ATA VOL. XXIII. LOUISBURG, K G, FRIDAY, OCTOBER G, 1803. M MB KR ;n TO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS The Superintendent of Public Schools of Franklin county will be in Loitislm.g on the second Thurs d iy of February, April, July, Sep tember, October and December, and remain for three days, if necessary, lor the purpose of examining' appli c 1 1 1 1 - to t i h iu the Public Schools this county- will also be in THE SCARLET LEiTEil i.i the Mistress b' . o i'li imrg on Saturday of each i!! public days, to attend b'.isHies connected with my J. X. Harms, Supt. i'ivx'i'ssioiiii! M. COOKE & SOX, AT roRNBYS-A.T-LA.'W, L IVIS3 "R9, x. C. Will ttcn ! the courts of Nash, Franklin, (ir.tiivill -, Warren -m l a x; counties, '.so! he rcu.t tn i District Jom t3. s J. K. iULONE. 1 J two .lours rio.low Thomas & Aycoclte'3 or . :i'tjoiutng Dr. O. L. K'.lis. I)' v. ii. nicholson, practicing: physician, LOUIS3USO, :-. c. eiprd for the (oca . prison door, and Loro isw Prynne herself." The door of tho being P.nng wide open from within, there appeared, iu th, lirst place, like a b! vel: shadow eTnergi::;r into sunshine, the grim ami grizzly -Terence of Uie tow braille, with a sword by his side an.l his stall of ofiioe ia hb Hand. Thia personam prefigured rani represented in his aspect the whole dis mal severity of th-3 Puritanic cole of law, which it was his admin istor iu its final and idoser.t application to the offender. tStrotehing forth the cilicial stair in his loft hand, lie laid his right upon the shoulder of a j-oung woman, whom ho thus drew forward until, cn tho threshold of the prion door, she repelled him by an action marked with natural dignity and force of character and r.te: into air, its if by her own free will. She Lore in her arms a child, a babv of aom? 1 V. TIM3E11L.A.KS, ATTORNEY-AT-LA.W, LOUISB'JRG, N. C Odn-e on Nash street. S. SPRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, L0UISBUR3, S. a Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vane, GritivUls, Warren ant Wak co'inties. also the Supreme Court of Morth Carolina. Prompt &!t-nti n given to collections, N Y. QULLEY. ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, PBAXKLISrON, O. All legal business promrtly attended to. mHOS. B. WILDKR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBL'RG, C. Oflre on Main street, one door be'ow Eagle Hot :1. By NATGAHIEL IIAVTZOSITII CHAPTER 1. THE MARKET PIAC?!. The grass plot bofore the jail, In Prison lane, on a certain summer morning not less than two ceahtries ago, was occupied by a pretty targe number of the inhabitants of Boston, all with their e3'cs intently fastened on the iron damped oaken door. Among any other population, or at a later period iu the history of Now England, the grim rigid ity that petrified the bearded physiogno mies of these good people would have augured soin awful business in hand it could have betokened nothing sort of tho anticipated execution of some noted culmit. whom tbe-rutnp9 of a legal tribunal had but confirmed the thrcofinnthn old. who winked an d rnmed aside its little face from the too vivi.l light of day, because ita existence heretofore had brought it acquainted only with the gray twilight of a dungeon or other darksome apartment of the prhoa. When the young woman the mother of this chill stood fully revealed before the crowd, it seemed to be her first im pulse to clasp the infant closely to her bosom; u-t so much Ly an of motherly affection, a:? that she might thereby conceal a certain token which was wrought or fastened into ber dress In a moment, however, wisely judging that one token of her sbamu would bat poorly serve to hide another, she took the baby on tor arm, and with u ba;a ing blush and yet a luir.ghty s'mi'v. a;: 1 a glance that would not be abashed, looked around at her townspeople and neighbors. On tho breast of her gown, in fine red cloth, surrounded with an elaborate embroidery ami fantastic flour ishes of gold thread, appeared the h-tter her heart had been i...'