61 VS4 BB A 6- Bra YVV ViT - - . rrTr voLxm -n.- - LOnSBUKG, ft. C. FRIDAY, JIM- Z). m Highest of all in Leavening Power-Latest U. S. Gov't Report u SCJIOO.L TEACHERS. The Superintendent of Public t! ?J:.f,"kii" S j i:i Louisbui-g on the second Thurs day of Pel unary, April, July, Sep- tember, October Hud December, and remain for three days, if necessary, n.)r the purpose -of examining a poll- emits to teach hi the Public Schools of thin county. I will also be in Louisbur.u- on Saturday of each wcoiv, and all public days, to attend to ;uiy business connected with my ofhYo. J. X. Il.u'.nrs, Rupt. J.-i o it M. COOKE : SON, ATTOUXEYS-A.T-LAW, LOVIHDCr.9, X. c. Will :Ut.n 1 the court.s of Na3h. PranTrlin Or.iiivill . Wan-on .-.n 1 W.-ik.i-niintia iic.t-v,., I S1,:r;V;V?f0r"c'ir5i' the u. f R. J. E. M ALONE. oincc two doors tx'iow Thomna & Aycociie's JR. W. II. NICHOLSON", PRACTICING FIITSICIAN, y W. TIMBERLAKE, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, L iUISBIHU, X. C. Oftk-e on Nash etrot. y 8. SI'RUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Li'L-IBCilO. X. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vanv, Or.iiivill , W:irreu :-.n I W:iho -ouuti".3, also the Snr-ine Court of North Carolina. Prompt att -uti n given to fo'de-.-tious, Y. GL'LLEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, FrtAXKI.IXTOX, X. C. All lopal l.usinoss i.romptly i.ttond" 1 to. rjHOS. C. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW", OTi.-o oa M :ia str-t, one door helow E-.le Hot 1. - " r. M. PERSON, ATT( 'RNEY-AT-LAW, I.'.ci-Fi' rii;, x. c. T'rvti -i-s in :ul ourt.;. ():!:-c in th Court tUf HlA 9 ' "AS IT DONE S5 WJ dBia 2 l CAN IT DO I pi, i" r-1 : ;) ni!'! it,!v --,'innni ("nn-:i:op..i Ovv.r.'n i!. it, i! !. ti:.-r; i,f P;s. - 1 ; ; rk y i':il'-i:s:i s!'i-T.ii!l- :e!i'ist tn!ir of i!,. '!(- l.l't.l- r,J I ;.;,. .t aI XilrO.Oi.;) p ,j..jr: . j y. ., j . ;in i t'i" -.', i'.kimii ! in :-) co;i h nsr-d anil ni.-i.: p rtal;; tint ii is sent .J! ovor the w. .1-1,1. It ll 1 ll'lT! in ',)! OV:T t-,v 'iltv v:vis: t'i i-isei'!-: i,l initi.Mits 1.-i v. hi'.-n Ti--.ifr:l. JO! I isvi'r oil" te.iin -:K1 i I i;i V siri'i ii !-.;i-c II -;',! it. :lii,l i-e.-omni'-ilii c:i:it fat-t . ivory H-ifi- 'ri:n;o;it.1 O-ytr 'n Ti Wvo o.f ctir.n nil ! lit, l r!i- tM' of ;i :),:.!: of )!):) ! J l : I Li M . pll iilisllcil ) !:s St:ir! r.-nei , . ' '. i 1 1 1 . wliic.i jzivpH to in oiir.'i-s fail jiifonnatioi iim to t his i-.:i.M-k;i ' ili fira t i .-f j-'Mit ;;i,l a iron! i-i -. : 1 of su'-pri.-i'i1 c-.n- s in a , r.-uiLT'- of '.-hrieiii. cases -m.i.n v ,f 1I1 ,a aT.r li"in :ih-o.l(iai-il ti tiir hy otlier plivsi ciatis. Will Ik; mailt' 1 fv.:n to any address on applir-;i. ion. Pks. STATtKHY & PALKN" 1 .-,:.".) Ar.-h Street. I'liih-nlelphi.-i . Pa. 1 -'( Suttc-r Street. San Francisco. Cat. I'ien.