VOL. ) L0U1SBURG, N.-C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, iS9:. NUMBER 25. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest V: S. Gov't Report. THE ROANOKE FARMS. 'Hard Times Gone Away." BUSINESS PRINCIPLES. FARM NOTES. ; Some Capital Chnreb Resolutions. If one had believed much that TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. The Superintendent of Public Schools of Fi-anklin county will be in Louisburg on thy second Thurs day of February. AdviI. July. Sen- Eutler and Ilia Organ. Wthnincrtoii Star. The Goldsboro Ca'usasian refers to the Star as an "organ cf ino Extraordinary Crops Cultivated by State Convicts. Raleigh Cor., of t'ie Riolimonil Di: -patch. Your correspondent interviewed Mr. A. Loazer, Superintendent- of the penitentiary, who has returned from a visit 1o the State farms on the Roanoke. These are the larg est farms in the State, over 800 convicts beins employed on them fiT-.H crv, k nno or.v i.:.r,,r m!oJ every man woman and It is as easy to be a rich man i Give level culture and avoid I ( 'srohr.a Ad-uct. has been said and w ritten about 1 as a poor one. Half the energy j hand labor on the potato crop j The Franklin District Confer- the depressed condition of agricul ture, aiid the poor down trodden farmer, he might with safety have calculated upon a universal reiirn displayed in keeping ahead thnt and thus cheapen production. 1 ence wr.s held at Webster this is required to catch up when be- Sort thoroughly before taking J year. A capital resolution rela bind, would eave credit, give j to market to secure the top tive to church propriety was more time to attend to business, of starvation and death by this j and add to the protit and reputa time, but what do we see? The ! lion of those who work for train country is absolutely flooded with plenty. Throughout the country hild i- price. j passed, condemning tbe use of The farmer make? a financial slan? t5' r-'-'r-t. and tb fob fuilure less often than any other lQN " rcsolv.jons Resolved, That v.e discourage the common habit cf sitting ont- Honor your engagement?. If you . business man. While he fddom promise to meet a man to do aver- 1 achieves great wealth ne has q lain thing, at a certain moment, ' prettv h;ire road to comfortable ':,'e 0" churrh before --ervices atd encaging in worldly conver sation ?o de-truct:Te to a dero- tb.e origan of "a soft-handed son remain for three days, if ne-eesaarv. for the purpose of examining appli vau's to fcemdi in the Public Schools .ftliU I'nnnt.v 7 will .-ili-ui ho in Loaishurg on Saturday of each oi toil wnose duel enaracterist .veek. a-s.i all public days, to attend i ics are treachery and scheming to any business connected with my j to advance his pecuniary aud p -office. I litical fortunes by deceiving J. N. TEatuhs, Staph, j credulous people whose cause he hypocritically champions, but as tember, October and December, and i MO,inir t- c.nP ,,.p?fs 0 e.x :e 1 i... i ... n - . j. . i . i press its candid opinion of the 1 iU, Caucassian it might, refer to it as j i" North Carolina. We have cultivation. Mr. Leazo-r said : .t ! !l-'iriaung m an auunuance ot ( Le ready at tbe appended time. ; independence. will have to use a ffrcat manv ad-1 fn,its anfl nylons of hU l-:i.ds. If you go on business attend; The worM id.'