.; j tc ctrtct for them p.U to-pm-n cud tram; le r.yua. In our nuturo. Lowevtr. tl-.cre u a pro vision, tilj;a r.iarvilor nnd, tairufnl, that tho KutTerer F.hould never koov the intensity of wht he f .'.urcd by it pres ent torture, but ebb t'.y by the purg that rmnkles after it. "YV Hli ulmort a ccrcne deportment, therefore. Ilecter. Iryiino passed throng!) thia portion of her or deal, and tame to a sort of pcuToU at the western extremity of tho market lico. It rtxd neary la neath tho caves of Doton"3 earliott L-hureh tad r.ppfaitd to be u liUtre there. otbr. Auiu. i.i . . ... perceiriujt thr.t i;:ii.u tlhrbtdeformuv. f li.eCi v: her Uu'aiil to her 1to n fono Ihut :::: t of and the e prefAcd Luutii vi It ! cenvnl- t! e pcv.r I r !o rttercfl the n.otfccr Rnotbcr cry of pain. Lut tiiJ w : tftm to l.tar it At his urrivRl in the market plpce nnd tome time t rft rv : l'o ii7 h;:a. the etrangtr had lont rye cV-IIcHct Prynno. It r-.n cjilt-!y et Ltu, tike a man chiel.y uccns otj iii to Ict k in ward to v.! i m cxt uaitters are of little value nnd inpo.t ti-.d they Lvsr itlatii n to v. ;;hm l.l- miud. tiy however. I.u lo.ik xr m. rsasoN", ATTORNEY- AT-I. AW, T'rartteea in all courts. Office in the Court Ilouse, HAS IT 9 I vOAN !T DONE DO The original and only fronuir.o Compound Otysr.-n Troatimnt. that- of Drs. Srirky & P:lc:i is a sci"!itiSc adinstment of the de-rnint-. of Ovarn and Nitron mnsrnetized: ah 1 tho co'inr.oand is so rotvVnsed and n-v-e- portable that it is sent all over t!n wor'-i . It h- l.''n tn for ovr-r t-i.ty yr-nr-s: thon.viii lr ot p:it'i'l,its u.iv. V)t-;i t:":itc !. and nver o-1 tnonsa-.d nhys'iMHiis )ure it H!V ouiniendod it a v?ry sigaifi- c.nt i.ife. 'Ponno'in 1 Oi"Kn Tts M verdict of public sentiment. But in that early severity of the Puritan char acter an inference of this kind could not so indubitably be drawn. It might be that a sluggish bond servant, or an tin dutiful child, wdiom his parents had given over to the civil authority, was to be corrected at the whipping post. It might bo that an Antinontian, a Quaker or other heterodox religionist was to be scourged out of the town, or an- idle and vagrant Indian, whom the wbite man's fire water had made riotous about the streets, was to be driven with stripes into tho shadow of the forest. It might be, too, that & witch, like old Jdistress Hibbins. the bitter tempered widow of the magistrate, was to die npon the gallows. In either case, there was very much the same solemnity cf demeanor cn the part of tho spectators; as befitted a people among whom religion and law were almost identical, and in whose character both were so thorough ly interfused that the mildest p.ud se verest acts of public discipline were alike made venerable aud awful. Meager, indeed, and cvld was the sym pathy that a transgressor might look for, from such bystanders, at the scaf fold. On the other hand, a penalty, which in cur days wonid infer a degree of mocking infamy and ridicule, might then be invested with almost as stern a dignity as tho punishment of death it self. It was a circumstance to be noted, on the summer morning when ear :-tory be gins its course, tnat me women, ot whom there were several in the crowd, ap peared to take a peculiar interest in whatever penal infliction might be ex pected to ensue. The -age had not so much reiiuement that a::y sense of im propriety restrained the wearers of pet ticoat and farthingale from stepping forth into the public ways and wedging In fact this rcui7obl constituted a nor- I i.on oi a pen; macmno. rovr, lor j became tct-ti und ; cr.c'.min.g A walb two or three generations fact, h?.s been ! inj horror t w i-tcd itself i-.crora Lis f mereby historical end traditionary ; turca, like n rnnho gbding w.ftly ovt r among us, bet wan held in tho old lime ! tb .m pud maLhig cue littli pav.w. vith to be as effectual an" cgeut in the pro- j all its wreathed mten-olnti..un iu opt o motion of good dtizemddp ns rrcr wai Eight II U trU