ATPMTITV TT a ' 11M VOL. XXIII. LOUISBURG, K C, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1803. NUMBER 3a FRANKLIN Highest of all in Leavening Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report THE PRESS ON VANCE. WHAT TlJE REPORTERS SAY OP 'HIS SPEECH. 9 ABSOLHTEOf PimE TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. The Superintendent of Public Schools of Franklin county will be in Louisburg on the second Thurs day of February, April, July, Sep tember, October and December, and remain for three days, if necessary, for the purpose of examining appli es nts to teach in the Public Schools of this county. I will also be in Louisburg on Saturday of each week, and all public days, to attend to any business connected with my office. J. N. Harris, Supt. A North Carolina woman has a lock of hair sent to her by a friend two years ago. It was then aa, inch and a half long. It has been growing ever since, and 16 now over -a foot long. At least,' that ia the story she tells, and there is no one in her town who will venture to deny it. Professional curds. c. M. COOKK & SON, ATTORNEYS-AT -LA. W, LOUI3BCB, K. C. Will attenl the courts of Naah, Franklin, Granville, Warren ani Wate counties, also the tuireme Court of North C iroliup, and the U. 8. Circuit and District Courts. jyR. J. E. M. ALONE. Office two doors below Thomas t Aycocbe's drug store, adjoining Dr. O. L. Ellis. D R. W. II. NICHOLSON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOUISBURG, N. C. W. TIMBERLAKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBURG, K. C f)!Ti:e on Nash street. 1 8. SPRL'ILL, Aberdeen, O., Juiy 21, 1891. Messrs. Lippman Bros., Savannah, Ga Dear Sirs: I bought a bottle of your P. P. P. at Hot Springs, Ark., and it has done me more good, than three I months treatment at the Hot Sorines. nave you no agents in this part of the conutry, or let me know how much it will cost to get three or six bottles from your city by express. Respectfully yours, J as. M. Newton, Aberdeen, Brown county, O. Newnansville, Fla., June 5, 1891. Messrs. Lippman Bros., Savannah, Ga Dear Sirs: I wish to give my testi munial in regard to your valuable medi cine, P. P. P., for the care of rheuma tism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, biliousness. etc. In 1861 I was attacked with bilious muscular rheumatism, and have been a martyr to it ever since. I tried all nied icines I ever heard of, and all the doc tors in reach, but I found only tempora ry relief; the pains were so bad at times that I did not care whether I lived or died. My digestion became so im paired that everything I ate disagreed with me. My wife also suffered so in tensely with dyspepsia that her life was a burden to her; she would be confined ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, LOUISBURG, N. C. Will .itteni the courts of Franklin, Vance, Or.invilK Warren and Wake counUes. also . hej. be(j fof weeks at the time gh a the Supreme Court of North Caroliua. Prompt , , , ' attnti n givea to collections, Sc-i. All Speak Well of It and Kindly of It Author The Speech Drew and Held and Excited Much Merriment. The Washington correspondents write pleasantly of Senator Vance's speech delivered recently in the Senate. The New York Herald prints a very excellent picture of him as he stands, one hand uplift ed, addressing the Senate. The extracts below are all from the Washington correspondents of .the papers named : New York Herald : Vance is an entertaiuing talker, and his pecu liar Southern way of stating things moved his audience to frequent smiles and occasional laughter. He is somewhat corpulent of figure, and his ljght suit of clothes made him appear bigger than usual. His hair and heary mustache are almost as white as snow, and his hands tremble so that he cannot hold maunscript while reading. To remedy this he had books stacked breast high in front of him to serve as a reading1 table. He was closely listened to by his fel low Democrats, but the Republican side was almost deserted. N. Y. QULLEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, FRASKLINTOX, Tf. C. All ljral