; ; : : ' - i ' ... ' i- l i r in. i ' ... "- .' i i". i' .: i-f Ui;- year viil r-'ir.-;,er.; '. , not o:i'7 I of ti r. -li-lii'O'.";' ii r -a r:. ! .a 'p.iv ! -.1' i"W : PiTS VV; i ..-io. -.-; ' r .-Oft-'a -. -'.-. C . t i t est ka'vwa -.r. i ; :v.x ! ISf-S. i -". Th". s..m.-. :! e r t.. i ! -nn-l in ciatJi. y.vK'. 'o- ir. t:- tisa ; t ) sa.- 3"1!:t'- iir.,vy iori. J. .' Jr, LIaRPEPv'S magazine ILLUSTRATED. He-rr"r-s Maf line for Trill corit!nne to nvintantfc a:.rt v stec; M'n..tar..! of exi- iie-not f-rlii-ti hai? rh'ir.ictrsod It from t'n i l-.exirAvg. Amoiirth-1 noli Vole fotar -3 of 11) ver-.r tlmre ytill ig f.ew novels l-y A. Con;m I)vyie, Con-' stare rentoKi-e ooison, an-i w ii!um Biacs h'tiort sttcria9 -will lie ecntribute.il ! v tli3 nictst popal.ir wrttofs cf the etay, incladfng Mary K. WiikUiB, Uti tar l Hariling Davis, Margaret I)ol:in:, BrudL-r Mntfiaew!, and ut iey o'hrs. TitttllGStratM dcot i ve nstna-M tii miin hrricls l y Jalian l-lj.b on n.-w So'ithern an.l j sFern ai je-ue; ny Tfteocicre (.'hil l on In dia; l.y Fomkney Bielow on Kasaia aad Ger tcsnp: ly Rlehsrl HarUnj: Davison a Lon 'y - tessoD; 1-y 0oi. T. A. fo;ig- en Eastern Illders; etc. -!1u A Al)Vys ihatralious of Jfls-tlceajtear'a CoiniH" iis -wtil i coiainup.i. I.i1ora7-y ajrUolea -rill be contrit-atJ"! l.y Chs.e! S'iot Norton, Mh. Hnsaes T i.cl.irf. w iili.nn dean IJowells.Brauder Mattheva, and otLe?s. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR. HARPSP.'S M AOASTKE 4 00 KARPKn'fi TTKF.KLY 4 QO HARFElc'.BAE.4S A. 00 HAisPEH's TOUKG PEOPLE 2 00 'oif(7f? free f-o ail svhsrribcr3 in ikr. Untied Sdtes, Canada and iztxico. The volumes c.f the V'er-hly bfrinr with the Rnaibers for Jnne r.nd Deeembe, of ce.cli year. Wkcn no time is specim-d. subfcnptious will bejriu with t!;e DrmiHei i-rirre.U nt ihe Ubic of receipt ef order. Boar.d viurss of Harper's Weeklv tor liirce ye.rs b-ck, ic neat oloth t.-p.idir.'ir .vill b-e pot by Tanil, post-pkid for 3 VO X'.rV V'-ii'C'.'-. dili! cpu, for bi:diugj 5;. tee is cch hy mail, pest-eaid. Fie;;tr-i.Ec..-m BiiD-dld be i!ia;Ie by pov-i ejfire la.iEey r(ie( or, draft, to cvoit j ehaaet : lo-s. ; j rfipttf--8 cjrt not io fpy this adver- j : iM a -4 ni'ioi.t the express c:dcr '' Jfaip-'s ir jiroihers : Atidrc- i Hamper & Bicthkrs, New York- i m MIL! REHOMSEEIIG y? -ii V;- - i i . liAJ't., P. I';' " l!" i 8 -d K : r jr -' it. V-. 5? , u.:'-.iiJ - - Sac.iv FOR SALE BY F. N, i R Z. EQERTON, i TEACKWALKIMd A RAILROAD OCCUPATION THAT MUST GROW TO BE TEDIOUS. Kow the B!5 Trcnspori at Jou Cftmpanle. Kep Their Roadbeds tn Itrpair Lock ing for Jooso fnt itud Protrudinj Spl&OA Along tho i-i-.io. The terribie saci'.lent that happened tc Peter ' D.v.iKhcrty, the 'track vralkftr,' gave to many readers a now word in the rocabtilary of "traces and occupations." Tbat tUcit was such, an occuprrrion as tm-kwalking nndf-r th.Vbwy cover of the KtatTV dome not one man in a thou3and over ims-ined. "A trai.-kwn.lkcr. a trachrrrdker?' clainicd oats citizen v.-hen asked the dt.fi nitur.i of the term, "Why, yes; of conrce. A traekwalor ia n fellow who walk? the tracks. Hoe? Just as easy! Now asii mo something real hard." if pressed for a closer explanation of the lous word'3 meaning, tho citi zea proeee.lrt to get facetious: "Oh, watcher trying to ria.u: in on rae now? A trackwalker is a tra-kwalker. Wh-.