Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest XT. S. Gov't Report. n mmmmmmmm?m'mm?mmmmmmamam ,m,k9 ' to Public school tejc8er&A The Superintendent ol -Pilblic Schools of Franklin county will" te in Louisburg on the second Thurs day of February, April; July, Sep tember, October and December, and Terniin for three days, ifesarjv for the purpose of exa mining appli cn,nt3 to teach in the Public 'Schools of thii county. I will also be in Louisburg on Saturday of each week, and all public days, to a,ttend to any business connected with my office, J. N. Harris, Supt. M. COOKE & SON,' L0UISBotP.'3, N. C "W'.'l st ten i th?. coarts'of Kash, Franklin, Orr.iivills, Warren Mti Vae -onnttes, t.isothe tureB)3 C-.'nrtof rfor'.ti CarUup, -a a thu U. p. v. iron.' h nu umii icv k. oju. J. E. MACOMB. O'le two c oons V v Ti'C t.'i- s & rtj rr-.- T' tT F. ' - ! -N.:iV. -tt.i - -r. . El atl -n .-ft-. X' Y. r': i t iajio A'J iegll ;nwiK :'i-:;;v. ATTOS'iV.-LOUT.'-F ". O 2cOi? srr-.tt. Eat- i. :1ott igle ATTOIOfiVjA ' Tra;tices In a'l courta. x c. O.i:: m tsi3 Court S?siSl 1 HAG IT DONE If a Slfl 5 ' CAM !T DO The original &J on'y jjenirlnc Ccrapor.a'? Oxygen Treatment, T.'aat of Drs. Stfi-rsey & Paion is n, ecientifl? ai:stnient. of th" ele perits of Oxycen aad Nitroiron masnetiiei; ni the covnpoun.1 is so condecead and raada portable that it is eent J1 over the world. It has been in us? fnr over twenty years; thonsnnd of patients lave been treated, anrl nTsr one tlinnsanil TlivMin3rn hT-o used it and reeomniendefl it a very Kgnifi- cant-, fact.. . "Compound Uxvjrr?n lt3 Mode of Aetion and Kesults," ia the title of a book of 200 paes, pnhiiBned by vrn otarcey & raien, which fjivos to all inquirers full informatioa aR to this remarknble carative aprant and a Kood record of surprising enreo in a wide range of chronic casee -many of tbern after beinj abandoned to die by other physi cians. Will be mailed free to any address on application. Dr.3. STARKET & PALEN, 1529 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 120 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal. Please mention this paper. STOKES & KING, DEALERS IN- General Mercliandise G3EOCEHIES A SrECIAtXT. Car Load Oats Jnst Eeceived. - -' - . - ; s J..- - ?, -4'-' Flour Coming ia' Every -week. We have a falj line of Shoes we "are FOK CASH., . 1 if W are doing our Own work and thereby saving expense of clerk Eire' thercfure v e think we can Self i Goods as Chm as Anyone. Giv a call. - , - Very respectfully, STOKES & KING. NOTICE, By virtue of the power conferred upon ma in a. certain agreement to execute title, executed on the 27th day of August 1391, I will gellat the Court House door in Lonisburg, for cash, on Saturday, .March' 4th-, 1893, a certain lot or parcel of land in Franklin , coitaty . Louisburg tjwnship, adjoining -,theH- land& of Jm. Bidley, Pleas-.lYarborougb, HilHard Malohe and others,. it,De ing the lot 6i land coptracted by me to be gbldto IFPerry and now occupied by hbn. Toridaeeription-bf-same seo. IJook 85, page 850 Regis try of Franklin county. NThxa Jan nary, 27th,;i893. H. ArjUEE&SHAW F. S. SpfirjiLi, Attorney,' - tojne; Magazine i'OK 1893. PAUTJAT. PROSPECTUS. PEAyCES HODSOS' BT7SKBTT will contribuU the l!rst serial to appear In a mvga;-lue from her pn for many ycirs, euti Uo'5h9 OnI Enew.the Beat of AIL" - " H. G. BUSSES - - will famish a series of six sketeh"s entitted . -jerBej eiroet, ana jersey L,ane." lilustratea. i BCBEKT SRAXT j rtl rflateihc f jriher .experiences of Trsft anfl j Joephina in "A sqne! to The aeiieetion3 of i a Married M;m . Illustr tteri.' HAEOLD FREDRICK ! will c-nriut apolitical novel of great no rr j er, entitled Tho. Copperhead. BY THE AUTHOR OF ."JEERT." Mt.8 P. B. Ei'iott. th' author ' of 'Jcrry," j wil! -write a re: llstic story of life anioi-'g I Tearicssue mountaiueori, "The Darket c ih ret-'1 ' Setae uaputai3S--3 littera of Ou-Iyle to E-i y, -sr.i irvmg an.t otitem, sing -wlUr a part of i O-ir.