: f VOL. XXIII. LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 2, lsw. M n;l l; 13. ; -: Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOIMfEISf PURE ONLY WEAVING SPIDER-WEUS. Make "What We Consume. TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS The Superintendent of Public Schools of Franklin county will be in Loiiishurg on the sivond Thurs day of February, April, July, Sep tember, October and December, and . e . ii ... it! .... ii i : l . -i ve;ua:ii ioi i mi ee i;i. n neeewMiu . , i ry , wiiue commerce ana maiiu- for tiie i ar;io:-e oi exainnime- uph-ennt-; to rom-h in the Public Sehoras of this count v. I will also be in Loiiis!r,iri- on Saturday of each j which they have been developed. Ack. a. id punne nays, 10 airen.-i to a;iv luisiness connected vvitn r.iy No purely agricultural country lias ever, in modem time?, be come a wealthy or powerful coun- facturing have made nations rich tin direct ratio to the extent to have now a'chance to crow a little aver the stronger minded of their "While the people of this State as sex, when they read that Mrs. An- general thing are devoting their ; na Potter, who as pired to be may- time to their business, striving to or of Kansas City, spent -$0,000 make an honest living for them-! in her campaign and succeeded in selves and their families, building ' capturing twenty six votes. There up the waste places, starting man-j may be a world of glory to her in ufactories, developing the resources the thought that twenty-six peo of our favored country, cultivating pie wanted her to assume the STRIXUKNt-V. STKlN'iK.NCV. WHY SOMK KAUMKIbS FAII- ' H i 1 nil nr ! I".irtn. There is very little change in 1 We. do i..t mean by the above the monetary situation. It doe? that farmer heroin" bankrupt f- I not seem to be any worse anil yet j ten. fr r-; i r I j is t: t the ra. tu it is only better, if better at all, there is a kind f failure - u'e by 'the fait that i? no w,,rs' ' common, and this is a f.ii ;re to Gold continues to be exported in g-t either plea-ire or pr-:'. from considerable quantities, p ome , far ui i ng. K-ry n-"Mghh .rio.0 i two millions and a half ha in.' has ."amides of t':.i ida--: farmer amity and good feeling between , reins of local government. She j been shipped lat Saturday, but who are alwavs in d-.'. rart'v neighbors estranged by the excit- j may feel that ber $0,000 was wise- stia Mr HsIe ,1M mana,(l tl . ;tb:,. t.. met :1.ir oi;;.;.-. m mg campaign of last year and ly spent in finding out that she j . leaving politics as much alone as j had twenty-six adherents, but it j possible until another election . seems a very empty honor indeed year rolls round, Butler and the to the woman who regards her both th 1 reeling and th ear. No farmer l.a a righi U complain that there is to. prut.: in hi busi wli. r, ho learo? hi tock ex pd ;) . .t,,rni, f wir,ter fcn,i to eat their A ;n tLo m id and li'W. As tl.e Th- L-- d sh- rii "are ys, rd g i . o t h Lis terve intact parts Jh"' J. N. TIahris, Sunt. AI. COOKE & so:T, c. ATTOHNEYS-.VT-LA.W, L'triSBUIlG, X. c. Will ".ttcnl the courts of Nash, Franklin. Oran vill , Warrnnan.1 Wakj counties, also the jR J. E. M ALONE. 11. W. II. NICHOLSON, O'Fice two doors hclow Thomas & Aycocke'a driiif store, a'.j 'mini Pr. O. L. Eliis. 1) is is fully illustrated in the countries of Europe, and also in this country. The South and West have remained comparative ly poor while the North and East have grown rich, and the reason for the difference exists in the fact that the South and West sner -.nei:.