sr.ifa mzj3 wffm hX V O VOL. XXIII. LOUISBIRG, X. C, FRIDAY, J INK 30, is'tt. NOil'LlI IT Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ft (SZf&XeXIs W IIOX. 1IEXI1Y WATTERSOXJ treat U indifTerent,7 bat ctiy j' greatness. Wobvematiyrent-i. I THM L1J! u; lK W.KhVS. HIS ADDRESS BEFORE THE AGPJ CULTUltAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE. hanker after it. The speaker declared that he never knew what it was to be l ie? u f prosperous ex isteuco ahead . I Till! m.IND MIU'uAl.N AM) HIS ' SOX. A f he raoiuy devil is tie lion across ' T5l0ir Melius at Iiih:-h-nc Hun I- j our national highway, lie at, rciiantl lwenty-tw Dceguterf J TLe Sutesville Lai.doark My bappv till ho hail an income with j the road fork, one load-ni: ur to! , ,' ', , - i Recently awaywarJ ton of Rr. ' r i;i ai:l (Hi'i Hr. aiilburn, the l.;u.l chaplain " . j nappy till he had an incomo with j the road fork, one load-rig up to r'rrrae.l v (nfkt r-! ,r A , r ! its corresponding wants, and en- i national farm' and ikorv, the cth- ' Kl, ;,-. 1 Masterly Address Teeming AVilli . - , . . ',. e v . .. t . , . -' ine Thought, Beautiful Rhetoric j JOyed the fne,ulsili,r of tli5se I er 'diutr to i-no-,1 plnto-racy. ; n..,-..-.....-,. ... ucl Charming Illustrations. , tlemen, Messrs. Promissory Note, Beware of the man who put hi ! Jn 22, one of the rac-t i to run Lie s ciio ql tea chers. Bout's for Husbands. The Superintendent of Public Schools of Franklin county will bo jn Louisbuag on the second Thurs day of February, April, July. Sep- for three davs. if necessary. 1 Pditure confer ho-rinany tunes Don't require an itemized report of eyery dollar placed in her hands; eyen should she make an unwise cx- Jor tin' purpose of examining appli cants to teach in the Public Schools f tlii.; county. I will also be in you have given lier the example. Don't allow any family disagree, mcnts or differences of opinion to Fi a: le,ws-Obborver. Renewal, Discount & Co. (Laugh j of the Senate, committed suicide. ill ( '1, ir. 7r ma a crrtrlnotii ... - pocket above his;:ce. hi.- . portai.t ronventious of Iiimi: ' f "e "f t! K'"T Institutes j parly and his coantry If "'''' , icon was crt i c 1 1 ; i . 'i-der in M'.ro- h:i had back to his bad Agricultural and Mechanical Col- i oeeu tlinietl u" a Dnd one l7 le.fre. It was an audience com- ! Lc possession of monev. , Many I nosed of the culture and beauty of l'e'T' are nnslcd ty the world'.- ; tue and trutl i ii Ti r , . .4 ,,,, i i crop out before children or servan vc"'c. and all T)Ut)lic davs, to attend l to any otiic.'- J. N. TT.vrtRis, Snpt. JLi'o rbssional eiiiMis!. msiness connected with my i let au snen tmngs oe reserved tor private discussion, with mutual contidence and kindness. Don't use all your kindness and jrallantrv awav from home, and kt (J cooKb & soa, the unpleasantness manifest itself in the faanily circle; try tne otlier course for a time, and see how that ATTORNEYS-A.T-LA.W, LDUISBURG, X. C. Will p.tton 1 the t-ouvta of Taah, Franklin, Qr.uivUK'. Warren anl Wake counties, also the I AVjJ york. Siilreaie Court ot iNortli ca-onnp, ana ino u. 8. Circuit