FRANKLIN TIMES. VOL. XXIII. LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 189.1 M M mm. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report A BACHELOR'S MUSE. TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS, The Superintendent of Public Schools of Franklin- county will be in Louisburg on the second Thurs day of February, April, July, Sep tember, October and December, and remain for three days, if necessary, for the purpose of examining appli cants to teach in the Public Schools of this county. I will also be in Louisburr on Saturday of each ucck, and all public days, to attend to a:iy business connected with my J. N. Harris, Supfc. Prot'esNionivl ?si-tls. I 1 M. COOKE & SON, BSM homth oaocm fcC IO THE YEa.II or otjh LOSD AT TORN FA'S- AT-L A W, Lwisirmc, e. Will itten 1 tlu courts of Xssh, Fi-ar.klln, Or :ivi;l . Warren mi-1 W'uk . ouutie.. also the i..r-;no O-mrt of North Cur-lini', and thj-U. t 1 lr ant ;a. i Distri.-l Courts. FOR 1893. Tiie Oltl l?cliJillc. J)' i Cu rt r a,- : ) .1. K. M N. two .!ofrs 1 low ? i-.T.r. 1 ::.!!..' I r. ( L. K.V T: C'V. i aTY-rUL The only Standard State Almanac is j'ist published andTulloi valuable infor mation to all classes. Turner's N. 0. Aim:' rae is the mosi unliable v-'e know of. We don't' know when we v. ere without i Turner's N. (J. Almanac. News and is Aycocke-8 ; Observer. . IV'T" : Turner's X. C. Almanac. other to tomp.'ie w th it. Carolina "Watchman. I; a htanuard work, none to i-om- NO LACK OF SENTIMENTALITY IN A DULL MAN'S REVERIE. An Estimate of Women That Appears lu dicrous to the Student of Changing Con ditions A Few Criticisms and Remind ers For the Single Man. However littlo may be the logic dis played by those who arjne against equal rights, it i3 certain that there is no lack of sentimentality on their side. In "A Bachelor's Reverie" the bachelor la ments the fact that woman's work now is whatever Bhe chooses to select and sighs for the old fashioned woman who had no ambitions. Judging from an other part of the reverie the old time woman had ambitions, but they were scrictly of the domestic order. Her first ambition was to be a wife, second a mother, third a mother again, fourth again a mother, fifth once more a mother, sixth a mother, seventh a moth er, eighth a mother once more, ninth a maternal parent, tenth a parent on the mother's side, eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth ditto, ditto, ditto. Thess numerous but rather monotonous am- J P83- sllP through the enemy's lms, bitious were cherished, it is to be sup- i procure every variety of inform it ion posed, in memory of tke Emperor Na- j and escaPe capture at hazards poleon, who once informed Mmo. de j 1 uuimey uigeiow iu xai-er a. Stael that "tho finest woman is the one Outpost Duty In the Enatian Army. In the German army every soldier is taught to act intelligently on outpost service and in ccouting operations, and this is not too much to require in a coun try whore every sclditr reads and writt j and can readily understand a map and compass, li Russia, however, where nine-tentln -t the peoplo cannot read or write and have lose the faculty of think ing consecutively, the army caunot teach the soldier much mure than to movo as witii a machine. In order to have a forco of good men for ; ickct work and ad vance skirmishing they have adopted this plan: Each company sends four of its most Intelligent men to a select body called the scouting corps, and as the Russian regiment has four battalions, with fonr companies each, that gives a r.ghaeniftl scout forco of 64. This service js