vol.. .win. ,;',' ; . r SCHO OL TEA C1IERS, I Siiu 'riiiLii.lent" of Public .;,,,,!-of i'rnnklin county will be -'ir.w on the second Thurs :,:'!'' !! 'i.-iry, April, July, Sep . . ( irtob'.T ;vnl December, and !ur t 'iree day.s, if necessary, ' . !i li .c Si- :f exaniinino1 nimli. i '.'ylM.. the l ublic schools ....... ' 'ii : nil rwiturua V of (ioh ! . ; public (lays, to attend h.jsiii.vs.s connected with my J. X. IIauhis, Supt. M i i ' i V. & SON, AT fl KN KYS-AT-LAW, I. eisuar,, N. c. ; t'.-M i tins mur'.M of Nash, Franklin, W ' I p.' i Mllil W:: l: , - rmi 11 1 I ci.-i t li ..' . . .!' .ia r of North C ifoiiiui, mi j thj U. j j t .us i 1 Jistri.-t Cotirtd . J K. MA LONE. -'ours '. low Thomas & Aycocfee's , .l ij.'ininy lir. ( ). L. Ellis. i) W . II. NJCHOL.SON, l'R..(TK'IXU PHYSICIAN, L'irisni Ki;, N. o. v.". tim3i;klake, A T TORN MY- AT-LA Y, i.risr.' 'Hi;, n. c. on Nisii street. y H'1U"II.I, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, L'.risr.'' !;i. x. e. Wei :itt en 1 th- courts of Franklin. V;inr-e, i.r ":vili W.mvn an. I W;ike ..unties, also th.- -Mipr -nil' Court of North ('arolina. i'ruuipt .:'! titi-.ii give'!, to collections. Y. Ul.LLEY. ATTUR X K Y- A T- L A W, SKA NK I.I N I'liv, N. ('. Ail let-il 'iisiiicss i.ro!u;.tly att:'U-h"! to. ii. I LI 'KR, ATTO RN K Y- AT-LAW, L ""l-:e'i;;, N. e. hi M iiii str.-t. one uoor Telow Eagle .M. I'LK.-'i )N, ATT i ) RNK Y- AT-L AW, L 'VIi-KH, . C. I'r i' ti .-.s in till courts. Oitice in the Court IS IT 1 3 I CAN IT DO E ;! mi I im.1v ftmiiio Com'.onnd M ni-'.r. t !: a t of Di's. Sfttrki y & Miti(!,- a'linstir.i-nt of t!i" -!)-'-'.; 'ii Nltro'Ti iiiiisruftizcd; - iouil'1 !S SO i'0l:)p!IS'-(l O'.lil I -tli.-it it is si-Tit 1 ov.;r thf mi ljsffiir ovor tv.-"iily yonr1;: if p l'.-!'.iS I.IiVH il'l-H t !': t I'. . ' ? iio'i s- ;',-, ysicia ::s iir-vc -)ni:'ii"!ii!i'. i; a vorv siirnifi- 1 0-;v--is i V" Mo i" of Ai-t'iot, i': of a hook of -2i)() ',-! 'r.- Sou-la-v iv !";don .,- .f- ft., ' i :i'i ii:oui''i-rs full i;,for;:i:it ion ! ' vVn i-n .-.it i v.. ; xs-.i ' ."ir;.r;.-iiitr . u r-s i v. i.ii--- .. -s -iivi 'i v of th- 1.1:1 II Wl--' i i-: o llv ()1 VUV.-i- ;n .ii! --', !'i .-.' 1 o ai; v ,i i -. ST Alt x r.v & i'at.t:x, . iM.:,.-1 ii.',i,i. I'.i. ! M !' '"' S". it Tn. ','!.- o. C.-31. ,: i,r., t in-- ;.:i,-r. I ! -. Vo uTir alroadx ni Y.,od and cloth r.-.l ('i.tTms and Caskets j-JLiD WrtLfiJi" C3FFSN3 A'jO GASKETS. v.s' a line of MET A L1CS as a:i(j fme goods as, is car r"d in any of our cities. Our f-'ock is complete in every line. Respectfully, II. R. Harms & Co. J )uisburg, N. C. ank of Louisbu i boL'i a General Banking Business. ("'lletiour, made and returned promptly 'jrthern Exchange bought and sold. COUNTY ORDERS CASHED forest paid on deposits after three ni nit Lis. W. P. WEBB, President. LAND SALE. I n a. r-onlniicf with the ilecree of th.R Sn i ' on:-t r Franklin conntv madein the . ;' !w-.M-,.,.,imKM entitled Thoa. Terry, T ( ,,, ,'' , :!'"' H. Battle, Geo B. ,i r "-y al ,-X)lil-te petition to sell land us ,; in'"1'1"'., ""' uiiilerKigneil Commission ( , "ii M,i(,v November Gth, 183, , ; M:" 'l";.t Ihn Court House door in k,,,,,. , 110 i"Kiiest bidder, the place ,. t, "s n- Mrs. N.