Highest of all in Leavening PowVUtest U. & xuuiMUKG, N. C, FRIDAY. Gov't Report. .'BQST SEEK.' OFFICE .- ESS?: W8APPOHTMEST " " " n. SA YS BEO. LOSDOJf. ' WIT- i a i" " f ' " " - ' AmOitlous. Youmr Man" sw oceit uiner Employment Where There ig Promotion and a . Brighter Future TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEA CHESS, e The, SuPerintendent of Public ouuuojs 01 j?ranklm county win be in Louisburg on the second Thurs day of February, April, -July,; Sep timber, October and December, and KUU1OT inreeaays, if necesaary, tor the purpose of examining apoli ee nts to teach in the Public Schools nf this county. I will also be in Lomsburg on Saturday of each ecik, and all public dava. tin n.f Ion rJ o any business connected with mv J. N. HARRI8, Supt, ProfcHsional cards. 1 M. -COOKE & BON, ' " ATTORNETS-AT-LAW, L0UISBUH6, Jf. a Will attend the courts of Nash, Franklin Granville, Warren and Wake counties, alsotho Buvreme Court of North Carottup. and the U . Circuit and District Courts. Chatham Record. The averace, 3 ' Ame ncan citizen Scribner's Ma gazine FOR 1893. PARTIAL PROSPECTUS. -jQR. J. E. MA LONE. R. W. H. NICHOLSON, Oiflce two doors below Thomas & Aycocke's drag store, adjoining Dr. O. L. Ellis. D PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOCISBUBe, h. o. W. TIMBERLAKE, ATTORNET-AT-LAW, LOUISBCBS, JT. a 0.'3ce on Nash street. thinks that, h .i, . . u UM au iuaiienaDle birthright to soma officeand just at this time many a one seems de termined to exercise that right. Indeed alfthroughout the United States in every State, " county and townshipthere is a mighty rush and scramble for office, -every aspirant thinking thaV h ?c wi- MAKCES HODflSOV mrn. x. i. J"ow win contribute thfl..-i.i - . ru"weui me office son.o-ht. w iaar.sssRffasi him: and feel treat- H. C. BmvKTsn ed Hf not dffrtir?a 1.- J not obtain it. Of course th ' l! BOBBRT GRANT 'mflmrifn utilt J!..' . . , - wilreute the farther experiences of Fred ' disappointed, for iP?MnThomi there are not enough ffi,ao m around," that each and every as- The Copperoead aipow- u-vh one. To the dis- YTHB authosop-jshby." appointed ones we tender our sy m- Hp:,nr,tana for;j;cir co,nfMt ret.., sneers, Xhe Durkut bpr. desire to eat a few words on this rassoAL KsMnfKcsscEs. all-absoriir.- subject of f.fflo. Ba.v SomaunpuhlishedietWa,-,, . J 'CL OI '-'O-BPelc- ' )lar,d,Irvin? others, oJaiiT with IMff. lfiffiSS&SLJ . Iu tLo Ct W. ....... feumner. By the late fni.rtnio... J an a d is.oii ru (r,- u !1 another to try to fill tbm, bui w do most arnestfy, insist that it- is not wise in. so many our young men so eagerly seeking'tbem: rAnd just here we -will add thai we h ave practiced ; w hat . we preach , for several years ago we "oroinntiv declined a very desirable toshion 4 ouered us at Va6hingtonf that arew a good salary vith; little work. ' ' : As a praciical illustration ofihe truth of what we have said', and 'to point a moral," we wonld add the following: On the day of President Cleveland'sHiaVgim- tion, as we walked down-' Penn ,v!LRqr 24j 1893; . REMUNERAT1TB FARMING JIOXEV IN FARSnxo WHEN VHOV ERLY. CONDUCTED. Sever Had Bellered It Mr. 11. P. Galpbin, of South Caroli na. Hakes a Clear Profit of 51,000 to the if ale. - A correspondent of the Charles ton (8. C.) News and Courier writes to that paper from Ninety Six, as follows: "There are a great many farmers throughout the State who seem to think that there is no ready money in any tbing,BxcepUotton. Now, iu or a Married m TiSr-T-tr5 caona of il ia: i 1 . F. ATTORNET-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, . C. Will "tten.l the courts of Frantelin, Vance, CriDvill. Warreu ?nd Waka counties, also tha i:a;.jvmo Court of N'orth CaroUna. Pronint ancncMn given to coilectioas, &e, wotn article tr-Jul of RpV iwtV IX returne J srom a in-hI T" l froin Y. QDLLEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, rRAKKLISTON, N. C. All Iogal business promptly attended to. seebiup office. 