an i DiLrk-t (Jourts. U. J. E. MALOM3. AJ Jt. W. H. NICIiOLSOX, niflcetwn doors iv low Tliomn;-ft Aycocke's drutj store, ae.joining Dr. O. L. Ellis. I)1 PRACTICIN'a PHYSICIAN, LOUI-13L iu;, x. a E. SV. XIMBERLAKB, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, Loi'isnrrtti, n. c. Odlce on Nash street. r. S. SPRU1LL, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, LOriSIU'RIi. N. Will tton 1 the courts of Franklin. Tn.n , Gruivill', W'urren ami Wall counties, also the Suur me Court of North Oaroluix 1'roujpt att-'Dti in given to colle-tions, &e. Don't listen to the man who be gins to disparage his wife, and pa rade her real or fancied shortcom ings to the vorld; advise him to fet tle those things in the privacy of his own home. Don't make it necessary for any person to give you like advice. Don't pay 50 cents for a lunch "down town," and half as much more for cigars, while you think up plans for greater economy in the family grocery bill. Don't forget that members of the family have as good a riirht to a It was a noteworthy audience I t-er-) I . ii-.Ttr ...... which assembled in Metropolitan' He dec. a rod that it was upon want to read of financial t rae 1 j.olit an Hal! , m ; , ,ed d debates na0il5- n")r0 mi.tinif t:.- Hall last evening to hear the ad- ; tbe vlu':e a ,iro:i;1 fact that rmmey j ; -oad the history of Wall e'reet. , frm the retail li-p.or dea'.er and l,e wro to lA f-L(?r ihhi dress of that distinguished orator j hardened and contracted ten meu j The pow er of pride and raoi.ey ditiUer of N-rth aroiii.a. There !'" v,':w il:k a'"i I"-"'-'s, and and icurnalist, Hon. Henry Wat- to wher elevated and enticlded I weak. The s:ateman,ip which ; Wt-r. 122 deb-a'. , r.-.-nt, and f,,r lv v coru LomP- terson, before the students of the ; OT;e- Many a pood feliow has is f o lead us up in-; the body wh- a n-.'abie one. b-dr.: 1 1 1 r"'i." 101 1 1 h"Tk "A:1 clinc of greatness and b.ry must ; be f.rt iarg- gat i.eri n tf of 1 ;,.r , : " r' ::i ' ''r U: m" lle reupoii addna itself more to honor, vii- ; ,nen ever aoiubVd in t!,e :'...r... U"k l: ,fo' Tl clrcimsUr.. ' They trat. -uted th-ir I 1 L. - ' U v--'n T c mrnentel ii . o'i.. .p o l. p . . i . i .1 ! U!0.t !iccp'it,irl nmviti i 'I'b nK- !.-,p . i , : . . i 1 .-..1 . .r- .... ... 1 . , ; . ' ' ' ' 1 fi' . ''wipuiti f U1B C II y Ol Oil KS, 1 or OeSlUes tue ; ' ' - ' f It' - i 1 j .. 1 n r ... . an i 'ill--'. ui .1 ! thoughtful array of professional iect of porsovctance is presei.fe.f.naliMU. He declared that '. ,...r. - . . - - : - e .1 . .1 1 .1. . 1 . ' - and business, there was the charm- ' U1 1UU'S ,1,'lu a" ," 1 n'1' . I ''I'' -l - n. t:.e m rr.if.g a 5 ing presence of feminine beauty ' "lonitory maxim. Rut perse vcr- ' cneou.- p-opk. A 1 i . t u - -k M : .. ... ;, v. a. ;. ;d :i!-d - pervading the whole length and ; un('0 W1" m,L T,irn 11 Ja,'nr,,r '"" i,r,,:1,1 '-u v ' r- " e -,v,r breadth of the hall. The studc nts ' ;in nrii?t, and e von v. k a -ic'. cil.-ns. Ali of u- a-.n .t ,cr:rv and faculty of the Agricultural is att ;il::"1 5t is dis--! pointing, 'k igh pi ! :: ,.- 1,. . , ir f. .'..w-'.nan and 1 ! Ti. . !;v 1. 