TAT tmWqT- VOL. XXIII. LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBE 8, ltftt. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report The Billville Banner. TO P UBLIC saw OL tea ciiers The Superintendent of Public Schools of Franklin county will be in Louisburg on the second Thurs day of February, April, July. Sep-tsiib.-r, October and December, and remain for three days, if necessary, for the purpose of examining applicant-- to reach in the Public Schools o t '.lis county. 1 will also be in .o;ii.-!iir on Saturday of each w.'k. and all public days, to attend t i a ay business connected with my ullhe. J. N. TTautiis, Supt. (J. . M. COOKE Sc SON, AT T O UN E YS-.VT -L A.W, i.ouisbubb, n. c. Will "ttunl the courts of Nash, FriulUiii. Yv'hen a tramp is fortunateenough o get hold of the upper portion of a roasted fowl he generally makes a c.eun breast of it. Abekdf.ex, 0., Juiy 21, 1P91. Messrs. Lippmaa Bros., Savannah, Ga Dear Sirs: I bonrot a bottle of your P. P. P. at Hot Spnrn.s,' Ark., and it has done me mov good than three months treatment at the Ht Sjvrimrs. Have yon no agents in tin's part of the country, or let roe know how much it will cost to get thr. e or six bottles from your city by express. Respectfully yours, J as. M. Newto:?, Aberdeen, Brown county, 0. The sheriff sold us out last week. 1 and we are now suing the sheriff for damages. Congress will probably be in session one year. Talk of that kind is never cheap. The Billville clearing house was not a success; the cashier not only cleared the house, but the country, too. Our lecture on the race problem is brief and to the point. It con sists of one nigger swinging to a hickory limb. Next week we expect to have an editorial on the President's mes sage. It will be a ringing one, as we shall touch on free silver How Ueele Sara Buys Gold The Gov. - eminent Assay 0fQcC3. A Benefit to The South WrnU r f Wiidcm. 1 l'ilKSlbF.NT JAC KSON. St. Louis filohe-IVrniicniT A place seldom visited by the public is tbe assay ol'Ice of the United State, w Lore gold is bought for the government. There are but five such offices in the United States, one in St. Louis, one in Hele na. Mont., me in Iuise City, Ida ho, a fourth at Charlotte, N. C, and tbe fifth at the bra-uch mint in Denver. Tbe oH.ce here is in charge of Mr. Eliiot Jewett, with two assistants. It is as complete an o'lice as can be found in the world, being etaipp-fil 'entirely new tduce its location in the obi custom bouse. As tbe agent of I the government Mr. Jewett bav in a recent dispatch from Rnl- eigh, we noticed a very suggest- lortiim Sun I How Ho Mside (iouanfnt Clerk It has been well aid that ti e l'a "IL.ir K-rJ BilN. ive item. It was to the effect I n!0?t commendable and helpful, " tell vu what it i," ;-iid an that Mr. C. E. Johnson, pr. sddent I crs'19 in a community, as veil ; irate U.ard.ng l. ,..- kcp-r tK of tbe Chamber of" CoMimeroe cf as in a cburcb nre thv wh. go ! O'.bor d y '-B-ardiu depart that place, who has for several ahead and do -urn-thing. They rnent clrVn in't what it ud t years handled a large part of tbe are liable to make mi-Uk.