.1 H.1C FKANl ' r ' ML VOL XXIII. LOUISBURG, H. C, ERIDAT;VATJGUST 4, 1893. NUMBER 23. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOlIfEUSf PURE TO PUBLICSCHOOL TEACHERS. The Superintendent of Public Schools of Franklin county will be in Louisburg on the second Thurs day of February, April, July, Sep tember, October and December, and remain for three days, if necessary, for the purpose of examining appli cants to teach in the Public Schools of this county. I will also be in Loutsburg on Saturday of each week, and all public days, to attend to any business connected with my office. J. N. IIARRJ6, Supt. Professional cards. C. M. COOKE & SON, ATTORNEYS-A.T-LA.W, An amusing race occurred on the streets of Cuthbert, Ga., recently. A woman from the country came to town, bringing with her her d augh ter. The girl had a sweetheart, to whom she was engaged to be mar ried; but the mother objected. The sweetheart was in town,' and the girl decided to give the mother the dodge and have the marriage over The mother missed her and started out.to find her. It wasn't long be fore she spied the lovers together, but, as they saw her approaching, the girl ran and the mother gave chase. It was a -lively race. The girl sped as though fleeing from, the wrath to come. But the mother LOUISBCBG, K. C. irrm 0ftar,.i t mnrta of Nash. Franklin. 2JXv. fairfy 8PUt tne nd standing not dure me; ym v v . w-. - . . , , a. circuit and District courts. on aigniw, ana needless ol the cu rious crowd that followed and yelled. The girl was finally caught, and the mother and daughter were soon homeward bound. The mar riage was postponed. J-K. J. E. MA.LONE. Office two doors below Thomas & Aycocke's drug store, adjoining Dr. O. L. Ellia. R. W. H. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBUno, N. c. E. VV. TIMBERLAKE, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUKO, K. C. Office on Nash street. I'. S. SPRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, LOUISBURG, N. C. Will ntten'l the courts of Franklin, Vance, OrauvllK Warren and Wake couuties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt atte nti m given to collections, &e. N. Y. QULLEY. . ATTORNEY- AT-L AW, FRAKKMNTON, X. C. All legal business promptly attended to. mHOd. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, lo: isb':rg, n. c. O.flee on Main strot. one door helow Eagle Hot-l. -yy M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, LOUISBL'M, N. C. Practices in all courts. Office in the Court Hons-. 3 DeLeon, Texas, July 23. 1891 Messrs. Lippman Bros., Savannah. Ga. Gents I've used nearly four bottles of P P. P. I was afflicted from the crown of my neaa iq ine sole nt my leet, Your 1. if. f has cured difficulty of breathing andsmoth ering. palpitation of the heart, and relieved me of all pain: one nostril was closed for ten years, now I can breathe through it readily. I had not slept on either side for two years, in fact, dreaded to see night come, now I sleep soundly in any position all night. I am 59 y?ar8 old. but expect soon to be able to take hold of the plow handles; I feel proud I was tacky enough to get P. P. P. and 1 heartily recommend it to my mend ana the public generally. Yours respectfully, A. M. KAMSEY The State of Texas. County of Comanche Before the undersigned authority on this day, personally appeared A. M. Kamsev who being duiv sworn, says on oath tlia the foregoing statement made by him rela tive to the virtue of P. P. P. medicine is true. A. M. Ramsey. Sworn to and subscribed before me this August 4 th, 1891, J. M. Lambebt, N P., Comanche Cc, Texas :an experience of travel. Hotr Woman Wu Well Unpaid lW a Little lilt of Kindness. It was a woman who was talking: a littls, giddy looking thine: but Bho was speaking quite nervously to ner traveling companions, telling a Btory of her experience on a former trip. Yes," she was saying, "Mrs. B. was with me, and I had my terrier along, as I was going home on a vis- It, and as usual with women who are traveling I didn't have any too much money ; in fact, I had spent all my al- owance except a dollar and was ashamed to let Jim know, so when the conductor told me I must send that dog to the baggage car and pay 1 for him at the end of the trip I relt pretty bad." "Mean old thing I" chorused the company. He said that it wasn't his fault that the dog was a perquisite of the