r VOL XXI. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. The Superintendent of rublic Schools of Franklin county will be in Louisuur on the second Thurs day of February, April, July, Sep temo.'r, October and December, and T"Tr. in for three days, if necessary,.) for t he purpose of examining: apoJi ):.'. t beach vx the Public Schools ot 1 '' V " t o: s county, win also re in iishur-4 oh Saturday of eaeii !.. ut;d all public days, to attend :ay i):i?:acfb.5 connected with my J. N. IIauki--., Sapt, m. co i'ii; i son, ( AT TO ;ts-t-i.aw, :--B7RG, V. C. :'i v.ten X tVi-j .'oiu-tci of SmX FrHnWin, .v.:! . Wirren are- W.,Xe .iut,jf1, ..'.si the r. : '' art Xnr:.'i O ir 'liijp, un-.l tho U. .: ,:'f an i 1 ::,.:. O'ouvls. ! ret ioUijr IH-.J. L. jr.; lis. - . ..- i ' i. i ' c. I Vri, Vim -, ioai, .! o . . -:,kY. till' 1 K.'f n; r .n "., i;-:, v, i 'ivll t. co i. li-JLLY. 1 . ATTORNEY-.' -LA F'wV'.vKLIN r.'N, . c. rl l'U-iiiPss promptly atten:: ;a to. All rjTMIOd. B. WILDCR, ATTO RNEY-AT-I. A".V, LorisB'-'i'.a. c. o Hie on M-iia street, one Uoor below Eiigle Hot-1. w. M. 1'EHiON, ATTORNEY- AT-T. A'.V, L'triSBEO, x. c rr '"tiocs in all toarts. 0;2ce In tho Court ' t? H U 3 ) H A?5 ?T DON'S Vy Ufa I (. CAN ST DO "a ori'ri'tal ani only fre-.i::in.' Conoor.nd f;v ' ; - i i -MtiO. rt. r'.i.-it r ;"rs. Si r. -:.-y A I'--.! l :- -i s!-e ;K:'i; in! ,r?srnr:",r A th .- rr -: i xv-rn itie! X';rro;;n iiv:2nM;c-Ti: t: i !'! i-'i'ti;nr. i ir. ho condenn, and n eV portable that it is tent .til over the v . : I . ir ::as H-.-n iu for over twontv vears; th Mi I,1 I IS vJ f priti"-nts hive ht,"r,. trprH-?'!. a ; nr-r onn t'lo'.if'an i physj-Ntins have n .o : ;in.i t-o.-oiasneade;! it a very sitim- Ci 'if i:l -". "i '-npoun-l Oryz.-sn It Mode of Action on i K-vnit.i." j tlie t-iTle of a hook of 200 r;i;vs paUlishofl by Drs Starkey & Palen, v'.ii -h u'ivo. to a'.! inquirers fnll information a? t ) this renvirkahle curative ant and a re-.-oril of Rurprisinjr cures in a wide 3 n-- ! chroa'a raany of thorn anr r.-i .i -C ;i'.in-1one,l U die by other physi-ri.tn-e bo mailed free . to any address on application. nu. STARKEY fc PALEN, Arch ?1rt, Phihtdelnhia. Pa. 1 20 Butter Street, San Praneiaco, Cal. Please mention this paper. I b.cire to p.ir to rny friends and eustoLuers that I have moved rny Sa'oii on Court street, in the hor.sp formerlv occupied by Fer re!l Pcirnsh, where I am better prepared to accommodate (hem. My Saloon will hereafter be Known as rui-I I propose lo deul out to mv v:!- v)m rs the very BEST AND 1 NFS! LIQUORS. My specia' .li-:'-o", ip. Nathan Giiraore's F vearold-. Ir, i extra, fine. In !a t ail of my whiskies are .ti i op and contain no "head-ache's.'' Kf sptoafuih, J. W. PoxT;tr, Proprietor. NOTICE. By virtue of the power conferred upon me in a certain agreements execute title, executed on the 27th day of August 1891, I will sell at the Court House door in Louisburp;, for cash, on Saturday, March 4th, 1898, a certain lot or parcel of land m Franklin county, Lonisburg township, adjoining the lands of Wm. Ridley, Pleas Yarborough. Hilliard Mjilone and others, it be ing the lot of land contracted by to be sold to R. F. Perry, and now occupied by him. For description oi same see Book 85, page 859, Regis try of Franklin county. This Jan uary, 27th, 1893. -r, H. A. Crenshaw ir. S, Spruill, Attorney. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Server's Magazine FOR 1893. TABTIAL PROSPECTUS. Fr.Arcns upnnsors ErRETT will rnntri.ut the Itrst sprirxl to appear in a n fnm h-' r p r. f f ninny v-rs. ouri Uc.t -'The One I Kiuv the Best of AH." U. C. I31TN5BII ill furnish n s"rl".H of six sketch" entitM "Jersey street mxA J- rs, y Lino." Illustrated. P.OB'RP.T GRANT v.