-jc mention this paper. Coffins and asMs 'e nave added to our already complete line of wood and cloth covered Coffins and Caskets SOLID WALNUT COFFINS AND CASKETS, Also a lino of NET ALIOS as nice and fine goods as is car ried in any of our cities. Our stock is complete in every line. Respectfully, j R. It. Harris & Co. Ixmisburg, N. C. OiliSSlOi Does a General Banking Business. Collections made and returned promptly Northern Exchange bought "and sold. COUNTY ORDERS CASHED Interest paid on deposits after three "iOIltll.S. W. P. WKBB, rrcsitlcnt. Bank of L " ' -" BE HAPPY TO-THY ! If we are ever happv in this I t enjoy Vhat every day brings us. It is far too com- i ee,e peol,IC5 workl!1- and j J,aving' .denying and stinting . . x i j "''-''ts oi many comloTts, - in j der lo lay up money to buy niore land, or to build a larcrpr r,r finer house thinking, tnat when they have gained these things they will begin to take actual comfort. How much better to use the good things of life as we go along! Don't starve to-day,' either body, mind or soul, iu order that you may feast to-morrow ! Don't hoard and all the best vears of Jnu, i;?. that you may be trenerous in your life, that you may be gen- . 7 j erous in your wills' Ma k a t.l-P i cuuuren nanny to the utmost nv. tent of your resources, while they are under the home roof. Let every moment, of your lives while you are together, be as full of cheer and brightness as it is pos sible to make them. Don't keep the parlor shut up and live in the kitchen, unless you want the boys and girls to be anxious to leave you. Take time to read, and rest, and to enjoy the society of friends, and, above all, the companionship of your children. Ex. MANAGING-" A WIPE. Manage? What is that? Does it mean to control ? We nmnae o i,.,.-. -it-. . ii v i . e use our sanorinv i human intellect to i -, CuliTfO r,iif U i - .... , . 1 g.nuc His superior physical i 1,1 lu io nut to get mar stivngth so as to obtain the" best i ried." results But a wifes not a horse. The throwing together of so Where two persons are pronorly I married, thi w ife is superioV to Z'Z th young women her husband in as many ree.-ts I esviects as he is superior to her in others. ' If happiness is to be the result, of ! mii niouii, me nrM uusmess oi the husband is to manage himself so as to keep himself always her erpial partner, always her" supe rior protector, in is will neces- sarily stimulate tie w'.f'e to be an i thrifty housewife, always a con- fi(ling wanL An(l hjs W;U ?0 .react, upon the husband that, his ' i iove for 1 i,-.,.a f,. .- . i., .. n JVl Hilt ,! yuji -,(J J-l , , 10 muwe it easy lor the husband, with all his "faults, to bear with all the infirmities of his and "one and only" wife. C. P. Deems D. D. Karl's Clover Root, the rev bio. d purifier, gives f ivsiin,-ss ai d cloain-s to the complexion and cares constipa tion. 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold bv i nomas ct Ayeocke. FEED SALE A?;i) LIVEKY ST A BLES. The attention of the public is called to the met that the iiiniei-f-iuac. arp prepared to Lti'.c their patrons full satisfaetien. I '.nenii'.er (hat you c.