very popular, for it is full of variety, and though tho hardship is great the food is good, for hunting and fishing are in tho programme. The men are practiced in every land of woodcraft and are oxpect- "I Say What I Think." The Mnfilcd Conscience. Tor Your Scrip Look. In Charity and Children which Farnuel Hopkit , in 17&0, took Detroit Free Pr". There is a class of people who pride themselves on their hon esty and frankness because, as they tell us, they "say just what mey miiiK, Titrowmg out ilieir ( llie ownerol the ciovk every night I ufactured hi this country opinions rigiu ana lelt just as betore retiring pets it to alarm at is always rich w ith gcd thoughts, j out the first patent. It M-cured we find the follow ir.g admirable hini the riht to n ake pota?b. and very graphic article: "The' In KM N.h Webster rrir.t! alarm clock .-its upon the mantle. , the firrt tp.oitlK-Look trer raat.- Tllr if1 i T'' 1' i rr n.l.r A they liappen to feel, no matter' mx in the morning. At exactly . i- j . . J 1 1 i . , , . . 'codecs at.d UM-r.ille. wi'h where they may strike or whom ! that time the is awakened c ,-.- t , . 1 - proU ors a i.d teacher?, they may wound. This bcai-ted 1 from hi.- p!e?ant dream? by the : frankne.f , however, is not hon- whirring and rattling and r;t. , , - eetv, but is rather miserable mi-i mg of the clock. He obey the - iii i. i , at Koanoke Island, Aurust 1 - pertinence and reckless cruelty, summon.- anl bounds with aiacri-. t ' v e nave no right to gay vh;t! ty irin n;s iri. lie giru.n on his Ave think unless we think kind- apparel and (rets ready fr the ly and lovingly; no rwht to im- j work of the diy. M' af'.-r loatl our jealousie, envies, bad morning he pursues thi line of humors and miserable spites, nj - ' conduct, ami obeys the summon New Y-.rk first ed to develon as much insrenuitv and self reliance as an Indian scout in our ! If we must be bad tempered service. They must sail, row, nwhn, climb, find their way by map and com- SV. TIM BLRi. A aE, AIT- '!'.:KY-AT.L.W, l:' i-;b n. c. sil Stnrvt. ') '),-' Of. S. .SPIU'ILL, ATTOItNI'.Y-AT-LAW, I.:.ri;:i;:'a, N. C. Will nttcn-i th courts of Franklin, Vancp, Op-.uvi!'. W.irrori nn! Wake conaties. n!so XU-: mir ni Court r.f N'ortti Carolina. Fromut nti iitf n givfii to coil", lions. par-t with it ic the South. Elizabeth :Ji'v Ciroliniin. Tnr-iet C. Almanac. Of all the many pabiieationsin or out of the tcate, none are so iiiip'vrtantand none f.o cheap n.i tiiis Alman?.r'. Bibbcai Recorder. Price 10 cents. For sale by who gives the most children to her coun try." This estimate of women, which may be called the Dorking hen estimate, is ludicrous because it is the limitation of j a limitation. It is safe to assert that ; the emperor's famous saying is in great- j er favor with bachelors of dreamy tend- i encies than with parents of practical j minds. The most enthusiastic mother j builds up her hopes on the quality, not the number of her offspring, and the Over the Telephone. He Hullo. She Hullo. He Is that you, Mis3 Barker? She Yes. I'm me. Who is thi.-? He; Shall you bo at homo this even-in-? She That depends on who you are. Who aro you? He Dont vou recognize mv voiee? on the hearts of our nighbor?- we should at least keep our ug'.in-s locked up in our own breasts and not let it out to wound the feel ings and mar the happiii'-- ,.f others. If v e mu.-t speak out our dislikes and prejudices ami wretched feelings, let us go into our own room and lock of his little aw ue, on is a lilt', aw ak en.