-i 1 rol .t? the far1 htr rxperlencAs of TrfA an.1 .l:T'pphiiw in "As. qn-1 to The Rei;eoiicn3 of a Married Man Illastr atcl. UATIOLD FKEDr-ICK will eonri'oute n political novel of great pow er, ciititM Th Copperii'iit 1. BT THE AVTH'Ct OF -JERRY. " r.liss P. B. Elliott, tb. an-hoi- of -Jerry,-j TeniusB-e niouat.d.jv.-.-i's, -Th: ijur.-.t ''zu -r- i Sftmu:.rui-:i.-5ii.-.; it.r .-f c-iiyle to trard Irvr.c bh-; -.tii-'i.-. lit-i; ,vib t .! I OUt .LJ til el ! Botl) .r! j fiat i;. .1 i el - 1. 1' l w. '. j-y , ' . i .'.f.:C:-j;:s. i A is w)l .i i .i . I up 'M "i -ei era era! -j wsj rt.ot;- uo oil. ia-isii own ..i!i.lei5. MI: CF.I.L.xLCE ICS. Farth r -.oi;t?i .utio.s t'- .he 3'eor ;n rr:- -t Citi's. Mrs. i.irii tfs ;i;n-tr t- : j, .p. f e.. the Lon-iou p:.oi fer Uouie ai i To ii.v di 1 : i! !n-.n, eic. Cf sin : i i ir.t- r st : !so v.-iii ; e Ir- i li -iiprnCa aaihovit alive 'c. uuat-.i the rv Kellf xp'- .lta.n alius" .-.it c,jk v.-rv iet-i- .stiu? i-r.i I- i y Oct v Uz..tei -u the . xiib.i- j i 'V" e; i 'hi .11 a . rl i:ow t'OO'P OH III xt" r"- I aoiarti -'.snp .a artistic subieota. n.-li I - ! of tri.vas, ftj t-t . -in. iLia-svuA-n e.r v.'inas ill also jpp 'i.r iy i.rtists wuo i-V ; testkuowu es r-.nt.ra. ; THT-Md : Y;f;2un,;.e, , j ii nniB.Ts lor l rrj ..p,i - tn- j ri i .o) fr-.- r!;-i .on r. n r. tiu - v im.i. a-f. ine !- :n--, -v:t-ooea: i ia -jloth, r.(ki. .o.. .s-. ri e. C::e;i,n Scninvj n 7 la 2ro t.'w.ty N Y"ih. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ILLUSTRATED. H.irp-r's M.ipazine for 1ft?:! will eont;nie to raaintaath" ui;rivale:i st.an i;;rrt of exc--H.snve which has cb sr;u tr-rzed it from (he 1 coining. Among the notes nic features of ; he. year there will he new novels hy A. C.tmoi Davie, Con stant:; Ft'ininore w oolson. s.n i Wilh.vin Bl.-.ck Deland, Erander Matthews, nnJ many o:her3. Thi ilinstrrited desjriptivepnpers will cralirac, ;.rtiols Oy Julian Ralph on new 8!iTUern and Western sxij -ct; hy Theodora Child on In di:; by i'onltney Bifrelow on Russia and Ger ranp; l y illchard HarJing Davis on a Lon don S-sson; r,y Col. T. A. Podge on Fa-tern Riders; etc. Edwin A Abliey'w idustrations of S'htkcfcpears Coinrae-lies will he rontinned. laterry Pitirles will te contrihuted l y ChT8. Eliot Norton, Mrs. Sames T Fields. William dean Uowelis.Brander Matthews, and others. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR. HARPEH S MAGAZINE HARPERS WEEKLY n.Mter.F.'s bazar harper's young people. 4 00 4 00 4 00 L' 00 l'oi age free to all svls'-ribcrs in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Tlie volumes of the Weekly bg'nr virh the numhtrs for June and Pecenthe, ef each year. Wlr-n no tiine. is specified', subscriptions begin with the unniver urrent at ihc tiiue of receipt f oi der. Be.nnvl vn!n:nes of Harper's V.'eekly !(r three years buck, in ncs; e'eth biialiia; ,vill be sent by niuil, post-pnid for io 00 p.-r vnimne. loth casts, for binding, oo e.nis each by mail, post- aid. HeinittHnces snould be made bv pol iSee rnoney -rdei or drafc, to' avoid "!jnee i-t less. Kevrspapcra ere r,ot to copy this a fiver 'is".vient wit Unit the express o:der if '! irpcr? ih othera ddtes; Harpek & Brothers, New York 8 Ba tea tbdfllVc fa gib fe" 3 . - t ME DAILY 50 LI DATED SHOE CO. Manufacturers, Lynn, - . Mae&. Shoes made to measure- FOR SALE BY F. N. & R. Z. EGERTON, iflbn PERFECT?!? mjr 1110 ABJUSaTABIS Oii fl'h FSi'-s 82.60, 53, WW IOUISDURG, ' A HISTORICAL DUEL. TWELVE SWORDSMEN SLAIN BY ONE i MAN BEFORE AN ARMY. A Scene 55ore Exciting Than Any BattU In the Annals of Slodern History Two Great Armies as Witnesses of the Terri- , ble Work of One Sword. To give an idea of what a brave man can do if he knows fencing thoroughly and but keeps cool and collected in dan ger, we