business promptly attended to. rjMIOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, louisburg, s. c. O'flc! oa Main street, one door below Eagle Hit 1. M. PERSON, ATTO RNEY-AT-L AW, LOCISBUK9, X. C. rr-u-ticos ia all courts. Office in the Court rious''. WHAT I 9 1 IS IT HAS IT DONE CAN IT DO TIip orisrinal ami otily genuine Compound Ovvn Treatment, that of Drs. Starkey & r'alcn is a scientific adjustment nf the ele ments of Oxygen and Nitrosen marn?tiaed; hii 1 the compound ia so condenned and made portable that it is sent over .the world. It has been in naefor over twenty yeare; thousands of patients have been treated. 8i l over ou? thousand physicians have usd it and reeoiamea Jed it a very signifi cant, fact. 'Compound Oxvpcen Its Mode of Action and Results," is the title' of a book of 200 paired, published by Drs Starkey & Palen, w'jtah five to all inquirers full information B,s to tUU remarkable curative ajrent and a good record of surprising cures in a wide ran ire of ehronie casea -many of them after l'iur abandoned to die by other physi cians. Will bo mailed free to any address on application. Dbs. STATIKEY ft PALEX, I.V29 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pu. 120 Mutter Street. San Francisco, Cal. Please mention this paper. 80 suffered greatly from giddiness and loss of sleep. Some time in March I was -ad vised to take P. P. P., and before we (my wife and I) Lad finished the sec ond bottle of P. P. P., our digestion be gan to improve. My pains subsided so much that have Been able to work, and am feeling like doing what I have not done before ia a number of years. We will continue taking P. P. P. until we are entirely cured, and will cheer fully recommend it to all suffering hu manity. Yours very respectful Iv, J. S. DUPRISS. No sympathy is felt for a man who is a fool twice. Louisville Courier-Journal : Sen ator Vance made a witty and sar castic speech in the Senate to-day against the repeal of the Sherman act. He made some keen thrusts at the administration Senators, which were much enjoyed by the audience. only a feeble surrender of .party J principle and an indefensible vio Iation of repeated party pledges. His speech to-day was mainly a criticism of the repeal- movement within the Democratic ranks as a breach of faith with the voters who put the Democratic party in power at the last election and an aban donment of all the professions of that campaign under the pressure of alien and undemocratic influ ences. But Mr. Vance's humor was per haps moie highly relished by his listeners than his serious argument. His fertile wit easily found an In exhaustible .field in the -contrasts offered between the pre-election promises of his own party and its post-election performances, and neither the President and his ad visers nor the administration lead ers in the Senate were spared in his many clever turns of irony and sarcasm. Mr. Ransom, Mr. Vance's senior colleague from North Caro lina, has been receutly suspected of a tendency to desert from the administration ranks, but nothing in the junior Senator's speech pointed directly at this rumored infidelity, although Mr. Vance went somewhat out of bis way to pillory General GordoD, of Geor gia, as a "horrible example" of the tergiversations of "conversion" to the administration's policy. STOP TALKIKU PANIC. Tb Country lias Been Pretty Xearly Talked to Death During" the Past Three or Four Months. Somebody suddenly observed that gold was going off to Europe. It had been doing this for three years, but nobody noticed it until the drain began to tell on the Gov ernment's gold reserve. Then somebody spoke of it with an orui uous shake of the head, and imme diately went up a great hue and cry about the dauger Jost ahead. The people were scared out of their .wits. They began to take their Umoney out of the banks and hide Fun With Some Sense in It. Trx&a Aiftiogm. A grass widow is not infre quently one whose children have a poor sort of fodder. This is the season of the year in which you can get what you do not want real cheap. The man with a strong mind ' who is asked to mind the