W "1T1 IT"!! 1 1 f H 'A vol.. XXIII. ro rr :;!!(' school teachers. ! f Tii," Superintendent of Public ol: I - 1 O 4 -I 1 1 ! nt i ranivim counrv will Dei burg; on l ne second Tlmra- ,) i v (Ji l-'.'l it ua -y , April, July. Sep i. inli i , October initl December, and ,,, . 1 1 ; t i n for three days, if necessary, !,,! i If purpose of examining app'li , m touch in the Public Schools his county. I will also be in j.ourshurg on Saturday of each ek. and ull public days', to attend to ;iuy business connected, with my J. N. Harkis, Supt. Iroivfiiiiil cards. M. CooKE & SON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LULISB'JKO, N. C. Will -Menl the courts of Nash, Franklin, 0?..n.i.' -. Warren and Wake counties, also the vj..r ::.' Court ol A'orth Caroliup, and the tJ. j ( iri'ii:! an 1 District Courts. )KJ E. A1AL0NE. i t w) doors below Thomas & Aycocke's i!rii..- stun', tidjoiuiiig Dr. (J. L. Ellis. I vK. W. II. NICHOLSON, YY- ACTICINQ PHYSICIAN, LDL ISBTKa, X. C. W. TIMBEB.LAKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L'i'.Ism'RG, X. C. on N:ish street. 1 " Sl'RUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOClSBltRG, N. c. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, G: invill". Warren and Wake counties, also tin' Suir'ine Court of North Carolina. Prompt at:- nii'in given to collections, &c. V Y. GULLEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, FRANKLIN !OV, N. C. Ml letral luisine.-is i.rom;.tly attended to. iHO.-. ii. WILDhli, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ( '! I! 1. on Man street, one door below Eagle M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, I.i.ri-ieK'i, N. C. Vr.i.i--3 iu ail I'otirU. OlGce in the Court U! 3T m f IS IT ft HAS IT DONE S t CAN IT DO 1 ;;m i! .ni l only irenuine Compound ii:i th.it of Prs". Starkly oc . - : ; i " ! i i ;i P, lint m;Ti t of th ele : , ; n .ind Xirro-i'ii magnetized: n "iiiiii i so condensed aiiil ! Ii.tt it is .-ie:it over the '', 11 i" h 5ir over twenty years: i- :' ii i';ntK have Peon 1 rp.-ited . . lhnand nhysb-bira", have i - oii'ii'-nde. it u verv sigDifi- 1 ;t-,vr " i - t -Mr .it...... CI .10 0:1 t'e of n bnaVr of '0, 1 -- 7tt.-rl;-y A Palon i -r inform.: t ;ni: !r.-iti-,'! H.it and. a -iio;- I'lirfii in a 'idi' -aia ii v of 1 li-'-a eft .ii.. by oth.T i.bv,; ir to iiiiv a.P.ir.-ss T:; ST PY A PA PEN, .iv.'e.a. P;l. ',;n c im:,( :m i(t.i!'-r. tirn th otfms and CasMs, V.'i- have add'-d to our already ciiiipli''.' lino or' wood and cloth fov-T'.'d Covins and Caskets SOLID WALNUI COFFINS AND GASKETS. Also u line of METALICS nic-1 and fine goods as is car-ri'-d in any of our cities. Our fctutjk is complete in every line. Rospectfully, R. R. Harris & Co. L juisburg, N. C. iiariK oi LQuisourg Does a General Banking Business. 'Ileetions made and retarned promptly Northern Exchange bought and sold. COUNTY ORDERS CASHED Int. -rest paid on deposits after three W. P. WEBB, President. NOTICE. "."ft!. (')'.n,lin;l, 1 ''kim n.unty. In Superior Court ' :I" ' .irinady I'llia ':i:n.adv Order of Publication. 1 lie :i 1 r ' '.MMiuant win taKe notice that 'i-moiis Iiuh been issued agaicsfc her in ';aus.r returnable to the October 'SllPerior Court of Frtnklin ,1 , '' ) 1 !- wl'f:! ha been returned en ,...'