Daggage man." "And then he tied him up and didn't give him a drink nor any" No, he didn't I Wait a minute. The car was crowded, and there wasn t a vacant seat. At one of the stations a tall, slim old ladv with .white hair got in and stood leaning against the side of the car door. I was cross and disagreeable and for a moment I just let her stand. Then I felt ashamed of myself, and giving the dog to my friend I went and asked the woman to take my seat She did not want to, but I told her I was going to walk up and down the car aisle for exercise, which I did." That was just like you, Nelly" No, it wasn t. I'm awfully selfish. but wait. After the car started a man in a checked gingham blouse and blue overalls came in and talked to the old lady and called her 'moth er.' When ho went out again, she told us wh?t a good son he was. At the next station we stopped 20 min utes, and Mrs. B. went out on th platform, and we walked up and dow, with Fido rnd left the mother and son to visit together. And what do you think? He was the horrid baggage man, and he let me keep Fido and wouldn't take a cent for him, though I offered him the last dollar I had. He said that a seat for his mother was worth more than that. Now, wasn't that a pleasant experience?" and tho little woman smiled over the memory. Detroit Free' Press. IS IT HAS IT DONE The oritri'inl and only genuine Compound Oxygen Treatment, timt of Drs. S turkey & raj:'n U a scientific adjustment of the ele ments of Oxygen and Nitrogen magnetized; an 1 the -compound in so condensed and in ilf portable that it is sent oil over the wirl.t. It been in usp for over twenty years; t ti -i-iiinds of patients have been treated. a'i 1 ovur one thousand physicians have nsod it and recommended it a very signifi cant fact. "Compound Oxygen Its Mode of Action and Rpsults," is the title of a book of 200 pa?cs. published by Drs Starkey & Palen, which irivps to all inquirers full information a to this remarkable curative agent and a good record of surprising --cures in a wide range of chronic cases -many of them after i. aonlnnaH lia nther Thvsi- oians. Will be mailed free to any address FEED SALE AND LIYEKY "STA An Interesting Family. It seemed to be a ball of closely packed wool or brown hair about an inch in diameter moving steadily along the path. As there was no wind and no cpx"arent explanation Vice President Stevenson and of the movement of this mysterious party are traveling in Oregon. body I approached nearer, upon wnicn it ceaseu moving, ana was to Shtloh's Cure, the Great Cough and all appearance just what it had at Croup cure is for sale by Thomas & first seemed to be. Knowing that Aycocke. Pocket size contains t wenty- therQ musfc be life in or ftboufc it with my umbrella. Just as tho tip of the staff was about to touch it the object instantly spread out several inches in all directions, the whole mass again becoming motionless. In the center of the fiinire thus STA5D BY YOUR C0L0ES. As the Newberne Journal says, if ever there was a time when Dem ocrats should etand by their colors now is the time. ': Nothing has occurred since the sweeping victory of 1892 to dis conrage Democrats. Mr. Cleveland in hia inaugural address met the expectations of bis party aad received the applause of the people. The President is an executive of ficer, and there is no intimation that Mr. Cleveland has not admin istered the Government accord ing to law. But, they tell ua that there is dissatisfaction in the- land and that we have narrowly escaped a most disastrous panic, ana tms is charged to the Democrats. The Democratic party had noth ing to do with it, except to check its progress and span the brow of the tempest with the bow of j rom ise. -The proclamation of the President, calling an extra session of Congress, in effect said to the warring elements Peace, be still; and billow rolled back upon billow, until the storm king retreated with hi3 batallions of cloud thunder and tempest. The most disgusting sight of the present day is the assembling of gangs of political nondescripts on the flanks of the Democracy trying to stampede the grand old party with idiotic shouts of "We told you so ! We told you so !" The Democratic party has car ried the flag of the Constitution through a hundred battles, and it is not to be stampeded by the rattle of pans nor by the braying of asses. It is an old