- . . - . i uLAti7i i nr. ' in.i.i ' i m ' - . - . vmtmn : . i w a i mm m . mi - . . ' Al J ULkk. .1. Highest of aU in IningPo,Vcnfc g . Gov t Report. ; A 8UN WORSHIPER. , WnW no mi tira'a ink ccaa Ere ales tbc mat &d in t,n.v Cine tie meadows ar ia bond. And crl.it .v.t .v - -. r 'V " - Out cf the great x&tttneni ef thi grew a farrtastic gayctyva win- acrtcf TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS, The Superintendent of Public Schools of Franklin county will be rn Louisburg on the second Thurs day of February. Aorii. Jnlv terober, October and December, and t icuiaia ior wee nays, if; necessarv, r tao purpose of cxamtoiriff appii rants to teafch in the Public IScboote of thia county. I will also be in touisburg on Saturday of each weak, and all public days, to attend to any business connected with rnv office. j J..N. Hakims, Snpt. Scritoer 's Magazine FOE 1893. rAUTIAL-MtORPfcCTrS. . ; l .-tisuQ jxroxy, . Bodety did arrant . . . . ... I a i. a j HKnimii no . . vm -va.-l. . . . a.m. wui iWllUT IU- , i ""'"wiwn . v w purr wlta elZ6 ttc ltifbl.treaaet for ttina uvo ioo fair maaen trtth imitation hipa. . arerjbodyiwaa half mad. And Rftcr ttrtx oyer theeo ifoneiL to whom philanthropy had" become a bad ness, f outd i hard to return to the com toonirferyday worlcof life. 60 Mrs. a S 5 ?FW- f ' the -best and x Wert cf tnmaa :bcla2grenggeBt4 that m ahonI help the tonth. We went to work again at the- dramatic committee and invoked, ilr. WaUaclc. - Hr. Jerome lent vs Urtheatr and we really did soraajpry gbod brii,dndng plays which Arero not' sfnmhlal thrnnrf liad aamd rcfetaaC8 ta the real thin? wwjwc THoewetenttothecler- Xro tessiouul cards. Q M. COOKE & BON, ATTORNSTSA.T-LAW, LOUISBURa, 21. C. FBAJ7CS3 HODSSOW 4 will cqntrn.ut the f.rst BerW to apper in t iprg;tzine from her iioi for many rors enti H. C. BUHKEK wH! f arolsh a series of six sefihrti on titled " araey Street and Jerstj Lane" lUustrated. ROBSKT GHAOT wtl rotate the f nr'her expertcncfB cf PVerl an-' Joaephla in "A s quel to Th Belioctlons of a Marritcl Man Illastc ateL HAH0Lt FHEDBICX . j . lfB c Elliott, the author cf "J-rrv " B3 on 3ru?i YetIiarZczoer&ptsrcaaIit " That th xtrfent P&noe tusht. Winter priaoaed, 1 un woa Br the rrcmiee cf th . And 1 lift car prayer th&t he Eet tao weary captive firea. - Ho can natter frntr bam, v- ' .Edga Mllpaths wita Wom etam , neai 106 lr pongh'i grief By th boon cf bursting lcef, . - Woo tho eolltuda to eong, EftUewaetteewUitor'awroDEj Ha caaeolden Ufo confer I taTo torned cun wowhJperl -CLntoa , 8coUard in YouUi'. Compaiioa. ' ' "llie man who sroea -aJvm 4tKfi, . big ahorel and a big basket over .lib shonlder looking for a ioh coal finds less and less to do, aaid a cit- wen. Ane coal wagons which hare bodies that may be elevated end adjusted at almost any angle, and which are pro vided with extension chutes through which the coal ia made to run straight from the wagon into the coal hole, appear to be multiplyingr. But of conrao coal wont run up hill, and when it is to be used above the first etory it still has to be '.tW up stairs. But perhaps the neri; thing will be a teloecopic tube with a iaring lower end big enough to fit right over tho top of a coal wagon and OtSre two t'.oora 'view Thomas & Ayeocke's ruv sto.. 'i-JJolnlcgr " vr. O. L. iiiUa. PKACTICIN :. Y - TICi US, i.H.KTV'HR. r. C. ; ret-" c x -.