-flft-s iif- txr .iifrc-r-?nt from that l-rought j '-.jc in to. - reci-at Utei-ature of Carlyl-3 reui- i'n-.ta. 'XiKtioa8 of Lirtcoia and --oi'm-j By iJi'j ..i-mu:s -le Ciiamtw-a. -r- t'aie "-cl -re-ti-'- oi u-iw icstter.- A'ax " ' -;f"- P ' 3y - -oiiert- Blum, wfio jayf - !: :. trrii 4 - stance of i:ear!y f.vo yt -rs . Ix.xkt at ixt . m-.i?ssQe iii-ics i ' i -" iaM3.j Jija-iiis. win-r h iv. ,;SS?r ITB-S'S OOC CTPATICSKS. A. 3-.T!''3 of arU d-:a on the life -work of men l"' ' -T caiii.gs -ta? efcief ways texciot-ive of nooi - : - - - THE WOiO.'J PAIR IS CaiCASf. A scri- wii 'nepahlioiied li.ir in the ynar tv.i'ii trie til? Dtcy.infta l.i rj jiitcreut oorv-of int bc:h Aiwr. i..-aa ana foreign; B:t many cf ohscrv . itjj wlh h niso aitistii who wiil illustrate their ova crti-jltrs. iiCELjOTEflUS ARTICLES. i Fttrtii-T co:-rrlr.Htionstothe Poor in great ! .:i.U :s. Xrs. Burnet's IUastpai-36 i p- r o-a i..;-. wiuuuuvuu iJT tiome ai:i toinvfii.i ebil-ca-jn, etc. Of sot-cil interest slso wi'.i Le Prtf cmsjiriu '3 atithorit-itive aoountoi the Pery KeUeJ Kxgiiitlon Hlastr!.tt??,) a . very lntcr 'Biliisr srtr la by Octave Uzaiui on th3 .-xhi:-i-'ion of oicr.r.-s c.rz now goinp on in j'r.ris, -J-J articfc-s npo ftftiotlc subjects, accounts 4 Ura-vbi, ets., etc. - TUa ILLUST'BATIGSS of ill-? ye!r vriil represent tho xsrorit not onl of th-.- -well known ilnstr.itors. i.ut mny -:r -xvings will Riao pp.-ur L-y fcrtisls wiio aie : est known -S p.iint-.rs. TEKMS : 53.00 a. Y-isx; 23c. a Number. SPECIAL OFFKK. The numbers for 1J93 tn3 asal;s:-ript.ion for i.fA Tho iKtte, wilU lwk numbers, &.und in cloth, ?S.00. Kow Is the time t j sub ijLrii.e. '-' ' ChattVE: SctiiBysR'B Son", 743 Braah7y New York. 1893. HAP.PER'S MAGAZINE. ELLTJSTEATED. Harper's Magazine for 1893 vrlll continue to maintan the utirivaled standard, of excellence which has chiracterzed it from the fceginine Among the noteable features of the year there wUl be new novels by A. Cenan Jlayle, Con stance Fcnimore Woolson, and William Eliick. Shflrt stories will be contributed by the most popular .writers of tha day, including Mary.E WHklus, Richard Harding Davis,- Margaret Deland, Brander Matthews, and many" others. The illustrated descriptive papers will embrace articles by Julian Ralph ou new Southern and Western subjects; by Theodore Child on In. dia; by Poultney Bigelow oa Russia and Ger man?; by Richard Harding Davis on a Lon don Season; by CoL T. Dodge on Fastern Riders; etc Edwin A Abbey's illustrations of Shakespeare's Commedies will be continued. Literary Articles will be contributed by Chas. Eliot Norton, Mrs. SamesT Fields. William dean Uowells.Brander Matthews, and others. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. 'PlTAK. harper's -MABAnsf HARPER'S WEEfLvI:..; HAHPEB'SBAZAB.... HAEPEK'S YOCNO PJEOPliSr.. 4 00 4 00 :4 CO 2:00. 4- i'ostaac free to all' subscribers in t.7j United States. Canada and. Mftxn The volumes of the Weekly bgim w'itn-tbV UBabt-'or" Ju4e"ad Deeeintre of each vear -When no time is specified supecruQn,8 win pegin vitn the nnrn'er c-nrrentathe-time or receipt of tier. tor Will bar Volume. ' Cloth asea' fexr . Mnlim. R.