(Sir i 1 '." . rrV; -. . - i i - -LL .a. v .Kyo- '...-" -V - .: - , -s' -. - . vol xiiii. LOUISBURG, N. FRIDAY, AIT.UST ll, im. Highest ofall in .tiavening Powcr.'-.UtestU.Gbv'tReporC'- CAPT. SWIFT GALLOWAY, I oS . drink., rfavlng fatUEed i. "-.X" " " - -'-.'- 1 11 ' . r. Ibis mind of tho truth of histheorv. TfVJl ;Dia0 ' " '-i ORATQl LAWYER, STATESMAS AD. that restless Renins, impelled l.y IS!! v. iiil DRESSES A FINE, CULTDEED : AUDIENCE IN TIIE OPERA 3 " HOUSE- ON THE MERITS OF THE KEELEY- .v; - - " CURE, , - ;'':';;.: the yearning of his soul to confer a priceless : boon J upon humanityset-himself to sufTerirr find refuge, namely'; that which Dr. Keeley has evolved and estab lished.. IIo pointed as proof to one hundred and forty odd thou sand living monuments inhuman flesh and blood and he said Where Li I'our Eojf a err of cun;h:n. TO PUBLICSCHOOL TEACBERS. The Superintendent J of V; Public Schools of Franklin copnty will Joe in Louiaburg.on the: secondThurs day of February, 'April,? July Sep-' teraber, October and December, tind remain for three days, if necessary, for the purpose of examining appli cants to teach in.the Publie Schools of this county. - - will -Iso, . Jbe in J Louisbur on;: Saturday iof ; each week, and allpublie days, to; attend, to any business connected with my, office. - V-f :j -5'-f C. M. COOKR & B02T ' . .J..' rr LOTHSBTJBOv S. C. Win ttenil th.e courts of 'Nash. Franklin, OranviUo, Warren and Wake counties, also the apreme court oi iNorta uarounp, ami iue u. utreaic ana uwcricc coans. . .- it . - 5 D . Jones held an execution against a farmer and when he called for a. settlement, the, agriculturist; too'k him out-into a big;-pasture, and pointed' out, a, wild steer-as . the Battle, Esq.; FoUows with II- - lustrations of - the Grand Work v ; Accomplished In the' State"; by '... :k ' the" two InstitutesT-A Re- . -v ;-'xnarkahle Ee6rd."AM:.i-::r- ; Th, Opera House was comforta bly filled on Thursday uight . July 27th to hear - Capt. .GaUo'way, whilo m S tate . S ol i ci tor; "ajo A jDos- sey Battle, .Esq., lectiiref6n the cure for the dread disease. Un-J watch the happy faces and elas- . batted rby obstacles and tatmg tic step of the column of this fresh courage from each repeated grand arraj of the disenthralled, trial and test, he at last after pa tient and, assiduous tai I developed this wonderful and glorious" dis- j covery which bears his now illus trious name. . - , ' ; : Capt.' Galloway proceeded then A Jl J ' - 11 ' i" ' io aescrioe . ine : eanv stairo - in .. . . . . -J which wiU. power : and abstejition' particular piece of -property ihat L ,-'n x V i' r-i wa!lia P0DaI V" 't a- v ' c r Vt- 1 KeleyfCore, iba$ has brpught salr then tha nlktr shouia a;levieaf uponos V. n Ka ah.; a? tbftn the stag. and how can you longer stand a caviller or a doubter? lie also pointed to the testimonials which this great government had given in establishing twenty-seven Keo ley sanitariums in Eoldiers, and sailors' Homes for veteran. r Tho number of .imitation,, so called, cures, -' ccmnterfelts-alfo chased: the. -"7 steer 2 around e or period, itf whlch ( attested the vrbrlb and perTectlca, "Vie do not leave hone at night when , it is possible to renain there, but when we have occasion to be up street at lit hours we have never failed to observe some