--1- 7 - VOL. XXIIL Highest of all in Leavening Powers Latest U. S. Gov't Report P tf5Z,C SCZO GhL Zh CHERS, The Superintendent of Public Schools of Franklin county will be in Louisburg on the second Thurs day of February, April, July, Sep tember, October and December, and remain for three days,, if necessary, for the purpose of examining appli cants to teach in the Public Schools .of this county. I will also be in Louisburg on Saturday of each week, and all public days, to attend to any business connected with my office. J. N. Harris, Supt. Professional oavclm. Q M. COOKE & SON, ATTORNEY3-A.T-LAW, LOUISBURG, N. C. Will attend the coasts ol Ni3n, Franklin, Granvlllf, Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Caoliiip, and the U. 3. Circuit and District Courts. D R. J. E. MA.LONE. Office two doors below Thomas & Aycockd's drug store, adjoining Dr. O. L. Ellis. D R. W. H. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, L0UIS3UEG, N. C. W. TIMBERLAKE, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, L0CI33UEU, X. C. Office on Nash street. S. SPRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L0UIS3UEG, K. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, Qranvill", Warren and Wake .counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Pronipt attention given to collections, &u. N. Y. QULLEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, FRAXJCLINTON, N. C. All legal business promptly attended to. rjUOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LO'.'I.SBCP.O, X. 0. Office on Main street, one door below Eagle Hot. I. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-L A. W, Loui.-nvnG, u. c. Practices in all courts. O.Hee in the Court Hons.:. 3 IT AS IT DONE I? CAN ST DO S The orrsinal and onlv snnuine Coraponnfl Ox yeD Treatment. tb?it of Drs. St-rirkov & is a sninti5o adjustment of the'ele mentK of Oxyuren a:.f Nitrogen mirnet;zed; an the componnl is so oorslf-nseif and mad" portable that it is sent o.il over the world. It has bsen in uso for over twenty ypare; thousands of patients have ben treated, and over on? thousand physicians havo used it and recommended it a very signifi cant fact. "Cmpound Oxygen Its Mode of Action and Results." is the titta of a book of 200 p -lares, published ly Drs Starkey & Palen, which irives to all inquirers full information 0. s to this remarkable curative aeent and a Hood record of surprisina: (jures in a wide rane of chronic c,as?s -many of them after tcinf? abandoned to die by other physi cians. Will be mailed free to any address ou application. Dres. STARKEY & PALEX, 1. "29 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 120 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cat. rieaee mention this paper. Coffins- and Caskets. "We have added to our already complete line of wood and cloth covered Coffins and Caskets SOLID WALHUT C3FFISS AND CASKETS. Also a line of ItlETALICS as nice and fine goods as is car ried in any of our cities. Our stock is complete in every line. Respectfully, . R. R. Harris & Co." Louisburg, N. C. Does a General Banking Business. Collections made and returned promptly Northern Exchange hpoghfc and sold. COUNTY ORDERS CASHED Interest paid on deposits after three months. - - -i - , IV. P, WEDH, President. m