C -' VOL XXIII. LOUBBURG, N". G, FRIDAY, JULY ?1, 1803. NUMBER 21. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report TO P UBLIC SCIIO OL TEA CIIERS. The Superintendent of Public Schools of Franklin county will be in Louisburg on the second Thurs day of February, April, July, Sep tember, October and December, and remain for three days, if necessary, for the purpose of examining appli cants to teach in the Public Schools of this county. I will also be in Lonisburg on Saturday of each week, and all public days, to attend to any business connected with my office. J. N. Hahris, Supt. . A Man Who Had no Luck. c. i.iofcV5sssioii!.il eni-dx M. COOKE & SON, ATTORNEYS-A.T-LA.W, LOUIgBCRG, n. c. Will fittenl the courts of Nash, Franklin, Granville, Warren arnt Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carollup, and the U. A. Circuit and District Courts. "JR. J. E. MA. LONE. Office two doors bolow Thomas & Aycocke's drug store, adjoining Dr. O. L. Ellis. D It. W. H. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBL'RG, N. C. E. W. TIMBSRLAKE, ATTORNEY- AT-L AW, "I hoped to get an office,' wrote a Nebraska Democrat to the post office department, "birt I have given up hoping, and am now plowing corn. I never bad any luck. In my younger days I planted a tree in the hope that when I waxed old it would shel ter and be a comfort to me; the other day it fell on me and broke one of my limbs and several of its own. One time I collared a burglar and took him to the po lice station, and the officer in charge locked me up and let the burglar go. On another occasion I tried to relieve the suffering of a horse that had a nail in his foot, an.d it kicked me through i the side of a bai'h. Why should a man with my grotesque luck hope for anything but. an un timely death?" LOUISB'JB.3, X. C. O.Hue on Nash street. S. 8PRCILL, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, LOUISBURG, N. c. Will atteni the courts of Franklin, Vance, Gr.-mvlli, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections, &c. HORSES LIKE TO BE TALKED TO. Some Animals Ace Even Able to Carry on a Folj-giotfConversation. "There is nothing that horse3 are so fond of C3 being talked to," said a clubman to a reporter the other day one who Lnow3 all about tho ani mals ho was discussing. "So well known is this that in the Austrian ravalry and in ceveral other armies t?f Europo tho soldiers havo eVct Drders never to enter the stalls with out speaking a few words to the nags. I had often endeavored to impress this fact upon ray colored groom, a very bright and unusually intelligent lad, who, whenever I told him to talk to ray horses, would in variably laugh shee pishly, convinced that I was making fun of mm. "Tho oihx evening, after taking one of our friends to the station, he was driving home leisurely in a rather mellow mood, when suddenly my recommendation on tho subject of talking to the horses occurred, to him, and without thinking what ho was doing he addressed tho pony he was driving as follows: "'Well, Pompey, old boy, do you remember tho name of the man as used to own you in Texas?' "I do not know whether the word 'Texas' aroused memories in the breast of the pony, but tho fact re mains that he stopped short, turned his head round and whinnied at Dawson that is the lad's name. "Balaam was certainly not moro astonished when his donkey ad dressed him than was Dawson, who, with a cry of ' Jee-rusalem ! Great Scof:t ! Hey, what's tho matter with A Goal Sovewher Ahead. "Wo are born in this world, and yet we are somewhat strange r3 to it. We have to tako ourselves as wo are, and yet wo know that we aro not what we were meant to be. - Idea3 of which tho sun and moon and stars and tho wido earth know nothing seize hold of us, and wo have in oar heart cf hearts euch aCmity with them that 'Lisas if in somodeep senco we wero born of them, as, indeed, in our inmost being we move toward them. And eo I say we aro pilgrims ; every