-n tne cPcrnivtaou? trc.mp ia hunted fvcaa his lair z ouo city l:o erairte3 to an other. Chi ,h;- way thither. i;?v friend he im a vp. I hie peciiuea of the fjenns trsehv.'.".ikc.-r. When tho maaajjer of ;vn 'Uncle 'iomV Cahin" troop folds np hr pocket 1-oos and. like ki Ar;l. .cil'-r.:l f-tCKis away leaving tr.vc-ot littlo Eva. good old Uneia Tom nnd r-'l ideas M:-'s Opla-iia t s?.-c;;r at his iieunry for i vir Bf-.!ari s. why. then they ;.re very -opto ssecc.njj trackwal'rrrs. Then. roa u:h-.:t call hacksicvs wiv. drive ta-jir wf.jr.-ji.:- np .-.r.d down th" t-:rr-r enr tir.cks frai-k f.;r.Yi-e Me. le! Seer" V hicii fill j'o -s to : how that the r.-a! Dona tide lr;u IjwKtker ir cc!p:;rativcly an niiKr.cwu c; m tiie redt tnachine o. the world. It' t'.uit eO. IS Fin tan en out of p world would v .ce r.n.v-.vn ft-,rHv th its 1 n . from tho ,tk ot wr-.-kd train would firru" it:- dorv, 1: ranie e i thodwitiv from tat- ru ;dy j;Pvi of bum ins: ear' Word.l ce-iro th" shncks of t.-rtra-e ' wrv".-ti; pinned r--nei-rh htvivv timl.Ts and T'.f- . ir,o t vy gounded from end; to c .d of the laud. wor.Uj bo. "The trackvulk doyen o.i Jii? u-a?t." RPle along unv re for five or tea miles aud you will ev. tai;o hua p!od:dia along bcoi.P' b rracft He :h drred ia tb.e ia;e catawsy divnuttrtP w.i hin ta-j'-cs. if notUxvi. t-ag at tn;- kiit.:. He ocly p-tn J'.O'O a it.pv l;ere in tbe weta", ec-1 in k. utro e.'ist.in! d;sti".ctH still tctw. He carries a wrench and a ham;aer. and now and taon stoft; ;c tight-en a bolt it? m r;Jl cr drrre ; ntnke into tie He trt.mrs aloug thuK f,r twelve hours oof cf the twentv ff'OT. and rA the cad of the dav "can sleep without rocking." A tvportor fenud Da ngherry yesterday in K-Hie of the pieaMt-vwd.s of St. AI;iry Inhnuary. Roislrag jrr hixn. with her Rweet face full erf !tyrTathy, vrs one of the KjKtw's of th order. "He's dctmg very mcely." the aoftly fud. "tret murt not tx exciteih"' 'Yon see. it's ray filtonider there now." exclaimed Ortnghterty. naMig his lft arm und d roping it to the ehoct Jigsin with h shudder of ptiin. "It reems hx though it nKdeT a trip harartier and the bammfr p-oundrn. f(r all it ws worth, hrtdll it isn't la-d bow as it was. (icK-sd gTiiCHrns, bet that old engine did hit me a clip!" 'How Uid it happen?" "All fired pp. d den. I was walking along between tbe trackK, peaceable a yon plo-ise, whsu down rolls r train on the left hftnd. Bfg acinid thit tho Rtenin r Bomething would hit me 1 stepped into the right bund track. Whack'. BiS Yours tmrj' got it in the necs -nrsn you rive. An engine was fjytug viowu the right haad tracks, you Bee, and 1 merely fcritI to ttVp it by put ting my 'ohouldoa- co th wheel. I don it rpmember what happened then. The lights went rat. When 1 arrived in Right of myself Rgjdn I was hero. My w&lg is frwn Ccrr street to the other end of the bridge in Mfcdion. Tia not comiilairung of the walk at all, un derstand. They always ta-eted me white as long as I've bi working for 'em, which w only a couple of months. Pm jurt a little Korry that the company in studi a new cne. They Daren't got any hospital of their own yt. yon know. That's why I'm here. Of cours-j I'm be ing tTvted sixiendidiy hf;re jutrt if J ws at bouse but, yoa se, I don't know VTxcV.f wbo's going to iay the govJ netersfor hiking carj of me. I d hate to nee ,m do idl thsir work for ccth liig. ' Jhmgherty zed revereatr- at tho cm -cihx hanging on the oppo;it:e wall before answts-.ug. "Spw.