6riy j iu That com-,- rT.w?'w?yn ''vonn mot." Ua :, . ! 'teena future of th- ftjfeh have jy useles to attnrrtnt. ! bsjd Forbes, and otiieVs21 &aaa whom the liabit has be-o rU - seton d AseriesofSSor, of Wen J1Ptto?toiwayrMof entering on life's h,ie r,n Oarouna. Prompt I nT ' earnaveul wouM rnwt, r . ' v ' J 1 n-'. a. vv t.l li til THE WORM'S FAIB IJT CHICAGO ,4fT". Wter the vear "ni,iS a&aiIi6t au office. upuumr nen a young man wishes to erswU.laiVortlstew 1D business, Wishes to der to relieve those who are labor sylvauia avenue, we saw tottering under tW impression, I dc along m that jostling, sureinc- 8,re t0 cal1 their attentiou to the crowd, a feeble old man (eighty vanous crps produced last year years old) all alone, without friend y iUr- u- - Ualpbin, a prosper or companion, scantily clad in that Iarmr of oar town. The freezing wind and shabbily dress-1 ,ands cftjfated are the old Cam- ed, for he is alike oppressed with bridg lanfcpithin a mile of this poverty and years. As we passed Place- Mr- Galphin has just fur him, old, feeble, poverty-stricken nieDed "with the following and alone, we were forcibly re- statemen; and therefore, it can minded of the vanity and emnti- De reljetl "pon as correct. He & 1 ness of human ambition even when 5aJ8 "e produced last year with gratiiiied. For that human wreck had been a very distinguished member of both branches of Con gmspa personal friend of Clay and Webster a soldier as well On 50 acres, 25 bales of cot- as a statesman, and now like a ton at Per bale, shadow fliltiinr aro'.ind the scenes 01 hib former 'rreatiitss 1 three mnles the following crops 520 100 On 40 acres. 800 btnh1 corn at 65 cents, $ And 8000 bundles fodder, timated It has teen said, and perhaps with a grain of troth, that cler gymen sometimes give utterance to sLatemeuta in the pulpit which they do not strictly believe them selves. They are not so candid, however, aa ajfold negro preach er, who lately saw for the first time in his life, the skeleton of a whale in the State mnseum. Af ter learning what it was he walked gravely up and down and critically examined its buire proportions, probably filing in I o mum an mea 01 ine great size and power of the animal when alive. The enorrnmt mni.t), wi v u seemed to impres him greatlv aud he fervently exclaimed', Well, well, well, Ie bin a preachin de gospel for nigh on forty years, an' I sometimes preaches 'bout de whale swallerin' Jonah but I declar to gracious I never believed it afore now; the Bible sho is true." NUMBERS A4rurtact4 oGoo Roads. rjpUOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, , louisbco, k. c Of co oa Main street, ono. door below Eajrfe IV. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY- A T-L W, LOJJltiB'JKS, a '. Fracticea in all courts. Office lu the Court Ho ass. IS IT a.S IT DONE CAN IT DO ! The original and only genuine Compound Oxygen Treatment, that of Drs. Starkev & Palenisa scientific adjustment of the'ele mentt of Oxygen and Nitrogen magnetiied; ,aud the compound is so condensed and made portable that it is sent over the world. It has been in use for over twenty yearp; thousands of patients have bean "treated! and over one thousand physicians have used it and recommended it a very signifi cant fact. "Compound Oxygen Its Mode of Action nd Results," is the title of a book of 200 page, piionsnea ny Jtrs starkey & Palen, which gives to all iDauirers full informs tin as to this remarkable curative agent and a good record of surprising cures in a wide raasco 01 cnron.c cases -many of them after beiiK abandoned to die by other physi cians. Will be mailed free to any address ou application. Das. STARKEY & PALEN, 1529 Arch Street, Philadelphia. P. 120 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal. Please mention this paper. own articles. en- make MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. firJL X5-rs Harnett's iUaKtratd twrj,-r oi the Loudon plan for Home aid to InvViid rhiP t - -vittic uifuiueonine exnibi c0f, w-oman'8 art DOW eoing ou tn Paite THE ILLUSTRATIONS i,: ! liinuwu uvmg, tne last resort he should. seek is trying to get some oKce. In the first place so few can succeed in getting an office, and the gi;eaVmajority are sure to fail, for the demand for office always rtuy-exceeas the supply. Iff How to net Uidi. On 75 acres, 1700 bushels of at 50 cents, On 25 acres, 1600 bales of clover hay at 75 cents. On' 5 acres. 