, ' - - r .1.-" i v . - Highest of all in Livening Power. LatestU. S. Gov't Rc Sk ma port. ABjSQIJUrety PURE 7V PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACIIFAIS The Superintendent of Public Schools of Franklin county will be i: Louinburg on the second Thurs day of February, April, July. Sep tember, October and December, and remain for throe days, if necessary, for the purpose of examining appli cants to teach in the Public Schools -i this county. I will also be in Louisburg on Saturday of each wk, ami all public days, to attend to any business connected with my o'fice. J. X. ILvniiis, Supt. M. COOKE & SON. ATTORNEYS AT -LAW, LOUISITJRO, N. C. Will ntten i the courts of Nash, Franklin. Or.iiivill Wnrrennn.l Wake counties. rJao th lupnoic Court of North C.iroiiup, aod llui V. . Circuit an 1 District Courts. IS The frog does not wear h suspenders too tight, but he looks like it, f H. J. K. M. A LONE. A J Otn drug ntore, aiijoiainij Dr. u. L. Eliis. JQR. W. n. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOriSBCI.G, C. V. TlilBERLAIkE, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Ltt:ISB."K, K. O. O'Huo on Nash street. 1 Aberdeen, 0., July 21, 1891. Messrs. Lippman Bros., Savannah. Ga Lear Sirs: I bought a bottle of your P. P. P. at Hot Springs, Ark., and it nas done ma more good than three months treatment at the Hot Springs. Have you no agents in this part of the conntry, or let me know how much it will cost to g-et three or six bottles from your city by express. Respectfully yours, J as. M. Newton, Aoerdeen, Brown county, O. Newnansville, Fla., June 5, 1S?1. Messrs. Llppman Eros., Savannah, Ga, Tear Sirs: I wish to give my testi mony in regard to your valuable medi cpe, P. P. P., for the cure of rheuma tism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, biliousness etc. In 1301 I was attacked with bilious muscular rheumatism, and have been a martyr to it ever since. I tried a ll ml. otneetwo floors nolow Thomas Jc Ayco:ke'3 j ieAnf I ever heard of, and all the "doc- yi reaen, out l tour.donly temp.-ra-, ry re.ief; the pains were so bad at times ijaT.i tiia uot care whether I lived or died. My di-estion became so im pairea that everything I ate dis.Areed with me. My wife also suffered o in tensely with dyspepaiajhat her life was a burden to her; she would be confined to he- bed for weeks at the time; she al so suli, red groat ly from giddiness and Joss of deep. Some time in March I was advised to take P. p. p t nR(j before we (my wife and 1) Lad (inched th sec ond bottle of P. P. P., our digestion be gan to improve. My pains subsided s0 ranch that I h:ive been able to work and am feeling like doing what I have not (bme before in a number of years We will continue taking P. p. p rintjj we are entirely cured, and will'che.-r-.ul!y recommend it to all sull'-riii- hu Yours very respect full v. J. a. bUi'RISS. LOUISBURG. N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, m. HEnTS TO PAREXTS. S. WRUILL, ATTORN F.Y-AT-I. AW, LOVISBfRB, N. C. Will sttcnl the courts of Franklin, Vance, Or uiviil Warren ;.n 1 Wake counties, also tht Sa;r.-ine. Cnurt of Vorth (Carolina. Pronsyt alt-iiU 'O given to collections, X. QULLEY. ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, FUANKilXrcN, N. e. All !? a l.Gsini.-ss ironait:y attended to. rjiai.'r. E. WILDER, AT TO RN E Y- AT L AW, l.o :-.-! ;'!:, jr. c. O I M-sjji strt. oiiu door below Eaele H 1 :.l person" attorney-vt law, LOl"I.-:B';i:S, S. C Vrvtl-vsin nil . ourts. OiSoe iu ttc Court U.n.s.'