h Bank of Louisburg Thank. You." When yon receive a gift or fa vor, even though it be a small orte, be sure to say "thank you." Be polite in little things, for thereby you show a well-trained character, and that surely is not a little thing. Do not act as if your friends were bound to do you favors, as if you were a king and they only obedient subjects. If you fail to make grateful ac knowledgement for favors shown, your friends will get tired of your constant demands, and raise the standard of rebellion. It does not always follow that one lacks heart who fails to show gratitude for gifts received. . He may lack thought, or his educa tion in the home circle may be faulty. If you have failed in the past, improve without delay, and thank the giver in a pleasant voice, f and with an unstudied smile. Shiloh's Cuee, the Great Cough and Croup care is for sale by Thomas & Aycocke. Pocket size contains twentj--five doses, only 25c. Children love it. Wichita Falls, Texas, March 11, '03" Proprietors P. P. P. It becomes my duty to add my testi mony to the wonderful curative proper ties of P. P. p. (Prickly Ash, Poke Itootand Potassium. Some years a-o 1 bruised my ankle on my saddle stirup, from a little scratch the ph-.ce b uan to eniare un:u it was as large as the palm 1 v "'j uisuauiiu pus, espooinir part of the bone. I called to see physi cians and they. pronouEced it a fAvr sore and insurable. It became .so pain ful and swollen so badly that I tried bandage for relief until I eeenrt-d a rubber supporter. After securing rub ber supporter for temporary relief I be gaa to use internal rem dies, trying several different kiada without any r ap parent r'dief. I resolved to try p. p. p., which I did, afier using one botth "the result wa such I continued until ihe s'xdi bottle was used when my rubber supporter was not further required as the sore was completely healed ami swelling entirely gone. 1 therefore fake pleasure in sayiug to the public en-rally th.it it is my belief from acfual ex perience that the use of P. P. P. if m-ov- ! erly persisted in will cure any cae- of iiu;;ure UiO"J(.l or pOISOnjng. ILespeet fully-, Prof. B. F. Kiwet, Postmaster, Wichita Fails, Texas. I, the undersigned, knew Prof, Hicky at the time he commenced to take P. P. P. for his sore leg, and I did not think a cure possible. I noticad its progress from the start, and must say the re markable cure P. p P. brought about was something marvelous. II. TYMox, Drugs? ist, Wichita Falls," Texas. Karl's Clover Root, the new blood puritier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cores constipa tion. 25c, 5Cc. and $1.00. Sold by Thomas & Aycocke. FEED SALE AND LIVEKY STA BLES. The attention of the public is called to the fact that, the undersigned are prepared to give their patrons full satisfaction. Re member thot you can be accomodated at any hour, day or night. Dcke & Ward, Franklin! on, N. C. . Henderson College 8V HENDERSON, N. C. The Fall Session of Henderson College will begin M&May, Sejteiler 4, 1233, only what i3 best, while the music and art will be under skilled teach ers. For further particulars ad dress, Mks. B. B. Phillips, Principal, Henderson, N. C. A Beautiful IStylish 5hoo for Ladies. Ts made to expand with every motion of the foot : It