one who enters on tho moml life is a pilgrim ; hi3 eyes are set far ahead it is not another land ho OUK COUNTRY'S WEALT1L Scarcely a day passes in which we do not hear some croaker talk bout "the wretched condition of the country." VTbank heaven we wero not born under a sober sky. No cloud is bo dark as to completely 6hut t ut the light that is beyoud it. A good friend, who every body knows to be honest and patriotic, says the whole country has gone to the "daruination bow wows." seeks, another earthly home, but an We,. we don,t kl,ow jn?t ,whal iituunmeni or mo spirit, a rest ior j , - the affections, a company of soula wherein a perfect lovo doth reign. N. QULLEY. ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, FRAN'RLIXTOy, K. C. AH lear-rt business promptly attended to. rimos. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, LO isr.CP.ci, :. c. O'Ve on Main str.vt. one door helow Eagle Hvit-1. ' -y M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, LOUIsnt'Rfl, N. c. Practices In all ..ourts. Ofiee in the Court House. We strngglo on, wo fight our lone ly battles, wo try to meet each day's tasks and duties, wo catch but glimpses of tho perfect goal to which our being tends, and yet, if one man's confidenco can bo of any use to an other, let mo say that I believe that a goal there is, that tho moral require ment ehall havo Rome day its fulfill ment, that wo dream of and the heart sighs for will at last come truo. We aro hot pilgrims traveling nowhere. We havo a country, though it is not yet. W. L. Salter in Light. Another Victim of the Dosincsj Agen cy b'pcAka Oat. . J. P. rroti, of Ai, Wtk ron&ty, ! North C-aroHctaA. llaring patjn the State Busi ness Agencv Fund $2 about four years ago, it being a whole share, and having bad euSicieot reason to withdraw it, I am inclined to speak thus: They bare been telling us that it was a safe, sound and sum de posit, and, as I remembor, it was drawing a rate of six per cent, interest. They eay on return of rhprV trt mo Hint tr rnntri Vnf 5 nn A thnt. mcsins. int wa Icunvv tVit . . , . - - i s 4i . v v . a-nr rnv. i with brave hearts and strong: , . A. , ... , , , . fr ! and that the looses paid by exe- arma the zood ship of btato willl . ... ... .... 7 ... cutive cominittee are 92,Jl,10, weather the storm and weLgh an- J leavinfer $3o at.a (hat ' further business is impossible, ehor in a serene port of peace and amonnt "J ' ' cor(ificate I All the wealth of the millionaire. Plcntr- a i.a f... thrust into the breach could Di with tbe milliner, and the milli. ncr the baker,and eo on. Tbe ten dollars once started oa its errand of liquidation might satisfy hundreds of dollars of In debtedness Vs fast as it could be passed frvtn debtor to creditor. The man who thrusts it in bis rocket, and lets bis creditor wait contributes bis share toward aog mentiug business distrvM. When thousands of men actuated by fear or careless disregard of ob vious duty, begin to board money; instead of pajiog- their debts, d is t revs must resnU. When mil lions loe con&dence and only par aa they are forced to do It, io country in t he world possess-; . , . a,.(. make coM popular defanlt. Strii-sUng With Duty. It i3 alwrvs a couflitt, this wres tling with duty. A young drocs- ! prchended when it is stated that es such resources as the United States. A conl emporary says: Within a short time the farraors all over the United States will have about completed the harvesting of the new wheat crop. The significance of this fact may be better cura- maker, a member of the Salvation Army, received a letter from a would bo customer asking am -jug other things whether the material she wag planning to bring piusn would be W9HT I hW t DONE 9 TliP oricrinul ami only nnino Compoariil Okyu Ti-Piitmcnt. tliMt of Qr ISturkey & P;iicn is a scientific ni'.jiiKtmciit of thp ele m -tits of Ovypn jvinl Xitron mMnctiz-Hl; !ii 1 th" componn l is so con-lcnMl anil in i'1'M'oi tiibie tli.it it is sent J1 over the i) rid . It hns bcn in ns for over twp':ly years; ti.DMsamls of pationts li-ivc Hcen treated it ii 1 over one tnonrin.i u.