400 hnlo nf pea-vine hay at 50 cents, 875 850 1200 200 Tu'ham Sun. Ion are, probably, more anxious u know how 10 get rich than yon get to heaven Grand total foroll crops, $3,745 "It will be seen from the above table that the clover crop is far are If) yet to heaven. Th AAA J I lijUH TJ J i UCi J I IQC not pound very pleasantly, but other crops. He realized nearlr don't you think it is true of t-ome twice as much from twpntr.K,. persons with whom you are ac- acres iu clover as he did from fif- quainted? There is a rnle which, ty acres in cotton, besides there if observed carefully will land you is very little expense attached to turner, n will not make you a its production. Every farmer ' to contravent the whole theory of I mill uu njii c in 1 1: ii vim in duuu u navn in no rn h aH i J w. .uju uiieu n itu A country without road will?. mIa ocdeTloped, ita hidden treasures atored away. Where pc roads prevail every, tbingelse is verf apt to be poor, theborae, the farxaer and tL merchanl. If two horses haul the load of foar, one wiron hn v. i i o mw iwau tui twor0neaet of k inters Uul th load of two, one driver serve Tor two and eix mllea instead pfthrc be made per hour, the aggregre saving would double the net in come of the average farmer. This desideratum can only be ac complished by the means of goo4 public roads. The effect of good public" reads npon land value is to increase the value of such lands. Experience has shown that the value of ground is in direct ratii to the good condition of tLe streets or roads which traverse them. A road y?tem is the means of facilitating intercourse. Inter communication is the backbone of business. Good pub lic roads are the primary necesai tics of civilized Iixe and nation- j al prosperity. American Farm i er. Money m Farmiu. The Lynchburg News says: It is generally contended by far mers that they cannot make money at their occupation, and in fact many of them complaiu that they are generally losing money almost every year. Tbert is, perhaps, more imagination or fear in this than reality, though we have no doubt that many far mers toil all the vear round do not make more than a closo A t living. Tbo most of such cases, rCfent inff of the however, of failure, are no doubt Board of Trustees of the A. & M. to be attributed more to irnper- I College and of the Board of Air- .-..... w lusuagemerji : ricuiture resoluti iuan 10 any real deficiency or itwiure iu me profession itself. Where a bad farmer fails a good one most frequently succeeds on the very same sort of land nA 'with the least fertilizers. At all events we are pleased to see that t llA Wlruntnn D 1 1 . . A State Forwnt OflWai. such an extent that you will al- clover hay. It is an excellent of the year win represent the work not ouiy many men would display thesame J, accent, ea ior au etoct, especially cat- of the well-bnown ilnstiMt J tuotdIDe rmnklo rrnn , 41, r-n ... . . raiFMbHS fllence in seeking omA ntva, I u your own nome, iui.s: cows turive on it. It Mwiancwnas rumors. 1 ... " ""uw and to fee n.iit Mew ,n ,U i. ino.. ,k. (1 r terms: 83.oo a Ye,v u, - ousiness mat thev do in w0tin n w vu lu v.v,w uo uuw ui miiK ana RVTTniAT rEraY7T v . 6 Hire jc Jixk. uiiiK iim rp Than T r The numhPTM,fni-jQ9 . u.iu OB iar .f.50- . The same. -with back namlr more fortunate and SiicrftRsfiil Tl tV. . . I .v... :.Jt,"r Vlwt" o is me time to sub- Chaslbs Sceihxbh's Sots, i 43 Broadway New York. 1893. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ILLUSTRATED. STOKES & KING, -DEALERS IN General Merchandise GROCERIES A SPECTAITY. Car Load Oats Just Received. Floar Coming in E very week. We hav8 a fall line of Shoes we are selling mfSSZ tl Maz,n,eor 1S93 wtll continue to aJltnyunapivale1,'tan'la'"i of excellence which has characterzed it from the WxUAn Among the noteable features of ffia yeaVtoofe will be new novels by A. Oonan Oavle Short stories will be contributed by the mosi Wiiktiis, Rlchs.ri Harains Davis TtfarSirfi Deland. Brauder Mt hewsf andTaV.y Sto wihw..rJiwu ,T .c.ra.2rn and T : ii i , . ... xb it. me rme wnien all well- produces beautiful rich vellow - - to-do people have followed. Save butter. Mr. Galphin has fat something every day. This is the tened and killed several fine hotrs rule I is shorter than the golden and says that he has plenty of ruie, ana more easily observed by this valuable and iudispensabl those who are not philosophic article of food to supply him thi enougn 10 realize that by making year. others happy is the only way in "I did not ascertain from Mr which thptr ran a .An)I l riolrvV.;.. 1- - . . . . J tunj uappy. tug uinouns OI u IS ex- By saving something every day, penses incurred in producing ii it is only a nickle, you may i&ese crops, but it would be RafA - I v reaaily bacome rich. lut even with the fortunate ones those who are successful in obtain ing the offices sought by them- we very much doubt if it is really ior tneir best interests. Indeed we may safely assert that, even with those who succeed in obtain- -"t) "j-uvcd ouiiud uy mem, a majority of them would b better if thev had a .,jr "cn. iou under- w say mat be cleared over and " , e-s- stand, of ivcuiai v aa I .. . we verily believe' thai r.; J . t0 be nch and nite another to the mule, which must be ad of tha nn. ZJ J lblne t0 be y- Ricbes r uuitnuj vuiue odb were paaed by these bodies requesting the United .States Secretary of Agri culture to locate a state forecat otficial in the meteorological di. vision of the North Carolina Ex. periment Station organized as tU State Weather Service. This cf. K ueintf .a lai ure. &nH I nciai win make forera-t. f boiaiy asserts that "a man ran North Carolina, and bein loca! ore money on the capital A at IUleirrb will be mn k.o,. - w wtfcl I situated to study local state weath er conditions and can predict tie i i. j - . : iu vesica m iarmiug than in al most any other legitimate busi ness. weather with probably greater ar- : curacy than ever before. Manv GIVE THEM A .SHAKE. i or the Kichmoxid Times enters the ftate services, and it is hot i following plea in behalf of the i lbat tbe Secretarr of Affricultu iu the United StateB would I A A - J 1 . 11 13 uuneu Dy an as very hue farm- 6implv an exCeRR nf maann I ill IT. if nno.n f i , i - no wTct i o- - w.ijr iiuuicr would ave tual expenses, and the damninc adopt Mr. GalDhin's nlan " 1 - x - wMa j . " ' wumru Rnn i n vuiu xjuvd . - . , . -c " iiuBBia ana ie.p. i Aotiuiur uiiki- i . . . ) . . tSairrJi new employment. Tr .wer 01 ono aolI as great as a would have no use for the Ocala hS . VMmi,ll0.dnJ be as effective in platiorm, the sub-treasurv bill . " . vv.Uu,DiK., vil; continued I w J muvaiiuug allU nn- I 1 ... I rnfSrT flsro;rJkeepi.0nemt of hea. The nor anything of the kind, but aeanHoweiis,Brandcr Matthews, and othT. to their sorrow. All iZ .Ma f daneTerous riches is in the would be a happy, independen editors receiving proper recogni tion in the distribution of Feder al patronage : Among the saddest and most heart-rendiiii?' of nil tk will be able to allow the reques! A Leader. firt lutnAnf ri-i.- Rittrrs Lu i gained mpidJy in popni -raor, onlil now it U rlrarlv in th k-. Sio'e it new uaoinet lords is tbeone whirl, is alleged to cut off Democratic newspaper editors from enjoying the trifling local rewards for lonif and faithful party services. There is something in unrh ruling that smacks of that "i in- tU? xjntatning aothinc whLrh i.