-a tint a farmer jectives in describing our crops j vegatables of all kind, freh and j promptly to matters on hand, and j can get int() h Leail tlial ljC tionalmind. this vear. for never in" all my lif.J "r, are ready for every table, j then as promptly go about your j nlU .ro ,.in , v.xv R,T, Re-olrd, That no gentleman. 1 h crop of wheat was ino te:l in own busiu"?? a lop lo tell tSiitilili ill" els. c. 1 M. COOKE & SOX, ATTORNEYS-A.T-L AW, L'tUlSll'CKO, K. O. Will atten 1 the courts of Xash. Frinklin, Granvill.-, WMiron an.l W.-ikoroanties. :n.o the Maprem-i Court of .Virth.C;i-oliiii), aua tin; U. X Circuit ud t District Courts. D 11. J. E. MALOXS. Olfiew two .loors l)-lov Thomas & Aycoi ke's drug store :vljo:::i:iy I11'- ' l- fc'1- I) R. W. II. -NICUOIOX, PRACTICIXO 1'IIYSICIAN, LOL'ISUL'nO, N. d "J W. TI.MBERLAKE, ATTOHN KY-A.T-LAW, Lit'ISB "KU, c. O.fico on N:ish str 't. 1 S. Hi'IUiI-iL ATTOR N'E Y- AT-1, AW, LOUISBUS-', k. c. Will ntten 1 th. courts of Fr.ir.V.ii, TaTJ?, Oninvitl s V.::irren aa.l Wak ( omitu'S. nU Hi.; Stlor-.-ttt; Civirt of North OaroiiQiU 1'rouivt att :nti u given to collections, N. Y. OL'LLEY. ATTOr.Xr.Y-AT-LAW, All legil 1 usiiifys proiavtly itlen-loa to. rpnos. B. WILOKR, ATTORN KY-AT-I. AW, LO, i- c r;. . 0 :ic'ca Miiii sti-.'ct. oae .loor l.clow En; Koi.l. this would not be in keeping with our ideas of journalistic courtesy , we can only refer to it as the or gan of a galvanized fraud who would as quickly desert the party which he now essays to represent as he did the Democratic party, if it promised to pay. PkLi:o.v. Tr.x.u-, Jul.v 2. 1S01. Messrs. Liiiuart Krou.. Svai:naii. On. Gent -: I'v x-. nearly lour bottios of P P. P. I was afiiictt-d from thf crown of ir.r head to th: sole f.-f ijiv foot. Year P. P. P. July rvnvi dlrliciilry of breathiiiy miii sinoth-c-ring:. atiiiiiiion of rho iieart. tunl rbovp.i me of ail puin: oi:P nostril wa.-; -looil fm tf years, now I can breathe thro:iga it reatiily. I ii;:i not ftri)t on either F-i,le for two years, in f,;:-t, di-ca-'i'-il to r.'-e iii:i!ir eo:i:o. rio-.v I t-lcep boxtadlv i:i m;v joit:ou ail ni.yht. I am ynrn old. hut r-Apect so on to he able to take hold of the plow handles: I f-vl proud I V2t! lucky enonyii to ,'"t i'. P. p., and 1 heartily recommend it to tr.y iiiends aud the public :rt';:cr;d!y Yourrf respp-'tfidlv. A. Yi. P.AM5EY. T:ik 't...Tv or T:::as. 1 ronn'y of r-..-m:!!:di I Before the ti:!dfri"!H'd au: hority i-;: this day. pcrsoandy ; -.re-i A. M. Ka:;:.-cy. v.dso '.!