retains its stylish shape when other shoes wa and break. It Is the best shoe made. PRICES, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50. Consolidated Stias Co.;Mfrs., Lynn, FOE SALE BY" " ' PERRY Sfr-P ATTE R S O N j ' ' " . yOO'GSVILLE, N. C. ' ' The Academic Department, inclu ding English, French, German, Lat in and Mathematics will renreppnr THE MAN WHO NEVER SWEARS. I've often wondered how ho fccla When troubles coma his vrcy, Whea everything goes wrong, and cloud Obscure Lis sunny day. For instance, when a gust of wind Tatcs off the tile be wears, I wonder what ho thinks aboTit The man that never ewearo. Or when to make a business trip He hastens thrown the rain And sains iho siaiion jiisl in time To miss the morning train, How dees he feci as in the west The express disappears? I wonder if he thinks bad words The man that never swears. The world ia fall of trying scenes. No matter where we ro. The truly good arc teir.pU sore, As yon perhaps may know, And when I End him vexed and mad. My oyrjpathy ho shares. For I imagine how ha feels The man that never swer.rs. T. C narbaugh in Cincinnati Tribune. An Editor's Mistake. Tho editor1 of a weekly journal lately lost two cf his subscribers through accidentally departing from the beaten track in his answers to correspondents. Two of hi3 sub scribers wrote to ask him his remedy for their respective troubles. No. 1, a nappy lather or twins, wrote to in Ihe editor framed his answers upon orcnouox lines, but unfortunately Sthat Fo1" TllT' tthtl? with twins, read, in reply to his query: "Cover them carefully with straw and cet Gro - to them, and the httlepestsafter iuin-nino'n'hoKf ti-, flames a few minutea will opeedily bo settled," while Xo. 2. plagued with grasshoppers, was told to" "Giro a w X O .in uioiii ua iiuu mo ineir rrums rnen-i T i n fceuuy witn a Done ring. 'Boston iraveilcr. Eusoands of Famous Women. From an article on "Unknown Hus- o&na3 or Famous Women" wo l.-nrn huho liio uesc waytogecthm safely wnl help them to niatm- Tho no- j ippl unit for pv.-run.,t aid in toLnow now to protect n3 orchard tions is as absurd as it wouM 1- to 1 , ,-.n.i i i r , from the myriads of Prasshor, Ti 1,,,,!, , ,-Z I lU0sl'mabl1. ue exi-v.i of it that Mr. Humphry Ward is an art the mauufac-taro cf ouhJrV-M1'n' e'd I'a,,' ul''eh . ricinated m.d i,;r cntie of Tno London Times and is ; or sulphite puip. h'r.ru.v is r-h.r.it- d this !:itfer day T.a.-r-,a'i-m author ox qmto a3 manr books as his ; tedlv ct s"re-irr v -i t,,, ,, n i , . ' wife; that the husband'of Mrs. Lease ; for e P-P ( d cestui, ted th.r m.r.ey of Kansas lives in Tcpeka and savs, Hemloeh cvr.-ot b.M-;, d to vdvm ; to c", r,i't ?h, l lHT' c.it lui- wuc ro mc.is.0 speeches, but its the drug store, just III III I 1'. V Oil 1 C- -.o. i (Julien Gordons fV1.