babv generally doesn't mind it. Plenty of sleep is conducive to beauty. Even a garment looks torn when it lose. Its nap. When a young man asks a young lady for her hand in 9 cases Ethics of MonryraskJr-c. it away somewhere, and banks had j to euspend.' They began to skimp and scrap and save and deny theni- The man who wants to go ahead of time when going for a BibVavl RaenrJtr. Tli ere is cow a good deal of eicitement in Snancial circles. Promising butinew men are mak ing a&aigutnenU; banks are sus pending, and some are predicting worse things yet to come. One eecret of it all is, we thick that the mania for gold is so gen eral and has so permeated the trading centers of our population, that many have resorted to ques tionable means to acquire wealth. Honesty, nor than gold or sil ver, is the basis of all financial out of 10 ahe will refer him to transactions. Where the rul cf honesty fcnd fair dealing are dis regarded, and men hasten by doubtful means to accumulate fortunes in a week, that their plodding Lut honest randsires accumulated only after a life time of honest toil, may expect a reac- Now Try This. It will -cost you nothing and will sure ly do you good, if you have a cough, cold or any trouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money re funded. Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at Ayeocke & Co's, Drug Store. Large size 5Ce. and 1.00. New York Press: This was a dull day in Congress, its only re lief being in the speech delivered by that national humorist, Mr. Vance, of'North Carolina, in the Senate on behalf of the cause of silver. Mr. Vance criticised the administration freely, declaring that the President's interference by patronage was unprecedented, and saying that if it had been known last year that Mr. Cleve land laumld favor such a measure as the unconditional repeal of the silver purchasing clause of the Sherman act, the Democratic pres idential ticket would not have re- -i il. . Ke.vea mo oruiuury wmmences oi j train shoilld use the ,pUf 0f lhe life, merchants found trade dull : moment. and themselves unable to pay their j The reason the pmall b dt8 T? 111 uu.s. r.very aouar mai coma ue ll0t wear a bathing cotume is obtained was fastened upon with because nothing is good enough I lion and a turning of the b a aeam grip, insieaa oi oeing sent , for hinl ; of justice, so that they will about its business of paying debts, j Mr. McGlynn is reported as de-: plainly the hand of an honest Banks loaded up their vaults with ( ciaring that ..Heii i? a ptate." If ' God, who will rebuke the sin of reserves of 30, 40, 50 or GO per so Ilerr Mogt is just the man to amnesty and the sin of coret- cent. and refused to cash their de positors checks or loan a dime on the beet of security. We became a nation cf nervous wrecks as to money matters a nation of crazy fools, somebody has put it and each went about yelling "Panic!" at V A t rr nf Vila y- nlrm V i a , . ,, . i. vF v,. . -v,v.v. v .m.., felI areadlally by talsing neighbors all the more. It is surely about time to stop such nonsense. Here is an official statement that there is in the pos session of the people of the coun try, outside of the Treasury, over sixty million dollars more than on August 1, and nearly seventy mil lions more than they had a year ago, when they felt pretty flush. And yet this crazy scare, induced ( author muet noi repeat by talk and kept alive by senseless ' fenge. gabbles has so effectually banished ( it from its proper place in business 1 Philadelphia Times : The speech of the deservedly popular orator from North Carolina was enter taining as well as instructive. His denunciations of the attack upon silver was bitter and intense, bnt he is a natural humorist and enliv ened his discourse with many wit ticisms and taking anecdotes. Although his intellectual pro cesses are as clear and vigorous as when he was the most popular ora tor in the Senate, be is failing that the wholo country has been physically. His step is feeble and running on one wheel for a month i 1 ill 1 1V 1 nis nana trcraniea visiuiv wnne ne or more. carry it. ous:.ffs, as