THE SCARLET LETTER. By NATHAUTEL HAWTHOEITE. J. N. Harris, Supt. Ii-o V;sisioiinl cards. C. M. COOKE & SON, 70 PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS The Superintendent of Public Schools of Franklin county will be in Louisburg on the second Thurs- lnv; nf Pphinnru A r-i I Tnltr O ... j , .f,iu, u uijr , ocp- tember, October and December, and remain for three days, if necessary, The good old minister came freshly for the purpose of examining appli- from the death chamber of Governor ...,nfa ts tjinoii n tVin Bnw:. o.L. i , . . 1 Ul wvernor of this county. will also be in to heaven within that verv hnn- aa Louisburg on Saturday of earh now surrounded, libntiia M;nfi;i. seek, and all public days, to attend sonagesof olden times, with a ii,w to any busmess.connected with mv halo, that clorified office". night of sin as if the denary n-T,0- t.: . , .7 r "',MUU1 icii, mm an innentance of his glory or as if he had distant shine of the celestial city, while -uimerwara to see the trium phant nilsrrim TlARa Within if o now, in short, good Father Wilson was with a lighted lantern! The glimmer of nay almost laughed, at them, and then nvuucu ii no were going mad. a ine Reverend Mr. Wilson passed "'J lUililUK 1113 treneva CloaJr iirnr M-w. -u - -- im r nu uuo arm, and holding the lantern before his tu me oiner, tne minister could hardly restrain himself from speaking p' 8 eyeniS to you, venerable r atner Wilson! 0m nn hif- i iJa u pieasant nour with me!" Good heavensl Hart Af- ri,,j . actually spoken? For one 'instant he wuevyu tuar mesa wnra v,o j his hps. But they were uttered onlv louisburo, n. c. within his lmaiHnatfrm tt, Will attend the courta of Franklin, Vance. Father Wilson con tinned tn V , rm villa Wrron nnrt Wnto Mntl .i " LLOUU tUUimUea tO SteD SIOwIv the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt onward. looking carefully at the muddv souecuons, kc. pathway before, hia f aA ' LOUISBURG, K C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1803. ATTORNEYS-A.T-LAW, LOUISBL'BO. V. C. supreme Court of North C.iroliup, and the U. lummary suggested the above ccn i Circuit and District Courts. celts to Mr. Dimmesdalf w-h am',-i. E. M ALONE. 1)R J wo do re, adj R W. H. NICHOLSON, PRACTICINO PHYSICIAN, LOUISBURG, K: C. E. W. TIMBERLAKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUISBCHO, N. C. Office on Nash street. ana xhou ana 1 must stana togerner. But the daylight of this world shall not see our meeting. " Pearl laughed again. But before Mr. Dimmesdale had done speaking a lieht cWmd f., ,i over all the muffled sky. It was doubt less caused by one of those meteors which, the night watcher may so often observe burning out to waste in the racant regions of the atmosphere. So powerful was its radiance that it thor oughly illuminated the dense medium of cloud betwixt the sky and earth The ffreat rault brightened, like the dome of an immense lamp. It showed the famil iar scene of the street with the fistinct ness of midday, but also with the awfulness that is always imparted to familiar objects by an unaccustomed light. The wooden houses, with their juttin stones and qnaint gable peaks; the door steps and thresholds, with the early grass springing up about them; the ear den plots, black with freshly turned earth; the wheel track, little worn? and even in the market place, margined with greeu on either sido-aU were visible but with a singularity of aspect that seemed to give another moral interpre tation to the things of this world than T - . ccr 00016 before. And there that sounded, indeed, fifce human lan gTiAge, but was only such gibberish as children may be heard ainusing them selves with, by the hour together. At 11 events, if it Involved any secret in formation in regard to old RogeT Chil bngwoTth, it Was in a tongue unknown to the erudite clergyman, and did but mcrease the bewilderment of