bovs from eight to eixteea years of age going to and fro in crowds, and usinlaoguage that would shock the modesty of any decent I man. Borne parents say it is im possible to keep, their boys i u- doors at night. We think .it is getting to bo a serious . matter when parents can' I govern hcj s from elgikt to. sixteen years old. W have-had" tome of them.to tell i Voa fntfwi t t m-.j toar; l!otrr tit nxxUcf fim XaKt-i r- WT trn Toar sT.g wia f&Covt t l.ormra, Or iawt'r; cart U krxxUr f avl rTJ ttl j-ou trU as4 lrf lu tay UriJ j to tL ai c f M-nnxr tya kUm ar iolvc Yccr vw'. r.U cr la a lu, t aa r:r ar ft&&!& aaJ UcJLcajA prtlsx. a4 I am a iracAi ra-a a:f dUdodajL . Tor thocrr rojad U a tooaJ ,wauld probabIycnre theWdlsaase; W9p. w 150,000 menitticlr happi-1 th"ev.imiffhtrj8saibl.vcnri; -.'iv.ill nf tbft TtU rur M-nilM not us their boys woutd slip off with then that in which- it :.waa practi- cooriterfeita -worthless: article, onV their knowledge.- One or- cally . impossible ;td::pehnanentl7 they trade on the confidence men feuse of that kind would be all a eradicate the disease without med- have m the well-establUhed Kee. boy, who baa the light kind of IcaOreatmenttat : a Keeley Instil ley cure. V V v ; i .V: M 'J i ..-": parents; wonld wlab to commit. tute rHe said that in the second - He" closed with a clowinir' tribl leather straps, cow-hides or thin- "urH-7'! ana r- CaptC.-.M.-Cookeintroduced taking .out is book, began to, oaptG;1Ioway ln mosl commeud- write . , . C- .-" . r , f, A.,." . - r atory,terms, vouching for Lim as a iWhat are y6u doings there J maQ of higrf6lxor and a pVrf ect asKeu lue granger.' r J, Tw aaj yea part, dsat rw Dick Tot:r lau"'it ri ar atslr inn rg wfcel day ksjr jva ar mtt eaaxtl . ror )i pee aaJ roa ltt."4cx;Vl t" - .-..... Cct aT uk JS. tuut jrti ct rm, conlr . . ' T reaa ibrenc f Tcra t-cl rwt ta l ax4 rUk cWf Axt Uiry tHtW atara raar4 kJa roa aaoaalec , Dkk.rmbakUkaaararrVicst: . Com LL LaUtro? ta Lts lion iomrL I gentleman.' .'j'". ' nffiu tan Xaam twins Thomas 8c ATCOCke'B . drag store, adjoining Dr. O. L. Bllla. D R. W. H. NICHOLSON, PBACTICINO PHYSICIAN, tOCISBtJEO, S. OL "" ( E. W. TIMBERLAKB, ATTORNBT-AX-LAW, XOUISBUBS, k.. . .. Ot&ce on Nash street. - .: F. S. 8PRUILL, ATTORNET-AT-LAW,' - J. x Will attend tka eonrta of Franklin, Vance, QranTm-, Warren and Wak counties, also the Uaprame Court of North. Carolina, Prompt attention given to coUectiona, &c. "M- T. GULLET. . -C'-- " ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, VBAKKUsroif, . & -Xk-S " All legal baainesa promptly attended to. - "Do I ' have it , all to gasped the rancher. VCharging niileagel -replied CapU Qf after fitlfac the;, censtable; without Jooking owledging tne compliments paid o I 7 o , i ieci. mat one jnan oniv in a itiona- . -f - 8Pech of Capt. Cooke,' stated that atfd igLt be-'cured ; without -the You bet " i4 .t: v - . : reaumi om wao-ougni. io run "Then take this tami:helfe7 ?5 ft,lt -ttirrdv.NiW.f rtk' here.'