VOL. XXIII. Highest of all in Leavening Power.Latest U. S. Gov't Report. TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. The Superintendent of Public Schools of Franklin county will be in "Louisburg on the second Thurs day of February, April, July, Sep tember, October and December, and remain for three days, if necessary, kr the purpose of examining appli cants to teach in the. Public Schoola of thin county. I will also- be in Louislmro; on Saturday of each week, and ail public days, to attend to any business connected with my office. J. N. Hartus Supt. ciswssiositti i"i;s. S M. COO HE & SON, ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW, . IiCISBSKft, -A. C. V.'iil t'-v. i til -. "; d t.-! -rr.rb. ri'.jV.iin. S. Circuit r.i' .i JJl.- cVt ' j.r. ". I) 'X. J. K )V..AC i V. ' NC I'rlYSiCiAN, J W . TI MR K!ti. K K, .i'j. A r T "nlN SY-AT-LA.VV , L''i?-.B':ku, c. ' 'i ' oa N:'Mh 8.r:r. ATTOn N EY- AT- L AW, loi"j.!'.;:hw. s. c. win t ' iho j 'xt'r, of 1'r tnfcHn, Van--0, Cf.i.iviii--, V. urr:i v,'ie roanrie.. alio tii.; '.r.-ia C'-.'irt -f ortk '-v.-oiiti!'- i'rouipt tt nii r. to to.le.cUoiia, r V. HVLL'iiY. att.'.sk v- a t- z aw. k;;.i it l; .:.'..., :. t A'! ll bu.-iiP.'-'.-s jn-oaiptiy j-ifcndo'. to. ATTORXEY-AT-LAY.", o on M iir- sri-.j r. ono ;'.ocr lielor Eagle H..t 1. r M. PERSON, ATTORNEY- AT-L AW, L CIiULRO, C. Tr v-f;;c3 Lu JUourta. OJioe iQ tha Court Iloiid.'. r is st HAS ST DONE 2 I CAM IT DO 3 Tli" oriarbia! and only .c?n-.iine Componud Ov y.-n Triatm?nt., that of Drj. Htarkey & I' lli'H Ls a si'iontifie ail.iur.tassv.t of the elo ii!" -. (it Oxygen an 'J Nitro-:) maa;nr-tize.I: ji'iti trie ;oinpO!inrl ih ho eoy.lpnss.i and mx !e nortabiu that it is sent u.11 over the w.rld It ii;i3 been ia nse for over twnnty yeare: t housand of jfcinfs have been troate;!. in."l over on? tliouviud physicians have ns.l it and racomrnead?d it a, very siguia r.int fact. 'Compound Oxypcnn Its Mode of Action nn 1 R-Hu!ts." is t'w title of a book of 200 p:i.:;' -s, published by Drs Starker & Palen, whie'.i ifivM to all inquirers full information hs to this re-.narkabie curative aarent and a jrood ri-ord of Kurpriin,'i cures in a wide ran,re of chrouie eases -many of them after l)cin!? abandoued to dio by other physi cians. Will lie mailed free to any address oa application. Daa. STARKEY & PALEN, i."20 Anh Street, PhiUdslphia. Pa. 120 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal. riease mention this p Coffins and Carets. We have added to our already complete line of wood and cloth covered Coffins and Caskets SOLID WALNUT COFFINS AND GASKETS. Also a line of METALICS as nice and fine goods as is car ried in any of our cities. Our tock is complete in every line. Respectfully, R. R. Harris & Co. L ouisburg, N. C. Bank of Immg Does a General. Banking Business Collections made and returned promptly Northern Exchange bought and sold. COUNTY ORDERS CASHED WIT Interest paid oa deposits after . three tnonths. " W. P. WEBB, President. Scribnefs Magazine FOE 1893. PARTIAL PROSPECTUS. FHAKCE3 HODGSOt? BilRKKTT will contribute the first aerial to appear in a mugrizine from h r pen for many years, enti tled "The One I Knw the Eest of All." H. C. BUSKER will furnish a series of six sketches entitle! "Jersey BU-fefct and Jersey Lane." Illustrated. F.OBEKT GHAST wil relate the f nrther expe riene.es of Frl an! Josnphin.-! in "A b- rta-l to Th-j Uofiections of I M.ivi i-u Min Illaotr ated. rr.ncLi- rasonicK v.-il! '-.rit.r'hat.; n polit' -M novel of great pow. t , ;iititl,J III.; C'.-nperh;-L y v ---'K A',"TU 5K OF "JTHRY." :-. I; Kl-ioft. tho nuta..i- cf "Jc-rrv,' "o i.-listi:' y'cry of i;f.- an'., . tne " ' '- ' t-.-ttu-u-vr.j, Tlio Uurkcl Spor- a: f .'