h always Laj dote. Thay are getting to be such We do net fear tl- financial fa temperance cranks in Kansas that ture of orir great country. Let they will not permit the elements u r.ot be frightened bv th cut to brew storm. cry of some who go to tie wa'.', A man's mouth is mad to talk considering thir rn-tLods, ouht and eat, yet he often hurts him- to haTe gon vher long ago. Let and df-al hones'.iv with our feliow- kills himself eating. men, and let ncne mike List to Patent medicines are adver- be rich, especially by q ies'.iL- tised as being worth their weight able means. in gold and the druggist takes We can but express regret that good care to make you pay thac some who haTe dealt fairly and much for them. honesly, are i-iiTerir.g with the "A Mere Accident," is the ti- guilty. These woul 1 do we.i '.5 tie (jf a new novel. Well, if it study Solomon's as to was a mere accident the public money and debt making, will overlook it tL i time, but the the of- IlDcVlra'i ArnlcA Klrr. Th b-t nalt in ih w-.rld for rW Hanior f tti Iuv was holding his manuscript. Up on several occasions his voice al most entirely failed him, and in the midst of one sentence he was obliged to pause until a page brought him a glass of water. Sen ator White, of Louisiana, who eat near him, left his seat and hur- ceived a single electoral vote south riedly entered the cloak room to of the Potomac river. Mr. Vance's procure a glass of water, and hand- Coffins and Gaskets. We have added to our already complete line of wood and cloth covered Coffins and Caskets SOLID WALNUT COFFINS AND GASKETS. Also a line of METAL1CS as uice and fine goods as is car ried in any of our cities. Our stock is complete iu every line. Respectfully, R. R. Harris & Co. Louisburg, N. C. Bank of Louisburg Does a Geaeral Banking Business Collections made and returned promptly Northern Exchange bought and sold. COUNTY ORDERS CASHED Interest paid on deposits after three Oh. AVhat a Cough. "Will yon heed the warning. The sig nal perhaps of the. sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of saving 50 cents to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. This ex plains wny more tnan a million Dottles were sold the past year. It relieves croup and whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not be without it. speech abonnded in olher sensa tional statements and was . filled with his characteristic humor. He showed in his bearing and his voice the effects of his severe ill ness, but he acquitted himself so well that he was generally con gratulated at the close of his speech. FEED SALE AND LIVERY STA- BEES. The attention of the public is called to the (act that the milereifrued are prepored to give their patrons full satisfaction. Ke- inember that you can oe accomodated at any hour, day or night. DCKE & W ARD, Franklinton. N. C. REMOVED. Jacob Evans, tueceleb rated Boot and Shoe Maker of Louisburg, has moved his shop to the honse on Wain street, recently ocenpied by Ferril Parrish, and will be glad to have his patrons senu in any wora aesirea in ins unt.. Look out for the sign of the The liia Uoot. DH1TEES1TT OF NORTH CAROLINA ! EQUIPMENT: "Faculty of 25 teachers, 11 buildings, 7 ecientinc laboratories, libra rv 30,000 volumes, 310 students. INS lHLit llUiNS: rive general courses, 6 brief courses, professional courses in law, medicine, engineering and chemistry, op tionM courses. EXPENSES: Tuition $60 per year Scholarships and loans for the needy. Address, PRESIDENT WINSTON. Chapel Hill, N C. A Beautiful Stylish Shce for Ladies. T made to exDfind with ererr motion of the foot. It retains Its stylish shape when other shoes give way and breaK. u u tue Dest snoe maae. PRICES, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50. ' Consolidated Shoe Co., Mfrs., Lynn, Mass. roa SALE BY PERRY & PATTERSON; .YOUNttSVILLE, K. C New York Sun: Vauce deliv ered the speech from printed slips, brought close to his vision by a half-dozen large volumes piled up on his desk. His manner was, as usual, very humorous, and the wit ticisms which glittered all over the production were provocative of frequent