FRANKLIN II U 4rs VOL. XXIII. LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1893. M iiliKIi M. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTE! TOWN LAWS. 2T RJHE TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. The Superintendent of Public Schools of Franklin county will be in Louisburg on the second Thurs day of February, April, July, Sep tember, October and December, and remain for three days, if necessary, for the purpose of examining appli cants to teach in the Public Schools of this county. I will also be in Louisburg on Saturday of each week, and all public days, to attend to any business connected with my office. J. N. Harris, Supt. 110 i'essioua.1 cards. At a meeting of the commissiojters op the town of louisburq, held june 2, 1893, the following or dinances were adopted for the government of said town. c. M. COOKE & SON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. Will attend the courts of Nash, Franklin, Gran v ill.-. Warren and Wake counties, alao the Supreme Court of North Carolinp, anil the U. 1 U. Circuit and District courts. D R. J. E. MALONE. Office two doors below Thomas & Aycocke'B drug store, adjoining Dr. O. L. Ellis. R. W. H. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBUSO, K. C. E. W. TIMBERLAKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISB'JRG, N. C. O!!loe on Nash street. "jy S. SPRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, X. C. Wiir nttenrt the courts of Franklin, Vance, Griuvlll--, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections, &c. N. Y. GULLEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, FRAN'KLI.NTON, N. C. All lea:al business promptly attended to. rpHOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUJ'.G, N. O. Oliee on Mil n street, one door below Eagle Hot 1. -yy M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L'iCISUURG, N. C. TTi'-tiea in ail L-ourta. Olllce in the Court House. riy ST i has"it 'flsni I can it 9 DONE DO a The original nnl only genuine Componnil 0cy.en Treatment, that of Drn. Starkey & P.-i'len is a scientific a'ljustrant of thn ele ments of Oxygen ant Nitrogen rn,-p:notizpi; an l the roQiponnd is so eon-ionse;! and n !.! portii'olo that it. is sent u.11 over the w )l -1:1 . It his been in ns f r over t-wiity years: tlioir-atuls of p:itio:i1s h ive been treat3. aul over one thou-wi 1 pliysieians have usp.l it, and reconimeinled it a very signifi es n t" fact. 'Compound Oxyr.-n Its Mode of Action and IlesnltK." is the title of a book of 200 p i ire, published by Drs Stnrkoy & Palen, whieh vrivc-s to svl I inquirers full information as to this remarkable curative ajjent and a jcood re.-ord of pnvprisiny: cures in a wide rane of chronin eas"S -many of them after beii" ab-mdoued to die by other physi cians. Will he mailed free to any address on application. Drs. STARKKY & PALEN, 15-20 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 120 Sutter Street. San Francisco, Cal. Please mention this paper. Coffins and Caskets. We have added to our already complete line of wood and cloth covered Coffins and Caskets SOLID WALNUT COFFINS AND CASKETS. Also a line of METALICS as nice and fine goods as is car ried in any of our cities. Our stock is complete in every line. Respectfully, R. R. Harris & Co. Louisburg, N. C. , STATE PENSIONS. The State Board of Pensions has issueel the following order. That the County Board of Pen sions and the County Advisory Board of Pensions meet in joint session at the court house af their county on the first Monday in July of each year, then and there to receive, consider and adjudge all applications filed with the clerk of the Superior court or with the county commissioners of their county on or before said first Monday in July, for a pen sion as provided by the laws of this State. The County Board of Pensions is hereby requested to have kept in the office of regis ter of deeds, in a book provided for such purpose, the name of each applicant, company and re giment to which he belonged, nature of disability, post office ad dress (incase applicant is a widow state whose widow, with the oth er information as designated,) whether approved or disapproved; if disapproved, reasons therefore. All application approved at such meeting shall be forwarded to the Auditor of the State by the clerk of the Superior court in the time, manner and form the law directs. All applications filed on or before said first Monday in July, not approved for want of information at said meeting, shall be referred to the County Advisory Board of Pensions for further investigation, who will proceed, as the law directs, to inquire into the justness thereof and report thereon to the County Board of Pensions at its meeting required to be held on the first Monday in August following, when final action thereon shall be taken by said County Board of