-I CBSCE3. "la ox J-a-;vIo to Ciii-lr;.;- s l:f..- t.-i- ujg-cr-j:: frvjn ti.ht i roughi ont ui tht! r-.-eut n.T.uire ..f C.irlyic re'.ui-Riaces.r.r-a. xl.-toikctioies ff Liiitolu ncl hnrr.ncv. By the late .Mai-qnin 1e Oit.oiitrir.' Bet!' -rti.n.s sre fui of a- w niitrer. An Ar tist, i n Japan. By Ko cert Eiuin , who h's j .ift r..-tnrne-.i sroxa a resi'.lem-i- of nearly two years in that country. Abnndantiy iliiistratM ' y th- suthor. Hxatori.- moniviita, whii-h have be a t- atni of the. ta.tgH.tno cutinf igftg w; ;i t.-1 ontiuu-vd by scra-i p'.i-ticulariy "ttrik nur pp-rs, aaioiip th-r.i ssvcr.U by the great w.irxorrtwpon Wots. William H. Euss J, Arca r.abl Forces, and others. MES'S OCCJPATIOSS. A BC-ries cf articles on the iif-- work of men :a m:uy lings the chief ways (exclusive of professions) in which m-u earn thjir Uvbli hoo.i. THE WOELG'S FAIE IS CniCAGO. A fi--l-i -a ril b? pullished later in th year ctvin- the impressions made 1 y the exhibition upor -iit'oieiu observers of Dot-. hoth Amer r n 1 foreign; anu icacy of thes? ol ?erv- rs wjIi ii; aisu artists who will itltistrate their own artiJs. ill'CKLLASCOrS ARTICLES. Eurth r i-outvii.utior.s to i!u-Poor in irre?t Ciu:s. Mrs. Bura-.trs :i;u3tratad p;p r on tii--i-on.':on pUu for Home aid to Inv. n.i chil :r ;n, etc. of -pt-ti-L int.r. stalio v. iii be Prof Ht'Cpi-in's authoritative aoiouut oi th Peary Keller" Expiation uilQsrratect,) a very inter es'iag srtii le t.y Octrtve Uzanae on th-.: ixhit.i t'on of woman's urt now oing on in Pt-ris ;uj J articles upon artisti - "subjects, accounts of travels, c-ts ets. TH3 1LLUSTF.ATI.1S.S of the yWir will represent th-a work not only of th : well-known llustr iters, 1-nt r.i;;nv dr .wttigti wbl also npp.'ar i'y crtista who ai'e best known ;s painte rs. TERMS : 3.0 J a Yoar; 2x-. a Number. SPECIAL OFFER. The numbers for 12 and a subscription for ISM, i .SO. The same, with lia-k naintcs, bound iu iloth, $6.00. riotv is the time to sub scribe. CllAatBS SCHIBSER'S SONS, 743 Broadway New York. 1893. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ILLUSTRATED. HarpT's Magazine for 1S93 will continue to maintaath uurivaled standard of excellence which has chractcrzed it from the fccyining. Amoug the iioteaH .? feature of the year there will be new novels 1 y A. Conan Osylft, Con stance Fenimore Woolson, and William Black. Short stories will be contributed I y the most popular writers cf th? day, incln ling Mary E. Wilkins, Richard Harding Davis, Mareraret Behind, Brmukr Matthews, and many others. The illustrated descriptive paners will embrace articles by Juiiau Ralph on new Sonthern and Western subjects; by Theodore Chili on Ia dia; by Poultney Bigelow on Russia and Gor manp; by Richard Harding Davison a Lon don Season; by Col. T. A. Dodgs on Ea5tern Riders; etc. Edwin A Abbey's illustrations of Hhnkespeare'3 Coromedies will le continued. Literary article will be contrihutad bv Chos. Eliot Norton, Mrs. games T Fields. William dean If owella, Bran.ler Matthews, and others. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR. HARPER'S MAGAZINE nARPEBS WEEKLY uarpee'sbazar harper's young people .. 4 Ofi .. 4: 00 .. 4 00 .. 