-m 1 c; V Uenasciacr Cingor. manager of the vast Trinity church corporation in New York city, find that :ir. Burton N. KaiTisou is a r.ew lor.: attornev. and that "when his wifo's ilteiiuy work is mentioned he is dumb,"' What to Do V, :t!i CusiolT CI;.;:-.o. If you aro iloh i:nd cm buy new clothes whenever you want them, you will probably got thyui much oftencr than you need, and my hmt is take the trouble to see that some good fellow gets th-3 clothing you east aside. Remember the hovs that .i-i .1-.. . cxio- Lix.xxv iu in ecu, lnSiCaU Ol mng; tiiat the husbPnd of Margaret i thai U 5..nruce. jmd th : i . r j Deland is ahustlin-advermin-agent ' Cwloi-iu- matter in o.t.r.e t-ti,,n vith and won fame by devisi-g the "iiy- ; hcmloek which it is di; hn;t i., ro mg wedge" m footb-all ; that the lius- I movo bv chcivVpb i letting the clothing go to some cousin u.any hous'-s having thrir r.',fs ai.d of the cook's who does not need it at ' l-hP-i' sturhvs ooj;ile'. ly rnu, us all. It won't take 1 niiuuto to say to tli0 ro"ult houri b. f,-ro th- :ll.. h some good woman friend: "There is ' "k-h comidet-:l tho awful work of .that suit. Iam done with it. You : destruction. In nh..-r ii.lai:ct.s ;uecr may give it to some ono who really 1 loking clouds, in so tno cas-s 10 t has a need." There is no boy who hirger than a goo-d .--iz.-ii hallo, n. wid has not some such woman friend j lag over a spot thrcttened by an mother, sister or aunt. Through ; earthquake for several days prior tj them let your castoH clothing do all tuo heginnlmr of the tern m r::.l dis the good it can. Home Magazine. 1 turbances. This v: the o.--e at Lon- For a liettc-r Purpose. "I U nave anctiier pound of that "butter," said Mrs. Bright. 'Be sure that it's tho samo I had before." grocer Ah ! glad you like it. xurs. ijxigaL les, maecHi: Ihree of my neighbors who havo been con stant borrowers havo utterly neglect ed mo since I leaned them seme of that butter. I have two more bor rowing neighbors, you see, and they mcluao 1:1 the lt oid medicine bot may th-op in for butter any mo- tle8. The cost of the,:? when i)rft et ment. Boston Transcript. ! 1' now is vcry triihng, rood the futil- 1 . While out walking with Miss Daisv Dimple, ono of Ntho society belles of Manhattanville, Gus Snoherly, who' i is vei y close, said : "Don't you thinkit is a great waste iu fcuonu monov on e.nr rnra n ion walldn": i3 often so much morftfi'n-eA- ahle?" Miss Daisv Oh. vo5 wIiph if -:a Texas SiXtmgs. . . - ' ' Trees often die from entirely inex phcablo causes. It is a question with people who know trees well whether there is not something especially in jurious to trees in the red gravel which is often used in making walks. According: to a table comniled hv Printers' Ink, there are 2C5 papers in the United States and Canada with over 25,000 circulation. "All hut five of thepapera are published in the United States. The remains of a gigantic race of extinct human bemgs have been dis co vereel near Vasa, Mirm. Each had double teeth in front as well as in the back part of the jaw. In a cemetery adjoining a small town in the state of Vermont there is a tombstone bearing this legend, "Sacred to the memory of three twins." : -' A flea is provided with, a genuine lancet," the knife, inclosed in a case in the head of the insect, the case open ing sidoways, like that of a razor. : LOUISBURG, K C, FRIDAY, JULY The EnSush In Africa. The idea cf an Anglo-African em pire stretching from the Nile down cates. But it is not business. Wo are already tho masters of larger areas ii South Africa than aro ever likely to become Angle-Saxon 'colonies, In Asia we have above 20O.0C0.0OO nf subjects, who aro ruled by a bureauc - raev vi, n iu ape x own, along the course ct &y