-d : me ou;e ir. or ke, per. Af-. ).c:i 1.. . a z v , l,.e n i She I don't know. Charlie- Ki:igins' vcice. It l;-:e Are v-u Char lie and close the windows, ear but our c w u sha 1 1 hateful w oi ils. If any eth to be religious, or ally decent, and bride the door so that no l.e.u- the ill! M'l'lll- '.n tnor ii not his XT' best mothers train their girls for moth- i tu.ggms. THOMAS & ATCOCKE, Drin; LOUISE'JKO, S. C fists, N. Y. U'JLL! ATTO H V F.Y- AT-L AW, f:ia: kl!:: ros, k. :. All l"rul nusin'-'ss rTounptty attended to. n;-.-S. L. WihDKR, " 11. it 1. ATTORN ET-AT-L AW, L')VIB':;:i, x. c. ce on M 'in s'.iV'.t. one loor t,elow Eiglo M. i KRSON, ATT.TiN'KY-AT-LAW, l-ti- urr.a, x. c. Tr v t: 'os in :dl oarta. Oiliue in the Court IIO'U". him muhlh (Successors tq J. L. STONE.) c is it e HAS ST DONE Sr . CAN JT DO a i :ic o:".:;i! il arn! ov.Jy aonuin ':' TiTHtir; ;:! . tliat I)r GE01L 0. SIGN liUlluVi I i Tip No I tti not. ('ie lii ! am Mr. Browne. ! She Jimmy Browne? j He No. George. rius. I erhood no more carefully than they train their boys for fatherhood. "Li Co approaches its sere and barren Rt.iTe.'' continue-, the dreamer, "when man is forced to meet loveliness in the ! SheYes, I'm home. Are yuu coming guise of a competitor." It does seem un- ! around.' fortunate that loveliness should occa- j He I don't know. Shad I? sionaily have to compete, but if her bus- 1 She Oh, I don t care. ry glad to band does not support her or if she has 6ee "ou lf J'uU come- no husband she must chooso between be- I He-Then 1 11 be there al .cv.t 8. ing a competitor with a man or a fman- 1 She All right. Come early. rial flPTWi.tont nn hiTTi. Rrro rtkI hnr- ' He esir do . vou think you'd care ns it mav be for man to meet loveli- ; to P to the theater vitu mlh"r t l'iZ" ness in tho guise of a competitor, it" is an' n10' even more sere to be forced to meet the 1 She I don't know. lie Well :t you ll say yon u rro, l a step on the way up and get the lickt :s. She Well I I can't say, Mr. Erowne. I don't think I I don't think I can, but hullo sny, George, might get the tickets anyway. Harper's Bazar. tongue, that man's relit;;, vain and his character i.- un cipled and base. r ; u - 1.1- e y e, v a 'A 1 - , over, and fo- t. The ii.'.t morning -a me way; iikewi so on for ti week ; a while 1 . e s j . , 1 1 . to 1 e :lP j -. ;! hear- it ''ii 1 v ,1'l-t SO -a ;th pr.i' ic-- a e lir- a. t .-on- t lie i-taro 'he deed eomniit- u. d 1 . a i r 1 1 s t . t? - ;i - i , , . ' . at -i lit e f..:' - a if r. s r'.tin i!.--'. -1,1 e up in s Tl.e . the . UK IS NOT Hill I THAT A A Model Farmer. th II- ),- sam-' fe- !- th W : o;, , . .- to 1 re ; -r t : ir.e a 1, af1 i r n i , a dr t gi . A : '.). - a . . w - 1 ! " - e -1 . a : ii.'-erpr r&tM i:i th limits cf -United Sit--. p charter w, dated W. TI rlrt I l k e,'al,;i.hed in tl I nit-d ,s:.t'. s w.i K.corj'or :M at ri...a i-': l.3l, Iieceml r :-l. 17-1. s : . l :('-' . i , r- ' : .-., i 1 ' n .r- f : -.1. : y It. ...A. ' ''-; : i ,. . : . " !. :.!y .. '..;! !:. t . . i"i lend-:, i A gme f ...r t , "! w :. i h r i',. :': - ' : r - f V w He Comnonii'l Stf.;o':c?v & iiin is ii s'-e'a'.i'i- ljnstincnt of tho ele-ni-'.its of Oxy-'en an. I Nitrv;n snapn-'tiz'.": nil t'ao .' un poll :vl is so v-onileiisd ;;.:v nrolo jiortahlt? t!iat it is sent u,ll over tho V. ! . 1 1 . 't liat boon in hsp tor over twenty years: t. o'lsii.l.i of piti.-.e.its havo bwn ti-oateii. .4 'id over on tiioii.-iii i utivsWans have ';ttit fact. 'f'omponml Oxysa lis Mode of Action Bad ItcsiiHn," is t lie title of a book of 200 p.-ioH. pablis'ao.i by Drs Starko.v & Paleii, n h'u'li itivos to all in piirors f;;!l information pit to this roraark:t'"l' curative agent and a goo.', ro-.