2 00 I'nstajcfree to all sulsnibers in ihe United iStatcs, Canada and Mexico. The volames of the Weekly tiginr with the numbers for June aud Fb.cr nlbe, of each year. When no time i.s -pi-eiiied. subscriptions wii! begin with the. noijb. r current at the time of receipt of order. Bound volumes of Harper's V."c-klv tor three years back, in neat cbi.h binding will be sent by mail, post-paM for $3 00 per volume. Cloth cast s, for binding, 5o cents each by mail, post-paid. Remittances should be uia.ie by post office money niet or draft, to' avoid chance o loss. Newspapers are vr4 io ropy this adver tisement without the express o:der cf Harper Sf Brothers Address Harper & Brothers, New York NOTICE.. By virtue of the power contained in a mortgage deed, executed to us oa the 17th of December, 1301, by Dr. J. B. Clifton arid wife, and registered in Franklin county, in Rook No. 8S, page 394-95, we shall sell at the Court Bouse door in Louisburg on Saturday the 29th "of April, 1893, at public auction to the highest.bidder for cash,' the store hous4e lot oa the corner-of Main -mid Nash streets in Louisburg bounded on the West by J .. H. Upperman and 11. R Harris-lot, on the South by Nash street, oo-tlie East by Main street and on the North by Z. T. Terrel alley lot. It is subject however to a prior mortgage in favor of Wake Forest College for $750. - ' J." A. Clifton, ; W.R.Clifton. Mortgagees. C M. Cooke, Attorney. March 29th, 1893. v .' Shiloh's Cube, the Great Cough and Cr jup care is for sale by Thomas & Ayeocke. Pocket size contains twenty aVe doses, only 250. Children lore it, North Carolina and North Carolinians. Josophue Daniels in the North Carolinian. There is not a town in North Carolina that has not contributed many of its brightest yonng men to swell the tide of emigration that flows toward the West. But, even with ihe odd against us, I still believe that if most North Carolina boys who will stay at home and work as hard as they are compelled to work when they go away, will win as much reputa tion and make as comfortable a living a3 elsewhere. They may not make as much money but they will get as much ont of life. There is no doubt about the fact that, while there is something of toady iem to wealth in North Carolina, there is very little in comparison to the toadying that characterizes other sections. A poor man with character and capacity stands bet ter and higher in North Carolina than any State in the Union, and a little money will go further. It makes little difference whether a man gets $1,000, $2,000 or $3,000 ! a year. It make? no' differeii'.-e about the cost of living. In North Carolina ?2,000 will give a man as many comfort as S?4.000 will in t'-is city, and more than $5,000 will in Nev York. Besides, while we have a grent del of talk in North Carolina to the effect that we arc1 wanting in State pride, I do not believe it. North Carolin ians love their State as well asanv people, and none ever leave it who do not fondly cherish its rood name. There is a comradship among North Carolinians yoa do not find among other people. Take South Carolina for example. You will find that the people of Charles ton feel an attachment for the peo ple of their city but they do not know the people of the State at large as we do in North Carolina. We have less exclusion and more comradship and exchange of fvinendship between peonle of all i '- ' 1 : sections of the State than von will! nnd in any other State in the Uu- I ion. We have our divisions and dissensions, but they heal up and ! we stand together in matters out side Sometimes we allow our jealousies to keep down ambitious , . ,. . . men, and prejudicies are not want- ing among us, but I believe there is little of this as in most common wealths. And notwithstanding: the depression in the price of our staple crops, our people do not sit down and cry about it. We are building new factories and open ing new enterprises. The very poverty of agricultnre is driving onr people into other pursuits, and never before in the history of the State was there more activity in manufacturing-. With lartje fac tories of all hinds there will come a better demand for milk, butter and truck products that will open a new era to agriculture, and work a revolution in our worn-out meth od of devoting everything to cot ton and tobacco. The Tbjrd Prfv. The Third wily in tlie Ronth will rnr.iillr cr ir nincne if 4Vio ' ii. I..'