.,'" '.y ' ''' ,Sh'-'ff "not to be found in my .n " 1 '"it said defendant will appear , " ''Tin to answer or demur to thecom- . "'",u',n b filed against her or the "'ma tided will be rfn.nted H. B. MasbbnbujiGj C. S. C. S. J' - l-'J, U:r.i. run nninj nm i ijfTEIL By NATIIAITIEL HATHOE 1TT1 "Tliy acts are like mercy," said Hester, bewiklered and appalled. "But thy words interpret thee as a terror 1" "One thing, thou that wast my wife, 1 would enjoin upon thee," continued the scholar. . "Thou hast kept the secret of thy paramour. Keep, likewise, mine! There are none in this land that know me. Breathe not to any human soul that thou didst ever call me husband! LTere. on this wild outskirt of the earth, I shall pitch my tent; for, elsewhere a wanderer and isolated from human interests, 1 find here a woman, a man, a child, among whom and myself there exist the closest ligaments. No matter whether of love or hate; no matter whether of right or wrong! Thou and thine, Hester Prynno, belong to me. My home is where" thou art and where ho is. But betrav me not!" "Wherefore dost thou desire it?" in quired Hester, shrinking, she hardly knew why, from this secret bond. " Why not announce thyself openly, and cast me off at once?" "It may be," he replied, "because 1 will not encounter the dishonor that be smirches the husband cf a faithless woman, it may be for other reasons. Enough, it is my purpose to live and die unknown. Let, therefore, thy husband be to the world as one already dead, and of whom no tidings shall over come. Recognize me not by word, by sign, by look! Breathe not the secret, above all, to the man thou wottest of. Bhouldst thou fail me in this, beware! His fame, his position, his life will be in my hands! Beware!" "1 will keep thy sec... . . his," said Hester. "Swear it!" rejoined he. And she took the oath. Roger Chiliingworia, as ho Was hereof- ! J1' .Pn 'V070 tlMnr-r-ter to be named. "1 leave thee alnn- : d tue .skii-.s (il i.:e t-nvn. v.P.hhi t alone with tl.v inf. i -thn e,..,-w letter! How is it; Hester? 'both thy cOT,fQ 1,1 4U . ,. - thy sleep? Art thou not afraid of night- ; !11Srp5 f,n,t hi.tn. 0 ' mares and hideous dreams?" "Why dost thou smile so at me?" in quired Hester, troubled at the expression of hia eyes. "Art thou like the Black Man that haunts the forest round about us? Hast thou enticed mo into a bond that will prove the ruin of my soul?" "Not thy soul," he answered, with another smil. "No. not thine i" CHAPTER IV. nrTTT.:: at ukr needle. Hester Prpnt-'s term of confinement was nor.- at an end. Iier prison door . was Liirowu o: "en and sin .me le-rtli into 1 fcv l"c 10- inc. which, falling on all alike. L'ceLueci lo i:ei" hic-i an-i ittoi'iau Heart as if meant for no other purpose than to reveal the scarlet letter on her breast. Perhaps there was a more real torture in her first unattended footsteps fro:n the threshold of the prison than even in the procession and spectacle that have been described, whcie she was made tiie common infamy, at which all mankind was summoned to point its finger. Then she was supported by an unnatural ten sion of the nerves and by all the com bative energy of her character, which enabled her to convert the scene into a kind of lurid triumph, It was, moreover, n separate and in- snlated event, to occur but once in her : lifetime, and to meet which, therefore, I reckless ol economy, she might call it I the vital strength that would have suf- ; ficedlcr many quiet years. The very law mat conuomnea lier-a giant of l stern features, but with vigor to sup- j liuiu, us nwi as lo uuiimnate, m mo iron arm had held her up, through, the ter rible ordeal of her ignominy. But now, with this unattended walk from her prison door, begau the daily custom; and she must either sustain and carry it forward by the ordinary resources of her nature or sink beneath it. She could no longer borrow from the future to help her through the present grief. Tomorrow would bring its own trial with it; so would the