-onl of Pi7-pris'mg curfs in a wirle r.-ine of chronic c;w -many of thorn after hfin'j; ub:in.lono(i to dio by other pliyisi rian.s. Will 1r maileJ fres to any address on application. Oris. RTAUKEY & PALEX, 1 r.-r Arch Strrot. Philadelphia. Pa. 120 Sutter Stropt. San Francisco, Cal. Plcawc mention this paper. Collins and CasMs. Wo nave added to our already complete liue or wood and cloth covered Coffins and Caskets SOLID YALN'dT COFFINS AND CASKETS. Also a line of MET A LICS as nice and fine goods as is car ried in any of. our cities. Our stock is complete in every line. Respectfully, R. R. Hakris & Co. Louisburg, N. C. Extensive retailers and jobbers of high and medium p;raJe same loveliness in the guise of half a j dozen ablebodied feminine dependents. "The young girl," muses the bachelor, "with a mind divided between ofuce and love could never bo the embalmed es- ' sence of all that is adorable, the inspi ration to rdl that is worth living for." ; That depends entirely on the girl. It is : a foregone conclusion that her mind will not be divided very long. If she decides on the office, she may be come the embalmed essence of ail that is clear headed and true hearted, the in- An "Office Cut" Worth Having. A parsonage cat whose favorite seat is on the study table has found a now use for himself. He watches his m voter's pen and occasionally, when the writer is tired, takes tho holder in his mouth. But TV TT.O ! i r a X .L11' UjlJ iXAND OEGAIS, Musical insimments, Sheet h- SIC) CtCi RALEIGH, N. C. CO NOT FORGET THAT THE- ank of Loulsbun Does a General Banking Easiness. Collections made and returned promptly Northern Exchange bought and sold. COUNTY ORDERS CASHED Interest paid ora deposits after three months. W. P. WEBB, President. CENTRAL SALOOf - . ii ii. .i; i i i spirauon 10 an mgn tuiuuing r.uu ngnt his mil lu-.efulners is to act as a Paper- uomg. If she prefers the other alterna- v.cight. When a sheet is finished and live, the fact tnat she once aspired to lai(1 ide, the cat walks gravel v to it efdee will broaden her interest m affairs, aml takt.g his sr;lt on ho ...j. A"s ,n rescue her from the narrow mindedness . BS anolhrr is iai.l asnle, l0 h.av. s the which is too often the accompaniment nrst and sits down on tl. soceid. Some- of a monotonous domestic routine and t;-v.- t, bw v,.Kt,.r i,w,ir ( n different juarts ( f the table .-le ets in keep her thoughts securely above tatting ; and tattle. ' YvTe have no grudge against the em balmed essence of all that is adorable. ; Accompanied by a large mental grasp, an accurate knowledge of what is being thought and done by the world's best thinkers and workers and a livelier in terest in the universe than in one email person inside of it, the embalmed essence would be rather taking. Otherwise it amounts to no more than so much blanc mange. Just before rousing from his reverie the bachelor point-, out that several wo men in the world's history have endeav ored to meddle in its affairs and always with deplorable results. It would be easy to give a larger bst of women who had been political benefactors, but such an argument is no more worthy of con sideration than the argument fliat be cause there are hypocrites in the church therefore tho church is rotten, or that because there aro quacks physicians should not be trusted, or that because rapid succession. But "Powhatan" the cat remains seated, shrewdly supposing that to be fun, not business. W Ik ;i work begins anew, the cat ?nts hims. if on the last paper laid down and waits for an other. Thus he shows that he his master's work, and perhaps thinks it his duty to keep the paper from blowing away. St. Nicholas. M.,rf-.