- Democratic nnrtv wil! stand square- l : i.u" ,1 i ly nu uirsu, ami carry cmih the principles and policy tnere- , ., -,,., i m set fArth. Chatham BecorcP. Not a bit of it. If-all the noli- cies of the Democratic party could be put into practice at once the Third party would lose little of its i rri rrvr- j . 4 momentum. The Third partyites do not believe that the principles of the Democratic, party if carried out wonld do the country any awn. .uusi niuia are ipsuuisis who believe that the world is get ting worse morally every year and that the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer. They have no faith in the grand destiny of the nation nor in their race, and no.faith in their own success in life. They are predisposed to op pose the existing- state of society and the parties that govern it. They do not realize that, advances in civilization are made by steady growth and they look forward to some vague radical change as a jpanacea -for -the'ehoxtcomins of LOUISBURG, N. ft, FRIDAY, APRIL .. I the preseut state. No, the Third party cannot be appeased by any sort of legisla tion; yet they may, by other means, be brought back into touch with, Democratic hope and faith. Most of the farmers were lead into the Third party not by their reason and convictions bnt by their sentiments and sympathies. The want of social contact between the town aud country people since the war has gradually established a spirit of antagonism and hatred between the two. It was rural sentiment and fellow feeling which induced 60 many farmers to cast their political fortnnes with the new movement. The bonds which had bound Southern Democracy into a brotherhood had been brok en by a want, of sympathy between the town and country people. We think the town people are as ranch to blame as the country people for this unfortunate ftato of affairs. 1& 11 noucaoie tact, illustrative of tue truth of this view, that few farmers who were on cordial re! a- tions with any number of town j people, departed from the D?mo- I crane to'.ri. City life tend? o j make people unsocial. The p-o l'ic wi v.. um nnr uo noi intermit'- gle near as much a they did t-i or twenty year? ago. But in the v i'.iiiLi nine i. iiu iinuilM'rf; 1 1 1 . mg to aimmish Or.spital.ty, ani the social amenities. A towrsmat: going into the rountry is ne.de "much of," but few farmers v. ho coire to town ever see inside of a citizen's home. This f."h:tsT ir noticed and makes an impre-sK-r. on the farmers. If the farmers are to be w --.i ; oacK into the Dmncratic p-trfr it must be done by establishing bonds of sympathy and friendship ; and not by argument. The ckizens of towns should ?eek ! to put some sunshine into the life j of every farmer they have contact i .:o. rni. - - , , , , and cheerle vnu. tue iarmer s lite is (lrcarv cq r. ml Viml ir af,1o ip ; 1 1 - -o . g 1 Ufhft,an'1 ftimulate him unci ujatvu mm ieei inai our inter- ests are the same. Another means of reviving De- mocracy is by better common school , education; by opening up the possibilities of life to the country , How to Get Your Money Back. Gnutonia Gazette. While the Third party fellows are "resoluting" and kicking at the last Legislature for simply giving contributors to the A-lliancs Business Agency Fund an oppor tunity to withdraw their funds if they wish, contributors are asking how to get at their money a?ain. It is a timely question and there's no harm in asking it. The editor was asked about the matter one day this week, and for the infor mation of all concerned we print the