darLmed wirh tcrac the gmJoiiuo among the ter. nU cf powerful -emotion, which ncTejtbtlecr - fo 'rwtav!:u;'.mt-ly cx-ttrolled ly bianco. It was, in sbo-,.tV , k' tfi n of tho pillory, and above it nso tho framework of that instrument i f disci pline, eo fa. hioned as to confine the human head in its tight grasp, nnd thus old it cp to the public gaze. Tho very ideal of ignominy v.v.j emtotl;ed and made manifest in thia contrivance of wood aiKl ;rc4i. There can be no cut- j rage, methinka. a;;ainst o :r otnmon na ture whatever be the deii.'ajuer.cies of the individual r.o outrage more fla grant than to forbid the culprit to hide his face for shame. it w,ta the essence of this punL hment to do. In Hotter Pryur.e'f. im-tiiticc, however, as not nnfreipiei.tiy in cast, her Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report. n o AESSlXTfELY PyRE 3 The Same Dcnocrst as of Voro. Talkland, N. C . , 1S0.1. To the KUitor cf tho Sulberr. er : With courage ar. l civility anallN you ran oltwi trtkerantivt-ircod lucV . thr.t rsvp ct a fin cfTort f Lis wi moment its err region might have pasted for ca'n r r.. After a brief rpner public that I have derlareJ my self a Populist. It isof the stntll- the ccmnd-i' m -r w i!m. lm rt-rptj-j est ccnejuence what ruy poiiti- nnd : aw that i he r.j htm. Le flow! v a:. that she should stand a npon the platform, but -Keot tin-. laud, the ronr' mat K'it-e t i: . i.t of the !. of .'.'tiori !t".-i't." i ti"1 it" of a hooK of 00 p:i.r., na'o'.is'v,' 1 i7 D-s ft irk"y 4 Palfn. v. -!) to h!1 i'i ijirprs full hiTormttiou a to Trxis rf!i.e'ka';t' e iT-ativo airpnt and a g.j id r"vd if' s:ir;vriio-x etircn in a wide rmr of chronic cnH-tji '-mar.y of th ":n nfrr tvi't; r" m lonod to dif by othfr v!;ysi (ra i. w;i; ii,- mails ! froe to any ji;i'rpsp oo (toplication . f)'to. BTAtKF.Y A PAT.EN, ITii'l Vr.'tt Str-.-.-'t. rhi'a.-l?lphia. Pa. 1 -A: rt. -.- Strtt. S ia Francisco, Cab Pio.jR' rn-'inioa thin pap?r. Collins aM 01618 '- -' bav' al:lod to our already ! ':.)''.' liiio oi wood and cloth covered CoiTtns and Caskets A. It w:ts so artistically done, a.ud with ' so much fertility arnl gorgeous laxuri- anceof fancy, t'.mt it all the effect i j of a hist atid fitting decoration to the i j np.parel which she-wore, and winch was j I of a splendor in accordance with the : j taste of the age, but greatly Uwor.d ; I what was allowed hv tha sumptuary ; rcguh'ifioua uf the colony. I The young woman was tail, with a i figure of perfect elegance 0:1 a large j scale. She ha I dark aim abundant ln;ir. ; so glos:-v that it threw of? tho sunshine ' with a gleam and a face which, be. ides being beaute fid from regularity of fea ; ture and richness of completion, had j the i:;iprefv i venose, beh-mjing to n marked, brow and deep I hick eyes. She was ladylike, too. after the tnenner of ; the feminioe genfibiy of too e d.:ys b setiteitce bore certain lime without under neck and cor.. pro::cucJ to which war, the r:astd. il ish charaeteri:-tic of this ugly engine. Knowing wed bcr part, she ascended a fliglit of woollen steps, .and we; thnsdi.v 1 iayt"i to the mutou:- lin;; multitu.'.e. at about the height of a ma:ir i honhbrs above the sir. ft. ' Tie unhappy culprit sustained herself r.s be t a woman might, nr. tier tho heavy v idit of a thousand unrr!eutii:g eyes, all fnstene i upon her. at.l cea,-. r.-.: :at d at la r bo'-om It was idiuot t int.)leraiilo to be borne. Cf an iuvpvlv.vo s:nd p.;-; ion she fortj:'.i 1 ii- rx-it' to and vci.eir.i e.i ftabs of tamely, wttal.n : i.--. 11 in e'. of insult; but i: i:e wan a much more rilde in the of the pj'pe.hir lr.,a-i th ;t : ratt.t r to eehold .di tho..e ri. mincer, contor-.e.! v. i - h 1 1 : m; nt and her: . if the y , roar of lavjht-r bur-, t fr-.-n tude v.teli ma.n t irh ..'.;;::;: bio and finally ev.b-Moetl pu tl:e dt nth. 1 : .4-. n- 1 1 r , .. 01 i;i 1; i f : r.; .1.0 i. of Iletter Prvnr.e fa. '.. u d e,:) b;;i , 'i '.in cot;;.'