-Lu bo accomodated at any hour, day or iuiLilit. Dukp & Ward, Franklinton, X. C. Henderson. College, HENDERSON, N. C. The Fall Session of Henderson College will begin ' Monday, SeDtemliGr 4, 1833. The Academic Department, inclu ding English, French, German, Lat in and Mathematics will represent only w hat is best, while the music and art will be under skilled teach ers. For further particular ad dress, . Mus. B. B. Thillips, Principal, Henderson, N. (J. A Beautiful Stylish Shoe for Ladies. Ts made taexpnnd jrith every metfon of the foot It retains its stylish ehape hen other shots give Way and break. It is the best shoe made. PRICES, S2, S2.50, $3, $3.50. Consolidated Shcs Co., PSfrs., Lyon, Mass, FOR SALE BY PERRY & PATTERSON; YOUNGSVILLE, N. C. U 110 SEEK OFFICE. Methods Adopted By Them in Their Endeavor to get Government Employment Among the office-seekers barred out of the White House bv Mr. Cleveland the most persistent and troublesome were women. If they had lint 1 icon i,Qi.i .ff i t x --vyL n uiVA V-'Jl. UV I I I V H f( K 1 . - Secretary Thurber the'y would1 - " have bothered the President hor- ! "ArinfT , , , ribly i Another applied for a place The Census Offce has naturallv 1 It) t! ? been most besicWI -l... x . . , liJV pictie-jiumers ever since it was or noi appointed under the Civil - Ser vice law. It has been observed that. all persons in netti coat'h.vo i Pe" - coat have a horror of conroe 1 - tive examinations. Arithmatic i i , , ut a hopeless puzzle to nearly all an picants of their sex. Said one of them to an examiner the other day -It's awfully mean to give such dreadful sums to do But ! forgive yon. Boo-hool" From time to time the Widvmr ton papers Lavo p . ia t: ports to tto effect tlj mZ ! t , j- - r ,:iTJ 0,11,1 W1 ttUJilu Mia: and-such a day. It has been no .u"u.tluiar;imoro1 tni? rt is , of marriages among the employees of the bureau. The rp-m fnr - f i v i w 1 1 u v 1 1 i , v h n n r f n r.r , . this is explained to poimp nvbnt bv the snoprli who a fortnight ago received the i fatal yellow envelope containing notice of dismissal. "When the messenger handed it to her she looked greatly distressed. With accents of the most hopeless despair she said : "Well, I'm bounced at last ! S ! T . . . . now I p nnntn t ,on. m .. t.:.. . n .... is '-mii;. r ar"1 yonnr mCT1 m the Census Of- hce C05i-d not. do otherwise than brinir about lnr rr. r.r c at iDchmeut Bi:t. while indu!,'- ii:g in flirtations with thi male clerks, the girls not uncommonly would keep on the lookout for hrt- ter opportunities in the matrimo- win.L m-tvo several such omce beaux dangling while waiting for something more eligible to turn up. This plan they could afford to pursue so long as they were i j renderod in,)Ano!wln.,f l... i,,:.. i , -. , " own employment, but when di - t , " charge seemed imminent they would promptly make a selectio f j.i trom tlip nvfii ohn l. .n., a i . . , iiiicuainis Hi hand, t- i e In applying for office women in- 7 1 l-e, r 1 O 1, O,- -v r.rr, n , i. T- t 1 .44.4.4,j, uituc iiu.eny. inis v ea n , " ' is usually true, but not always, v;n 4V -i -i , Either they are lone and lorn, or else they have lartre families whol. ly dependent on them for support. T'i i-i- ii Their political honesty is I)Ct of the highest. Whichever partv is