-. of; ho. I w a not in tl. business cotton crop marketed there, bad ''o;,r!,, sometime.., but ;f tby are, wl,r Jjr..... as Pre-idei.t, but gone- to K:gbu:d for the purpo-e progressive that i at leat a i r. I knew p.n . d Udy bo wa, an I of arranging with a firm which "f g""d seno. Th-ywili try to die aid th.it h . o mi d Hifkory' he represent; for a supplv of too;)- do the best f -r th::.elves a w.d. wn in th- Whit II-vin? thr ey to handle the crop. This f.wt a'w f"r nt hcT- T1"' ,'",-rv,; '''. si- no n:-h ti.n a ?i depart has a stior.o; bar.ig u o i t';c coiiraj.'m.-nt, bat ar.? often criti- ; tuent cb-.rk w-ttit.g a idi b-b.i.d present financial tifiation and r'-e'1 ii.i-tcad. ami that ut.j itir: in hi beard bili. tbe future of the South. We are Vany n.d ul-.of and f ; i d fault . "My 1 fri-v.d had a number at what s d. J.-. -i,i:;.y bera'-- of crk t. .ir J'.- i:, b.-r it W U J.ot d't.1' II. MM'J'1 ('! evvnsytlle, Fla., June 5, 1S01. Messrs. Lippmaa Bros., Savannah, Ga. . Dear Sirs: I wish to cave rav tosti- - ' - 1 ! 1 j - t 1 1 OranviliV, warren Wake .-outities, nlso the i moiua m repni to joar auiaoie meu: i-ir,Tn c: , int of North Gurolinp, an 1 the L. vine, V . Jr". LJ., tw the cure ot rheama X Circuit an. I District Courts. kR. J. E. MALONE. tism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, biiiousness. etc. In 1S;51 I was attacked with bilious muscular iheamaiism, and have been a O'fiwtwo (ioiirs 'nli'T TIOT.r.n a .i;cu'ca iun i.i i to il rui uiee. i tii-u;iii uieii- drug btore. aujoi:iiii; Dr. o. L. Eil.s- j ieines I ever heard of, and all the d. e- - - - Sr. -.!, K.f T f .,,,,,!'.,,.!,. i.,,,..n. Cash is scarce in Billvilb ; a , a1 rol(l o(T,rc.,i iu amounts above silver dollar looks as big as the I myu for .Hnio as PO.t: obliizcd to sell our f-tapls in a foreign market, where the pintle pold standarl of i: o:;ey j revaii. The cttton crop sells for - at gold piico.; r.i.d if we ( M iid et the trold directlv ioto the South srtting sun, ami a teii-cont is thirteen times larirer than the i moon. oce j as it can be melted and assaved. A great manv people ;iro ign. rant of tbe fact, that the o-overr.- 1)' 1 R A C T I C I N G PHYSICIAN, Lie.u -li 'Kii, C. E. V. TI MB Eft LAKE, ATTOHN KY- AT-LAW, L-iCisn i:o, n. c. O.ln-i' on Nitsli at iv -t. V. S. Sl'ItriLE, ATTOtl X EY- AT-LA W, LoviSK"::;;. n. c. Will r.ttei: I the courts of Franklin, Yfincs Ormvi'l . W..rr-i .oi l Wake i-o -nuies. nl.so t lie Su:.r in - Co nt of Noi-ih Oai-oiiiia. Vvoaua att -ii t i .ii i'iv;i to oulle. tioas, StJ. N. n "i i ry relief; the pains were so had at times that I did not care whether I lived or died. My digestion became so im paired that everything 1 ate disagreed with me. My wife also suffered so in tensely with dyspepsia that her life was a burden to her; she would be con'ined to he:- bed for weeks at th- time; she al so stiff-' red greatly from giddiness and loss of si wp, fc.