- eenta each by mait. post-paia. .. ' 'JRenjjttanaeshau'ld be madei by! pos. officc money ordei or draft, to avo;d chance of loss. (Newspapers areytot togtogpsthis fcc; f j" J . " - Address f Harper & Bscthebs, New York-. Q H E M iL L 1 0 flTAB IE S . ME WULT RECOMSESDIFS -mho pehfsctioh nun;, lilU ADJUSTABLE DilUi.1 Ite-tpands aoycss tci Ball &sl! Joints. : , . .This makes it, ' - PRICES, 52, $2.50, 63, S3.50. CONSOLIDATED SHOE CO. : Maanfactorers, v. -Lynn,., Mass, . .hoes made to meaiura. threey ears baefr. i n heat -el o'th , iTidi ia I.T.. be sent bv iriail. uost-uaid for J3 ci ft.' 11 i ' a -Jp OK dAw ix T , r anaswoBxacnes one w. tneOTrieriftrtefct ; tobl me.ske -said-tiat hehaA'r) I I I Y L. ' i highcbbewfxomVaingJa i 2 .fc&H WNj I St Xouis.Globe-Detaocirat y all hut summer. "-Kew York TUnea: v To show- bow boneless from the WLKIK IS FlSHlON HQW JH EA'Yv N EW VORKERS -TRY. JO REDUCE THEIR' . Centrftl Par a Favorite PIe tfor TTeUs4 vand Beauty to Walk as Well aa to Dido. Good Katnred ComnieU on "tho Ieil7 FroceKlon aa ItTses By. - ' . Pedestrlaiiism is quite the proper thins nowadayB. : Even when "the streets ato in filthy condition, the "daily constitu tional, is quite ea necessary to the arer age man as his daily bath or hi3 evening cf recreation." He. takes "a'stroll on the ayeaue perhaps to limber up his - joints end. meet his friends... Perhaps, if - ho is inclined to rotundity, he does it to re duce his weight .; , - Qf late Contral nark has been in popularity, among th portly clae If yon wiiAUiK a mpup-totne Dig reser voir at aJmoet any tiW-of fte dayr you may see any number of people of all ages, conditions and degrees of prosper ity plodding about the lf-mile . track which surrounds it. The reservcir ia the highest portion cf Manhattan Island, The view from all sides is picturesque. On the south the city lies stretched out-in a magnificant panorama as far as the eye can reach. It is a spot particularlv- adonted for tA .purpose for which it was intended the pleasure ot tiie people. Someof tho pedestrians there are sprint- TS. (171(1 nn tnelt arrwlr trrS4-Vi4- .1 ers, and do their work withont rAp-ar.i to dignity. Others shunt aronnd-with all the dignity of -a game' cock. It is not an uncommon sight to see a woman weighing frcm 200 to 800 pounds puffirg along like a slow going locomotive with a heavy train attached, her arms swing ing at her sides like the driving rods of an engine, S he is out for what there is in it. She cares nothing for the ques tioning lecks of the spectators nor for laeir nnsjiia remarks. She has jnst so many pounds to remove per the doctor's -orders,-and jhe is trying to dd it.- So regularly do these Qpei .air fiends make their appcarence cn the "trark that the men employed"-at the gateEouse cn the south' sido- in the capacity of watch men, gatekeepers ajid helpers can spot ono half a mile away. "There comes Aunty So-and-so," they comment. "What a gait she has got on this morning! Sea that stride! She's trying to break the record." "And there is Popper So-and-so. He's making goocl time too. "Wonder if he'll overtake her before she reaches the turn? Whew, but he's making the gravel fly! Five pound- off this morning sure," and as the revtneers of flesh go flying past the gatehouse the nod familiarly to the men vv-ho happen to he in sight. 4Whoi3 this cdmingV" asked a reporter cf the men at ther gatehouse a few days ego as he saw a young woman approach ing. - "Why, we call her Beauty," one of the men replied. She was a tall young wom an, fair, and with the form of a Juno. She was striding along on the other side cf the lake. As she passed tho men alio nodded good morning and strode away, her head in the air, her shoulders back, chest thrown forward and with a 8-fcot strida. She was out for oxygen. Her cheeks glowed with the rosy hue of per fect health, and her eyes sparkled like diamonds. . - " "8ho lives on Fifth avenue," contin Jied one of" the helpers. "Every morn ing at 0 o'clock, if the weather is any way pleasant, she is here walking for dear life.' But ain't she a 'beaut?' And she's not stuck up a bit .She-has a nod and a smile for ail of the boyB, jnst as you saw her then. I'll wager every dol lar I have that there isn't a man on this roaa that can overtake her if -she is in the mood for-sprinting. Look at that Etride of hers. She covers three feet : two, 1 11 bet, and taking a tape measure frow his pocket he measured the marks of her feet after she had passed. npthetapsoitcouldbesecn.