. I can't stand-any." such TlTtfn !H - Wl eame as that " - ' lhe mer?fuI- proTidenco f God, enty ont of a thousand - cases " are . . " .' " ; - ' tad;eveoeen evoked through the amiKK im 'iikt ruE,v;.o9 ,iuH if i ogco ivi - mo aaicuuiavtyu ' :; vui l drink habit r . - T: J ' ,V; V CtleWll4M!aOa.Xa4a. i -The wild jnn'.e catscf soctbmx India, aro tall. Iot lej-sed, bold tad -d.Tprrcu r.r.fr:aX Oce ci ihcsx was pTCTe"uted from dcirg fccrioas in jury to General I!aultca by the staee it was his onmion formed nt to thA latitM and an arnaltr. could soon eure a boy thus upon intejligent estimates by , per all to aid in saving' the 'precious acHued if properly appliedl sons of good jndgmenton the'sabr lives that were "daily rbeing - of- 7 11 balbecn said that children, tered: as Tictims to the insatiate htn, Joup 8WP 00 onr wei hot monster, alcoholi when older step on our hearts. A, r.Tbe -lecture': was -Interspersed at deal of the latterstepping FJS after fowls. The with apt and enioVable aVec. uld be' avoided if, the .object .1 in catchirg flH0& B wilder, , attorney-at-law," . - L0aiSBtE, h. a - v OiBce on Main street, one door wa6 Esle Hot L ; -- - ' r . . ::"H- M. PERSON, tracticea in all courts,, Offlce m tho Conrl House. .. ;-".;.i?y WH HI IS IT HAS IT DON 5 CAN ITrPO dotes. :' ;" i . -' " . i were lacea in nana .in. .time. VCaDtdallow a yoan'g tree is planted, handsome and striking personal-1 however crooked if may' be, It m " r . " . I ran" het atrmffritflnil ritr- nmnar Messrs. Liypman BVos.. Savannah, Ga. J V " - J I" 7 7 ??lu uu,,' -' 1 .,. "7 nuengraceiui speaser ana " -r r. o-T-TT- lients-ive nsea nearly lonrbotups oi r laucu xavc, auu uo,waa ;Fuuu - iu iHe described the methods pur- was heard with rapt atteution by ,r. ie lV6row;r ew totoKfmyftel tS?K P."K bea testimon7 in hisownper aedat the Keeley InsUtuUs, : and the large and anUlligent. audi- years andthen try' to straighten Si n,that,he came at the -invitation ipoke of tne splendid work, bein ence' -vr ; :. - it and yoawill fail.' :The boy re- 0LLP'JLMI M "DoeyBatle done.4)y Mr.t tree in ;Ms partica readily. r " 7 manager of The Keeley Institute borb'Vand Mr. ? Battle at Kock I bad not slept on either side for two years, in, fact; dreaded to see nint come, now . I sleep soundly in any position all - lam 59 yars old, but expect soon to beimtgub uuuer buuib.wwu tuawwouiu f itfus nnfArtnniit a-J.aKU ' 1T ,tk- tV -1 - able to take hold of the Blow handles: I fl I .j , j-J " , ' Cl. . ' I w . M,T v,?..,;r.u prond-twaBlnckyenonghtoRet P.- P. P., aiu in speeuiug lue causo , wuicu 8poke 0f their, ability and high way, illustrating. the grand work theirfchpsen workHe V gave 7a this State'. He ; paid -a glewlng ;iend Mr. Dossey-Battle, done.4)y Mr.tCbo'rne at "Greens- - CaCh M; -CookV then . in- eemtlea the 6 in of TheKeeley Institute bor and Ml?s Battle-at Ilockv lrodnCed . Ul :-TnaV ffiaftU: Mosfboys .ne at Rocky Mount, and jwithpnV fee Mount fo; manager bf the- Rdck Moant chastising to keep them iu the jibe ttrtag nuce aad Uw ft to v; or reward; itbe .-hope- , that he restoration Keeley Institute, who -spoke for path of the upright- r 2- h tnado ita tcth Wta . skill ho bad acquired cricket baHa. ,, . . "The cat cma to tho rastanrstst Thedogswere . some time ' rssse aoons. the hedges which divUkd. the ch eers' quarters. :. - .Then thero came a lorg check, the dogs bavins lost the scent. Ilarall Um at laet esed th6 cat equattis; ' in a hedxre ' and cmlled the docs. When they catno, ho knelt do-wn and began clapping Lis liable and cheer leg them . on. SaddcslT the cat sprang at histrr. bet he canght it as one would 0 cxklcct ball, rare its " " J . - and the public generally. , , Yoars respectfully, A. M. RAMSEY. - Thk State or Texas, , . County of Comanche Before the undersigned authority on this 4a.v, personally appeared A.