nest day, and so wTmld the nest; each its own trial, and yet the very same that was now so un utterably gri '-vous to be borne. The days of the far off future would toil onward, stilj with the same burden for her to take up and bear along with her, but never to fling down, for the ac cumulating days and added years would pile up their misery upon the heap of ehame. Throughout them all, gi ving up her individuality, she would become the general symbol at which the preacher and moralist might point and in which they might vivify and embody their im ages of woman s frailty and sinful pas m . 1 ; sion. Thus the yonnr and mire would 1 1 . , . . , . J o-' iuiv wuui.i j be taught to look at her, with the scaritt i lt fl.n4.w v.,i, ... u. . I 1 ,. . , , letter limnnii' oti her 1 ai- (v I , ., , VT 0 - - ---- ; enndof nonoralne parents- at her, the motnerof a bace that would hereafter rv ? v-v, o eaico oeeu ; innocent as tne figure, the body, th- j reality of rul And over her grave tlie ; n u b V ' J I would be her onh monument. It may seem marvelous that with the world before her kept by no restrictive clause of her condemnation within the limits of the Puritan settlement, so re mote and so obscure free to return to her birthplace or to any other European land, and there hide her character and identity under a new exterior, as coni- nletelv as if cmer'j-my mto nnotnpr cttita 1 ,'. , , " . 0 , w - iw , luiu a -oiiupie auuuuance tor iier c'.nu of being, and having also the passes of j Her own dress was of the coarse-t mate the dark, inscrutable forest open to her, ! riais ani the most somber hue. with only where the wikmess n her nature might : that one ornameut-the scarlet letu r assimilate itselt with a people whose; which it was her doom to wear. 'The customs and life were alien from the ! chil(ps attp,e OIJ tho othcr b:lnA v-a, law that had condemned her-it may distinguished bv ;1. fanciful, or. we mi-dn seem marvelous tnat tm.s woman should i ...... p."..,..;.. ; ,.0. ..'7 Btil call that place her home where, 1 uuu type a fe that most invariably compels human beings to linger around and haunt, ghosthire, the 6pot where some great and marked event has given the color to their life time, and still the more irresistibly, the darker the tinie that saddens it. LOUISIH w VC ZT":rZh:J TT 1 was a3 if a new birth, v.itii stronger assimilations than the first, had con A C i , . ..." r: " fJ 6 -con- - utner piigrun and wicu. i.-ui. liioiong liomt. All ottiL-r scenes of earth even that viliaire of rural England, where happy infancy and stainless maidenhood rcemc-d vet to be in her mother's keeping, like" gar ments put oft" long ago were foreigu to her in comparison. Tl.e chain "that bound her here was of iron links and galling to her inmost r.oul, but could never be broken. It might be, too doubtless it was. so. although she hid the secret from her self and grew pale whenever it drag gled out of her heart, like .1 ?,e:- t from it; l.i.'o it i;-i.f i. ,i...t- lt i".:, in us.- iiicii air.jiin.-r feeling kept her within the sreue and patnway tnat had been fo fatal. There dwelt, there trod the feet of one with whom she deemed hem If connected in a union that, unrecognized on earth, would bring them together before the bar' of final judgment a;d make that their marriage altar for a joint futurity of endless retribution. Over and over again the tempter of cords had thrust this idea upon Hester's- contemplation, ana taugneu at the passionate and des perate joy with v. hieh she seized and then strove to cast it from ler. She barely looked the idea in the face and hastened to bar it in its dungeon. What she compelled herself to believe what finally she reasoned upon as her motive for continuing a resident of New Eng landwas half a truth and half a s.df delusion. Here, she said to hvrei: had been the scene cf her cnilt. an i i.