. I !SV f IS IT 1 H AS IT DONE ilfi 1 K CAN !T DO S rhi oviui'i'i? anl otIv xr-nuinc Cornponnd Ox vj,-it Trontmnnt, that :f Ors. Sr.ii-k-py I'.i-i i a sj'ii'titific :i.lj;-ritmeiit of thef 0 it. fit 0::yj".i :r,'l Nitro!n ni:jjni'tizrJ: in 1 tit i-,,nj j)ouni; is 30 coii'li-nsu nnrl hia 1" ;KrtaU!e t'.iii it is sent over the WU!-,1. It lias h'Hin in uif f r over tw?iit7 ypars: th.)nsanits of pu'i'-nts Iihvp hfpn trn-ttcd. a ' over ono tho-.is:tn 1 physieinns b-:vp lsd it iiml reco:uinen lrd i. a very signifi-p.i-nt fn!t. ''!!n;nnoiin'l Osvjn Tts fo 1p of Aftion and Rfj3'iltx." is th? title of a hook of 200 p-S. j)Hhlirih.: ov br. Starkfy & I'alon -hi:!i (jtivp.-s to all inniiirprs full inforraution as to this rpraarkii'ilc enrativp airnnt n l ;t iro vl rp:TrI of Rnrpri.'snif: chits h a wi'l" rriti-rt of chronic cits -nrmv of thra .-iftei' hpin ah iii lDned to c.ie by ot'tfr plivsi cians. Will ho mailed free to any addrpss 011 ap;lication. Drr. STARKLY & TALEX, 1 ."-" An-h Srrept, Philadplphia. Pa. 120 Sutter Street. San Francisco, Cal. Please mention this paper. As boys and girls begin to grow into young men and women their parents become naturally solicit ous about their present and future. They are begining to get away from home to form attachments outside of the family, and they are thus brought under foreign in fluences that may be good or bad. It is useless to attempt to, stifile the natural desire of young people for society, but it may be guided and controlled, and iy no better way than by making home attract ive. No boy and no girl should be driven to seek amusement out side of his or her home circle. Parents should suffer any inconve nience rather than drive their chil- i dren to the streets or to question able resorts in search of that free doni to which their stron spirits excite them. Si they are noisy in their t.b A IT QTirJ 4 1. t : j mcir companions are rough in their play and destruct ive of furniture, and that they an tioy the buty housewife. That is a small evil compared with his or her companions or friends j instrument in producing the cx into his home, knowing that ther will be welcome and that they can enjoy there any rational tncut, is secure from too early com panionship with strangers who niuy be vicious. The best guar dian of the interests cf the you ng is the home that is made attract ive, Ex. TV fll ... --..t,,1JW,n uitnb.e article A lit? io 1 , from Mr. Francis K. Kin,, of ' of our rnu.-:,:, " bo bad b to the j '-om" a er.-ftt favorite uitb minr isting complications. None now defend it. Few apologize for it. It has been averted that the i resident himself in his Lostili- I ht-viiJe county, S. (.'., ty to independent free silver coin- I Southern Cult i vp.tor. It NTUBER2L HOME M ANUIiKS ON (,E.IN CHOPS. is age, was disposed at one time to ; rcendM to the read- ra of the! , ? 1 ting -kkI iia'u'. hapj?ned on regard with favor or aopiiesence ! Timi.s tue provisions of the Sherman i Nome time ago I wrot you aV law, which hud been the instru- : i'1. me quelions relative to l!i ment or means by v.hiv h such j per cent. ..f ainin-.ia c.