- M.-j Ramsey, irhd being duly sworn,- eavfl .on oath. "that thr foregoing statement made by him rtla- ttv.to the Tirtuo joi fr true. -1 v ; f . ' A.M. Ramssy. Sworn to and subscribed before me this that, speakiug from -personal': ex- perience, he could bear testimony- to the efficacy of the Keeley treat ment and declare that it fulfilled to tbefletter its every promise"and p. p medicine i established its , "every claim. t Jtgnst 4 th, 1891 5 i. II. Lahoest N" P., Comanche Cci "texaa - The orioinal and only genuine Compound i Ox vgen Treatment, that of Pre, Htarkey & Palen is a scientfflc, Adjustment of -the ele ments of Oryscen an V Niton-majcnptizel; au l the compound i aoirondeneed anf ma'le portable that it is;sent Jl over the; world. .s?.?Z.gg-M'Wk i-V It has been in isflF for, iover twenty iyears thousands of patients have been; treated, auii over one thousand - pliysirians jhave used it and recommended it a very signifi cant factr .-'r- ...rJ'-tl' - -"Compound Oxyjsen Its Mode of Action and Results," is the .title of a book of 200 pogen. published by Drs Starkey & Palen, which gives to all inquirers full information as to this remarkable curative agent and a good record of surprising cures-in" a .wide range of chronic cases -many of thenr after being aHandoned to die by other' physi cians. Will be mailed free to any ; address on application. r'ij-'-' Des.8TAUKEY&PALEN1 1529 AVch Street. Philadelphia. Paw 1 c . 120 Sutter Street, Saw Francisco, Cal, X loan; AUCivavf. : t Melton That fellow -Alltalk is he windiest man I know. A MeWerly No V yyonder- His wife , takes. -particular pains" to blow'-hlnv. up every" chance she getsA';r sr Coffins and We have added to gut: already complete Hhe otvwoodland'Jstoth . covered Coffins and Caskets", T SOLID WALNUT CDFf INS AH H CASKETS. - - Also" a 1 i ne.-of- ,-""' "' V .-.VJ ;i as nice and JBne goods as is car ned in any ;of our cities.4 Our stock is complete in "every ' line; 1 -;; "- Respecjf nlly,v , ; . J t r ; R. RC Harris cVCo. ' Louiaburg,'N. C.'' 7 ' ' ; B ank of Lb pi s b li rg , Does a General , Bankinff Business. Collections made and returned promptly Northern Exchange bought and sold. COUNTY ORDERS CASHED Interest paid on deposits after three W,P,VEJBB, PresUlcnt. human kindness. -. -V-Vf -rin showing the 'hew . manhood and 'nobler and better aspirations ling and I awakened in a Tman by ' having pleasing descriptioni of the spa- tribute to the . philanthropy and cious grounds v and .commod ions big-heartedness of Capt: W. n. bnildings of the Keeley " sanitari- Osborn, President of tb'e Board of tirn at RockMount; wherehe Directors, and the individuals of was treated, and its' retired - loca- Via TiniVl f tha TTultf Tti.tsl' ac . yuau.Aumcu tio? away 4'frcm-themaddening tute company.' --f JThey are,, he of science; the.continnally increas- crowd- adhe stir Vend. JcomW said; all rneri of largeonla..witb ,ug nuoi u Cftii.o.vu i- ftion orthe.busyworiarvCntrinlg-rijearU brim full of the milk: of mentat.v1sion oi manr ana saia .ne gestive of peace and - repose, : and the light of civilization is steadi h extol led theiquality and quan Jy and consistently brightening to tity--bf its Accommodations: -He its perfect day; but yet. amid all ypoke of the fraternaT feeling! a iue Hitrcoso ill His wunww - ttiUSi tin11 n r t Avr man TatlA,! kir I -. 