-:ti:i- duly swrn. s;:ys -n i;::tl- t i--i r l he U,V' l::ix sT.:te:evi: ; e.oide !v Jriin rcia- years The tied. is are green with Do no one of the finest corn cro:s we ev- ' business hours. ... . , l ...l, : : , r , r if i . i . :t..ri. i :: corn-field four miles long and Inlf a mile or more in width, contain ing 2,000 acres. Ia all this there j calamit.v- Tlie tl,bacc0 an1 ; bo fo;i;i,i t!'oro is not a missing stalk and so lux- j cotton crol,i?' w!,ile u,,t the bf-1 we : rk'h rt'-.- .mnd uriant is the crop that itv appears i ever saw ' are ood and at reas.u- .tores. Never foolo., bn-ine.-almost black. We expect to get I ;ible i'ricos Nviil bnn in a hirge matter-. liav- o-.der. system, 100,000 bushels, if there is noov. r- , amoimt of 10,,e3'- Tlie !are corn regularity, liberality and pr.mpt tiow, and we exnect to sell 40,000 ! wiU ca"s0 tlie fading and ness. Do not mo. Idle with bu?i- bushels. We, intend to ronu-.Pte ! queuing oi many more Hogs tuan uess vo l know nothing is r.oro u guoj iiuny fartu, but S'-lduru ono wher' mere lab-T couM i,ot be bf tt r employed than more lan.i. r A i itch rv w ii in Julv or Aii:'it will i..u'r.o g,...d grains I'lriiij tho f..;, ,i i r . i , th 'or hen the w c ;T, the ( :ir '. y s p r i i . g , :i t ; d i ' .NOV- v.ith Chicago in this line. I nev er saw such a superb crop of corn anywhere. We have 1,000 acres in cotton $'hich is also fine, though the cold weather in the spring did it some injury. We look for 1, 000 bales.-, We had 50 acres in wheat town broadcast, and we threshed 950 bushels from that field. Our whole wheat crop turned out 3,000 bushels. It must be particularly stated that on our corn, cotton, and wheat not a par ticle of fertilizer of any kind was used. Another thing particularly to bo mentioned is that in all the cotton aud corn not a cart-load of ! 1-'n '1!3 ht fo.L grass can be found. would be the case if coti were or buv an article vu do not ned scarce. The coniit:,: vear will find -imply beam the country with an abundance of the man v. h it i:: 'hear' and ! it w : i 1 take it everything to eat, an.l cur.?equ'i;t- .ait i:, tra lo. Trade is un iy the uecesi;y for sj "tiding mon- rive t avvid ha;h w'r;i- and ey will be much less than her. to- p.r.--na!i! ics. Do mt k i -k t-v.ry fore. It is true that money, now, o.uue in tho path: more u;ilo. cat: is exceedingly scarce, but it is no be made in a day by g:.ing sti ad worse with the farmer than with ily on than bv ;-t. ppu:g t- ki-k. as v.iu lto. A man of h.-nor v, i n -in an l- plowed und'T in May an i .,1 b- a bet;o:i: to the cor:. cr"p. The man that v. i : 1 scr..b th bins t h ro a j.- h y v. itii lulling brine j-i-t b-!.re p . i , '.vi 11 hardy 1 t run b '..-d v. ; --.-vii. V.'hit.'-w.i'hing tl. bin- S illl tii :ll V. h i t e - V, i :-!,, b" i II ,..'';!-.. - fill to iret it ii.to . : -. - ;u 0 cor- to Hy tithing of a C hristian, will d.-f:'" ch :rch of (id by stnic ir.' the foor of the loj church or enrpe'ed !iile c f tiie more elegant w i th toha'T j j ai'-f . Unsolved, 'I hat cnly those who ar blind t, th i re?T.o of the Lord J!u, and hiekir. i: rev rece to the K i n tr r'f K : ng, vk iil .' l.i-p'-r utinece.!arily and laug'a ; n the ho i -e of (rod . 