the legislator who have bad ; corrupt votes and perpetuate the surprised that it should find tvl. past tblrt7 yea" has been th "Jat kiud of discriminating legis- Eptcanonberrledb tunlt ha, , uon m tner n,tert wa, worth the hole ed or the meal Baway. al atn extended until it covers I-y ing for and if they expected ; if ho has a little nonev to ,rar. wo do not 'add to the strength of the j r 7 a11 the mannfactures of; 't to continue tLey must pay. : he may get a ton or two of pbos einpre by including iu it fresh sub-1 tLis couutry which had to meet ; Tllis wa a p resentation of the ' rhats floats or half as much of tr feiCtULVtS EX n5 I fre5gn C07iU-' b il Httle ,! -.e which rarely failed toacrom. ! acid rl.o?rhat.. Then he ha, a Egn for should inde-iPhh its object. It is our can- , little mine cf wealth to develop, the sooner that wo como to cornel Pcn(leut spirit of o:ir people, I'Huo!) that if the tariff had ! He ta;i a of ton woodaehe- 13 uae sooner that wo como to romo agix'cment with the European, jow- ers to convert it into another Bel- gmm the better will it be for us. So, too, in equalori-d Africa 0 have absolutely nothing to gain by Ecquiring sway over millions of quar- somaofwhumarorcndvtoclthoM - selves Protestants, provided that we in order to extract honey. V.Yro l I jingo I hOIe that I should havo tho I LnS" '?k 10 fr I pickpocket, II.(,uid put nv h-nd ; into a pcoket with n full r.T-.-,, i-, it not a barlvu Luok.-Lr.ndon Truth. ' ! ruper ruip rrom t:-c. i-nphr Trre. I .Attention is being nir.ro than cvf I directed to ihe Ivst methods r woo Till Tl l)vinw'tiin t,,.- i'l, 1 1 r wiuvn...ni.i u.- i.i.uiuun.iiin.' L l c,l Lr ;u:l lo mot yy. tuat!i : sources ol eu-.r v pre. A urav.-bacl; to Ll O Ulr i "t v:r,- U that 1 the Wood needs to b. ; ally before it U -n,; routed fliotnic Jui. p-ounri into pulp, ' K-.r.-vn it i.,,i tage ;n cci:u( ;: n with .-i,vu,. , .,;,--, : fcr tho rea-.va that iu iiWv is iV.- . . i. . ,T . x.-.,,- , , . . . , . most dordrabh v.-o: d i::id v.--a it s.,ur-ht r.f t, r t -r ih-pm . c It uree ' dtu- s a fu.lt f.-.-linr-: -rni , h's eh-ine-i ; - 1.'. 1 - x 1 '. u t!:a:i o.hof WCK--OS. Vet It i'H'h.- lo cb-ir.e:it ol rr;sa rud is thf.s ii(. rr spruce. New York T !?rra::i. to Just llvfnri :;n I;:: rl V; : r. rn eart.hqtia!:o is lilrt-ly to br n.t t:i:dcd with great utm'pk"rie iis turbunc?, sa;-h as cxploi. )'i.3. the:; dor, lightixir.g. i to. At M;Hit.-ii- tlu r: wrj au i -j)l.;:-i. -n i:i the fog which ovcrhirog the oitv b r s.v.-:-:d : k" - l,lll'"J .1 L i II' II'l lie i - I oon in the v r in I IS" at L-bon aial at f -bar.da, S:ulh Ar.ori'n. At Io.:;, : land, all the water in the h. i up like a pyramid to the , :o. Lng--t .od ht of I HO feet," a::d in several ra-e. S ihe water was thrown out of tho weih; St. Louis Republic. I'oor Kconoi-iie:. Whatever else yo .i hoard, do not jityof saving them s'gamst a pos - - i ! apparent. Nor nhcuhf tacks "taken UP when you remove cnnt,ts fn;m the floor for the annual or ccmian- mo iioor icr me anm:al or rcmian- geiu-e, inven;r. e -uios, hu -mer-nual shaking be put aside fov a see- : energv and thrift, we o-ight to ond use. A new paper of tacks i should bo used whenever a carpet is i le ttbk c0lr '7 p-- ciiwiixu oo uaeu wnonnvor n. r?rr.' ' rclaid. j I onco knew a woman who mado ono match, bv careful (fnnnmv 7 i-T,- -ji E,eiu i-i-y bcpuriuo gnung3. let She worttnW D-r.