-p I'.. ,,:-.; r (b.e of tin- to.-! farmers cf I ion county and one of the 'lis is J . A. Latham. never bought a sack of tboir, a bushel of corn, or a pound of met because he had to do it; he l.a.l bought them seiuct inn-- to trade on, but not for his own use. There has not been a year since he was married, '27 ears ago, that he has not had some of the necessaries of life io sell to neigh bors, who neglected the.-e things to devote their whole attention to raising cotton. It goes with out saying that while he ha prospered many of them have gone fiom bad to worse, and there was hardly one of them that did not begin life under more favorable circumstances. The Arkansas Register com ments on the above as fol lows: Ju-tso; and the Register will bet $10 to a nickel that the above named farmer never "monkeyed" with political Third parties; nor carried a ! r e -; -id- in him :. a n d -o , on-.-ie d nn m j, i a .-I a ri-1 scb-nce lenee a a r 1 ;; n !.- . To e I .., W Li ve to a- o no mur- r e n . i r o ! : i ir: - Tit V m fa. in a ! M M i our ron-'no. n ,-t.ite. Ndj but it i- a hard j d. t unm utile them, and I ;er , ' i keep the rauW aw 4y. "Lead us not into temptation" i the praver Christ taiu-ht, and we ni is, n only pray it, h i ! a i ' . of 1 1." w a y of t in ; t at vain and w e k - n. i n. 1 d member the Ufc-; d n w ith lire. Lire 1 urn-; '.:', w as ai w ay- a . lar. I ! n a r..n v'. mast K-e tn at: ! . r4 C r a p r - T -( a -' rr W )o4-pi Ac 1 otj - a- '. A.ihmv- i ' I om-iu:iiio :t - f, . .n ' or r-1 t:;o--kjfcCl Lrf- r 11 oil.c--. t.. !. t . i ii ..'aua lis r.f s i Iri'.-.-iCj ri - T - I ! 1 I cr CTi. iic HIMt J'" ila 1 .b. n f . HILOH'S CATARRH Twn rurnv 1 1 ; i c u. 1 rv i. T ' t''' t a -lnll l'r-i-. - t I io- b:l die Hau. r. hv a u Valuable Inert. Perhaps there are few suliMtances con tributed by animals to the materia med- cent Third party paper to church icaof greater value or more extensively ,Uid other .,!aCt,; .di. i'ing eub boneficial than certain Fjvcies of insects. Of these there are none more highly cs- ', scriptions for the vile sheet ami teemed for medical purposes than thoce , "blaspheming agai nst the IIol beautiful, pinning, green colored inse-ts ! rM ,,, , . ,. , f v , . , , , v . . , ., ., (diwt by trying to make the known as blistering beetles, or cantha- J J rides. Their corrosive action ia so great 1 people believe that Christ was a that they frequently inflame and excori- j "People's Party" man if such ate the hands of those who collect them, . , . . , . . , and on this property their chief medici- Vlle Pceediu i-n t the unpar- nal virtue depends. They are generally used in the form of in cases of vio- on their exter- nil nca p o ti cc'irnlv 1 i -v Ctti t-. il i 1- ii' But we are taking tae reverie too Be- ( other uu.ail.ilic Tond ef insCl.t3 nonsiy. Dreams, however fantastic, are arQ ycarlv im t(1(1 rrindpa!iv from always laughed at when the sleeper Europe.-Londoii Tit-Bns, awa;ie and by no one so heartily as by , the dreamer himself. Wives and Daugh- i .' I . ters. . , , , , . , , , backed hos sutleriu inr fomo- i Asbestus, which has come to be largely : ' . A Pnnctnious Man. ! utilized by electrical engineers, is one of : thing to eat, with a painful knot A card should be turned down at the the most interesting substances employed j tied in their whip cracker tail upper left hand corner when a. call is in the arts Many new beds of tins ma- .,revent them from crawling made m person and the recipient is not tenal are being discovered, but except, ' at homo. An amusing case of the punc- ; from the Canadian and Italic beds the j through the crack under the door at night and eating his children. Yes, we will raise our . v 1 1 .e or. , v moved his office next do. r to coffin factory. Y ' i rit, then hell and the undertaker doe rest. ir better half lavs tetid i n fc' l a rr- 1 a the i t - V .. 