-i it and reconiracnilc;l it c.i :it fact. ''(lompnninl Oxygen Its Moile of Action nni Results." is the title of a book of 200 p:l rpfl, p-ihHsliei by Drs Starkly & PaVn, which trives to all inquirers fall information as to this remarkable curative nsrent rtrnd a Hod record of sui prisinu: cares in a wi:le rane of chronic crises -many of them after hptna; nb indoned to die try other physi cians. Will be mailed free to any address on application. Drs. STAUKET & r.VLEX, 1320 Arch Street. Philadelphia, Pa. 120 Sutter Street. San Francisco, Cal. Please mention this paper. Coffins and Caskets. We have added to our already complete line of wood and cloth covered Coffins and Caskets SOLID WALNUT COFFINS AND CASKETS. Also a line of METAL1CS as nice and fine goods as is car ried in any of our cities. Our stock is complete in every line. Skiloh's Cure, the Great Cough and Croup cure is for sale by Thomas & Arcoeke. Pocket size contains tweaty livtost'3, ouly25e. Children love it. Jack "I don't believe all that stuff about women always wanting the last word." Dick "Whv don't you?" Jack "Well, last night I tald Miss Checkbook that I knew that I wai not worthy of her," and she did not say a word in reply Inter-Ocean. Wichita Falls, Texas, March 11, 'OS Proprietor:; P. P. P. It becomes my duty to add ray testi mony to the wonderful cuiarive uroper ties of P. P. P. (Pikkly Ash, Poke Root and Potas.-'iu.n. Some years sjjo I bruised ray ankle on my saddle slirup, from a liUle scratch tbe place began to enlarge until it was as lare as the palm oFmy Land, discharging pus, exposing part of the bone. 1 called to see physi cians and they pronounced it a lever s ore and insurable. It became so pain ful and swollen so-badly that I tried bandage for n-lief until I secured a rubber supporter After securing rub ber supporter for temporary reli.-f 1 be gan to use internal remedies, trying several different kinds without any ap parent relief. I resolved to try P. P. P., which I did. after using one bottle the result was such I continued until the sixth boltle was used when my rubber suoporier was not further required as iltysiians he.ve jtbe sore was completely healed and a very signifi- ."swelling entirely gone. 1 therefore take pleasure in saying to the puonc gener ally that it is my belief from actual ex perience that the use of P. P. P. if prop erly persisted in will cure any case of impure blood or poisoning. Respectfully, Prop. 15. F. ITicket, Postmaster, Wichita Falls, Texas. I, the undersigned, knew Prof. Hicky at the time he commenced to take P. P. P. for his sore leg-, and I did not think a. cure possible. I noticad its progress from the start, and must say the re markable cure P. P. P. brought about was something marvelous. R. Tf.TMON, Druggist., Wichita Falls." Texas. you, rwaFv ; axujuuiuuzj 5 jumpeu i suitabloaild look well to USO in tho cut; or tr-e carriage ana ran to tne birr Bieeve3 ja Y0ue pony's head, convinced that either the famof tho customer as a he himself or the horse had becomo ; ,. i,i,f ,..r-.Ai ,r- bewitched. JiSo startled was ho by the horse's in eleven months of the past year the country's exports of wheat and its manufactured product have aggregated over $150,00:), 000, and before the close of the fiscal year will have contributed a total of over $100,000,000 to was a law enacted by the State Legislature of North Carolina compelling them to rof.n. d thi money, or eo much thereof 5 ruiht he applied for, they cry out wolf in the woods! and while the people are thus agitated, they tome together to solve a problem of profit and 1 is?, and their solu tion is that the lurmers havo !ot $2,731.10, and wili they say no thing about who gets the profit; a thing never before heard of, and never would have been, had l Just Murrtrti. utterance that it was