. -1 .n ' :..v ei hi t.n ger. made a gesture v. nth it in the lar and it rn hi. I.p--.. Then, tem hing the d.t.r.l li r f n townsman who t e-d i i i.i l.ini, t.f addnsord him ina fortrul r.i:d court too tn tinner. "1 pray you. po-l fir." s:.:d he. "vd t is thia woman ;.i:d v.-hf refi-re is ih" here Fet up P ; r.M: i-!ian;..'"' "You must :.( i.e . region, fraud," ;:r. v. ; man. lookntg curit ;.: and bis o i; ; r.i.: would fcoelv i.uvo bo: 'rrvi or -irc, 2t r- Pi J ."itim.i 'i I C, li'' J I 8 you bare Informed the 1 f t.. u r:cir i--v u i . ' .'.t) tr . JtJ i ti tn. . . ! :.. a 1 1 r-i y. ! p.. ' v , - ' - U t'j - - ' "i cm cal or party aSiliations nay b. n &i I ant only a private ami yat I diblik-i t j be ruisreprfcnt e l. How, or w!;n, or where, you p t your informat inr , I can net imagine. With tn finla exception of Horace Gt?i-y, I have vot'i ptoadily the l)?mo- P V an i. t-- . - . ' J4 a i i s. r . - r.n r'Vt f . . i- i' f F-r i. ' Y Y V A Hester Pryaao a; hath ran-eil a e: gly ... i , cj,ir cit, rather ttiau by n o: their not utsnbstantird perso::s, if oc- ; casion were, into the throng nearest to i the scaffold of an execution. Moraby ; as well as materially, there was a ccarse.r fiber in tho:e wives ami maidens of old English tdrth ami breeding than in their rair oesctnttan.s, separi-ueo t;om lacm by a series of sis or seven generations; for throughout that chain of auce:ry every successive mother has transmitted to her child a fainter bloom, a more del icate and briefer beauty and a slighter physical frame, if not a character of less force ami solidity than her oven. The women who are now standing about the prison, door stood within ies than half a century cf the period, when the manlike Elizabeth had been the not altogether unsuitable representative of the sex. They were her countrywomen: and the beef and alecf their native land, with a moral diet not a whit more re fined, entered largely into their compo sition. The bright morning sun there- escout and uide.s. now recogmr.ed ; never h htdylil.e. in the am cf the term. Hum .is urison. Tho-e trim st. a; del;, irr.ic ul n- ri.: v ida-.l .-it I f: I'-.'-- II" ;r.d ii lie.l 1 I us indication. A:.-d .'uue appeared more el ,te i ; terpretatcn he i .-, : ".! frori the had before known 1 emHded to I: he' d tc r and ob. -.eared I v a dieted rot: ; cloud, were HSoi:ist;ed 1 evc.i start !c-l to perceive how her ;.e. in! y shone cut and m tde a h.alo d' t he misfortune and ignommy in which she was enveloped. It may l true that, to u sen ilive ol server. J hero to romet king nis.ely ; 1 I !t at i. her. dim me. i: paint i.i m it. deed, she had w in prison and h; her own fancy, attitude of her s les.-ne.---i of her Iter attire. au-.i,, m-rrttg-ht f..r the occasion, : modeled much r.Jtcr seemed to eatueesthe a: it. the desperate reck-ru-ol, by i.s wild and ptctn rescue which drew u! nt point fore shone on broad ehouk ml well SOUS WA'JTJT G0FF13S AMD GASKET Also a line of METALICS as nice and fine goods as is car rieel in any of our cities. Our stock is complete in every line. Respectfully, R. R. Harris & Co. Louisburg, N. C. Bank oi Lonurg Does a General Banking Business. .Collections made and returned promptly Northern Exchange bought and sold. COUNTY ORDERS CASHED Interest paid on deposits after three months. W. P. WEBB, President. NOTICE. In Superior Court. Order of Publication North Carolina, FrnnkUu county, Cim Cannady vs. Julia Cannady The above defendant will take notice that a summons has been issued against her in the above cause returnable to the October term of the Superior, Court of Franklin ounty, 189'J. whfch has been returned en dorsed by the Sheriff "not to be found itrmy eounty." That said defendant will appear at said term to answer or demur to the com plaint which will be filed against her or the relief domapded will be granted. B. B, Mabsenbubo, C.S. C 13, 189-X developed busts and on round and ruddy cheeks that had ripened in the far oil island, and had hardly yet grown paler or thinner in the atmosphere of New England. There was