Pensions, the clerk of the Supe rior Court to forward immediate ly thereafter to the Auditor of State all applications then appro ved, in manner and form as the law directs. No application for pensions will be received or con sidered bv the State Board of Pensions not acted upon and ap proved by the County Board of Pensions at the meeting on the first Monday in July or August of the current pension year. FEED SALE AND LIVERY STABLES. The attention of the public is called to the fact that the undersigned are prepared to inve their patrons full satisfaction. Pie- member that you can be accomodated at any hour, day or night. Dcke & Ward. FrankliDton, N. C Ordinance 1. It shall not be lawful for any live stock to run at large within the corporate limits of the town, to be ridden, driven or fed upon the sidewalks, nor hitched to the trees, pailings or fences on the sidewalks under penalty of two dollars for each offense. Ordinance 2. Any person who shall drive or ride a horse or a mule at an unusual speed through j the streets of Louisburg (unless in case of necessity) shall be fined five dollars. Ordinance 3. Any person who shall leave any horse, mule or ox harnessed to any vehicle, on the streets of the town of Louisburg or on the depot yard for the period of five minutes unattended, except when necessary to load or unload carts or wagons, shall be fined one dollar for each offeuse. Ordinance 4. No person shall exhibit or show any stud horse or jackass, or put a stud horse or jackass to any mare within the stove or stove pipe shall bo deemed unsafe or to eudanger the safety of any portion of the town it may be so declared by the Town Commis sioners and they may condemn and order the removal or the aban donment of the use of the same until it shall be so repaired or re constructed as to make it safe; and any person who shall use any such chimney, stove or stove pipe after it has been so condemned, shall be subject to a fine of five dollars. Ordinance 12. The following i shall be the fire limits of the town of Louisburg, viz: Within 200 feet of that part of Main street lyin between Tar river bridge and the Eagle hotel; within 200 feet of Nash street between Spring street and Hayes & Pinnell's liv ery stables; within 200 feet of Court street; within 200 feet of of a lot in the corporate limits of j loon, sell or give away any epir- 1 fur each offense one dollar; pro file town, shall at all times keep ituous, vinous or malt liquors ex- j video, however, that the provia- cept in case of sickness, and then only upon a certificate of & prac ticing physician, and any one or more persona seen going in or out his or her lot in a cleanly condi tion under a penalty of ten dol lars for failure so to do. Ordiuance 10. Sec. 1. No per- son shall indecently expose or ex- of a Bar Room between .-aid hours Libit his or her person within the ha11 be deemed prima k. ik er limits of the town under a penal- I idence of the guilt of the propri- ty of one dollar for the first, and ! etor of pai(1 Bur Room. Any per for each subsequent offense five dollars. Sec. 2. No lewd woman or wo man of suspicious character shall be on the streets of Louisburg at night after S o'clock under a pen alty of five dollars for each of fense. Ordinance 20. Sec. 1. Throw ing missiles, rolling hoop5, play ing at ball or any other gume on the streets or any of the public squares of the town shall be pro- ions of this ordinance shall oot apply to the town weigher, elect ed by the commissioners of the town, nor to the cotton weigher, elected by the commieioner5 o the county, in repect to the weighing of cot'on. Ordinance 40. Any person hibited under a nc-naltv of one Market street, and within said ; doHar for eacL aml auJ every of limits no wooden building shall . fenge be built, nor any material used in I ,, ... , , , . , . , ! bee. 2. All games of whatever the construction of the outside I . . , , , , . kind on any of the streets or pub- walls except stone, brick or ce-:.. , , ..... . , 1 lie squares of the town on the ment; norshall any building with- : c, . , , , , , ., . , . ;, . J ! Sabbath day shall be prohibited under a penalty of five dollars for each and every offense. rv,i: 19 -v., , n t-.. , ... oiuuiante w. iiu per?uu biiaii pile or have piled any manure, timber, wood, or other obstruction in saia limns be covered or re covered with any wooden material. son violating this ordinance shall ' who shall sell or ofTer for vale any for the first ofTense pay a fine of: priz-? boxes or putent medicines ten dollars, for the second ofTen? vf atly kind "within the corporate a fine of twenty dollars; for the limits of the tewn must first oU third offense have his license re-j tain and pay a license of five do! voked. !.ir. Said license will entitle Ordinance TO. Any pr r? on w !) h i m to pell f.