'i t V i i t ! ' . Pliotograpli Gallery. ke cr i no . ; n. i i tier of for veil: .1 i- '1.' .vn.e oee i . e ., , n; i a l:- ::. . a i i : ke r " i -1 - ur.-ha f 11 i . i : . - ".'... . i i. I'h V . . . , ic u: . . Mh A f. reit;ti ap 'it.' m e : r i i :r.y mot ac. tab there is bad money in circulation one ; intmenf ntl should empty ones pocetbook into tne cnt yisceral inflammati nre. : , t . donable f in, tin n wl a" is ? -nor went over the country whin ing "h-a-r-d times and w-o-r-?-e-a- coming," while his growing crops were being choked" to death by o-rass, weeds. 1 riars, vines, sprouts etc ; and had no razur Is not onlv Central so far as loca tion is concerned, but is also the 'Centre ior the Purest and Bast Whiskies Gilrnore's Celebrated "Rye, and Cooper's Best Corn can't be beaten in tins or any other town. In faet. lmil TVll fll.ri,iu- fi i- A nnn 1,,-,- 4-lw J"" """. " 'oj.j uwuc out ill' i n.i i.:..i. i-i.:- l v : a :..-o i , . liiioiisues'j wmiu tins nut) is uu- eptciuieus bs.c iixtru jai u pia.ajvuii uscr-ni best and most pleasant goods in servea in Europe is that cf an old Span- for manufacture. Large quantities of this line at J gentleman who weui to pay his de- ' fioss and powder aslestus are obtr.inexl I votions at the shrine or a saint, but dis- "from the district of tne busa valley, j covered that tike church was undergoing Piedmont, and in the second district, ; repairs and that there was no. priest offi- about 30 miles long, in the Aosta valley, ! ciating at the altar. Unwilling to lose , the deposits arc said to be practically in- ! credit for his devout intentions, he drew exhaustible. A third district, which 13 a visiting card from his pocket, and care- still more important, centers at Valtel- fnll-r ti.rrl-o.r I r t i tViopnnicr rprprpntlv lino tho T-rT-On fr --liieb TV, trc-filjn ftn.l deposited it on the altar. San Francisci Como to Colico. Tlie Canadian deposit j bead of its driving him, and Argonaut. I are in the Black Lake district, letwccn i that he and his famUv are con- i Quebec and Shcrbrooke. New York Advice to n "Would Be Lawyer. ' TAtprrrun to at t:.i- The white cap- have and have given u- tw-n; hours t get it in. We were short of w, , 1 wh w i n ter struck th.- week,.', had to do all ur writ it j S ; tricks at our feet atol a in plaster in the middle. , v . l e !. ; K KLLlS. Jr 1 m; ii d i: I A ir 1 n' n r. "U .in L as" weeK our n: i n i s ' e r c :,v-r - i 3 men who Lav- bee., own u .fO. a pit ce for si x years; 1 it wl.on M L; ;:.? t: ' Ih?.r.i we called on 'em to e"t answered us i v sin'in u 1 -ti n v r ' 1 igion's ja:d it a.i the debt 1 f r o v e . THE CENTRAL. Major Jones, delivered hi fi- bet to $'20 against a nickel that nmus lecture on Ly n-h in g. " Mr. Latham, the said model farm- 1 the tow n hall Monday er, denounces the so called Third The major knows h ,a!ps" or La km' atout. lie i,n ma l- i r : l-t ti f .e LvnTrti m-r : . : . ; 1 1 i 1 1 v. !i t -1 11 i ti r-v .t.!:-.d. on Main tr-1-1. ; Tiommi A Ayrv- t r lh k H it totn pri. Ib-:- tf-a-1 v . mhv V." A Beautiful Stylish Shc for Ladies. party "calamity liow.ers "whinners," drives his work in- of He