--v. no u.pprr uaa witn an ap- : ;t.h,c:.,l .vr.,EvC.., ! f"rai eihaust.the air. " Then when souatK;:,,.; ; ; tao tuoo is in the window and you're oH JlP" &;u:ng wiSr8 r?rhf i a7 Pl there you are, 'Coal de- ! ; "tS Sj? ;i-7,rX:V hr&a ,on fourteenth floor without t .V!1 tViSteilarquis i, ChvxiTl n ; : Street Scenes in' the Oty of Mexico. By day the town cf Mexico preeenta a very unique appear- anco, for, from whatever point of view cnoeen, the avenuea are abut m by the eerrated mountains sur rounding the whole valley. The atraigbt wide e treett, .run ning in parallel linea from aorth to south and from east to west, make it look modern enough, but for all that, the old white-wnahed houses, the only architectural beauties of which are the numer ous ;.window oith proj acting 1 agonies, give the whole place a superannuated appeafap.ce.Thcse HeWasDissatitfled. gymcn of the so-th, who wrote cf indi- nou8c are always built in four vidual cajea of, distreee. It wa onr blocks, with nn r. v tK v,T . ' ."u.fclua ur AITOw -Y-V-l.. 3.:iti::ii-'.i'-.;, s. . tax m j ;i,-!n. By aotrrtBiaa, Wilo'hie'toV f.Uuro flrom i reai.i-jt,. c.f -.oarlv . -.-. -u,:t..; iu-.orio anota-;:t.3, which ':"u ''""" or in; in-iir::2i'j S. 6FP.UILL, ATT01.Niy.AT-L.V, v III r.tteuf! -oarts -f VrAuklin. V:-nc xa:y d yccjpATio:."5. A series of artk-K-s ca th. tha 8nVrjna Court of SorfUCr-roUaa. Prompt hoof" ; mvn '' attention iven to collections. &o. x "VT Y. uaMLiV j. 1 A1TOHXBY-AT-LAW, All legal fcusln'?8s vroTuptlyjit-ieoaod to. rHOS. B. WILDKX, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, VJCiSBuno, jr. c. OUce on Main strocU one door hclow Easrle Hot,-l. ATTOaNET-AT-LAW, LOtTtBrKG, N. C Practices ia all courts. Olce in the Court Douse Eajly Eacss In Rusnia. J i&C-es that; iz isisht seem well nigh hope- hi tLA u m l I . 1 . m. imm problem at danov has which he attempts to solve in a nru. lJ.,.:" i r?ad beforo the congress of anthropolo- ji-u in.ir- in eu- "" " j. ut uursruns or cu- uiuu of central Russia contiiin the relics ! Ik 'uvrlS j jNevertholcas tMsiaaprob or Aix-nd.-;, v:iuaa a. i;':.' 1,: ! ca Prof er-sor Anatola Bogdan orLl--. others been laboring for the past 23 yeai A 8-iri-.-s -vvii b-:! ; ' v-. ! Sff .str; dolichocephalic race, P)vii..0, iLe ivreKm., ciK' ll&ht vn hair, as well aa a short, ivyV:-? r'- maa?r, Wyccphalio race, with dark -rs.wiii i,e lt hV: ..i rr.. i brcw2 The blond tvne nrenond. ova arU-.Jcs. cueir 1 rarth r coiitrii mi ates in tho southwestern distriM 1 xac Drunectemtiie northwestern. Bogda .,st. 1 novcoasidera the longheads to have beer ui-iu- r oiu-ni-nncus to '.ce F.w ia ?r. CitK-s. Mrs. Buni.-tf.'s T.nt,- J the London plan fur Home aid to Invaiiii'V : claV8' 5111(1 that the H, ?t;t :-.rvof i tnose parts arenm '7 ?JVe i?nKt on the cshi; j. prooawy iiongolo o - " a 1 i rr ,. 1 it I ' - AT h&S I l CAN I IT DONE IT DO 1 ho original and only gnntiio Comonnd Os.vjjon Troatinont, that of Drs. Btarkoy & Pa.en ia a sciontific adiustraer.t of the ele ment of Pxyjcon an;l Nitrogen raugrnetized; ud the compound is bo condensed and rnado portable that it is sent all over the world. It fans ben in use for over twenty yenrs; thousands of putienta have bean treated! and over one thousand physicians hove used it and recoanneaded it a very bitrnia 'Compound Oxygen Its Mode of Action and Rraalts," is the title of a book of 200 page, puonsneu by Ura Starkey & Palen, which givea to all inquirers full informntinn s to this remarkable curative agent and a Rosa rec,ora 01 Burprismg euros in a wide range of chronic cases -many of tbem after ueia? ananaonea to axe by other physi cians. Win bo mailed free to any address uu application. Das. STAttKEY & PALEN. loW Arch Strwt, Philadelphia. Pa.