his mind. The elfish child then laughed aloud. "Dost thou mock me now?" said the minister. "Thou wast not bold! Thou wast not true!" answered (he child, "Thou wouldst not promise to take my hand and mothers hand tomorrow noontide!" vYoruiysir.' answered the physician I ... . ' rllPhNt nf al ;n T : r . . . "u,uui:l ow"- LJtwt U. S. Gov't Report. l I J JJ F Mil 11 x-jy vvu 8. SPRUILL, Oranvlll tha Unn attention gven to collections, &c N. Y. OULLEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, FRANKLINTON, N. C. All legal business promptly attended to. T 1HOS. B. WILDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOi isnrTRB. v. r. Offloe on Main street, one door below Eagle Hotol. W. M. PERSON, - o j ... uo wuuuy pathway before his feet and never once platform. When the light of the glim mering lantern had faded quite away the minister discovered, by the faint "Ultu uame over nun, that the last few moments had Wt. n nble anxiety; although his mind had made an involuntary effort to relieve it self by a kind of lurid playfulness. Shortly afterward the like grisly sense of the humorous again stole in among the solemn phantoms of his thou-ht He felt his limbs ' ' OliU YVltli tllO WHAT ?sYT ATTORNEY-A.T-L AW, f.nnmTinnft w r Practices in aU coart. Offl In t ni T?0 bVllness the night, House. aouotea whether he should be nblo 1 A- 1 1 w 10 aescena the steps of, the scaffold. Morniner would brpak nH ga I " IIIIU ' I 1 1 I I I r r M mm I fhaM fPl.A ' .1 1 1 , ... a- "eiguoornooa would bsnn DO I to rouse itself. Tho eaviif " v"UBv 1L9CI, COU1- insr forth in th Him frcniio-i, v ' ' ' -...m I "iiiiiutlb, Y Ullill , " . owirsey ucrceive a vaguely denned fasrure aloft 1'hIpti is a ncipntific adjustment of the ele- 0U the nlace of ,h.,ne imJ 11 , tn.-nts of Oxvkmi and Nitrogen magnetized: 1 1 -t? , S , e' mi half crazed iiii 1 tiip cdmpound is so condensed and m i If portable that it is sent all over the worH . It has heen in nsftfor over twenty years: tionn:indd of patients have been treated. ni over one thonsand physicians have nwpil it and recommended it a very signifl- betwixt alarm and enrinrit-r ri,i knocking from door to door summoning all the people to behold the ghost as he needs must think it of some defunct transgressor. All people, in a word, would come ,n r. yr j , , siuuiuuug over tneir thresholds, and turn aiuuuu me scairoiu. vv horn would they discern there, with the red eastern light upon his brow? Whom, but the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, half frozen to death, overwhelmed with shame, and standing where Hester Prynne had stood! Carried away by the grotesque horror of this picture, the minister, unawares, and to his own infinite alarm, burst into a great peal of laughter. It was imme diately responded to by a light, airy childish laugh, in which, with a thrill of the heart but he exquisite pam, or pleasure as acute he recognized the tones of little Pearl "Pearl! Little Pearl!" cried he after a moment's pause; then, suppressing his voice, "Hester! Hester Prynne! Are you there?" "Yes; it is Hester Prynne r she re plied, in a tone of surprise; and the min ister heard her footsteps approaching from the sidewalk along which she had been passing. "It is I and my little Pearl." "Whence come you. Hester?" asked the minister. "What sent you hither?" "I have been watching at a deathbed " answered Hester Prynne; "at Governor .Timurups aeatnoed, and have taken his measure for a robe, and am now going homeward to my dwelling." "Come up hither, Hester, thou and little Pearl," said the Reverend Mister wunmesaaie. "Ye have both been here before, but 1 was not with you. Come up hither once again, and we will stand all three together!" She silently ascended the steps and stood on the platform, holding little Pearl by the hand. The minister felt for the child's other hand and took it. The moment that he did so there came what seemed a tumultuous rush of new life, other life than his own, pouring like a torrent into his heart and hurry ing through all his Veins, as if the mother and the child were communi cating their vital warmth to his half torpid system. The three tunned an eiectric chain Rtrwl 7vT . -1 iure. And there I ""'su,P'ai governor mthrop, doin- SShAatf mlmter th his "and over hat my poor skill might to give him his heart, and Hester FWnr, Re k , ..h nature. 