-inoy Rei.l property, lo M'( fly loiimburg and Lnurel road id,.,. -t -!' Una Lou'-8lu''p:, containing l,,,!.;,,-!" Terms: One-fourth cash ' 1,1 tuclve months with interest at 8 W. H . Macon, Thos. B. Wilder, Commissioners. "ih; Ih.'j i TIB SClLiLfflE!!. By NATHANIEL HAWTEOENE. "It must be even so," resumed tne wiEe, do we not thereby say that the ueavenly lather, the Creator of all fWn wu i.-..ki -. -. tAVOLi. 444. Lll Ji 'II V I.-. ,.' F i 1 ' (. I 'i iian.i rr sin, and made of no account the distinc tion between unhallowed lust and holy love? This child of its father's guilt and its mother's shame hath come from the hand of God. to work in many ways upon her heart, who pleads so earnestly, and with such bitterness of spirit, the right to keep her. ft was meant tor a blessing; for the one blessing of her life! It was meant, doubtless, as the mother herself hath told us, for a retribution too; a torture to be felt at manv an re thought of moment; a pang, a sting, an ever recurring a iron v. in tho midst nF Q j , iij. ull'. itl ! i I troubled io'y! Hath she not o-rrp;sw"! i this thought in the garb of the poor c;ma. so forcibly reminding us of that red symbol which sears her bosom?" 'Well said, again!" cried good Mr. Wilson. "1 feared the woman had no better thought than to make a mounte bank of her child." "Oh, not so! not so!" continued Mr. Dimmesdaio. "She recognizes, believe me, the solemn miracle which God hath wrought in the existence of that child. And may she feel, too what, methinks, is the very truth that this boon was meant, above all things else, to keep the mother's soul alive and to preserve her from blacker depths of sin into which eatan might else have sought to plunge her. Therefore it is good for this poor, sinful woman that she hath an infant immortality, a being capable of eternal joy or sorrow, confided to her care, to bo trained up by ner to righteousness; to remind her at every moment of her fall, but yet to teach her, as it were, by the Creator's sacred pledge, that if she bring the child to heaven the child also will bring its parent thither. Herein is the sinful mother happier than the f-inful father. For Hester Prynne's sake, then, and no less for the poor child's sake, let us leave them as Providence hath seen fit to place them." "You speak, my friend, with a strange earnestness," said old Roger Chilling worth, smiling at him. "And there is a weighty import in what my young brother hath spoken," added Mae Reverend Mr. Wilson. "What say you, worshipful Master Deliiugham? Hath !',. not pleaded well for the por woman':"' "Indeed, hath he." answered the nmg istrate, "and hath snUIneed suc h argu ments that wo w ill even leave the matter as it now stands: eo luig at least as there sh:.?! m. - . ,i m the woman. C:.ro mu.