TAT 1 fT XT' VDL XXI1L rriu.ic XCIIOOL TEACHERS. Superintendent of Public I .,,,N !' Fninkl in 'county will bo jn j( ,n i -lu rir n the second Thurs- i" I .l.i ii i it A riVi I Ti-t 1 Ct t :ui "'"'i" 'Hid December, nnd Mj i'or t hree days, if necesnary, ;,,. purpose of examining appli . to i ; fli in the Public Schools county. will also be in Piii-t.urg on Saturday of each Mini .-ill public days, to attend ., business connected with my ,:!,".. J. X. IParris, Supt. THE SCARLET LETTER. ! LOl'ISIU 110. .. C. FRIDAY. (MTOHF.li 27. in'.i;;. England earth wor.l M MUKI; 1 i- i "MiomiU osii'tlss. M. Coolvli & SON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, L'irisiu no, n. c. , v;:: st n t the courts of Nash, Frankiin, ,;r,i!i . W'.irrt'ii mil Wake counties, also the . . ... . r n- . .. , l. . .. i i. , tt Vu r :c '' l.1 'il l l dl iniii o imuii uuu luc u, I) , ,r ii t n; 1 Iist rict Courts. i .1. K. MA LONE. By NATHANIEL HAWTEOEKE. "Yes, I am little Pearl!" repeated the child, continuing her antics. "Thou art not my child! Thoa art no shak of a Pearl Utv,:t i.i . Li .. - i .i , rr- , ' ss crum, "v 1 v iew roseimsnes, n-nv- unaccustomed t, ;.,. tom j- , j ot and evor- ana a number i f .apple trees. Tin.).- ' of anv but her m. tan, v ap ' ii in. aga aking hor little hand with a variety I ably tl.?de:-ce:;duut.-. of th--e planted b : the op-r. v.--.a i, w -i fTO threatening gestures, suddenly made j ftevereml Mr. Blackstone, the fir-'; step, looking lis ,v wid t-..pi.-al P- ' , ' E$ rush at the knot of her enemies and pettier of the ptninnh; thai half myth 1 rich ; lurna-... ; .. :v t.. take !!. fei two loors below Thomas & Aycocke's lr ..f r adjoining Dr. O. L. Ellis. i. W. II. NICHOLSON, IRACTICING PHYSICIAN, LOVISHVKG, N. C. V. TIMBERLAKE, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, Lui'iSHrHH, N. C. on Nash sire.-t. V. s -PRUILL, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, Loi ism iia. n. c. Will attivt the courts of Franklin, Vance, ri r.ii'vtlH. Warren an-1 Wakn counties, also tic- jMipr'-iue Court of North Carolina. l'romit iit 'lit! 'ii triven to rollectioiLS, N. Y. O'JLLEY. ATTORNET-AT-LAY, FKANKL1N TUN", N. '. All loal i.usincs i pr. nr.iitl3-attcii'lcl to. riUK.'.S. B. WILDER. ATTORNEY AT-LAW, loi rn " i:o, N. c. icVcc on Main titr.'i-t, one door helow Eagle II. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, lhl:i-h; :jo, n. c. I'r.irii- 's in all courts. Olce in the Court H is WHAT 1 ! IS IT HAS IT DONE CAN IT DO 8 i r-i i 1 1 1 1 :inl only fffnnino ('ompomiil ' l f i 1 i ni 1 m 1 . 1 1 c C" of Drs. S: :ir!;ev & - i - - -: i t j fit- .ctiu-itnint of thf de ,, i)xv;'':i .nil! NitroiTcii ma sxnet izcil: ! 'i;i'ii:i'l is so condensed and ;i.!' -Me tli.;t it is sut .ill over the i- 'i '! in n-s- f-r over twenty years: !- ." ;iitnts have heen treated, one r'!ous;i.