-me time in fau-h I was advised to take V. V. V , and before we (mv wife and i) had iiuihed the sec ond bottle of P. P. P., our digestion be gan to improve. My pains subsided so much that j have b-en able to w. rk, and am feeling like doin -: what 1 have not done befof' in a rr.niiber of yars. We will continue taking P. P. Ik until we are entirely ee.ied, and will ciin-r-t'tdly recoiuraead it toad suilleriug hu :na nity. Yoars verv respec'.fullv. .3. S. lrFPUIfS. Buckler. s Arnica Salvo. The best salve in tho wo; id for cuts, bruises, s res, u!cer, .al; rb-um. tVe; sores, i-'to-r, ch;i pp'-d ha ud -. eh i ibh: i ATTOTIN KY-AT-T. A.W, c.iraf, a a. r s.r. rirotr n anct L''n--K'-v.i. T. c. M-.e!y cures piles or :i ay. It is r --t.l 'a in .a; win. . o.ii :e ia tas Court I anreea to give perf-c; sa i isfaetion oi m iuev reiunoeu. lUuee -J.: cents per box. j-'oran Candidates for Governor, in our , ment buvs gold out-i.le cf tbe section are going to be as thick ; mints. Tbe moment the nnyer and sociable as the measles, and begins to drum .tre.d , too, that some of them are just as much in j moment he driv?a it away. Pv demand. ' such action, be causer- public to We rejoice now that Cleveland believe that be v i..'. a ii did not appoint us consul to Choi-! vate company r-; e-t. la: 1: g .u it era. Long sickness at b.ome is bet- purcha.-es. lb: id' a i.- e;ie,..;: aged ter than sudden death in a foreign hv the gold buyer-, j-wder. . language. pawn-brokers and others, who We fell off the train last week ! W0,lM b,, f;'r a "f ami nr , . t V- o & ' United States. As a matter f or, i n other wot d -. i f w . t aid irdi d i rec t t r..il" wo! and !i' t gold ii.-'oad New York our broke i : wav, or b- ;-u to lo thev v.. oild bo.e. 1? ,. hat Sort of ti. i-e it d" '5 t bjj - rv i:i ovrv war in t i: e main.'T f. : v. 1 '. ,l.-- ike t ! h i . ?en ; a - .' to rri'ii ', b'o ' i . '. -.- r g e - a r : v . a: d -oi... .,f t were -it ifart- d ; i t . r. i ! :u w ,i v i r.i. Th Ne w O I -ot tlo a- f o f making ii.d let:-!.- gold, tl.-M, King 1 1 b- V. GL'LEEY. ATTO H X H Y- AT-L AW, v;: v'KL!X -', X. C. All ( i) oli-iiTir.-.s pro-Jll t'.y :.tten:le.l to. rivlo.s. ii. ViLD::it, AT TO r'. X E Y- AT-LAW, !..) I a "l'S, X. c. o ' in M On Htr- t. om -loor below Eag H..t 1. M. l ERSCN, misfortune would have it, it was our wooden leg, and we can't get one cent of damages. Great influence has been brought to bear upon ns to enter the race for Senator, but so for we have re fused all offers. Think of a Sena tor wil h one t hii t. We returned from the World's Fair in good spirits, but no shoe.-; the railroad cempanv only allowed fact, it makes no diihereiov to th-' ar-sa ver whether he r.oeiv ounce or one m 1 1 , ; or. , ; n es, ;: is paid a d rtain fixed, -alary, receives anything it; i he sh i; gold, w bother it 1 o t! re tor's, I ais, du.-t i scraps. hate-. (-.r OT. cut ton w ouh a ja i n , and the Soil 1, w the arl i'er o." bu-li.e-- at;.1, j '.: a: affairs in-t-ad of ew .,rk . We I -!,a e th..t o h w . o,d i . k:.e ca-e if we .-...'d g.-t a g .M -land itd, and it is gr.it i :"v i t. g to s.e that jr.ietir.il n, -n are tak.ng s to estab'..