saying "Don't cross Muddy Creek until you get to it." "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." "Wait patiently the fullness of time. Wait until Congress is iu session. Wait for the President's message and the organization of IX THE SICK ROOM. A Flea For The W&rcboiutinen. New York Timaa. Says a trained nuree: "Don't let the patient see the preparations for any little coming doty in the sick room. I've known persons weak from long illness become pos itively exhausted from seeing the arrangements to make the bed, perhaps, going forward. I nursed awoman once, relieving her daugh ter, and she confessed to me the week after my arrival that the re lief in the way I managed the re plenishing of the open fire was alone worth my salary. I brought the coal in from the hall outside always wheu.she was asleep, wrap ping it in a clotb, and, of course, putting it on piece by piece with my bauds gloved. "You have no idea how I have dreaded the coaling process, ' ehe said: 'My daughter had the coal scuttle standing ready, and as I would note the fire growing low I would dread for an hour, perhaps, that crash of coal which teemed inevitable." Loving care cannot always be trained care, and it is the latter a sick person needs. IMPOLITE THINGS. At a meeting of the stockhold ers of the Farmers' Alliance ware house held here this morning, it was determined to discontinue business after July 31st, 1603. The business of the warehouse is in good shape and the stock baa proven a good investment to its owners, but the scarcity of money has compelled quite a number of stockholders to with draw their capital and it was the sense of the meeting that it is better to close than attempt to continue business on a reduced capital. The warehouse baa quite a lot of tobacco on band and as booo as this can be converted into money the stockholders will be paid in full and the profits di vided. The above is a special sent from Henderson to the News and Observer at Raleigh and shows that the attempt to run a ware house in North Carolina on cut rate charges has prcven a failure. For a long time there was a clam or among planters that our ware housemen were making too much money and that the charges for selling tobacco should be reduced. We give a few of those impolite Here in Winston an Alliance things in which people render j warehouse waj opened and after themselves disagreable : '; a short season of varying success 1 Loud and boisterous laughter. was closed, "becaiie it did not 1 Reading when others are talk- pay." The Alliance warehouse ing. in Henderson has held out for Reading aloud in company with- several years but after a long out being asked. j struggle we see that it must sue- . Talking when others are read- cumb to the same fate. It has 1 ing. I no doubt been well managed, Smoking about the house. J but after all it did not pay and Cutting fiuger nails in compa- hence the closing of its doors. whether any f theta Lave as bif piles to their credit as so mock clear gain from this source alone after all expense bare been paid at the end of each year as some people tbiuk. And while their charges may teem too blgb ex perience appears to have demon strated that ware houses caanot be socceesfully maintained with lower rates. We ay this as much in the interest of the fanner as the warehouseman. It- is well for ns to look at such matters fairly and say whether we are not better oST by maintaining a strong borne market. Southern Tobacco Journal. Gabriel Blowing at tbe Grave. Sometime ago Mr. J. C. Mc Eachren, of Cabarras coanty, be gan the erection of a steam mill near bis home, in No. 10 town ship. He got everything placed in position and concluded be would "fire op" and try his ma chinery on last Saturday. Now, the negroes bare a "meet ing home" and cemetery near by known as Ebenerer camp-ground . There was a burial in progress, and a large crowd of friends of the deceased were preseLt. Tbe corpse had been lowered into the grave and the parson was begin- i ning on the conclusion of the ser vices. Just then there broke in.npon their silence and sorrow a mc-ft sarill and hideous yell from Mr. McEachern's engine whistle. Every negro was scared in an inch of his life. They rub-el pell tnell across the old fieid, preacher and all, and did not re turn until n-xt day. They thought Gabriel had blown his Lorn. Rocket. ny. 1 be Journal