-.ul nhysicie. lis h;i ve . ' ouimi'iidei it a verv siiruifi- - " .'i'i I, I'i .i ...ill I , , . . . ,. , ' i the titi f i hook of on;) I iac.j mil ieu, as c-i uouion or; ' -' ' 1 Sv Dr- Si ivl;&v- o- pjilf.ii, . .i'.i in.jaiivrs full iufonan t i: ii n-irka'.! furative ay:e;it anil a ! f -M rpri-in i ec.re in n wi'le -c.e -many of ihr-m niter ' ' ' i'i " 1 to o ie ly ot':e;- ysi- ' 1 free t O UllV .'i'liil'l'SS 1':- ST KKF.Y X PAT.KN', I . i'e! !de!,!iil. Pu. ' ! . S.in Francisco, Cal. I i'. ' '..i-: '..'1 I" r. put tnem all to llight. She resembled, j tl-,nUVJ pcrsor.aL-o who mks throuu'h th- up; r ..:r. Wi in her fierce pursuit of them, an infant ' our early uimals yeatcd on tho back cf a : to:n.-.!i.-d at tin.- o-.t), pestnenee The scarlet fever or tome ' bulL Pearl of mine!" said the ninths half I such half Hedged angel of judgment- 1 I earl, seem - the n . ebr.-hes. bgan te playfully,' for it was often the case that whose mission Wiis to pnni.-,h the sins of cr' f,J 51 f ami v. uuld not U n crv4r.. i : ... . the risiuir treneraiion she c,-r,-.iri.i ' paeihed. i u yjji iiic mi i i i r .. m v ' Jr int. i .--.. .iv,...... midst of her deepest suffering. 'Tell I and suontetl- to. ith a tcrritic voiume me, then, what art thou and who sent ' of sounl- which doubtless caused the thee hither." hearts of the fugitives to qnake within "Tell me, mother!" said the child sen- thfm- Tiie vi(-'tory accompliihed, Pearl ously, coming up to Hester and pressing 1 'rutfnied (Petly to her mother and herself close to her knees. -Do thou j lookrcd UP siuiimpr into her face, tell me!" Without further a. i venture thev "Thy Heavenly Father sent thee!" an- I !eaC,hcd dwdlinf ot" GuV,'rnor ll swered Hester Prynne Unham- 1 his was a large wooden house. But she said it with a hesitation that ! bml. m a ;hUm (' v-'!'h thT'.e re did not escape the acuteness of the child I specmiens still extant in the srtvet, of Whether moved only by her ordinary i Ur V.k'r lowus; oss gvos n, freakLshness or Wan,,, ,-4i .;J i cnimbnng to decay, and nn lancnoly at prompted her, she put up her small' fore- ; hoart with llle 1U!1:i:; sorrowful or joyful -11 in Iaveair.g P.w r Iitct U. F Gov't KcporL K.( Tl .u- ,.1 "Uush, cl-.dd. h".-h!" said her ntoth.-r earnestly. !)oi;..t ,-, y. .1 -ar little Pearl! 1 liear VoU'cs in the g;;-d.-n. The t,-..v-ernor is cotning. and - gentli-mi-n ul.-m,' viih hiin!" In fact, adowT; t!i" vi-ta i f !:' grvrd avenue n'.iinlv r of p. ,-.. u.- .a-rc ... rM approaching to war-1 the house. n. t k I a grandfather! v '-oi l . t i. m. u.-ually a a -t fav. re v. i:h , .... es.-iyed, h..v., Lr. to pimd wr.i, th, examinat -e m "Pearl," -aid ! witii L-r-.t ! "thmi ::;a -t take ;. . i ; . - tl-.at .-o. ::; a-e:. : , , in t h ! h is. ;i . .,ri , t .'a:.t :!:. a K li i,:, , ia chii . 1 I!..--' -. ". ti I:: linger and touched the scarlet letter. occurrences, tvmembfrcd or forgotten. "He did not send me!" cried she posi- : lu.ay.nav,e nal,lK'liea Passed away . . . ti tii uu.av t V. lli.illi1,! o. J. lil'il , 1 .i .... nowevcr, mere was tne lre.-imess ot ti:e passing year on its exterior, and the cheerfulness, gleaming l.rth from the sunny windows,, of a human habita- CHAPTI-:!! VI. THF. FI.F C 1 1 . 1 . ! AM. Till: MlNlr-Tl ;l Governor Uelhn;:!iam. in a l,-g..wn an 1 ea.-y . -ap -.u-'ii a- '..i. ily-.