- i20 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal. Piaase mention this paper. i n J ILLUSTEATIOKS y ar yrV1 wpi-.wir the v,orh not onlv i been modem Russians o aiualgata of the Slavs r headed race, which is id. American Eegis- T!i Use of the AdJectiTe "Old." Seine one has noted that th inSwlateoPIarfcy artista wLo s dents to ivi.r- 1 t'est known as iaint ra. uema 10 ,neir ama mater is always ow." it is "old Harvard." "old Yal " TERilS: $:j.00 a Yy ; 2;.j. a Nunjve,.. SPECIAL CFPSB. bound in Uoth. $fl.0O. Sow la tUc Umc bu airiue. CHAKLES SCRISr.-BK'S gr--, 743 Brorway Ktw York. 1893. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ILLUSTRATED. STOKES & KING, DEALERS IN General Merchandise Car Load Oata Just Reeived. Floor Cfrming iusEvery week. ,vti Lav- a tVJ Hne of Shoes we are :f2T.'iu A"0i CASH. aff- do Ins oar.ovn work" and .-a; in- exbeasH of lfiffe Mr Vtt'.'liij as a s- fiiink e can lieap bs, jtaytM rr,p"rS MaSa'-n8 for 1S33 will continua to which bm charactened It from the iSlng Among the noteatde futures of tho yeS theFe wiU be new novels ny A. Conan Dayle, Con- ih.;v; ; tou, auu t imam KiacK. ,t,8to wlUb?.6,ril,atedfcy the most popular wrtters of the day, iuclarifng MaryE. The ih nstrated descriptive papers will embrace articles by Julian Ralph oiTn?w 6oathe?n ad Western subjects; fcy Theodore CWld onln- 1 " d u' So on jiusBi and Ger manp;ly Bichar-i .Harding Davis on a Lon- va oauui ijy voi. 1. A. J.JOOK3 on Fastern Riders; etc tin A Aotey's filustratlonVof Shakeepeare's Commedies will be continued. Literary articles will he contribnfcKl tv r, .u.u.mju, mro. oames r news. William aean Howells, Braudcr Matthews, and others. HARPER'S PERIODICALS." PE3 YEAR. haeper's magazine 4 oc. HABPEU'8 WEEKLY "!!!""" 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAB A exit RASPER'S YOCKO PEOPLE ' 2 fii I'ostagefree to aU svlscribers in tht United States, Canada and Mexico. The volumes of" the Weekly bginr vith the numbers for June, anrf rw.-,k of each year. When no time 5 s-y,.;? subscription a will begin with the nrimtr uiici.t i vjb uiue 01 receipt ci oracr BoQ:d volumes of Hnrnrr'a r.itree years back' Jn Iieat cIutn fcindii.i will be sent by mail, post-paid for-3 Of. per volume. Cloth cases, or binding .V -pi.s eacn y mad, post-paid, liemittaaccs should be marln office money -rdec jr draft, to" aW chance cf ioss. Newspapers are not to com tJtixnan. tisement without the express o:der cf tiarper nrotiiers Audre.se - . - Habpeb & BacTanas, New York- I "old Dartniouth," and ono enthusiastic admirer and attendant at the University of Chicago has bn heard to refer to certain niiea of that institution aa "a i way we have at old Chicaeo." Thero i j certainly an affection conveyed by the .. v uiat ix'j umtr acrjeenve Car rie, nna use tno terms of address "old man" or "old boy" it sifimifies that loir. ing f arailiarity with which every one re gards ms college home. Boston JoumaL A Saesestlon. Prison Warder It's just been found out that yon didn't commit that crime you've been in for all these years, and so "ie nome secretary has