-fcbog of the wjrk, it's ail rit-,ht. 1 get !fl.50 a day, jux- tke m.iu a the crtner labtjrws on the r'id, seel it isa't t. hard rs digging. Ail yoa've y -to do is to be pure and go over your tiun a-s m&tty timts a vou ro en'-aerei end ar-i tlisti the ru.'dr arc in proper thnpe if you find h lorme belt you rke yon: !:.! ej- .nd tightest it If ytra hi apjfe.. poluct; it? hid into the air, idve it a a dtp witii your bHinuier TTiatV a' the re to, tr.o basinet. If yu nbould iiappeu t-. lhidoi'-ethi;ir on ".f wt.u'l: 03d C4in t hi it yourself, why, you l,o f;; t'-dp tliiU's ail You BC-e I tra.v. ,vl, rr.oc.i-n wtKut tr;'.ci. v.'ahctir t do, wor.'t w-i. i l-sve i--ver fud .,f r.t vi ui :i: vit ? Put t4avrc -i t he Ln n he Vi-ij rtv.i t" l:er feo'ue i JUinvetor."-: rii-t .-Ti$e--e ' me . a: ' ; m ..,e Tii-ol yotirj. ;--'ii'. inch of I.. i hi lt isur: . o?e telle cr r nve beeu v n ' orcr the oeiv. n o- tm know every i'rfi:n here, and Nev. eri e.l you vdth tbeo eye- V a.v if net do;u rn i.;;-. e.ei-vwn . to-.-n and - -c.o it:, oa tuc ft. 'J17t V wit'' 4 eo i . -1 ; .. ib.-r fiif hruo ' . '.'is, it'w likt -'P0,;r, LC-e fin fcr;vt;p . 1 Je if yta fyv -ir.h it yop.'I ifefiru ;t an you io i.tur friends fcc-a rd it. lt-of5ri.v. o r.rj ef lr.1;nft " Kf fCrbe-'JDo3 L0UISBUI1G, X. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY : ON THE VERGE OF THE UNKNOWN j j An Experiment TTiat Slahrn c Ask. ""Iiat Is Coming?" ! Mr. W. n. Proeca, chief engineer and j electrician to tho poctoaico, has put up a wlro a miles long on tho crwwt near Lav i ernock and a 5horter on on Flat holm, a little island three miles oil' in the Driatc I clnnel. Ho fitted the latter wire with h "Bounder" to receive tncasajres, end rnt a ngn through the former from & powerful tolophonic generator. Thut message on tho mainland wes distinctly hRrd on the island, though nothing con- I nccwa tne ro. or. r. v'" words, tlie poewbUityv A.- -IcpV-.v -it'w -n flaces i Knconnecta by wii3 wrfj conclusively ' established. j There is a possibility hero of inter i plnnttery communication, a rood deal j tuci-8 worthy atton.ion th?n any scheme ! fr miking prijiantic electric fbishes. We do not know if we ran communicate by : telephone Uirouh. the ether to New : York or Melbcumo with or without ; cacs. but we do know that, if we can not, tho fault is in our generators and sounders, and net in any prohibitory nat nrr.l b-.w. "Will our hrvbituil rctder bear with us for a moment as we war:drr into another, and. e; many of them will think, a sur-ra-eencual rtpioii? Tae thoutrht in a man'-. brain which causes him to advance his fcot omotiiing in doinjr it. or how could it bo tn: .emitted down that five or siv feet of distance? If it moves a phy; -:il so-nr-thinpr. internal to the body, why should it not move also sometih::;.; 'cirtemal. a wave, op v-'o all an-c-e to call it, which on another min i prepared to rer-fnve it htted with a sounder hi fact will mr,k an i:upact hawhu; all the oTcct in tho convcyriUCi? cl; ferigf-vior.. or even of frcts, of th audil-ility of wurxlt? WP.v, ia fact if one wire can talk to rmcthT without con- noctivu, t.ve t.ereuga ether, Khould not muni t-r.lk to mind without any "wire" at all. I-Tonc of r.r. nrtder-'tondn nccurately, or even ae. y.