-nimed fiee coinage hal been "defeated. ' ln cow manure, cotton seed, . W hether this be so or not, the promising you that I would cive f.'l (.t fAmilMiC niwl .,., 1 rr,T. 1 - prove him writes Edward V7 Bok I acu, r.cace m making hoia- l . - X - 15051 observation that whil t!, n-,. fertiliPr.. ocratic national piut'fona do-j hort vecation, I will make hast" ! .. cx-r..,;.,n to r. ;u the office t"nt t,. :i ;! d; ! a r . r In. A Boy and I lis Father. Striking a boy will never im ove him) writes Edward W. Bok in the July Ladies' llotne Journal. Every blow given a boy removes 1 ' nimjusc solar from his fufUer'a .r 1-. , . --..vv, Jt lo a L,au MgTi wneii 1 i not a. sun icars uis lamer, a parent love of a son. This he can do with 1 ,t v 1 r, e ,. . ,. " 1 aen .ew ork, m am-w.-r to t f u,k-ki(.iiinc. I UOV till- rv ' Uli" of tbo oJ. Y".'-n around. Ann. ., 1 1 , . t .1 , v ,tS ;0 th on., h,:- h" r.-fus-. if. am a I .-ui;.; rr of T .. . ! ! ikO.: i. )i.: r - . , - 1 . , " ' '""K'JUIH. i'.u: :,;.! -ak some now. 1 :uh'' '1 .'. You bf :on? to or ?" say. and c-nnot I 1 . . 1 imie yin: nipTnc I nouncea the Sherman law ai-.d i to verify my promie a? the result cf a "trade," but as a "cowardly make-shift," t - .-.t , r : . r i mg animal mires firmness in his father' jut ' 1 ! .'V " , - 1- flt: oppose that as much as we business nn ad- I t . ! 1 ' y ,i l f. games; that mire that same qualitv in each ! V '" "v t:i h - - , d.,f .: tl anion a.Jntb.r L rr- V aildress :u Marcii lat, ltd the ar:i.:i:.t ma:. -ire t If what I -ay in referei.-e to th; care of cow ex-rments a:.d u iajii.iOi.ny to tiie "rowin; crops, e-pe-.aliy grain !."'i!d be th-- no a: s of k.: C I o p s, far- 1 J.rrn rn ' - - ' !'.MfV'f.:i..Uc-,udbe!d . act i.h-;:::v. ' :r:. to tlr" mft H" fraid U r- v-r male a gol- dr.:.h 1 : r . ' il plav: auo'l. : . a i ipii; : h u . , i y . ..i w....v.. v,u nmia uiij, lib .1HIUI- ration of firmness in his father may not -be based upon judgment, but by his very instinct, he re-pects it. A boy's respect fv.r his father 1 resident made any allusion to it w hatever, although it was then a, ready threatening th pr,,-..er- lt f th. 1 country with the hy a.'.owing it to remain m ruin and sun-h;n-. I show how m-i.-h I ave fr -ru i . row s, dr ; pi cuts, Bitcklen's Araica Sa5ve. The bc'.kSt salve in the world f.. ores, u.cers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter chapped hands, chiihhuns, corns, and allsniu eruptions, and pc.si-i-ive.y i urea pdes or no pa v. It -'ia--aud to give j-.erf.-.ct satisfa.-ti.Tn 'or money refunded. price 3 cents Fev bo:;. For sale hv ThoRias & Aveocke. Oh, What a Coub. Vv"iH you lu'ed thewarninar. The rial perhaps of the sure approach of tuat more terrible d:.-ase ohsurr.r,ti..;i Ask yourselves if you can aiford tur'the saeof savin:? ,0 cents to run th. risk and do nothing for it. We know u-,,n; ("TTiprwuw tint- vjl,;!. l.v. -ti -i.-k . ... k iu.t kiJ.i...ii vuie v. iu I'v.ie your cor.gn. it never fails. 'ihisrv piams war more than a million inie$ ist year. es It relieves Coffins and Caskets. We have added to our already complete line of wood and cloth covered Coffins a.nd- Caskets SOLID WALNUT COFFINS AND CASKETS. Also a line of .;: ' METAUCS. as nice and fine goods as is car ried in any of our cities. Our stock is complete in every line Respectfully, B. B. Ha2eis& Co. Louigburg, N. C. ci-oup and whooping couch at once. Motueis. do not be wiihout it. Karl's Clover noot. the new blood panher, gives freshness and odea mess to the complexion and cares constipa tion. 25c, 50c. and l.C0. Sold bv Thomas & Aycocke. FEED SALE AND IJVEldY iSTA BLES. The attpiition of the public i called to the lact taat the undersigned are prrpartd to o. . - i ue consequences ot driving them ! is gained in proportion as , to. seek the compauiousLip of ; knows that his yes means yes and strangers. j his 0 means 'no. Eirmnoss of Homes