1 , n:;.ary .1 : o 't:i- :. y a r, r r.d h : e t'..l - f.v . ii. defenr.. ."'nt 1. art e in . r f ':.-.. M. r ov. r. it 1- c :.m-d tl. h- ha 1 : :: 1 e v r v and -a .:1 ; rv i i Men strive for hor. or 1 i refer and Mechanical College were pres ent in a body. The hall was ' n;01it "ini1 v;llC:" ;it l;;;t ' 'i" crowded to its utmost capacity 'here is no joy in it. He -poke long before the appearance of the l,f an aspirant for the Presidenry AliO. t (,) ill: M ilN 1 iiV.Mli:- When l.e at la.- .. me President hi- am i n :i N. Y. QCLLEY. ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, F;'"i'o:-:, x. c. All lepal liu.--in.-ss yroau'tly r.ttcn-t to. r nil os. b. w i Lima, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, LO'.a-ic :-.';, n. c. O't'ce on M liu str . t. one ,ioor l.e'.ow Eigio Hot 1. orator of the evening, and there 1,1 t!l L!:I"M t:ll'"; 11:1,1 was hardly standing room. The struggled for the (d::- twenty galleries were tilled. It was truly VC;ir5 a representative audience, one which was a just compliment to the occasion of the visit of the ac complished Kentuekian to oar midst and certainly a most ex pectant audience . The gradual ing class had the seats in front of the stage. Shortly before 9 o'clock the ora tor was escorted into the hall by President IPdiaday, the tni-kvs pleasant greeting when ink. ami j of the college, a r.d other dktin- wiil -appreciate it as much as the guished gentlemen, including Mr. business acquaintance next dour. j Thos. R. Jemigan, Mr. V. S. :tnil oe-asioi all y lc-nioh'.l 1 Don't forget a kindly vatru tor the pr;nir0se, Dr. Hubert Hay weed. poor or untortanate wt-.i vmom . y . Roaer. Prof C. 1). M.dver. Col. W. F. (ireen, Dr. Kag-ne ,;;;;, ' Daniel, Mr. Coflleld, Dr. W. R. o - YV. Ik r:. 1 o p: f : . '-': a. .:. 11 ! V. v. ho had 1 - -u ; : la- ' t:: ; cm rv k V y . X 1 1 r. ( D-i.: i . v l - ; r i'i.-: ' .A . - ' . a : .. i ; a : i . . 1 m ! v - arg i- d ag . . , .'- - i.urv i- I r i- s i; ;i ie i clo i 1. ;1 d I n. raied i ai f trath at i i : . . : ". h nil 1 1 . c . lost its lire, his old o:..-:nk had died or boc-.i!v hk f: icn.D, and so it was that he kan 1 n i h.-a -are in it. The you : . ' man v. ho h -t rt ti .- 1 1 i oi -,r c il'i! ' t- gala lmiol d' the one woman of heart's desire wonid b.ett'-r s a.ue one who is easier : . ; t . The t.j-ut a-'s 1 .reey 1 1 : i : -' charac teios! n- lcn! m-.-.y l.roajh: forth round- k a I"''' k- i ' i t a r . a 1 in a ha i a . a e j ; :T la . k - : it- -a si. t ar.y ., f r -1 . Cra-e t - .it. i a nmr a use. A !" i : v Mr i . n. ;st Ii ; ;ii;ii:i'':i'i' ..t Idok, 1 W ( i 1 Kent .r: v. w it. person, ATT( XN It Y- AT-L AW, ica it . .. n. c. Practi -es in r.ll ourts. Ottice in the Cour Ho us ( JS it e HAS iT DOME sin 3 t CAN IT DO S ri'i.-a n:i,l t)t)l.v rm:nif Compoincl ;ou come in contact; it c-ost-? no into lives wloi 1: ki ve cn( .io'";i b ; ; : - ; ' 1. ., t ' TT 1 1 I-'.a,. , 1 -1 r i- C . 1 I v O ' O O . i i 1 , -U i . A JL . ... 1- I I - - . Col. llolkdav, Preside:.1 of tl us a f e w year- a.' d a nip anu gioom r.t me nest. ? spea a er w en e ks ,:o i, . I ' 1 - -! 