--t a-.-pcoxituHteir, what th -con-diUon- ar., hut mnr.y cf us know for certaia that ibey liif c- car;onsiI!y. nri by wh.at- ve eaU a- id.-r.t. bcea present to pa .-Pic alar iud- t dual-, ,.ud tluit. when rr.-r-r:.t, the c-omriunicaraoa isc.-artpieted watrfutc a" and uund f.rrka tcrrdn d int.- i-er".rttt;y cf any inachiuiy not cs-k-dr.;.: v.-iUia itf'f. Y :y. in tne name of ccienee, is thai men.' cf a tuir'k-" that is, ri occur rence vreiiVit-,! by imTuuuhla law than the tr.-u:t.u-;rd..a cf Mr. PrcecVa lueeje from La mock to Flathulm? LciiCcn Bp.-, etc tor. A Sc!bu - r t- I- nr rr..Vd Cnon. l.vicrsck . h. . r ir. s gocd deal of a hoo'too. Fo f?'t:i al'y r- kccwlojgs the chrrgr hhneelf. -it in a &hvgTilar fact that whmcver he ffpfoan to dehver a lecture the 1 sin K-vriitt. to fall. He b to good i rain pro5rvvr tht-t he lsp. tm.-m-ly cvH-.tatkrr-1 tie ick of utiliiritig Li tdciit-; Pjc 7urpo in the arid r- jrixiB cf ti;e wt,. Wkiic rvt ver &e Anptrwhlv, rw New York fftre, U delrrei-ed a h-ctttred on mu:i.al tfrt- or a kiinir. ?uV3-t. He had cieJtYf--t-.l the mcre lHcture a h.vif do3i trnit in the v-est. ad the rcfreeh rng Kha-A-r cane rdo.ug each time bciea be hivd 1;? df huitittrl it. But Trkt: he roAclwd the Pflver Ieke AarrdJy p-rrmuehi the sr- w&s bright, and iir. I1:kA. cT.graQlAtr4 h-vowi Ujai having s,bkeo off his evil ppirit. He motirtud the niPtruER, ciLred hif throt. nd vb he had got a far a "Priendr, and fc Ikrw c:ti7.t" the runa hie of dirrtxit thtvedcr grr.tod harthlj upon his eare. Yrt h gttbered up la coMTftge end vrcrt cm, rjid before h had dblivered a quarter cf bis lecture the raia came drrw-E in tcrrrrrt. "Indeed," scid Mr. Boot, "I never raw it rein &o herd Ittf.Tre." Afres- the ad dress a witty younj: Chic4grr wowsn wbuj knew of tho hoodie bufdiee PVf od. for th ocnvmieTio of tie imbdic, LKaI next year Mr. Hoot sbwild vrrito p. lec ture upent a dry rubnect. Chicago Pott In the mouatfhns erf Keat-rtciry when a husband dk6 hie foaral ecrirKm ia not proochod until after the cti of tho wife, nor tht cf a wife untfl Vho feus band cJo is dtad. Thea a preacher i 8ent firr, friAg rzuI neihK-rs are crdiod in, aad the reelect i paid to beth tojrrther. Motr; pecubar is the CTrstons cf baring the ecrvieoc for one pereou repeated, o tht the fKad pet thir "fnrerala" pvreaohed eereral tinece nrcDtfe ad yra after Wir liriaJ. I bear thi pitiful strrrr cf two sifters whe had tircir rnc'a cr'c "funerar prejiebe eceeTry nua tner a lotifj as tbcfv liTed. In strtas. centr&rt; wdta this ngartl for ooreanoniiJ oberrvaccee ie heir naj; lect of the graves of thesr hoiked, wWch they do not jspg a &S k visit vriJi once clceod or to k07&e with tboe apwbol of tkS&cticra. wloch sr tke rrrnm indi cr.tions of Vxfreerreraea-t. ''LTiue Graaa Refe-ion of Eeartaeiy." It seoEaa there rtus "h-e added to the already irermeroua aprdicatieaas f tm tographj th&t of rb aeatt hi media si diagrnoais. A Berhn lady ifa havfeig her photograph taken. The face in the first negative c&cw out covered wtkh spot. Ex&mfcaticEi shcwlaag nething ahnarrcJ ia ths ntar; a secosd was tokcm with the saiae rcB.h. bo it could not be the fatit f the plaiaa. What was it? In a week the pocr woiase died of rtraailx. The