-.uit of North O.roliup, aud Uvj U. ; have sent all the rrtonev the.v J. Circuit an-.l District CourU. , J ' could get for their products to the North and East to pay for manu factured goods. It does not mat ter Xvhether crops be good or bad, prices high or low, so long as we send every dollar we can get to the North to pay for manufac tured goods, we will remain poor. The only difference would be that in the one event we would spend less money, and in the other more. Until the South ceases to import more gcods than it ex ports, the balance will be against us, and everybody will feel the effect. What we need in the South is to make what we con- PRAtTICIN'a PHYSICIAN, LOUIHB -JB, N. C. W. TIMBERLAKE, ATTORNEY- AT-L A. W, Lota-sBi'r.o, N c. o;ilcp on N'-.sh street. S. SI'RULL, ATTORNEY'- AT-L AW, LOCiSBUIlO, N. c. Will n.tten'1 the courts of Franklin, Vance, OiV!nvil-, V.'urren an 1 W;ike counties, also Hit; Supreme Court of North Carolina. Proicnt at t -ii t i :i -liven to colioctions, ftoring public i-i.nfid- : holding to' hands or urer. I'.'It yet ever-p:-e-s d ispa tchos b-M r oiie or in1 re Tr. -i ty l 1, in the th--e failur--- a iv c -. i . tl t d to fraud an 1 others, and perhij number, are o-jven o .- : stilt of.- ringenc v w at ta meet current I ' i -:i : IV.I-- I '. . e g o . !- in - ' r i 1 1 l -.. b it I'-;!'1!- N. Y. OULLEY. ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, F.'tANKI.iN'T')".", C. All ler.il nusiitess I'romi-t'j- r.ttenlod to. riIIO.--. ii. WILDER, ATTORNEY"-AT-L AW, Lon.-'B.iitG, X. C. 0"!cc on M-.in str ;t.t, one door below Eagle Kid 1. -.I. PERSON, ATTO HN EY-AT-L AW, L'fL'IMS T.G, X. C. Vra tiers in -id . ourLs. O.tice in the Court II'lll-" . Vt ib 3 a I 0 H AS IT DOfE P I CAN IT DO 1 MussiuiB uiiui auuiuci ciui iiuii rciiis a very eiupi uuiiui liiueeu . . .r -. . l i commendable liber.ilit v other J bird party, apostles, on husband s praise as the hife'L..t cj.angn:r ar,j 0nrii.g to -x money collected fromthe farmers, ; earthly reward and her chi!dr-n's ; c.ir ,,e (r, i, fur -i.-ei b-uks n- . are again scouring the country ' cuuiideuce and esteem far al"lV'' i thi- ha- -o.,e a 1m, ' ;-. r-' preaching their doctrine ol hate i the applause or approval of the and anarchy, and striving to keep : great publif. It may be weak, it the men whom they last year lead may be progressive, but it is true into the unholy war against the : womanliness, and the writ r if best interest of their country , from : these lines is ninre iu sympathy recovering their senses. Co-oper-; with the quiet, home bodies than , ating with them are Dr. Mott, with the pushing, agirre-.-ivo ;"e Loge Harris and other Itepubli- ; males who find too frequently that ; cans. It is no longer denied that ; they have over.-tepp-d the bound the Republicans and Butlerites are and have only dead sea fruit a working hand in hand and will 1 their reward for their endeavors to have but one ticket opposed to the enlarge their sphere. Durham Democracy next year. Thus is Sun. fulfilled the warning The Enter- ; prise sounded two years ago, that ; The Cost of a 1'omiu offottou. the Alliance leaders were heading : straight to the llepublic.au party I'oiinu sPe-an. and were leading their followers' Farmer? talk much about the step by step into the camp of the cost, of making cotton. Very f-w enemy whose yoke we threw off in of them know what it does co.