are made cheerless for j character and unwavei ing di-cip-the young in various ways. They j line will do more for a hoy that; may bo wholly neglected by igno- ! all the punishments a father can rant parents, nnsupplied by books ' indict upon him. The. o-e d-v.d-or games, and the children in such ops respect; the other develops a home naturally seek a street- i passion and resentment. corner or a friend's in the even-! ings, subjected to the risk of bad SENATUli 111 Lb ON MLV Ell. companionship free from parental! control. Or the home may be a The existing financial di.-t.nl-patern of neatness and comfort, j ance he attributed to three iaus: but ruled by too severe discipline ; First, it is the natural or inevitable for the young. Its books and its ; result incident to uu.nv v, of games may be suited to these of, real or liciicious pre pei.it v . The years but, distasl-eful to children. nation is not unlike ,-.n iud'ivi.lual. Uere, again, the young people are ; Sickness ii incident to humanitv led away from home by their n;it- ! and Commercial panics are inei-h-u't ural inclinations. They linj some tJ trade. school companion whose parents' Besides, we are suT tir- f wisely allow ihe child to seek his ' the evils of over-prod. icti ." T' e own amusements, subject only to ' hallance of trade ha nnf,o t-,ate-general supervision, and in visits ly been against us. We l:,.ve s, d to him, full of pleasure, tliey s- our radroad and other sec ;:ifi. tablish the pernicious habit, of abroad instead of at homo, and the seeking amusement away from . int-rest, as well as portions rf tl, home. The art is natural to some; principal, have been com in- due parents, nut diiUetdt to teach, of : and must be paid in g, hi, 1 ,rai,. making home the most attractive I "it was so nominated',!, the Und" o;uko UH ti.n, eveti io young men . and hence our o-o!d pa; and young women cf serous reu.rs v h i. h w e re r 'o':1 s ho had f its. a r. n J era' no ; , to e . r - W 1 W - to ' g.- over !. I d n A givt-n th n .i.ill.led to ;s n ' , . ar:iu, a i k C U I 1 o : 1 . i , ver . .-tat, Mr. in: al ''daractrr on quoted from ;h. the New York :.o::io i :: o- s . f N. w WiMit.al that law re'.eaVd b. r - k. . . O'Cr.e.t tl.e wav of l. (-"Moi-e and not he.-au-e f .loism. "Tii at is e- 4 .... actly mv -i::oM to day. I am i - ... a ll-inet'aiis 1 ,.o n ,t 1. i rar y t! . r i. ;:i v : ;e-; i,.n, :.rm of I '!:. iTliry, ,,- OTinan 1 a v and said the I)en:oc:a 'v , f V. rL- i ! i v. ; n : a v .'i d 1 . i r i :i r. nu 1 1 : th- t w an r.- : r:i;. : i v So t h 1 ' I k.-.; 1 t A . 1 it 1 ta! ir.ono-i:;. -t. i . no- w, .4. ' . T .1 . i a: ,ot. t 1 ! a s: I o el;. ar.,1 r f 1 : an f 1 1 e e ! r a 1 g!e i!v.-! in 'r a- the d.ird to, i : ry and in thir free l, e.u: e.ge j,, our iniu' at a ; r:;; er 'l';. i'iio-it any ; iscr i :n i na tion in favor of the one again-' a bi-i:;. t- ri'pea! of th- he.-!uan law. booau-- it i- . Democratic, ii.o-;oa!, danger, u- i s i i; 1 1 o n c i .- and r'su . impeuiiinv.t to free !o the .I'Ui 'v. ri wo, :n ; . ' have v-ry !.: .. n. : o f o . r : : , v, h : h , . at . s i h . : 1 up'..:id, w ;., :: ! u-h-N. N. .v. t'..,e three i'ig; a the o- d you v.i:; la', e i."U:-. w h'n h w a i i h- dav If . a. 2.-. vo ti w ; . hi:: 1 - th majirr ' :. Hurninr ' 'T com- a d .,d .t'.. ! i d:?ot"y :o ra.e,j voair ,s f :il b":ght", i:A ar hi'.;- r ycf t Up ( '-o:a;,cy, on th o r. f-anl: -.Sir, iru;.' ard ; and " a:::,v I prom- - y N-nd-d ' ' ' h- p rf ( Mi, lV' !l '? ': run., K' '-y pro:n ; -ur ord-r y : r. a:,d : ; : i ;r ' : I - h i r-r a W- I'hb I..,. ' cv.urni... "hut ' ta-' of OJ j., ;- :.":. -'' 1 ' i ' k i ' . - a. , : s a ". m he 0; hor , ,1 ;t? .,( a.i: i tavor th :.a: a : a . .1 a .e t.,it. :h:- t i fert . I l.