following from the News and Observer given in answer to inqui-' j ries on the subject : I "We learn that the law requires that the certificates of pavraent shall be forwarded to the trustee. Maj. W. A. Graham, Machpelah, N. C; and if the money is not paid in sixty days, it becomes the duty ,fl, i:ii;. e o. . A I , ui iuu aj; i iv,u mi m nimnil lllC z i- j torney General, Hon. F. I. Osborne, I T?.alfiiph. Ill fnrwnfdirKf r-ortifi. p. , --- CB.ie45' 11 ma De w 6,1 5 Proveiil mistases iu preserve an accurate marrnanA,-, nA bv exnress or registered letter . . ( n J We would suggest that a nnm ! ber might club together and have i their certificates all forwarded to- j . . o-ether. A man who can -et. a ; dollar just by writing for it w ill ; be apt to send for it. Meanwhile r: - r.-- j however if you do send for yonr , money look out for scathing "res- olutions" to bo passed condemn ing yon for taking your own hard earned money and putting it back in your pocket. We do not know that the Gas ton connty snb-alliances have con demned anybody for withdrawing money from the Easiness Agency, bnt the connty alliance has passed a resolution urging the sub-alliances to make good, by replacing all subscriptions so withdrawn. Jf this is done the Business Agency won't feel the withdrawing; bnt Aivill it be done? 28, 180.1 J Tersistcnt Misrepresentation. There has been a persistent ef- fort on the part of the leaders of the J party to misrepresent the ac tion of the Legislature in regard to the Alliance charter. The truth ought to be told. The only thing the Legislature did about the char ter was to provide that any man who had put money in the busi ness agency f und could draw it out if he desired to do so. That is all. Mr. Wm. A. Graham, Trustee of the Fund, all the Alli ance officers and their attorneys in their epeechos said that they were willing to'this, and as a matter of fact they first suggested it to the committee that was connideriiiL' bo f v -i - x- vu.j.-n, wi uib inarnT. .now some of them say that thev voted for or advocate 1 this uinier rWr cion; th-it thy r afrrt i 1 i f t hv didn't i! i would be re; a wi;k.'d thi t h who. har'T :t wa ,.,r - owt; v hal i b a tli- T, ; draw n (" -i i : W.. ,t . n; 1:1 i. I r -a a - y Wat-- . to permit mp. ' money n it .f . j helped To n: vk. j lievp et:y v. . j th,. L-J:j ., r, i frii:-, H,,, jr j other Al!i:n- A r r : d f 1 t;i" : a.j it pu-- -1. plead "the hnb a t . 1 1 try I wrk up sym atliv fur t Mi; - "' v.- t'fTJlUst" V i.e.- .1 t r.-.i 0f ..j 1 1' -e, i; p trtvf f"l;i i in' p ' I ! e ) f.. Tfnu a::- bv 1. ' ii: 1m-.--' T ; . o y ; r . . v '. 1 i- I 1,-. L.-g. .-d a bill orr.t- nr.- ra- 1 i -! U 'lie '.I !' H M i ;;io ,y pa- . nMnwing p" or farmer- to take their ! money out .if th- b l-in- airenry fund if they wanted to do so j That is all the Lfginlatur" di-i '. Is that the real cause of the great i hue and crv we heir? No. There j are two reason: ! 1. I he nartv iunti feel tbo C . n . t .i ..u u. a ru.n.ug cry. n ilv I can make the people he!ie thoy j are persecute. I aud ill treated, ihey think thev can prevent their utter rout and annihilation whi.-h ! is sure to overtake the-i. Th -v see the hand writing on th 'A . 1 and like drowning men th-, grabbing at traw.. 2. The party men are ;r because they cannot ue the est on the business ngenrv fond t. propagate their false notion an continue their deception of Un people. This is the milk in the cocoa nut- North Carolinian. ypecimen Cases. S. H. Clifford. N ew f'usw-1, Wis ,wa. troubleil with neuralgia nnd rheuma tism, his stomach wtin diiordereil. his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in fleh and strength. Three bottles of Klextri. Bitters cured him. Edwurd Shejmerd. Ilarrisbnrjr. Iil had h running sore on hi- teg of elht years standing. I'sed thr.o bottle.. M.ru iv inner:, una N' en ;n)xes Bucklen'w Arnica Salve, aud his W r- j 8unf1 nncJ ',f,,,n -poaker. Ca- j tawba. O., hod five large fev.