1 1 .. 1 r t. . at. 11 c 1 d -. . .-. h- : v. T. w . rik' i Don't forgot that the true gent lo in. -in never us -s or vmgt-r i language; that he docs not spi.nk ; hastily. Good llomek"T;kg. j Pis Intentions Were llencst. j An old Scotch mlnkfer who was ! -atubler alv, ay . x- -V. and M. College, that anmuncel Wkoi he wit h ; that Rev. Idr. Daniel would open what, he h i .V ea ! the c-.x orrises w ith j.rayer. After is ;4 fatal i:a w !.. prayer Col. Holladay, in ;;ra; et words of com dimeut to lays his hand on r.ic;, -m:ek i y e;:-o s. to w a ma- v. . .Co V a 1 -1 't.. 1 ; er r er m ' roduee , I Hem. Hour- Wat- jk.t th of th l - 0-;v-e,l TkaVnuom t!:::t'of 1 o-. S art e y & j ill the habit of pre;!' ralea is a aitl! !in -.tnic't of tic el"- I onon ;ur took ins tiiaee on a bank ! terson, ot ien?:a.'Kv. i:l I -1C- j 7 - neunceo n.s sunieci. as on one oeem-ion and uruortnnatciy fixed himself on an ant's nest. The active habits oi" those little .,a ,,'!,v'J.i,.'i,..s hav;l cfeatures soon m a d e t h e go o d m ; tu '.- nc-ia - f 0-y r-'n an i .Xitroavti m t'ictu-.i: t he ,-.,' npo'in ! is so eoc-t nsi.-l roc in cle jiori a.'of' t'aat it is sent ..II over the vol, M. !i h-is teen in use r over tvrecty years: tlionsaicis ot patieio n.aci over one taoa- im ', it ami r(H-.)i!m.-a.i..! a a very si"ran- ; position very uiieomtorta.ble, ami '''"vnpl,,,,,, o-v-ai-Tts Mo of Action afraid tha t his amlienee might oii mcl R'M'ilts.- is tae tide of a hook of oo . s.n.Vt, sonihino; of his discomfort iv.-c-e-.. pnhiishe.l hv Prs fa !:!- & I'nlen, , . . . . . , w hnei ao-;-s t o aii iicpiirers fall information j from 1 1 IS 1113111101' he apO:Og!Zed f)V ' ' ! - " . '1 ... remarKine; : ro'). fecoro o: si! (,: i.-oi- . 1. 1 " ranae of -hronir cas s -taany oi ;b!) niter l.i:,"j; a' ochci. il to .lie ly otiiT )hysi cians. Wiil he mailed fr o to any fuhlress on applicat ion d tin- man 'Money church .-, as a and m as-p: ; -a 1'- 1. i A 1 1 1 i ' lies. ST RKF,Y & PA LEX, l.-,L!t Arch Street. Phil.olelj.liifi. Pa. 12(1 Suite;- Street. Sa n Francisco. Cal. Piease mention tiiis jciper. Coffins and askets . We nave added to onr already complete line of wood and cloth covered Coffins and Caskets SOLID WALNUT COFFINS AND GASKETS. Also a line of METALICS as nice and fine goods as is car ried in any of our cities. Our stock is complete in every line. Respectfully, H. R. Harris & Co. Louisburg, N. C. Bank of Louisburg Does a General Banking Business. Collections made and returned promptly Northern Exchange bought and sold. COUNTY ORDERS CASHED Brethren, though 1 hope 1 have the word of God in nay mouth, I i i i. a . . ! l . : i : 1 1 , . ... ... : . uuua me uevu iiimstai nub yoc niiu my breeches ! Karl's Clover Root, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clcanas and Morals." The orator was model id" Christianity. I!yi er i. greeted with enthusiastic up- sy, he said, is tic l..,;na:.-. vice plawse. pa'. s to virtue. 1: is at- tic Mr. Wat terson introduced his mas. pie behind ;r -'ended address w ith a pleasant anecdote, . virtue drives her itibpiito a- pr-.c-the lesson of which was the hope Hces. There are hypociits and expressed by himself that the a a - hypocrites. Seine are m d.