-'Tnr;e 'feet two nd one-half and he grinned kuu uu avj. . . . i . i i in i mv I -. -. . measureci it De- 3 1 1 A ..TT "W - . I 1B ,ojtiiuwieugea, wnen-accusea of it, "You see, I take la great interest in the girl, .becausejtwp years ago when she. first began coining here she looked was as nalo as "a irhost. , wr ohet-.' araa 'l was as patq as "a ghost,.- sie chest was sunken in, and I thought she; was going into consumption. You f would : never thinkit td see her now; bub. Winter or. sxlmmer ..she seldom 'missea a dav eihprt perhaps dunng the extreme heat of the j gummer and ?alnvcr wet wsfitli w - TTot- father is a commission merchant down town, and very . often , he accompanies' ner in ner waits. niveryDody likes to watch her; Ehe is so graceful and strong.'' .. Then came; ;a-man of about GO,- short and very ohske,,-!He had a-: very large head, short gray whiskers and legs that were no larger ; than ..baseball bats; ' '2orniui hVsaid, with' a nod of recog nition. "Fine air lots of it. Thr pound 3 orT this morning or iie. Lots of rjecijie out. -Goodbv.M and ks. hi? nini1To ind as his pvinilU ! snantB. woriUBg.at tee rate c-T 100 times out 'of-range of iViT,rr, trwr,, w a mume7 carried mm 'ofct nf-Tan hearing he was still talking. ' He w& a W"ali street broker, Hb has beSn trying to txouGce his flesh, for a '. year, 1ut be is ae fat now as ever. "... -.K ' - -, " 'f tsut hen o comes the hunxmer." r , : aoraix-.boys,: morning." Can't stop talk. In hurry. 'Mako .circuit 20 min utes or nnfot.' Ey by.' - And'h'e was out cf. hearing."'.' ;,V' - ,i-- " Hewas a short man, thin and abo,ut 55, Eehad a smoothp face and was wirv of x . . : ' - '. , - .- .dear friend and -get . instead a-cross--m sa ,f ew minutes abevyof X' gt::llSC-OtySS eeminarv cirls came alnno- wltli tbeir . : . f . - seminary girls4amVal6ng with their chaneron. a vorme wornan w-ho-.InriVA.l.M if she . had Vbat just graduated herself. Bhe.eyed i the" men : suspiciously as much as Jt6 say: 5 "Don't you dare fhrfe with these girls, ;They are out under my oare and I iwiUprotect' thein.':---New ; York i .The city tf.I-anian, in Bbldiara. is.cnt m tha'sida-of.. a-monntainu .".Th" krA 13,0CO; artificial caves,-soxne very largo. " ',5HDR0PPZr HEli frTEN.S' r ' ' av:--.:',:,- .-. -;i-'v... ;-., And Slui Wa.A.'tTyBccdi' oi4 . She carried some .bundlcr, and in' hex efforts to handle them from crushilissho -drotmed her 'mftW She saw it go7 but was pVweV3 Wstk? its descent, and it went down In snoccs- iV0 Stares in !l Mnninnlir invvi herself,, a man. v.dio-fe;oied,-over hex neaa. anuan lnnividril't'h(V-tvft i ,The deaf man leanedorer and saidli n rdr houIo Dover havo Ueoa : ,iry mitten mitten i fell down."!:- theranco and eupp'ort of any "po-VAWofl,-ye can't git it,'aiii.kYTrhaTi. liticalpai'ty by , its .oCr-ers aiid tO Wait till tho car. edta tA trt tinA nt W nrirniSe '.' 1 r S 5:P the basiu principle, e6 gros so jitter. aifi't goin to bay alttaese pee vf fcrlfi1" on it for half an hour." caref Lli1 f drked n rx. and S'cifi- , "Haven't ye got another one?" said the "Course I've rot another .one " tmft the, wiggled the hand incased in her other mitten. Tho deaf man saw the movement, an3 knowing that women often carry car fire inside their hand coverings reached over and pulled her mitten off for her." . Then she screamed. The conductor was the only man who could edgo his wato the scene of trou U "What's the matter here? I i.t . ... Die "Lady dropped her. tickel. and can't pick it up," eaid the deaf man. "Didn't drop my nickel dropped my mitten," said the lady with the packages. "Said she had another one," pursued the deaf man, "but she bed." "You'ro an old doorpost," said the woman with one mitten, i . - "Queer .how folka go travelin about town with only one nickel," said the deaf man. '.'They get along better'n people with no ears," 6aid the woman who didn't drop.ber nickel. ''Was that all the money yeriusb.