contended when Leaving church before public j the AHiance people first agitated worship is closed. the opening of warehouses in the Whispering or laughing in : State that they would not be sue church. j cessful and asked that the matter Gazing rudely at strangers. ! be let alone. Had our advice Leaving a stranger without a 1 been followed some rnonev would ...l v. i a i i plain fchv it is that the nizh'e seal. iisc uevu taicu uiiu a timu urm i - lo t'.e Sore. To the Editor Can vou ex- the two houses. Waituntil study, or 11,, little U LA u it vi u a'r 'J a I - A want of reverence and respect 1 of engendered ill feeling been ; re coi,i for tbis time of TP A preacher named Jones, near Bedford, la., has been arrested for drawing a pension belonging to another Jones. on application. Das. STARKEY & PALEN, 1520 AreH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 120 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal. Please mention this paper. Coffins and Caskets, TT.u-l's fllnvpr "R.rmt. thp new blood purifier, gives freshness, and clearness formed was revealed a large spider to me complexion ana cares consupa- reaay to ao oatxio ior its youngr, tne tion. 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by gurroundin patch cf brown matter Thomas & Aycocke. wViirh hnA -rifJmtfHl frnm it Vainer composed of myriads of little spi ders, each so small that a single one alone would scarcely have been dis- BLES. reflection, debate and conferences have developed right lines of ac tion, and then, if the Democratic party fails to advocate any reform to which it is committed by the Chicago platform, it will be right to condemn it and bold its lead ers to the strictest "responsibili ty. 'The way faring man, tho' a fool,' knows that the President can do nothing without , the co-operation of Congress. seniors. averted. But the experiment It is now Juiv and a blanke-C A 1 Correcting persons older than . has been made and the lesson has , 18 necessary .o keep warm. . 1 f :!! i Kno n tlin.M,f,V)r. l.,n rn.l o r .1 A REAPRi. Receiving presents without an there is no need to reckon up the cost. The leaf tobacco selling bui Of cour.e we can. We can ei- of TO TEST ME.N'S SOCIALISM. The attention of the public is called to the cemible to the eye. Harper's Younff fact that the nndersigned are prepared to . J r give their patrons full satisfaction. Re member that y on can De accomouatea at any hour, day or night. UTKE K VV ART), Franklin'ton, N. C Henderson College, A Saleswoman's Hard Question. A lady had almost decided to buy the coat she was trying on. The weary saleswoman breathed a sigh of relief. The customer had been hard to suit. Even yet she fingered the buttons and twitched the sleeves HENDERSON, N. C. The Fall Session of Henderson thoughtfully jt i aaa i .r. olroarlv College will beenn "What was this fur when it wa3 lfJnW On.tmnl.ni. J 1 0M auvef sue bawi u ui up uy as sue au fflUiUluJf, DGpiClUUCl 4, 1030, justed the collar, The Academic Department, incluj The saleswoman hesitated and ding English, French, German, LafT stammered. She was torn between in and Mathematics will represent a businesslike desire to make a sale onlv.what is best, while the music and a conscientious regard for the and art will be under skilled teach- truth. Her confusion was painful ers. For further particulars ad dress, Mrs. B. B. Phillips, Principal, Henderson, N. C complete line of wood and cloth covered Coffins and Caskets SOLID WALNUT COFFINS AND CASKETS. "Well, ma'am, we have to call it marten," she said at last, "but it was skunk when it was alive." Youth's Companion. expression of gratitude. Making yourself the hero your story. j nes is an old one and the ware- Laughing at the mistakes of , houses know what it costs to con duct the business. There is little money in it even at tbe regular others. Joking of others in company. Commencing talking before ; charges and the failure of the Al- others have fiuished speaking. Answering questions that have been pufto others. Commencing to eat as soon as you get to the table. Als(a line of 1 METALICS DHIYERSITT OF BORTH CAROLIHA ! EQUIPMENT: Faculty of 25 teachers, 11 buildings, 7 scientific laboratories, libra ry 30,000 volumes. 