moreover a bold ness and rotundity of speech among these matrons, as most of them seemed to be, that would startle ns at the pres ent day. whether in respect to its pur port or its volume of tone. "tiood wives," said a hard featured dame of fifty, "Til tell ye a piece of my mind. It would be greatly for the pub lic behoof, if we women, being of mature age nnd church members in good repute, should have the handling of such male- factresses as this Hester Frynuo. What think ye,. gossips': If the hussy stood up for judgment before us five that are now here in a knot together, would she come of? with such a sentence as the worship ful magistrates have awarded? Marry, 1 trow nctJ" "People sa3" said another, "that the Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale, her godly pastor, takes it very grievously to heart that snch a scandal should have come upon his congregation.' The magistrates are Godfearing gen tlemen, but merciful overmuch that is a truth," added a third autumnal ma tron. "At- the very least, they should have put the brand of a hot iron on Elester Pryune's forehead. Madam Hes ter would have winced at that, war rant me. But she the naughty bag gage littla will she care what they put npon the bodice of her gownl Why, look yon, she may cover it with a brooch or such like heathenish adornment and so walk the streets as brave as ever I" "Ah, but," interposed more Boftly a young wife, holding a child by J:he hand, "let ber co-zer the mark s she will, the pang of it will be always in her heart." "What do W9 talk of marks and brands, whether on the bodice of her gown or th9 flesh of her forehead'" cried another femal9, the ugbest as well as the inont pitiless of these self consti tuted judges. "This Woman has brought Bhame upon ris all and ought to die. 13 there not law for it? Truly, there is, both in the Scripture and the statute book. Then let the magistrates, who have made it of no effect, thank them selves if their own wives and daughters go astray I" "Mercy on ns, good wife," exclaimed a man in the crowd, "i3 there no virtue in woman save what springs from a wholesome fear of the gallows? That is the hardest, word yet! Hnsh, now, gos- Cv.t all eves, and, as it were, transfigured too wearer so th .-it both men and women who had ben famil iarly aciptaiute 1 with Hester Pryuno were now impressed as if they beheld her for the first time was that scarlet letter, so fantastically embroidered and illuminated upon her ba.-tom. . It had iha effect of a spell, taking Iter out of the ordinary relations with humanity a inclosing her in a sphere by herself. "She hail good skill at her needle, that's certain." remarked one of her female e-ectators: "but did ever a wom an, before tins brazen huzzy, contrive such a way of showing it? Why. gos sips, what is it but to laugh in the faces tie huh have repaid 1 d:.Mlaiul el iidiietioa w: endure, rlie Ul'.M ue; dr- H: :-! I owt r of 1 "T lei from the r c.-.tTi dd 'I or er?e go mad at Yt t tie re we::' whole set tie. m v. he h -conspienoe.s oby-v i, s from her eyes or. at 1 indistinctly before t1-- u imperfectly rdmped and Her mind, and c.-jt i..: was pretcru.ituraii;.' ; bringing up other : roughly hewn street id the edge of the we. other facts than wer- 1 from beneath the brin crowned hats, lit;: :.! trifling and imma'.t rr. fancy and rch ol :h a tte n.v.rt, ...' the ml -lie con i y variety e'Vliity e i-IMI II, cod hug..! . 1 c. m.o-fv-l m-ir:-t. I.'r.d n ihe i-oilli i. e. e. I t it-.-.- h :r : .e m; ;! t r and I Ile.t. uiuler the n- (bK-::i omcal t Witii o.d i a upon li. ,i to a, if s:;e the full 1 hyrsv'J . ground. erv;:N when the - '.! v.-.'- t lie most t,:e-l to vanish h-a-t. glmrmcrol n lihe a ii-.a.-c. of 1 - pee' ml i.i'i'.e;r r. i:er I. a ne rv. ! i-'i't e. :k -. than this a 1tl-j town e:i i rn wibh-rness; ..: hog up n her i t t hose steeple c -uce.! tl:e mo.,t . lavage i of in- yon, in churctu' ' i on r.-.v tr am a str;.:.r: sorely aga-.u grievotta u have Va en i heathen f i ! h to now l ioe,;!