11 "T coma not bnt ask hen'! whether thero had not originally been a defect of truth, courage and loyalty on f iTv iD tbe minister to be thrown into a potion where so tnnch evu was to be foreboded and nothing auspicious to be boped. Ucr only justification Uy m the fact that ahc had been able to uiso-rn no method of 'UU1K miu a blHckor ruin than oerwneimed herlf, except bv acquiescing in Roger CHnllin.fworth'. schom. of disguise. Under that impulse she had nlale l,.r choice, and had chosen as it now appeared, the more v.-retche.l . ; ""clCTJ luopnysician, anenianve of the two Shrt 1 who had nrnr frt f 1. , 1 - determined piatrorm. "Pious Master Dimmesdale. I yet be possible., strong "'JT i . A change say,,: What W 7 WeU' Wel1' imleed! 0f hard nd -olemu tnnl fit V'L have hrP" hnnJ- ud-whose heads are in our self no longer so inadequate to cr ' that the miniatration x arS i We7r7am iu raiRbtly a- on 7t ! tr- demonetize fli!verof tie mette and waf in T I 1 1 J null half maddene.1 that there is t . be bin. goo?. Z; dear WendTpr ! whetnf f lLe Cin8 f "iW'.f. w -uchwii mou tnat 1 was here?' 1 way since then to a hi -,er i.-r T), , ' asked the minister fearfully. : old man. on the other C j t ll broIb Rrtle7J-;th'Wa"- : nearer to her levei! or Zl ' tua ixirtiter. i nau spent the better part of the night at the bedside of tho ABSOLUTEl PURE lgliiie has thin rvlvantor otr beauty it never fade. It in hu-nan natur to hat him whom vim l ure miurl Life. Health and ami RsnltR." is the title of a book of 200 P'""1, published by Drs Starkey & Palen. whic'.i irives to aU inquirers full information h to this remarkable enrative arent and a rood recor.1 of Bnrpriinr enres in a wide rane of rhronic cases -many of thom after rxMivj; abandoned to die by other physi cians. VTiU be mailed free to any address jii application. Drs. STARKEY & PA.LEN, 15 2 Arob Street, Philadelphia. Pa. 1 20 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal. Please meution this paper. k Coffins and Caskets. We have added to our already complete line of wood and cloth covered Coffins and Caskets SOLID WALNUT COFFINS AND CASKETS. Also a line of METALICS as nice and fine goods as is car ried in auy of our cities. Our stock is complete in every line. Respectfully, R. R. Harris & Co. Louisburg, N. C. , . , mo uauu over his heart, and Hester Prynne with the lclier gnmmenng on her bosom and little Pearl, herself a sym bol and the connecting link between those two. They stood in the noon of that strange and solemn splendor as if it were the light that is to reveal all secrets and the daybreak that shall unite all who belon? to mm snnfK There was witchcraft in little Pearl's ! -JCO, auu cer race as she glanced up ward at the minister wore that naughty smile which made its expression fri quently so elhsh. She withdrew her I uum air. uunmesdale's and point ed across the street. But ho clasped both his hands over his breast and cast his eyes toward the zenith. Nothing was more common in those days than to interpret all meteoric ap pearances and other natural phenomeua that occuned with less regularity than the rise and set of sun and moon as so many revelations from a supernatural source. Thus a bla . o "i-i , " otiuiu of flame, a bow or a sheaf of arrows seen in the midnie-ht skv dian warfare. Pestilence was known to ! have been foreboded by a shower of : crimson light. We doubt whether any ! markel event for good or evil ever be- ! fell New Ens-land fmm it oai i down to Revolutronarv times of whir-b i tho tnKnl,Ui, 1 .1 . i 1 . . .uauiauL uau not oeen previously I morning on the scaffold whore evi". doers raiucu uy some spectacle of this nature, j are 6fct "P to pnldic slmme. SaUn ot seldom it had been seen by multi- i dropped it there. 