T . jT . i in power uiey are on that. ship. At: least half a dozen female appli- : can. s tor places in the Tronnrr : ...i,w,. after trying to fascinate Secretary i Carlisle with smiles and finr-rv- ! ",14,e inemse ves in : , , ; , mourning and come back a few (brs lntor ir, I ,-i r, , . ! j44.4,v.4.jiii.on.io. j utxuiL ntrll 11U IilllrvCS Up Ills UllTif ' " r- Such feminine wiles sometimes ! "or 11 0UP ni- winning figl,t. lie ?F'urrt"d his hordes towanls tl.o work. Uncle Jerry Ruk while I ret,irned to olma at the close of,' burning heap, but the dame Secretary of Agriculture, said to ZZT ' Z "Z tlie;:nter: ! position, and promptly foil in love Kr' whic!l r111- -nding the "Ton consider me a hard-head- ' with one of the bells of a town that riJor horses ami wagon in f. -aged and practical business man but 1 6 noted in the .Southland for its ments into the open air. 1 am a damned fool where netti-i ea iooi wnere petti-' earned. Men ddre ! coats are conceruec to me the most piteous appeals for -v- i. 1 T lit - iiipiuyuieui, ana l coiaiy refuse, i - - . J But a .little woman in a black But a .little woman in a black ! dress will come into my office, Hon over on my desk, burst into tears, and the first thing I know I'm hustling around to find' a place, for her with a comfortable sal ary." However, female office-seekers sometimes adopt stronger methods. Only the other day a woman of fered to bet Secretary Morton $4 all she had in her purse that if she did not get the place she was applying for her State would go Republican at the next elec tion. A clerk in the Interior Depart ment was discharged the other ! day for inefficiency. She said It is impossible. I cannot that it matters whether I am effi cient or not. My grandfather I ZZZrZT.01. HIT IT! .7 Z generation and ! oVeZon vi mT i S on Z V' 'f "" ' n,e for life, only that : "c UUrsea -eucrate I it, and he faced about and ad w sola cumil-ls uurino- tne war. - : nn , a ,.o . , , - i rm frt r V" ! urv d - - t , To 7 V i J be reinstated .office. She said that she did : tn v.. , . , 1 -i- !l L'- 1 ! when a girl in the same bureau terv - av ".,a...i , . " .'".ttr7- ' tl'nA ,.,. ,.,eB ' ' . 'Z. taiueJ .r - -rpm - . f th , TaiUt,J- war was the r.erv- -h .wn b ''1! mC!!t Wl"' Vt 1'f' - - n " 'r""1"" " Hicer t-be-ir-::.. TuT' Z : At:l,b, i, 1 ' t-'nu", "I ""t","y ' '" ' ? ' fcrrts?- Here women in a - ta'e of need sit dav fter dav. -,;,.;,; - .U1 theircardsto memb-r - ; IIoMS wW 5rtluonc; ..f the i'V arc anxious to obtain. Ti: d i 1 1 r i : . er- come back" with state m-nt - often fal,e, to tlie or,,.t th-tt' tl". T... , ,. . uopresentative is "not pia--nt to .... - ' lllt'irV-l' fTIUTWIl'.... .. It...- to-morrow, merely f..r t!;e pur pose of putting ofT the visiters, who, lacking car fare, trudge wearily home to their boardin" pla: to return arain and agam in pursuit of their 1., piest. Tl i nil.' percentage ot im'ropor,v i,,a ,a uLna.ra women in the d rt- mc-nts is very small. Cs-in iy makes known the habit.- of.-iudi persons, oven if their chara-'er.-ure not rendered e ident by ex travagance in dross or d.