quite two cr three minutes before ho could re- ; cover his equanimity sufficiently to j mount tno vox onco moro ana to re sume his drive home now talking ail tho way with the pony, who ever and again whinnied in reply. "Since then my horses and this particular attendant havo becomo in finitely better friends, and tho groom is delighted to havo found at least two creatures who appreciate his jokes. "While on this" subject," ho went on, "let mo give you an infallible cure for a balking horse, which, moreover, will have tho advantage of diminishing much of the beating and other kinds of cruelty to which the animals are subjected by people ignorant of the true character cf this kind cf equine hysteria. mere 13 nothing to uo pave to take irp a handful of ashes or dust, iu preference ashes, and cpt.-rung the horse's mouth wide put the ashes ! but was misunderstood by the dress- the sum total of the forcigu trade : maker as associating its obiectwith the stage, which her duty taught her to abhor. So she sat down end conscientious ly replied to tho letter that she could not sew on a garment which was to be worn by a person so contaminated and urged her to forsake her ungodly work and turn her talents to some better advantage. The letter ran on thus for three- pages and as sternly closed. But duty having been placated the natural kindliness of human nature popped up in a little postscript. "I think tho plush quite too heavy for tho uso you eugest. It would be better to lur.ko the sleeves of silk." New York Tinu-o. of the United States." ; This addition to the resources of the country mean3 an irnmcdi- ' a : . i 1... a : ; Heboid men as they leave their 1 J bonus running with ail their showing signs of recuperation. To those who have just entered i the bliss friiiccd reulm of Marriage-Land, and LaT felt iu : thrilling raptures and ectat;c ' err.utioiiB there are pearl and gold hini:ic i'Ow amid the Gower.i that fringe love's pathway, and stars are gleaming like gret chandeliers in the firmament of j H'pe. There are harps tinkling ii", wbo melody is ?weeter than the sound of evening Le!!fs not been for the enactment of the;""" J " ' tcowtx oi ....... 1. . ... ... . 1 . 1 A a a Legislature. ( ombinea niut be J contagions and perpetual. The man that does not see the situa tion is dead by prejudice to h!- own mterost. Gems poaml la the I'ultcd Statvs. The United States has entered the field as a geiu producer. Turquoise We are told that exports of all products laft month wero the largest of any month this year, and. the largest in May for over six years, with the single excep tion of last year, when the May total were $229,727 more than those of last mouth. Consider- running might, with hair disheveled for positions, where the biggogt vol ume of tne farmers' money has gone! then see them as they re turn with that air of composure saying: Rally to the :.t boys. pay up your duo?, put a little i:, toeery bull that r.dls towards headquarters, for this is the big- ing the treatly reduced price cf gest thing- that ever rolled over Krn.orUtMfT D.r.rr.i,,at io wiisuin carui. 473,752 exported last month was me largest oi any year given m o-oi;e. n? brain of a branch rabbit can tell. r l . i i ncv loo nave been over ami had breakfast. Now where has, this money gone.3 Well, a man with the v. ,T , . . the current monthly cornraris f,1If in m-,n"v rpv-.pot 'inHn.'lir.T ' is-nod bv the Federal Bureau of 1 have no contidei.ee in them color, equal to the best Persian. Ru- itatistics. It is gratifviiij? to as far back as icssible down his: hies and sapphires are being mineil no(e a'l!;o that simultaneously throat. j in considerable quantity in several , .... "The horse will, in his endeavor to : places iu Montana, and the stones, """ Apori -"" " p-r-- get all about balking and v.