-r one year from date, interferes in any way with any j This ;hali n ,t apply to the regu of the street lamps or lamp posts ' larly licensed merchants of Use in the town except those employ- j town. ed for the purpose, upon convic- . Ordinance 41. Any person tion shall pay a tine of ten dollars ' convi-:-d - f violating any one of for each and every offense. ! the orl mar.:ea of the town wbo Ordinance 31. A y per:-' : i who' H not ablo to pay the fine and shall place any combi:stib mate- cost imposed upon hire, may U rial in a position where it co-i'.d confined at hard labor on the endanger the safety of the town "trr-ei-s of the town until the fin- from liability to tire shall be sub ject to a fine of five dollars. Ordinance 2. When, any per- , cards or any other game of chance i on the streets or public squares of the town under a penalty ol ten dollars for each offense. Ordinance 21. It shall be un , lawful for persons to assemble t ' gether at any time on any of the or"sidewalks of the town during the night shall be fined one dollar for each offense. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for limits of the town under penalty whatever (except temporarily for of ten dollars for each offense. j building purposes, and then 20 Ordinance 5. Any person who ; feet passage shall be unobstrnct shall leave any cart, wagon or ve- ; ed) upon the streets, public cross hiclft of anv kind unon the streets i ino-s or sidewalks of the town un- J t .- i .i r.T.i . , i der penalty of five dollars for each ?irt1 OI l,,e lu J "s lo uu" offene ! struct the same, under a penalty ,". , . . , of one dollar. Ordinance 14 Any person who I may have a private crossing or) Ordinance 22. No person shall any person to tie and feed any ; bridge over any ditch or sewer in ' shoot a gun, pistol or any other horse, mule or ox on Main street 1 the streets of the town and shall tire arms unnecessarily, within in the town of Louisburg under a I fail to keep the same open for the the limits of the town, uro.xpi.--de penalty of two dollars for each of-j passage of water shall be subject ' or lire off any squib, crackers, feuse - 1 to a penalty of one dollar. fire rockets, bean or grit shooters, Ordinance 6. No person shall j Ordinance 15. Any person l,av-; any other firo work. i to.n, fight chicken cocks within the lim- ing firewood cut on the streets of under the penalty of ten dollars its of the town under a penalty of the town will be required to have for cac-1 offense, five dollars for each offense. j the chips and trash removed im-: Ordinance 23. Any person who Ordinance 7 Tf an v ho-. fihoat. I mediately, under a penalty of two, shall, in the corporate limits of son shall be drunk a..d ilowi. uj.u; the streets of the t w n he or she shall be lined tire d 1 iars. Ordinance It shall be u;.- ; law ful for any pers"n to jump o:, or off the train in the Corp' rate ' limits, while in motion, under a penalty of five dollars. rdii;ance 34. The town 1 r k shall be ex-o;H.-io sexton to the public graveyard in the town, , and all interments therein shall be made by an 1 under the upe. vision of the Commissioner of the town. rder and regularity sha.i be observed in digging grav. -and making infrm-nt-'. Al. persons expecting to make inter ments therein, r-na:. a Olerk and hav. ground marked , and costs are paid. Ordinance 42. Every person repaired to lit j roperty or pwr in the town of Ixu:burg, shall make . nt ami dut-r to the !it taker a statement on oath of ad real and personal property, mon ey, credits, i n vest-lie ts i n bond . st .-ks, joint stock companies, an nuities , r therwi-e, and the Tai- on real estate ame was ajssed, in ion r under his con 1 -' day c f J ..r.e, either ir thereof, CT ;uarl;ar. , tru r, administrator, re. anting i j - e r , p a r t -f i "tor i otherw i?e. failing to .:-: his tai- tie m ' 1. 1 h r f J u i f ue of ir; ro 1 : . . t ' , tr 1 a - ":. j arent, tee, ex' v c r. v c r or a - c i A T a I u n the . I 1: :i , s III a . IT .!. 1 a of - rd thereof made it, the took. A- a compensation to the clerk for his attention to the duties herein t t T. . 'r .. n f 1. s the township be .iab!e to a. Ail taxes f r m.rz (except 1 : - ank of Louisbun Does a General Banking Business. Collections made and returned promptly Northern Exchange bought and sold. NOTICE. Bv virtue of the power contained in a mortgage executed to me by Mrs. A. L. Arrington on September 17th, 1891, and registered in Frank lin county, Book 87, pages 492 and 493, 1 shall sell at the Court House door m Louisburg, w. C, on Tues day June 20th, 1893, the tract of land described m said morteage, lying on the Louisburg and Nash ville road, adjoining lands of A. W. Jackson, Henry Perry and others, and containing one hundred and seventv-six acres, more or less The sale will be at public auction to the highest bidder for one-third cash, residue in 12 