-'rs ; -y ( r l!-i- way, o.kT. be i in at I u, and ,, . ' V." i w i h n v " . I '. irv : y .a p-pabrr . v 11 tl. Irtd ""'inlslvrv .'. h t--m . ' i .c a ' , :t : i - '. ; r : rr- t - ' " .. ...r . -: n. 'i j:.frfi. : t!.- rr. a i ' : r. : r lr I'- d lsgrac ;i ver can-- mg age lvetlieir patrons full satisfaction member taut yuu can be "accomodated a1" any hour, day or niyht. Duke kfc Ward, Frank'inton, N. C. Henderson College, HEraDERSO.N, N. C. The F;dl Session of Henderson College will begin nat- the itniiiir i urallv been lenvinir ! rf r. The children of such ; shores. . . . . . pareuLS invite tneir friends tocome Unquestionably some of the pn in,anuiwo or more lamilies of ; ent d illu this kind soon establish a circle whose members exchange visits. The A l'r. bh ry nlhlb d. . . in IV be -. , ouiun n di-tril Bv a.'. ni."i!, if o : r une pu-. In : I 1"m . fi . n ' -.". vs are i . t r -t : ir-.a : u : s pr i : es- culty may be attributed to the uneasiness of our protected in dustries, which have been acc;:s- companicns and friends of the i tomed to relv to a covt,,;.. rtvt.... young people.re known to the ! upon governmental favoritism to parents, and the latter can keep a j support them. I do not disguise watchful eve ovor their rfv.:,. ! tbo f.n i,..f ..,,i. . -- - ""'-i-'hii ..v- itvL nun, nun uneasiness ex- i . , ... eir , ins ana tiir.t it contributes its- We want to em; h i Bank of Loiiisburg Does a General Banking Business. Collections made and returned promptly Northern Exchange bought and sold: COUNTY ORDERS CASHED Interest Dflirl -in Ik ' taonths wusita aiter tnre W. P. WEBB, President, Moniiay, 4, 1893. The Academic Dennrtment, in fin. ding English, French, German, Lat in nnd Mathematics will only what is best, while the mnh- and art will be under skilled tpnbh- urs. For further particulars ad- i r,-ca UJ UVJ05 Mits: B. B. Phillips, Principal, Henderson, N. C. oSfyERsiTT.oF miABrar! EQIJfPMENTr-Facnlty of 25 teacher. 11 builditigrs, J scientific laboratories libra ry 80,000 volumes, 81(5 students INSTPkUCTIO.S:-I-Tve ger.er.l conrr.en, 0 brief courses, prnfepsioual courses in law, medicine, engineering- and chemistry, op- EXPENSES: Tuition ?G0 per year Scholarshtps and loans for the needy. Address, PRESIDENT WINST0. Chapel fJill, N C. A Beautiful Stylish Shce -for Ladies. Ta made to expend with every morion of the foot it retains its stylish shape rhen other shoes giv way and break. It isthe best shoe made. - PRICES, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50. Consolidated Shos Co., Mfrs., Lynn, Mass. FQft SALE BY PERRY & PATTERSONj YCUiNGSVJLLE, JS. a at the most critical period of th lives. But to hold the children to home or selected homes in this way they must be allowed a great deal k- iu iuo vmuce oi llieir amusements; they must notbecon-tinu-ally lectured or advised nor pestered with efforts at improve ment. There is time for play os well as a time for study, and parents should not interfere with the nat ural inclinations of their children, except wfien it becomes clear that their inclinations lead to bad or injurious habits. Later on when the exuberance of youth has be gun to pass away both boys and girls will pass from parental con trol; they will necessarilv go out into the world aud be