-,: in:: redeem, oiit of pIea."-'0 o'.'., t h, lei ter Ihynueh :.. of tLn-i v.- v.....'.. t-rougitt her t yi Tiulv. fn gladden v .::r 1 and r:-j;.n: rn m 'h townsmrm .. !'. in a hind . c- re and i uni. lo '. iii people, ns 1 .ud.. Ye know, wa man, Ion;' , le r i . . I lent, d a-ter ' rev! ie- Granger in tm.v d ihe !,,.lc- ' ; be out '. z 1 :. ' e! j. 'o.l d r M'-tre d .h.u::;,. :i'.e hd. I pr..:a1--D.iin:;'.-! 'J.r'j rand have hi t m V V".;l. 1 th.e : a a uer. p, I y lucid i ihe ten u-r by the. ::. cat'. , "I er i ve uie". wi.h . t bit: I. r: ' ' i.'oeii ; the d. and ..:u lie. inn to to i;v Wdl it ) ti '.1 m i.f Hi a r nave rich' 1 v cratir ticket for forty to year. and I am to-day the atro old I-etvocrat, witbont atsy ariable or .shadow of tnrr.'.n, standing- with Loth feet on the ("hira Lo j la'. form, as i .1.1 ir. th la-' cum j-ain s b i ! t fbiT pin-; f. r t'.e veiaiol. If that pln'.fortu di-i nit teacli ftcrt and unl.n;ite; coinapo of ! .b i:-'. and i r a im.-t.ey metal, and a further xtetuioti of the cntr-i.rir, I did net kte-w Low to ffi'l it. In a 1 v ot.1 i t: g a r ?::; f th- 10 per c.M.t t'tx, it !ii r.'.e-: y y r Y Y i -. ! .. : . 7 ; 'ter an . . T . r- h : h t - - - .i - '.: ' .-. I.r.bY t. : ' i i i' i c i- . i r z. u , : - .- ' r tc! it - .. . :..r----t.. ,1 I i cr.c-4.Li.. . '. - - . : 1 : 11 d Ue.j ur t: at haw I t V a :r at h v :.: to d t:c ih . V .1 u r. i i I. Ih-gh-h I y I nt! d". It in Am: t x . 1 1 1 u .o i -i ri, l-ut dam . be v w r.::g u nc;-t 1 ir:.' ,1 -ho tcul so'-.n go. 1 liito p oe. I.e - c in;:-!- -J to er.JT. oviind i r: in 1.:m 1 t with i: of the M-acb t.i. To thn pt.rp,- l:-3 se-r.t bis vote l..,:c Icn. i. iu. ;n; bimcelf to I.-.U af i r u.e i.e.-.rv ;,f t lh in 1 co: a I i;t . . r k n ) . T.i. -or. r b. U lec.lV i bl. . to M oi'ts, quarrels sum, the little domestic of her maiden years came swarming back upon her, in'. i mingled with recol lections cf v. iattevtr v of O! ir godly, magistrates. aniJ make a pride out of what they, worthy gentle inen, meant for a punishment?" "It were well," muttered the most iron visaged of the old dames, "if we stripped - Madam Hester's rich gown off her daj$ shoulders; and as for the red letter, which she hath stitched so curi ously, 1'il bestow a rag of mine own rheumatic flannel to make a fitter one!" "Oh, peace, neighbors, peace!" whis pered their youngest companion; "do not let ber hear yon! Not a stitch in that embroidered letter, but she has felt it in her heart" The grim beadle now made a gesture with his stall. "Alafce way. good people, make way, in the king's name!" cried ho. "Open a passage, and, 1 promise ye, h lie. tress Prynne shall be set where man. woman and child may have a fair sight of her brave apparel, fr'om this time till an hour past meridian. A bleating on the right eous colony of the Masaachusetts, where iniquity is dragged out into the sun shine! Come along Madam Hester, and show your scarlet - letter in the market pi ace I" A lane was forthwith opened through the crowd of spectators. lreceded by the beadle and attended by an irregular procession of Eteru browed men and un kindly visaged women. Hester Prynne subsequent lite; one vivid as another, as if ;ud I importance or nli biy it was r.n insfinc spirit to relic re it: elf of these phautusmnm cruel weight and 1 Lastly, iu lien of there came bai k the rude mar! Puritan settlement, v. iih people resembled and stern regards at Herder , herself who stood on th. he, in scarlet, ta as gravest in ber recirely as .li wo:e ef similar be a j ley. Posi tive device cf her hy the exhibition r.c form-., from t ho inco of the v. pillory, an infant on letter A, in scarlet, hifting, ( t place of .the all the towmv leviling their 'r vtme -e, at 'fvafTold'of the arm and the it ...--.ticiiil v cm- 1 thread. her broidered v. it k bosom. Could it l-o true? She clutched the child so fiercely to bcr breast that it sent fotth a cry: she turcod her eves fairs. M:;rrv. t, a sir. years er ie. th. a dweller here have come f t V....