-n.eanor. never a female of thi.- c:.. n found out she is removed no matter who imlorses h eue Daring atol immediately aft or toe war many women of n i i than dubious character O.TIl situations in the departments. ."Such things are almost unknown nowadays. When Congress is in setiou fashionably attired femab-s whose faces are ipiite familiar to e.fhcials who have bee;, l,,,,.r ' v- i - . i ashingt c on, continuallv haunt the Lapitol. ,such iierson aii'v i,,r ! , l t 5 i emplovment whenever there is a , " , . , . . ' Admini-tratio,,, count- on he lurxneiuence ornew t,. i ' llt ao- i- ,r- il'u """ Uu,ltIS' ' nimoniy they K,.: .. . l .u r , , . uuiie leni.Ts irom pu n n j 7 , . . 1 men , j "'IHU I V lil'l L'O'.a 1 0 .,e J . i4 n . I ,. l.ll.l I ' -i ,, ' ai'e either verv we ae,,u t.ted with i t, am 1 1U"'' them, or so little acquainted as to , . f , . be ignorant of their ch-i'-neter. . 1 , . oa.a..te.P. ! Z ? "Z Z'Z Zl ZU" are i in ii. iiim u;a is me eiOI Ot t hom x. Y. World. i - -- - ' - - 1 Till! ';et.i I, i x ' " " ,H 1 "-' i inunK. Washin -.-ton Mr. SumnM P.l.,ei.- -:i . c i. .- "... n, o i .-v:a- uan):l t'1" newly ajipointe.l Third Auflitor of tlie Treasury, is an in- nee of what a genuine man r j;, n An ; . ..c i,i ii, v.- oi curoing- jus an - petite or shaking off a dan reruns l,niat 1. i n . women, me attection cmvuuui IZf had acquired a thirst which he 1 . Proc?eae(i to slake whenever the1' - - rvi"? x Ja.t ti ll,)mor seized him. The lady of ins heart hnally told him that she j explosion, afforded him ono de ZinS":' Ui n "ere-.ec,,aco-,.ent hi. "What, is thnt ! at tl,e sraonldering breach, and. "Tlnt T-ne c,i,aii ii - fll-nn nfitifnvi.nt5nr,li f. .... r n,, uuui n,i tell I vearsl" I "That is a long time between drinks," said he. "I know it is," she said, "but-" SWill yoii wait that long?" he inquired. She replied that she would. He responded, during the decade of her probation. At the end of the time they were married. Mr. Blackwell has rigorously refrained ever since the day when he set his hat squarely on his head and walked oat of his sweetheart's parlor. STORIES OF P,ATTLi: see Uicldcnts of Bravery and Ib roisn, jaded troop? oli0 etormv i.iht was Exhibited by Soldiers in Fierce CoufiVts. I A p easing inr.dent is told " L' ,n thc ne d wh h -a I specting a battery p.nd -.;, ' f-; diers bud gathered in a group ... Income h.m, this action drew in ; upon him the Lot (ire of the p, und ion gun. The t.eueral not, I vised t ho mon t,-, ,rr, i i i ! suci ' ' . " ".luu" aro, ' " hfi:J m up and ropl.cod an urlbd.-l not sparrow whH, had f, fr . . . 1 " Ir ' bat- . . . i ti. ' """n Ul" rtTli 'lr!1: "' ' - tbev wer- re-- , ,1 i :er- cf ti.o " f 1 1 1 1 I i:. 1. wl. '- , t:: i:. a ! . lain, v; i. f .'spira; c-rj. 'Littb n. f I W i 1 1 ,1 I'" in c a r i r ; for :!, u, n. "l..a night came it f, by the '...-hr.-is,. u-.-d a- a h- tal at irg Land: V I I I t ' T ' T T .. M . .... ar-.d w. nt P. -le.--.. . wounded died in.-i le tl,eV w carried o jt and laid ai.-n-id--;e..p'1M , ,v v..,,;a the aVe ants supp...-1-d !. bo dead. I:. r.'