-at.. ul..:i loved to endue ;;u m-. !v-s wit.i in tic doinesii-.' privacy waiicod for.-ti;. -;-t .o.d ap: 'ea.red to be showing off hi- e-;ai" and expaf.a'.in.r on ins pro;,. , -t.-d im proventoa;:'. 1 'n wi.- c:n i;:u; w;,cv "f lu elah' .r in tb.c Jam s' v. i oat. d !.. i.- : . r.;i a lilt1...- h'.iv t!:at of .!..!,, i' in a (dtaru'c r. The impri-...- t-.j. l:;t ; his a.-p. c;. -o : . -. i ; . A . ,,: , c ! ilieu witii in. t . t :.. a a'.:an a! was hardly he- p::. with :'. c.: aiavs of w-.rally .:, nr.. u .. r.-1 i;e i;a ! t-vr:. a; iy c i.i . ;, ,:; , surrou:. 1 hi:::- !f. .via an:- i a:r n. - ...r wi: iua 1'' meiub-.-r a. I:.: v . : aj a;nl nduet.-.n ;-ari r.i ; .. I'ryat.i -- di- :.ac. a; 1 .ii:"...e. a:p - U: l.na i tmgwo.r.i!, a : i r . a phy.de. who f. i.-al i - a ,-e' : till'!' : -: - f a: e m tnat tia- " rm w Caskets. eiv- a l oal to our already . ' I ; mo wi wood and cloth covered Collins and Caskets SOLID WALNUT COFFINS AND CASKETS. - l.-o a line of MET A LICS a- tiie" and lino goods as is car n"d in any of our cities. Our stock id complete in every line. Respectfully, R. R. Harris & Co. Louisburg, N. C. tively. "I have no Heavenly Father!" "Hush, Pearl, hush! Thou must not talk so!" answered the mother, sup pressing a groan. - "He sent us all into this world. He kpv.t pvph. mu -n,. mother. Then; much more, thee! Or i J1,0" ,i:it hia deatb h-d nt'v-r en- if not, thou strange and elfish child I tored- whence didst thou come?" Thy approached the door, which, was "Tell me! Tell me!" repeated Pearl, ! of ,an allied form and llankvd -n .-acii no longer seriously, but laugjiin"- and ' il "ai'row tow-r or projection oi capering about the floor. "It isthou : the (;Jince' in ljoth of which were l.aiice that must tell me!" windows, with wooden shutter- to cl..-e Put Hester could not resnH-A the. . over thpin ;;t need. Lil'ting t'ae iron querj', being herself in a dismal labyrinth hammer that hung at the portal. Ih.-ter behind f..- ,,.v,m.,r ai of doubt. She remembered betwixt a ' rnie ave il '-'Janion.-. win.-, v.,.;- an- came twoo.th. rg ; smile and a shudder the talk of tho : swerea LY one ot tne g-..-. e; i.or s bv-:.d neighboring townspeople who, seeking , 6ervar-ts- a fl'L0 lovu Englishman.. but vainly elsewhere for the child's pater3- i now 11 S(?VeU years' rlave. During that nity, and observing some of her odd : terui he was to be tho ptop. rty of his attributes, had given out that poor little : mastor' iUul 5ls 1;iuch a coaiia -dity a Pearl was a demon offspring. ; bargain and sale as an ox. or joint -io.,1. Hester Prynne went one day 1 The beI'1' XVuro ti;e blue Coal- v. 'a-.ca was to the mansion of Governor Dellinghan the t'usto1:'-aiy garb of ft-rvim: 114 :1 of with a nair of o-loves which ahnh, that period and hmg !.. : .a- 111 tae old fringed and embroidered to his order, : hereuitary naos ot ..a.;!. m l. tu- p! and which were to h xi-m-n ; "Is tho wondr.'fu! (iov.