-ui3 give yer asked the deaf man in a tons of sympathy, ' 'He must be a regla'r bruto.'- Vlf he was here now, he'd cat you np." "I s'ppso them's collars and cuft's ciit:'; been dcln up and is goin to deliver 'em," said the deaf man to the passengers. Then the conductor sail, "Fare, please," and the woman gave up a nickel that rlio had been carrying in hc-r mouth. "Thought it was in yer mitten," 'said the deaf man." "You dont know how to think," said the woman. "Wonder why she didnt carry 'ea both-in her month?' said the deaf man. "You ought to stuff both yonr own mittens in yrr mouth," said tho woman. "Ain't ye afraid ye'll swaller ycr nick el that way some time:" asked tho deaf man. . "If J do, I recken -it -wou't Jr jure jny hearin," said tho woman. Then the conductor got down" on tho floor and recovered the woman's mitten, and she got off at the next crossing won dering why some people didn't carry car trcmpets. The deaf man said, by way of enlight ening tho other passengers, "I gness it was her mitten instead of her nickel that ehe dropped." Chicago ITews-Record. Woman to Woman. The attitude women assumo to-w-trd 6trange women . was amusingly brought out in a New York court a few days ago. A female witness in a case where a young -man wasx accused of slashing a ynng woman's dress while riding in the elevated was asked by one of the law yers, "Do you mean to cay, madam, that you saw all those tears or cats, which- everyou please, in a lady's skirt and yet hadn't the politeness to tell her of it? "I do," said the witness-"! have often - -"- "utt- x LUT7 VUK11 told, women when their dress was -oat of order in the street. Vm T .iwir. t snubbed for my Trains, and I made up tti v TniTifi Trr m in ar a v. wtv-. I 9 n An should tell a wonn tat he dre out 'of order, she would beverv ant trt MT 7 " thank him, but she never thanks a w&m- an. -VrSan j)Tancasco Argonaut. - . t -. i . Tree n-eqoire Good soil. . Southern soil seems to possess, the: nee- jsnecioa of . trees and rJarir rranial 4r species of trees and plants natural to warm climates. Suhetanccs that con- tribute to the nutrition of ptents-will act aa food for trees, and",. as we see thophys- dtcal nronerties of the trees-themsrven. leaves and other matter- have a direct JJJJii letting politicaf trfa cannot Rnri nri tKnvnr ii to reach tfee substances which they re- the initial Heps were being tak Qnire for food. Hence the tree becomes trtn.At'ti fr '-a ik. biuiim m growia ana is soon aeaa, tan- mr to the cTOTmfl tei hwrmo tVirortfrK ita L i J ' I T T . ashes, nutrition-"for some 'other frailer plant wiucn can subsist in such soil Eoston Transcript-. .K fl f. . . . v .. T . . ' ' . vvjien meuitatmga trip on a rainy davi Jt a -,rise llan to rub the shoes with a waterproof raixtarei. which will make tham soft, nhable and hard-t A.verv tham" soft, pliable and hardju A-very good recipe for this is an ounce ef bces Wax, an ounce . of turpentiBe, a quarter ,of an ounce of Burgundy fitch, raeltcd over a slow" fife with a" h, pint of pil Be cautious Vriih the turpentine. This mixture may bd applied, ofien and will be found really excellent. 2?ew-York worki .- . ' : - - :1IU Von Evrf .'