pardoned you. innocent Man Urn! I'm pardoned, Prison Warder Y-e-s, but don't go yet. Ill have to telegraph for further instruc tions. Innocent Man What about? Prison Warder Seems to me that, con siderin you hadn't any business here, you ought to pay for your IxxutL London displacement of a Comma. A popular captain's wife waa more than usually anxious over the safety of her husband, and. accordingly handed a parish clerk a slip one Sunday morning bearing the words, "Captain Wilson hav ing gone to sea, his wife desires the pray ers of this congregation on his behalf.' Unfortunately, by the misplacement of the comma after the "sea," the congrega tion were told that "Captain Wilson hav ing gone to see his wife, desires the pray ers of this congregation on his behalf" Cornhill Magazine. -rv respectfully, STOKES & KING. NOTICE. 'y virtue .nf the power, conferred t"or. uie in a certain agreement; to ; i'ue title, oxecoted on the lilth - 'v o;-a igut 1391, I will sell et ' us Court House llnnr or cash, on Satwrdav: " Mawt, k i J, & certain lot or parcel of land in Franklin county, -Louisburff nvnsnip, adjoining, the. .lands . of Wm. RidleyPasi Yarbprough; iiilliard Ma lone and others, it -being the lot of land contracted by me to be sold to Rr F. Perryj and now occupied by himr For description of same see Book 85, page 850, Regis try of Franklin eounty. This Jan ary,27tb,1893. A . ' H.A.Crenshaw;. x .-. bPBuiLLj'Attorney. : ,iES.DitYREC0SIESD1 3 It !pj,n PSKFEOXtOK fin It SCpKfi ROVOS3 j . Bzl and Joint Thlaraakes'a COMFOfiTABLE'SEGE 1? THE JOED. "; ICES;2, $2.55, $3, 83.56.; C0NSCLJQATE0 SHOE CO 4 --r:: Shoes made to measure J , FOB SALE BY -, . J F. N- & R. Z. EGERTON. Of Conn Not. The day was a warm one, and tA rtm. M : m " O iiciu iiuia ii.enuzciy was coining r up lium uua eprmg at me root or the bill with a bucket in his hand. - , - "Ah, colonel," inquirod an Ohio viaifc. or sitting on the porch, "have you some- "Oh, no." rosponded the coloneL Ht'a water." Detroit Free Press. ' An Egyptian scYthe'dmr rm r tc banks of the Nile in 1390 and aa old aa Moses is exhibited in a London ; museum. - Ts shaft of -ttie instrument 004, set.with arrow of fine flint saws, which are securely cemented in a groove. ; -A York business man says: "The: ywaw x ra fuccefs of G .business man in maiing oilier men work for uun. nsz w tne greatest Quality. It w w uKwujxKuuipusflmeiH to get men who will eam thei salary.1 ; . . . . Many animals ' never take exercise f or its pwn aakev ; The -muscular svstemnf anunftla is kept in the most perfect con- oiQon, noweveTj t? tHeir search for food. With them exercise is natural, sod there fore, perfect of its land.-- pleasure to save the lives f - eick chil dren wno neeaed more delicate f ood-than law poor motners could otherwise have procured. We used to receive most touch ing letters. Thus was the first effort at reconstruction attempted ami carried through euccessfxdly. We tried to f ol- yranii. at Appomattox and to bo wuruiy or me last words of Lincoln. airs. il. 12. Bnerwcod in Lippincott's. Tb Orlrtsal For Huadrod. It is generally thought that the eaymz mia oaiy peopie ia jncw York worth knowing can be numbered by 400 was vngmarea oy ward idcAnieter, but it can be found u the Bible, Atts v, 86 which rpeaks of Theudas boasting him self to be somebody, to whom a number of man. about 400, joined themselves, who were scattered and