11 - 1, That parents bring '. - r r'.i' Ir-tt. t church, and se r m a : roverace God n ' : n et and tt- a' vlk men in other callings, and the fact p.ty is the farmer can weather a linai:- . i ts hi word a i (i-.es i.is oToi. Aid, but never b--g. le'.i. thrs when v.''i r.n; . but banker. When there is a panic, nev- r give what you cannot af- :.'-r-, sure. ' h. m, b l- '.V lb ,bb !. le 'npvts of rlow o'ir pulpit. That a ; 1' "I.t of wat -r ami g!.s be i-h-d f.T th- r.-ib it f.T th f th I cial storr.i much more saftly tiiau i the m-.rchant, manufacturer o: :r- 1 for f. ,--il,;. t d - t - :.av at If to t:.e vi:tae o; i'. i' tree. -yy" m. person, ATTO RVoY- AT-L.VW, i. in":i"K, c. Vr :tcos in :dl -carts. 0:Uce in ttio Court IIOU3 '. aw I I HAS IT DONE I I i CAfv iT DO lo .it:, .-.:b 1 b. re. IS:;. J . ? ! . I. A f'i.I T, ( '(;'! .ir.i he ' '( fji !"! t i i;0v:: in iife and your business will follow you. PAJ.KS MADE. "We have l,u;0 acres in p as. We have recently sold 10,000 buah- .- els of corn in this section and we j will make very large .-ales of for i ape. Fodder we luvo a!r ady '.q j sold in (piantities. We have 10!' 10,000 ::-t:i('ns of svrnn from it. the farmer is the hi;t man feels it. It, has o-.-nera : ! v it v-aehe belore much harm is done tn pro. ducer by the pre--'i:t pan:'', w. v. ho f,,rd simply becan.- spen t hi m . lu .,:. L1 v i.'-ar-i to say iii'""si'y for snapping it d..g f.-hbei, I n' .-ay it fir t is fah IIO." No t f i : 1 1 in .,! r believe it will b a i . . . n pa:-t and the who!, ashamed of itself fo; it. (oir farmer h.: soil for fee!;:: r hop.- th letting it e . e every 1 a ll of the f,; COil U t ! nan a' ill-.-. Ih.v.- but few run- . and th- fewer the b-'Vr. n r o ..v t i ! 1 - r i l . f .-:!,. r-. b-:.rn t t t-r yo i--'1 if. 1 Keep uh-:;d r.fh 'he j h w, ti. j r-s.-d d 1 a out an d h.u left a- ti.-y aud :h- w.e .-d b. d u . j o--; t . ,e no m : , r d ra g f. .' ws :. f t : ! - a r 1 1 y e r i - '. -d and 1 ::; ' - 1 . i i;o d ry n : . - they will if fr, t pen a : n t 1. - fr- :u th ! i '. " - ' 7 r w fird . c-;ti-bick- u: -. u..d that r'a.k- v i i -th .n C' n r.. d. 1 1 i i r r tare. a:;d t"l.:t fell w who eee arouut 1 mu nihil l:i: 1 o 1 man ru tbi- ought b. il.-'.ord. .hod. ai l eut'oi: If ;v.t. V.ng 1 I - o - o: i Co .1. I It i S3 ilo i X- il lie,-.' ; t l.e v: tm. 1 .....1 -.,.1- .T.,r..?r.a r,,r,rn, 1 il - .firilM i: ...I i w-.;. . ... ..i.i' Oxytr'-n Ti M'-'it. t!::!4- of t)rs. St o-key & l :iin i m s-L'i. 1 if5,.- 'I-itW.1-! of the id: i ?:)-. -t ized ; .if t ;. nnl perhaps ( i' er gre, svn ; t::.e r-org i.um as w "iisiatia. l v l s . "ei eve h Pi:r i ii.- i'.'.h: a .' ;r. ;:ei, I , ,,:., ti i .1 be. ir.e wav oi a jtrowinir choi :1VI .1.1 ceil.S 1 ' 1 It 1 I' 1 e v - i-;t le W : I- d 1 - it-. .: 1 . . t nr. sake . f - and do aoU-iir for it. V"e :.-':pei ier:;-.- ti.ar S-hi! "h s t'ei 011,1-.