will relate a historical duel. So extraordinary is this combat that it would bo held a romance had it not been witnessed by a whole army. The hero is J ean Louis, one of the great masters of the beginning of this centnry, and tho duel happened in Madrid in 1813. lie was the e oter-at-arnis of the Thirty-second regiment of French infantry. The First regimc-nt, composed entirely oi Italians, formed part of the amo bri eade. Regimental esmrit do -nr nA ric-3 cf nationality caused constant quar- abor,t spending, which is constantly rels. when swords were often wliippoi n.otlceablo also in i-:cn who wore born oat or bullets exchanged. After a small ' ri.ch Eut we hve also seon a la.v I,r1 battle had occurred in the streets of I viousl3' suspected of meanness become Madrid, in which over 2G0 French and j haltuaJ1.v and rather splendidly liberal. Italian soldiers had taken part, the offi- ' S0"". which we hold with the ccrs cf the two regiments, in a council ' (vul'kcTS to bo an eminent virtue, ofttn of war assembled, decided t give euch 1 comT3 wi"Ln unexpectod good luck, and breaches cf order a great blow and tore- I Sraciousn(-ISS- too, the latter bvmg the re establish discipline. They decreed that s?lt v, e cr cive cf the disappearance the master-at-arms of the two re?dments 0lthcr of n Si'dge at fnty or of some in- should take np tho quarrel and h-ht it ; cut. Imagine a whole arrr.v in battle arr.iv on oi'O of the larcre plains that sm-ronn.l center a large rini is ' left open for the contestants. This spot 13 routed t-.b-ovt tho plain so that not ono of th K-eoli.t.ors cf this trngic scene ; :-y;y dr-.--sc-d ctYicers, F.oldiers in line, j one::! rd3, crcited as never a bull righl j Cicired them wili mi:--s cne phace of the rent al, it is bt-fcro I0,r-O0 men that the hou- .T cf r.n ri-my is a'oout to bo avengod in tae IS. .';.! ot brave men. The - (hum is heard. Two men. nak:d to the t;;:, sten in tho ring. Tho firr.t 13 tall and irong. His black eyes roll disC fully r.pon the .gaping crowd; i:e b Gifioomo Ferrari, the cclebrat.d Ital ian. 'i'Le second, tall, n'.so handuie. au j. with mnscli bhe etcol, stands mod- ; estly r.-T;'K::ig ,t".ie w vd of command: his n?Ti:e 13 Ja:n Loui.. The seconds take tneir i-l.tt-t-a on either side of Uieir principles. A doathxike silence ensues. "O a guard!" ; The two masters crois swords. Gia o Ferrari Tuir en repeatedly at Jean ro are probably wliites and 1vO 'swerving s-nse of justice and rev is. bat h; vain.' ILs every 'thrust is fAaf'3 n the An, k- ; erence for th- law . his daun-'e byaparry. Ho makes rP his mind rrovmcd district .here ah-ne n.e . Udo h, choice and caresses an 1 Pm 13 t?.!'e f01111'1' p-ce the nut nt "'. i a,.-pare ,. . singer:- coin Louis. met to teaser, hi cp' -Client's blade. Jean Louis. ,1 - . i r i , , , calm f.nu wj.chful, lends himself to th play, chen, quicker than lightning, the Italian jumns cr.ide with a loud yell aid S0S Jean Louis-, r iOA.unno trie;:. OitCU ncces..fid. Bit vith t-straordiua: V ra.-i.lii v Jean Lo ;i - b,s parried and n posts quickly in the ls r.r; scrat-.' cries Giacomo, more ana i: :i:n tall on guard Almost directly be is hit in the breast. This time the sword of J.u.i Lord:-, who is now attacking, penetrates deeply Giaeomo's face becomes livid, bin eword drops from Ids hand, and he fails heavily on the turf, lie is dead. Jean Louis is already in position. He wipes !iis reeking blade; then, with the point cf his sword on the ground, he calmly awaits the uc.tt mam The best fencer of the- First regiment has just been carried away a corpse, but the day is net yet over. Fourteen adver saries are there, impatient to measuro swords with tho conqueror, burning to avenge the master they had deemed in