1 take it. inton.'i-i- a tudes- : scurrilous jest against vour rcvLrJnce Oftener, however, its credibility- rested i ct indeed he was blind and as on the faith of some lonely eyewitness i he CTcr Rn(I always U A puro liand riLiv ucuem me wonder through tho col- ! ut-5tld ao g'ove tu cover it! ease. He eroinr homo to :, i.t 1 likewise was on my wav homeward when this strange light shone out. Come with me, 1 beseech you, reverend sir else you will be poorly able to do Sab bath dnty tomorrow. Aha! see now how they trouble the brain these books! these books! Yon should studv less good sir. and take a little pastime or these night whimseys will grow upon you." "I will go home with you," said Mr. Dimmesdale. With a chill despondency, like one awaking all nerveless an ngly dream, he yieldetl hini.self to the physi- ; cian and was led away. j The next day, however, being the Sab- ' bath, he preached a discourse which was held to be the richest and most power ful and the most replete with heavenly influences that, had ever proceeded from his lips. Souls it is said more souls j than one were brought to the truth by : the efficacy of that sermon -in.l v,,. h a holv within themselves to cberi: gratitude toward Mr. Dimmesdale throughout the long hereafter. But as he came down tbe pulpit steps the grav bearded sexton met him, hohliiu,' up a black glove, which tho minister recog nized as his ow n. u was toni d, siiid tbe sexton, "this oLoopea ror. In tine. Ikter Prvime rev ived V ; meet her fonncr hnstand. arfd do wl a might 1 in l-r i,wt-r for the revne ui ' the victim on whuin he had no evidently set Ins gr;ix;. The .,,;,,: WAS nt or' , to seek. Chie aftern.Hn. walking with j I earl in a ro'ired part of the peniiifuht the b-held the old with a basket on one arm and a staff m the other hand, ah,:,g the gr.mnd inquest of root and herta to o.nccvt his medicines witiial. Hester little Pearl run down to the margin of thu wat.-r and plav r, tho shells u:d tangl.d seaw.d' u:,-.l she should have ta!kd wlIe wrh ven der gatherer f hertv. S, th child ti.-v away hke a bird, and m.ikin- bar., he small white feet went lettering aloi.g the moist margin of the s'a. Here and there he came to a fnij stop, and ierpe.l curi.uslv into a left by the retiring tide as' a mirn r f r Pearl to si-c her m. Forth p-e-d at herx-ut of the i.x,l. witii dark. gh.-:en-ing curls around her head, and Vr. 'lf smile in her eyes, the image of a little maid whom Pearl, having no other play mate, inv-.ted to take her hand and run a race with h-T. Put the visionary lit tle maid, on her part. I reckoned likewise hs ii to ray: '-lnis is a letter! Come thou into tho p,l:" And Pearl stepping 1-, mid.i, ,1,.,.,,. .h;,..j ll0r Jw white f.-et at the U,;t,,:::. w,,:,. uf ;l still lov er d-pth came the -ieani of a kind of fragmentary s::. floating to and fro in the agiUited water. Meanwhile her mother had acctcd th.e nhvsician three years ? This too remem immed lately after th repeal of the Sherman law which it waf paid would do away with filter. It i. paid there i. to U about fo(jr million? of dn;:ar!, roii:ed pej mr.nth and this i t- l'.rn! tii,,i,l until silver cirr ulatiori i creae,l onA hundre.i ar.d millions of dollars. W,u, ler me neiawru paper' wi I ? about this ? (rentlem.-n. be e-. l n - fifty wU: trcug-th. U,r -i , -f. T.TV..,. I i - f.;.. , , . or i ... M I ,. R . r... , f.r4 'f'-"' -..-. ... : - -. i do m- r j rf ; i . . , ....... '. . , .... i r-nr. tttoagtit I ..r.