-r no res on hi leg. iloctor.s snil he wow it.rti I .. V 1 ,i . mi'it;. ' 'lie iKiilie r-:eCT TIC 11) 1 1 efv I nnd one box Bucklen"n Arnica Silv.. ,' l u: i. , , r. vuiasj i.iui eiiiriv. cxjki V 1 nomas & Aycocke, druggists A starving man won't find fault with the table cloth. It Vat the doctors. Mm. Boyd, 22 tt eeden St., rrovider.oo, II. I. L lT ''j 4, " ' ' ," savH . 1 puilered for three months ' L .. . . . . . irnni rnt'un ftusm nriii nonrn i ....p,.... doctor's medicines not friving me any relief, I tried Salvation Oil, nnd after using two bottles, consider mvwlf! perfectly cured The sunny light of a cheery fact- is ft great comfort to those in suffering The burglar at midn'ght may W feared by the timid; bat he is not no ranch to be dreaded ns an insidious cough, which stealthily enters the system, and undermines the constitu tion. When the cough first Appears use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrop the effec tual remedy for all such tronblcs. Messrs. Durham & Klliol, of Charlotte, bare presented to the State, for display at Chicago, four finely polished specimens of granite. Alliance Democrats. The attempt made in South 1 roIina nd other Mates to pro u aii: t . . U,UD Amtn" uemocraw Irtro noiaing onice is as silly as it is wrong. There arc as good Dem ocrats who hare been earnest A.1 Hancemen as live in the country, and they arp as much entitled to recognition are atiy other Democrat. In South Carolina certain able Democrats have been to the Po5toffire Department at Washington and req-irsted the Postmaster General t pay no attention to the recommendations "&tnr Irby and the mmbrs ' ln- House, nominated and) ! l"rtd by Democrats, bcau ' 1 C,ot. l,!.nl v- ah: v,,.,,. ,A i c iuc aiiimif, , The allegation was that they i j wr not Democrats. These Con- i.Tr'nien ask f i for a harintf. ! wiiut.YIr Hieu granted, and ,?i-rt- wr present tho distin- ir,ii.hd South Carolinian? who impeichM th Dmorracy of tr-0 AUianre-Demorratic mem- 1 r- was a .'.or wi'h ciirr. i- . 1 e -A , . 1 r-i-ri T-:i---:i wn l i fa i in . i" i -1 "t; ! v vr.f. r . v. .1 r. .- ,. nn 1 ,i ,,1 ti ' '"'nin'.it hitn.lf as what "o ire he wou'd pursue a to the ffire-. ( t, aav that what happened in the St-ate j rior to the ti . m i tt n t i o n wou' l v. '. ' e ta ker i n f o Hrrr.Mii t . h i-h wasgrt if i ' L' 'n the Irby partv, r. t;ey '.'t' i.'d it to mean that Mr. f; j regarded them as proper- V !e d D-MUOrratic Reprer.- a'iv.. They ron fident! v -xject he will de,-id- it. th.-ir favor, and from th- fitte-ti n j r.id their Speech.e beii..-.-. ,.- ror.i lered they lKa,d fuliv x.o.erated them- solve from all th cr.-jnts in the i n d i " ? m e n t . We allude in a 1 1 e r '" say aT.y that it ought n"t '.. ma' difference whether a man afTiiiat- ed with the Alliance ..rr.t : i , - , That Iejn. i'"S' i r t i na no p'ace i : b e ocrati." party. Th a. t ii a n v man, i - : to I)erri,,rrar r j r j , on ' y 'p:et i r. Wr.s he tr i; at. 1 ; hrt K')p;.. r" V De; t . 1 a ' t. n..- '' If he t ! - i 'be ievr i: a I v i ! . -1 . v o r h ' - : '!:- . ;at r- . I..!, v. , t h r he 1 free r;! -. , r j. a i. trie hepe thr.t the d-a 1 p a t may ! i-y dead, an 1 that a'.l g. -.d DnK'Tat- wi,l w. rk together for the great battle if lM'l North 1 'am', i n : an . The above from the ('arolir.ian is very sound, common sens-. The Tim:.' is ur.alterah v opposed to recognizing fur office Uepubii- cars, Thir lite? or any other c!as of men who did not ..? th- Democratic ticket, but tl ere should be no distinction made between Democrat who do or do not belong to the Alliance. 