-t be had. neverthe less, to put the chili to d r and stated examination in the cateeh:.,:a, at thy hands or Master Dimmesdale's. More over, at a proper season, the tit: mg men must lake heed, that the go both to school and to meeting.'" The yor.r.g minister on ceasing ro'ppeak had withdrawn a few steps from the group, and stood with ids face partially concealed in the heavy folds of the win dow curtain, while the shadow of his figure, which the sunlight east upon the Poor, was tremulous with the vehemence of his appeal. Pearl, that will and nighty little elt. stole soltiv toward him and ud taking his hand in the'grnsp of both ; cr own, laid her cheek against it. a j tr?ss so tender, and withal so unobtru- 4 1, .O- 1, . .. 1. ...1., I l - - ' her c; sive, that her mother, who was looking on, as:;ed herst ir, "Is that my Pearl: Yet she knew that there vats love in the child's heart, although it mostlv re- - vealed itself in nassion ;md har.aiv t-l.-c ; in her lifetime had been softened by I such gentleness as now. The minister ' for save the long sought regards of j p"itn hidden virtues in v hat was va, lie woman nothinir is sweeter ih:m Hw.e - 'c-s-s to common eyes marks of childish r.rpforr-nrf ;i,..f.i-,l,.-i spontaneously bv a Et'.iritual insinct I and therefore seeming to imply in us! something truly worthy to be "loved j tne minister loo ted around, hud hU hand on tho child's head la-if-, . -,d on I instant and then kissed her brow. Little Pearl's unw vonted mood of sentiment ! nger; she laughed and went ! "... . . . l.'isled rio Inn capering down the hall so aiiilv that old 1 Mr. Wilson raised a question whether even her tiptoes touched the Moor. "The little baggage hath witchcraft in her, 1 profess," said he to Mr. Dim mesdale. "She need3 no eld woman's broomstick to fly withal!" ; "A strange child!'' remarked old Roger ' Chillingworth. "It is easy to see the ! mother's part in her. Would it be j beyond a philosopher's research, think j -e, gentlemen, to analyze that child's! nature and, from its make' and mold. I to give a shrewd guess at 1he father':" "Kay; it would be sinful in such a question to follow the clow of profane philosophy," said lir. Wilson. "Better to fast and pray upon it, and still better, it may be, to leave the mj-stery as we find it, unless Providence reveal it of its own accord. Thereby every good Christian man hath a title to show a father's kindness toward the poor, de serted babe." The affair being fo satisfactorily con cluded, Hester Prynno, with Pearl, de parted front the house. As they de scended tho steps it io averred that the lattice of a chamber window was thrown open, and forth into the sunny day was thrust the face of Mistress HibbinB, Governoiv Bellingham'a bitter tempered sister, and the same who a few years later was executed as a witch. "Hist, hist!" said she, while her ill omened physiognomy seemed to cast a shadow over tho cheerful newness of the house. "Wilt thon go with us tonight? There will be a merry company in the forest, and I well nigh