-! -. , "o cig'.t niiwi ir . ; rr . :n t ; ' rm: ' n ; r -. i th- country is Democrats rule. s a , Mr. when tl t leve at. M I' and Mr. Carlisle may ru:tke what seems to us niis'ake. b it tl.e are informed ai.d know what they are about, and we are a ,,tt more than ever iu. li 1 them a chance without c i''. They have i. ever lee wantir, yet. to 1 V e 1 ni n - 1 would speak a word with you,' "a v.-rJ that concerns us Bank of louisburg Does a General Banking Business. Northern Eichange bought and sold. COUNTY ORDERS CASHED "Minister!" whisnerpd lifrio Poori X - - -. w a kML -- oaj , oxilUf iissea Mr. Dimmesdale.. "Wilt thou stand here with mother and me tomorrow noontide?" inquired Eearl. Collections made and returned promptly Ylv -S-' .m7 Uttle Pear1'" an" leturneu promptly swered the minister; for with the new energy or tne moment all the dread of public exposure, that had bo long been the anguish of his life, had returned upon him; and he was already trembling at the conjunction in which with a strange joy,. nevertheless he now found himself. "Not so, my child. I shall Interest. indeed stand with thy mother and thee mouths. r nree one other -day, but not tomorrow." I D.. 1 1 -. .. ... tcan laugnea ana attempted to pull away her hand. But the minister held it fast. "A moment longer, my child!" said he. "Bnt wilt fhon .- ivucu f car ,(,to take my hand and mother's hand to morrow noontide?" "Not then, Pearl," said the minister, "but another time." "And what other time?" persisted the .11 J W. P. WEBB, President. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. "fVrlnkHn ?f a ecree ,f l.he Superior court li nAh cV,unty, made in the case' of F. Ii "unty, made in the case of F. at n?2 V8 fllia Thorxfaa, I will el i i Lon ihaBCt,on.Btthe court hon8 door ZUond the 4th dy of Tl?"rt.cnT?ed -by mortgage of Joel child. - 'ar9 jinn Vita n "Ci f t .1 'or.le,! in r" ,1- ' 'tJ?i u&ncJ' and "At the ereat iudffment dair" hiu w uuuuier, ouu tsiraugeiy enongn the sense that he was a professional - v i v.uui.& ... Lim i. ( iii ii imiwiiafi mvn t- k,. is. w. timberi.akb: i r ...rr' w , rn i w ( i j n . 1 i uia w nr i,nn p n n or 'hnn mms w ' UommisBiouer. Z. ' . . ' "u wjcio, 1-rankHn ' 8r of Pe.d8 ofSce in 'inh lmu " -y S".8 oi sale, one-foarth c'P ? ?. VCe 01icredjt of 12 months with 8 - ..UBL on aeierren payment. 17 r m before judgment eatt thy mother oreu. uiairnifunir iirif" it,lt;.. i - - o -uiuiiiuj UJl-UHiiU of his imagination, and shaped it more . distinctly in his afterthought. It was ! indeed a majestic idea, that tho destiny I of nations should be revealed in these awful hieroglyphics on the cope of ! heaven. A scroll so wide might not be ! deemed too expansive for Providence to I io.c rt peoples uoom upon. The belief was a favorite oue nth our forefathers as betokening that their infant common wealth was under a celestial guardian ship of peculiar intimacy and strictness But what shall we say when an individ- 1 C , .. y uiacuv ers a revelation, addressed to himself alone, on the same vast sheet of record? In such a case it conld only be the symptom of a highly disordered men tal state, when a man, rendered morbid ly self contemplative by long, intense and secret pain, had extended his e-o-tisin over the whole expanse of nature until tke firmament itself should appear no more than a fitting page for his souls history and fate! We impute it therefore solely to tho disease in his own eye and heart, that the minister, looking upward to the ze nith, beheld there the appearance of an uumcuao leLier ine letter A marked out in lines of dnll red light. Not but me meteor may have shown itself at that point, burning duskily through a veil of cloud, but with no such shape as his guilty imagination gave it, or, at least, with so little definiteness that an other's guilt might have seen another symbol in it. There was a singular circumstance that characterized Mr. Dimmesdale's psychological state at this moment. All