-h a v it . f g. ld-at.d-cottoit le;i",-.e ,y I "n g j : g the bn ver atol seder ogctb-T :p oii a go'd l a- i s. I f 1 h - "1 n ; n o 1 1 cii-i - sho-pd result in tl;. e-'..b- 1. . I .. f V ... . h n . '. v f th- h- i 1. th-' v v , TlioV tl r ao. . Work be"-' i 1 a : r e rn -i I.eV : e . . a r . p:o;.t iv "She h r. a 1 , v c a j , r ? i ; r . v . '"ttijti :a g rv : . a:i - i . - '..e tr.e I ry reao:ii . i -k n an t n 1 ft-1. -:.. -- a a:i 1 : b-.r g -.1 1 'o -j n-'u , a r. d , i, . - 1 ; r::;:.;:y; n u n ' : 1 the thin t a-- 1 i Igu: . -a':-f a v .r a! . .-, i ; f. r th - w 1. -a n;t : is .1 ' . an 1 th t. a; ... it. It i a nt bef.re j at; ei wrv, f-'i. - Si'.'. it h- r i a : r w : ' l - a w a .-v ; lr. -., g c: il-d j '.'. oh r's : r " it i . in. t is w. rfh. he takes it for wha '1 1'. gr.vernn. cnt ays 1 1. pen-.-s nf ;i - -er' a ; ; . In g It- v oi The pr.- v - - of roc i i : g disposing of t !. gold i- of eo erable i n t -t . On dL . '. verv Our friends from the country t .p,. ,,,: ..p, r.. .... ;, are s: 1 i I v. i n us. e are a ; w a v .- ,, . :. 1 ;., - . m ...,v. ... ! i - n rn-' n t eg ( : i rr t 1 1 a ; K ii g la n d an 1 1 1 ," rt .- . n .M ates l wt.i I ha i. i t o.n - . L I v c o - '. ' a i :n'i:i.-nt i nit -rar v d .-gu e - us one pair, ir.st.-ad of the f;c pass we hail a d for. g'ad to see them, but th W e i ; , i t 1 t so del Pi 1 nt H AS IT DOo4E W3 Sail 2 t OAN ST DO B Tlr' or;-';..-;1 -n '. "r.-r 'r- 'rrbio rnmnonn 1 fhvo'i T.-:-at:n that of Dri .s.-ok.-y & is :i. sc-i iti.- M-ieistmr-nt of th" , le- tumble v. -thev h iu : g Oil, Ys'hat a Coiiiiii. Wil to a heed the .vava::vr. nal terhaps of the : a- rippr.-ack ot that m re t.-vrible dls ase ('on - ;:m nt i a. one week's provisions and tdav six months. We leart: froni the Con gr.-s-don - I Cat C '. v ba a : Jew ot ! use.-' i h. rn to or u ad. (io'oi It w i t hat a, 1- id' id; .Mr. ma '1 ' see one-' the :;i 1 1 too l: o; . an: -S-: r.g i - -h 1 1- d ! r in w ' i i A I -out It t !, t !: HOT w -t ; io 1 w in Th- for a'.i S.. .tl, -oil- gold -i.a:, ad ' rl rn v in t : . e w i o o , th.- Soigh -at.dard f l - e , j ' i ( ; 1 1 ' i e io into, c o( :):.v:r ei nn r k cu'ii 'von". : 's --r 1 ' ma. V-pai tni.' t'a.iT it is aoivt. ll over the v. . . It ti:m h.-"Ti in ir-"' ' "'" over t'.vr-ntv years: t!i eis.ia !a of n it'e-os I'.av hg-ri trt-n't'l. h-i i ovpt o-e ' thoas-i'i 1 n'l.VMeians ;i;vf a-ir! Ask vo set", cs u V"u can. ;d lor th -o t ! ..." . . . . . from Biiiville has the li.or." w e i , o so. i or ui". -.' rcrei; the afr-M ;.o n. ( :i ht'd a 'dicck is mad of ,-. '..riv j O-' d ol h- k roiiurv th- id. 1 ! 1 a - i and of tl f. I. , f .d na ' t n W i : V . o l : - sake of sa--r.g ,"e centrj: t-. rt;n th risk ! This is too bad, h a act u- i;aUi!!ig i--r ir. : e ko-.-.v t roia experien-1:.'' that Shikari i.'aro v. ; ' I c-::e four roach. It nev. r fails.- '1 S;i i-x- ir.unisod hi- oi:-t it uent s that he would si Lei ;-e; ana w g h i t t a ' .1 it a very rLOti- pi.'tins wa v in:. re 4...:. t' :1- aa a mdiio s-i.i i:;e Ti . i year. ,i c .1 it :!)