promised the Black Man that comely Hester Prynne should make one." "Make my excuse to him, so please yon!" answered Hester, with a trium phant smile. "I must tarry at home and keep watch over my little Pearl. Had they taken her from me I would will ingly have gone with thee into the for est and signed my name in the Black Man's book, too, and that with mine own Woddi" "We shad !n;ve thee there anon!" G;iid . ....... ;,as uiu:,n:3 and ricster Prycno to W siuthentir- - n ,v,. hle-was already an illustration cf the 0 ., ,..llUn ,;..I,UM tlul. to the ofespring of I'.er frailty. Even satau's snare. CT7 1DTT7D tTTT the i.r.rc;!. Under the appellation of Ro-er Chil- ' lingworth, the reader will ivineniber. ' was hidden another name, v.'inch its j former wearer had resolved should never more be spoken. It bus been related ; how, in the crowd that witnessed Ilt-ster Prynne"s ignominioiis exposure, stuud a man, elderlv. xr&vA worn, vlio ,-:St : i emerjrius? from the peiiloi;r. wil.U-rne.-i:;. i beheld the woman, in whom . " " 4 'J "i'""i lie l. vpia IU liud embodied the warmth and riu'.j-fr.l- "... i i . ne:-;s of home, set up as a type of sin be- fore the people. Her matronly fame was laouuen under all men's feet, hii'amv was babbling around her in the public market place. For her kindred, should the tidings ever reach them, and fur the companions of her unspotted life there remained nothing but the contagion of her dishonor, which would not fall to bc distributed in strict accordance and pro portion with tho intimacy and sec-redness of their previous relationship. Then why since the choice was with himself should the individual, w connection wiih the fallen woman had been the most intimate and sacred or them all, come forward to vindicate his claim to an inheritance so little desir able? He resolved not to be pilloiied beside her on her pi-destal of sham unknown to all but blester Pvvuno, and possessing the lock- .aid k.v of her silence, he ch.oso to withdraw" his nam from tho roll of mankind, and. as ro garoeu his form, r t i und interests, to vamsu out of life a., cmi letely as if hL in. toed lay at the bottom of th-: :;n, whither rumor had h ag ago consigned him. Tins purpose once effected, new interests Wuiild imme.liatety spring up, and likewise a new pun c-se: darl:. k i true, if not guilty, hut of b.see . u'.,ugh to engage the full stuith --f his facul ties. In pursuance of this resolve he tc.d: up his iosid.-::ce in the Piiriiai: towm r., Roger Chdht'-voiaii, without other m troduction than the iearn:..g and in'ci gence or wnic-i Le pe-s a cuimeii L.ca- are. A; previous pe: of h;s Id extensive iy .a-rpia;:.:. 1 science of tie.- day. i: w: that he ; ;-, c nu d bin , was cordial iv icceive.l. - na.re lei l 1 a ". ; a jahi m,. i".e a 'a lat i ae i, . ; s.s : ,-. :. , were of r;.; e . . l a. . . :, His form gr- w ,a; :. though s rill rich an : tain nadatude iy j ;.j h. He was c n oh . ; v: alarm or ether s-.u'.-.'