- laitaiDi n as a brera or intoxica:. n w rwofniuru a th Ut aad mr mtdicinj. for all ailraenti of atocuci vr orIkidn'T---It wUl core kk be ach. indlwition, constipation, a,,' drive malaria from ttw sjslrro. faction gaaraatrrd -with ah bottl . r the moDfr will U- rrfomll Pr.,i j 50c r-r botXJe. For aale by TWa HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR. - habpeh!s maqaztne HAHPEB 8 WEEKLY.... n HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE !!..!""." 2 OO hostage free to all snlscribers in iht United States, Canada end Mexico. very precarious and nn their sorrow, man is holdin easy lest he may be turned out, a man is holding offica he 1 n " OUV4 "w" 1U loe pocicet. it is pepie, an,a the cry of oppression w ITnoj-InT j-v . r a I 1 J t every one io save a wuuia De a tning oi the past HAhIIam f , 1 " . . I , . ... The vcliitais ot the. VJv k,; with the uuinbrrs for J-.irw A riv sulscnr.ti'os will -siecj.tj . v ' . . i i r it : . t .it. w r- tnnt. . . 1- n it.', tse prfinKej. OJiSAV CASH. ui-Mttei- veers or."?., in ,..c;,, wiii.be sent by rniiil TH'P'-r'i ?vr'k'i nervvlwa Cictuc?-, f Hii, cfciirs euca by mau., . ' ' -'t 4 00 and ia Mntinnnllw j. Ann wuciuiuif 10 re tain it. And when after being lonunate (?) in retainig his office tor several years, he is at last turn, ed out, he is indeed a pitable ob- j vwaicoc iiucu ue is aimosc un fitted for any other business and will find life's journey rough trav. eiling 1 Isn't this as true as; preaching? And if it is, are e not right i a. warning, the -.-fCr. ax-u' 1 ' --i'li- . '. uwi 3vork 1 rtfe; or -I-?. r portion oi ins earnings. A nickel a day or even one a week will in the course of time, amount to sum sufficient to meet at least some of the emergencies incidental to old age. The average young man can easily save one dollar a week ana by practicing reasonable econ Am. -ft uiy no can aonoie it. This, if juaicionsly invested, will make him independent of everything except work. He cannot live on yoiiuff men nf Li - ... tiia Poa"ntrv -i Jb " win re - use 1.x V 1 1 1 ill . o - Give ub a cali. v ; V'ery respectfully, T . STOKES & KING.v ; IlAsrsn BiiOT;:;," jvw. York- Mhtmkiummmmi EitiilfS Bank of 1 rtnishnrer - Tiaam m v Y - . - uCfttl oansmg JBasiness; vuuwuons maae and returned promptly Northern Exchange bout and sold. COUNTY ORDERS CASHED Interest naii? months. - ' , , , t , , "W. r. WEB2J, President. . . .. It ejcpoa&s asros tI- BoUandlciata. ' - "This'mskes it C0MF05T1BLB SE5 IK .: . TEE TOLD. : CONSOLIDATED SftOECCV -T Mannfactorers, Lyna, - --"Mass. Shoes made to measure. ' , FOB SALE BY F. N. & R, . EQERTOJV4 gam inir livelihood bv ai.iI . - - - i tiu-cctrii eonie cic'e ? i ;veraily when a .mail has ob j ssiiieii vmevriice, he wants ano! her kiru nutore. ivey' to be saiiSi-iMi with wl.at we.- hav hut i p""3 w nt at i rsig. more. And u that when a xuua ones geis a taste of office onc, gets even a "nibble" -.at the. public cribhe is bound to have more and more and becomes jmsatiabler Loo-k around you, and in every community you win nna Bome maa who has ; held an omce ana wno is now "a stand ing candidate,! - always: applying ior every j ..vacancy - and ever on the alert to etep into the shoes of move that senee of drudgery , un der which those labor, who live be yond their means, or spend their salaries before they .re earned. Save something evsrv dv or.i w-iJl be a happier and better man, your chances of final suc cess :n iifo wil be hanced. greatly ei simply give this, hoping that i may prove beneficial to some poor farmers at least who have been sticking to their cotton idol in neglect of all other crops. 'Just before mailing this Mr Galphin asked me to add, in ad ditiou to the above crops, that he made thirty bushels of barley and 100 gallons of sorghum. New Game Laws. 6ome dead office-holder J . JSow-do notjet us be "misundeV- stood We.do not and wohld not censure, or even criticise; any man ux Btetsing an oince.