-t-r Prriie. lo .'it yon . 1 . : ." Ah:-. 6trang- r, w u'i a mn as t learned i!.-.". win), I v your tht r of' ':, h four moiiihs ! ' . 1 -h e: Mistn pr: ucc (.7 a ti'mii. fn. id mainetli a r. id! ; a;.. 1 shall e.vpoun 1 ew ercd the o,w ab.s. lu'.ely ref maid.--1 rat e.H h: ether in v..:u. guilty i,!.e fo;::.:.- !. rH.-cti'.cle. u:u; ;,, ling that ldd s-e., i "The le; - e.-d v stranger, v h am-cei-me hitm-ed t-i l. . -"It li-ho..e. 1. in life." i e.-, n "Now, good m." magbtraey. 1 .th:: thi:; v. email tn . doubt 1 cs w.-'is ; fell, and th.-.t. i likelv. ber bu b.: tota of the M-a. they ! ' to nnt in f .ree the m some n. no i;..i:.g d rent 1, m.-.n . :ni ; . ifo ber o-. ii mi syrd-rn. r i: norr. i 1. 1 'e 1 al vocat atid et or form , w i h ri 1 one i; n i v. r tari IT, or - o:. e ;' Tio'-c ar) my in re. I 1 . a v a t; i v n ; toy life L.altiii.fcT the farmer" an i ! w hen t !. :i f:. . i th" nioney dt'V- II' I ' Hist Oil on. : r fo : bat I : f rn i ; . .- mt Ti .1 1) rn .tf r:i be Oil ra. part : . ba I v.. 1,1. It r a : n irr i o -: .tie! c: and lab; s'mi: :U 1- i . . i re w ml vi r u 1 at feci 1 tn f trr K-iarat. . : in 1 : . -. ; 1 a-. rv . :. a i ; r- ,.'('! -p yon. -r siio'.e. ; k er fiv e ri in I xv.h -. m.iy i-e 1 1 u, s lini l a hi tho 1, ,iri:ej J have Ari i ti. f.i :e lb. -i - or trit v. iic h ate ca . . 1 f. W Truly. !!. Wi:.:.;t;:- f n- i-.t- - : s. . i -r r. L ! . . . i ; i ' m ST ( 'oii'ei, : i-i- ::t Ii.-il.i. t i-...' Dai. it u; n. f., . e r re V.L:. an mi. I - .- i . . a i .ct 1 ar ie? of i i f ic:r '. i r. f m . and tl - 1 COOS t.- ear-, .! '. t bis ! a 1 fon-ii Wei 5tor s W properly coj wbicii the I." en. au, i.- a little in v . - - . r . '1 O. I'! 1 Tl 1 -FCI I . I Vl.fJ-l ilati to rais the t nr ud ni-at. but ti.' man farm. .1. end- i P an r f I on ar. 1 T--U V V riiKi X. ALU r . :r. TLt Srj.t 1 t l.Lbll. Arrr.r AM' I.IVHI'.Y ST id.i: ' h ;.'' f a TVd : e- l r J rr; " -j ' - 1 ,''f! it f-iri Wii br j-.lS.t'.. c N ' V P.ilMi yk:. ill i t : er ... u, th- -mil rv." still nan 't ; j Ti, et i.o '.i.e i:iy-:, m vs. 11. i: he" be . 1 the t ear 'diw-..u hu hiv.g th. v:ejve., ;ha: iihful no 1 fa;r. ct. j mg.'y lelr.ptisl t,, t;. r i 1 i-i v r. J'l 1 I.e ! d mi ;. ! e et thi l.t- ;ve led inen l..'il ixi; -niiiv c7 our crib and bis iukeho card ran dfv tl.eni. of the money me.rket .b -s t foci him ranch, for ho i.a n . tir ot hf- j iitt.e - b K v v. . 4. C t '1 .'' b- i b h ;. -1 v t r 1 iVr;l Pirr-!, r. Li v, use for money, scribers who 1. course for year () a recent of i r per'Ud v downward at the scarlet ;r. and even touched it with her ling', r to assure her self tlnrt the infant and the shame were real. Yet.! these .were ber realities else had vanished! CHAPTER il. Tnr. itF.coor.iTioN. From this iuteuro consciousness cf being the object of nevt r? and universal observation, tho wearer of the r.carlet letter w;e nt length relieved by discern ing on the outskirts of the crowd a fig ure which irresistibly took possessdon of her thoughts. An Indian, hi Iris native garb, wu3 standing there; but the red men were not so in frequent visitors of the English rettlemcct3 that one of them would have attracted any notice from Hester Prynne at such a time, much less would he Ituvecxcludcd all other objects end id; as from her 'mind. Cy tlie In dian's tide and evidently rnotaining a righteous law rv-au.. t i thereof is dc..tli. Be mere- and. ten ".erne-. of heart tl:-y have doonul Mi-iu-.'vs Ihyuue to r.tan 1 only a space of tins'- b. on tho platform of the pillory and then ami thereafter, for the remainder ef bf r life, to wear a mark cf shame i:xu her Iwvun." "A wise Pc-v.tence." reuatrked the f ib-tbi do : id el his views a oai :.. the rid ;:.,. of foine of b:. brethren and showed th.-'tn tho : t;ro:-,;-;tM.-y of Th.e joi.ilty p ittinr; tl.o bare! in tho lmu' t.i li t ;r groa. n.outK ami then rem 'inrii be cause it bitcn. While eti. rs bvc Ijoen pa:ng- tribute to tii fCim- b'ers of ( 'h ; rai. o. ibi n i I rnsn hna bon ctinj bri'a I at j t i h. .t; b V. .1 a f tt- i it? Ilia Iv . r c bt NKW p. A KB Mil HOP I h-. - j- U b .r. id .il i - . M S : i i . - ';-, J ,'i l, r rut -r at- :.irp t u . " b :!, j. i '. . - r' r - " t.