-ivovHr, thcr;t p.,-.-. V iO. A W , cf a pauper, and a bevy of spend-j counlr which cannot hold thrift cousins e vooped down on her I its own ngaiust a like indu-t-v JIHJ ou tho;ina-nolliercoilntr7 do0, nu,a;. A ConerriiUro Bookiollor, It is no nart of our intention pres-omo to mention ''tho best htm- ' red books'1 rcr to dipcrngo unduly tho works of modem authors. But when there i3 go much that is stand ard in our language, so much that has stood tho tests of timo and trial, it is imposoiblo not to sympaH v.?vx i. t.7i A. "xuaj 1'iou itiai Ljciutjucr, juSuy proud of hio conservative tendencies in the matter of literature, who re plied, 'on being asked for a copy of a modern theological noveL, "I sell nothing which tired has not mellow ed, " Chambers' Journal. Where a Daily Bests a Weekly. "I see yon take The Daily Itemizer. Do you ever find anything in it you want to know I" "Yea, I did yesterday.'' I couldn remember what day of the month it tras, and a glance at the date lino told tto.1 Exchanza ' - 28, 189?. DEMORALIZING PATERA f,ISM. One of the great mistakes mado encouraging of paternalism, thus training tbe .eople to iepcud upon the government and not up - on themselves in tbe enterprises 1 111 U'lllMl lliair .. I r v..v,, uic ciiL'ueti. m ... . . .. . i i j PCIU4eui- fpirit of our people, ,J1 j which had for t!w.(. uart r.; ,f - b( century clracterized th-:n, wa,'' L,r, , ,. j chaiea that they mirfht n.nv ' 1)e tac:i fr Ru entirely ditrereut - peopie. :, KU u'1' ; ,ia! (1ne ,!l ,:i:ikl,i-' onr a 1 t-a" nevor b'? fll!'.V real:.-.',. I Tt has oriKi natcd H-.o, l0 tM'k thov o-ti;lit to W th," cp,- er cbi-i.-. iave ijoti.i:i' to e.xpeet. It fester? th- mast e r. favor d er ; - 1 1 u 111 .i t , ii a rre:i: c- d the helot wh. rn the ii-ver- t ' . . itHlireetU- 1. .1-. to the master to la-k and oj ;ir---. ' 11 1,:iS made . iro n parti-at. T 1 - . slaves a:.d con t.i vers at r.-rm.. or , tiu:, fur tl,.v tr;1:.lt, llu-'' "'r 1 T fti.-H:it. i wm, . 1 cli:;f-e venal v. rs, :i . i carry b fiandnl. !,t iii.m!,, th- e!e(-t;,-i.j which ri'i; id not b. h. '. It ns.-id.' frai!.! a:.d 1 i o:i? of r:iei v. bo i:t,,l o wtnOT pret-Mire f being lirt .at bv a d.:r? t ii...'i:e th' -.v e : ii to i rr - o tt i 'l;i,h aims to bene'it th'1::: l ' dei::( r.il i.'-l t I::;. ;ht tho;:i tn : i o:i ' hv 1 .-d !h- ii:ii. t!:-e 'J-r fr. ::i .ret- e,-'.l" w 1- i :e ; it. v ,. coorri.'i,,- . ui:!i the l r I ' i u o that plnn-h r was anthori. -1 b v law. T1--5- nre a f-w eTerts of tl.. paternal ; .lh-y v hi-di h-i j r. vaile 1 in th'.s coantrv fur thirtv years. 1 o. s :ame of this i : h 1 1 'lrmet'.-Sjary, t ! . r sas n -lighte.-t ji;.!i!ie:iti...i f--r i t Va t th an,! ' ' : ' r . . b- that it was not h )in-t, There was fo nre-iit7 f,r i. cause with a country as iarg- oars, reaching a!in .s'. to th tr ics in or.o direr: on, and un a ti th ' lerjie! oal leeourr in to ol adap- otlier, v i i- i ; :n a: e and t.oi lo the ltu .v in.' i.f ev - r v t .i . n . i c vonfert nf ni.kp 1 great iahe- w i ; ; i r it river- and great ra ; road s trar.M th-- i I'l'bi'-ts uf .;,; se(-:i,ii. to an olli.T, with unlimited i oanti?,. i-ftlij ii-'ful cwt.ib; ro.il ai.d tio-.l. and i , ; l o : u . ii:u:'i i ioe g i a t-i 1 ver i::m. -.