!: :n-H i-.nt t:ir. ! cr iiui :m wto-orun-r c ;:u '(- ,.,.. 1 OXV..-T1 Its Mole of Action j jlaihers, do not be wit !;;.::! it n.,. itnityi o r t;tl" oi a nook nt :ir".A, .it.listie.1 by l!-s St.-irk.-v v T'ob-n. which urivs to all in inirerH fuli information as to tilts r "n i-Va 'T- f-i-.-itiv .".-jrettt Jin-l a IXin ri--- 1 of s". ;-;e-iin x -nr-- in a wib r iiori- of '-'iroa:o' c ai -s -m-iriv of t'l m ilftaa l,.jn? :i'rn!-ini-.l Io 'lie by otli-.T th Vi cians. Will t mail? 1 free to any a.hlress It !t!es i yves (.nje. FEED SALE AND ElYEiiY STA-P.L.ES. and tako a ch.air. Sj raker Crisp has proin i l-'U : a mo of s. 1 . 1 1 : i -; t i 1 . r l s c : . . e '. g i w . i 1 - r c r w h n it Ti:- , ID ring . f ;-' p- eh. t ion f mar .- .1 !.. gr- . o : - m a v i d us a am 1 th- i ' i : r i . 1 1 out l ; on application. I).s. STARXEY fz PAT.EN, l-0 Ar.-h Street. Piiibnlebi'iia. Pa. 1 -jo Sn", i'M- Street. San Framasco, Cab PI as'' m .itioi) this paper. Coffins aM Caskets 'A sj U The attention of ( b..-. jeibl:.- is calle-l to tbe f.o-t Th:.t tin- irelrrsiun.-: .-, i p; -par-.-.l to "ivetiirir nal )-;ns l'ltii ':srirc tio;;. 1'e- meniber that vou ran !je aceoaio.hoed u.t any hour, uay or ir Pr::r & V.'a. Frai.k'itit on. ,'. C. leMerson P.O. J ." i V ) C. ;i .---! We have added to our already complete line of wood and cloth covered Coffins and Caskets SOLID WALNUT CDFFK13 AND CASKETS. Also a line of MET A L1CS as nice and fine goods as is car ried in any of our cities. Our stock is complete in every line. Respectfully, R. R. Harris & Co. L3ui8bur, N. C. HENDERSO'h N. C. Tlie Full Session of Henderson College will begin Monday, Seemlier 4 181)3. The Aeadend.c Department, inclu ding Eua.ish, French, CierruuTi. Lat in and Mathematics will represent only what is best, while the music and art will be under skilled teach er further particulars ad- nosit ion on toe ( on .rrersun:i 1 Ke atol assi.v unu: cord, where g-as is the only thing is mad -i.ua in:' th-- : igi: taken on subscription. As The ; it i p -ibie t.. lea; n it, i, Record is not published all the : degree of 11: en. of the i . : r. 'oear round, we will farming. have more Tt.e bar is then sV.tnp- !, f r sh i ; u.'V. t t . the us ; t-. t at I ... deij bin. This stamp i- pr 1 fi em c. un'-rfi it i ng hv t h ;c i . f i v'.ou w : . . . w c i s u. I lid ho in i: d i. : :. e . : 1 n o r - w .. t k .a n - f ' 1 1 i :: . f in.: : I' f. r i 1 l a- ,1 i penait n-s provi'.eai against i t er f c i t i n is ' 'i u . dhc Stale (;;;ar.; Chi en o X.- v: t--" ia a-.!. The mention of Colonel Bob Iu .gersoll's name recalls a touching littie story of Washington Eho. ' One cheerless, rainv nioht some I , TT , , , , , , The Henuei-sori (, d I. .-at years apD, the venerable nia-ii . -,:.:.. ,1 , n-, i l Every once in a while sonn ho vit :iio i u u v. a: rai.ii; in iub oiiiCt: oi the Ebbitt House, gazing; out a - v on 1 1 f c t r . 