-rn..;- I II::;-- v..u,i. great occasion cf state, for, though the chances of a popular election had caused this former ruler to descend a step or two from tho highest rank, he still held an honorable an..: ia:a .a.. ...no;:" the coloni.r- magistr.ury. Another ar.d far more iir-.ariaut reason than the delivery of a pair of em broidered gloves imp,;:', d Iliaat:' at this time to sees: an interview with a sonage of so much power and t;y tho ' affairs cf the j;c--.tle:ncut. It had reached her ears that there was a dc-lga on the part cf some of the leading in habitants cherishing the more rigid order of principles in ndigiou and gov ernment to deprive her of her child. On the supposition that Pearl, as al- 1, tttese ;od people uat unreasonably argued that a Christian interest in the mother's soul required them to remove such a fitninbhng block from her path. If t'10 child, on the other hand, were re ally capable of moral and religions growth, and possesse.l the elements of ultimate salvation, then sur.Iy it would enjoy all the fairer prospect of these advaii- lages oy uemg traiisreiTeu to wisvr , .t .,1 rat: -n. a: a hi- ara- b ..r. . ea.c d !...:. a , t' K a a. '.v I 1 . o made i.e; ; t -b r of a p' a t.dk w-.th : : bather, i... 1 triuli- . '.!. ever a t -Hi-;: e:. .- r i.tra'" y. .il"-,' ii e a : ; : : 1 . . Prim. r. mo. r Oil. A 1: . -pit's. 1:.. t. P ..:: t.. ' . a : : 1 : . ; - a! i :.. . : it v. : - - V 1 1 -' !,v i;h ' Mr. W : i - ' . I l-r- 1.: e a . . ... 1 u- ov.'' . I v. il'. ea'e r," and the ba u . .'. "Is the worrhipfu! (iovi-rnor D.-U:::g-ham within?" in. paired !b -:!'. "Yea, forsooth," replied the bond serv ant, staring with wide open eyes at the scarlet lellir. v.Luth. i-.tin a :.ewca:uer in the ft. ,.:,uy, i..- .... . "Yes, hi- hoc rah. v .a Put no it. ;: a a " . . . r i . a : . a . hmi. aa.l Itk see hi : wor . ":7evc.i!:.. Hosier '.;.:: ls-r;;aps ; :. ..so; x ii'o::; t air and the gliii,-rii:g bosom to. it hc 's a : land, oft (.red no c.", ,. ; SU tho !:;ii:::c admittt d into ih mar. v vans: r ".is a: 01 'a'h- I ah hag a. climate ana a dhTei life. Governor p,di: bis new Lab,: ;i: o of geniiefe. :; :' :a:: land. Her... t!; ,;, sonablv !of; v had. e. ;y-ie:a ; la a: d v sir: 1. 1 I L'J a a - ta. i 1.. 1 1. di 1 f l in ; . iy 1:1 bti er.rl w 1 a ,'i'! v: ; ; . t : I::,i: !.".'. ted o C ah - r P 1 v i . . t a. 1.1 las th 1 . pdi i f wis nr-siua: -e or less direct I m'.rts. a 1: .1 tiiC o ; ut t c; auu oetter g-uaroiansnip tl:an tiester , that lin.-d ti;.- kali v.v- Prynne's. Among those who promoted ; cf mail, n.-t li!:. th-Vn the design Governor Ceilingham was , tral iC.- hut ih -'iii said to be one of the most busy. , "(or it had !.. n inanuf.;. - ,vn,,i .., Lun,n.i,, t n 1 . ii.i- ' nu armorer in lac- sea t Hi ' utvd scions of her own right tliat it seemed ; wliichC oae i i;, o'.'ernr Celliu.taaui camr ove 1 . . . 1. l . . , . . o bociiceay iui unequal matcn uetween tne , to Mew iZmr'and. Tiiere v.a.s a -lel !) a 1 public on the one side and a lonely wo- j pi.n-e, a cuir.es. a t a-:.', t'-.vr.'. es man, backed by the sympathies of no-1 with 'a pair of garmtk-ts and a j.woVd ture, on the other, Hester Prynne set! hanging 1 ..ncath. ail. and 0 pee;aliv t'u forth from Iter solitary cottage. Little1 helmet' and iuv.'.tp!".