vincible. Jean Louis hardly had two minutes' t f , . ... J. stands before hiia. A sinister click cf - , , Bvvuxua is ueara, a mnge, a parry, a ns postand then aery, a sigh, and all is over. A second body is before Jean Louis. A third adversary advances. They want Jean Louis to rest. "I am not tired." ho answers, with a smile. The signal is given. The Italian is ai tall as the one wdio lies there a corpso covered by a military cloak. Ho has closely watched Jean Louis' play and thinks he has guessed tho secret of his victories. He multiplies Ids feints and tricks; then, all at once, bounding like a tiger on his prey, ho gives Iris opponent a terrible thrust in the lower lino. But Jean Louis' sword has parried and is now deep within his opponent's breast. What need we to relate any more? Ten new adversaries followed him, and the 10 fell before Jean Louis amid tho excited yells and roars of an army At tho renucst of tb.t Thirtv-Rer-nnrl regiment's colonel, who thought the fesson sulBcieut, Jean Louis after much pressmg consented to stop the combat, and he shook hands with the two Bur- vivors, applauded by 10.000 men. From that day fights ceased between French and Italian soldiers. This wonderful and gigantic combat might be held a fable were cot all the facts above stated still found In tne archives of the ministry of war. Lip pincott 8. Cost of Living In Australia. I now believe that a vforkingman can live here for as sinall a stun as ho can in England. On a Saturday night, in order to see a workingman's market, I went off to one of their big markers to see the prices paid. I found good teef 4L to 5L 'Ll ;.. , . , n, . them to consume all tne pencils that ciis quantity of prune hares at Sd each ; cduli- Transcript. uu net a.o lx aa juiu aacvcat cam. t7 tatoes about half English -pree. Slel- fbourne Cor. London-News. , OriciD of the CoMt XndUiM. in 18 1 u a large canoe was sent to the Centennial expositfon from the north- west coast. Thiscanoa was made after the pattern of Japanese junk, of one x n . .0 ruyma, ouiurus buu is &nuri ia, noiixa lowed the-Japanese skill and design. them in equal thraldom for the follow A lot.of Japanese were brought over day. They want one more free Sun to work in one of the mills here, and at day, too, and will invariably wait until the sight of them the Indians here said, Mondav for their annearance." New . "Our people."- St. Paul Pioneer Press, K C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY The Use of Sadden Wealth,' The disposition toward mad extrava gance, bo often Been in wealthy rrjumr men, is not always the result of means lu B'-) orersCTong aesirfs, but of pos- h ...V7 luviiouurai, ur mraisj incompe tence, which, under the prsfenre of nar row means, would net otily never .Lave developed itself, tut never have existed. "I have succeeded," said a very great statesman, "because I luivo never had enough to live on." Tho silly marriages tho old frequently make, tre in just the same way the result not cf loss of judg ment, but fcr a weaken of tho resist ing power of the wilh T!0 consequences of unexpected wealth -e, however, as often fortunate as unfortunate, for they are the products of the natural 'character. We have seen a man vrflo inherited a fortune very large for hj wants become during the remainder of Jbis life almost or quite miserly, but thr was only on a large scale, the result of tl?