subjected to its temptations, but they will bear with them a shield or honor if they have learned to love their home and have established the habit of seeking there the highest enjov- ment. V ery young childreu have their companions chosen for them and their amusements prescribed. As they reach mauhood or woman hood they choose their companions and their course of life, but there is a middle and critical period when they need guidance, not control or direction. It is at this period that home should be made specially attractive by freedom within reasonable limits and kind ly treatment. The boy or girl whose only thought at nightfall is to get away from home is in great danger of meeting evil companions and be ing led astray. The boy or girl who as a matter of course brings .-e a t 1' t touched upoi ;i week r two ago ; I'lie county is su ffej ; now ex actly as Mr. Ov.dand aid th Democratic arty told the j.e they might expert to suffer from a continuance of lie; u Id i an !a w . What thev are -rttinc ,-.w lare what the ReMihlic.-m t-art,- i -'!'viiiJt,- TA f ri A.!A.,ftl .1: l 1 m kwu f;n:oiii u 1 s 111 1 na I . C e Ot tl- given them. hi: V felt tl nancial affairs. But there is no : lat vear and thv lone, .or mis suuation unless the change. A 1 . " uominant party abandons its the other iay t v. itte-1 them for principles and surrenders in ad- ; having voted for a change lV-,i vance to tlie interests w h ich : asked t hem w hat thev t hou :ht were defeated at the last elec. it. now tb-it tl,, ,- i , . cow manur. irl of an a. ly la", i an 1 . . . ... . : Ji i . v.) i : -a! i.'f.-r o :.e :h r 1 e adj.dni:, r,. T . , on on--: :: thin. Si;. !s. I a a great d o. ,-u.d . three n,-r aiiv man- land in c t'n-i with I.1 ' r - o:nmef,-:ai ier' i : i farm ' of 1-.;, Ir .1 re , f v - '.v d it m .r ( . ;.i :-yi , r t 1 n with, I put i raw 1 I )p I ii;c!. voted for a ubiican t-atr er ar r i i . z nn... h c oti from the , . acre a- from the hree. a.lmit tnat tr. r..M.n..-.r,-; i ' f.-.- --- - tit n i- ..f , i .. of a --i,.rd : w i iiTU.l- omi i . . - , : ; .... d are -. i r.-l-K . : ; ; s r- fi u t - 1 .- v 1 a :;. ? :...- .' fx: r '.t-iC i r..r r - y :r n rtr-y r- : k-- ;L: ' It. k;n,- s N r i c. I-. .r t- o . rr- ; i . . ': ' :.;h trg : v lh .ran. Jt !. .. lr-r i ::. tion. ot ten Tl Z T S 1 I . (lo sofae go-'d 1 f year, l:,t heme manure it more good the eC., ,.i year, and w i . . . i : d. Till: KI M ( AJUllJW A:!s. ie lo oi. e f iking hard of them. 1 1 1 e t. k i uuest mi, was nrematnre as much the third n ',; : r . The Democratic party is pledged They haven't gotten it yet. Th- Wi.-n I h ok around f: ni to tariff reform. It must redeem ; Democratic party hast.'t enacted barn yards and so,. ,he;r mat...ri t ., v.oliJC WIJJil n:av- u, a ,aw UlMg ,ar. ,o t,iis. tine gomg to wa-fo, I fee lu'"" u ,ul,sl t,u expected . there Democratic President and ether i"g them ofT : 1 1 1 . A r i wim ue borne incnon. It is un- executive officers have on! v e.ve- tl avo.aau.e. it is incident to the : cutcd Republican laws. The, anticipated withdrawal of public j "change" is vet to come, and' Economizi.