-- so h:-lilybur Pearl, of oourse, was her companion. : nishel as to adow wbii w'nite i-adiauc. ane was now ot an age to run lightly 1 and scatter an ilium along by her mother's side, and con- j about ur.on the door. is.ia n t-vrr 'J his bias; vwla 1 asiK 01 LOU P es a General Banking Business. Collections made and returned promptly . M'tkern Exchange bought and sold. COUNTY ORDERS CASHED I'd. -rest paid on deposits after three tiloiit hs. AV. P. WT.DB, President. NOTICE. In Superior Court. Order of Publication. V"'' ''irolha, ' 'iinltlin county. ' on ( .-nitoirly vs. Jjl'i.'l ':uiri;...y "" ' :"o c 'lefendant will tako notice that ,somn rA has bpcn iHsued against her in ii"' . ;ui.,. i-eturuable to" t he October ( ,:' th,. Superior Court of Franklin " I ')!. wldch has been returned en- l'' th" W:-rn "not to be found in my ."" 1 hat Kaid defendant Will appear ; "-oil I'fin to iin.swer l)r demur to thecom I iv'n.-!, tt-iil I... fllofl against her or the ' "' -1 -no in, 1,., will 1,h granted. s "'i 1" PS')''' AHSEtf BunG C. S. C. branny in morion ironi morn tiu sunset: ply was not meant f- r mere i de :':... could have accomplished a much longer ', but laid been wori bv the irovernor c:. journey than that before her. Often, j mauv a solemn musterV.nd trainine; i;e!d. nevertheless, more from caprice than ; and had glittered, moivowr. at the 1... ad necessity, she demanded to be taken up j of a regiment in the IV.::.,,! war. Per. in aims; but was soon as imperious to '. though bred a lawcr and nceast us d be set down again, and frisked onward to speak of Paeon. Coke. Movc-md Pinch before Hester on the grassy pathway 1 as his professional n-'-oei;;tes. ti... e:i- with many a harmless trip and tumble. ; gencies of this n--.v c..r.n;rv h id trar.s- We have spoken of Pearl's rich and; formed Governor Pebimrka'm i?;to a sol- inxuriant beauty; a beauty that shone I dier as well as a stau-: man ;oid ruh-r. HiuiiTOiiiiiii.inui liiil.s; u ungiufom- ; L,rLl.;e Pearl, wao was piesion, eyes possessing intensity botn of ; pleased with the gleaming arm. r as depth and glow, and hair already of a had been wan the giito'vi'mc frotitiMrh-c-. deep, glossy brown, and which in after ' of the house, sa.-io s.ano time b okiar. years would be nearly akin to black. I into the poli.-hedi mirror of the bre;u-t There was fire in her and throughout ; plate. her; she seemed the unpremeditated oh'- "slotiter," cried ;.!;e, "I see vou hare shoot of a passionate moment. Her i Look! Loo!:!" mother, in contriving the child's garb, i Hester looked, by way of hamoruu nau ailowea tne gorgeous tendencies of ; the child, her imagination their full play, arraying i the peeuii r.er m a crimson velvet tunic ot a pecul- the s. I .a: :! a.m e r; t a - ;: ; : a . t: .a v. . - i.i i Ue, t ;-i ti.y i.:,h r : trsa re ,. cad 1 - a .. ( r art th ,u t ans s. ho belli:: I a .. in nn-rrv I, i "1 .as', : scarl. t -i,:. "Pear: P. I 11 e from thy hs l-o- j ;;,;;:! at:. : j o , r ; , . ; "lb it wia. ; I s.oa" ! ;., em. r ! '. i ' : ; toe ; . . a dl Pub 1 t ; tia asia t py mi -t her." "Sas e-t th "X.OU we I,, illy a ctalo's or .