- impulse to save, which on a 8maILi4tiV.ui pro nomicea a "wise ec-o-nuAnV aggravated a l!ttle, it may be, by a fciV.e timiditv ner lear cr bcm3 suspected of '-baling on accoimt of iovertv. Suspiciousness b pre-eminently the foible of the poo-. and frequently though not alwavs dia- appears with wealth and tho coufid :nco it brings, a coulidenco occjisional'y m gTeat ana so neevte.l as radically to im prove manner. London ytxxrtator. T.'Uore liunri Cum I riaind. Kauri gum is formed ef the turpentine that has exuded from the l:anri tr', a species of p-i no winch is tho finest an 1 for general purposes tho most ucfi.l forest tree in New Zoilin-.l T" yeara r.g.. the Maoris were the only p. t- p.e who emplayed themselves in scan h- I.J i i ii l 1 1 ."-i : i ' f I v . 1 1 1 II r ' ; 1 it 1 iinn m'i .i '!) (lO'llf dm.-,,,..,, i tol,ePsn,l riT, ,...: . surface cf t'.ie ground, where prrhara ' evor- that, as time i:e-.K, and 1 1 ages before forests of kauri had sc -M. I 'Link f the many Mi is ing mm,, Attcr a few years' exports the Maoris i t- f , , ,", began to dig lor tho gum a few inches ! . h,'U'1 1,rurt "f L 1 1:1 below the surface. As tho uses for it in- '''' lives again in t'.e p'.rtrai' creased its -aarhet value rose, and pros- j before Is his M.,r.d nt dr.tan ' entjy Enrop-.ans lctwk themselv.-s to . - , digging for it. nutil at the present t-'r.e '; aild Ci0:ir j : ' ' g rn ' 1 1 1 , his un w.iT t ... .i Mtin:i,j idM um.y years, notwithstanding teat the i.xjj ij lioi ueiii.; ri pr. cn;c( a, except "t a very inupprecia.Jlo extent, in tiie exd.-t-ing forests, and thceo are Lei. lg rapidly cut down b--cauK0 of tho commerc-d value of the timber. Within a measurable period of tinie the j rouuctio.i of tho gum must ceas: nlthongh it is er.pecte 1 th..t at t'.e pres ent rate it will tako A) y-ar;i to exbae- f tlie deposits in the Auchhm 1 d.otri.-t. I.i some places gum be.irimr land has bf-. :i purchased from the crown for &ett lere.at purposes, ar.d the gum unearthed in plowing it has been sold for enoiv:h t . pay tho purchase iqo:k y of the land, and for plowing, fencing ud sowing it us well. London Times. An Object Lewion In Futility. ; They were talking alout futility and fcr 6ome reason known only to each other failed to agree. Finally she asked "Well, now, suppose you give mean. : erample cf what you call futility." , "All right." said he. "Multiply 3 010 ! She took her little gold pencil in hand, seized a j iece of nater ud after a few nucntcs of diligent Gimnn tx- result; announced ''Tv.millinn..v,l, i,mir,e..io.. five thousand and sixty-sis," s-od she. "Divide that bv two," he continued. "Ono million four hnndrid aud twen- l ty-two thousand five hundrtsl and thir- ty-three." she said. x- .1 l 'Very well." said lie. .Nuw.auusevt'n to that and then subtract 1 .422.540 and act l ,4J:,o-io ana i tell me what yon get." "The result is zero," said the, after j such a man is conspicn u?'y uu- fismring a little more. : , i j t j ..-.i- Vi .v, , t ii r 4.-i-x 1 selash and just, and it is mam V, til. that s what I call futility, i J said he, with a laugh. "You've covered fest to all that his prime pur; o-e a sheet of paper with figuring to urrivo j u js to do ami suv, vbat i r.t nothing." . r , Whereupon she became so anry that ! nLt' lf 1,1 the 'charge of what she refused to argue further on tho sub- 1 he conceives to be his duty he ject. Haiders. j -4Ves (uTense, the tong i" ot enrni- The hlusive I.rad Prnrlli. Wliat becouiesof the lead pencils is n." ;mc,i i ,i .. ,..i.' ..- cf pins. No one ever rea!!y uses up lead pencils -no otie drinks them, so to speak, to the very dregs, unless it is one of those admirable people who keep jour- Rals and cash accounts, and who usually carry a sort of penholder arrangement in which thev insert a half lemrth pencil and go on and on using it and sharpening it until it is all gone. Very few people ever get pencils worn as far as a half length. They di.