. dently exrjeci a check in the mnmfncr K-madl.snd;get;.aQViavoice of bills? . Did you ever rusn witn . beating heart to got jomr mail end receive nothing but an advertising -circular? Boston Common wealth;?. . t -v.-.-;,--,yU..,, ii; .- -v - - r - ' ' ' ' I ' ' .. '. -J-. jirl--'.? ' " - - - fV t v - V . ' v...rShp ExpressIoBTl The curiosities 'of talking flh;op,were ievef better exemplified thai la tho case - reported by ari nnl9ving - woman. ' In a xransix tne sear Demae xae anver. ' 'Jj.o i Tho last number of the KalioDal I l5tlal,FarniW-AUianc3 and In- 1 ,1 . ' .. . -.. - P1? ? theJ -IcUict ory of.tne ctlitbrgfrora ?bicb rf-l.. "4rJ:M- "" . . ' . - T 5av boMltr that ih f; , - r- -rf T . f ai,J aFP.'ea to indiriduab and .1 : 1 ; it . iiiu V J pose it hasitainly accomplished, that disintegration began wheie unanimous cohesive conviciiou Liiifir iiiLi'rpcrc imr inn vnr ceased. As an' ui;apprec;nlle wee, ii wasrupiaiv frainin tLe vantage ground, before which partisans cringed and would eventually Lave ca;itu.uttl. As a moulder of- public opinion, it was permeating the body politic and becoming in one form or another popular; but us a lropu of convention declaration, ii I.hs been rent with political dit-sen-6 ion s, shorn of pristine promirc and mocked by the very men to whom it gave whatever of promi nence they, possess." Tho Economist is now the spokcsmau'of that fariion of the Alliance wVirh if that th Alliance should i;6r ic. any poliMcu , p.-vily, uUp jiU WutcluutfTi,- also puWisho.1 in Washington, is theJwi rtbpie.e .f that faction- hirh'insistrt that it follow op on the lines. Utd down in the last campaign, ahoti.der the Pqpuiist par y, and. mak- politics its special bueihes?. How theSe factions are dividod and what the respective strength of each is we do not know, but the feeling between them is so bitter that it won hi be utterly im possi ble fortbem to ttaml toethftr under the same roof. The result is that the Alliance which was once nuited and powerful, is now 1 : t : 1 .. j . opjit iu iwuiu ana power ess. As an order it has dwindled in nutn bers and influence, has lost thou sands of members and among them some of the best men in it, who refused to be led or driven and to be made the stepping stones for tbird.rate political ad venturers to climb to places of honor and emolument. we 1 ii we conceae nonestv ef pur pose to these foolishly chosen or self-constituted leaders, which we 1 i ii t uo not, mis country never saw a set of more phenomenal blunder ers. Their 6tupidity (if they were honest) was stupendous and rapproaehed in magnitude, only by the colossal brazenness of ii . ... ..... 7" TlV f0ro their.diiped followers, and I - advocated a course which meant Al.i:4L. j .' f 4- , , onl7 the disintegration and le- struct'oir of the order with whose ileadeiehip tbeV had been entrust- eo or naa aS5Ume 1. . T!h ,'wriTer'f ram whom wruer ?ram wcora lvie, . is no surprise to us, for we predict- J ed it and warned Alliance ' mem J ants cet control of the order whan I 111 . I, U U L . U I1ULL1UII. IK 1 I ft . . ; . anc mcu bad not ben Terifi vd CoIca KaL i.'sit-.? :iiLv'i 3 ,, blinded by. preTdice, they .1 nuiu UMI' .OQ Uittraut, 1 nrltill K.tin nB. 4 1. . . L1.I..1 I intrtrriinnr nAltttral kanirnnfa i r f . 1 - f he"rear? und The brder'would be j tocliy ' coin pact ' and "barmoniaak" I - .- . i-'-;, apd a powerful factor in irarrylpg out the measures in which the farmers of the country asa.- class were interested; They hadlnade progress on .tbaj Jlipe, ,fe m a fair way, cf making xnprei aud sacrificed alt the vantage gronnd they hadgained- by f resolving upon independent'- political ac tion "and arraying itbern'seee. in t '-' , . i . .- a . antagonism to the . friends !who had co-operated withfthem'.