-!., v.'ousan an 1 Pabyiom Pat ti::i". an i ..a- v. ai foia h 1 ; : i. " l ioversot- Ih 'has1' "i dtt h r r ; i w - t tho window his three . a. "lb -a r P a : : o t : a t: ! he ;s t V a (wing tc ur.t's. rsi r ca( ct of th.i.--. c i a ex mirror. carh thlS sciirlet 1st; er ws.s rsnri iar cut, abundantly embroidered with ; av'craU'd tautasies and flourishes of gold thread. nti ox U.i'.i 1C I.I Oi.Oi t.otj... as to be trreatlv the most orosab' a.t i a- So much strength of coloring, which ture of 'her app-araueo. Pi truth, sh, must nave given a wan and nahid asnect : c.. L i " t nod absolute !v hid.lt n 1 too -,i in, qu, t: -n cuee point h.tth t wile', her we, t n.ir'.ri.i'c, (... a son. ticcs i v t ;;;; a ; sue. i as 1 !a re 1 ; ;a guidance of otc wh fail.-n amid tie- . : Srer.k. tissi, '. i (t Were it m . t hod-i tms garo, ami, inaeea, ot the child s naughtv merriment was likev. i.-e r, d a-t- one's tentpoi.d an i whole appearance, that it irresistibly : ed in the mirror with so muc'u breadth, Pse be ta.. a eat ,.r and inevitably reminded the beholder of K and intensitv of odeet that it nm '.j He.- s,,be, b.s ..a J d:.s, i-.:: the token which Hester Prynne was j tor Pvvnr.e fed as i it could r.ot be tia structed in the in doomed to wear npon her bosom. It image of hor own child, but i f an imp earth- What wii was the scarlet letter in another form;, who was seeking to mold itself inte in this kind.-" V. a :t- 1 1 to cheeks ot a uunter bloom, was adniir- i Pearl pointed upward ai o, at a : iit.iia; ably adapted to Pearl's beauty, and! picture in Cue headpiece si: i'u " si : i made her the very brightest little jet of j mother with the elhVn mi.dhg.cHv thai fliViriA flint .'VPi' ltllsa1 mum ti-.-. ,-,,. :, I . r . iuu emu, , waa f-'o laminar an (axiiression o:i . r physiognomy, 'i'iiat loo l a ;;y ai ir (:. .1 s. . to t : . 1 -d sa But it was a remarkable attribute of i small ; a O.t;.-; .; dis , f i;. ' la, n do l'ur : ,.t 'rid laid the scarlet letter endowed with life! The mother herself as if the red ig- j nominy ware so deeply scorched into her brain that all her conceptions as- ! smned its form had carefully wrought j out the similitude; lavishing many hours i of morbid ingenuity to create an analogy j between the object of her affection and j the emblem of her guilt and torture, j looked along the vista of a garden wal Pearl's shape. "lean teach my Pttlo Pearl what 1 "Come along, Pearl." paid sher draw- have lsarn. .! f r m this." an.- w re 1 Hos ing her away. "Come and loo'u im t r Prynne. laying her linger on t'ae red this fair garden. It may he we thai! token. see fioweis there, more beautiful one. . "Woman, it is thv badge f sbrnno!" than we. find in the woods." replied the rtern megi-trato. 'It r- l.e- Pe;irl accordingly ran to tire bow win- . cause of the stam which that I- tier m dow at the farther end of the l.all and dieatos that ve ..oti!d ts-a'-vt. r -hv cd.ihl ! . .. ii:-. : : , P ' '; t Ai h . . a wia. ;i in '.: a s.taatf.a ha '. :. t a is- i: i :. !:. ca.'ed ;:. .a sc. a - : .h, as r :' wl To n r t ': d.U k c. es a. troa: !". aa ''i : re l gan th" us treitsdoti- ; tl:e h '.',! rang its t; ; ami in tic 1 . t r ESClUTECi,' PtlsJE I Mi'. idl.IY I! I V. i;N;i; ''ir r e or... ; air of .'