."rr.i;:', who:, .!.,. aw.,k--. found himself r. t i,. l.etl,i gha-! ly r..v f ,b-ad b.-dn-nervo vlii--h had e,.r: i-oi f through P i the j .recod ; ; . j- , and with a yell an 1 :v f. ,1 r . .w i-d fre.ra th be -... as a header to dead mn r'on a- ti, n o ,i i u , s : win in 1, ve-t man in W,,t.-r'.,, "1 ean't tel! you that,' 'but I can te!; V'i'i of , - a : in d v. whom I am .-are there w a- braver." The f, ll ing i- the ot his -torv: " There w.as a privan artillery. A farm-h.-ue orchard, surrounded hv a:: ' ; n w i : h a tl: an hodge, formed a im,-t imp-.rta I oint iu the Hriti-h -i r i -:i , a: was ordered to bo .,..! a-ali the em-mv at anv -acrifh l I. hott .-t of the battle ra-ed ar en.. this point, but the KI;ciM a .ed We and beat back tie 1" r ' i . e 1 j again and again. "At la.-t the ; ov. ,1-r ami 1 were found to b running -h. at the .-ame time the hedges c i r- the or.han 1 took tir T ,1 , I:,"a!l : li-id been s: time, a no'-.-n " r f. r nt to th r ; a r ' . 1 Ti ti more iiowoer ami ia:i. ai :d iu o,td -d wao came ga.ioping down to the f.a - 1,u;'-p. the gal w hich were ke, the i,ni:ant defetid.-:.- in. up a scan: v i ' l . - . . . i .3 i i : i i ., rou-u Xh 1 ''Tl e ll th e first wager. "For one instant the driver of i i unu in&iani me unv, ,...!. l dhcd by Lls comrade s fate, - - 1 a 1 i . t ,i the i o mips beaten back for a moment bv th I amid the rhoers r,f t T, norru I l,l, ,r.,, 4-".-- v-ciij Jaii'iV lllilll. ri ... i i ,t. .i , Behind him the llames closed ur t - merited, but later in the engage- ment he was killed, dying with the consciousness that he had 1 saved the day." - Lord Will iara Lenox, in hi? "Recollections," tells a story of the coolness of the Duke of Wel lington. The French, with a ana ragea more herccly tlian ev- 11 1,1 i-'"- tir. It won d b- perfectly powi er. This private never lived to from tho Captain. ,.... ble. to-day. to direct a dying ma receive the reward which his act I rgVneu' hJi T-7 v : 151 lioiirnent, inJiui'd veteran r ,- t.r,4 ,, i,... i, . v.. i 4 rr f -v . 1 14.. A l -w . '.I,. - "UUil noillll Uinimi! frch force d..:jbb. that nf c.l,mil' men hi bis iirtr.fiM.li, i, -..,.1 1 ,f ing to a ,mut ak.d: "H0.v ! C1V1 ; will it be hofor .Ly rm rach ' '- "Ihif an hour," v.a tl.- so . - r"-j,!y. "TL"n I ,-an i;,, a. he tabl, and wrapping his ci ak about him ho drpj ed w!..-r .. tood iu th-- nriddy trfnrh. a- 1 in an intai;t w a. a-!.-, p. awoke when the bug!..-? cf fl.o ,-v.- - , em v soun. ed n his ear- It mav . .Uers wore wont to deel uociar- not .Jor Lad u,- facc o.nly fir--. a: '1 : wl.v. " v,..-n r; f a. i r .t.t ! .; ,.. 7 : . r-lack. ' mi::;-' n; ly it-, uar ;.-r. rn ..ti. k1. :. a;! 1 di:f, v : . - i' d I f V e-a. 1 w 1 a r i wa- ii. i f r n:.l 'c-: on u.d 1.,! 1 r !. i 1 ' w a; .1.1. i . r : ma .e f a-. a ; , a ri :. 1 I.. the c.ir-Iliv.-y 1 u k rn i- as w r - a r . i t : r wa- h.:,'r ears '.;-er of 'i. I l . I1 ' 4 I ' tea,- i . i 4 . . ' k. . a eei : the I ' at 1 '. a . : i : : .'. n-1 r t 1 : 1 r r.i V -T-le'-;r. m: ju'.y eiijli... , . i" - r. :!. t i ml ehi .dr--:, are , I r ' vl a- .!i;at w r i with both hands. Nan-.