-They insanely threw'- down the gannC- let totwqpowerful- politicar Ipr- ganizationBy .wjelL , disciplined, with astute and experienced lead- - . - er8bip,Tieitheri ox -which tbey were able' to cope- with" macb less destroy and to i6f u.qcessful they beginning ttm to unequal, con. leat they waged they didn't scortj nccesin a sluglo State rare & rcw Western ' Stat??,-, where I the silver question prtdoaiinated and where they effected fusion with the Democrats and got Detaocrat ic support. -If they r a1! tMsTic- tdry there :ne?er KaV :onV more b- .- - - . . . arrcn.- . .There is, work for tho- Alliance to do if It can be resuscitated, bnt it ia not in the field cf roU- tics. Before it can do it it musi! drivo the political tricksters who - uave axes to grind and nests to featterout ?f,ihu-cX,de.;k or.-rt once tbem. to the ranks,- padlock their mouths aud give them wcrk to du in :bui!diug the order up instead of pulling it down; make them jt servant instead of mak- 1 iug-it their ervant 1 here should Le organization au.or.g the f Armers, based upon business principle?, fur mutual counsel and .co-operation, for the 1 advancement of the great indus-1 ecmcd to be nowhere near the try whi:hthcy follow, which can- !d of his speech. Jack Ballard not be followed wisely ncr well ' took a pencil and a sheet of paper without organization and co-op-( and wrote: eration. farming is a business, "Ml Dear Colost.l A soon a much so as making iron or ' a3 nb your magnificent ar weaving cloth, and there is no K'iOciit I would like yon to join ... , , . ! nc in the clerk's otSce in a boni- reason why the .ei. cu!u- pcr of fin0 oW Nation." vate the soil should not adopt th. Thc note w Q same methods to promote the in-1 ator, wLo p&wd al end of a tereU of their calling that the i W1,in(, ;.i a v. i imn-maker9andclo:h-weavcr.dofrcca hi and the to promote theirs- Tbis may be ; ts0. . IIe rQt it hl .p. more ditlicult for farmers than Tor those of the other callings nam id to do becauso there are more 01 1 . r 1 them and it is more djfflcnit to organize many than a few, but that it can be done has b-en de-, monstrated by the rapidity with ! which the Alliance grew and con tinued to grow until it was di verted from its original purpose t... : 1 - -i 1 17 ui-Bi.uiijj ana cu cyunee.-, 1 Tt L . 1 tit 1 ! lors. It can be brought back bv some bigjbraincd man i;h clean hands and a clear record, wboe ambltiua Lt will be to . promote the lndnstry of the farm and not himself. But there m ust be no politics in it nor about it. Wil., j Star. .Vnothcr State Want., ii,ti A 'po ciitl (-iaroll?' Tax. Win.(on Tobarro Joi:ranl. A bill has bcn introduced in the Ohio Legislature to impose al tax of $300 upon every dealer wbo handles cicarett-? in that State Now Ohio is an important State and the passage of the bill would only be another strong puil for the cigarette trn?taud as we stat ed before it likely that the trust is really at the bottom of all this special cigarette tax bus iness. - The passage of the Ohio bill.WQiild gite that State practi cally over to the American To bacco Co., not only on its eiga. rettes,.bnt for its other tobaccos aswell; -Let our readers in Ohio watch this bill and see that it does jiotbecorae a law. As this is the 4aw making season we can expect similar"-bills to bob up in'teher Legislatures any day. There Are Some Honest People hi the World. The State Auditor has received a letter from a gentleman in Per son county returning a pension warrant. The writer of the letter was an ex-Confederate soldier, had applied for a pension and was adjudged entitled to it ; but upon his examination of the 1st w be:'discovered that persons .own- Injr $500 .-.worth of property are not entitled to- pension, and he retnrrie'd " the ' .warrant. State I Chronicle. - -'- j ".Publisb ' bis name.'the " world 1 ought to know bim;, ' 1 . -.7'. . A Little Cfrrs Exjrienee-rfr a1- era daughter, f oar yeart tld.;'-lf Ann! sue wn uuLeir aown H-tD!.