1,..- .t. J.I..V J!.... produced and .his ever growing theWtreu Is Howard ?each": other. iuwn ir, tKt K.rl hn.Afftd prosperity, man still finds- on He gaid that spend a third of ;their time jWrrtTThTT, 1 pathway Jhe same old enemy , that tuVallT denraved men 'are Wlr v ,. tv - ;rtrnv,l' : - 1 ' with their families if they would ie?WpSMM rrK'-'ifc' $&l" tWU.. in bi. Ocb and five doses, cnlySSc. Children love it. ; rtawn '.9 "1S- Jistory-r-Alco&ol, and that, the personnel would com- beak fixed in his eonl, Mr. BaU mng Aiconow : - , parejavorably.with vthat - of any tQ 8tated that he had kept Uack . He here drew a pathetic picture assembled bodynearly every, on 0f. forty-five cured men; who had of the evil effects of alcohol upon that oesthere for treatment is "a 0nce sustained chtfrch relations, the victim of Its. abuse -and upon person arid of those thirty-nirie had" fe- his family and.upon society. He conduct, and ;most::-of -;themare rie'wed those relations and were said that to curator ; arrest 'J this men-of intelligence and"-refine- now working for God. O' - migutyen!.expeaieni alter .expi." mctiLl :t'.r. 7. L; tt- ;Mo .v Chatham lUcord. ct that the nndersiffijed are prepared to ent had been devised and agency ;He said that all eminently xjrse-1 the thouchi that he was vaccom- Qnile number, of persons in ?rilrv?f! B,L"1?!,:.i Z after axrency had ' been - invoked Xy&A-At - CiZ v -i 1. : tM mintv r,lthdr"wrt thr .iii.iu.v..v.. v.vvv,vlivai., n iguuil! BUIUO KVVU.IU VUMI tllD I . Let every parent, whohas boys, try-to-instill ipto them a high sense of honor. ..This can be done, bat it requires both time and pa tience to accomplish' the' work. The world is getting too bnsy tc find time for boy culture. . There are parents, we mean fathers, wb seldom ever 'see their children awake. .-"They go from their bus iness late at night and leave for the aameV early in :.the . morning. The children "grow to manhood without any special training by the fathers, Mothers cannot do all the work. , , , V : ; ; ; All 'business men could do just ay mnch business as they now do ! Karl's Clover Root, the new blood purifier, gives fresh Bess.. and clearness to the complexion and cures constipa tion. - 25c.,' 50c ana JS1.CQ. - .oola. by Thomas & Ay cocte.'1" - , s FEED SALE AND LIYEItY BLES STA, unite upon a plan. . , The profits of business men. are consumed by vthe expense connected with night work,. Save your- boys while yon can and in after life you will save many - heart aches. : Thank to the Lerlslatnre, ' bb arm. and for wc 'a he carried It ia a sling. Youth's Ccsspaidca. . . f '- . xiirrcrspija. - Asmisht havo bc-cn expected the " dwarf race of Morocco andha Atlas ' has been traced to Europe, and flirty , puro types are fcrund la Spain, t-?; -v dally in the pro viz: co of Gctojl. These people aro only 2 fe-ei 7 inchea J to 3 feet 0 inches Lip-i rr.d aro ether , wise characterized Vr a: yeHcw tia.'. broad,' square faces, 3fy,y ! :.