-e should te the r.ccu; of her ea; n!y pun- ishmc-nt; td so. norchacce. the 1 of her daily a...... purge Iter cord r.nd -.-,.: k . a1. : '...r purity than that whieh ch? 1... ! i . 1 more saintlike, because tho resu.It c. martvrdem. erge or t:.e rennr-ul.;. Put tu-t in e!e VV'r L"! v, as a Finrdl t.iatched cl on, l:a re . It had ZZ lb , 5" i; c"n .';r -r and ab, doned beean.;e 1 so . aVe-.t it was t r and aban- bieuu lor cultivation, v.ume its com parative remoteness pat ic out of the Sphere of that social aclivitv which al ready marked the la.Pirs of tin- i a.i grants. It stood on the shore !... i- i c ' - across a h. covered hi cf scrub ty the penins the c- tta that here fain have estl 1. of the son ht toward the v.-. o the trees, such as ;:s ; la. (li-1 If t SO !;.;; from view, .--..; as s .iae d,jec; w eon. r at ie.:t e In this iu,: a l. ne- I to . concealed. vug. v. Si .It u- h r m .t - 1. : itra;es, who : watch ovir la st if with her shadow of ;--te. '- -d itself t youtig to co; II- IS' 0 woman shut; of jruumn c enough ie. 1 : at tlf cott: the ueoiuva d gun. co, or ci .ti. : tu way that 1. d t.ovi the scarlet letf : scamper ofT wi;h fear. ;c, cot Lou civ as was ; x,-hh0ti f.- e! o-". e-- h "o -r.' "vj f,how himself, she. however hicurvd r,. risk of want. Sa- po ss- d an art ;'-.t sumCeJ. even in a. lend that tub. d'. comparativelv lit:!., scoae for f-a,,. cise, tos.ur.plv food for he fant and her.-'elf. It v. as tit tnnvmg art thf i now a. most tut an"s gran of 1 only one within a w. cdlcwork. Site '..-ore tuo curiously embr. her breast, in tie. ered letter, a si cl in: en of la.r detic it- and imaginativ. ddil, of whieh i ;hvi;y h: the rial dames of a court availed themselves mnrht : to a-id and more spirPual adornment of !nne.:tn ingenuity to their fabrics of :-ilk and gold. By degrees, nor very f lowly, her handiwork bccr.r.ie what would now be termed the fa: Whether fr.u com miseration for a woman of so miserable a destiny, or from the morbid curiosity that gives a fictitious vahe even to com mon or worthless thing--., or by what ever other intangible circumstance' was then as now sufficient to if fee on some persons what others might seek in vain, or because Hester really filled a gun v.hieh must otherwise have remained vacant, it is certain that she had ready and fairly requited employment for as 'many hour., as she saw fit to oectq.v with her needle. Vanity, it mav l,c chose to mortify itself by putting 0:1 for eiiosu iu 1: or i: v iisc:i is uuctt;"" on r .r 1 -" i --' -f -11 1 ccreinoriiahi of notr.n and state th" r- ,,-r r,- i, ,( 1.1 1 ' T S mc'ni! lhst wrougs.t by her 1 ilea is lain . . . . sinful litmus, tier nee. cv.Yuk was on tho nif, of the rov;riu,r; K)Cn v.-ore it on t,,rir sc':. , tarv and the Dli;iistcr oa hi3 ba:!;1. it dcclxl the bal;y-s little it v,,,.shi:t up to b' miiaewe;1 ino!d,r ;lWiv 113 ti:e cchtns ot the dead. But it is not recorded that in :-i single iu-'auco was her skill called in to embroider tlie white veil which was to cover the pure blushes cf a bride. The exception indi cated the ever relentless rigvr wi.h whiclj society frowned upon her sin. Hester sought not to .-icantre anvthing beyond a .subsistence of the plainest and most ascetic description for herself ... 3 .. - 1 1 iatm;i , ldiil.l.