peals of laughter on tbe floor and iu the galleries. ed it to a bright little page, who carried it to the orator. Although tbe galleries were not well filled at first, before the con clusion of his address every seat was occupied. Upon the floor of tbe Senate upon both sides tbe Senators were preeent and listen ing intently. Gathered around him were Senators who have long been eminent in the walks of life. For many years Senator Vance was known as tbe wit and wag of tbe Senate, and tbat reputation was well sustained to-day by the numerous stories and illustrations with which bis speech was embel- i lished. The way to restore confidence is to restore confidence, and the best plan is the old Jerusalem efyle of each man looking out for that part of tbe wall over against his own door. Pay your bills. Use your money as you would ordinarily. Put your cash in the banks. Don't talk panic, or act panic, and in a little while there will be no panic. Courier-Journal . Marriage ilniini. Never taunt with a patt mistake. Never allow a request to be re peated. Never both be angry at tbe same time. Never meet without a loving welcome. Tbe man wl.o Lad bimelf ; shipped to Chicago in a truuk has returned "strapped. B"ston ; Horald. ' Smithon "What time Lave you got?" The Financier (de spondently) "Thirty days at six per cent." Chicag Record, i Minnie "Did he kis you when he proposed?" May "Cer tainly; I wouldn't consider &uy but sealed proposals." Vogue. It is strange how many mil lions can be dropped on the Board of Trade without any coin rolling out of the corners. Chi cago Journal. Husband (listening) "I think there is a burglar in the Louse." no (exciieuiy ) ".ucrcv me: is my night capon straight'.'"' Suin erville Journal. Four French sportsmen fired simultaneous! v at a rabbit, but it IcI't, r!n j 1 Lad, eLilblxir.. rn. in 1 &.! ikia ra; ti tr.l -v nii ;i 1 r n j t. It t- iti' j-rf-t t;f. r z m n-y rliii'll. 1 " r i r 'il r-r. ' ; h-i. i'-.-r a- Lt Ta-ma A. At- k. A rl -wr-r grows wherever a i r.d word is spoken. W S S;"trn'n Cav S. II. t'l.I .-. N - a Cvwi. Y-. tr iL'. i w.ih n"nrlk"iA k.v. 1 rh ?im. hi "irr.ii.h . Hr-i i-.i'-r ru ' a i'.rm;c 1 !.r.V ui f K. -to ln:n cur-i hi:a Khrl Sb-j L-ri. Hrr:bur. '.. . . a running : a L. ' f ' Kl''rio l'."T" Kn 1 n t .in ' Sit. r. 1 -f : .-iirl in !!. J . r. St- k-r, Ca'j La, ) . h.A ! ri- isrvr f- -r a h i -t r h- ir-rt . 1 ii j-k.-n' Arr,.-a aiir cr-J L.a r . i r -1 v . .- .M rv Ave 'if i. r f r-- h - k New York Tribune: A 6harp and witty speech from Mr. Vance was listened to with zest by the few auditors whom the driving storm could not keep away from the capitol. Mr. Vance's speech deserved a better audience, for it was full of that spirit of nnctuous humor which the Senator from North Carolina brings to tbe dis cussion of every public question, however arid or tedious its treat ment may be in the hands of other Senators. As a member of tbe mi nority of the finance committee, which opposed a favorable report on tbe Voorhee's repeal bill, Mr. Vance's financial views were enti tled, of course, to carry considera ble weight with the Senate, cer tainly among his colleagues on the majority side of the .chamber, by whose choice he occupies so impor tant a place on tha committee of highest rank in the "deliberative branch" of Congress. The North Carolina Senator is now, as he al ways has been, an ardent and con sistent advocate of the free-coinage of silver, and he can see in the changed attitude toward silver of o many of his fellow-Democrats. g ther: "1 wonder who that time?" Tid-llits. m 'sed Washington Post : Mr. Vance delivered his speech on yesterday from printed slips brought close to his vision by a half dozen large volumes piled upon his desk. His manner was as usual very humor ous, and tbe witticisms which glit tered all over tbe production were provocative of frequent peals of laughter on the floor and in tbe galleries. Not one-half of the Re publican Senators were in their seats, and these for the most part seemed to give more attention to their correspondence than to the speech. On the Democratic side of the