31 G students London Corporation Gifts to Royalty. During tho past century the Lon don city corporation has expended mwlifino. enfrinpprii.fr finrl p.hpmiRt.rv- fin- , . v 0 0 , r as nice and nne goods as is car- tionai courses. I L 'JLt kXJkJ. AUtUiu J ' v j Ctal . I led ID any Ot Our Cities. UUr I Scholarships and loans tor the needy r AddrfiRS. at.nn.1r ir nmrmlfitft in fivfirv line. PRESIDENT WINSTON, r j , .., x, p A Beautiful Stvlish 5hc Respectfully, for Ladies. . R. R. Habeis &,Co. Louisburg, N. C. INSTRUCTIONS: Five general courses, on 28 separate occasions something 6 brief courses, professional courses in law, 30,000 upon gifts to royalty. This is exclusive of the grant of 2, Bank of Louisburg Does a General Bankiag Business sff' " Collections made and returned promptly 500 which has been voted for the marriage present to the Duke of York and Princess May. All the sons of the queen are citizens by .pat rimony. The marriage presenta tion to the Princess of Wales 30 years ago was a diamond necklace and carriage which cost 10,000. London Tit-Bits. What Sunburn Doe For the Face. Remember this, that while sunburn is painful and annoying it is also a great improver of complexions. It eliminates blotches and pimples, smooths out rough places and clears the way for better skins. It is Dame Nature's way of putting new velvet and frftsli roses into the faces of her . i ia ttian riTrin.Tin w 1 1. ri ptpit maiiun ui lhct iwk . i - t Northern Exchange bought ami sola, j t retains its stylish shapeVhen other shoes give 1 cbildreiu New" York Herald. tray ana urea, xi is im uet me umuc, COUNTY ORDERS CASHED PRICES, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50. An Infallible Test. "How do you distinguish an old Interest paid on deposits after three aoatns; W.K WEBB, President. Consolidate;! Shoe Co., Mfrs. Lynn, Mass. one?' , lOKSAuui Conae, no joking! Fowls have no PERRY & PATTEHSUIMJ teeth." TOUNGSYILLE, N. C. - 1 "But I havcl" Secola Give a Man Chance to Get Rich and Watch Him. "The best way to test a man's faith in socialism," said a traveler to a representative of the St Louis Globe Democrat, "Is to watch what he does when he accumulates or is presented with a little property. I have a trusted employee who is a first-class man in every respect, except for his determination to talk and argue a little too much. For years he has been an ex treme socialist and has been argu ing about the crime of wealth. Not very long ago he refused to continue the discussions and seem ed very anxious to forget all he had ever said in favor of an equit able division of all the good things in the world among all the people living in it. . I laughed at him a good deal, but without success, and finally ascertained the cause. "He had for years been buying the house ho lived in by small in stallments, and not beiug a very good accountant had lost track of the flight of time, and was very much surprised one hue morning to find that he owned his house from encumbrance. The ground had increased in value about two per cent while he was paying for it and he is now worth three thousand or four thousand dol lars. "I forget how much he had been arguing was the maximum amount each American should be allowed to own, but it was a very small per centage of his present earthly pos sessions, and hence his abandon ment of the desire for dividing up The building associations scattered over the country in so many thou sands are the best anti-socialist advocates that can well be: imag ined. ' A NATURAL BOliS TRADER. itatville Landmark. An Iredell boy who is only 14 years old has, since January 1st, bought and 6old, all by himself and entirely on his own judgment, 37 males and 23 hcrses, Ue also made 21 exchanges, and has made seven trips 25 and 35 miles from home, carrying each trip from three to seven head of stock which he sold and exchanged. In addition he has bought, sold and exchauged 17 head of cattle and four wagons. Along with all this trading he is doing some farming and has 14 acres of corn in nue condition. In all these trades the boy has made a good profit and although so young in years can give veteran norte traders points about business. While this story has a fishy sound, it is really an underestimate of what the boy has done. Ita truth can be substantiated by a number of well known citizens, and the boy can be produced if necessary. The moral of this is give your boy a show. Give him a chance to do some bueinesa on his own hook. You don't know what's in him un til you try him. Two