--, with nvoI- - raises for th- eheao lei-tur.i." m T, att' a:rl wi1. , a r:"irUlH,-on noto 1 fnr mteiii- giu'e, invenrive --uios, bu-ine.- pie under the mui, and it $ ,-erv j : little to our cr lit to a:ort that i n- .i , i i cunm.i. r.u uo inese ai - . . , - , . , atittl Oti the nulu.-try in this tervc 10 uve aim Miouia pcnb. It is di?honet Lecvis-j under i Preten?e of promoting the public welfare it favors the few at the expense of the many and makes ana inaKe of bid ti.iv'fl liiese lew, tue toiler pay a part wages in tribute to not to kceP alive the industries! . - . . to enrich the fovore.1 few nl.o;liua nt loi Lt olb,rwl59 he thn,8?cnringall they desire make le TbuSf . sUrt in tbe less manly ellort to becotne world competitors, but are -content wi(h tbe tribute tbey wring from tbe millions who were looked upon as lemons to bo equeczCd by tbe upholders of - this diacriminalini; eystcm. . It was dishonest because it madefarored few accebsories iu the schemes of corruption to hold power by contributing money to ! ltion, for if they didn't tb?y j were given plaiuly to umlerstand 1 that tho faf would be "fried" otrt f them. They were given I nn,T..t.K.l .1. 1 iiui..iuiin iiiai me iPiru ' vw,wcv uui.i, or en kj.t do-.vn to a purely tariff for-revonue haia thin roii!,trv o.ild have made mure Kc:ir.ine l,rorro. than it has made and our indu.-tri-a w.iild c n a h-ttor foot ; r tr Star. o-uty. iln-aii'toti V . o ha hi Tiiir.. The Si-rinnM 'il.;irat, bus invc.-tiated thaii-vl ?. 1 re-.-:s.:i in the eat. ai.d the busi iief.H liieii ai-.d maii'ifa' f :irer who i.;ie bevi i : . tor v i e w e 1 t-t-tt"" that they are deii.' a l,e?'.r b:i-i:.e. thi year th .r. tl.-v did r..r I et p! are b-i y in a n. !i a-id puyi;.' f. r wb: t. If th re i-. . , I have r. fe'.t-it y-t. I".,.- lie I iea ti ( on t . ? .i v : i o" trutu i.- ..at :. - Hi r u- "lie i - , ; r .i l.'.- II.. .T t'l'i !.. -, l.o ,5.i!er-.- i::.Ati. v ( ii cr -.1 r., a ' g ! - . : - 1 irnt .i-t.-1 re.i ly , aj,d ar" ver wh. t:...t nr. v Lvl. r : .i c 1 1 1 : r.", v. h. d r.. I!...:,, s ,b:;g:.,, . i ..:;,ni.'.'.i.i f'-:: t- !hr.-w f- r ..:h :. a i - r . r ol tl. h-'.r-:. . t i m o ; 1 1 i n g i . : , i . iiere.'.bu l " - i w . . le i';ii' i ,!. :td . :.-.r.d te w -i v ir ; t i i -: r a 1 w -,.;. m t-; . !. ro nf ; ' b i.y a.- it e -r i. . w.-rh a t h- a nr.. ry ::o re a lve th i:, Oer" i. ! any oi 'i-;i.i ! re ;..:), -,y ,,T..- r. i 1; no i rl. ; ; t ! I; ii r but nr. th- ' ' all i-.-s :. e i 1 r c h a 1 1 ' i oi i f th j-io;-!. - f ; .. i-r- n: a in u ni ;n ;ir-- 1 . A - ff..-', f-avitig, 1 1 n i k ' ir 1 1; g i;o r- than t h" o .a : i ; . : i ". v fi n . :i . r r. : n -- 1 - n ' i:o: f " ; ' a", i 1, I. '. h- o , 1 . il: 1 if thi -...i-.v ; I.- v- -I ; -o . ... . d :-tr l -1 existing . i' - ie -iai i';."r:i: -,u- to''ir- t b- e sg.;. 1 ug e.it: b. -.lid !..-. .v It n;o-t 1 - a !n::::-d i - e r y g- i .fr-j , y t r -"i : : ti . i i r t,i: , ' - ;t r m , .-I' , d i -i o g a w .-' ' . : g us v.-".i th'-y did li.-y r.re t.ilk.ng al th;-th- . f and ... ' . r ! .r i v e r y f .f- :h.i. ' .. . i. . It and lm:i-, en : 1 1 y ar A e onfvrt.ib: v. and th 1 1 a i j r i n ; r-j. or ted Ii t: v v. h ire ;i. o.