- Ji)i courBe ibe offices mustrair'be i filled; and one man 0 a5 j -ijuxli : xi gbt" as When. a young man iroes hom from church. with -hi3' sweetheart' ho is only going from one house of worship to another- , Farmer SparrbWgrass (lookinir .y r? pper nere s an ac count, of a doctor "In! KewYork w bas set a Jbroken neck. Mrs. bparrowgra8s-ne ' 'thinks - hee snsart; I JBoppose 1 Now, I'd ; like to see him Bet a hen VK'zl VToa lUtletiraicaLwt : von want. Jsja-'goodUckin'ff ' mv pdp, I don' t want it," bu t no doubt ruetiUlltheEame. This exchange means business. While it is a little roui'b, stiM vhe editor is on the right line "Book agents may he killed from September 1 to October 1; spring poets, March 1 to July 1- mule-, May 1 to September 1; while the man who waits nnfil the editor is gone from home and tnen soeaics in and throws a half a cord of elm snatr in th prfifr. al wood honse iu payment for a cuuBcnpiion,- as well as the antiquarian two penny business mauwno imnas it does not pay to advertise inav be killA. January. 1 to December 31 with out recourse or any relief from uouu r appraisement law. gratitude which would rob tbel Ajccke. dead, would steal the orphans' naraateed Core, "WV aotborit oar aJTrti3 drrri uioio uiuiuqswq eitiev Mtiir " s ,ow uiwfrr i r If there is a man on earth whn TET is entitled to reap such of the re- a cook. colder aar la" r - J wards as the average newiMcer r che trw. anJ will ese tila rra-- - man wants, it is that devoted iJml 7 M dJrt: &'ing It afalr trial a. ? who arises at .'sun up" dig, an ZVl'V' hour in the cabbage patch, sticks " could no Sftvf in a cw ijiacs -evert r. .Uni " o now uui nr. k u1. i, the springing corn, afld then hua. TITF ?Hd r,,w oa- It 'rd" tU Iia' Plnt. Larreu50a. aad floo V . miuua uu ins lrm l fv Thm.. . . bling outside stairway to a news- - xa. ru- uuico over me Arener&I tnr "mr -over uaot. ta nw kL- J ami Ko .Tin. V,;. . 1 PuriQr. rlrea ftahnMu an4 -1 . . sr. r.er7i.T.""" ? ' rGs in hum n 1 1 . , nn. . . . .w. DCIMi ... w..u.K ttuius, nua mo nartv I mwuia Arewt ui t.riso iu principles, its lead ers ca - ,It is inexcusable in .nerann. go to church; and dls tnrK tli rvnl.1 Jic worship, of to go ' tor a public meetinvftnl nnnn, fu. -.i- . cr -; MUUieuCO py unseemly exhibit! selres in courrhini. wnT . doses of Dr. Ball's Cough. 8ymp, that peerless remedV. rn and cold: wiirsnrelc rttr- sare heroes and its presidential GOOD READING ndidate au uncrowned bio. rLfJXXyvj Then Ka at..!. ..'l'": Ai w w w w w Ifflmifg alio. I T about the store porches and th- J?.?.1 'I court house ereen be vi '.T. I and wTii" ,r " oucceea oi toe De- " Tr,7 aiaraxixi to yoo, o i 4 mocracy. Ue receivea grateful - .v.!!0.!0010 tweaty-flv. .jr U4 woou, or a oag or po- wUi ni tweatr-flf. back raC ' la toes for an annual sabrintiirT coo. ht.'n' i r t . ' I " -. u.r ij w. . uu iu r&ceiui woras, with an I 'T . i"- ol mane, and 75 rjxr . invitation to repeat the call. h L3.." IUr-. latrt, txrU oiUi --"'"vftc ki.o receipt oi The: oigges watermelon," or the unctft basket of sprouta" of th season. He breaks ud the offir1 stool on the coldest winter days to f warm the printers' Ink, and work I tie nana press with tireless W . icucouy nigni, that on Anursaay the people may know at sunrise that the Democratic party is supreme. WAVKBLEY MAOAZUCK. 173. Boatoa. XUm. Jike this, ts to abuse the Drimu in the ranks faitbfal to bis duty and to applaud the indifferent of- uccr, woo only wires the news of no uaiiie. , : '... His said now. hnmV 4. Mr. Clet eland did not UUnA t convey the ideal that newspaper men should not be aDriolnfJ only that theirWvices to the par ty should not stand . iL C p prom pel rr rdlrni W k.. 1 w r . ITI. ,T! " " all "e likl: will rfM Tm M . ccra Toon U m a mtr: QfCacMBtU I LOU -a t-IAVTri! QHILOH'sy.CATAnRa v. - r i Uute conditioa of the recognition.

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