-.. , -, I, r. ' : v. a i.i. i ..n- e ! UHI7IE5ITT CP KGnTH CAECUKA : vi y s I Ftmnger, gravely bowing fds heath i "Thus m5.o will be a living seian-n i against tin until the ignon:in:orai Liter ! be engraved np-on her tombotcne. it irks mo, nevertheless, that tho partner I of her iniquity should not. at least, stand on the FcatTold by her side. Hut ho will I known ho will bo known he will ; be known!" men'. r.v, ed o:i o .v n farm. It Should p.e in K.erv lioue. ! tj.I iv , :. r, - r . --3 fx '. I T J . P. Vi;..r.. 37 1 '' vr S brrjr. P . k-r ;d r. -" Pr. Kinsr'" N I''- t tion, c mshs ftr, 1 c w i f e w h xr n t h r : tmnfrsn a' tic vy 1 , 1 f ri r.i: tie Lowcu corrtcotis:y to trie coin- i - j hyx.c;":. bn 1 mnnicative and. whispcriug K-d-rt b "t-r , f P set forth toward the place appointed for I comimniuuship with bim dwd a wliitj her puuishmeut. A crowd cf eager and curious- schoolboys, understanding lit tle of the matter in hand, except that it gave them a holiday, ran before her progress, turning their heads continually to stare into her face and at the wink ing baby in her arms, and at the igno minious letter on her breast. It was no great distance in those days from the pribou door to the market place. Measured, by the prisoner's ex perience, however, it might be reckoned a jonrney of eonie length, for, haughty as hei demeanor was, tho perchance un der went an iigony from every footstep of those that thronged to c-ee her,.as ii a few words to bt Indian attendant, they both made their way tkromgh tb crowd. To C5 CO.VT.Nl F.i- ' :ir it c ir.-l . :.-.! . i'h j r.e irn -of ' i. lir-ir-." . h-r r. -) !. i rt. V . m ' ' t- ; A.J 'r Pi:rtt5 II.". V Pr. Kin' Nrw le .i-.err L-idtD Ltia moro crr tl.-.n siw.hi v-r man, chul iu a Kl range btirray of civ ilized and savage costume. He vai renall iu, with a far rowed visage, which as yet could hard ly be termed aged. There was a re markable intelligence in hia features, aa of a perscu v l o had ep cultivated by mental psrt that it tor.ld not fail to mold the pLybical to itself, and become manifest by unmist-kable ' tokens. Al though, by a eeemrigly carelaa ar rangement of bia heterogeneous carb. he ld cnHcacprcd to conceal or aba to J tho pecnliaj-i., it, was eufdciently evi-' dent to blester Prj-nne that one of this maujj ehoulders rcso b-Ucr than the 1 lectric Bitter. Thi remedy in becoming so wc-H known and so popular as to mwl ao srcia! men tion. All who have nsxl Klctric Bi;trs siug the 8ami Hong of pris. A partr medicine d-. not exi and it i p-nnran-teed to do all that is ehvJnted. Iilc'r'.c Bitters will cur .-fll didt-as of the lir and kidney, will remote Pimple, boil, salt rhora and r-ther ffttionJi caosd by impnie bbxd. Will driue mtiaria from the ByMem and preteat aa well as care all malarirl fevers. For core of headache, constipation and inHwtkn try Fleetric Bitters Entire sat isf act ion puarantd. or money rvfaode.1 Price Tt0 and $1.00 rr cattle at Aye-eke & Co Drug Store. f"r lan trmbie N . i tu' 1. it. Try it. l'rv- t rt. 1 r s. - L t"'' . Preg S: rv. ,rs t.tih-ai, IA. nud l.tsi A Bautlfu! Stylish 5hc for Ladies. The bo:iy whh h we pthT oar fielves t:vtes the sweetest. Oh. What a Csh. Wil r yea L.-d lb wsrn'.n. Tb nal i-rhajxi t lb- -ir approach 4 that more trritb diAv (V.nunptits. Ak roarrlteii if yon can afTord fcr tb sake of itatbur 10 o-a!a to rnn the rlk aad do nothing for it. V.V ioo frvtn eiperine that Shiloh'a Core tll cr jonrconah. It ner fad. Tbla t pbtios whr more than roillloa bllb vrrt koIJ th rt Tear. H rlirti croup ao1 whooplne eonca at JluUten. do not be w ithoat 4u 14 rriuiu IU ! W efcf PRICES, 83. f 3.5Q, t3, SOJ&O. tezltei Ski tL, ttii, ijix Kis. roa SALTS BT PERRY A. PATTERSON rorxcuTiLLC, x. 'C m i- s - .'.. ;-.-'-;''--'-;.-;..-,. ;r-"; -e i- i - . . . " J -