-t. 1S70. That it would come to this Set aside an acre of fair kind and we have never since that warning charge that a:re with every lick of was sounded had any doubt. We work from preparatn.n to selling, are therefore neither surprised nor The expense account will stand frightened. All Democracy has about as follows: to do is to keep on the alert, keep One day, man and horst its lines intact and its followers Two sacks guano posted on the movements of the' Tutting iu Lruano and p :ui'..i'n rrt- when due, ui.al in various f-ary i :w rovem-v, '.ov, n al 'a a v : in ex- u::.o ;r. dv; r a I . i What . , ' r to m a e i . ar.l i. ii:!.l in : th- y-ar's I i . V, : ' .i - r v f- for ho m. -f..l f..r::.-r ..-"An r ..iJ .nr.- tha. -.v . h. k m .-t ib' rdinat rt - th- khI V j 1 i. vf a con i . n '.. L i id rt hi k is tict i: r. rh.i: - if w. 1 mo :h d; n. : a r j 1 r. r . i 1 e, fat a i u: i . v r.. 1 .1 : - a 1 : :n - w i ; h i' 1 1 i i .1, To i.ir- .-e- mi.; . if th-v i 1 1 ' o ca-h . as u n ditions. This s ri n L'cncy it -.ar money, as it i- ''alied, i.- I. iiio-d to i'ni:--d Stat pre va i is a : i over iv i r. pe ;: aiol I ah K laiiaie- a:e si'i'o.- are .,frurrin: in a a : - r- ( I.. :.d i: , i . a v e v r s l- a-.l A ' suae, both in food stuffs and manufactured goods, and then we would become a rich and pow erful section. Ex. 1 2." anting 7." Grip e .le faet .ifm-nt. Ii);it of lrs. S'-irlo-v i i-'.iu-tmeiit of tile r!e- i ie !n ' v VJ-e, '! l'.l !r-!l i - II Seiellt ife i;i -i's oi' Hxye-en :i ! ?itroeen m l'j-'n'i izv; t!,e ",,it;(.niiid i so condensed toid i:i i1 jiiu-i .ihie that it is seiU ,11 over t!;e w..:-id. It li.-i li -eii iti u-e f ir over twenty Years: t 'i i 'is oels of '.! "lO e.s have h:-ei tre-Ced. ji.-i 1 over on" tiiou-vi u l 5hyi''innK !:' u 1 il and i-vorniiH'iKled it a very sinifi oiat ir'. " - , '('ai;e)und O -y'j;n -T I s To le of Action i'nd il's'ilfs," W t':i" titie of a hook of :20: p.-i-j. i!i!.lisli-.i hy Ors Starkey A- Ihdeu. wiii-h vc to a.!! inquirers fail iriforma tion n to this reni.-i' ku'ile enrati vr airent nd a MTiiod reeord of mi rp risin e,- cures in a wide rarin. of diroiiic cases -tu.itiy of thera after lieiaj; a! uel.oaed ti die hy otlicr jdiysi-ci.-i'M. W:!l iic mailed free to any address oil aiiolication. lins. STARK EY & PALEX, I.il".) Ari-h Klpet. Pinlndnlphia, I n 1 .'0 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Ca Please ni 'iitiou this ;;aper. Collins and CasMs. Wo have added to our already complete line or wood and cloth covered CofFins and Caskets SOLID WALKUT COFFINS AND GASKETS. Also a line of ME TALI CS as nice and fine goods as is car ried in any of our cities. Our stock is complete hi every line. Respectfully, R. R. Harris & Co. LouisburgN. C. Bank of Louisburg Does a General Banking Business. Collections made and returned promptly Northern Exchange bought and sold. La Grippe. Furm t the r.ivsen.-.e of U.e the past season it was a notion tuat tuose who aepen;.ed on Dr. King's .101 jL'lfoX iTV jlot OiilV lia-l il SIV'1( v lr-COVOTV, O 1 OSC some after riiects ,.f iw nialaav. TU'u ivniety sl'i'iii:; t.. have a pec-ii.-if yo.ver in ejecting rr.pid euros r.-t only ia cases of La (irlppe, but iu ail di-ases throat, chest a ad ininrs, and has t-r.ml cases f asthma and hay tVt-r .f l..ne stanum;.'