-c on Ildiion. aid from private enterprises, and j when it doee com, if it isn't for it cannot be prevented, but must ' the better, w hv, the!,. itv:!l e h:v!,ir:,nl' be endured. The people perfect- j the pleasure and the dut v cf pen. , Thesi.irit of f;1-i, which ly understood the question last j pie to change aain . ' i swept otcr Kansas l;nt vear and roll o i,l 1 , 4 1 .. :,i ai ""I uu iuey CICU Willi lUeiT eyes wide open. Our course is onward, and we shall not retreat. Second, some portion of the present panic may be traced to a concerted effort on the part of nu merous mouo-metalists to produce it, in order to further discredit sil ver as a part of the standard mon ey of the country. The best fi. nancial system in the world could not withstand such an organized and vicious attack npon it. These promoters of public peril repre sent largely the creditor class, the men who desire to appreciate the cold dollar in order to subserve their own self-interests, and the men wholly unfamiliar with the true principles of monetary sci ence. Third, the Sherman silver pur chase law has been at least in part aud possibly tire most largely ao gave t! .e State t the The Manufacture of Potao-e Stan:p-i. ' through th. aid of th- D-m IV; ul 1 1 w o r h l : no w o'ra's. Ihe ' T ' -Hft!tr i . : o::; rfsrr.x , ; -,ir'n;;T at 3(, ir,1t., o .,. : ,r i..rv. I nc j Hu-tir-;v : -, o. i;rv, ?( nr. : !-' ' ', r" '" rr.r. Tt. two cocrw 4 -" 1 Ar-::--.rr at..i t U- I .;,, i vr :k..ic),op Flo.iH o t sm ... -,j .c . S v. .. . ... -J.J f ' T -.' , ' ;'S- .1 ; ', - A li 1 1. h A 1' A V Trw; lent. R. R. CROSSEN. PH. ST ( LASS IW1NTFJL i n nrTt'T. r c. I . i.tj t -, , .7-r rn v w- ri-w to tl, r Every part of postage sfamn ' hurchef i :i Ciark cunty, v -r,o-w t . . in ri . a 1 ';! r the. I Jtn rMi r-1 f o-.- k'.c. My w rk in Lnaibarr twri f r itlf. sad I rvf.-r to all psrti-w f. r -making is done bv hand. The j '):ir'' times prevail and crps Lave designs nre engraved on steel. ' fn i 1 . 200 stamps on a single plate.! The religious people of all de- , (''" rn v,nr Ptroor. These plates arc inked bv two ! nor-i'nation- are gettiu- tegether. ' '"'-ll' L" r1- men, and then are printed bv n ; They have discharged al: but one ; NOTICE, girl and a man on a large hand : niinist. r in the int-rest of c-omv' m.w .n.i i-r ... , y. press. They are dried as fast as ! tn-r" At Ashland, th. curty ST Tr'SCn T printed, and then eutned with a i eca' tne sev,:,n dm min tions 1 ,ri:-1 " I Arr r'n ti. Ar.i starcn paste made from itotatfen i i"-' ou on ue (,.r M.b .. r'.: This paste is- dried by placing j most popular cf the ."even minis- tho sheets in a steam fann ing ma chine, and then the stamps are subjected io a pressure of 2.000 tons in a hydraulic press. Next the sheets are cut so that each one contains 100 stamps, after which the paper: between the stamps is perforated, and after being pressed the sheets are filed away. If a single stamp is injured the whole sLect is burned. Ex. C')kii at t. .C n-t ,!--,.. i,.r ;-, L-uwlr Kraal fin r.-.o tt.T on '.U.r,l, fS XKh Amy rl tcrs who phonld preach the ecr.! s'p--s ivi ts !..wg dmrnM , . f 1 i In-. I. m Tr.it tmrt kco-n ma th. to t.ie people, eschewing all doc- 1 1 t vi-p v., u Trvt. " .r..! B.j. t-.i i.T trinal t,. ics Rev. Dr. Miller, of the Mtho dit church, was selected and the other pix discharged. The unsuc cessful were not soured, but ac cepted their fate, knowing that there was support enough for on ly one minister. Tho plan is i-at-isfactory and will be adopted in other counties iu the drought district. J T Cola d Tina 14th Tj of Ag?t IT.. J. NOTICE! risTinw; jojilral n Kx-vTton of A n ClJiw. dr'1 nil prnmn niing kifUt .1 rw hriT notiSH to orttl IU v at orw-w. and a!) boidict: riim tniut tb a)d tat will trvwwnt f Krta fcjr pyat o or lrr J!tf .1.1, JUj) nrlii. acrfir "t b rJn-d in forr of b-ir nroTrrr Tbw Jutj 21t, J A Klii 5 fS-" 5(5 J J.