-.-p dience was not suffering poverty they never find tlran.- dvi-s oak as to either one of the things men tioned in his subject. He declared there was no sub ject that did not have two sides to it. Agreement as to conclusions Tl." Mich r it ;.. - : . . A - i ' 1 v r n as i l .' ; : ; a di.- ;.s a a : 'on. .kk,-.-, T! - f.. w a - t i n .1 1 . '. .r r, d - f , 1 - 1 ,1. .1 , r 1 ... - a o'hers w ho are by ocrites fr. m coward ice. Find oat a nation's sin and voa will know that nation's da tiger. I Never mind about Asia, ii:, 1 out ,,t k ... ..; .... it, , . . i- , e- - 1 i . i 1 ... . J-.H .... . J 1 .UOUi i-LUO .O.l. 11! S.ei.vC . o- to the coinnlexion and cures eonsdpa- I UJ1ssut uul a'"'':5 iU",,N U1MJ , e . , , tioa. 25c, .'Oe. and i?l.U0. bold by was constrained to believe that we '1 '",ny l l"L 1 a' 1 a,i" Thomas & Aycoi-ke. . . , . . said that there must faith it; are liioit; ti i i;i of in i in; hiui;" 1 n C...1 ,..,'!..., ; I : f . t . 1 , t ... Fid'D iSALL ANi),Ll LRl bxA- wnen most positive and emphatic. rri if i .i iriestion? It -'emed that, n tt f. the seif-confessed man in the ... t ... t'ue maidiinery of our line advert. - wrong sr."?; 1 can t give m, so you ... . . ; ment and civin.aiion, it nr.i.-i aa- i I! OA . ; I . r i : ; r to 1 in aV t i v ! ; a' BLi::-h The nttention of tic ri'ihiic is called to tlie ict that the undersianed nre pi-'pared to ivc tiieir vat roup tail satisfaction. Ite- nsetiilior tl.tit voti can he accomodated ut any hour, day or nig'nt. Duke .v n Attn. Franklinton. X. C. Henderson College. HENDERSON, N. C The Fall Session of Henderson College will begin Monday, Siesto1 4. 1893. The Academic Department, inclu ding English, French, Gorman, Lat in and Mathematics will represent only wdiat k best, while the music and art will be under skilled teach ers. For further particulars ad dress, Mrs. B. B. Piiilt.ips, Principal, Henderson, N. C. 1 an v r'lr T. I . r , ): n. . ; YY. .1. M. D ; . 1. I'a 1. (k N w - n I.-o.v n-' no, -' n -. l;h A::d'.d:.k " "; .-.','-. D ; : l.a na . Th- f 'A .: A u n " ,. a; g in" k .1 . i i . I . I . . : c h , e 1. a i r : ..!' ; A . d . K i y , 1. lir a n. K : . . 'I P. a u b-Hi.-r. a 1 r-' ' 1 ; a 1 ; K ; ih .. n r- :.'; .-.1 i I ' . 1 m N -.v y nt . V.tH k rd tinna' r y i. ';.'.. :. :. k d -!;- t a . g ; '.v . 1 . H-r- i- . 1 . h n r t , v i ;. 1 . k. :m safe ' .1 r ' .ntn-l. 1 ki i d v. .d .: !.o a', .t ; .' ir..v. . It ia ; at;-' . i ': a re i, . n. . .f.;1ii, yf; ' t t ; 'n f t 1 -r- . ru-a . . . a . g-' . , i i. i : rk: o r , , ,i t , "i iust itself. Thtnre seems no one tnat he would not be pragmatical J , . t i t .-i o 1 -, - single- ltolitical interest ting bodes but as lie had the lleor the audience c ' o;r"d. to ' " V t T 1 last i tig d anger. . ;.-.-n any on- a s I..1V must. He declared humorously th but must e-ive in. (Lauobterd rrx. i -,i i i-e i 'lioiiti.'