-ill, with out thinking of it, go forward with out the slightest whipping cr other method of forcible persuasion." Chicago Tribune. VorJs of Wiioiii. Respectfully, 1 R. R. Harris Ar Co. Louisburg, N. C. Bank of Louisourg Does a General Banking Business. Collections made and returned promptly Northern Exchange bought and sold. COUNTY ORDERS CASHED Interest paid on deposits, after three mouths. 1 ' - - " - "IV; P. WiiUSS' President Karl's Clover Root, the new blood purifier, gives freshness aad clearness to the comolexion and cares constipa tion. 25c," 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Thomas & Aycocke. FEED SALE AND LIVERY STA PLES. The attention of the public is called to the fact that the uu(iernip;ncJ are prepared to give tlteir' putrotis fun satisfaction. Re member that you can bo accomodated -at any hour, day or night. Dt'KE & Ward, Frankliuton, N. C. Henderson College, HENDERSON, N. C. The Fall Session of Henderson College will begin MoMay, Sender 4, 1893. The Academic Department, inclu ding English, French, German, Lat in and Mathematics will represent only what is best, while the music and art will be under skilled teach- er$. For further particulars ad dress, . . Mrs. B. B. Phillips, Principal, . Henderson, N. G. A Beautiful Stylish Shoe for Ladies. are very beautiful, although no true red ruby or true blue sapphir3 has as yet been found there. Fine lire opals have been discovered near Colfax in the state of "Washington. Mino build- of decreasing imports, the ollicial Utillzins Xloof Space In a City. Tho folly of building a house in. ! Boston is too obviou3 to need point ing out. In a city where evenings indoors aro insupT.ortable every inch of roof should bo utilized, and whero space permits there should be com modious balconies in front or rear of tho upper stories of dwellings. This is not a difficult architectural prob lem, and its skillful solution would add a characteristic feature to tha homes of thexity. In a town where the summer is two months long and nearby moun tains or sea provide a convenient refugo it makes little difference whether houses are built to warm weather comfort, but where rammer lasts for four months and hills and shore are half a day distant it is most important to provide every pos sible alleviation for tho poor town caged mortal. Kate Field's Washington. ings have been erected and a settle ment called Gem City founded, which, it is hoped, will prove the center of a paying industry. A surprising fact figures for May reaching-a total of $.?9,438,t3Ji5. B it our friend who croaks and c r o u Ic ? notwithstanding he knows that the croakers are be ing taken in out of the wet by th( to the general public will be the pearl j f'enuen of notice river by the kr.ownone. fishing of Wisconsin, which for tho ; thousands, says "(he wide sj read past few years has been extensively j ruin j? all because of the want of carried on along the Pecotonica and!,, r r r i . , i i a. -v i the free coinage of Silver. Banks Applo rivers and their tributary fr creeks. Pearls weighing over 50 are failing because they are not grains each and varying in valuo I supported by free silver." from $500 to moro than $1,000 have A vere mny iind him whom a sermon rlies. One sun by day, by ni:b.t te'n thousand thine. Talk little and well and you will be taken for homebody. Fear manifested invite? dan ger; conceatc'l cowards insult were married but a few days go Life now lias become beautiful; the po-il gears upward from tl e du?t like a dove loosed from i e cage. There is melody in every place; yea, thre are angels in : every path, with crowns for those I who are pressing o.iward with song and prayer. Iteems now a long dis'ance to the grave, & long road to find rest. But (on the shad owswill corae, and life will loo its 'iCjmr bloom. Then, as ths patter o: tiny feet is heard aboTe the grandfather's hor.so, and lit tle children' cluster about hi knee those who, were "married but a few days ago" rnaybaj will turn back to the r--cord of the I'.ist, wcoping silently an I while remembering that their Summer is gon, their harveA