. ; :. a- d . i- e; d .y . a- . i 1 ' . :f :. ' V. o 'A . , s W. I-'..; as :. -.-; . ot - h - ! W. ra . . m u a..: '.apr . t.--: I t w; ; a a p :t pc rial. ! - ::;;, h that h, as ! t i.. .: w arae r :: ;:.: :: vh.; ih - r i-eiiag '.. h a ii Ueg tres j .. ; But in truth Pearl was the ono as well as the other, and only in consequence of that identity had Hester contrived so perfectly to represent the scarlet letter in her appearance. As the two wayfarers came wdthin tho i precinct3 of- the town tho children of j the Puritans looked up from their play, or what passed for pla' with those som ber little urchins, and spake gravely one to another; "Behold, verilr, there is the woman of the scarlet letter; and of a truth, moreover, there is the likeness of the scarlet letter running along by her side t; ; to other hat; (.tod gave in r the cash!, aa '. as. in r. t- -an in.-: motive knowh :,! is ,.v;a: and p or. iicu.ea: - i ; a . u,t:.g!v h carpeted with closely shaven grass an ! bordered with some rude and immatnrt 'o r --which no i r i. a r cad m si vcr;a . si: : t:te n lv, thouali gvi ovi::g mere p..' . "thv; attempt at shrubbery. Put the pivprio- badge haih tai.ght me it dadv aria s tor appeared already to haye relin- rne--it is te:i(d:::ig ma at this ia meat -quished as l:opeless tho effort to perpet-. lessens v!:,iv. f 'mv chiid mav be tl:,.' uate on this side of tho Atlantic, in ai wi.-er ami Pt -. . edbeu ti.-v (.an pr..;it hard soil and amid the (dose struggle foi nothing to mseif." subsistence, the native English tasto for I "We will jr. ago wardv," paid Pelldi" oruainental gardening. Cabbages grew ' ham, "and h,t i: w. 11 wiait wt- arc abort in plain sigiit, and a pumpkin vine, 1 to do. ( iood .Ma-r r V. ihon. I ; rsv voj rooted at some distance, had run across; e-simiue this IVari - dime that is h,.r the intervening space :tnd dei.ssif !, o:ai name and see whether .-he hath had of its gigantic products direc.iy beneath . such Cm i-tian nurture as P. -tits a cinld tho hall window, as if to warn the gay. , 0f her s.g.v" ernor inai inis great lump or vegetable l jie .Pl minister seated iiimseif in an ..ci. ns r. ' f awfsl : a ecu tiaj ns pec Call P"S l ot a p; relata 'ii chil't" "Aye: -1:. v- is !.a. - d Id r. :..!. .-" ;: rr tpo- . ; "Make that id, ati, 1 r..1. a r i : x ' n r : v " r- la. r uad t.us Senator llunton, of Virgin.!, ha" aunt tr.ceil 1 is candidacy f'-r the S'Miato re tie' Yir'ii i.i L'i.-latui e w Lich meets this wit.- r. 1 . 'A - I , a I a Th,Tr p'j f ,rv Qh - i.V :f Lit. i CM I ' A Beautiful 5tlih 5h for Ij3dic5. 1 ! .i - l e to, 1 t e '. hi ' .IV '. P. d . dc-T. I , J '- l.l .11 1 g : ' f S. 1 d I. . r f .' A . I . r rg : i . j .la o ' . - . i i - ' 'I i .1,' ." mi i . ' i - f . i . . . ' I'll 1 .. ; J. i . PRICES, XI, 2.C0. 3. 3.d ) i. si : . I a PERRY A. PATTERSC: : Come, therefore, and let us fling mud at gold was as 1 ich an ornament as New I armchau- and made an effort todiaw tor- tad 1'. P.