-u dewn They disappear ! beforo that staire is reached. What be- I comes of them all? Hundreds cf thon- j .North Carolina parent, and, ex sands of them annually are lent to yonng I ,-ept when in her service as a sol- cmiaren anu never seen again, dui wnat do tho children do with them? Do they tat them np? Possibly cverj-oouy dm seen .eaa pencils tne vear3 willmi h(?r border llis lov. upper end of which have been cheweum i k I.,, i.;u a Tnltv to her was intf-nse. nnd hi-, -h ostrich stomach. would enable Don't Like to Ccgfin on Friday. "It may be a suggestion of value," said a woman recently, "to remind housekeepers in need of servants that Fridays and Saturdays are almost usc- days upon which to advertise, Maida are invariably superstitious alont taking a place Friday, while' the old j York Times. 17, lSft Presentation of Jadee DavLf l'or - (rait. j Ne,8-01n- cr. On Tuesday of lat week, upon the assembling of tho Supreme Court, at Raleigh, tber beinr quite a number of ladies and pen tlemen present, Richard II. Bat tle, Esq., rojc and said : May it please Yoar Honors : The loyal affection of the fumily of the late Justice Davi, has, thus soon afier his lamented death, impelled them to provide un excellent portrait of their hus band and father to be hun-r on these wallf, and their recogni tion of the intimato frkndshir fin- ovut;-.,1 ,r- ft..' r -..-.-! '4 and myself, has imposed on n n thn r.'eaw ,,,f ,fT. nf . if to th Court. At the mooting of the bar held' in this room, during the la-t tern, I ,r i , , ' ot tho court, to express our sn--- 1 uf the loss, we, the pr.)fes:o:i and the Stare had sustained in th death of Judge D.iris, I 1,-d th j honor to subn.it some p ear iirou t, life and charac ter wl.i.-h ' , . f . 1 am 1Lli,rUie'i. will puh.i-hed ' in the appendix to the vel ;mo o: our State Reports, now in pre-;-, along with the report of the com mittee to prepare resolutions, and tie- discriminat ing and p.rle'tie ou'ogy pronounced by Ju ti.-.-Avery, who presided at th- ai't- ! ''v'u: :Ul' w -' ' 1:ot ropeUl w La! i we.s then i i 1 . 1 lO SUV. Low 1 must be ai a ed to sav i L, lllllal . Ill C:i T! t'T :i J : t 1 ' 1 1 . ,une vonvW lo.s active ibi: spirit and a I : oat h i u g of lent patriotism, I that was mean hi.- II n u iirt Kr mworthy, and devoti' n to ' ire and loftv s'audar is, hi., o :i. ! lonate c '1! ' t iie a 1 1 ' 1 bis rea to the r ; n-'ss i, - i ' r i . i aim? of tii'-ioi- simple faith in the essential veri ties of our religion and aft-T tie hand of mortal disease wa iaol upon him, and his manly form was bowed, hjs patient, unmur muring, resignation to the Divine will, 1 am tlie more convinced j that we would search the State ''t in vain. to hud another, who, in i the possession of solid gifts ami 1 the exercise of high n ol v i rtues j "IPeaches more nearly than he : -Iid to the standard cf true man- j hood. Imperfection is s'anmed x I '-. .. l i v : 1 r , on an riui.iaiiny, ana oi course our friend had f;lts; but thev l were faul t that lean t no st nearly to virtue's sid It is said that : every man cf positive c i r a t e r i i Q, ,i d i'U bt h-s.- ' ' l luis is generally true; nut w hen ! tins is generally true; but : iy is soon snencea uiol nia.ic , dries for want of sympathy. And ! so lf JutePb J- Davis, will, his ar-, ' dent temperament and strong convictions, occasionally made enemies, they must have been rare, and seen it to be to their interest not to appear. If he had j a detractor I am yet to hear of ' hi in. Porn in North Carolina, and of d-er or in the halls of Congress, spending his whole life of 04 : n,hlcous indignation .as never s warmly expressed as when he' had occasion to donounce the cal- j urnnies of those who would as- I i perse her fair name. Surely it j i- well that b patriotic and able j a ' 011 M:0'lUJ ave been chosen to j fte!are htw! vindicate her laws in ;thiP, her highest court, and that