-.n eyci aad.red hair of a'?.y kxtrre..' Spednjcxis of ' ticca rf' ' -iUy, ; to bo Bcn ia trlit't L manca', ard thrre li aauTtobc a cuia -ber la tho Col tie Tojs aad tho T alley of Bibas, acv cral h ours ty'rsil fxeca Toulouse - It U net ir;7nbab!e that the Mongoaaa eye, r. ! ' via is observed -in a email x?crcciit-a1cf Welsh and English people, is dcriTed by Inherit- -ance from tho Iberian pygmies or a cornmoa ancjCtry.CrIs3el's r 1Uj- t , The attention of thevublic is called to the fact civ member that you- can be -accomodated -at any ttuur, uay or uiiii. yw-.-- , (' t ' XJPKR W ABO, &iL -iEraiiklinton. N. C. ful. inventions and discoveries that 1 Tjlishlnt? some eood to offset' Henderson C College, ; ; InENDERSON, N.. C. Jh The- Fall Session " of v Henderson College will begin ma and put iu molion,dnstancing the have run. counter to fprecoiiceived bad example of " previous - years, temperance organizations, theelo, notions of fthe leading 'minds of The work-had" obstructions, 'the quent. and ' touching appeals .of the age have had bitter arid .fierce chief of which wehV drinker pHondajafSeitesSeilMa.: subscriptions to the business fund of the State Alliance, or at least as much of it as they could , get, gifted temperance orators, and the opposition to contend with" it first; who had not yet reached the sUg- for no one has received; back; the enactment of prohibitory; legisla- ttnduntil by fignat successes, they gering and gutter stage, but who full atrionnt paid by him. A few tion h .While not decrying. any ?f had cleared; froraTtheO t'rac postoSee money those means, because. he admitted i r -ViU '"irnvi 11-. i - j.i u .1 I aim u-sm ntrtnUil t f V -t uiaiu uuatwg iuiucs, jLu&bcu i aruu Karusvravci voai same roaa, t ivMn. w- was with Jeriner's great; discovery I no man starts a drunkard. ' He I office - here- for "paymenti ajl of those means, because he admitted that they emanated from the pur est and holiest motives and aspira- The Academic DeriarttoenWririclu-1 tiofis of fwobla.' and : nhi lati throini a. ?Jnj:?ntflI yetrhe e'xclaim'ed, "what is onlv what is best.-while ih musiet the reason of the failure al 'i "., rcytuMl la Jtaarly Krrr VDItfa, . I There U-generally soinebody--a Ldy as a rule ia each district, oa whom its finest m&Uprop are fa thered, tone times quite unfairly. It .b she who is reported to hare made that speech about the glories cf her , father's house, up to tho door of which . there ran a"rovcaae cf popular trees,"' she who asked' her daughter to play that littlo "malady" she had learned ' at the 'cemetery," and she aguia who pronounced Mr. Brown at proud u Luther," whilo tho tufthnatirg llr. : Smith was such a "toby" to deserved to be "tattooed" at his ciub. Dear Mra-Malaprcp, what should wo d without her f London Glote, " ;V..;stTTaatKdaaU"l. la acoznposdtioaUTwn 'Educatkm, : a boy enco wrote. 'Xdtscatica is gt mg to school, wnicb is being taarkrc of vaccination in the 18th century: paid his respects to the stdnidlty them having been sent by;Maj. 1 yj. so with Pasteur's wonderfnU cure 6f the man who was not ashamed 1 W.