the time that he gazed upward to the zenith he was nevertheless perfectly aware that little Pearl was jointing her finger toward old Roger Chilling-worth, who stood at no great distance from the scaffold. The minister appeared to see him with the same glance that discerned the miraculous letter. To his features, to a:i ow, objects, the meteoric light imparted a new ex pression; or it nie-ht wnll hn H,ot tU physician was not careful then, as nt all other times, to hide the malevolence witn wmcn he looked upon his ictim Certainly, if tho meteor kindled np the sky and disclosed the earth with an awfulness that admonished Hester Prynne and the clergyman of the day of judgment, then might Roger Chilling worth have, passed with them for the arch fiend, standing there with a smile and scowl to claim his own. So vivid was the Expression, or so intense the minister's perception of it, that it seemed still to remain painted on the aner rne meteor had vanished with an effect as if the street and all thmgs else were at once annihilated. "Who is that man, Hester?" gasped Mr. Dimmesdale, overcome with terror. "I shiver at him! Dost thou know the man? I hate him. Hester!" She remembered her oath and was silent. "I tell thee my soul shivers at him!" muttered the minister again. "Who is he? Who is he? Canst thou do nothing for me? I have a nameless horror of the man!" "Minister," said little Pearl, "I can tell thee who he is!" "Quickly, then, child!" said the min ister, bending his ear clos to her "iipa. "Quickly! and as low as thou canst whisper.", Pearl mumbled something into his ear. . ft i . l mans you. my good friend." said the minister gravely, but FfartUnl at heart, for so run fused was his remem brance that he had almost brough; him self to loo!; nt the events of "the past night as visionary. Y s, it seems to bo my glove, indeed:" "And, since satan saw fit to sleal it, your reverence must n-eds handle him without gloves henceforward," remarked the old sexton, grimly smiling. -But did your reverence hear of the portent that was seen List nig 'it? a great red letter in the sky the letter A, which we interpret to stand for Angel. ' For. as our good Governor Wimhrop was made an angel this past nigjit. it was doubt less held fit that there should be som notice thereof." "No," answered the minister, "1 had not heard of it." : said she; I umch." "Aha! and i; it Mistress IPster that has a. word for old R. -r Oi;i;-.n. yorth?" uns-vcred h, ra:smg himself iro:u hi poture. "With all myhe;;;,: Why, mi.stre:. I hoar p! tnnngs of you on nil hand.-: NoI,,npT ago than venter eve a magistrate, a and g..iy m;;.;, ;va.- d , a rsi n g of your affairs. Mistuss Hester, and vvhir.-d mo that there had U-.-n inesti.,n ,,, corning yon in the council. lt WiW dt. hated whether or no. with safety to tho common weal, vender svarlet letter might bo taken off your bosom. ( n my life. Hester. 1 made my tntreaty to the worshipful magistrate th.:t :t might U done fortliwuh '." Thk Hurhnston New? iS7, When (hover ':-vear.d :-:JI1-l)- i his now celebrated Tariff Me-. ao in 17. ther went up arr-at wail which put him down. the mention of hi? name fr th Pre-idency in "'.r a:. other Wfli;, but th-' waii not . i ; r i e n t tn stem the tide ar.d amid -reat rj i poon a.- it dawi.ed whoever "th m" 1 backbor.e had o.-t f-trenth there wen oow i, and this tim- j' ,-. those whofhouM ; uV,..; 1 . . nor To shou .(ler w.':i L.;r j;t in fpite of all that La l,.Tn and done, (Jrovej- Cieve'.aT.d with a backbone "ail wooi and a yard wide" is uain on top. and what he advocates will erf lon be th popular idea. Don't L-o bark on (irover! This century ha? Lever eeeu any mcb a man! i'V :i tl.a to : un 1. e W e ; t n ,t a "th'TT!,' ' i r v e r O of a: oth. r m'- from i u - R I'l R- CPOSSfcrx i i I.!