'ow Trv Thi-. It will rot voti nothing nnd will ot 'urt'iy io you goxi. n you nave ; ;h ro"?h, . old or any trouble with ,v - l . . i ,- turorii. . io-i or iiingts. it King New lim-rverv for ctm-un)ptioD. coughs and oo'ds is gjar.intl to - give relief, or money will lie paid tark. Sufferer from b gnrn found it just the thing and undent use bad a tpovdy und perfv-t rerov- cry. Try ft simple Imttle at our exjer.se nnd learn for vonr-lf just how gofxl ft thing it is." Traal lot- ties fre at Thomaj Jfc Avcocke's IjirgesirH r,(V. and ?1. KrV (1nr the nw M parifter. pi'e-i (rh n. an l rl--jira-i to th corapl-ium n 1 carr-i c - n:ip - i tion v aal fl v SJJ H - LI?3- . ' ' r aj " ' - ho nomua Arnvi. JACOB EVANS. THE SHOEMAKER. I am now in town and c-eoprin.sr Ibe shop formerly orrapu-d by Peyton fiiwn. Gie nv ynnr rtrt Bag aod I willgUeyi-u K?.ifckn. FOB. SALE, CHEAT. Four or five ecwxl second had single and double vehicle f, with seats. H. C. KEARNEY. PEDDLERS LICENSE. At arecent meeting of Ih com missioners of thi town of Loo isburg, tbe Licens tax on Ped dlers was increased from $3 to $10 pr month. By order of tbe Board, 0eo. S. Baker, Clerk.- NUMBER 10. U it Dit worth tb think rali at rur aad ret b ' ii initio s t:lir. rv hn'tU hv. rr,r.tM t,ra on it. rrvnzj oJ if it t too twhiac od T C. Jorarr. r'r3UjV.liaa. c4 Atthiu. -r tawinptUi It do r-rtl; huerWUiocJ.tnillU. ra.M; voicrii Torirukrn tatinr. br IrufxU rur-rr, Y. ao fWck cr Ctiuio8mU)H'ii r LAST -K. D cCa U3 U) cure tos. Price cu. lznJt tr ;OOl) KKAI)IN(f If y a wnt s r2 C"i . r..- tb - :. '. r-:t:nue.l, srr.'i t Tr?r n tt. V- 1 ;.:. ' ' th- rrt-. r ir.tr--' ;: - :. W -.-v !.--!. r.- tl a. ra . ' r - . c t.'na:t t'r.f.i t :.. r:r r..j .c-. r.-. . r r ?1 CO - t l--t.-, !. , h ... n.ik . rr 1 i - -' i-s f rr.-i:-. .oil 75 -4 r i-rrs ( ii.vr'. ;-t.i-i thr WAYK1- I.K Y M At A7tM: . ki k.M. Photograph Gallery. Having purchased the Ph.- . graph o jt'it cf H. W. Pender. d i.-e t.i 1! r. '-'ilt.ee to the J it ; '.hat I am j re;,srd t-. do ail k;;.i f w ;to ; i. a ! : is! 4.: ir. y -u .u-i g .nj'.-r ;a rat; teed Re-J e.- of tf .ilr. V. KLI.I, Jr. I l.e r. t". ! r.r.n ! ' .. . :i t : v -1 i; ; t.tnbi.n- f.. .-r! b. I.trt :. n i k'i ;". g. r : r-u n. "'!' ra'"ii V-,.-re '-.i - .,:. t.-!-. .r.i r,;, . t i K!IV K'l!.I L 1.1 t. i NTUK H n - . j i . t; n . ii . r. ; n ' . r be. f H J. J'.:r.. i--J. k, y. ai in; h . xr- n. t. ; '"" -!: at !..-. A iii y r- r. ). t '-" t-'in r t-forA-,nl : r -.n:s a . i -.tt ls r 3 r 7T . lb: Art"i T. TRUST SALE. Hy :rt : n? tlo h , Art r i , Ti f,- 'tp-n :. a !.-,! , f trut txcnt.- by i'. V !..-v .and on e: r iry 4. and duly r-gitcr,i . . thefnit.-,. .,f tt.e I:r:t,r of lw f"r Frunkhn county, m Lok " -p.ig- 1 I mil sil' hy put lic nn t ion for i jvdi, at tbe'Conrt He,;, h or in Iioinburg on the Cth of May 1-01 at 11 o'clock, a i the land mnti'ihl in ni J deb -Mt.-l io KratiKiin. coar.ty andtoti; . eil a foHon b-giuntng Mt a . A- m rnrnrr, thT.ce No: Hm p. U. t.i stake Sndy Jot. , r"r!),r. th.-r.re Norths i'J Wrpf : . - fUid 1 !;nk to i rttk Ssn ior'" 'rT.er, tberct North 1 1L.--C Pde o a ro-k nnd romtT Ch-h North Vrt 67 f-U-i 3 . hn to a rtvk in th IWv l,n thence South U V -2l po. i , link to a rtwk Pu rn.- ben Sut h .OS F-ant 1 ole t . t h legt nning rcnt aininr 1 2j at r- , Thi April r. 1 ' -rut. t T. M. Vn ittw a. Trtit I jttrruin k Shiw. Attorney. A Beautiful Stylish 5bc for Ladle. wmuiiia rrn-T irl kaJxf Cl Ujj Za 2.' O HI LO H SCATA RRH Wife . . . . . PHI CM. 13. ta.co. f, KS-ROL Ccii Sl U. Kix, Ipi, Viz roa SALE BT F. N. .& R. JT. EGERTCM - e f 14-'. X v -