1 I :. r - f. r b:,-in--s. a re n; a ; n t t - f-rr- t . nt tv rnrs;. raises a ki against the St;iti rs. anK oi Louisoor Does a -General Banking Easiness. Collections made and returned promptly Northern Exchange bought and sold. COUNTY ORDERS CASHED iress, Mits. B. B. Phillips, Principal, Henderson, N. C. TUT! i7fDfTTiV r.T' pn'OfniT P Ti HT TV K 1 yruvtruiiii ur rturiiii lAibJhLuA ; EQUIPMENT: Fu'-nUy of -" tone)-.. 11 bail lii'fis. 7 scii'iii oie oihr-.ratori.-s, hora ry ao.ooo vohur.f. :?T1 slu-tcnts. INiS ritUUTiONS: Five j.'ei;oriil conrscp, (i brief courses, pr-fi ; siona! courses in law, njpiiici' e f ngineorins: ami cliemiitry, op tional eonrscp. EXPENSES: Tuition $G0 p' r year. Scliohn-shii-s anil loans for the nee.iy. Adilress, PRESIDENT WINSTON, Cliapei lliih N C. A Beautiful Stylish Shce for Ladies. through the window into the fog and darkness. He was ! militia i.nd get o'.T a ah. i t lot ii ! the a x-j .a or ha : n g to pay f . r air; i r ai- ; t he. to olTer h ti the State encaui pm-ud. j same k u :: or w ou :,i g j himself of tin? pro., c' ion of th- mil iiia were he or bis pro; "ry in. any way endangered. While there seems no immediate ne-d cf the soldiers, yet at various time- let ' o.-.t t ci ; ion o 11- avail i;nv i.o' , : t s a n 1 1 a v . : 1 r- 1 p-.h.:--x; ;h- p. i ; r- f :s th -ir . i .luty. i) it f '.'ii f un-i n ,.-;;rv i - '.v .ids f-.r 'h- d ; ; ; m i . . a - v. I. n o ii::iv . r a; ; rehend the 'y II. '1 1 1 . iii.d : ;i : a -. 1 si, ' - K T. i t 1 1 :n ;-:: . I rr. u. thought and his face was Ihe pic ture cf melanchollv. Prose all v Colonel Bob Ingersol entered the ofiice. "What has happened, General?" he asked. "You Took as if you'd i list lost vour last friend." ,. . , ,, i . -i i thev have rendered verv eo-ctu;. An, j-.ou, miii iue oia man i - t i service, and incase ot no.i are fs ' (' n ' l;iw f re- always ready. In fact the State Guard constitutes a email standing armv, maintained at almost no ex pense to the State, which may at any time be of :reat service tu the State. As to the State encamp ments, it is need. les to say that thev are neccasarv to the verv ex- Is mEde to expniifl with rvrry motion of the foot it retains its stylish stuiiio M hcn other shoes give -way &ud break. It is the best shoe made. Interest paid on deposits after three n-oaths. W. P. WfcBB, President. PRSCES, S2, 2.50, $3, 03.30. Consolidated Shoe Co., P.frs., Lynn, Mm, TOR SALE BY PERRY & PATTERSON; YOUXGSVILLE, Ah C. with a eigh, "I liave just &een a cruel, pi table sight. An aged crippled soldier was painfully toil ing up the street yonder and was making some progress, when along came a big, double listed, broad shouldered fellow and kicked the crutches out from the old cripple, leaving him feeble and helpless, to get up as best he could." "I would to God I had been here!" cried Ingersoll angrily, "I'd have trounced the ruliian ! I never heard of eo brutal an out rape ! What! abuse an old and crippled man like that! I'd make quick work of tbe brute!" "Wait a moment, Bob," inter posed old Simon Cameron, gentiy. "I was that aged and crippled vet eran, and I was toiling along' to j try to deprecate or impair its eS As an i veln.nge says gross may m ''. in extra and Can perhar pa- so; that will Lav- ihe e ! e e x t e n that commerce and 1rad may move along and money circoi it m'Te freely, but Congress cannot satisfv ad our wants or correct ull t he ev il of w h i h w e con;oaiii (i.. 1 w T.en ho ill' of jol d . e y do. No w fali 1 r.