-n . v. ho : .ir . ).- ir .ox; te n i:. .:.-. - mg unaer i. and t- a-el :u la ' a k -1 d'he a' 1 !o Th-- '.'.pane i r l-ree- l-'ar-:. are v i ; -il, ii:- ' 1 ; V ( I 1 K i p'-r.-ons bal he d. w !y, a' aoo it one cent. Kvery -ixty-nir.th S'oiand i a Su.i-::, e e n t y -e i g h ! 1 , a M lC r v In 1 Jainara a ; a w i f e . w In -a:;da a f.itl.-r wii g 1 v o f r a Ins ilaug i,'.' r 1,1 marriage pair f bo,; - An Amsterdam fcie that the sea-serpent :- 1T ef t or.ler of pinni pedi.i, w '. t h f... ;r tiapper-, and is n : a true er. pent at a',1. In Algeria, vl;ere tho be-r o..rk" aro made, there are L',. om acres of cork foro.-t-1. 1 ' J The Tnrki.h Sultan d eel in?." to bl J"S r rtrilt tdKOn New V .1. 'Vol-1 1 ' T." : 1 1 Logion. Lafayette, Ind., writoS thi,: "I have n,ed Dr. Bulb,, Z"? ?ni? 1,1 ra-V farni,y for 1he last two years, and advis- al! hii'iii ir r il ,lran ,1. -...;, ..v.vi vouc nu - Smug's CV117, the rvat C ,gb and Croup care i, for !e br Tboin.-,, & l Wive d-oiR, (nh- '"gSc. Chuirec iov iu vl M.MI.F.KlG tl.. TI!fi' uw,V Ti ti i ' in I jr,f v r A!-4i:utr .m-iiTi lv 11 no U.-aLt lhat No art. Sa to Haf- A-ri4i aUr4tion. ' ' " ' y '-- . Mut Pr.-fr?.. r (ir.Lara L'.i j not like f..ni- r-dar.tic rcu n, Lo taik a if !Ly l;ir. 1 that tb oi. d -f k:.;..,:;,. 1(, t; ;r rftrtic. car rear! ' i 1 1 . i " - i n.vot.t. r con. wnr..,l tha :be ,ii-rov.-ry a;,,l jn. v":':ir' ''f the pat ul sixj but trivia! tbir.s Ln compared with tb..?e uhicb ar to com. Nnr 1, think that tb dT v f.r !.. Wo .V as! . 1 .1 . ra IT. i : o v. --r : . and . ( . r . . m thi- . ib- ' " - : g " i O - rl.rv : I. i-i.-- a- 1 vr a - x . -. -' '. .i". ..-ji'. - ::.-'. ir. ro r , 7 -1 7 t . . a . u ; r . r : . a - 1 -' a -w :. :. A 1 k'l. x : 1- 1 The if & ' V - w a . r . . i ; . l: - ,rci, c. n- a . 1 i r.a .e P.-i:;. : r i -. e b y cot.t ;rv. - . u,r -' : 1 t--d w i:h- ..eh:cent. TL- " n nnd ,u! t. - '-.;.:, . f the v or ;1 u.d r.i - Mor.tiro r; i how to r: " ( i:.:Ut.-J n r- w-rkit.g aerial r.aviga- 1 : r v v. v r - l :. v r. 1 .ave 1 tr.k o r , w . , .-. 0 r in : "n ti.roun .n tL S.-int it".- rns mg their time try -i' - i 'on-. .1 thinf ire of the m v r 1 ' g 'A i . : nr.; ; n - - o any grost extent, a- la!,... i.v being light- i..e r : 1 -1 , :, air rt, ,,4- er :ni'...- .my headway against it. I ! .n l.iunvra! principle T a-:.-, a', navigation K- that the aip--Mp mn-t te heavi.-r tban the ajc It is - ;: y of r.ro!,t year? that mer. r:- able ,.f a , 1;i.jnjf ,),. .,rol. .eni s-orn ii-',y ha o fcrcptd thi a- an axiom. i; ioctricitr in one form or r;:o;her wall undoubtdlv lo tho iu. tive power for air-s hi pi, and CTr-ry a.banro in electrieir: siiiov lo.jge i.rit.g us .rje ttep nearer to tl.o ,!2r -K. ... .ku . f u j n , rr ' inT'1 creaiin" t l"l tZHeZrlZ Tertia a feasible means of rrc ,Iin , 8;lcb ftn air.fchi W'0!J b- .... r w - ;a kind of trolley system where j the rod won id hang dovtn fror f,; tt0a1 ! eding upward. Tbi tlie car to th etretchM rire, itk- xnend to inventors. " r f V.r-, 4. f - . x. - V'- v

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