- 1 a k 1 ' : - f: all in t!ie I leasuro of the CHAPTER XI. HESTEi: AND THE PHYSICLvy. In her late singular interview with Mr. Dimmesdale, Hester Prymie wa& shocked at the condition to which sho found the clergymen redncett. His nerve seemed absolutely destroyed. His moral force was abx-ed into nioie than childish weakness. It groveled Leljv Jess on the ground even while hi., intel lectual faculties retained their pristine strength, or h;ul perhaps acquired a morbid energy which diae;iso onlv could hae given them. With her knowledge of a train of circumstances hidden from all others she could readily infer that, besides the legitimate action of his own' conscience, a terrible machinery had been brought to lear and was still opcr- ; ating on Mr. Dimmesdale's well bein" : and repose. Knowing what this poor, fallen man ; had once been, her whole soul was moved by the shuddering terror with which ho ! had appealed to her the outcast woman : for suuoort aiiainit his instinctively I discovered enem.v ..... 1U(Jie. over, that he had a right to her utmost aid. Little accustomed, in her long ! seclusion from society, to measure her ideas of right and wrong by uny stand- ! ard external to herself, Hester saw or ' seemed to see that there lav a respond- unity upon ner, in reference to the clergy- I man, which she owed to no other, nor tc i the whole world besides. The links that j united her to the rest of human kind links of flowers or silk or gold or what- i ever the material had all been broken. Hero was the iron link of mutual crime, which neither he nor she could break.' ! Like all other ties, it brought along with i it its obligations. I Now, however, her interview with the Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale, on the night of his vigil, had given her a new ! theme of reflection, and held up to her an ! object that anre, wort Vi v rf nnr- o-r ertion and sacrifico for its attainment, i She had witnessed the intense misery beneath which the minister struggled, or, to speak more accurately, had ceased to struggle. She saw that he stood orj the1 verge of lunacy, if he had not already stepped across it. It was im possible to doubt, that whatever pain ful efficacy there might be in the secret sting of remorse, a deadlier venom had been infused into it by the hand that proffered relief. A secret enemy had been continually by his side, under the semblance of a friend and helper, and had availed himself of the opportunities thus afforded for tampering with the delicate spring of Mr. Dimmesdale'a "It lie.s U"t magistrates to tae off this Uidge " calmly replied Hester. "Were I worthy to be quit of it. it would fail awav .,f own nature, or (e tran f. .: n .'. 1 tomeimng mat stiou rent It is a WiHol'.rou- ad vai.ta. t a man in every pur-uit or av cation, to secure a;j advi-er in a -eiisible w.; . In won, on there is at on r.- . abb' delicacy of tart and a plain f-ouiidnes? ( f judgment whirr, are rareiy combined to an eqal de cree in man. A certain rr,'i-;-ian having hear.l a village j.ot repeat some versus on a -,;o;din w;fe wa delighted with them a? to r. --iiet a copy. "There's no ne,e--t i' r that, i-aid the poet. Lave -(-.t the original. "' -1 fi:: "f; is h "did W 1 f O And !itom"-ri," piiM?e.l a bo v . poked his h-ad iiit.. a rrir. you po?t that letter vo Jr ave you tl.i- n; r : , i t' " six men s i m i i r. , i . o t- and h irr.ed- hai Nd t he coriducto ly it-1 1 the car. I ir-t Musician "!).-.- meet wife a i way m i 1 e '? " cond Musiciar. often before oin: 1-er's wo'iid be sur . V. I res. ii!d riiak u;rHirt. "Nay, then, wear it if it suit voii 1 t- tor," rejoined he. "A w.nian mu.-t ; needs follow her own fanry touchi::-' ; the adornuiont ..f h..r person. The l.T- ter is gaxly emhr-Lh red and thows ' right bravely on your m:- All this while H.-ster had tn !-.'--ing steadily at the old man. and wa sh-ked :is well as wonder smitten to discern what a cliange had U-en wrought upon him within the hut seven veaVs. It was not so that ho had grown older, for though the traces of advancing life were vi-ibl,. he hoP. his ag w.