-::-!. li HO,-:- lit Mr-. ! vdins .y untie :l.;ia a mil year. :'i.l tie e om .ei a ! i: :-) eoa ma portable that it ia s?ut ...!2 ever the V.OVl'l. It- )i:o, 'j'X'n ei n v'.ir ov-r t'Tr-iitv venrp: thoa viols of lolican- li a'.' !):. tre-.te.l. j v:ero S-niL toe aa l ovsr on tho i:ovl r.-iysi :; i :is unvi im; 1 it, H-.ol roetsaim-ii'le.t it a ve;y ylgmii ' ",!45p.?nn.l 05rrn-I!M' o, Acting j Krn.ra C:n.er lk,or t!. ..Kntil i.v 'l:- ti-:i -V X- t':-bTl ! wiih-h triers to .-.11 ire-.iirers f i : 1 information ii m to tliis rtnj.-vrko.!l "nrnti.v --'crU arel a , ? a '. i n i.) i i e . .: . . i . . . o ii cure : K)0 a"i es of c-rn. I : ; . i 1 itenti.trv we have on!r -ight in t 1 e v e r of le- : : e n r ; i - 1,;, r,o, ) co : n , (.uve.p an;t waoopmg eour.-;i Mothers, do noT b.- v iti-.ore ir. nt-.cs I vh-ls. Oft c,Jict'- m-r brick. fS-. in tlK U o '. :e v at e in ':..,: e: ( l. . w,.-,- in'.. .! There's vast .1 i :7e: e ern and Southern g i: ! ever stop to co 4r era gir.s ;: re sa :::: ;. mere at r to men 1 In e m . m i , , . D: 1 r it? tn,;!: A f , . i carri s l.:s nam. t b 1 t hard i v we are. .h irou-sho: cr.r.'.-' v. 1-! ,--.v bd,.,.d i'ier, ejves fr.-.-b !it-.-..- and ei-aiia-ss i t ne ot hers are maki-ay iron- ir .'()! re 'or't of pararir. b-iu"- at. ei beil to .:.. bv oria-r oliv-.i- I FEED s-'ALh i .. I 1 1 ci.i:n. i.i ne uiaoe i ir-j.: ej cio u:i:... : oa ;e.r:iee.t ion . Dss. RT.nKFY & P.VLEX, 1.--J!) Arch St.rofl-, riiiia.tfb-bin'. Pa. 120 Sutter Sttro'-t.. San Fi-aneisco, Cal. Please, aieatio'i 1his p-iper. o uiey-onipiexion nnl er.res c-o:s ...... Co ' . 1 on. e. alia 'l.v.'e. '..i'. A vc 'es-e. Tlioinas :pn- o ', work for rail-v.av cars utnler ji tlrin." contract with a lialei i ne iioiiseueop-er. Collins anil Caskets VvTe have added to our already complete lino of wood and cloth covered Coffins and Caskets SOLID WALHUT COFFINS AND CASKETS. Also a lino of MET A L1CS as nice and fine goods as is car ried in any of our cities. Our etocV is complete in every line. Respectfully, R. R. Harris & Co. Lauisburg, N. C. V-T '' S 1J 1 J. The Journal of Chemistry srives The cJ f,,ct lliat liiemi.er that you can be aecumo.lan'd at i i''W exterminator: '-Diss lvo two ioa of 1 lie piibbr v.. e;'oi":l to tie- i!ii:lcrs;y acj are oreo are. i to i the foilowillf as an it: fa bibb' vrr. any aoar. 'jay or i:; Bank of L i l S i r : S S 1 ! 5 $ U i U is S Doen a General Bankiag Business. Collections made and returned promptly Northern Exchange bought and sold. COUNTY ORDERS CASHED HENDERSON. N. C. T'ue Fall Sosr-io-ii of Henderson College v. iii begin Monday, Sciitsmoor 4, mi The Ai-ademie Departmont, inclu ding English, Frer.ch, Gormiui, Lat in raid Mathematics will represent only what 13 nest, while tbe jira:-it and art will be under skilled teach ers, x-or lurtner particulars au- tfire.s, Mus. B. B. Phillips. Principal, Henderson, N. C ' p,.,.F p. yr.r. . pounds of alum in three or four Frork:i!:to Ivf. , q;.arts of boiling water, then ap- ! .1-. : 1 1 ...1 : 1 . 