. Try it and be convinced. It won't disappoint. Free trial bottles at Tuoiuas cc Ayeweke's drutr stare. It doesn't pay to "build any kind of a house -on a poor foun dation. niii'iw hi .. iiimjum upiaa Strength and Health. If you are not feeliiiiT strong- and healthy, try Electric Hitters. If '"La Grippe" has left .you weak and weary, use Eleetne, Bitters. This remedy acts directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, e-en'ly aiding thes.1 organs t perform their functions. If you are afilicted with sick headache, you will find speedy and permanent relief by taking Elec tric Bitters. One trial will convince you that it is the remedy you ned. Laree bottles only 50 cents at Thomas & Ay cocke's drntr store. allied armies of the enemy, leave Two b;ihels of seeds the people free to at tend to their Cultivation with plow private and industrial affairs and Hoeing twice let the other fellows o along- with Ih-nt for the acre their meetings to their hearts' con- Picking l,0''-d j onnds tent. The men who can afford to Hauling to g in and toil take their time from their crops to attend the meetings and, contribute ; Total co-t ped ail of th troubi- j thoir Eckels to keep the salaries The est i mat o is that tl ot te speakers running-, win be be 1,00!) pounds of .eod c the only losers. pounds of lint, and In reading a description in one h .s,e;- of seed at '2.) c-nts 0 , , 1 11,1 f) t M ) i Slt; "o : wi':', : n , or t e 1 1 1 v and other lvar"p--an coai.trie- in like manio-r a? in this C" i! try. Thought f-il and wril inf..rn."l banker- and husin.'-s m.-n ah over me w I'T.d nave ( - en close at; ntion to th !i si '. i :i i : i , and ! . a i views i:; '.ario:is f ru;.-. 1 arr-e tli.-r :.- : r-'al s i t:o.;.ev that tlo-ro i- a 10 gr . a than ever l.ef,,;e a:oi th..t no ea-ise for th-1 lit;ht..e--;arei.t .- "arc ' v e c.--pr a v i ! y e : in 'i '. more th.-re i a.elap r i ;:r. f rr. :.. cf the V - f e, i.;, rrt ra;;-' 1 -itb ; i l.' a ; t . i f i . thr a:hoir. . er:hi. ". a c i" t i i- -r at. 1 w at k 0 h , .. 1 a- i - .. f fer- 1. ' .i - and e.;.' of a ? r - - ive a;j k. v. re evl. -ta 1:- 1 1.: out; le n :e. Tiie s t ee n;-, in A u-; ra . ; a , 1 no: ii , o u s b a i: k f a i i r :n I j-.'i r. , l ' wl.ei.. a:. 1 a- A ,at. i a 1 u of the industrial paers of the su- The cc-t of lint w ill be $14 7.") or gar jj.antations and the nianutac- nearly A cents a poutol. '1 h. turc ot t ii a cane into sugar we money outlay might he reduced en m e nenm tins na ssn ffV It lb'- I ; 1 1 1 .- 1 - n..;,.,,l ,,,,,..... 1 t. . - - . -.- - - iii.i'. ' ii. i.i 1 iT ..A. sen he s so accurately T.ie present but the abov manoeuvres of the Butlerites th.at we here re-produce it: '"Daring iome nia- nianur' COUNTY ORQERS CASHED Interest paid on deposits after three months. W. P. WEBB, President. Crinolines will tell which way the wind blows. The adaptation of Dr. Bull's Couprh to the core of all diseases of the throat and chest is certainly marvelous. For cold, coug-h, croup, whooping- cough and incipient consumption it is incom parably the best preparation made. they never are perfectly tranquil unless they are blue. It beat the doctors. Mrs. Boyd, 22 Weeden St., Providence, U. I., says: "I suffered for three months from rheuma tism and neuralgia. The doctor's med icines not giving me any relief, I tried Salvation Oil, and after usiaff two bot tles, consider myself perfectly cured." a few no !.th- a 'o. 'IS - -, w h with Australia, t bank i i: r a and awav some idea of what cotton cost a pound. only about three months out of the year is the machinery in motion. All the rest of the time spiders weave their webs about it and trv "VOUNO MAN VOL WlhL la." .- ' v i r re. i Ih d'-a'. larje tle' alarm Went the W ide M Tel o er. Money i- as pmhkv in a crisis as barnyard fowls in a storm and takes -belter in tl,--hr-t hilling place. livery man hold- on to all he ean f-.r fear h--could not get in.. re if that he ha- wa.- 1 e. n e i r I . : . 1 i ' ' r w , 1 gone an iis in . ' he had u. -r ; on . i - 1 : ; 1 . . f 1 i ::; lered cannot safe; v d : beeau.