-A- Graham, 'for "hydrophobia1 discovered in this 1 to tzet drunk but who ret hesitat-1 business fund, trustee .of the to persons who oniv what is best,-while xhe musict tne reason of the lailnre along ? all i wBn'eratibn. and he cited other d is-Uiltnlm trMfP.r - f: 1 had applied lor a return of their andn,rt.will be under killed -teoch- these Jiues arid in all' these -fields tinguished instances. He declared - Capt. CrM'. Cooke : himself a money.; .For this . return of their dreg 1 ' .P- :or tl'Here- .:it;is:. There that many-of: the': most) emirient man of the most exalted 'charae- money-these'pertons are'indebted r: MhsB. B. Phillips, Principal; - was a failure to discover or at least ment in;the madisaUprofcssiori;- in ter had vouched the character cf t0 .the last- legislature, -which America and Europe; toiayi "yere Capt. Gallowayto the .aridiehcal emended the charter of the AIll- as a high-toned gentlemari, with so as to allow them this all the word implies;' and Capt' rint, and t for, which simple act Gallowav had boldlr rpro2laimed 01 J'suce ne xuira pary ieouer aad then prom c tod, and if you aro a girl you graduate and hare Cower, but if you are a "boy youloat hare Cowers; you only go to college," A somewhat unique, deplorable, but coiaTrcheasiTe d cuuilioa 1 JouruoJ of Education. . - Henderson, N. C. - to establish the true actnal nature UNIVERSITY OP KORTH CAROIffli! 3 . r EQUIPMENT: "Faculty of 25 teachers, ha Wtl W of. the .KeelAy. treatment,- and , that .11 build j tigs. T.Bcientific laboratories, libra ; curse, of drunkenness.'--Jt is true n'nmbers of the most -learned -.and t-, iJiKUUii.Uio:-r ive general courses, I 0 brief course, professional conrses in law, medicine, engineering and? chemistry, op tional conrsea.,' " . ' EXPENSES: Tuition ,$60 per year. Scholarships and loans for the needyv.'vv vw: - Address, - - - . - - - " f , , ' . PRESIDENT WINSTON. Cuapel Hill, N C tbatong as tifty 'years . ago, aole i physicians had i themselves said he? it was faintly , suggested taken the treatment for alcoholism by ; a v few: able , physicians ...that aTi'd;tbe-morphine' habit and be drnnkenness the dririk crave: come curedand, said he, the day was-a disease; i?ut it was reserved i :s fast aDDroachins- when its everr A Beautiful ; Stylish: 5hce ' ' " for Ladies. - J for the latter quarter of this won ueriui ceniury, so ricn - in useiui inventions and.. discoveries, and for, the active investigating .. mind "antagonist will confess conviction of his error and faithViri this ' mar velous discovery, . :, 'r" He declared that the rise of al- of a now living emiuent American cohol in various useful arU andin- , physician, Dr. Leslie E. Keeley, to dostries made its existence 'a " ne- accept this as a rational theory and f cessit v of civilization, and so. then to establish it as a scientific TOktftT(r"mar h th virtues of fact.;A.. great .many , physicians moral s'uasion or temperauce or- (be continued), deny : to-day that ga'uiZations, or force-laws in so far the vcraving for , alcoholic stimu- as their effect on those who have lants, 'begotten "by lorig addic- never contracted the 'liquor habit ts made to expani with every motion of the foot t itrctiilns ita stflish iliao when other shoes give way and breaks It lathe beat shoe made. Pr.lCZG, C2, C2.C0, 3, C3.C0. C VMWHtilt Ul.Mil WilWW Co., f.trSi Ljn, r..aw3, FOB SALE BY - - . PERRY L PATTERSON; - " YOpXGSVILLE, N. C r " , tion to 'their use, is a disease; and yet every one of them calls a con firmed periodic inebriate, adipso- maniac, thus giving their argu- meutcomplctely away in one word; for mania is a mental disease, and dipsomania" is drink mania, the Incoutrolable