brought to naught. The verse referred to reads as follows, "For before these davs rose up Theaidas, boasting himself to" be some body, to whom a number of men, about 400, joined themselves, who were slain and all, as many as obeyed him, were scattered and brought to nought." Another verse worth mentioning ia this connection is from I Samuel xxil, 2 "Ad everyone that waa in distress, and everyone that was in debt, and every cne i that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him. and he bscam a a captain cvrr them, and thero were with him about 400 men." Kerstone. i When a woman tu 6i a mail el has ;mce truly loved, there is reason tobe jlieve he has outraged her affection and wounded her inmost self esteenv - -" ; - ' " - ;- j ' Keep tlie mouth'closed wmle t thewing. Don't rnsstioate food. on the rsrlnH-rda which controhi the-rnnninsr of & sawing I .- w vi-.ux.Ji . ; -'.. . : Tho AbbreTiatloa of Zoolos-lr.!. The tendency among Engh'sh people to iuuS iru3 iziio snort ones, or even into monosyllables, is notorious. Thus "cabriolet" has becorao cab, "omnibus" bus and so on. But the chansre of "zoo logical" into roo is, to any ono who knows the origin of the word, the most exas perating of all, and yet we now meet with "-oo" in well written journals, and I see the word is being advertised as the title of a book. There is another variation, which comes simply from bad pronudation, as when a cockney holiday maker telle you he has been to the "alogical." If "zoolog ical" is to undergo a shortening, like that which has befallen "omnibus" end "cab riolet," let it at least become to. This would be correct as far aa it went and would not be so excruciating as tho de testable too. Cor. Notes and Queries. Buying a Rare Book. A good story was told on Sam Mc Conaha at a certain book store the other day. During the holiday rush ho went i out to buy a book for his lirtla rir! I went from one book store to anr.tw ta aaid, "I want a nice holiday edition of --nexTOaigaison.'" No one seemed to have the book. When fiam he did not say anything to his wife, as wj uwn waa intended M n. nmru Christmas present. The next day he de termined to go in further quest of the book. But it was not to bo fonn? tk- fun of it ia Bam wanted "Thp Pii-im. --rujjxew, ana somenow bo cot nmtm mixed. He said the thing flashed across iua mma m a aream two nights before ionsraag, ana ne men trot the brrVthf ne wantea. Cincinnati Enquirer. - EfficAey of "Ciaorobroni.:. '' jx comDinauon w WHlch thm mita f cmoroorom nas been given a solution containing 10 grains of chloraJamiii. a similar amount of potassium bromide, in an ounoe of menstruum has come into considerable favor, accordincr vi me xoreign journals, as an effi cacious prerentive of seasiolma short voyages. The passenger is recom mended to take a podophyllin pill for one or two nights before the date of sail ing ana wncn on board to remain for a time, before ronsh Horizontal position with eyes shut, and to take no food pn short trips. Powdered Foods. Many artificial baby foods are manu factured and sold in concentrated form. For example, producte advertised s "substitutes .for... mother's milk are made from: cow's milk, to which is added a sufilcient quantity of sugar to corr spond.with the constituents of mother's milk. The water is removed from the mixture in vacuo, leaving a fine white powder, which Is imt up In