m m hie likeness in this room may for generations to come suggest to aspiring young men of our pro- Weesion and other calliurs to leani ! the lesson of hi lif nd .trU. t w . -v emulate the virtues that made him, in this generation, one of our State's most illustrious sons. It i v a) I trwt tViot it Vn.il. "'vnuiiuc jianuiu ot xue vonri re. Carolina has produced a painter, mored the corering. rerealinf anf who in spite of the hindrances of ! adrairsble portrait of JnetigeDa poverty and a want of early ad- j vis. h is a very fine portrait, ai vantages, has manifested his ge- j goM a lioness as we cr.-r a . niui as an artist in so faithfully j It i indeed highly creditable to reproducing the feature?, the the arti-t, Mr. Itanda!!. pose and expression of him, who, ! - ' though taken in the fWh from I SENATOii V ANCR UN" K AXTI our sight, will continue to fpeak j OI'TlOJMBILL. to us who knew hud lored him ' . , , from tb: rinv , , . . . A As we Icok at thi.- picture we v - t , . . , se Mm not as in his lat few months, when wo witnessed the, 1 t h illrr nf i if. ou-op f ....... ; . ' " - t t . u . 4& , , 1 A v lii i I ... , --'-'Hous Ueas., hut as he was in ;! 1UUS ill- rol,U3t 1ifa'tl- of impoig p res- ':7'his UUl a)'"'lt MS fffl ""1 ,U"'t two 1'1I"1-'J ohm- hi? frame v i i" .m m ai.d ' a.- s ' urm ann e,a?-:ie, M vrv it t ract i v if :,ot regular! v har.d- some lace, v. ith its w intutkr face, v. ith -mi'.e and sincerity atol kindli ness beaming from e.erv iinea-ui-nt. Fhysnaily we will ever see him th is and when we re member his nv b'.e record, as made u) here anl whorever -l?e he l.dd duty to perforpu, as ciliz -n, law yer, soldi r statesman and judge, is I.--: ghbor, find, l ather, hus band, and christian, or in a word. an. wo sav w . i .. .. t ti e j . Ot I r r .!. ;;. !c.': n: r ; n . ., . . 1 he i: ti ie-..re of our v. r rl - and : o r. s kc t.,e wave lr m 1 i o ' o a Ink e. i t i e V Tea an : r : , Ae.hisfrien l-.a ' r ; : . is, w i . 1 g- a y r.d' ml", t).a i i I s., rex. r" nil hi n !i d er. re ,d we w : : h V. V. .1 is b.t- ef t ea'l-e J i , 'f I ov n: in v -h.-e tel. 11. d hi said w lo-n we the ..,rta!- ot T i- : y ) t w a - the friend of .1 O - !,ved ( f hai 1 s 1 I OS 1 ,. f, ;1, ' . . Ms IP ; 1. !-e have mt-rei, ky dea'h ?" riv. 1-ge lL, .e a man, a- ! i ; I a v e . .i'U. i id T f a " .i - ..- i 'or in t:.- l.v. -. n. :u v I n t s t v the friend-d atTe-tne-, as of an old r t a yi -unger or'1 h'-r, l.e . -t ed f r rue, and w mi-ri1 ten Jer a he f, earthly ties were s. T I m i :. l -grew . it a! . o l.e ..'V. I thank ere.l. rr"m my his family for giv ; ior t i ii : t v to sir. . e a i g tue tl.i- i ;, U their 'e- j ropitio-i enee ai d under the circumstance--, ho -a I see and f e the iutl.-.ence of hi b-'autifu, an usef ul hi f.- The cant: o eed as-fired ttuat while he has I aeathed to his Stat n 1 C' Un -atol th- n name e g a c y try the record of ratrio'ic Useful service, he has giet, a legacy of an unu!iied and s- otless character a 1 more to be priced by a right minded man or woman than s t ores of so! ul go! d . In the name of that family, the dovo'.-d wife and loving sons and daughters of Jo-. ice Davis, I ask your Honors to accept this portrait, and to -o that it ;. pre serve I as one of the fhief orna n;en's i f this room, whieji ha ai-r- ady hrorr.o the Waihajla of gr at dead of ( ur prof- ssioii. At the conclusion of the?e re mark?, the Chief Justice "aid : j We heartily concur in all that J ha been said in respect to the I life and character of our late and : lamented brother, Associate Jus I tice Davis. On a former occasion the ecurt in common with the bar, ex prc5ed ita profound sorrow at his lo-v", as well as its admiration for him as a soldier, etatrsciau