chamber, however, almost every chair was occupied half a dozen of them by Republicans and all seemed to enjoy the enter tainment to the utmost. For the first hour of the speech Mr VoorJ bees was not iu his place, and when he did come into the cham ber he sat on the Republican side. Mr. Vance resumed his seat at 2 p. m., having occupied an hour and forty minutes. He was soon surrounded by Senators offering their congratulations. Let self-denial be tbe daily aim escaped; then they asked all to- and practice of each. Never talk at one another, either alone or in company. Never let the sun go down upon any anger or grievance. Neglect the whole world beside rather than one another. Let each one strive to yield of tenest to the wishes of the other. Never make a remark at the ex pense of the other it is meanness. Never part for a day without loving words to think of daring with it." absence. jjn Beatrice "I bear that Mr. Sapley is suffering from brain fever." Jones "I guesj not. He hasn't the raw material nec essary for brain fever. Brooklyn Life. Prisoner "But 1 would rather tell my own story. Don't you think it would be believed?" Lawyer "Yes, that's the troub le. It would carry conviction Harlem Life. Ardup has a wondcr- Wi Inn- i j.iy jr. I r---it;t cz r r.'.'.r.-h. i: i t. . -.-... m o : 1 L--A'l-b- in I r . A rtvvv'. i n;- iv'ttl'. IV- i: if v u i-.T- ar. ! btvaib. S 11 ty 1 h 'irj A' ck", ir, tud T. C J i'T&rj, Fraakliau a R. R. CROSSEN. KIKST LASS PAINTKK. I.iiVWBl Ril, N. ( . I -mih t-- "ff"r my ri xm t. j! U'l 1U MIT tUAl 1 C1 I-rr J Jk ! L til kin Is if bou r-a'n'ir-c. ." in: &c. My work in Lcaibir,; r " f.r itHf. aad 1 rf-r to !1 tJr..- i wb-m I h rkni. Oii f-.rr. u.- m."! nrw. (in me y.-cr pitr ca,.-, ad yea L j lfs-.. TO TIIK PUBLIC. I am back home again andean o found At my Jewelry etor . whnre I will V' pi ad to ff e a." who wish anythi: in ray 1;;.. Watehe, clocks and jewelry i ' all kind repaired at short r.otic-. Never find fault unless it is per- j ful memory." Blinks "How do t'ectly certain that a fault has been i you know?" Jinks "He drew j and satisfaction guaranteed. committed, and always speak lov- ' an excellent picture of a dollar ery respectfully. ingly. ' the other day." Chicago Trib have une. H. B. Fkaziks Never let any fanlt you NOTICE. The Sultan of Turkey has the richest collection of gems and re- jjalia in the world. committed go by until you have; Sbe-'Wbat strange weather, g mini,lrttor 4 frankly confessed it aud asked for- j we are having this summer, j go. W. ilia, de d. all rruia giveness. I He "Yes, but if you remember, The very nearest approach to the summer of '50 was just such 'another." She "Sir !" Pear- the cultivation on both sides of ab solute unselfishness. Encouragement. 'I always embrace an opportu nity," said Mr. Mullin, compla cently, to his ladylove. Mullins was a successful busi ness man, but rather backward in love-making. 'Do yon regard me as an oppor tnnityf" asked the girl, shyly. lie did after that. son's Weekly. Watts "Of course women haTe the moat firmness of character. It is very seldom that you see a wom an taking to drink to drown her sorrows, while with man it is the commonest thing in the world. Poita MNo, the woman is afraid her hat would get awry if ahe got intoxicated. Indianapolis Journal. io hl watale are o uftl to make tltaent at one-, and all rrota L.-l i in claim araioat th d rti wi'l prearnt ibera for paynxnt oa or tW-S-pt. IS 1 STH . t tbia nriro will V pWJrd in bar of rwcoTrry. Thia 13. 18S3. W. . Fl'LLBR, Admr. Ayeoek & Co., arw nelliotr lh nlct little amoke in town tha "OCce lioa Qnct" tea cents a rckaye. NOTICE. ) la efTvr Com n. North rrvh. Fraskl cwaaty. Jolia CaRtiadr i nmnon ku (n Un) a g art W-r t tb abov r3 rrtvraatt to 1k Ort nl tira of th Paprior "Cowrt oi Fraa witr. 19-1. kkrk'kaa -a rimrl Aormi bj lh 8awri9 "aot to WVwa1 ta r- eoaolT " TaI maii Acfwvdaat HQ afr at aa1 U-na o aur or dfairlolUwif plaint mhirb aitl 1" CW! jrainX or ! rl1 dmaa4Ml m,1 smald B B MiMtu' c " t C. Srt 13. Vl "tOU-tUS. W, P. WEBB, President.

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