1 ! TT 1 t . - :v ii v. 1 : tt u i Ml, Y : i ej UOl 1 Lr QuMuifiull UOliCR ' hot' t0 0VCJT ji-'t or crevice in the enpboaras where ants and cockroaches congregate, to all the pantry shelves and to tlie joints and crevices of bedstead. Brush ail the cracks in the kitch en tloor aad in the baseboard? with this mixture. A cement, cf jnt understand why it is. Bui every once in a w hi io ,-mne L ::1 is or V i: r;nia gi: and fit; ri y wal':- a v a y w it!, c-very e : i n i . meets. Sin- is u-.-ua! ly but rarely as s'.yii-h a..- her No:ti; r:: sister. The forun r care- more for pr.-r-tiness than styh1, though, an t wears more dairity little curls and i ows and ban.'le- an 1 ::i .i . i ' ' it 1 s e- pe:.r teb n If you wan to g.-t hat t;y to give it. 'i'h.-re is no easy pi. ice r ... n ... .., . r Th-. c ; . i.l has ne' that i - m 'i'ie're l- :i m n li warn i n a- the-., is i T. u i e ? -iin is 1 1 : ! 1 e .- S e a r :. with i- n-n in : . y traveler town and o -: !'.V W T ; , I I 1 a ; 1 i 1 11 . :-n -ury. a lie -1 V. .. iam M"'- lr: i .. i a .-:na:. H br:i i.--r. c e n '. 1 th' d : lie :i. H i ' : ;. w . i . e e r. w a . ':. : m t al ;e -f .1 f ? In .n who m:-.ke- h ' W ! T. ' v- IV be 1.1- I r.v b i a 1 is . f .-i-1. : '. a r ' it fa ban 2sorthern i- wonl 1 e -IWS in a lif.-time. it i n't exact'y g . 1 form, we think, but. she il;'-u': o mak- ha of beauty. ( 'hen, ;-..': r appetit-s than to th m. Be st;; deo' h ot the tr .e em' tn put; Lo- pun d r ':!.' , . -1 . . : ; i ' i .i,a ah it: a 'a w v r ; t : . - n i; e n. n - -. Th f .r'.i. or ir.fyi;- 1 ; '. e a . 1 w.e.t .';. ; ; . t . m A 1 V . : i". u. a c i- i ' f :n:ign f:..r.: a p 1 " 1 - 'urr t h.-ir ar-d f.-r d.n.'h, a u know that, an. f n e did, i. wouldn't care, for "the boys like ft," and then .her voice is so ? and her Southern pronuneia! is sim j'ly doiicions. - i un, shaii th?r"l v s w r e e r . Vast ch.im can le the heart of man can ne satNhed. 1 1 i n i r T1 , 1 .a i i: a f v m -.an: i - a . i a i . y t 'ne n-'. with yue.r h n-l t i W e-t you d'Oi't g'-' t t h is e 1 1 i - current. in ; re; -r I -.: i If y..u Ti. a - . r p. . f w h . if i n it pa-. - Her manners are cp arming but truth tnak- e m a n w:,om fr--, and ail i a ;- chloride of lime and alum, used to , r.1t;,-r ,..!,:,,,, never coldly Si-op rat nC'Ies, and the wains and DIIYEBEITY 0? PHTH CAROLINA ! i L Alr.e i : i'ncmry or teac!:e:v. 1 i tuiiidincu, V ycieij'-uie Labor.".! cries, libra ry ao.000 vobioief. btG sturie5-.ru. ' INSTIt'.T'eTlOSK: rive pcr.ornl courses, 0 brief conrpes, iiriii'csr.itir.ai rours'-s i-i ;. , tnfuieinc, engine'.:-! i::y end che:iiitry, o -tionnl cnTjrss. EX PKN'SES: Ti'.it-ioTi SCO T,er year, yeiiolarsliips &tiu loaus for the neeiiy. A. .3 drco.