and jurist. Wo receive his portrait with much gratification and in order ing it to be placed by the eidc of the great men whte faces look down upon us from these walls, we feel that we can safely say that there are none among them who more fully ilhutrated th virtues of the highest typ of Christian manhood and whose example is more worthy to be followed. It is ordered that the Manball shall cans tho portrait to bo hung in scaae appropriate place NUMBER 51 . .. . w fc U 1 VI ki IS. The portrait tkks on tb na'l with a veil thrown over it until Mr. Battle begin (peaking, whea 1 a. yt i.t .i i ""'u i' v ice iixu iajv 'week Senators Vance and Ran- . . , . , voted agnin.t the Hatch Anti- ' . ,. -.,,., , , , , . . . J rder that our readers may know ev.a.,.i.r Van'-'s rcav.ns for to?. ir.g Hgainst thi? particular liii we give ho.ow what the Senator -aid .n expianntion of hi vote; Mr Pres.der.', insom-Kh as I v.,'. d f-r th sul stitnt p-orx-sed by the Seiiator from M i -.:? i pp , ( Mr. (ieorge) and shall t-t -again.st the bill, I a-k the indul genoe of tli Senate for a few minute- to eipiaiti briefly for d"'; r.g. 1 h e rf i . a r . t i rr. e n in rr. v State, which, i- eh :! un agri cultural State, thn the dealing in future and r- tipu, as they are . alleil, con-titute an eil, i re-': aitit upo- and an it.jury to "o'::;.'Tr 'vn-n ,e !ito-. V- he'her tl.it be tr i" or not, I -hail not ef ro :ir? at this late hoUl ir ur.der'afce ! i sav: but i-i .'.efe erence t t. a. t s-ntimer.t. 1 de. '-rm:ned that I ".Lould vof fcr any I ;.i wh.h wieild re?', rain r or re. h . - e; ; ; v L c h I thought to oe ;n conformity w ith the Cor. -s? i! otion of my c try. I 1 e that the e.hs;i:..ie of th ? eu.'o7 f r" m Mi-isi; ; i w-. t ch a n.ea.Mj: tho .fc'h 1 eon fe w :-.s n-t free f ni duaL'. eve.u at- ut tl a i 1 h rv car u -.br. ho w ev er . V Mr. "eii,'!,'. i eerr to me i" ver-v.t . I tre taxing i w er of t be , v " r i m e u i to i ; e . naT. c f r t i i n i- -r. the Guvert- cf th ( Vincti u' d unm;taka tL Kotf at, 1 : 'hi? r,,., te- ' framed as t -'.on of th- - it .'. 1 1 in !. - -1 . u . v ' i:': o f- r .' f the - ; i w a I a- 1 upon th c, a: l ':.?. it ut i'ir ser. ise- f th ryg'i'itc com- atei. f ui r nd ; g . . ui r i 1 v . i, , ! ( t ;. e,... I v . t) r f v f it r I el LHP ffl i i : y and ea.-.ly Vetr rm ined . . e.-ary, by the Supreme of tl." I'mted State, whetb m t th" power existed in -e-s i-.der '.he Cout ituticj, t i , i i g i i a 1 1 o n ; but t h to j p an evil tv .:.e U-e oi te taxing Krr 1 1 .. C"war iiV, mean, false, franduicn and felo::iou, ar.d 1 Lall t.t vot- f ' r it. It con-titutes a treate- crime against th- Constitution t our country .ci do ail tue do il.g- of K the be ard r f all th eottoTi and wleat exchangee i America coT'.iTut- an ofTei.v against the com merer tf thr coun try. I chail r,"'. aaifft in the j e. -; e t r a 1 1 o n 1 1 f a crime in order t redress an evil in commerce. fri. if that evil were e?tb!ib'L K r these reasons I vt ted fe- the ibstltUte of the S'llltc frctn Miv.km;;i and i-L a : 1 vo'e a';n.t what is called the HaWb i ;. i t w i 1 Although 1 have r.o donl pas.- this bt-lv, r.o g-: p " t r of the future tin Lak i'j! gory locks at cae and taj. Thou didst it." nrv.-fUi for ear "cf lSsilrt. ipraic and rb-utntin Captaisj J. H. Ms,n -ley of No. St KCftine Ccppanr. Kib -trior', Md , ujn ; Ihe ranskn i( r-.-rsonijoy Lr tLrotJy -lr-4 rii ti jo Uil for praio. tr:y od rbeuti -ttia aJ it b fiea Mtlrfaetici i etery c-. We narU ftmu txrvt-cli linioot. , tl KXa, a4 Ojrr CjU, Kwin'is Hi 1 Cr- r-rorapCir; rt)WmtTkMfltUH' rlTl; h Oi w het t aU Ut rjyi; iurtraa it taken tartc. cfUw.iunuiu)ini fuajnaju av- "N. Km mm f V - SHlLOH'sy-CATARRH Wra t cut rou. frXm 30 eta. Izcvot r1