-lili. IIKl-a;u.l , vnic;i sorved ir:doea to heighten tho aii'v charm .,.,ll v ..k a, ... .... omr.u c.ui;cuainuti.iu UIB UfCO.UtlOil Ol her infant, Hester bestowed all her su- perfiuous means hi charity on wretches less miserable tlin herself, an 1 who not imfrequently insulted the hand that fed Ukeim Much of the time, which ehe X. C, FRIDAY, OCTOl'MR ' ll to the betUr ; in- coaroO -a: -ile lij f..r the poiT. Jt is probable that there wan idea I j of ponance in this mod, of ocWh , an- t hat ; he ott-rt' 1 n- 1 rv,l , nours to such rude handiwork. She had in her nature a lioh. voluptuous, ori ental chiiraeteri-'ic a taste for the gorgeously beautd'ul, which savo in the e.vqv.i.ute piuJuctions of her nivdie found uothiugc-lsf in all the pos.-ibili-tios of her life t ve.se itself upn. Women derive, a pi-as::re. incompre hensible to the o; her r.. fr.'in the h li cate toii ,.f the ne- lie. To IIet r I'rynne it mi.-ht h::ve been a mode f expivs..ing. and theu fore soothing, the p-v,s;i,,n cf her life. Like all other 3 sue roeet-d it as hia. Thi-j mori.,.1 liu- t:-r:. on;g l.I ceitl-seieire 1 matter belohr: with an imui ,1 to I f'.-ared. 1,0 g- r.ume and stee.u:.. ten ce, but S'i:i;'t!'.i;i (i.a ib:fn thing tliat ii.i.;!:t bo deeply wi Death. l-e- af- fn-r a e 1 Her imagination wa - so what feete-d, cud li.td P::e Pi n 1 t a moral and intebt clua! i.U-r w.-u! be-.-'.! still iu 1! i' ) . solitary angni-a d P. r I. to and fro, v.-Pin th..-.' 1 :, in the little wrl I v.v h v ourwarddy in:!.,v',i d. it 1: aprieared to f J -1 r if alt- ,1 ; N a'. f . ; : it was n evert Ik l.-.- t. : sisted 5h.e felt t fa the rear!et k-tb-r Pad p U- I-e- n, ti nt r a ; a 1 , it L.ave d. a She shr Is In 1 h ,1. e t could n h-d a syinp.O .: d. ir -in iu . ie 1 t-o rev ' tS!-;, ';. n by t!-' :h':- Luole. W they b. .a!., r 1 . perj . f the ! . ! have ; r 1 as yet . 0! !. .1; w.nd : ; I .'..it, H r-h oen . fo: l'.i i n ihyn-e -.- tim.Pi.'U trut a a !.;:: -t ta ;:y a ': Ox ma S . 1 e w.-i.' trui..'.' Ju all her mi was a 1; e i r ' ( ; as 1 1 1 1 .- 1 1 e 1 n la t o a V. -ft,. h r 1 ing 1 a 1. tl. l't la w- t . : 1:0 .- w :d e.n , -a 1: with a oat . 1 i. r as if her puss by th .t 1: -a who.-., t 1 P. -:as , won! bi t - i 1. y. a or a.u 1 vi : ' Such 1 -. sadde.t nf :if a pro. f tls ;t all . ! r t:.;- -, f fait, f -,f stt I ie .' . :t Ih-t. r ' -' '. 1 : t r-'-'r Viet hard law too; pled to tad:, was guilty i... The vulg .1 o 1 times wet ; 1 w,. v - tesque h ..-r.-r 1 . v 1 : 1: . t : imaerinatio::- had e. : .-. ao. let h " ,,-r which we ta.aht r up into a ierodie legend. 'I that the syaibd w.r.- te t 1. cloth tit; v, i m an eanidvi was red hot with iuf real hr. be seen hawing all a! a-e Hester Ih-vntto w .'an d ab. 1 e T 1 '1 ltl night time. An J v. seared lb-, t n's In . perhaps ih.'o wao rumor than .-ar :::, 1 bo inclined to a. bait U.i :n 1 i.'it'i., l bar lo eri at at- :. ! . We have as . infant, that lit of the t re who--1 cent life had sosttt: decree of Provide:: mortal hewer cat , ! of a gut: ty 1 a seemed to the a . . tho growth and t a every day more b. gence that threw it over the rinv h ata, Pcrd-for so h;. i p Ita lia' e e ;t ; .,1 at ae : : 1 1 . , v." it r ; 1: asa nam-, ev-re-st v of her a-; had nothing of the calm v. ! utiim- passioned luster that would be ladle ted by tne o .mpan.-o:i Bat she named t being cf are .1 te a- 1 : . . . r- arl. n her 1 a .;!.. , go. !i.,:..,o: t re e-U : e lb. V." sf,; thlS V.-:, which ha efficacy ; reach la . ;aa 1 tti.u let ,itl s at i .-. 1 stu by ; a p. O-tit i" t : i i -astrou could h" !ar- :o lia:aa!i r'. ' 1 at e K w. re sin fa! a direct con.-ei; ma.'i tiitis trace self. Cb. i. ;;. the sin which it e of h..d ihu-e n. t 1 I la given her a luvt !y chdd. wk .