. n his hand over hi- I -tin -ii and then a idc :. pain. L'uch was tho voi:ra d:.:. ::. and s., hand;, that his d.vmu-t is at gtiish.-.!. ail m. h Chiliingwoi ! h m:s:e ! i a i a . e . v. aen ;.- nd.ent to n ; i . IK0I''e could tell whetic". dr. p; c'mv5J' :;s il v''i"e. cut of tin- s a y 6tar,;1 idem the tat hi r ear;!:, hs.d P-l!t'et of llv.t..-- i-.-lO-t. el speit oi m.-',erv wi.ten was e heightened to tiie miaicnh.us. I now :t-owii to -. -. , f CI s ered ob.-crved that he :r;, Ine i-iossoms cu w.l.l bowers. blossoms of wild '.Ud ted da? up roots and plucked off twigs f tlie fl)rest tries, like one- acquun Ho was beaii to speak cf iir Kenelm S'hy and other famous men w f't'icntlc at'tammcnts were c.-t.a !:ar1 IeFf than .-up.en;atr.r;-.l h 11Jo " cones i . nceius or as-, e Vv"hy, with such rr.uk in th liana d wornl, had he come kit nor: V, 1 it could T1' : e was in great citn eecki!;o llie wilderuc-s? In an.-' tn ti.a- .. ., ....... , .ver to tiu-s qe.ery a : timer gained as. nr. aim, nowever an; en j i-o-ii,e n i t t peepie- T .......... K .. . 1 . . . . nee that iic. iv en nan wrougiti an ;usi inte iniracle I by transporting' an cudta-nt dect-r o! I,1jJic troiJ1 iX Oerniati univt rspy h.-.idv, through the air ami sstting h:m down at the door of Mr. Dimmesda h-'s study: Individuals cf wis.rr f.iith. indeed, who knew that heaven 'promotes iu purposes 'Uhont anuiug at the stage od'ect c-f wliat is called miraculous interposition w'e inclined to c:ee a ri.vidc m iu! hand m ttoger i miangwortu s so oppoitune arrival. This idea was countcnar.ee,! by the strong interest which the physician eve r - manifested in the young clergyman; by attached himself to him as a pari. 1 doner, and sought to win a friendly regard and confidence from bis naturally reserved cn(.,'l,;Ta.. i ; . . i . couoiuoiiv. uu e.vp:esseo great alarm; at his pastor's state of health, but was 1 anxious to attempt the cure, and, if clt uuuoi laKcn, seemeu not (I e: pond : ent of a f.-ivnv-. i a A i-co.it 'cm, ,a i..,.,. ' the deacons, the motherly dames and w .v.,..,. mi nui .3, the young and fair maidens of Mr. Dim- mesdale's flc-ck were alike importunate j mat ne snouni make tnal of the phvsi- j cian's frankly offered skill. Mr. Dim- I mesiiaie gently repelled their entreaties j "1 need no medicine," said he. uut now coma tae young minister ; say so when, with every successive Sab- j bath, his cheek was paler and thinner ( and IU3 voice more tremulous than be- ; loio wiien u nau now necome a con stant habit, rather than a casual gesture, to press his hand over his heart? Was he weary of his labors? Did he wish to die? ihese questions were solemnly pro- pounded to Mr. Dimmesdale by the elder ministers of Cos con and the deacons of j HIS Church. V.lm. to thpir n'n iilirQco 1 - 7 - 1 - iii u.;w, "dealt with him" on the sin of rejecting ihe aid which providence so manifestly ui vut. no iiHteiiwi m suenco ana finally promised to confer with the phy sician. "Were it God's will." said the ""Rev- LOllSBriiG, N. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER erentl Mr. DnnnicsiL;! vh,"i in fjiIMl- ; uioors, r.nT my w.rrcws, and in v sins, am! . mvn:mn ... i ...... i i. .. and what is e,nhly i th,rn l-e tmned . ... fe'-'t-- an. i uie spinru .i iro with ! you should put your skill to the proof in j "h" rci.!;,-..i p,.,,. -n- xu; rt. pi.oa U:.;;rr ( nnluig'worth TlUI1 In:U T''-- 'tuess which. wh"fhr im posed or natural, mnikcd all h:s deport ment, "it is thus that a voting clergy man is apt to speak. VoathVul m-n not having taken a d-.ep root, give u their la-hl 0f life so easily ! And sair.tiv men, who walk with (b-l on o:uti. would fain bo away to walk wuli him on the golden pavements of the New Jerusalem." "N. rejoined the j....,g n dTVtti putting his ha:: 1 to, his he';.:", v.:;!: a hush cf p:::n Hitting vi r h:s brow, "were I wurthh r to walk there 1 could be better co:, tent to t-ai here." "(Jood me n ever iuU rj ret them.-elves too meanly," said the physician In this manner the mvsvr: Koger Chi'.'iingworth U-eame the nu-d ical adviser of Lhe Reverend Mr. Dim-me.-'lale. As not only tile d; pi ts, rested the phyi.-;u!i. but v.-;i.; .-; r ly moved t... look :alo the charact- r a: 1 qualities c f the p.. tn-ut. ilu-.-- i-.a, i:., ;, so different m age. came g:al'.;:.,:v f. social muen tune t".r.;:ier r sake of th" n'.na.-'eT';, ji( r t:.e to e:i- alae tne l-':i Lu gat"'i-r -l.i-.t-, v. i liealing Iv.ha in th. m. tie v t-; waihs on 1 a. se i -ie .-: or u th-- :..:e mingling van.-io talk witii i'..- . :.t and murmur !' the w;r. -- ' - sohann wind a-ah.ni !:g ti. V . - huu..o .. t"'s. Often, hkew.se. :: v.'a a.-;.t m . ; of the other in hi ,he e of sta:v;.:si I.-,,.: .1, retiremor.t. ' v;,.v. ,- -N Thu-; hh.aer Cialhn-w..rth '-.an-:- -1 l--.s 1 .-r- his patlctit cart Uiiiy, b. 1 h i;, t,.. . a w .r. m . l.::n ;n la-e:-.ima:y h-e. k,-.-; ad :. -:t cu-tou:. d -aihway in tn-- :..:-s - of v.ai':-. : , o thouants tatniiiar t . h::n .:: ', . - j-;- : ;. .;. ; ; I eare-1 wi.. n thrown am-.-i e., : e; r,.: in- .v. '.. I -to sceia-ry, the nov, hy el . loei: ful t-, a - , : out :-',.,:etf7;rg new a t ii..- ssrhie.- ol'n;s prob! ::; .'si characte v. lb- d. t m. .1 it :.:-.!. it tiiat h a: Woudd M-,-m. to know the m:.-. ...fere se.;.- - a- - attempt':.,' :-. do i.im g ,i h. r-v; r V at t '..,: I . tht ro is a ie-art and an mt- te.. but wal. .- j . d I.-.-;::, s of th ps.. . ,d ;::.. u: , ;m.;.d " !"s a v. ' witu ti." p. subs.: ; , ..: ti- .... ! , ,r- a-a d K - ,: . Jhnr i):.aa.--daie th -usht a: i - ,:i ,; .s y ' - int. n-e that the ! o.-aiy nh;.:.,. , v v'.-.M in a.- . - : '.' ' - hl: ly : a-'- a , se a :: : - - . s: ' . :- " 1 u ..- ib- r (h.ddnsw r h - ts,- t .. , f m . .. - a ;: ; ia'l. th ..ad .::. ; h .- . ,! v . :. M ;.;h. .,- ; "':' ,v" '- ' ' ' ';- ; :.-' i ' .;' . p . r- Ib-s ' '- i-'-s I.. .. . t: .. ".-a. i ; t...- ,. .: i . . . .-, , .. . . .. . as i for ,- r . 1,1,-, .. ' r-u- h :: a i ' ; b -a ' 1 . -r : a tim -. ; t i -. - ' '' ' ; ' ' " ' tn-' t i t a 1 t . d- s s m iny bh Vol-.