-d t -. b h- : i! go-'. ! j a; -r :i-rrer; - ,v i- onlv the f t!. ; '. 1 1 a '. ; . r i i g r a j :.':. t!o xp-r:'aforx th 1". f--! th- tn ach of hard time-. Th - r i .ir ho', tin t.ieir n-.vn. f inrt:tu'i f:-.uti i.i.i:hs r.:: rni: rru- i-.n THKU. Tie- fn'.l ilvo'tpptnciit of ;ri c'i!i ore it; th ko'.Ii, rvyj uri'.er in The Aui-Tir.m Acricrilturist. depMi Is mair.iy u; n th" f.r- iner s own cfTnrt- in nrot idin honiem.do. fertjt.z-.r.. It rrnr , , , e q.r.te trn that porcd-cl fer- ti'dsers nay to muj to pay a satisfactory proht, b it thy Cof. money, which is o nto a scare thing in the ueith nrol a!as i faij to faij to supply their own needs, r !ii . i cL.aaii'g erervthinc thy uw. n.i . ,i, Ann as lit v Luiis.iv u.J v un ri-Kiin tia P Ka Vi i. r 1 .1 rwv 4 X. a . a 1. ! far-cersbould bein hr Ain - a bis own compost from such mate rials as be ran moil easily pro cure. First, be should gather all the forest learcs he can pile tbem under bis ranles belly deep, bed Lis cows aud hogs with them, t and if he hassomo more fo mix NUMBER 22. them with euch swamp nincV ts be can procure or rirer mud or mud from ditches and make u bit: a pile of these a he cau, mix ing lime- with tLern and rottinp the bvIe mass. This comport is the foundation for Ms manure. He mixes the little fr0ra th stalls and fens with it aiul add ! a - itnw ,- ... i - j ton of thcoinr.ot and ' n-irc r,r,of.f r,.-)...,i a ton .f tho acid i-hn-i Yt nr two cf th- raw rloat ard adds ' tho9. t t ho r., T , : ,i J 2 ear!y inth- .-a r. , that it mar ferment atui d-cay ar.d ripon i r iiro a; tho ',a!itii.'. tf this L uuay cattr live tons to !,- ccr ;i th freh!y p!od ground av.d larroA it in just Letcre l.r ; hiT. it. Thi rniiture will con- .ill! .-.w r..- I: Tv.. rj a t. 1 i t iea cf 1 ;:.drd t.d '. r. th l ' I ; !. . r . ..T it t .; C Olio-. l v i r' k 1 v C Lira ( r. :y th n f i..n! w i " W !.:. t i:!-. r, : r ii.-: - -;tv 1 " i :c a - m . : i. v. e h-1 w ; 'A: . . rna'--:r-. ai.-l t h ' ?:;ni .a-, e '. i f ' 1 r-i. I r e v a T' . v ' !'- r hv r r ; - . r I i ' j. fir-: a"r- m i. i thr gain . rhit h: t-, v:. 1 cr.v, f ' :. . r :. .A" ' a;-; o. i " " '. : a r - . r. I'vonr i - . i: . : w ; . : !' r r .. . Si,'.. t .i . , r i v . -1 1 n i b i ' 1 j: 1 r.i .r : r. i ' V . . . . 1 -: l ! f xTTV. an i 1 . i & 1 ::. - a :. y fr a:..l i .. r i, 1 i leir. 'I -n v and nf Ir'm th- . - f 1 i r. i a..-: W :. a r :'.: " r y - : cat. -. ! g ; : "; r icr r - :a : ;t n f f j i ll.'.n r.. a..d wl,.ti I and l ar- nr.h may fAf.n th r ra "') to 5(- WC: --o. irndo c-n . f. -rti'.i' 1 at if h x:,-l t':.ii ;n.i. . ctt ' . if (' . ry frn j d or-, i r d . t: - . n '. a i ft r Iir T-ar r:;t.T.i:-e b v : haveljarf .n oa-h farm r: enagh to tta a hi! of cott' 1 I :!o! of corn. 15ofry. 'ou a-.d hif cf tbi h - o rh acr?. Ar.dlhis j th-, avra vihls of t. t 4 a':ro, rr th r.lii;ry KeitL- ' fra tl: Pr-r'! tins urJ.- . : one lrtidziii. cr Hi mor - v. V.r.n ,xn ,-erj A. -'rerjr yar ffTi tls 15 ax"rf! r.l frou. 10 crv-. - - Oti. wUat m Cuoh. TVOI - I . x ! iht wiv uf nb .li Owjr ; Ak rosrvlim if y a mb if efil (x t' : a3 ohc- f.r it. W( fo i . i i- " rt rwa. that hUh' C , . x ,. , :ph;j;rli' ! l Sfi l ,i UJ CF EOEIH Ciffiltt'. . .-. .7 -: V- - - A --r r .4.

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