-i, PKFSIDENT WIN'STON. Chapel Ilul. X 0. cracks and corners washed with, hot. alii nr. with borax added, will drive away rats and mice as we!: I as insects. A Beautiful Stylish Shce for Ladies. Sensible And Jnst. Senator Vance, to use the lan guage of the street, ''hasn't gone con vent ional nor i nd i ITVreu t, P.S o:;r.J often are. And she does make sueh a fuss over men. She cxert. herself so to pleas? thc-m and lavs herself out to be charming to ev ery man that comes along, bo he old or young, rich or poor, marri ed or unmarried. ia.es i e : 1,, W 1: to Cut i imhe i i: n : di t night and has a - . t .-rative . !T. Try u.nt, an I y : w ; . : :.t who t;t 'a o; ; u wit: w . re ie a r I - . 1 a ' o i n g r.-f r - ': . ii The b..-st time to cut timl ei ur.douLtod iy during ory not 'Cr:enc: b summer. sle.wn that hick- V.". 1't i " a: ; r ' ..v.- b:a:- - . r e . . r . . i v o : . . t ' v : -.r a t ,w : i- :. by ne ar.; .- - : .1 -ir.aar.fr. ' - . !'. -Ti'-. It 1 . .:.''. it :t h'H t'.V. r.'-b t- .;.-:.:-. -.b.'.- Th-;. 1- :: v t ;.-ir d -i 1 uure t : ' . - -, ; , V : . , - : i , r -.- . e.i . ;,'.:- . 1'iil y. air h- 'r. e-i'.il wiii to i rvblv. n:,'' pr ; tn at ..,;) 'm:'.- the .-.-: -r :: kn s . p,;':. -nnrlv :.1 If - -a -it '!. Z :.-ann.-r ;.:. - ' f;.'i'i. ii.-i o:: .am! i.-.r '-.. p. n -t :.- ;.:? t" our u v.ei:; i t" .ur .' irirL . i o . i : a t !' - if ""1 will ' ? .1 1 -r - no 1 u : i , V o r A w worm -eat -mi and re er. im'v A i ai s :;.i ud for a much longer h ' UK) ICQ - J . I . . .. I 1 t T f V.M1T , jVIlil l l iin B.e.ii i' iuv-ci'iuie . . , i . J J Oim.i t ,n. IV isn Oin iv,,,l, u r. I I I1JV viiv.it v., -. w -. -1 17..,. 1, .1. ...... ern l n i. riwiu tuu.u 'o a n . . . . i . anvwhere. nor is he endeavormir : , i. 1 1.... i ... .t. r.-,, I-i : : ' h V.-v, 1 ry t : i.t ::::j'. .:. i . li , k . a a-l r. .-i-'. i .- I'..f'-r. a a i :. 1 : . :. ! '..at .. i v-.i. r in.i: e a ---:: uno.-r--.-!-.-,: i -facte. n. V- f"' .---f.--k--.i:n:i! lie -a rv : ic- a:;', v r..'he '. ' v t o r.d :t r-" g'.ii: g -f Tie-:-" i-Rcriii-m .w u.. o.j r'"--.... r t ie niascuiiue hearts, iler ame rule applies to all other ,.' "; ' i j i-.:.i ,il, . i .. i : Kllols Gl l.mr.er. .vo ii'iin nil ts . , , 1 . , m .-i. i aii t v j i.. v r r i r sifver views are those lie has ways held, and while his friends j Iieous enjoyment of tilings, pdck 1 r -r. yT v :l .Vi-tv t f th-;r n-. 1 I..-'.- .;r. .i'. ; f... ! t : pan- r. -.;- .i i. t f - ... r ::;-! ! l.A . . i.am'y j v. y a . i-ie ' i . r t!:at most commonly infests hick- I al ! .ted i:: lus, l'olitnef.? s. i.-ietino s hurt? an ''e1 nao unpen mat m ueierence to the : r.,nrP..::vi ion nr.l ready lauehter rdatform ho would npreo to vote ! ... - i. ...r i i . 1 orl' 15 a for the- repeal ot The Sherman ! 7 V x! , T !on horned beetle c f a dark met- ,nCmy mc ,e than savag, uord?. r,.;p, u iui tub '4" iU Jl lllt- ont-i iaau , Vvhat. ho loves to find ma. ... . ,, - n i,-.. h w . i .:rrt t..- b'-nrt." lr.) cT.n.ini. , inn If n-'i.a v nT- . - ' . . . uu' - - - .... . k;.d to-ar.i v"ii-l.x. tacks wood in cariy spring, while j A 11:111 "a Ir.cnJs. .. another eepmily tleefrnctive in- j ,i fr--T..l in ioa- i fri-r.