- 1 t 1 wif-s T'.ii was no ; Dim:;:, s.h tah--: he r kmd. as if ia.-a: .:.': - euur by his own ehol Dhntii'-- Isle s i a us: sr. .;-y m t- -1 : hoard. i'.::d en. la" w'aicii mu," he h: - ! himself only a; an I V so-, m i i i:at : once 1. !- :: . . i a: his cota-or-l of : ; M: . i a : h,ve b r t !'l: . v. ;.- j ( man of nil m laha. i t within roach i f h . : The new a ; . h . f t h f r with a pious wid e v f ::. . . J ... who dwelt in a t -'.s c.-v. . , nearly i h .- ::- on v. h;.-a th structure o Km. '- . I. built. !t h el th-. :S':e. s-v,,. Isaac J-..',i:i-.u's h -.a I i , , . ; and s wa ; w. !I a :- ;. c.d i reflections, s It :'. ;,- : ; . ploymen's. in b ,'ei t-,u:i,t. r a: phys.c. The ua sh. i sy ear-- i : wv.low a--:gn'd to J.':-. lh: s front up irtni' ut. with, a suuuv and h.e;i vy -, iiah s.v e e.rt. in - t noontide shadow when ,h -:-a walls were bus.: ar -:,r 1 v, a:h said to b? from tae ( 1 ,!.-. 1 e ( Ul 'IM of '.',. : i ..' a or, at a'd events tsp storv of D i-. i'l : a, sel ; ad b ah h N;tihan :1m Tro-.h.'!. m d faded, but wh:.. h ma le' th'- ; of the scene aim..,: as u bub- . . . I - l. .1 uu-v- roan ;r-'-'T;u jls the wu-e oenouneii,- e, r Here the pale clergvman pile-1 t-,p library, rich with parehuoa.t I..'.- hi aid folios cf the fathers, and the let s of ,u-, i i- , i.iwua,, aa-.i monaisn eruna.on, e thn Protost-.-.t ,p,-;....3 ... ... .'-t. A whteii vilified ami decried that chissof v, were yet constrained of;, u P t hey avaii f tho themselves. On the oth-r sme house old Roger Chillm-worth tr- ranged his stndiv and laboratory- not each as a modern man of sevnee" would reckon even tolerably caaph provided with a i:i-t,!im- ap'si-.t: the means of compound me d ru' bat and and chemicals, which the practiced ah horn- 1st Knew well how to turn to purpose j With such, commodiousr.c-ss of situation, ! these two learned persons sat themselves down, each in his own domain, vet fa- ' miliar! v nissinr r .,,.., . ... 1 i" - ttv,,1 .iirr a i o i a i , i io .-io ,i hi i c i.i ut i :ii ti i vj not incurious inspection into each others h.inn VUiJlUOJ. CHAPTER VI II thf wvru v-r. .c r..T- - - - -...... .iii..-,,. A I ; , r i j"c ei.i leaning 1:1s io; entail on his hand and Ids elbow on the sill of the ouen window that looked ward ;;, "mi - the -r-v.-viri hw n r ! "Where " asl-.-.i hn I . 11 c: . " '' with a l.M.k ' ,:.-, i rn!i: ri v t , V I , ;t theia -forit w.isr. :n i:ow.i- tlavs 1 o'tcd ' tr-n !-h l'th ;.t ;.;;y obj.-ct r i:.:.:.ilu;rr - h-Te 1 v. .ii cither t , mv kind d,-,-t herbs w.tn such a d.ivk. li.p.bv l.-.tt'.-" "Fven in tie- grave;, ar-1 i,.,-t. !lt he.nd.' answer-:-1 the phw.ci.m. c.ntuiu.t.g employ me: l- " d'ney m-.v o u.e. 1 found them gr-.wmg a L-r.r, uii:, h bore n t-.nh:. -t. a.- or r m- i.. .rud of th.' de, id a...:) th,-. .- r.-!v -., that have l. do n up-.:; tie -a, i t.. keAji him in r tjiembran.-e. d :. at. w out of his li.-.'.-.t, and :p:;y. it i.i.o U so: no hide-aas j-.-er.-t tnat w.- s -i with bitii. sin.i wha a h- h.id il t c T to e .at.-,; .1, .1 :. ; hi, ' l ! -t i . i: "IV. h .re .