-"t,- Xol lowed.witb;dradrQVogViaad turn Ing into a fever. Doetora at.' boma and grew wort --"rapidly., o.Dii ahW-..ira a mere "hxnfal cT-bones.'? 1 .Then sins trieu-AT. jwiag a .w Acojerr a&l av tir tM.uae of two d tjAlf Wtil-'a, was cctnp!etel cured. Thy say" Dr. Kragji '.New DMwrery-'U-'wvrthr its Wti?ht in fi-ohl. t a . vmi m, nil. t4t! bottle free at Thonuj & Ayeocka'a. ot Ihe.'Gov.TUaTttLo'aM :atrSinl The Amraent TTtf tl Oste : Henry; WatUrsoa tells tUf tto- ry of lion. B. Lawless, a foriaex cerabcTof the LooiiT ilfe bar, and.; wbo came; from Glasgow. Ky., mj the New York4 Press. - He was a long-winded talker, and when be mo to makean afgu ment he did. not know when , to ( atop. 'On, one occasion be wa tnning a. speech before Jndg i Ballard ia the United EUUZ court, lie bad rnoken severe! bours, and the judge and every-- tJy else were tborcaghly tired 53LwiVJirq jhey wen r.fjpirw - At last Judge Ballard bekonen' ms Droxner, JaeK lillard, to Mm " land implored bin to top Lawlet if he could. "0, that's ea.y enough, re plied the brother, Fil stop bim inside of three minutes." There was a grea; deal of cn riesity to eoe jost how tbis could be accomplished, as tie oratcr and said : c "And now, if it rleaee vaur . . - honor, and vou. rentlTrun nt il jnrTt X leave the ctse with t. 4 He picked up his hat and wix in the cierkVoffice in about - miaute. Sirtmrth and Health, If yoa are not fueling ttroag 4.va.,ar, ry fiKiHC i)iura. a L t.ript-.-' hai. Wt you k and eri nw k lAotrU I)..t T)l. 1 ... directly m liter, ttcrcach and kidoej-. fenUyauini; tbo organs to prforr. Uitir fuoctkns. If joo art tSLieU I with sick. hadch, 700 will Bod irpwy aai p-rrr.in-.-nt relief by .Ukix JJK trle bittens One trial will eoeic yo. thxt tl.u b the remedy joa Med. Lsr.- t-ttl-l onlr Stir at Th-.ma A Arnrvk- Mi .JIT. JUaj Udif are m ployed aj toaV rabien ia FicUsd, T';e grett cure for ri&9 cf tSA kinia, wheth?r prticoeduig frota cu' u-i burn, or from other aiitoeats ur a ntnrrj and rLuumalirm U uqa---tionably t-aNattoa Kn. Thu popaUi ma faecuve rvnxjy us nunotl r gained in the con5d?Do cf lL p-p. 'JUT il bwJfn,? hc"tboW e-iaipid without i:X Jlrs. A:or, leader cf Goth a s i--'. aeer pays loa than for a pair shoes. "1 will usw It and ao other." Jfr.. Nellie I-rooier. PaaKot 2J. J., tLi. emphaUtj laaguairr. "J hlie oed pi. iiulf Cvtigh ttyrup ia tay toe il , yr-ars aod would rni trj -wlthoat It, is carod my cocgh which Ihad for eMail-. 1 will aUaya uw il aad no other." Carthqaakea are shock tog tie wb territory of the great Tellowstone Par omuato m vt a., ise ureal, i-g-Jga art Croup cure is for aale by Tboma w Avcfck. Pocket '. eoatalD tweDf - flrr dcMtoa, only 2Jc Children L7t Al telephone Uo4, S90 evUe loag, k beta opened - Urtweea Chixago aua Detroit . Karl's Ctoter -Root, the m bk-3 piiriaer, gi frehDea and clear my to th com pie 1 ion aad eurea conalij- Uoo. 80c. aad flXO. tkJd l- Thoinaa & Aycocke. The reraiioj of Jeiferaoa Datia w:.1 b remoTed to Rkhmoad Ya., ua "tl 00th, for flaal Interment. - ' IypopU and Liver .Cooipialal. Is lt not worth?tL axnall price of T3 ' wnta to free roor!f of very rtnpt. ; 01 iaeM citreasn4f eomplalats, U Ki . to ink au call at our trv aad ret 4' U- tie ot bhiioh'a rtxli2r, ewry K4.; ha a printed guaraajew ca it jpaa Sot J by Thooa.' A Ayck, Lotabnji -iT. C. Joyner, FraokJoitotu-.-- . . njy!Lj:"- Beta. av Mi 11 1 k feOckaad .tCQprJ3o2 fJl3: rfj craa TOO Utakra tata. rV by Drcrvist on a rurm-. Ki-t 1 i Cc-i .; cfUw.awium)iin runm. act.- . nval - QHJOHlsAcATAnRy:; , . . T fka yvu Citt f Tti aity tt rom - e4 le cur rota. FzloaWcaa. iiJedwZAMv . - . . ' ' A' 4? ft ., !, VJ-,. .1 . r -S 0 .1 '