-fl anl s-omed to irt.un a wiry vigor ar.d alertness. Hut th- former al-jn-ct of an intellectual and -Iivlious man. chIiu and quiet, winch -.hat she tt remein berel in him. had altogether vanished and Ixen succeeie 1 ty an eager, jean-h-ing. almo,t firrco, yet carefully guarded look. It seemed to lv his wish and pur-noi-e to ma-Ji tLu cs-jrossion with 'a smile, but the . i... and flickered over hn i-ar-e so den. eiveiy that the sieciat-r could see his blackness rjl the W-ttcr for it. Etct dL-va. of the iier xr.d ki ln acu anon, too, tliere came a glare of red ight out of his eyes, a.s if the old man's soul were on fire and kept on smolder ing duskily within his breast, until, by some casual pnff of passion, it was blown into a momentary Maine. This he re pressed as speedily : VS rxi.Asilite an.l utrm-.i to look r if no'thingof tho kmd had "T ; hannene.l i . ' " J , urug store. In a word, old Rotrer Chilli was a striking evidence of man's faculty of transforming himself into a devil if ho Will only for a reasonable space of time undertake a devil's offi person had effec-tel such a transforma- -; l J a.: ... "Y. ' . H ' v- - a . i . k .. . f r. ; ,i; '.V a i.i: I! ''I I ?- AM' 1.1 iii; ; l: I 'MA v r A s ith a "I ?mi:e e. home, thai - r r-f-r.".v -a;, I w ., -r. 1 :n r. . I. . ! I ra r'Tr.i l'rr: --1 :c I. Klectnc Putter, r-rn-dv n ttrnin I' 'tyliir aj t, . New Barber Shop, i l . This known nd nit'n'ic.n All .vli.. Vi. Klerfric lutters mg the av., r. r. . hv. praise. a purer n.-an u; it and it is cu'rr,t.-. 1 t I ).x , r':rg. an. Mr ! ! rr.g vv f i .i :. A 1-rS-r P J-.t. 1 his riaimed. K lectnc Kittri iii cur ml A I' - ;-r's r..-- r. sr- i rj . nr. i 1 Ii jwf:; r. I. b V v r pi k-: remove piraples, Uil, ;t rhuni blo'xl. Will drite mal.iria fm ih ' syfe:n ami prevent a- w. 11 n'j j niaiarial ers. I'or cur- . f h.vlach-. eonstipaMon and i:idig.--Mon ry Kiev--! trie Hitters. Knt;re sa ?fa(-t i. n tcusr- I anteva, or moaev Pn vv ; c'o.'.t I In this country 2,. "'JO women are pr.-icticinp medicine. 27" prachi2:rr j tne ptp-i, more than (j.(K0 mnna pimr postotfut. and over ; j DNIYEESITT OF KOETH CAECUM1 i:g' li'MKv; - y, 1 ' i e 7 s.-.: r 'I- OH, Tel.;., a .-, r;:t tio i '". r.r ; t 0.,i.., . v....r.. j n r : , r . , . , . , -; sa .VIT.Nf - ruitn.r !r. -j : -r. : r ' r i ri:i.".i!;:vT winst '" a;-! H.o. .s r r until a i ransrorma- i.oiviih o u i u i n tion by devoting himself for seven years earning iruiependent incomes to the constant annlvsiq nf n hnr fr,n Imkh ut.,n . . of torture aud deriving his enjoyment over 2..r)iiO patent.- to thence, and adding fuel to thrme fiery in Now York Citv 27 Sin- h:i grunted women, Mnd w cmen A Beautiful 5tylish 5hc for Ladies. .000 , . ..v.. iun tu uinae nery in .ow l ork nv zi (J tortures which he analyzed and trloated . suunort thir hnshnnd- over. " to bk co.vtimep ! It Should Be in Every Hoase : I J. B. Wiin. S71 f'bv St. Shrr- nobson-.'IIow did von eniov ! VJXA your summer trip, Balev ?" Ba tion' coqk'1" and colds, that it eorvd hin " o wifj who vu threAtnH with j j nia after aa attack of "La (Jripp" when tirinnt ntfiuv Mm.?:. m A . . - u.u, , i t i . , . . i rr .-i uLi irr- al physicians had done her do good Robert Barber, of Cokixrt, pa , claim Dr. King' New Ducoverj h done him more Rood than Anything b? 'Ter used for luiu7 trrtrihl NrvKim ley "Had a delightful time gained 130 .pounds. " "I dou't believe it." Bagley "Don't you? Well, here it comes down the street. Juat wait a moment and I'll introduce yoa." Ilarlecu Life. use iu Try it. r rre tnal bottle at Aycocke'a drng atore. Large iottles 50c. and ?1.00. -t tm hjo 1 1 PRICES, $2, f 2.00. f3, I3.CO. CcccCiiteJ Sbt Cc, Mfajjci. Mix FOK SU E BY PERRY t PATTERSON;

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