elevervr? pihysdeian coukl hav-s peroeived Bothicsr. but the e7istr fiica ai the photo(.Taph ic rlate hid detected an tctiaic altcr.v tieci of th akin whore tiv postules were to dc-volop. Lorauha Tit-Bita. r i 1 ; Vrvcu end Rank. The rawera why it is the custom fc: oc faquirlng rexra ir; a New Y'ork te-.' incut -hous to iatetTcs-t tho rerfderi. of thetopfit-r ilxt is because he r. ccive plenty of polite attention, where if one bcjriua r.t tin lower floor und pr eda upward, he will pot short &rfjv-' and Utile sotrisfaction. The top floor u .. tnts pay tha smalleftt rsuts. "Now Yor! 27, W. A LITERAL MINDED MAN. An Interestod Spectator Who Took a Po litical Story Id Oood Ialth. The most curious person in the audi ence cf a story teller is tho literal iuIt raftn. When t?neral Dix ran f.r gov ernor there v. aj ?j?r.i di3.?u-:on to his a;o. It rM one cf the controrr?iP8 of the canvas. Ilii eppwinenis clvhn.-i fhat ho was too old to fulfill the f unctions cf the ofdee. Singularly enough, tha biographical dictionaries differed nbont tea yeaj. I was making a ppvh at Watertown to a ve;y big audirr.--o. I was running at that time a a libera! Republican fcr lin-.'w.wt erenct upon the eamo ticket w Frnciij Kernan. It was an immense outdoor audifnco. Id front of mo stool a man who watch-i me during th throe hours of that spe-ui for the purpose of catching me on aome materia; point. I tinally took up th question cf Gen eral Dix't age, gave th Pai of the va rious biographical dictior.ari'v. and cn cyclcpediafl, and b:i.e-l a thorv --.n h Vv old he must havebeoa in le.e war of 1 -'12, where ho was a lieutenant, an 1 -dn.-dly fa.id that tho only ror.Ilv acth.-utie data htvl b-ecn revcah d by m-jji rrcrat r s-urch in the colonial rec-.rdi of Max-pachusett.-. It had ln Mscnvl t ust when tho p:?-riin falhn lando-1 en Ply mouth rock they faunl (fei:erl I)Li ?tA:iling or, that historic J7-t and scout ing that nnlc-'-s t ma--l him a initios of the yAce he wo-.;M go over and j- in the Indians, tho point of which that the general had changed his j. .p.ti.-s c-t-eral tiraa, and evt r- ti:hegiU pno::-. My cm; -d friend -aw his e; porvv.;:;:;, and grcriHi it at '.-,. !, pri.;.,,- up rlth .i sk'T.t hat ouP! re horj-d the Canadian ho.- lor, "Mr. Depe-ir, th.u is a he!" I lo-.Led ra" him for a moment to eeo whether he Lai sr.-Alio-cJ th bait found that h had, tak-n it in hk and litK', bob end tinker. h- !a and a'! Then I Pteprl to the front of th per form pt.i fa! ' vrltk groat emplia.-:s r d indiimatton, "Sir, I b.ave t-'d' tbt ld toric aaecdoto from ilnntiiuk L-.t to Niagara f: lis to huudrodj of thousand of the intelligent aud educatei people thi pr.-at cxjmmonwjjaJth. and you ar the only roan who ever had th eulvnu io dcr.y it." "It euPt trup, Mr. Ptpew," he repeat ed, "bo-use the.t Lap7eue-d mv.ro thin 2-0 y;i:-s ayo." I wm U'i when in WatOTtoTvn l..sr fall that although tht hajper.M tn 1 572 tl-.at man Lad never been aide to ctt.o into town wince. Chauucey LI. Dp.k-w in Kow York World. Tic TVarrty Out. The rret cks at Wa- frlr, Js., ar survival r ef e.c ei.k forget that murt hfcvc crivi in tho rerr u, arTrorfli'a to tite g-olop5tj aud students of treeR, a far bL-k as the Truth cmrury. They bear every evi .".sr.ee of pr-sit age. ac.l aa edm tree in the rvwborcood. now ilmoat disiasatlvl. vrita its jrre4U baaba lyinr. on th ffTov.ui ad &c-ar!y rul of it braBcke fksr.yoi. i; tbe meirt venerable object iu the liu of ti' tb,at cn pmb ably b di-.yed ra New Upland, ft is wtil wort-: a wlt to Wsverly inX ; eoc tbi venerable cm. It i laimeufw n the Rise of itj i ark, ncd its duruitv ui de-ruy w very iraprfvvv.ro. The cr.ii oak tr- iji vl,t rchberh.