thirst or craving for is concerned, yet for the .reclama tion of the unfortunate ones who have contracted the disease of drunkenness, or the drink crave, it will not do to place your reliance for a cure of the evil in force-laws or mural suasion, or the drunkard's will-power; there is but one safe the utter folly of any abashment to go for relief to a Keeley ;Iu8ti tuteiy It is the only hjfman agen cy yet found for restoring man hood and saving a drunkard from hell here and hereafter - , ' Capt. Galloway, and Kir. Battle left town after the lecture to ful fill "an- appointment the next night. They go on an extensive lecturing tour in the east', after which they will visit leading points in the west. . '. r - , L Our peoplo were highly pleased with the speeches and trust these gentlemen will visit us again. Both are well known iu this county. - " f ' . 1 "We hare a eptKiy and txuL1t cere for catarrh, diptheri, canker month and headache in hhiiob n UUru l.xn edy. A cail inj-ctor free vrith t-acb bottle. L si it IT voa desire lieiiia.ana sweet breath. Sold by Thorns s S Ay rock. Loabbar, aai X. C Jojcr, Franklhaton - are abusing the legislature so se verely. . . : - - V". ' Oh. Wnt m Coach. " " " Will you heed the warning. "The alg na.1 ptrrhapa of tfc snro aprroaea-of that more U-rrihl dl-xe ConsurnpUoa. Ask roarselre if yoa eaa afford for th sake of satinij 50 eant to ran the r'nlt and do notLinjr for it. We ktuw frora eiprinca thAtiaUoh a Cam vl eare enough to buy ypar conch. It neter faU.;- Tl cul yfct WUy IUV0 MiOii w v-' akuvj were sold the past vnr. It rclietea croup and vraooping' eonjrh at cno?. ilotbn. do not b wuhoat it. KOTICE. IW Tirtoe of a dcr of theSapm'or coort cJ- t'rar.Vlin Cotint t In th r of t'ora O. lL-lpa W.H. V jnn, & AprUtTr lf? . f will f'l by public au-t2ai for r&h nt t!. Conrt llouiU door in Iiatcrt vn lln day. At!arot 14th. lS'J?, Unrt cf kind Mtnatoi in .-vi.l Coautj, cict i.iuin 1V'2 arm. ."nated on tb at r cf tiil.a Crrk aiij.icitis tH l.tr.ds o- G. W. Jone, H. U Wyrn fiT..l othfru, Uir. tt 10.1 ci hirh W. If.Wytin row rjJ. on l nort rr tiroiiirlr drr.l ia a of Trtt frm V. 11. W'ynTi snl i!to Tbocs M. Vi'.l man JatJ Murch 12th, IS--, ami rnr tr 1 in th f of ti e J".v -tor iI !''-.' of Fmnkhn Coaufr ia book '" rK ThU Jnly 12th. 1-jI ' : . v itc4.' " - -x ;. - t '-. vv Say, Bob." said the xealoc etr custom house iaspector, rre cangtft tr ; , afcllcr hero-la a lia EballJ report 1 himr "-,;..;' ' t Whits tho lie Tasked the other. "lie's tryia-tobriag iaabor ho ' says only has gLi-'-s ia it, trat its . marked fragile. Whit's the rate oa ; fragile T Harper' Bazar.' , ' A man, after jrr-zing at. m piot t" graph cf tba Thrco Graces, ex tlaimcd: "Whit. fools "worsen arT These rirls hare ' cot ret noriT theraselves dotht-a. tho httlo they hare ia havirs their rhptograph takcu." Tho proper admlaktraticaxf prcrv , cr food Lid mnch to do with lo n tcratica cf sick pcrsor-st3 Liolilu . cxd it li cctv.illj tmo tLit illru-aa may often 1-3 aToidcd Vy tho avoid tucoeffoodor uriakv.Lich is Im tatic to the dit- U v r c aixa. . - . ..... . , J. IL li cdt. far that tho B.L!a cIJrt t-cc!c in tl leat pricr to ZZ'CJ JJ. C iria Cnowl- u xjt U cm tlrs :tta a Y."hea yea wLhtnkncw whatM v, hit Canst wot: .4 in tha kuuo -cixvtiaa- ttaaccs. Hu-.icoLiia. . ; l.aro dor.