etidM a:.d that soon, gathering up their ."Leaves they must pa? beyond thf gates of pearl whci ti.eie 'vrrruore will be but oi, marriage that of the. Lamb with hi chosen people. Wilson Mirror. K piv.r in ' liuip.r. been taken. IMineral Industry. V."hat ?Ir. rcoz Had to Tell. apoleon man of the world if his ends had Ts made to expand wltb every motion of the foot ; it retahu its styliiih shape u lien other shoes give wu and breat. It is the best shoe made. ' : t- . -PRICES,'$2 $2.50, $3, $3.30. Consolidated Shoe'Co., Mfrs., Lynn, Mass. TIio Adjutant Eird la Iifngal. In India the adjutant bird holds a position similar to tho Dutch stork. He is a scavenger and is respected and protected by tho law. The ad jutants aro the forerunners of tho rains in Bengal, and toward the end of Hay make their appearance on tho government house. No old resi dent expects rain in Calcutta until lie has seen 13 of these solemn birds sit ting on the viceregal palace. The rains, they say, cannot come until this occurs, and the residents of the City of Palaces would almost die of despair if they did not toward the end of May see these majestic birds. Twelve would not do ; there must be the regular 13. Cornhill Magazine. Th'-re is nothing that so clogi the wh. els of dod'-'stic macLineiy A f r. A 1.. i f rv tf t r a 1 1 i f ! 1 . 1 Ktf ' is but a base ignoble mind (1 , n. t , r . .v: u . 1. " tiling", tlie b'ir. : lor which take that mounts no higher than a bird p valnable time and the abser.- can soar. of which retards the work tbf. had been the first tgnis at eany lawn and dor- 1 a 1 tioi even en.i wuen me aay m Silver is a gocd thing, and we Lcn e Uic ; Jn?. it is most vexations to i j n rr t .i i ll'J puutit. fi.rever hutit;ng up one s scissors v inaividually euflenng for the Tl mon w-n nro n'wir fnrn a- v.i r . 1 ne men Wa.O are a.VsavS IOTiU- thinh ft cr ,nrii m inirir litAti.il want of it, but Terhars it will be .:i u ' . .k., i . i ( inn nnv .is n f-riRlro crnwi r - -i .i . .. o , -a. t lonna mat tne iaiiure ot certain P,,ror1.,r flir 'away in some obscure corner our lawn it was seen and pursued by i , ., , . reverence ior virtue. , , , , " . imiiKs i ftiinuuuauie w omcr : A word or a nod from the good r . , ""UJi'' - V- V canses ' e lost articles searches high and lo t-x , . , has more weight than the elo- , for it in ererj .,,ace bul lhd j u Cur banking system may be qneut speeches of others. i one. wrong, and the financial revolu-; Tranquil pleasures last the Every woman knows jnst whA tion that is now going on may longest; we are not filted to Lear : his means, but there is one par- result in the exposure of fallacies, ' h b f . tic.lar article which to Uwdoe- if not absolute rottenness. Who u- nra nt . . f , , famore damage than tbe gom: - e are not ?ent into this world astray 0f any of the -insensaT can tell but that we are about to ... i a . ...v- u i t a not put our hearts. ' "re is one temper; to lo-e Seems to Fit. "I call this new Ehape the tele phone," said a hat dealer to a cus tomer. "Isn't that rather an odd name for a hat ?" . ; "Perhaps, but you see there is so much talking dono 'through hats tow.JJetroitlj'ree Press. ,. some member of the family. It seemed to be rather pertly and inca pable of flight, and finally, in order to bo free to move, it opened its jaws and emitted a frog, after which it wriggled rapidly away. Tho frog lay pulled out at full length, a ghastly spectacle. A great deal of sympathy was expended over its inanimate form, and just as it wa3 about to be removed from the spot, behoRl I it drew in first one leg and then the other, contracted itself into a respectable frog and hopped off o3 if nothing had been amiss. "My dear," it probably said to Mrs, Frog on reaching the pond, "I shall never smile again. Such a remarka ble experience as mine sobers one for life. I wenf out this morning com paratively young and cheerful. I re turn an older and a sadder frog." Charlotte M. Yongo. More