months with 8 per cent, interest from day of sale John Pretlow, Jr. May 19th, 1893. A Beautiful Stylish Shoo for Ladies. my folk! 4 COUNTY ORDERS CASHED lute rest paid on deposits after three months. W, P. WEBB, President. Is made to expand with every motion of the foot ; Jt retains its stylish shape when other shoes give wuy and break. It is the best shoe made. PRICES, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.30. Consolidated Shoe Co., Mfrs., Lynn, Mass. FOR SALE BY PERRY & PATTERSONj YOUNGSYILLE, li. C. or pig shall die within the corpor ate limits of the town with cholera or any other disease, 'the owner thereof shall burn the carcass or bury the same at least two feet in the ground within six hours after the notice of the death of said an imal and on failure to do so shall be fined live dollars. Ordinance S. The owner of any dead carcass or carrion who shall permit the same to remain within the limits of the town for one day after he has notice of its existence shall be fined two dollars, and one dollar additional for every day the same shall remain. Ifnotremoved by the owner, the same shall be re moved by the town Constable at the expense of the owner, or at the expense of the town if the owner cannot be found. Ordinance 9. The Commission ers of the town shall have author ity to direct the removal of any pig pen, or any other nuisance within the corporate limits of the town, when in their judgment it shall be necessary for the health or comfort ol any portion of the inhabitants of the town, and if the owner or occupant of the premises shall fail to remove said pig pen or other nuisances within three days, after having proper written notice, then he or she shall be fined ten dollars, and the Commis sioners may have the same re moved. Ordinance 10. Every owner of a house within the limits of the town shall continually have on the premises one ladder of sufficient length to reach the eaves of such house. Any one failing to comply with this ordinance shall be fined five dollars. Ordinance 11. Sec 1. "When ever the shingles of any house within the corporate limits-of the town shall become so decayed as to be dangerous on account of fire, the Board of Commissioners may so declare, and the owner or own ers of such house shall be required to recover the same within such time as the 'Commsssioners may think reasonable, under penalty of the sum of ten dollars for neglect to do so. Sec. 2. Whenever any chimney, the town, publicly u?e any ob scone or profane language, or be guiltv of any disorderly conduct, tending to violate the peace, qui et and good order of the town, shali he subject to a penalty of twenty dol lars. Ordinance 2-1. Kvery owner or lessee of any buine?s house in town shall be responsible for any disorderly conduct upon his prem ises or in his house, and every owner or lessee of any business house in town who shall permit anv disorderlv conduct in his dollars. Ordinance 10. Sec. 1. Any per son who shall throw or cause to be thrown any trash, wood or other obstruction into the gutters of the streets of the town shall be liable to a fine of one dollar for each of fense. Sec. 2. No person shall sweep, throw or deposit any garbage or burn, except with the permission of the Mayor, any trash in the streets of the town, under a penal ty of one dollar for each offense. Sec. 3. The occupant of anv lot or store house in the town who li0n?e or uFon bi? premises with shall allow any garbage or trash to be swept, thrown or deposited on the streets or in the ditches, shall be subject to a fine of two dollars for each offense. Sec 4. The owners or occupants of every store, barroom, restaurant office or other business house within the town of Louisburg shall be and ; altF of ten hilars, are hereby required to have con-: Ordinance 23. It shall not be tinually on the premises a box, lawful for any bitch to run at barrel or other receptacle in which large while in heat, within the shall be swept thrown or deposit- ! corporate limits of the town, lin ed all of the trash or garbage ac- 1 der penalty of five dollars, to be cumulating within their respec- paid by the owner. If the own tive places of business; which said ; er cannot be found it shall be the boxes, barrels or receptacles shall i duty of the constable to kill the at least as often as once a week be ; bitch. emptied and hauled off at the ex-j Ordinance 27. All barber shops pense of the town. All persons n town shall be closed from Pat- signed, ht1 cents. II cents for th dame to th -ach spot -hall shall a r l.arg-: chur, Tow- ftT;l town treasurer, of g r u ' r. . d af . i as- tifty nftv .:. taxi -. ..-til le . n t: er in each v .1 I tirs at a : ar.d CO i f..;.n. .i .1 out reporting the same on affi davit to the Mayor of the t.'wn, shall be subject to a line of ten d ollars. Ordinance 25. No privy shall be built or placed or allowed to remain within 18 feet of any of the streets of the town under pen- large enough fo.