.al party thinhs it the poeafrer with n lieaiititn 1 1 , j. e i -i P , 'world in a slinr, public opinion. V, s'sanl ;'. t :. v.i :. '"!' burst of motoric, in worms of choice , 1 . ; , , . . , , ... . , . oets upon ik hind i'"et- ainl kicks llcv . t: and rtd-.o and vivid description pictured 1 - "... .... . . , , , , " .. ... ; it out.' r-bip ot .a,.,i n.i;o 1 !. America and he id up its magniii-, . , , ....... ' - r It is all in the relation of Cue s 'r;.vo - aha- :!. i;:..- cent possibilities. as there any- , ,, , , . . . . , , t i . " i money power to tio in u-ah- of tae 1 ; lai.iv ti." auk.or . thimr Tn tar ron T ip : ir it 1 ti v . J L O o - ... l . rpt ; 11.. I 1 1 . n - .... . i o t . r . ' - - . l.a. i - ' t v. a The A ,-k-d 1 - kT It -A . .- 'l.e : i ..1 v . ,. .: : ' Patiea . e. 1. a i ' x . ,. . '1 h e .. ' 1. r 1 .1 k -n racl;e l - i it' e ( a ; r A o ', . V 1 an 1 i d jr. i y . I.-, a- " be hard i.i :i, a : . I. k a r- . a . ,S ..-d.o .,. . , . , , . ' ' neople. This would not be eo ba 1 . I ; ck ar-k at a j thing to obstruct the future. 11 , 1 . , rr, , , r . if it were confined to the corn mer- v sitntov s'ana v. I here were Canada and Mexico, , . , , 1 11 1 . i i .1 .'. '. !,. eiai worm, oui n exieuus to me .o.. nv . f A d .-'.oil roa ha- i i Tl A Beautiful Stylish Shce for Ladies. Ts made to expand with every motion of the foot it retains it8 stylish shape lien other shoes give way and break. It is the best sho s made. Interest paid on deposits after three months. W. P. WEBB, President. PRICES, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50. , Consolidated Shoe Co., Mfrs,, Lynn, Fv'ass, FOR SALE BY PERRY & PATTERSONj y 0 UN G S VI LLE, N. C. the nsv'uri"? nf the tr.iti with irnti , , T-, , sd'.hdOO or United Stat, i. y ami nu (.nuuij. j. j i i v ioo i o , . , , . , , iSenatorship. The frail of the our p. s tlinno- if of what n. tria if, is to lie 1 ; . k ,, , i i trade mark of the dollar is over . ;k :r own s:... s. and without money. All have ureamed i , ,. , . - , , , , , , ' us all. ' th.o an l..!.a t -d he- v. of what a luxury it would be to , : , . f , . . . , i i : What a strncre-le it is in nlk b 1 1 t f f lc vrn no ut . . : crcnt, ee n t res Ur nione v not bin."- t i t . t re t a , and t thought ot the wheel ot fortune c hrinodno- the coveted raize have: c,, r -i .. ill- ' forget how a rich neighbor se- y shoj f . . cr , . , cured his wealth when we are in-! w. !1 as th our ,.-. nhy :. t 1- t . . . vitprl tn Puinv l,i Imrciti-. The v tl s o i; , o race a 1 1 t k 1 a : 1 1 a s c i d- a pay debts. Money is relative. It is very relative. The man who has $100,- AftO nnrl AlfiO.OOO worth of want is much worse off than the man power is crushing out every ele- j News-Ob? who has nothing and wants Li.3 j vating and ennobling sentiment. v I I do not mean, said tbe speaker, dinner. . 1 a .1 . i It is also full of illusions. Prince !U air,1!J 111(3 Iuur ure ,ut happiest, but neither are the rich. Switzerland is no more wealthy now than it was five hiiudred una! i n s the .k'e .,, ard f n'r k w - t r .. : a-' .e j:. ;i b 1 1 a - a no .-. . 5 d l . e n tna tt.u :: ;du;:..y i: s. and . ;'e h n, a n i f, :: an" : - ! r'l! great centres for money nothing t.i" but money. How easy it is to and th" railroad and i n- vac- and the coa . in : m .