-h on -form a n an. ' ; or : :n e n t at Is. Th. :ivi can atT. l . l . i - a I a ,- 1 . av hil;:. tartan. e.i . A man w : i . i r i n h . r . r aih-i y L". ' T.T1 ;p hi" a. rar- ; i a hrd rn .-.into' - - w ::h ah thrir o;, t some -i I i'JU , ;l! o. pi vee fc,r a t iir.e. A none, to the o .: :!:.!.. . : i-r.v com any car.!, s . !d n'y 1 :n in a-cu? ;t. . . 1 - It is nut its pr is it withi u o'. l lire to i: ; 1 o w e r . . so , nor ei . n: e ;-a 1 1 Pat ;t a;. 1 st'.; can do one thing that will b h-'d : '. h 1 1 ' v vi : . . o-.v t . . i . 1 1. : n i . r niy grave. And it was you, Bob, who camo across my path and kicked from under mo the crutch es that supported me in that last journey." Colonel Ingersol made no an swer; the old man continued to look mournfully into the ni-ght. istencc of the militia, and "it is , henelb ial to the count rv. It can hum-. absurd to say that a State like , c,it (1" r ?0!n9 01 ''-e cxira.a North Carolina is too nigardly to ; atrte that has gr-.wn up in the spend a few thoufaud dollars year- managem-nt cf the gov. rt;t:;ei:t ti! Iv for themaintenanceof our eplen- affairs and et a good example; did body of citin fohliery. Tbe j r''il uo i-:ir7! t0 Avat :h v'it!- State Guard is something .more i tI:oro ca! e our 'A n than an ornament and an boner to h.ok more judicious'y after our the State. H ia an absolute neces- ; business we w ill rind evib sity and no good citizen tbonld j to contend with evilsover which the government bas no power or Ktrm a:i ! dar l a '.( n. .; : i :i " :. .. i ! !.. 1. '. r leek It . .-. : : ' h. n re n : -h-- ..! . r. n : o , u t it i ,. : ; ot . -. r . - 1 t :. 1 fr. -ii a . r . y. ? : i 1 . - n r -I- rt ( . a At..', n h.in's . '!. v T ,. . . , , r ': i.hit.t v 1 . thcr. "1 ad-, i. n..t ..rt : t o -r. . at tomr To ir.- I (KI- 11 v , :i n; j-rtant N i Vcr. cieney and usefulness. In Colorado there was not a sin gle Baptist church 40 years ago. Now there are GO churches and 5jC00 mcmbeis. d'o-.na'oe !-.. .a. 1 not gre-v U c inufli vine. lh.Uto- h.-:l 1 b- kept in tl." cole.-t and .larkest place pos-ible. Tli-t wo ! frai well f-"d ?hcep is much better than from half t a r i e d ore's Poorly kept fhep will rot make tbe own?r ri-b , i cr do, We ha ".e a sp.ety aad ixitive enr- much towards building up the) for cvrrb hvtl,.;ria cnt,k.-r rre-tilh for.jjitv of lhc ,1nU Ll'HllRl lk .71MIO.J o v ui i i. ii- - ..... . , . . . . . v. edv A nal inj.-ctor fnv with t-aeh If tbe weed have started up in ta Ar My rV m '";. ' - bottle. I'm. ft if vondtsir.- h.-alib and, h vbeat field in many placit; f,7 ,a: li 1 I " 'A- ' rrauhlitooi 1 1U tljC tA y u .la. b I rig'ht of control. R. R. CRCSSCN. I I i 1ST ( LASS I'AINTKS. ron-nrn... . r. ! t . f-r ta- f t l:r. un l !! vu I ri prj Jr-d

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