hi man h r s i H if I, '1 i l' i'-; t n. v er- e .vuen- i A correspondent asks, "How would i you advise a young man of moderate , means, desiring to become a lawyer, to I proceed:' proceed Is made toerpnnd with every motion of the foot : it retains its stylish shape when other shoes give way and break. It is the best shoe made. PRICES, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50. Consolidated Shoe Co, Mfrs., Lynn, Mass. . : FOR SALE BY PERRY & PATTERSON- YOUNGSVILLE, -N. C. A Pathetic Dankrapt. There aro few things in real life more We would advise him not to pathetic than the speech of Mr. Munro, Of course if he shows signs of i who three years ago was worth fOO.OOO, becoming a good and great lawyer, he i and was prime minister of "ictoria. At might properly borrow money, make his a temperance meeting in Melbourno he way to the bar and repay the loan as he j is reported to have said: "I came to Mel can. But for most men of moderate cir- bourne over CO years ago with hardly a cunistances who seek, as you do, "free j penny in my pocket. I worked hard a legal education," our advice is to give up j a workmgman, and received every honor the idea. There are enough poor law yers now. There are too many lawyers, which a free state could confer on any of its citizens, until at last I had the for that matter. Very few can do more ' highest position in the hind. Now I than earn their salt. New York Son. HI Recommendation. Priscilla Tell me honestly what qual ification has your fianco for a husband? Prunella Experience. He has been married three times Jbefore. Vogue. stand befort you, 61 years of age, with out a sMlling in my pocket. For the first time in my life, through liabilities which I undertook, never expecting to be called upon to" meet them, I am u able to pay 20 shillings in the pom ch" St. James Gazette. tented and happy as well as pro; peroud. a success ed. Bad luck ce-m to follow u; our office took tire la-t week, but the miserable tire department extin guished the l!ams before we could kret a chance at the insurance. in t i . t to :'.'.'" j u i k NUT If K. 1 1 i r. s- qua'.-.fl-d". r b. n. . f 11 J . ! i . '.v.j-i. all -- nn i -mtt.: hi - r- tuifl"! t-- i t L- oua a: t.rv, ail s.i j " r---r. h ;r . la'.ni -s i-t th a-d . Ily perderaiic injections of recr- phia are frequently prescribed by ! Tbe raper, lherefor. will not b, hVlr'V AT't - phyeciane Tor cure oi neuralgia; j ena d unless the next fire '3. N J. Hiuu. AJn'. . i l ' - but its enecw arc omy epuernera. i4 tlJCCC5Afup Conslitu- and you will have to repeat the , t- injection every day. Discard , this seductive enchanter, and use i rtmmmnA it for h.-rincf ' 1 ra n'" ia !oB vJ TJiTl ' JACOB EVANS. TH K SHOK-XLUiKC . . v a., i . ...... . . , a v urwrir i n ina r in I f n T . ,,. iiii 1 1 f n iii i r .... i. m i n k I i i . . . . - , . . - waiiuviviu . . . v. - i CUllll. .Ut. WOUII II. V'iJCU. neu- i (Jfrn. (tit tTV T seat of the trouble ana etiects a permanent cure Karl's Clover Root, th nw blool puritW, pivwj frboei and clearnii 'o the complexion and enrv cmtipa tion. 25c.. &0c. Rnd fl.CO. Sold by Thomas & Aycocke. cr ratresarv io fillc. N. C, writes: "1 have ufed : wdl:ityoa atiafartk.a. t r .. 1 1 . .. , v. .. n I - IS. JJUII S VUIIU O) I 'IJ' ill UJ t l""i ily for six years and can cheerful ly recommend it a one of ihe beet remedies I eter used. Have FOR SALE, CHEAT. Four or fie pxJ -cond "Via" sineleand double vehc!, . tried it for whooping-cough with ; .iat. the best result.'1 I a :ro U. C. KJLUINXX. '

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