Expressive Than Word. A volunteer who was a great man in his own eyes was by some influence appointed captain. He could hardly 6peak cf anything but his new dig nity. Meeting a friend one day he accosted him thus : "Well, Jim, I suppose you know I have been appointed captain!" Yes," said Jim, "I heard so." "Well, what do folks say about it?" asked tho captain. "They don't say nothin," replied truthful James; "they just laugh." Exchange. - - - A. Tiilltl Remark. v He had just struck his thumb with the tacit hammer. , He was silent for almost a minute, .and then" he mur mured patiently, , 'There is such a 1 sons, sir.' Firstly, ye read ; ycr ser- Three Very Good BesMOk Candid Minister Good morning, Janet. I am sorry to? hear you did not like my preaching on Sunday. What was'the reason? v Janet I had three yerra guid rea- Eolre the dilficult rrou'en,s of fi-j nance that have hindered nation-' al and individual prosperity, and , . . even for a few minutes will ii: Tho iF?jt difTirtiltir oriont ml'. . A , " i arrange the mental and physical mir ver?o? i? to know when vou . . i . . .i . that before us spreads a future , ma . -m ' M a,,u aRe lue ulrc u have maiie ones. . itrniuf It i tui mnrK i. rich beyond imagination. wrong1. The golden age never leaves think pefore one expresses tl-' Confidence, always an impor- worM; u eiib,g jH aml : hasty words that fly to the lip- tantlactor in business is the bu-; bftU ist a.,, love rLeaItb and ; ffom M,np ,trin,n? disturbai.re preme demaul of the hour, and ' poetry aro no more. I . - ! a .--L-A r ; man 10 uy juri wcai oue iet ' and then for hours afterward i i. - e . . v 1 1 - - -l J Nothing more completely bal-j hold one s self in contempt f.-t set it will be restored in every ! flpa nn . .. , . t . . , , t h,:nr th. tt.mT, i.t .... . ..v- ....v. - - - - " t . - section of our beloved country. Newbern Journal. -t t . . . . i t a a l ' t Lr- rniitrnl unpiiciiy xuan straigmiorwara : , . . . ,i There is more troirble caused i The youth of the soul is ever lasting. Nothing can he $o quick and sudden as the operations of the mind, especially when hope or fear or jealousy, to which the two others are but journeymen act to work. PayUur Your Small iiilla. Oh. AVhat a Coach. Will you heed the warning. The sig nal perhaps of th sore approach of that more terrible d!seast ConHamptioa. Ask yourlve if you can afford for th sake of saving SO cents to run the rink and do nothing for it. We know from eiperience that Shiloh's Cure will cure joor coogh. It never fall. This ex plains why more thin a million bottles were sow tne rast rar. x relieve Hi sale BY - 1 tninff . PATTERSON; rainstakin.in his worlr."- Washing- I and, thirdly, it -was na worth readin - v0.!- do notbe without it. I and the doctor a wile It wonld be impossible to so disturb credit and confidence as to bring on conditions of stagna tion and panic if every man and woman owing small bills to tbe grocer, tbe doctor, tbe milliner, tbe baker, the bntcber, tbe car- pe titer, aud tbe hundreds of per eons in other callings who minis ters to oar da fly want, should make prompt payment. If tbe ten dollar debt owing to" the gro cer ebonld be paid to bid be coald eettle bis debt with tbe doctor, if e could settle this worM by giving way to tam per than any other mental agiLr tioo that can be imagined or d vised. Murders have been com mitted in temper; life Ior friendships Lave been broken l-c the utterance of a few Lot word that should bare burned tl tongue before tbey were tpokeic nnbappy heme are tbe results of the uneven temper of the ot: whose example sets tbe pace fcr , all of those wbocemo witLIn b-r keu. Tbe old rnle of conntin? ten before you ? peak -once aavr a world of anxiety, and If tL tempjer can be kept in -eentrol I no other wy even tbia mod-v though it seems srlly to fm . will proreof yaluo wbm one'a feelings are gctiag tbe -oj;e kand. 1 . -f:

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