-am ;ir. leu. "he '. : , s .-! i v ! re.-.j i, :; , "And v.h.V,-i :. - ' - ; ... -1 t- C!:m. " V" t.-.-r-'f. Te te ' . s j.uvers . f i.a'ure cad e the e .rif :i of" 1 weed, I: pra,- t ! t heart : mah'e t. crnn- ' " 1 ! 1 : : . your.," i on ': - ; l - 1 t w! en '. ; a .1.1. , with a i : i ' : - - -p.-. lo ad hi b. ; - n t ; l '-!: is t.SI'e , 1 i: n : . : -..' . t i,,-;r f. 11 -".' :-:.: t ...'. i c s -s s n . , i-. nt:a! - If h ;ve m-' P f: : ;. l. t!:..t can t s us : Welfare - ; ' i' me. !1 1.' u 1 sea , ; . .e v. a :. . ms.-i :u ! . Moll that se:,-. n , si t.t . v. :is. v.-.-;: . -. a i" i. ,d a r. a : f .. slty, :u-i:.-: fr. -m any t p.e that deed, of i -.'.-. p agitated h:s t teiuperane at. sen- it ;-. e and ii"rv. .us "Put, r...w. 1 -.-.-.hl .-kiih-d phy-:. i.m v ':, th.-r of my w. in g, .. -1 S'M'th he d me t . havo profile 1 by b;s kmdly care of t!::.-, weak frame of mi, :..-" Before Roger Chn'.lin rth could answer tie v heard thy char, wil ! laughter of a voting ehii l's v.. me pr -ceednng from th" adjacent burn! irrouu 1 Looking in-tinetive ly from the p.-n tl.-' l:t t! .it window f. r it w.-s M-.mn ..-r t'n i:rli.i-f r I elo Id Me-ter i'r t-.ne ; tie I'earl pa.-:: g ah tue t -p., traversed the U.eh '.'',-. fo I in ( O T. I'' S Principles Not Men. v , ii i iarmori' i in t-o r t ant to s'ami ; upon the Deuiorut ic i httiorrn than i 1 J ;: . .. 4 .... i i- - . ' ...... e ,. though lie were a Wa-hinton or an Andrew Jackson. It is of the i i i i s' r. i.e- ii ir 'i ti rtt.-... utmost nni'oi tance to fc'ainl by priuciles. Highest of all in Leavening Tow (4 ABSOLUTELY FMRE In I :id'- S.mi's lhnpIo corn m i io n . f e. t;,r'- t- 1UT ire int.. the statu of the ,-x '':t i vt- '1 -p.irt ineu t - tna.l- an in re-'i: t: r-p'.rr : c st-.ti-tir f Th- (, Wah.,.' 1, I- I,"-!, -i ' fr .in ri. ::. "i, ' t ... ,-e n. r rni t i. - ii r- V.. Hi i s- i r ' rn t . ' r. . II 1 !. e i I y t va: i ;- d 'lie i n - v 1 :-'d ' 1 ' a r 1 1 . be u. r . I f ..Ml. 1 I U .-. a; '7-J. v..-, r " : r. : - i '.V . t n a .1 ! i It: 1 . ,e U ' l I I - 1 V A TI l-'n t, i Arirv r. f.-r, Ir f r it- r;; v a ry . Now i ry I ids I t '-'. I d r s' v !y d . y i . !. c id. . r -. i v f r- -er Ista h. !:r K r--r. - -. iv i : n. !.;-! ' - u : w r i t ' .' nr. i . . if i h-.-. .- r K . i . . . i i .... -- i r v - i . . : ' r - i- f . . r ::: r.- r vi dl f-"r-rn fr in li .-r;t t - ....... . . .. , i . nriu i: j,)sr t;, ,. tto,,,- V;'1 ut. '. r hn-l - -p-lv nnd --'-'-.-' r--,t.-rv ,..nrn f T !,ir.:f ;.. h.,w s ,pnt. ('o.'- dru. Jl.o.i. r. Iji.i' i;i'-i -. and M'MHKUX er. Latest U. S. Gov"t Report. ( n: a i " 'imbian j o.ta stamps rom- - i a pr.-tn : in in Kurojo. Life, Il-.ilili and Strf-uih. i a y. i y. j 7 rri -. .-,et i .-.-1 -'I r.. - i . I M I' i 1 i u i . t 1! New Barber Shop. A Beautiful tlish She for Ladies. I: rrta.n. :'i , ,.B M , '.' t-rt 4-t . Ii ii t.: to: mim. prices, f2, ta.ao, 3, t3a. CcascClalri Sh:t Co., Mfn, lyy, Viz. y- i. i y - PERRY A, PATTERSON; . i t n 4 ili.i: i