packages. Finery powdered wheat flour and other nutritious vegetable elements are added in more ; elaborate preparaticcs. San rrancisco lisannncr. - Poor BilwH In Thui.. When Charles T ale' was experiencm nuTivuru uusui66. uunng. one: week in the. Eonth. a brother manager asked if the -peopie were Treating him right- " "ir" frightfnLrreplied Mr; . Yale, :"t mght was the worst I ever heard of. u. I never imagined ft could be so bad. All, ; records ..for small . recelpta were t-9hed."J-U fi--a . - .:; - rBow is it tonight?"-: X ", - -. Fifteen dollars less than last night." ew York Evening Sun.- .'.- Aa ACoctlor Mr.Ycnnirhnsband Darlin mnVn been weeping. What is it, my sweetest spacions courtyards. On two sides of this patio there is gener ally a ' narrow veranda or eome projecting masonry, which serves as a protection from the rain, and enables the occipant to reach dry the wide staircase with high stone steps leading to the upper room. These rooms, which are mostlv paved with tiles instead of plank open on to a gallerry running round the court, with a balustrade at a convenient height for lean ing against, which balustrade i docked with L.'VfcC! J I Uowers and 6hn.b. The first! story alone is used to live ir, L. J giouud-floor belu occupied I better houses arc built cf ir stone, whilst the :-r .r. r ments consist of a materia! l:r as amygdaloid, which ,t a v.r!. ty of porcus trap or bu:iitic r of a reddish coior, the blork - ing bound together with om.-i,. Or Katirl K, i : j . . , ...v. uuuiD uuiiuillgs nav walls of great thick nets, thr -feet or more. Tho foundations of most of the houses being laid in water or in marshy flats, they have no cel lars, and are really great cubes of masonry kept in place by their own weight. From the first thing in the morning the streets are full of traffic; richly dressed horsemen; hired carriages, noisy carts with unoiled wheels, drawn by four, six, or eight mules, troops of don keys and mules loaded with all manner of packages, jostle each ntKfl tft tl. J TTT w me runaway. Water- carriers agnadore,' completely clad in leather, and wearing a kind of jockey cap also of leather. besiege the public fountains, car rying two huge amphorao, kept in place by straps, which cross on the head over a palm-leaf cap with leather visor. Indian men and women pass to iaiad fro screaming out in ear- fplitting tones the names of what they have to sell, fruits, vegeta bles, chickens, etc.,- carrying ev erything on their backs in wick er-work baskets, fastened on to theishoulders like soldiers knap sacks, bat snpported by a leather thong passed across the forehead beneath the broad-brimmed straw sombreros, or worn just under the arms across the chest. Street boys follow the passers- by, breathlessly shouting out the names of the daily papers and the numbers of the last tickets of the Loteria Nacional, or National Lotterry. You pause an instant, you give a silver coin horror of horrors, you have been noticed, and you are immediately sur rounded by twenty beggars of all ages, followed by-dozens of maDgy iyellow dogs, which ap pear from every side, and in pit eous tones you are implored, For the sake of Jesns, Joseph and Ma ry, aenor, give a dole, a little dole. Oh, dear little friend, God and yonr sweetheirtwlll re ward you I" -Harper Weekly. "Could you giro rae something to eat.' ma'am f" asked a tramn at a house on Lafayette ave nue. "No," answered the-woman at the door; "we'te nothing: for tramps. 