-Md are of vivo sort taat att.ain a very rrat av ana that zatintain ttir virility ucimpoir-4. We kiK-w cf ecly f-ce other otk tre in 2iew EsLicd ti-a: can bo oosnparfe with thera. That i lorate-d ia Ipewich. and ia bxrg-er aud nor vcTeraLle apjaj eutly thaa tcy if th YraTeriy euka. and tbet tnd t Waver'.r oak. w- tr glad U Imcv.-. hare Ua inre.-tjd bry the ctite paik car.Biifc70cT and bre likely to -e preserved. Ii worta one's while to see and rtvdy tiee majeatie oaks. They are sea in prwU airioitaf in tho wieter. wheai their ruK$,M hmbe are bur riid their immrnfs wtreruth it revealed, aaei in rrjTtmrr, wLti tbirvwje covered wtui f they are .'eject of wonderful V- waty . Eo-u.-r Her aid. The poerry a! Sbr.png oae in wit tLt"fe f.hopp--rs vbo nc t-XrjcA f-o- cor.- ciTevoeat. vonrt' Wwity Rt l.wjnv. It is not lawful; they hrve i. a r.iLt te oe it; lrrat tio' lrave jr Ronty to L.s.biaf r a hunprr fer the ltcUfu," with jewel f.nd Lit Arctwes ub t".-e if r.n4 rrr. ihGiRWve-,. Tey cjnaot crd tj-r theM tb pe tc the a&cpr Ti:e look wt the W-r vd bia:; t.T go to the err rrr.ndry ccmnvcra ui faawy; tkey educ'. thuir j v e in tie matUr of redia ehewfc; vbw ko at th 6ilkrc3n. IsriHicBt wiH gn lirtaH u chx-tric hir'ata, and look r.t broeade fit for the tKurt of a yrrBecw., ;ii tiik wheee Cah.ryuit ivarloo Wcra rn la iPurj natvaa. wheie Unr joe s tke liboe of epmt riipx Vaif rtdbc3 tjf rait, wa preen is the breaJriofr wotc of the a-a. rdrrie vKj'xit is tie hive of xtunysnmeLn far avniy ia b otu m a mv, iiae tLey pwnje thmeev or those t'rey lor rc'ens and rtvitKiit is theee benne. Aiil if tje jxor Bhopaa&AO is wery ?'ken tsvy p nrwa. tliej- thfasatlvet fsre- rtreeheel tr a leaa saKai ef fart-her oefcial tbd xtnuiwia tktu. Harer i Bajutr. A Ko41ai lleiumm In 1716. In 1716 a oelisr dicker kxvrng be3D Ftiricd at Je:a, tin medical fiK-slty cf the nniveratty decided thai the caupe vras net the iwi aotkm of the drvih but u Wad3y p&a. Ttcfrewpoc Profvsasr LoehT, of tlw UnivMrfahry of Witter berg, esitercd a scnaa 9o.ci. deoitfkwj thftt th iecigioB cf tb mediotl facuJt wa "only a procf erf the Lvfcutbl h censo which Las so tokon posae&aivi of uj, aad which if we are not ocmestly ca our g-nsrd will trally tui"a away fro us the bleesAns: of Gcd.- Eh Aadrvv D. White ia Popular Stieece Mocthly. Saoall Boy Karuma wants yoTi toaosid her np two btrrwls cf thco artr.lm she was lookin rA Dealer- Aid riht, sc-nuy. "Say, couldn't you pcur the two bar rels into one hi 3 bairoh'" "Eh? What for?" "Than she couldn't get it through the t&LSt .ftp liS. &&&-rfi2Ql. elL& . A DK11T I'A VINii ItKI.IM'tN. i wo have any preacher? who bav One of the trroate-t n the bevi eareiv in tbit matter her-tirac- i.. for a quickeuico- Klf tif '' let therrj pay up hud ameui nuhlSe rnM,.;..n-. r., i ... the:- I-.va. or for God and the tacrine.-s fT lii.at.'-hii .'.j i- ! tion. It i 5 sirn;dy appa .;e - vs ! carries?! y men make dl.t. ' bow indifferent thev ar-' o oj i - ! payment. So far ba- th'.