-e was on that same dndiouored ooso; connect her parent h.n ver with r race and descent of mortals, and to I Yi 'rynn uo ne 1 tl sno ...,,-1,1 r .i . e ; Jc t w rl 1 ' , sh; lked VetuTnUynto tl edu!,. s ci I , , , ' , V i ? 1 ? V 0V".,Ir eK,l"v: lu 1 I T: 1. " :i ' " 1K1 I'uii uity mat cuouiu oxlfiLXJIia Willi tue -ZUlltlUfci tu 2'). iv i -Inch c,v, ,, tx-Ul. i:i!v ti:.-i feet. By its j.vrf.-1-t 1 it-s natural i(-xt, ntv m the u'C.. untried limbs, t! h: 1 :i e t f worthy to hive i-ei! playttncg , f the a: . 1 . ;, first p-avn's svi r d: : a had a native gra--.- -. variably ct c.xi.-i w it h f .. its attire, hi -.i-vtr rn. ! Tec,,.- ,-. 1 1 - ... v ry g 11 b th But little F .: veeus. Her 1 I-..-- th.-.t ia,.-, after, had I , ; ! A 1.. 1 : O.-, : was 1. a r . v. : . N t '.1 r : t l h 1 r fould 1 .- pr. -cured, at.,! ...1 ;.g;i-.at;ve faani: v it.- fa arrange ir :;t uud d- c clr.-c:-e6 v. inch the child v ethlie i.y.-. 1 !. r !a. in a' . f t!eT'. i:a the tho the v..s . 1 v. ta n t: L . 1 ... 1 r 1 sain; v- hit l.-vi! cite!, o , - g 1 1 to f r, 1 a 1 1:.: Pr' v. t ui 1 if. fa: to 1 : 'J JO 71 v a : n..t w- 1 ..-a 1; oi! .a r ; 1.. v. . - 00 , V. d t. In hat.e-. lot r f, l.at '.. a , . f ,. I ! : ; ' : . t r might i i I wr : . Uttet .lie p..-.. :. end 1 - f t ) .... - a- ' . sad Iv 1: t, . lot h' p. : ; . . - a . c.i : a, h : , . : : 1 1 t ;', w van..! ly hi-1 n. t a...: 0 ..; the ta ; : : ' - 1 : ., : v. : . :, .. . r fhe (a ah. t a 1 1. I .a:. ;:. to 1 i.e.. n-o 1 . la r : :.. t b .ae all 1 t :.e ' r f a child ,,,! .-till wi.li tl ..: h: tl . lleUd ; j Of at or 1.0. I., r u. th. thi' utt- - are: e him "C'tahl. v. hat r. w :. Ml ltl.. b :vS . f ; lit ll.o moth, r 'Oh. I am voitr little Peai the ch.l.h Biit while t.he sai 1 P and began to dance up litel the htiinor-onie g--;.c:iht! answered rl 1 -,h.-d w ; 1 ti v. 1 of a lit 1 1 imp. wla.-,, next freak itr.ght be ta tly up tho chimney. 'Art the. ti my child, In very truth? asked IIestT. Nor did he- put ! he iy.est a altogeth.er idly, but for the moment witti ;i rtioti ef irenttrae earn Pearl's . i d. : ft: mother half dot; -1 Ue let. 1 f -r tat, ,1 tit O '. 1 f. a- r ! 0. vaos la r .e v.ui 4 1! . i 1 e eai not r.oipiau t d wi; a the ;rr-t her (::! '.. ace :oa 1 ought t.ot r.ov. ' r, . r.r. (-. r; ; -; Do . u w 1- h lo ; tu prove v o 1 r - 1 mind? Then read carefully whar I you do not ,. derstand , and listen J ' 1 (lpa' 't.dy to what you do not , with. - v.,-..,..,! Highest of ali in Leavcninj Tower. i f an 1' ; VK d n o ABSOLUTECif PLTRE 1 ''r''-" - - . t. re - - ? A IdlMl.llM AN IdlllMlIi Iv r. n 111'." r r e t j t ' ' rf- ; : i - f-r- 1 ti pr i. tion of a k."- T: IV L" '!e h t, t ' A kiaht P r --ti.- I . hiutiin." Tt.o '.ot, ir a fo 1 w i. - arm r, 1 r : - r . j t . ; - e 1 '. r A 11 N A m 1 A it. n. t 1 1 0 d '. A i. A it. 1 n. .1 L 1 ' ' , 1 : 1 1 r . 1 a ti 1 - 1 1 .-n . if - 1 ' 1 P r r.; r. v 1 ' r .y n an rv.-r i'.v u er.iat; a woman fees her. Kirl'-i t l-n.-r t . d. tt r..-- 11--.1 , 1 eU- S m R r. n'ip- S li ! v j'-.rt.i. r, gr.-s 1 1 a n-H- a f. tu r t.H'l.-n 'n ' I o:t 'i n. 'g..v. ml ii. TL ici- f. Are Y-. I-itcst U. S. Gov't Report. I - r 1 Kt'rtri.k. T-: : ion rn-'l r badr.'1 '-! b 1 1 y P. fr.miiy trf, I I ' 1 r 1 1 R. R. CRObStN. 1.1' . .r -. T it'W iiiiFl'rl' fo!;''. p. ... - . i P'.s f.a p. " v-r ; . ,U..al : 1 1 - ys T ' ; s - o, 1 1 h s A Beautiful .Stylish 5bo for Ladies. N 7-.' : -; -. 1 rrr erf - a U "-'J.-. Sr ! chT m gtxr ' KM UtTk. i -. it m f PRICES. f 2, S3.5Q, f3, 3.S50. C;r.cCiiti Si:g Cc, Mtr., Ijii, Ki . -it sai.h nv PERRY &. PATTERSON; V v.. .!!!.. t . i - '. k 4 - .", O i .- .h. r i 4. . t .