Clever Answers. liance attempts to sell tobacco at reduced rates proves this state ment beyond a doubt. The Hendereon Gold Leaf in not ing the fact says that the Alliance houses were started to reduce rates in the iuterest of the farm ers. But economically and well managed aa they have been, they have not succeeded, and of the more than half dozen that hare been started within the last five 1 plain everything except our con duct and the combination- to our ?Hfe. The reaon that tbe nigh: aro eo coid is because tLe ge 1 graphical etlnvia of the eangrci -! der is about to blow the top t S the banglingus. Thas you viK j observe, the cosmic dut whicii generates in the fyiaekio nec-s sarily cools with certain degree more or lew as it recede frurs the boreal pole coming toward the door as yon go out. It Should B In Every House. J. B. Wilson. 371 Clir St.. Shrr barsr, P.. y he wiil no t witho Dr. King'i New Dieoery far ooami tion. coombs nJ clci. tLtt it cared Lr wife who was lbrrtrad witk poonr- nia, itler n attsvk of "La ripp-" years, with the closing of the j ,j phj.iruos hid don b no Henderson house there will be i Robert lUrtr. of Cookiport, r .!, Dr. King's w Dicoery L but one farmers Alliance ware-; j ,n him more eood than maytbiD . house in the State. We regret n"-d for long trrbW. 'otLi- , , . , . . i likt? it. Try it. For sale it Artck.- I that this has been the history of cv.- drag ton?. Lrg tuJ :.. such houses, because a a friend i cd I u0- of the farmers we desire It is reported that a man, ap pointed sixth auditor of the treas ury, subject to examination, was asked to state the distance of tbe moon to the earth. His written answer was simply, "Not near enough to affect the functions of a sixth auditor." He passed. " So did another who, being examined for employment in the treasuy, was asked how-many soldiers Eng land sent to this country daring the Revolution. Uis answer was, A blamed eight more than ever jgot back." to ee every measure prosper that looks to their welfare. There must be some cause for this. Let us see then what it is if possible. Has it been bad management? We think not. Has there been un fair dealing toward the stock holders I No. Then the only way we can account for failure is the fact that they undertook more than they could carry out for the charges demanded. This with regard to the Alli ance warehouses generally. Ot the Henderson house especially it may be said they are all clever gentlemen, capable and experi enced business men managers, directors aud stockholders and did as well as any one could have done, bnt yon may put it down as a fact that no warehouse or any other bnsinees cau succeed in the long run on cut rate charges. No man or association of men can afford to do business at & Iosa. We know thatthcro is an impres sion abroad that the warehouse men are getting rich and that their charges are too high and all V that, but we seriously question Speaker Crisp was bom in Sheffield, England, and Ifke tit cutlery made there, he is goo metal and well tempered. At lanta Journal. Electric Bitters. ThU irroedy is beeointrg o Ji known aod so popular a to oxl tr special mention. All who have c-4 K Wtric Bitten ring lb same ofr pr&is. A furr mriiiB dotirool m-t and it i goarao4ed to do all that claimed. Electric DitUrrs -will car ! disease of the lite -and kklaeys. i remote pimple, bolls. alt rheum other affection canaed by imp- blrnxJ. Will artre niaUrta from 9jvtQ aod prevent aa wella rare tnlartai fevere. For care of header constipation a4 iadirtion try h trie Uittera. Iwure aacicf&cUoa f ; an teed, or raoner refunded. PrW aad ?1.00 per bottle at Ajcocke k i drag store. NOTICE. rtrtn oT 3cre of tbe Pnprior a oc rrakJiM County ialae ru of Cor rbripe v . M. y en. -at apruuna if 1 will sHl by pnbbe anctioa far cash at Coart-Hou door o 1ibwrt W day. iscMt 14tb. a trart ot I aitoat) la i4 "CoaeTy. coataiaiBft- 1 sv-rea, sitnated oa the watervofGilr Cr-' avrjjoiolaff tbe Uxls o- o. W. Jobm. P.. i WysD aad otbera, beine tbe bmai oa wt. -W. H. Wyna w rveidea, r4 taote r-- ticwtaHe WwcHbe4 bvIkM4f Travt I ' --' W. H. Kyaavad wr?etw Tboosae II. !v naa dat4 Marrfa 19tb, re. aad rrf tr& 1 be oSkvof tbe -iUiriator o( f Frank So CormtTm ooob 79 2w. Ttle Jely IXtb. 193 - Tbowa II- Prrrwsf Coeaailesefs. rint&ao k 8)aw, Attn. t 4 4 K 4 &

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