- ' th.it the qi;otior: i oft-:i i : i "Aretliere any ti.ut ..r- boi;. -: v" "Aro triTe any f;.,,; Iuly , J trusted i'" ! Wehave ::.d vet f:iir. in h i ; man ititerit v. V.'.- hto.-.v '. - ! tliero are ruar.y, both ii, i ; of tho el.wr-'L, v, v. ,-rd i- 1 !:'. I a.-; th.-ir bo-d. A t - t::. I time, however, we ur- ; ;: :.t i -i impressed v ith th- ..t : ! : !.ir .;: '! !', '!.". ' t r- '. . i ' .. : ;. man v in ',; r b r . - : , t :oTi-i. 'i h i:- ; v , i r . ' : . : me.ro ; :", :i Io TtV rhwrel 1 '. t h i o-, r i r ,- !:;'. -b irh u: :a r-. and "u . e. h o make pr-' ' n i . t :n i ; !: . n "Mi n;iry a ar- a- : , i::..- , , .1... v.,..:, . f -.; . ; u, ' M r. V-" -'. o v w a - a ordinary w :-l ::i . K'ii.-" for jj. I.i - ; :.-.-! - f : ! - i ; . ; o . f 'i.'i.-'h. f. th of o-, i. - ;'. i f i r.ii.. f , - e . 1 if f.'bf y 'i- from ';e- r v i . v. n:ei.t- ao'l 'ii.m ' .r. .i -b t;ti ropr,:ah. M i i- ; -.-r 1- 1 ! tinte? with oit until r bv vc-r-, bire pr.-.j.r.rti-'li of W'ir r.;e;i.l -r-: ?o.i; . ;i aud w- iu-u '.-A- :. ! -O'i.-" a i..l av'iircf tin-tucij e' ' 1 i i.rat i u.s w i t h a5; li't'e pro-; of tho ability of mee'itij.- tlim : a tl.er is that t be alchemist w i p ' s'.i 'o-ol in Li eT'T'to tr.i t b e 1 a - r ru e t .-. '. - i : ; t o t." . i . If tb--db- wr eor.tra-"-.: f-: . brad, to k-oj, arva i- :. fr ;o the d , loor, ! or., ntik.-r. t-- .-x t T: ' it i , if i. t ; o -' i . ; i! ; . . . b'it bow oft-Ti HH' th-V '"'.I'r.o - cd for th- ! i.vi:;o.- aw .'. ; a j !.ccesari-. of ii fo. The d-miot 1 : f f fa.-hioi; nj-i.- b- ;ra";pfii, r i matters i.d at l. e ex;. 1 And q d-bt- ft.-eo.m u .at- at d t1 - i itnpo-siidtity of th-ir j avir.e'.t 1 e- 'conies more t crtaiu. the ii.-litT-: ; ei: ce tf them p:ro ? until ai! sen.- of ed.ii-atioii ute.l t f thume h- lost ! terover. L- if rif't tim-- for th pub. it and f 1 ' . ..".?5'S, lit." euri rf u "i" 1 nif j rcss to .-pe;ik rut titoro r.la.rdvl 'l j , ... .. ''IP e f btitter, otie r;ir, ,f r(,;,i Wf. - , UIol point-. l.V Oti ta! -Ilhject ' I i The Advocate tbh.kv .... A re-! t0r' f-r - 'f M.ur. two ,ma j li.ion that do. . n..t teSeb xt.-t, t ! ! " pay their lo.nfst dfbts i not the I 1 -u-''- re'.ijiun of Christ. A fan-tityj IHItI) Avflh Jkllt. Take .a that is compatible with a vs ant of j T'-'ir- bowl cf dri-d a-,es. waC:. ! coraruoii boi-ty is not the finc- ! 1'i"''.v' COT'r coid w.s- tity tuupht in the Uibio. If m-n ! tAr' 1"t tUm a"'lk aiI I''bt. a?.! fir- wanting in c. mr.-on probit v fo:'r 'b1irt? c f r'-d water, let i' tliey si,. oiM wt b- tolerated in j wi:ll':,t '"intf til', t betas t the church ef ;,l. much ss 1 ? "K c Mt o t!, fr-e; ther sb-oild th-v l.o fP:lowed to air , is 'ar'J!-v a d'iai'i flf T"ii itra.o tl.-.-nisolve before our conrewra- ! HT"1 ad,i r'int5 of v'Hr- Q:-1 tion.s ur i PoinetiL-.ee the ca-. j L"'il a fpw n,il""- The j eep'e mn-t b taught tl.it j K'--.l.'.tk Pppdi.v.j. One pjr.t it is a sin uoainst God as we!' as ! '- zni 0,'? Iiut of bread crumb. ; man to make leht without the 7'dk of three p;-, five table- . ; ro'. ubility ef payinwp them. They -P"CT.f 11 is of k-rate.l rhoco!att. mut be inij resse, with tlie truth s-'al,i "'ilk end sdd brea.i hat it is better to starve and crumbs atoi cbocc'at-; ttke frcrt, niaiutaiu en-'r ir:te-ri:y, tha:i to ; the tire and add one-l.ulf cup f live in e..n.