-e they can i;ejt ;kt get dk-counts fnuu larcr banks the usual deposit.- and .;!. : from th-ir own c::.-t- ei.ors. 11- t rade I e d of to an ex ten commerce ar 'lies hav. le . r in pa ' si.'li ,-ii-nt rap long journey ital to run on without order- .1. ? is jara! 1 the chanm 'tar-bvl, and f. i ut down l n w 1 except s-.: A vounyman was recently irrad- to bend the giant wheels together uated from a scientific school . Ui- so that they may never move again, homo had been a religious one. Poor littlebravcambitiousspiders!' He had been a member of a Chri-r- While the great Democratic par- ian Church; had pious parents, ty is now quiescent, waiting for brothers and sisters; his family the time when work is needed to1 was one in Christ, save the country from the hands of On graduating he determined demagogues, the 'lowance-Third upon a Western life amonr the party spiders imagine that they mines. Full of courage andvpo, are weaving their nets about it so he started out on his Ormly that it cannot move again. : to strike out for himself in a new holding their u'-"d- t ii! the mar But wait till the bugle sounds net. world. kets are re-opeio l. H it it year, and see these little webs: The Lome prayers followed him. net bo doubted th it th- c nserva- Some persons are like the sky; severed as when th, ponderous As he went he fell into company 1 1 s ; n and sober s m ; -" ' of the c an can e mills start on their annual ; witlj oMer meu. They liked him try will triumph and that the ex work. All through the year 1801 ; for Lis frank manners and his , isting conditions will not, cannot and 1892 they were weaving jusr maIlly independence. As they ; last when it is fully and clearly such webs. But on the 8th of No-1 journeyed together they stopped ' demotistrafed that there is i.ureai vember they were demolished to i for a 6ahbath i a border town. ' underlying cau-e. Ciold hip- ttie tune ot 4W,uuj majority. &o ii . 0n the momincr of the Sabbath ; ments which have bee:i .lightly one of his fellow travelers said to ; .".gainst us for some months p.i-t, him: i it is now conceded be Kuroj.ean j ' "Come, let us be off for a drive : financiers, must very soon be in - . . , ,i ". ; ' 1 :. i -1 if r.i r ; A t i a k" : Te: w 1 h . :n The mad dog has a great deal of snap, but it is never set down to his credit. It is positively without a peer. Mr Walter Brewer, Vinton, Iowa, says: "I had a very bad cough and a few doses of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup gave relief and effected a cure. I would not be without it in my family. A Beautiful 5tylish She - for Ladies. Ib made to expand with every motion of the foot : it retai'usits stylish shape when other shoes give Krny and break. It is the best shoe made. PRICES, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50. o Consolidated Shoe Co., ftifrs,, Lynn, Mass. FOR SALE BY PERRY & PATTERSON; YOUNGSYILLE, N. C. a c :. e 1- n 1. -' f fir;:: ife-i m. re W e. '. ;.!.d t W mf.i i r .i i le w e -eon h o p . 1 - -1 v 1 e:;t; d - !o thin,' . :n-ni :. - e r.i e ; I- d-r d .1 A " 1 ...1 -. ; . : ' '. 1 1 ! to V 1 . . . v, I 1 - hi . a- H l n .11:' , - t JACOB EVANS. th will be in 1894. Newton Enter prise. THE WOMEN OF TO-DAY. m ni. t v . wo r k :.' fit ef . ir fd -f '. h..' . . 