-, a.- vited to enjoy Ids bounty. They ' us e lunt-e fheir fortunes first, and then of th.e Socialists and l;av -v ry- 1 buy a seat in the United States j thin; m commi n. thu Iddtm;: i Senate. 'This love of the money ! out all individuality .utir ly. liirwr not PVPrv N e V S ( ) '. ' S ' V ' T . '.. f L a h e P.. 1. . :' I w T . 1 h'-r. r in '!.:. I w.-uld thr n. . :T .m i '.-. him huf: f.rl ; :'; he i .... and ' :. t ci : e f, r h::r.. and I woa.d r.t him. worrvm. ii . a. . 0 a.- the p r k.-r- and . r. pe ( ,ro-, ers' A.- . rt ar Tl." i.-xt held .11 'l.a ti x. 1 t y tie M ; h 1 a and. . t w a - ne-s n.ati t.e f.e t tha' v.kk ev.-ry in;.:, wa dea'. r ;n 11 pn r th-re Mas not . ljim ,tlIj fc .,,,.., clT.;f to 1 , "vii t . be under the influence -'f apitl, ;t., t :.. at I efidn " the arte. le. !".. heart k r. o v its on li't Mr. P.ear in Ik- aldre-s to the at. 1 th-? 'rank'r may : ' C'tivetiton '..:.! u the k.iir. : n t -r ai-d' 1 1 ' with thethm!:' t ': " sa.d it ir. nt b- ti.e -r-at ai m of ;-r'a.n to cnek own tb'ih : ; th:.- a Lit l"i. to '-'e the lav- of i d. The l.'iitd chaplain' Unit. 1 State? and th .- St ite faith- ary i a k,-i t i urn te mat ter of j fid! V complied in every par- lis dn-cusion but whether or J J ;cki.i.-, nnd fo .'..-::. the liquor he sh .Id ha . e '.-A'Mi th di?fi, - b;isines to the h.-he-t j Uue of ted ley back th la.t t i tn th 1 fair ami lealinir. He jaid it in bi r.vrn affair, though we . ' .e wo a'd u- ev-r v (Tort on 1 1 know that if he had known t't - and peasant, warrior, statesman and philosopher, have ail been struck by that golden rod. It is Notwithstanding tin- enornn u- 'part, arid he desired the as5.ia- . was the la.. tim he wo . increase ji:vdi to huinati s ' r 1 1 g 1 1 : ; ,,n to do w.. too; in j ro?ecuting have taken hitn back, r.o oaiM by the n.eehanical pjw.-rs, tb- , u;l rnkiolers who ilb-itimate v what tuirht have psne before. b-v.-r, the puli' V, tic uheei and ' ,. ... k i r i 1 were in iinv manner dealing in axb'ivc, til0 removal if lnavy, - weiidits is skll atttnJ.d bv i hiqaor. He declared that lie a Mr. F. Sloan, l!7 Portland .. the piston rod that. drives all else j years a-' . , . , .. j Hi fat-pe the Innd to h.teninff rk prevs it is the pivot around which all , whore wealth uccumnlateH iiTid men decny. else revolves. It is universally The speaker declared that we used and abused. It is courted j are upon the ascending and not and reviled. All men jirofess to I the descending ecade of national strains and sprain. There is ; a Democrat, and that whenever Bo,on MaM ( KjTes it euperk positively r.otbint beltrrforsueh the a-sociatiotwittenintd fo mod- . -ii vi 1 1 thin SalvitinM Oil ! ,. ... ...... , tive praise. He write: "I ua.- caualti' s tnau aiauo.i uu. ,Ue with hi? political right? or tlie 1 Philoh's Ct kf., the t'oturh and political rights of any of its mem- uM?d Salvation Oil for neural Croup care is for sale by Thrais & j per?j c would abandon it at atl' ln superior to any Iwit Avcoeke. I.M.-ket Riie con'.Rin.H twenty-j ' ... live ike.s, only lc. CLikirni lev- it. v orice- raeut 1 have .ver u-e4.'