'ibank you, ma'am," and he turned meekly away, drawing tho skirt of a wretchod coat about him to keep out the cold, blind ing storm. "I might give you some old clojthes if yon wait until I can picl them out," aid the w moved by the appearance of the forlorn figure. He waited ouUide, with the thermometer near zro, waited a loDir tirao ana wbittl.-.l 'Anuie Laurie" for ciinr,anv. Then the wem.-m f tho house returned, orcnei tie dc-or a rrark and handed him or.t a r.v. d-ist- er and a ttravv hj... "Tb.ink yoM. uia'an," ri i the tramp, grntefni'y ; "tUr or.p tl.i'.i n:-;-" "Wo Uvpr.'t ai'.j drit.ki. W; the pij.eo are frozen," interrupted. Many novel schemes tar been adopted te raise money far church purposes, fcut that of tb Ooogra gational churn at Wlncema, I- ka, takes the cake." It was a wood auwing-contest One tide ef the church hasersent was parti tioned off and here the ladies brought their sawicg apparatus, and for ten cents spectators were allowed to watch the ladles saw wood. There was a great rush te eee the contest, and a handsome sum was netted for the church treasury. "Xo, ma'am, but if I might j make o hnl.l n t ir f. i ----- .v- i ivi u MM! f-in. It (, ild tfo r.. boa -.tif-iliv 1 A. victim of demeetie infelicity wno u in the habit of dreaming. should never go to sleep- ia church. A married man of Sa vannah, 111., who attends church 'ery seldom and is afiicted with both the above, wentsound asleep in one of the churches' the other ur.day morning, rayi the local pappr. I bo minuter prayed and preached; the man slept on. Nor as he aroused from Lis slumbers is juet until the boxes were passed te take up the usual collection, whevi r.-rwa- ho dedved n.j 1 o -w.vui ycueu- j "iTere, now; drop that skiUet, old woman !" ebe 1: ll Desenring Praise. ! m: ;i' f.i-.ie. a::J 4 0 d- P: e t . e d oc r i n l Sr w,. bar brB aelling Ir Kitx"i " J' rTJ It Cocaaoptioa- Dr. Life Illla, Boekfca's AniU , A ia n;.;ry ia hnviian-I owr.ed y wraien aud eir. ;.loy i;i 0 -.i.r-;,, raruta Ji.i,t vear. i The Paris hot water fountains for the ue of the por, ripply eiht q iarts of heated watr for one cent. At Norwich, England, a thir ty five ton weight ptone ha been quarried. It ia the largrt .on record. A gigantic tortoise, t'vo centu ries old, caiT be s??n in a court of the artillery barrack; at Port Louis, France. Two Confederal- st.m: f - - a ly carried a package frn frrn by, Mass., to Button wi'Uv.t t-j-iDg detected. The Queem of Jleurv r . . rrance on one d-1 LlcctxM Hlurra a4 : -r h.1Ird rriordLes that o-U 14 wlL r :r-: ba a toch nntvertal aatU- " do not bitt to gutraa. " : "i.-rr :inw, sod we su4 ready - r-t .jd ujo fvKhtim prie, if mitH 1 ry rtiltA do n t follow Ueir rvzidi hij on thrir r.ed 1 1 ; -iUnu parlr oa thtr n-rf-a. For . b; Thorn, i AyCock Drvaf. - i -'I 1'atrmieM'i. A girl giv her lover atnitten, we suppose, because a pair is out of the qcstion. Cr..-jnl-d xa a pain-cb-Xrorvr. If r K I). Veww. Gay HaildLxr, if. Lrh 4l,. u-i: "1 hae aJ yoor Sll r. .-.-: f);i u -rtl rlartaadCod Itaiwoil. n rx.i0.rcn-T. I was troaUwi with '.air. . ia tr.r Iai and tried rrrrl rux-lic -Lica dki ra no good. I thVti tii Oil a ad thraiu rr A skylight The moon. Kirla Ter H-x.1, tie new tkx?! ri"1 fn-ati nd elarari : -:-.n and cam oocacir- fl.OO. 6Us y "M the wire," as ire thl d t nail. th Is :x .,rtb th -raall rrieo of :j . ; fr 7 arwlf of ettry eyoptota . ii.fr- dDtrpairx ectap Uinta, if yom :-n-'-.v -!! oir n'xr tad gt a bK Ihere is no truth whatever ir. ! -1 prhtt-J gstrast cn it, nee s- c.r.i r . r and If it ri.