-k.. t and aruuenre at ' ar d t be y o! ks of t hre e.--; the eacri'i'-e of : rn.eirde. They , bak-3 rifteeu minutes. Suread j musLbo imnres-cd i!h the duty wirh uaerintie, brovn and terv c uioi neceh-;tv of f-conomv hih! ,0 , ' , i with cream, jfrtitrantv :e-t tho v ant of tht.-i brinr dishonor upon t berus-i ve 1 ' nn.l tho church of Go.. TLev r cure of a ppraiued back a must be .ii -A,! to greater indus- complete stirce-s Mr. Jerome M : trv in ord-T that t'.ey ffittv me et ! Ka,fc-V"' Million, f., says: ' ! : rh" oioa-iops that are already 1 have he .n "'in? Salvation Oi! f t t upcu t;.?m. ' i m-v fprai'ed back, have found U j In ca-es vkt:('p ro-mbers of the ! rniuPl ?f- -:cw, and jam per church can and will not pay their f fectl' "ith it results." debt--, tb.ev should bo .teait with ----- as the Di-'ripline dir-. ts We de- : Nothing is more unjust or Ca- -iie tbat tlie world should kpow 1 pricious tb,n public opinion.; that tho Methodist Church d.xiR - io it propose to wink at or eiteuu-j It is impassible to prevent ate dibbonely, wlietber it be ; -ough and cold in the wiDteraea amon the lofty or the low. Ot;r : eCn. A dranht of a.ir, the goinM miesion ia "to eprrad Fcriotural nut of a tire or any sudden chanpf Loliness over the laud," aud it is j of the temp-rature of a room is no part oi holme to neglect or refuse to pay one's Loneet debts Tho church and the world need a debt-paying revival, and this revival,. liLe all others-; ehould NUMBER 49. Loyin ia the ho-if of God." If t:. h' .-ake, lot th om .:r- " r 1 i.-' i r eredent iab- and with -ir . . fj.-.n the miniry. If w i a v.- a-.y ni-Mntra of the vlif ;i. I.-rael'" who are undr : U . ad vun.it o n, lot themcois ,l.- ;r ;( 1 profi-fi'ions of superior 'i'y until th-v are able t : t: :; the h?ad? uf houcbt in'n. if a - a. ire auy members, liowov - - 1 !:y may who ,av '1 ;' t'.i r-v td. let th:n r '! ' :.a 1 r.. vk r!if.i.ior . '' '.'.':"- f r-' t rvr h i :. may el i CO rd Tn;- mav b ;iin t'lik. but .t 1 1 . f !i ' c ae re -". .'. 'iin:.' e :i 'i - .1 j'-e .ectej fP,. a . ! rev, n b ' t!o' j re-e.,. "I'i'i!, a. 1 r- ' r i i i o 1 1 el oe '. f l.at a- - ' . . I o '. j o W e r : i a7 t,; v w i . i 1 1 avi: of Jordan : .-i -h-r- ;! i ' -o t ii : f- i bjec' . l-ert 1 1 ! y cot. . " for matiy : o.i t! iTi'," if t .. e d n.v n i r. - r n CLr:;- l r ( ix.'kiiig'. ' ' - Cut taV ' . - n eu; ipread . tvther -o . - -. ' : .. , .f-f t hem t n a ' , : ; - . . : a ; h t.f.d.ed in US- : " - ,-r ,- o. . . ' - - - - '. '!'!.:- car- . -' . ; t -. four ; e'.a'.oe, i ''- "' baj:-. cut fine, oi. ' :v: w . '. j irt enough w i-- r to , -r. u-.'ui tho inredi-:.'- ar- t..ier. Ph-n f.d ir with i i i '.v . " r twenty min- 'Iter l-fo. - - - A 4.1 Clif ; :: ' o; ... I bu-'-r. ' o i k w : ' - 1 1 - . i V, ' ; .--A-; -'-. ; : ' -'(! ; h:t- :t P i v. oat rn- i! u' i :ib!epo.jr.f u ' !"-a'-:.. r-t i r t dd a iittl " . fe-r a fe w a. - o 1 V eq ' . r:.hain!lo;;r. i bake i ; . . ' . ur. t: :. ; -.;'v-whi.- b-a.-e. ; u e :.e La. f - - ' .' sprit. kl . . : ;r rudiatei v L- '.I.-- b-i f. Wbeo ' ' i ' Co- i . d , cet in -f'"r t-u ip: uutes be ; . ; a r r a i a r- N it r i a for.- t- t iiiu p:, Gcient to produce euch a retult , While we cannot prevent, wectn easily cure he tronbleaome a' fec'ions with a few doe as of Ds, Bull'i Cough Syrnp.