- a grave, and he may collect th" sa::i" by warrant if not voluntarily raid. Anv person making interni'V.t in -aid grave vard r.u.trary to the j ro visi ns of this ordinance haii b" tined live dollar.- t ' be applied to the improvement . f said grave yard. i (rd ir.auce ICo N er-ou shall sell within the r,,r: orate limits of f,: d of I). leg .i. be. May r. .r.t of 1 e t e v r e f ? 1 r . v his taxes by th ml -r in every yr.-, ty of a misdemeanor. :: nv.ction befr -iid tai-, provide.'-. iid :.!.? hall in el :;f.v d -liars. h. ?n h v. r, ' :. ci.--- ' x 1 and Mt-r.'r'. f -r the vio'.Atioi. , f any of the rd man c f the tow the Mivi-r i author :.z-d to reuv. t 1 1 A ft--r convb n . ,y tainted f. . A ' ; atii:r thi- ordmanc 'wn a er.-.-n i shall for each and everv off pav a pen alt v of ten d n'lar ru i nance '.'. Anv : er?. s. in i . h t f j id: men: t h w arrant. ( r 1: Ity A3 in 1. -;tances mar .an ". .a'.ed ;ti i r. , or b wl .or- shall use any vi" Ian jtiu n r s . u r- -s b 1 , or anv v 1. : 1 in d : s i ab 1 : v b-irg. r re.-ovrd by t: " am" cf the Vrv- e t c w n f Lo i ; t- X S K S ball b dollars. u harg" of ct to a h h:s t. i u -.- 1 1 ... n. c"-r. crt except t h e a tr c.v i c r re.irio-.- ( )rd i n an. p rsons r ( ' o i i s t a t ' 1 uhrn call Any p 1 n i an d o US' t o w n to n-s;s' 1 t - tin- d tl-cer make H n arr st dol lart. Ordmnnc" f.. Any person d--sirine to nraot'.oe anv inf' t"snn, failing to comply with this ordi- ' urday night 12 o'clock, until Sun- iUsin ss or trade, tavd bv any nance shall be fined two dollars for day night at 12 o'clock, and no ' ordinance of this town shll, be- fortur.-. 1" i er year. lecture f..r ; r le .'iv en e v-.UM ve,v It T TtiW charitable r educational p j .e. f, r each performance Ji. " n ci rc ue, f;r each perfonrr an"e, 1 1 . tn Peddler $1 pr month. t n all; t r w areho-i-es let .w hired fur entrtAir.ment?. t y ear. (n every crrnrany of Gypi', cr ether jersns pretending to '.el- each offense, j barber shall carry on his business fore comim-ncine such t-rof"sion. Ordinance 17. Sec. 1. Any per- during that time under a penal- i,u?jnf.f3 r,r trad", pay th" ax re son who shall cause or commit any ! ty of live dollars. ; quired and obtain a hc:iv nuisance around any dwelling or Ordinance 28. It shall be un- signed by the ('otisttibl- and other house within the corporate lawful for any persons, except ' Mayor of th- town, to practice limits of the town shall forfeit and i Apothecaries and Practicing phy- suc h profession, bi:?:n"ss or pay the sum of five dollars for each offense. Sec. 2. No person living in the town shall allow any nuisance to exist on his or her premises, and any person failing to abate any nuisance on his or her premises when ordered to do so by the May or or town policeman shall be sub ject to a fine of five dollars. Sec. 4. No person shall make any excrementitious deposits- or slaughter any live stock on any of the public grounds of the town under a penalty of two dollars for each offense. Ordinance IS. Every ocenpant ( n itinerant dealers in Lighv ning rod $5 per year. On itinerant dealers in iter-, rank's, clock, per year. On auctioneer cr cryer per year. n each billiard or pool Labl kpt fer rnbiic ue whether : connection with cr fepffrate fr.-fr any place where liquor iold per yar. n each bowling alley. -cr a'!- of the like kind, bagleile Ub.. or tand or mace for any otb'r sicians (in case of necessity) to , trad". Any pe rson --;i;Mg.-d in sell or offer for sale any article or practicing any pnf ssion. bus whatever on the Sabbath dy, 1 inoss or trad" tax d by any ordi except ice and milk, and articles nance of this tow n, without hav necessary for burial purposes, ing first paid the tarand ol within the corporate limits of the . tamed the license shall b" guilty town, under a penalty of ten dol- of a misdemeanor, and on convic- arue Cr plav, with or without lars for each offense. 1 tion shall be fined fifty dollar?, name ( unle tor private amu- i Ordinance 29. All shops or i Ordinance oO. There nhall be places for the sale of epirituous, an annual tax of five dollars for ' : i aVioll Via I . v. ; .. ; l . , f closed on each Sabbath in the j business of weigh' r and ail' . trait or miniature painter, d-- year from 12 o'clock on Saturday j person who shall weigh any pro- nerreau artist, and eexy jr duce in the corporate limits taking er enlarging hkene&e of the town for nav or com- 1 tLe human face, 3. mer.t cr exercise alone) On iiqnor dealr$100 pr yev On every itinerant deotiat, tae i- night to 12 o'clock on Sunday night and no person or persons shall, during or between these times, in any licensed liquor sa- J. A. Thomas, Maror- nensation without having paid ! said tax, hJl U- lined GEO. S. iiJLKER, Cirk.