1 Li 1 U e.; .1 ., im- ai r.e . f :h-m r in my . - e i ; ' r I : 1 t. i I 1 ' hi .i r :r. CI! i: AT. i - e, 1 ha-'i 1' our favor. The who;'. harvest is close at liandand America i the and see the sights." "No" said the young man "I In these days of progressive am going to church. I have been : granary of the worl 1. Foreign womanhood it seems like treason brought up to keep the .Sabbath, .countries are obliged to have om i : ' w t Lis l- o. j. ir. n." n wed .d for a woman to revel in the delights of her home and the friendship of men and women. It is very much opposed to the sentiments of the hour to candidly confess that he loves to be petted and made much of; in fact, to declare openly that she doesn't want to be anythin but a" bright, brave, true-harted i your bringing up and your moth- and I have promsed my mother to j wheat and this year they will keep on in that way." j have to send the gold t pay for His road acquaintance looked at i it. Thousands and ten? of thous him for a moment, and then, slap- ! ands of foreigners are coming to ping on the shoulder, said: the World's Fair at Chicago. "Right, my boy. I began in Some are on the way, and every that wav. I wish I had kept on. one is obliired to brinir nlono- a Young man, you will do. Stick to supply of gold for expenses and i.tT it an i u; r e er i -h ! .- i i . farm er v. h" ;it ' - nrudi v.vrk mo-' n sources of income a which r. re fo'ind in t i ' i r : . arid if re.-ult- in Again th t iio :.. . -t the Mli.lH a cornier; g.t rdet: H C K K. UN EY . il AM' I.I I.IA STA 1 I.';.-. "'".. ' n':"!ht " - '.' - :. I - helper to her husband, a tender, er's words, and you wili win." loving- mother to her children, and a trusted friend and adviser for all those who come within the circle of her acquaintance. To the wo men who long to mount the plat form, to run for office and assume the hundred and one duties popu larly supposed to belong- to men, such a statement seems both weak and foolish, but the homedovers j places for him. Mid-Continent. The boy went to Church, all honor to him, in that far-away place and among such men. His companions had their drive, but the boy gained their confidence and won their respect by his manly avowal of sacred obligations. Al ready success is smiling upon the yonng man. There is no lack of pocket money, and in various ways the balance is expected very soon to turn in our favor. And just as soon as the gold tide is fairly set in this direction, relax ation will take the place of strin gency, confidence will be re stored, the channels of business will be re-opened general shelling 'grand and glorious country, I will again be on a boom. Ex the berry patch and the j .-nil try yard, and those, under i-e m;m aeenient", are iinj or.ar.t factors in both the j r: :lt and pleasure of farm life. On many farms a glance nt the A V e re .r :. " r n t .i i r A f m 1 , v n Ni.tfniUr It v vir? '! , j ; ' ,. j Mr- A I. Arr, 1 7th. 1 -'.1 -i--t n-d in I'rr-.iA- stock will reveai the cau-eof fail- ,: I -1, ,ti ...P ... i ih..fr,i:rt Hmi- ure, for it is a waste to feed good ! r in lyvnh:tr.r. Nr. on T"u ; raiu to poor ftock. Sometime, r.e o ' the tra.t oT j the fault is in the breeding and p. ;,;r , ,:; t he I ni-lririr nnl $n- 1 again it is in the feeding of th r -v b 'id. -it in !:mdi if A W. i stock, and not iniregui.; I v both . . . . , and coniain:iar n lmndrod anJ i causes are involved. Ii.d: fferent- . vent v-six a. r.-.. rr.on or ' ly bred stock well fed and cared Th vile u ill U at pcl.Trr- nnrtin-n , there will be a , t t he hiirh.t t.iddrr for uts thin'. out, and this! r' " y, f P ; ' 1 !h;r.h.ni.lu..inl- month- wit!, ! best bred stock nested can not . (.nt jnt, fro.n ();V of be profitable, but the farmer who would be successful must look to i m,iv r.".h. 10.. dn I'i:rTi.4i' , .Ja.

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