-l iah-' act, they found in his letter occa- ! . no plae T- r prictiiirr i tie- h'll-e ri,-v!N I.n :! . p vm.it me tt -ny. wb-rv i ''.i !- ai'pr--iat i. It nu -nn. t u ! heart, m.uel nrwl b-n.b. i. r. oliavor t- ! nothing bat . : : i. ei f.r t i.- pur ple ot Lome ro.". trv.at t !;:;. as though they nr' wirlh.T a- much mr.fe.doration our h.-.n,1- ii :( th- y vr.-r' th Ir ntciit c:.l !:: fum.iv Tiii !mu- l.ntP" ui!i- tio.it a7uaI yt;a in ft uenm- of tni.i. sion for surprise net in his views but in the manner cf their state- lMien t. woman. The Mistaken Man. Interest paid-on deposits after three mouths. V. P. WEBB, President. rsrnrutetoexpnnd wttli every jnoHon of Ihefoct; It retuiiw it3 stylis-H shape -ft lieii other slios give wu aud break. It is tie best shos made.- . PRICES, 2, $2.50, $3, 33.SO. Consolidated Shea Co., fiSfrs., Lynn, Him. FOR SALE BY PERRY & PATTERSON; YOCXUSVILLE, X. C. In all comments upon tho letter The worst mistaken man in the it needs to be borne iu mind that J world is the Third party man who 1 it announces no tinancial doctrine J thinks himself a JeiTersonian Dem that ha has not announced many j ocrat, or any other kind of a times before. Charlotte Obsery- Democrat. There is nothing Jc-f- er. iersonian ln-ms creeo, ana Hom ing Democratic in his confession of faith. Ex: sect deposits its eggs m the fa... aa.t r. ! t!. .a m-... -n p.-.. p., r i Q tlie f on 1 i t . S a fri-u-l ia i'r. Consequently if wood is cut at a Kinr.JI N,. T ,.v f ... r,., 5r:Tr, v; :). i . : r r tl,oA . . .. . .1... .1 (' .!.,.. r. . i . - "Wishing to become rich w ithout worthy .effort is wishing that oth ers may become impoverished with out an equivalent. Suspect aud watch the man who never makes a mistake. time when it is free from these t r,.u.rl. sr.. I c c-u tai-i e-eat c- nr'i ini-.iir:-.-. or- "ri pest? that is during tlie summer , s, wi, inw y.,n t.m i hv..trl.-r. months it is likely to be in bet- . fnl enrati-e v-.v.-r in ail d :.- ( . ' thr ".-.t, rt"t ienc. K ."': ti ter condition ts - :arsut-t to !c nit tint m claimM m-mm - TT , )r mor(j I, r-f cndrl . Trial b-.t- Mr. L. T. Mitchcner, of In-. t,., f. n i ve.x k- i ('.' dnu or. , diana, denies, as a pure fabrica- Lr b .ttl.w. aud 5 1 oa. J tion, the story that be is organiz ing a lroni having in view tbe renominatjun cf Mr. Harrison 4u 'Od. riac J-n' rnlt Satrrv. "H, t : ai .- in th ffldor cnf. br .:- r . ah- r. wilt, rbun. fi-. -.r . t '-'T, ' hnn.V. rbiJblMW .- ivv t d "id -Win Turi'tn, -d IT-"-' i: .-'t ii r- v-d- "T no fr. It i p -jn:.-vl to irrf'-rl att.fti' n e- re r-,v r turi li. l'rio t55 r-&' b-t. F er ml- br Thei:ra- & Arrkr. JACOB EVANS. Fh'.u!i'! ("raR, tb (r-t Cc:li rA i I u no in two nd ormpjic: ' Croup car i for s&lo by T'r.nm i. ' nh.-p f. rmrlj orrnpi-d rrT!"JJ A v' . iVtkrt c-iaaic4 twenty- firwn. Cr it- n y.-ur r tr- aajj -iJ 3 five do6-s cnlj- Ciiidn?a !tt wiM gity-.-u 'i5ff.- s.

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