-M m r - -via wuituM. IV, of wore a drees sewn with l'2,000 pearb and 3,000 diamonds. the belief that any one falling i to the sea necessarily risee mid sinks three times before drowning. Slan. This 'sermonette" is especial ly for you, dear girls. Our ad vice could be put in three words I don't do it. Possibly there might come an occasion say, once in a lifetime when a good round bit of the genuine article "slang" would prove funny. But to bear vulgar words used by a gentle girl, is almost invariably shock ing. There is plenty of good. strong English to give express ion to wit, drollery, indignation or sympathy, without recourse to the phrases which belong to borse- jockeys, gamblers, tipplers, and vagabonds. The street Arab picks up slang, aa he does the ends of old cigars, from the gut ter. Surely a well-bred girl is not on the same level in her speech and manner. Why should she use vulgar words any -more than ebe would stain her hands? -Harper's Young People. A iliiliou" Fr.eods. GOOD READING At a Small Price. If yra wtsi eooe rood tteriw. thtt ar not onlinwd. amd aa ts csm andstfTwUL tor tb porpoaa f latrt dcrfnj Wa rty Lrastu to yc, mafl two copi-, unuialag twty-Qc o thirty compile stori, or fur fl.00 w Klll aod twcty-r bark nooWra, ail wnplrUf hia will mil orr 400 rt rkM, 2j pa4 of taok. and 1i paxra c hort itma of latervst, boki oih7 mttver. Addma WAVBkLBT MAOA2LVB. Box ITS, Boatcm. Um. Coffins and Caskets. We bare added to our already' complete line of wood and cloth covered Coffins and Casketa SOUD win in CCFHIS MD cistm Also a line of XETALICS as nice and fine goods aa is car ried in auy of our cities. Our stock is complete ia every lie. . Respectfully, IL R. Habit. M, P JLoufsburg, N. C. A congested condition of the throat and 'bronchial tubes is a danserons symptom. Inflamma tion'of tho bronchia extending "downward may soon reach and invplva the lungs. .-Under such cirt'itnstances. to avert; consump tion take I)r. Bull's Cough Syrup regularly according to the direc tions on the bottle. "V - Vf Jagson says that our boon com- paniocs can be relied upon be- frienda. A friend in need ia a frfcad LxWf ondiiotJwi than one tn ill lota' popl I hae f voa4 Jait aea a fneod fa fr: mcj; a e LcoTwry lor Uoattuaptlo Coagha and Colia. If yoa hare never aseonn un uoun riruicine, one trial will eon vtnoe yon tht rt Las woo derf&l cti radio rowers In all duwaare of raraat, curat, and Lrflora. ., Each bot il4lsgnarated to do all that Is daJra- ea or xaoncy wiu be rwfonJrd. Large bottles 50e, and fl.00 at Tloax& Ar eolae's Drcff etore. - . - r - . It may hare its drabaci?,bat the mutes mode of ov ertln is certainly handy. ' : . - - fnxiHa Ctrxa, the Great Coerh an.1 Croep care is for sale by Tbosus & Areoeke. Pocket ahce eontaiaa twntv. five doee, oajy 25e, Childrea lave It. yu5 N3s2.., ui:t.MrNV- IB . I n. m 75". aNf;(U Upj!jii;: ao4 iMUu. Vr ortAiM fkwmm " rtvmJt tut ro4 lkfwiMCa wtrv aU oia xaxti wCJccto TOOUAkem tolta, fkM t?7 L-uy jaaa r-n rirr('. tVr!xttwt cvCbCTcjosiitixJu w rioyrxiu sct SHI L0 IfSS CATA 11 R it ijTo rx c-4xr r TfcWimoty i rc. wwojiiw. j-nav oa 1 -jowtt i 1 a - -

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